Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 May 1917, p. 1

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NCLE 7,..1 KA-Mn AI; rl -mn- d- y- Ay% r Vol 01i.-IN&U 41 stop That Couth Wl LLU S' Compound Syrup ol White Pine and Tar lsi-l a i <tutle allodylle ex- pectoranit. IL ilI 1)1oîîptly cure Couglis, Culd-t, Brun- chîtiqte ,t anra rstores cthe rort o l -u orgat s to a nortril h(, ltliy conitîion. 25C per Bottie J E. Druggist an, MEI)ICA'L Brock St. 1 VILLIS d Optician LHALL a Wbitby. - - - - l Scranton Coal DE POT Owing 10 stringency in the coal market it is impossible aI presen-t 10 secuîe an.adequ aI e supply. Ail orers and prices quoted are cancelled for the preserît. ____ Whitby1 Bell phono 9. Home phono 14. pisa ferluh ae rd esbt. ,,or. Thlisa 5oflU eeson for the enormorn rII*kLIkQd froI DN OUqJ issa ur or r Righktesbs. y44nO jg»apply R>W 1M in£a Pt"eI.t tim.. o enter. open U agr, okaffl Ire.. cor. Vente andJ Oibrlata W. J. unio. fflocipai Mah. Orater Canada Imprsnmumt Land C., Llmtd Whltby - Ontarlo Rosi EntaLO I)oaler.u, Estatea Maesged, Rena Ooleted, Firat Loans Arrangod, Proportiea bouglit and .old. For toear ply lilad office, Brock st, Bel] Phono 109. ld. Plono 70. GLASS EVES AUl Shades In Reform or Sheil at !Rlght Pies.e SEE LIJIE fi Eu Luko, OTO 167 Venge St., (upatai n) TORONTO oppoitefLhmpeon'*> Enter Amy Tèns * for a tburough course la any on@ of Shaws Seven Business Sehopis. Toe Tonto. Write for fre Catalogue. Homo iSt udy Courses also provideýd W. IL Slàaw, Pre. UVERY SALE4AI SOlhOSTAlLES- OROCK &T. WHITBV AUl kinds of ahaglo e-ad double rige forhire. BInt tiWe-f b trminand -u b-ggtvatimffe. 0-ors.., lougbt aud .ld oc, tulusnion, -o8=0 goo *tond - driveri 4*sud tssevy WH-Y Ors~ NTIOL, CANADA, THURSDAY#, MAY 10a l1917 -- £L* ~aJ'JLJK ~.L.L¶J~1 LL~ ~ ~ Is theOlitarlo Ladies College of Value to the town of Witby IF SQ, CAN WR AFFORD TO LOSE ? lh.College authorîties are asking ltèetcltens for a contrlbulion of ont>' 10 per cent of thre axnount required and the Siuccesof thc vbole campaign derpnds very targely upon otîr local respouse. It î-crcuîres that evcry' citi- zen shahl do bis or ber share to stand ity an inAtitutIiox thut means so ranch, flot oui>' Itnancially. but educrttonally, and culturailly to the town. T'he ls of thte Coilege ta lVhithy <con id be an inralilable calainruty and i ci <t not bc. Cai i-te afford bu lbac the Cvilge' r bar raszing situation wbicb [e causing There la iherefore lef& a balance of the Btoard a great demi of cncer», and i$33,031.96. H Iow la this moey spent? the' titut' las arrtvod wben the' present ýTo ho guided by the opinlons of tome indebtedneso MUST be iquidated or :uf our citime one would Imagine that radical mtepts be taken If the Collage l Atir 1g lgeet rercentagq of titis mono>' tu remain in Whitby. kla sent out 01bt Wii ~altogether. A campaign bas thbeore been in. What are the fact&. auguratod to mise the eum of $50.000 8880S.2S or about 27 par cent. of the so that the Collage may once and for ýmMount as PA ID IN CASH To all he placet! upon a sound financlal WHITýBY TOWN Id E R C H A N T S. footinig. Normnally the 'Collage te self- ;;P'MRS, etc.. for asupplies purmhas. aýu pporting an u as never appealed for ëo4. asssance except when enlargements $2978-41 or about 7 Per ent. 01 Uic were contemplated, and but for the fmount waa pald lan cuh te WIITBY coiîitonm- uccasloned by the' war no AGENTS 0F GENERAL CONCERNS. appeal wolild need to be madIe at I-bis $8217.13 or about 25 par cent. was limce. The Inslatence of the préent paid In salaries to PERMANENT dernand makesauscb a campalgcn.nRÏSID)EXTS 0F WHITBY. perativea andtheUi resuit wIll détermine -44q7.07 or about 20 per cent. wa tihe future of the' Inutitution- In.ld l aries a t tose who are rent- So convlnced are te Board !of thIclnts of Wbltby for 9 menthe of Uic, need. that amongst themeelves the yor. members are Planning in c*ntrîbute $2493.16 or about 7 per c"nt., wus $6.000. Ifty per cent. of this amount éa1d An salaries tu visitins teachers. being atreadyInAr sight ' Tbeae respon- 1Thtis leave. only a b»aac et $4,. sAble for thr c'ftmrtai feel thal t wtt! 447.92 whith vas sent outaide of the' bie imîrosalàh e 10 nterest the fMende l'o-,wn of NW'ltby An direct paymenta. of tbe ('ollege outalde of the' Town o!f iz.. 12 par c*nt Of Ibis amount Witby tiiilt a, our citizenu tirst -of ail 472461 repre-setheic caendîture for show illeir enthusta.atlc and practical doal. which la purehas.d et the m4,. nteresit ini one of tbetr bet sts.1 o one can objeet te (bis, for *e Sortie of tAit clizensblie qu@stlond < ouill andtIhie leadinir busine*n con- te wortlr cf1lthe College to thie bwn 4erns Of the town purechase, thc4r rocaI and liai-e Atpled thst the' removal of 4irèct. and thé' Colage authorlttes tbe institution worrld mnake no differ-' pld lie open te severe cailltt f onlceto 1us. Stncb staboînents reveal an t zy purchased îtder fuel An any oter ignorancce of the' -startltng fiureà pre-, *ay. Another $899-74 vas p4dd out sented by PrIncipal rare-wel IAn lme$nr goodà ,hicbAh Wittby Oers do not stateniert tu the. meeting, An which ho liandie <sncb aio elentific Instrumentai clearly showsl that lwyond an>- possible j 9187.78, etteJ. Thisthten loaves a bal. diorputt Whitby han beneilted Immense-, jnee of>2~36 or ONLY 7%j per cent. ly by the' Prenence of Itle' College bore. <qf Our coinrulable cxpenditure #dpatIA in accordance wltb thie follewlng rae.o- rAî a> te outaide eopcerna irition pauSîd at thet meetint vo print I irrther, thete»uabera aMd #tudents berewlt etblt iures irreft,td, se tbat 4ieud lne entli antoutla WbIiUy ta thet' act$ e ylicknowu by Our1W CI tA- i er IL is a conservatlvo e$timat.. mens, man> of wbom are under nme orn ied ulon bbe statenients cftt etu. FROM OLIVLeT iTO:CALIVAnRY SUNG 8YBPT5T CHOIR The Ilaptiurt Churcli vas erowded tÉ asud sublIiUty o e t .Um an4lie lait lTIrday evetlng b>' a mume4orînIii' *uatca stig. audienee vbo gathered a t helb T pfflecat 410r et tho ehUi'tbs4 chiot ang thst- heautîttil iustclcetm l -ie ate azitIvalIs.daslumwbt tv pco'ticrt. **Ohivcta 0Ce.lvir." 11111frcler IDw1$f*, >»M-5IL5, Mas, -op àhad lboem tertaluttd -br mur ' 4le. »lurg m me >MC bsws sa who had known Of th e ks *iet faiti- a-. W. C. et». '« TtwS« . Ibot h fui practîe libtIà musicaltremtv* bo hmWM ntblasu.auy #m 'in store for thent,.but <b. ceaIatlo 1 #ad -et 'rMamd XM . iimem exoeedetIaz catoa *baud MUr, J, S. q , <«wbinq Tht' epmoiton. "Ohvet teow 4Cal'i M mog lies o!fi th usleal art, qut, dlUCiuilt t IOuuaISYa«m * *0Ilumtr te master bhorotih>. but supesbtri In tIAI> 14 id " ISA ul* pm&m thèet and An conceptIon..IL t.e a me.8M! l'. Mai-Hm MM lu I xto rod catt,-and front begatuiIto 4180iffl 10"# ot itmg end, -1l Sung Vdta ree*miig*a'Ia# a nU a etble reallet'that tUuuepol* ebfott lIelb. la lu b T 71 ~twcuteth cmttur,'bek <o t*6 e glt- «IP«n4e*trdbv pmms« ptu" of. hri llan euuwbes 16 4tvi l.a Ilewydniantiosmof>, r,llu 1 e G s$ "Il thm,i ntins atrac tai. i.*âw Oni the' billOft" ny t tebadî 0f l b. Ub.O< 0 Il4I0 wat* riet y i te m 14.r tý iit ibýwta 0*4 liau rç<echo ta" le dk4* 1dixhult' ferec il~iltabiu aicconîînodatAn ft tht' harbor. - This t tuas(liet> xt of a rosclutîon pa&ised as lte Couicil meeting èn; Mon- day evenitia. copies o! which aee te ttc forwarded to the >Winitor of Mîar- le", and tieuîres î"4 to Wm. SnitA, M.P. for Soutth Ontario. 'nie pîirpose of Uic kesolutlon wcts ho facultatr If possible etie securiat- o! coai for th ie -tlzens lt Whitby. Dur- Iag the past few we"#q very lAtl ceaI hani beç'n arrhlIng 0-qbîthty. andtIhlb local deaiers ha»v. faWy ctaellod al orders accepted and «Cotations giren, saytng tat Utere vaxsrne dMtltc1word rs to wben c-oal wouli arrive or vbat piteeIt vould be.. Hîylng tl md lte cent famine of last vitter, mane peo- pIe baie endeavroed te secuirmltoit- -cealiubppi>'nov'.and Ibm recuit i~l tat neari>' cverybody tüe vot.ig viei cool eau lic secîired, &dsud mt viat pilt'yul bave tlobe pald. Mesers. Goldrlug &4, t oa nUe(y se- cureA a ebipment e bot2*ton* of ceai b>' vesséel -but .og, W Whou desirins té - - , fo ube-ding, l on චWblîby Harbor wore noËs uie o se-I cure thie use eof#ticllportieu ot the vbarfaco a& vere mont sulh.êblo for their Purposê Il tu undorstO ia f Uic>'ea scut-e suta-hie aceoa#nmms-l blea aI the harlior, lté>' cen *euppy a- large quantit>'eto!ceai <o Whllby peo- ple ditring the. comnlum«nh", The- Counel t-mret.deeme It w4téIt eaU the attention of the b.Miielofe Marin, e 1 he"otactsla er4uu litat evecm>'facîlilt mr le *qc,-,g ýo 1e gentlemen ln questIon for moerins ceaU for the cubons of th* twu Mr-. Dudley, Chai-ta t thiin.u ance COMMIttme. prtod lieI8am ment of- theC4hlector ef Taxs vWhe colleetim -ef taxes lasnet s *or a malter as lu <ho da" beloe.th* vat. and <'t-e-,r> opportnaiivas gAv" ude- ihiMquents ta par up before v.tlý=1»g the aol. Taxes mot nov paîttA'have been citargd apinst te progrrrty, and lb. usual procdure %111 folow. The' statemeut vas as foltovai Tot ai amnî ton vot.. ReOs discount .... .... .... Total oun-e.......llU JReuntte4 > enci--- laoWnd uAbuinese ascntn1 uncollected........ Entered Ivice.......S Chat-e-oble t rpr> *.~lS Palt by collecer 4 TN il -hW,,s eOepted a au rnosd Ai> te eo»*toiet.1, S.P landiaea, Wbttw AOt of tb6e Caadian PasIM lUo$l y sttier rsqussi liithe imulit toop"e iiCW tue ot"« ~ to th*P* n*lBI Mud Deftb at te Cmttm 18irot ln On.,' te autew «U *CCMta 15* PC M w-a &truck oub. Accbrdîng to Mr. Murray's agreement-with the town ire waa to e cailowebonby Irai c-blitg ex- penses for extra tripestîade to Wltitby. According>' the Tre.rurer wAs-asutti- oi-ed ta pa>' Mr. Murray'11.5 l n- sîcad o! $65, tit-Iir for 13 trij>n ut $1.60 each for railway t art'. H. Campio»n asked for the "%nu o! the' Town Hall ci- the' Councîl Cn.îber for divine service An the Interosta- of Chi-lstUen Scietnce. lb vas unt4erstoed fret bis latter (bat the> meetings veutd beho bitAregularly cacit week. This seernwd a Il toee uth o! a e-ced tbtng to-be granted f ree et charge and the request vas refused. Thte SoltAlers' Coniferts Club, viic mqucs<ed a gi-sut. wasgît-en $60 on motion of Moet-s. Whltney agU Çon-1 Mis Pro6udtoot, of Port Whi(by. vas ordored to eopatAfl 26 ont 'C lAre.bal tnthe amatvaM-t ot-1916. :i .Whitney tuae et-once ta tii, wg ee, b5 m itti saion t P witieiiJala8tlu a 8 - di Uer. le ao. oatommatmo f rfuet Ait kunda, 81=4 * It I eb un in <lit te kno w vhiit I w lte t t te Public 131111<> Ctotui o oret 04 - StreetIt Ootmttee te- aad' tb the, olttb- op e-thé, = Te su-ge ceînitte <oemete, alth*. lit t nul ont mltor erelntmend ThsPin. etseot lt open"up totb . C R. tra«os< sd. " AMStret beop=Ou 00-.1o 16, C. P.It, a acrdaae ih it reut, =dé a tbe meollu; of'Councl U lut"Iel so tl.mm -re te iek moente ltaI mi*Yb. reqnno omeko th.oetetrailé hêee i >e askeot tebutcoxq et th tmakg aI <les ot«& 1ý Sereral mais wee Ua4d* We.aMacCar....... C.Ai. 0W0Nker Oaa omiensuret> Ce.150 w. eL Smit Publie 131111»' huof ..NoWOMbej enea Mmrins thé deth~ Iaiwla witb rtwilAitism ev,1 SPRINO FOOT WEAR Wè- carry a lage variety if the 'newest style tooSwear for men, wowen and chit. Seo Cur meuos8 boys and for 1144dYvor M'boue t1BccS.SaIJ cm-g '~ '1< x IA Frank Statement of the Institution's Financial Con- d".Its ttn"itsli vt- r 0 nklyafii cl aytethe and wemust ditizn, and a Maniy Appeal for Aid. :1 1Y lvstor .. of Whltt bv o-rfhè('c-tnisesofooilgw I t' hr c-ore nui un xge. tet lbis draw n but i ery lile tipor bhc An Il ýrlwnI i îl ' r r I1 111- t- i ':r-tr'h 'r ar-rrrq l aj, - a> t,t ' i i n lte lasit it eý%dus lilbtrat tty o - tht.citizens o! Wt'h rtb- aI Itl of r!l.' inM <r Ili- rau r' I , 4l' 0 fqi, f p fil(,h lfiu- j rhe ColicaM lias nurant veli nigjýi ijr îf CflY titTit. ill.r in ir'l' io t 11yVJ iersliim r lor.gh v tii l predo la ote i-hTw 1fhle C'nir m'r tinIo c al it- e rt .s-ih 1t <n o.. 1<h-NI i q 1t1-1;j 1f1thtS ()flthee.t$1200hY 14 î,xaxrtdicor-erA> thrA rmeitinl t t(t~ n'it n t vi a - or rH- rr i i ri., .î. g rra * ~-<. r >- pl-j e lie tum fo wat rvùnfngtçît,î -yuur ubincith.eIf otin-',l ho ll:i P , Pl w' r ac -i '-< i t Il r"o 'ri i n; itit)n - f e b ina i that 1 i itxs an drct b -9us cf l h n ihettrt atîi ocepînaIf - h-tt tave _1C111-1 1Il,1t 1l Ng 1 e iet--a i :, or Ce: o the tnd isrfi;-. l i--n i> o te- 'qt IVn ui gtio 420 pt-r 1 (L< b tfc C: -e o j yc inursh r 1-0i e if (o '!f n hts airuoinr I 'I lîl, îIf t tC l iawl' r. j Ni-Arti r'- 1'andl.î:tatnr-aand tir,- a c':cr anti cut t f: 1 1 r 1 rtrci a lt I W h;ltî: nt l r cf titi' ('tl.-g le <lt' tt tI l-sl e ad t h twib h or pI -.ii Ulef o s v lt -'40 1- V idt -vl'Nivîi1 il.i Il-i-of i t' for .wn ruit icoh Pèeti .adt y-a ia..i -a d r at iti t li îl *'- ~ vîs,-te A îtddr -r-i in' i r'aclr N tut4&oi rr-<artlatotale1 $AAper FOR. . b- OAL)Wl do(2i (Orea L n% t rn- t <-t Arar-- tir t ii îtrruî o n I- Stri ba l - i H i j( 'l'HAN 1ktl E .,VE GE ' RP__________ t.în<iSt vg Cir. of',t iv157. Tt.nIi-rg 'îed- wtrrc'<iduinîî, ani J Nit' CiI i ré. Efa l -'-t> -.flrrt.R. oi-annd on e gv-eao! $6(fo exraarnd tcohn-y 1î<r-rs etîtçA icctssla" i tera paît-I fo1 r tnc tît ib lt crîwdirirs hn<leot eeatr iefr lad Mm Mua> ete htbe a et- rAu.i' i Ri-s fiblon «f tAi-at.Ajutil itas lîTies r"hAtrusfoasfiereas on m r NhIyar nxtu asotb col it '-îbh a gre o ma ,auie> tîidtt'Clt--'lt'e Auîib otî'n a~i dvrisrg i CoagazIneads oantls MADi-r htb. E F ORnAt-Inatdl-iyo! tesebe isCO ayrî w;t conrd ios,'-aifriot-d th r tIll C ni Ins r îîcl tîg ec8-9._________ i tL R . G ol& S &onn h u o i Af of $65tad forbextlra t but thIo£6 itbm j -f t. f If - - s '-z -~ J t- --FR QLYZ4q-LJTY and uSI3îRvI1e3 aion--- A. T. Laiwle-r The Grocer WI4ITBY Phones :-BelI, 247; Independent,- 47.* ER. BLOWe r 'j - i 1 V_ ('.ewf.iwvt y niv, Ar Q,%w Piihllqherg all

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