Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Apr 1917, p. 8

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aS-ru 1873 ---wHITBY BRANCH C. A. McOeUhu Your surplus earnings in Our Savings Department earn inter- est at current rate. 236 - ShavinS Siniçe Hee Only those who have been there can * realize what the Gilette Safety Razor is doing for the wounded 1 Cleuxshaving on the firing fine, posslbk only with a Gliette,, has saved endless trouble in'dressing face wQunds. In the hands of orderly or nurse it shortens by precious minutes the preparations for operating. Later, in the hands -of the patients, it *is a blessing indeed! etAs soon as their strength begins to rettir, they stthe Gillette it action, and fairly revel in the finisht*ng touch which it gives to the welcomn e iit. liness of hospital life. For though he can use but one band-and that one shaky-a man can saate himself safely and comfortably with a Gillette Safety Razor. Il May ,cem a uile thing I o u Iosend a Gilet le bIohaf lad vou krtew OIemiCG, but Io 1dm il adi! méan Jo muchi1 Il wIiihring « bouel, of home comfort Io his life on adi»e serilce, and be- even more appredaicd if he getà "Blight. 24 tnt, ocation etf a Yactery bave net yet aIi mx teAaerll. been serlously considered. la Thqi ced. thne Ateur lla.u LETTEII FIOM A VARSITV Boy SO h . M3e A>'Knoll Thei by EY. M. C. A. Their 'Flr4 Naies: 13. E. F.. France. (D C' O JOEIfSTON. V09etable .Narch 29, 1917 specialust. Ontailo epartnent of Dter Frien: -Atrcuture, Toronto.) Yotr'let ter reuacheti ne hast aiglit J Garden Foes. fffer lis various wanderingýs. 1 have Unfortunatel>' the backyard' veget- Onlly Uie now 10 tbiank yen ifer your able grower bas sme diaculties to kindly tuterest ln mc. andi to tell you or.ertoime.- It wl tnet lbe all pleasure .3 1111le of the V.M%.C.A as we mlle it and Profit which 119,mulst look for- bore. 1 wad te becaume thero are lnnumrn-r A tew ,sentences 'viii sufilce te let able Infeets aD anua sdtseases ynu linoif what we tbink et4he Y.M. which cause much worry and troMhe C.A.:and uecesaftate the une ef extraordîn- briglit spot ln (the wilderness. aymehdat reveut or contrel. "Ati oasis In a dei;ert. Most oft(heue troubles ma>' be over- "A faste cf homne,' corne b>' spraylng the planits with -A Wiacé for worsblp andi recrea- remedtes whicb eau be secured frein t ton.- seed stores anti other firms hand- 'these phrases h think are api. The lin& tbern. Y. fellows tis ihprever we go. f roai the The following la a list cf the more front Uine Io the base. lt la always COMifOU Vegetable~suad the Insecte prpseti wlth us as a trIend andi broth- anid Plant diseasea attacking thei er. As far as 1 can seec h bas ne bad wlth reminees or preventîvea. characterisîlcs. Tthe Y. berrla a ASPARAGUS. Deeties. Blue. blackt typical example of aill theY's beilîtit or yellewlmb c<qore. about ono-haif the Une. If Is a big tînt. lîaî-Ing ae lInch long, wbieb appear early in May' commedation for about 150 persona. and feed on the yeuag shoots. Keep It has lInco end ot II. a store wbere the bcd Closely eut la the sprlns or thec beys may buy anything frein che- sHOW PeultrY te rua threugb It. Atter colato l>ars, soap. @e., tu coffreeandi tea. cuttID8 SeaSOn la Over, spray wîtli Tih. cofTee and t ie e eare free. The arsenate oet bat. Encourage the othvr agoda ell ntai s ma 'il a price as lady bird bettle whlch demtroyam uan>' te consistent with gondi management. cf t-hea. insects. Aith db t ber eîd fls a îlatform iîh a Athacnose or Pod Spots. Brown rew chairs, a smali table and piano. or reddish spots on the toilag. and The bodta la 011. vitb sents and Pois. FoUnd on 1ev damap grount. tables. The tables are always ln use Plant enly seis whlch hav e~n for lot ter-wrîing. Every aigu t uring c (ovesas. ul ou sd ua the %veek impromptu concerts are o h ies. Pl padýr given. Yen wvould b. stîrprised ai (lie dii8eaaed plants as (boey appear. varl-ty et talent founti amongst the CABiRAGE, CAUJLOiVjER, 4NDI comunnboliliers, On Sunday niorn- BR ES&tSPItOUT. Root Iga«- Ing tn-r. [s a servie. Tbe*whoIe Idea gOt, A Sinait whitish colored mag.I et the Y seern toe b.te give (lie beys get eue-quaiier ef an lneh long_ a llit il, omtort anti e grepat deal otf1.00ks Sepethit hlke a grain -ri ilitby reçreatlen. Nu ene can malte wi>.at, foùai just bow the surace fi nui;take ln donatîg ail lie eaute 0 'f Ie grouund eltheê' close te or On yhe werk of the ýY. As fat as 1 an tho rolots. They -ixt the rmots, cauir- ec, t hle meney te eonservativei1y Iug tho Plant (o drop *ver. Appt>' and. m-lsely uset. 1 amn pleasedth(at a mlutIOn cf correasive sublliate the peopl etofWbltby have donc se cite-hait Otince ilced la Ove Sal- well. Tite -hureh erganlzatbons bore i0oncf vater* st the rate of haîf a are rtuin on mucli the marne hasts. They te«Usttul oiver lcacit Plant oce a have net, howeyer. the univermsutp. week for Ove veeka affeit they are port *t a lgvea tte Y, vhlch lael n et Out commencins (brife or fqur cosmo6pohîtan (huit It Intereits ail de.-days alter pIantng, nÀohýinatioiîa and nationalitlea. Cut Worm. and White Grabe. Most uincerely, yours. Greyiahsà legub wcbwoka G. Poai.oet. l. sufc o the sal ctxtting off 4h. Planta. They dit>'- ýb. trapped by' 0I.DER BOY* NFRE spreiins a uita<t1*01 Poison bran. l'bcoldx bos fom'the Sudayover the surface ct-the a»Il clOse (o SchpolsetofSouthi Ontarl aidDur-tePas,*PM«brnwt hiam assmbîci tu Oshava on Fritta;tenmt par1#a trftn le bigitl>'coler ,il. lasuli coe of(lie uxost iOteresting and hol b ose~4v( o ' profitable conférences ever Iio1d i theue budIt cs inoisre shoxila eket Tbe meeitigs cf 1h. Conférence ^ gr u insl-te éarlyba w cet hel u tn h e P re b yter an C h u t-c . I6r ô the penin; seson , whlc h « J Worm.' A s &1 ge as ahi Oyer .byM. . . À < e"X(brie-quartero t aun4nIei long, wl*lch tho n fofa a welcomne and-ormim ppecre quite ear»ly !l thea~ -lioni priod. Aî'ery pleamal par t f Dai wl#hisâ Yzr*vM or- boee 11W eeting wuas c4tTemoxiy caied Powder vben tue ,piala baveieqd 1~!b Seu Po li ed, -by Mr, Dý R. IOr- diaat ',itt 'a tluàýoont- «fp -f»o>cla Mr. Poêe exuplatued tbg cl gi-ea mlxed Wtit titmetablesouu eratve ya ytetù under' whicthec eu. f tour vte iou;.A puce eOf teècwau being heou. Seen units, burlap ina> be uae&'Ior titis purpos. a&Vl<u tlprenuaiveg 'on a -National or. an emut>' «a vitibolea puactted --a ltb btt"i.. S Aphte, altse4laled use Sil g19reyiah ln»Itc(Orb". cliilply rapta- ly. 'i'bey flu' alpbpr lt aylme la ~tue' seac. Sprai toreilb>'with a solution maie ttoin ste.pl»g onie pouua 0f obacc »r. a. xon. gi- - "'. 'leu or Wat*r. 1Tiis'solution May' ho u"Ml a *11planls o(M WblehAphtes ar tou"Ott aper 4 be fllt*n tollowed, b>' *1190,0g et be uiansd sasottroot o «lb «soc. 8pr esfei vel wit -a minIer.lot Bor<agu mmixtre r. lalaek ' adi >'11W str*ped boots vitiibt heuts 41ýualY onlthe lton 'quau. Dug WKbDroya bllie g i. A j36ot-o68(/ More Mileaqe ia 20 to 2.5 miles to a galloxý of gasQ1iner isafrequent occurrence with tbi. Ford car One man (naîne ou request) reports an -av- erage of 3~3 miles per- gallon' 'for 20P000' miles. Surely tbis is a record that, few, if any other makes of cars ever equaled. It -demonsteates tlîeeqP464ý1y o 'ar in gand driving -a FordjYu aage 1000 miles -mère tavlon Ford .. sze tires. The avi on oil and-repaira 1 proportion àtelyleirge. Tii naàe 'IF -OBD" stands for lowesi eost and greatest 8service The FoHd 18trly tUnlirsl Ott*. 'o We Butter Pr int Wrappers, Butter MUST be sold in printed" wra'ppers now, according to an order of 14, ep.rtmen -t of Agriculture. Ltus print your w-rappe.rs. We can. d o it promptly. andc neatly, PI ai-n* printed wrrappers always in stock.1 C*AleODFLO O Gette end Chronicie, Whltby, Ontarlo A NewI 'the sàrs of weag An ottawailwtuasy-Wie ont. pen Plan r li on4uetcUo et te aiaton choola ot the' Brilai Go eut e< a ompleted by tb. lin>. ~ria Muntio~O~rdthere wiUb. 1, aada&fu ienreat whieh o610- cers wIll be trainei for the Royal P'ly- lng Corps and almoot a tbousand aero- plane* lan M. there. The plax>, at CapBrden la now lI operattop. and anotherlI the.'Bay of Quinte district t. blng onâtrtjetIEdas rapldly as POs- sible. , When that ina compltda "001eo wlit be erectedq short distance Ji ,rth cf Toronto. FlnaIly, 1< la lxii tended te locate a achool in BrituMu Columbia. Egeclioetthée eplanta osais la the Dtighborheed cf $700,0W. "Eacli wlll prcvtde-aecmmodatlont for 11ve squadrons or aerot$kneu, that la 100 machines. About 800'machlnes wlll bé required so that 400 nay b)e constantly la use In the four schools.Y Apparently thécl aim cf Whitby, FORD MCÀLERS w WfITH Over 7Oýfýid, Ir4 rlu sttion Pb*ert"a*lceI#tlna and frein the Sunday àçlMdîMç Yoi ni2, LC.A. There lsa aw -aProvfiiOW A4ý ""Y' Comttteah nd Uscin ofýtke Dominion Oàer.;aMelocmal 1- orýr coininttems.-Theae annual cb4fér- mIte. Wer aangM od clntly -byi the". Several bodies ln session. oach tk411g a fair ahare cf the promotion worit , Afrer mnaklng this exPlanation Mr. -Pocle Called upon representatîves of -fie TInSGIE FOES »estroy mm or They May M>. stroy Vou rQop. omeuI id bolêr, ,,duil tei timulate the lvr teflowof2z1e setnthe stomach, and renew cmhealthybowel aina t rovedby yeairs ofput- lc servce, or everyý-day* ilinesses ;Beecham$S Pflls ar atested Repledy the varIous tuniýs tQ corne forward and shew a mould. font. 'It was an object essOn Wbch dould not failte have a bolpfuj effect UPen the bosVs present. Atter this c'ererno-sly 111e Oftlcrr f the Conference werueeetd Mr. A. F.Anale, eof Tyrone, bllig elected Presidet, ;GOrdon Hoivard. of Port One Galion of Gazoline ha& done it. RKunabout.. $47-5 To 9ng.495S complet *6#5 Town Caiog 780 Sedan,*~ 890 I overy ai STANDARD BAÀNIK, 0F CANAèlDA frotheër necesui ryj_ÇUo lmthe expené, 82--r "g« -à or ad- ]Wïning thé- Côxntyw -fOxtaroo, wbici the Coun ty jw olbl*ged te buil o cn tribut. moules te ald ,in builin, which works are prient7workeu, mitlanet expediet lat.'Qi= e mone>' fer the sme shail-ýibipald i uon yar on accunt of large g a t adé by>tue County for 'patrlic "ýiprpeoseès. The said -debentures are to e-ê lmmed at one Urne and the principal of&the sald debt ln repayable bir yearlysiffisý dur- ing ton years, the mald yearly andin belng of sucèh reajiective amqujits tiat the aggregatc amount iLayable la eaclh Year for principal' adeiinterest la re- spet te said debt shall b. as nearly. as Possiblo,. as Payable la each c-f the 1cUi- er aine years, a copy of W-hleh cal, be seen ut the office of thie Ceunty Cljerk. The rate of « Interest lof said deben- tures to e b~54 Per cent. per annum, Payable yearly, on thc third day of July In each and every year turing sald ten years. The amount te b. ralsed aznunlly for (the purposes atoresald-ls,-#,Pg.79. Dated Ibis lSth, day of Apr 1iý AD. 1917. wellf, of~-O*îwBcta.1e choIqM,îo0f4hepellgofervspr tlclary hppy Mr 'inis prpvlng an excepbtlonaiîy une Present. IPosssed «,f adeep<baievole, - pleasing manner, goi 'dellVerad mxioaidovablo knowl. edgeC Dâ prli"lentawY PraeMtce, he. eontroUed the meeting to t4~ eniUre satisfaction cf .11 delegates. County Councl County of Ontario. NOTCE 0F ÀMONEY BY*LAW. Public notice la hereby giron that thie COunty Conil of the Cony of Ontario will. at- à. special meeting called for the purpose te be beld at the Counei! Chamber in the Towu of Whit- e.on Monday, the tourth- day of June, at 2 o'elock, take Into eonmider- ation a by-Iaw to authorize (lie -isue of debentures to, the aineunt of $10,000, te maise money for the payment of the coat cf building certain Pridgem lan-Und - 'I Il lis 8 - 'i- I. - c

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