Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 May 1917, p. 8

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PAGE E«IHT Our Corre:poaéeatta j MYRTLE. Mr mVJ ommÏes bas . been ontned to hls bad for a weelk W"ta pm&nftil attack of rheumatism. We'hape to see W. J. beb»md thé "couniter soon agan. A xtjunber t rom bore attended the .nAAfellnvts* erviolne h. Uwv.in àn - ~ ~ r"' ., Su4WdIAA W BROOLEN.A gang ef twenty telephone men BROOKLI. - hksve been worklng on the lUno througb Pte. Frank Hlolman. of Toironto. bere. NbW that the polos and wires spent t' week-end wlîh friends bei-e. have bIeen repalred. a better t-elephene Mliss Clara Elvîis., w-be has been lit service may be expected. for several nontba. vlslîcd Nlrs. (Dr.)I Two thuader sterins acoempaaied by Hudson of WitbI.heavy wlnd and hall passed- over here Hudso, o!Whlt'. Ilast week: but 'te local damage was Mýr. aind Mrs. Arthur M.%clrleii. et doue. Oshawa. sipeni Sninday wlth the for- ___ mner's inother, MIrs. E. A. MceBrlen. Mlisses V'era Vlý17ond and Isabel AVal- ALIIONDS. lier are nursing ln the Oshawa Hesp)i- Miss Bal, et the Ontario Ladies' .ai. Ceilege. gaive a very tatl*restiag ad- )n FrIlitN, 1jaMe, ,urtt wl rç$edl4res bn -t he Sunday Scheol bore basi hei-e etfthe dahb >eN T aial-'t~na ~ -- - ey. wIlll took place it i teo baIlle eof Mr. and Im. Gordon Law-, or Pick- Vimy P lldgie. Norînan spent lis early ering. vjsited wlth Mir. and Mrs. W. boyhiooil days bieie. His5 grandruiother. Baltaden'on Sunday. Mirs. Boe t-si. who . la in very peor Miss Lotia Emerson bas been visît- ltealiih. la sufferiîtg muich front the lng wlth ber -sister.Ilira. Pallister. ai news. Clarernont. T*hî'rî- reilaif a f(:%.,mror., vacant lots Miss Pearl Goldriîîg. of Port Whltby, tb. l nu îde utlvaIon.visiîed ove-r tie week-end wlth Misa but oil .'- w 'nle et-ci-'hody is doit g Iub- Bal-do thp-I 1In >. t o 4i>!ail thtl r lanîd aillb .t a ot prodtic-. Miss Rose GJasion. ef Toronte. speni a larà a coîîgr-eation itttdid Ilee -'t iÀite honte pf ber pîar- ithé mnortiiitg - 'ireîii 1e Nitihodist ei-lihire. churc!i on S.unrday le cemti-eral--1 Mr.F . . arris fis on the sick 1sf Mlilit r'.tJaN XMrs. T. C. Oshurte lias rettued homne Mrs W. 1TaYlor of ort.tis vis- Iahter a ,.- it il wIth mrelativ~es 1l, itnu t i !- Ihotu- ofi1i. r datuchîer. Lui' manitîl. 1 bi-s Gor.'J. fli-zlt. MsAda Mathiews. et Oshawa. Titi' regi~,îar îîtO4.0Iîli-,11 h gof t ip îli'sfen tip N'(4--l'nd %vwitt,Mls L-lia held ai tlitehonte of Nlri-s. IUriah Joiiý-sI .% itnbcr cf i lié b>sittessplaces of on ~.dî-ra af'einîMa'- >.iat - W'hltby ulîlosntai1Ip..on Wed- 2 o'clori5 Thon' w ilt t..- el.'c;iof e of- ne-sdays during Jiine. July. Augiîst and ficers antd ait addr.ss from t tue deb.'gatpe ~ ,bt- 1rs. M. 11;lioi. cf Wiat-lî t. is r'1 qîîîr- tui ttreh.'a god iîetd- On T'msday last Mrs. J. Scott r.'- ance nýitd iia Iil coin,-ariN aten-ceived a telegrant that ber son, Clar- ancý indt.i ailcont- eriýence, wbo Is lu France, bas been se- MtisLiltian it M-oriiiack lias re-trii- verely woîînded inthIe face. We bepe ed home front a io îveeks visit wliîi Clarentce may soccu recover trout bis laa i -s iii Kîgsloîî, (ianaa.oqtte, wotinds. BI<ockvI li. and sîîtrroîidlnag country. Serigt. Edwards. eue o! Lb.' original A nnihr o th bislips plcesofPrincess Pats%, wito la home on leave, W%-hlîby n IlI lose oit Vfîdiisdays ati 1n-il b.'preseiti ai the League meeting p.xu.. durlîtg Jttne. July. Augus! and on Tuesday evening next, and viiitell Septembter. -48. of soin.' of the expeiences ho bas had. Mirs. M)n Rohlinson reeIved tiite sam Sergt. Edwards ivas wounded and fer newvt itis weel efthlie deatIhiof Robert 15 months a prisoner la Gerntany. and Job Tlîomptsoit. eidebt soit of!Nir. and bis mnty experiences and escape front Mrs. Aiva Tltnpsoît. Beharut. Sask. Ger-matîy wull nake a thrilliag story. Their ittait>friends ini thîs tic4111Y ex Thie' meeting n-ilopen atS '8ocock. tend the-i- utosi sinere sympathy. Brookliit peopule are- exptecting a big tnflux ef visitors le-day for tue Sprinr Fair.- If the.. weaîber la fine there a8hoîîld be a record c-ewd. as ail te proct-eds. over and above expenses. a're te hi. devoted te Red Cross work. The Oddfe-louws' service beld ln the Pre4byxi-rian ('hutrcli on Stinday atter- noon iyits largely atiended. I-n addi- tien te ntentbers of the local lodge titere mcre visitora f romt Wbiby, Osh- aiwa. oce. Rev. W. M. Hlalg preacîed. an ltîpring sernon on the lhree lnks and what tliey represeni. Th(, smitaoet$30.95 bas been réceivpd for th.' waste paper and raga receîîtiy- colecteà and sent away. 'Mie coin- inittee liavlng te work lu charge bas given the ameunt te lte Red -Cross. COLUMBUS. Nir. Phlp Stene bas aold bis place le bis son, John. et Toronto. and a purchased te Reesea bouse and lot îotrh e! the village. Mirs. Bootht, et Toi-ontot, speut Sun- day with hem daugitter. lirs. Fred Goodutan. Mr. Gerg.- Hayes ta bttsy tearing down thebo îuse on bis newly pur- chased property in the village. BA ULNE WEST. Mr-. A. E. Siory. ef G.T.R., Montreal. spent te week-end wlth b.L& pusentrý, W.' deeply regret te l earit ef the of lte death o! Allan Bath, kibbed la - - Lchiaery cet Ousr bruts ogtras a"à We. are a siceaiasortaemt-of Carngesat .14 Dr C W. Fe 01U1gNIEVP Whltby, Ont.l .11 KINSAILE Msr. H. W. McBrien vent te Hamil. ton on a business. trlp. He made thse tp frointToronto te lHamilten su4 home the mm seday ia his Ford ear. stal-fed catile avaltla blgpr picu. 12e a lb. la jusaI a little 1ev for good cattle. t4 isem. Wbat venu dtbua price hsave looked like 2U yeau amo Several froni her.atteaded tise- W. M. S. Coiivetlo th tise Broobla Methodiat ChurehIs esaridas,. A nicat TwaadCoimtr3rHmues osab.thooohl pr~od md besmiid.IW& end THURI Frmneçwie WRe a f ormer resident et he aslle )m!, . >.Greenaway, of Toronto. In. tendu s~-ng dusing the summer mnonths in Whitby w1ths ler huebani. A party trem towa bas rented the maras and wIll Reh fer carp. The Misses Bandel, ef Toronto, are vialtlng wltb Miss Sarah Goodwln. There la a steel flag pole 60 foot high at the Hospital building te fty the Union Jack. The grain and graus showed much Improvemeat after the receaf rains. The Hospital managers are dolng considerable itire fenclng. Mrs. M. Ceea was at Toronto Unl- versity last week te see Miss Green- away graduate. Miss Greenaway ls spending a tew daysaia the home ef Mr. and Mms.Yeurex. Mr. Fred Reynolds and friends me- tored te Whitby and~ spent Sunday ,wt! bis parents. $M GOREWARD), $100 Tht readersoetthis p.per will bc p«sed ta lea ru t ht there Ià at Ie-t one dreaded disease that science han been able te cure iu ail lis stages. and tht la Catarrb. Catarrb being greatly l5uence-1 by c -ntltutloual caudtous reqiirea a mueattutlenal treatutent. Hall à Cararrh Cnre is tatten luternaily. and acta timo the Blood ou the Mucous surfaces of the System, thereby destroying the foondation of the disease, grelux the patient trengith by buildiu7g up the consttutiou andaltu baesmuet. aiLl lu the curativeporae Hall', Calant.h Cure that they effer =g.0.4a dred Dollars for auy case 'liatII faille te cure. Send for lit toe teuttuornala Addreu: P. 1. CilKNY a CO., Toledo. 0hio. Sold t.y aIl DruWasta, 75c. lU NSA LE. (Teo laie for iast issue). Clarence Richardson wheeled eut te Port Perry on Sunday last. James Pengally bas securod another auto f rom W. F. Disney. It was made by Dodge Bros., and ls a great lt-. provemeat on the first car. This maires one a year for the@ lasitIwo yqears years for Jamîes. The farmers have ail cempleted their seedlng oefeallons for 1917. M&D~y are enqulring fer seed pela- tees. Tbey seema a very scarce as well as q, dear proposition te deal wlîh. Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. Peritins spent over Sunday ln the Queen cltY. Clarence Richardsoa paid for eggs Ibis week 36c. per dozen. Thtis la a pretty good price fer hen fruit, one the producer wlll net objet te. The Pengeliy family motored te To- rotitQ asat Sabbatb. .Miss Miller. ef Mountt Zion, spent Sunday wltb ber sister here. Mr. Crummer la ylsltlag- at bis daughiter'a. lira. H. W. Mcflrien. Mr. Luke touk the Harhrea famliy eut te Port l>erry lat Sunday la bis car. Sete feour or five cattie belenglng te Mr. Wm. Gutbrie near Audley were kiliod ai the Kinsale station on the C. K. R. a few da"yaxag. These cattie got eut and came north te te track and wero rua -dewa by the train. It la a great loas te Mr. Gutitrie. as they were excellent cattie. Thomas Saddler bas agala comment- ed work with Mr. James MeCormick. He baz worked for James -for several years.' He thiaka smofetretlring from active service. Our roe.ds are agait being uséd for pasture for cattie. drovea of them wan- derlng Up and devis thse ade Uines and concSstions iookiag for food. Surely thse fameras eould ho able te kee-P their cattle on thse farma, and net taise an chances. et being run, dom wn vu the trains. tgamy nethlng ofthtie mn- aoyafn e iejbecMOettoile COMMU- nlty. If people perst lu mI&lng a pastitre field of the public hlgbw-ay. tbey ahould provide a herdamn an i ae trouble as veil as make sure of a aatre return ofthtie animnals. - she was diligent la attendance upon ber meetIngs for worsblp. und the buhinesa and prIvIleges of the Society of Friends open te men and women alike. Net given to many words site always. apoke te the point and with cicarnels. During later yearashe suf- fered mieh illness witheut a murmur. and recelved the gentie ministrations of care and comforti n the home of ber dauglhter, Mdrs. L. A. Taylor, Mary SL. wlîh the sane generous fuiness that characterized her own active days. At the meeting of relatives and friends around the fower bedecked casket, 5ev. NIr. Manning gave emapba- sis te the great spiritual concept of the Christ spirit te which she gave ber obedient Itcceptance. ani W. Green- wood Brown, o! Toronto, added words of tender memory. A spirit of thank- ftuiness fer the gxeat Mether spirit .11int had found expression ln her life spread ov'e rtbe gathertng. and they were exhorted 10 enullate ber religilon ef lite and chararterl' The oniy surviving brother. Saniuil, Train- Time Table. Ifyaloi«p it B3icycle SPEPDY IN ACTION SAFE TO RIDE Ma&e in Cam&dafS U28Year Bide a Hyalop Mm.ufectredby HYSLOP BROTI4ER. Lisaised. Toro.to GEQU M. RICE HARDWARE,- WHITBY, ONT. lnterestlng and profitable ti..' was spen t.- The Ladies' Aid et the Church here, met ai the home et Nirs. Wvagg last week, and after the regular routine of business was dlsposed of, it was derld- ed te hold somiewhère about july lst an entertainment of soute kind or a lawu social, snd give a big share et the proceeds te Red Cross work. 0f course anythlng the women tnderlake must go. and i wll ne doubt be a success- Particulara later. For Wt-4% a.M. 8.30 p. m. For Ra&M-7.goa.M. 8.30 pr. For PoM Ubltby-' For Oaaw-a.oop.m. For Ztert.- 645a.oe. of North Port., was present. The mess- bers of her own, family lef t behind are Della Brownq, of Picton: David, Maggie. Mrm. Taylor a.nd Warner Brown, of Oshawa; Wing andi Rich- ard, of Pickering. EXCURSIONS I MAY S» TO oCToBER s»t Every TU9~8DAY 41AL RAIL" - aise by TlIURSDAYIS STEAMER 8Great Lakes Routes" (Sossn NuvlgaWn)- Your Future ls In the West The fertfle prairies have put Weern Canada on the rnap. There are atili thouaands of wres aaing for the man wl-o vants a home and prusperiy. TabS &&~ontg f Lw Rates and trmie via Canadian Pacifie WV. B. HOWARD. District Passenger Agent. Toronto, Ont. E. IR. BLOW, Agent. Wbltby, Ont. Pzofess3.onal Car tO. @ EsFAREWELLp- KO. Barlr.ssCounty Cmn Âttorziy a. County Souitor. Offce, south ving Court Houam, Wbttb7 A. E. CHRISflAiN Barister. S.ilctt.. Noeay Publie. Etc. OffCe, Brook St, Ojpe Standar/UsaLr lmer oy Ldoank 'N AA.ROBINSON- Undertaker and furniture d*ee.' Bell and lndependent phones. Dar or nlght. BROOKLINO ONT.- DENTAL Blarry J. Hudson, D. DeSop L.DoS. Succeseor to W. Âdama. Offce, Dundas Street, opposite Post 'Office. Bell phono 122; Ixid. 64. WUIiTBY. ONT. BLAKCE B. BEATON, LD.S., D.D.S.- (Iraduate of the Royal College of Dentaif" Surgeons -and University ef Toronto. Dr. McDeweli. of Toronto, le takingL Dr. Beaton's practice durtng the ab- sence of the latter on military service-. Office over W. M. Pringi&'s hardware- Office Houri-g tu 12 . 1 b 6.80. mId. Phone, le; Bell Phone, 220. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS 1 o. Arthur Le@, Las.., D.D.S. chew-in andl Alberta.via '.tortit Bay, Cochrane .'tnd Tranqcontinental lionte, frit a Chu-uagO, St. PUI tir Duluth, tin aftle oach î Ttet.slay until Oct. 501h itdiv4e. atIow farci. Tbrougb Tourlst Sleeping Cars to Winnq*peg on above dates, Ieaving Toronto 10.45 p.m., no change of cas, via Transcontinental Route. RETUEI LIMIT, TWO S.IONTIIS Exclusve of dte t.f ale. Bortli rtoerrat.leae anMfunil particutlars a I Ii <3rAid Trunk ticket office' or irrte C. Ir. Rorina Plat rltt Pa.snger Agent, Toi-ente, Ont. Kl. STKPH1INNN. Agent, wbitby. TH E STANDA-RD BANK 0F C4.)ANA mEa" Q7f= eTORONTO This Bank offers'every faciity Mi the conduct of accounts, of manu- f&cturers, farmersmant erchants. £sr'D eia SAVINGS DB-PARTMBtn a eery l Sc. 23s SWHITBY BRANCEI I You'1I ifyou f il t. get a'copy Of thé e owpriced Mr. Jehn Rodd had the mistortune te fine on.'etfbis baby colts wltb a broken Ieg. It la theught the mether stepped on Sitaud canard the accident. V'eterinary Mowbray bas been loeking afler ls weltare. 1 The priceofo heu fruit la &gain soar- lng. Carence Richardson paid 39c. per dozen on Monday last. B. W. Wlllson the Broklin baker. itow watts on bis custemers lwlce weekby wltb bis auto. Bread vas up te 9c. per boat hast week wltb pros- pecta of a cent advance Ibis week. whlcb means 20c. per large loaf. Farinera are busily engaged getting ready fer cern plazittng and sewlng. Sibage coi-a ah9ubd ho planted as soon as the.-weatber lu varu eneugit. A congregational mneeting ef our cbumch la called by th.' pastor for Fmi- day eventng next for the purposeofe hearing thbe reports 1er the ycar et the differeflt departme of e the church. Ail churcb geers e uiifvted te attend. The electien of offitérs and teachers .for the S. S. wllli aise ho attended te. lot every person lnterosted lanchîtrch and S. S. bo pi-osent and help make tihe meettng heiptul. Rev. J. 0. Totteis attended District meeting at Whltby last Friday. Mfr. W. H. Jackson, of grougham, was thie THE LAT£ &S BROWN. The deatis eoeur"g.recsty Is Ois. awa et Mm ra, Brovi, a former resi- don t ofPlekerluge.'- Township, four miles vuet et Wl»tby tovis,14M. Brounvas la hem' Bth year. Her demth occurred at thse home e! ber' daughter, lira, L A. Taylor, Osawa.' where ase hadi ved teorats-ermi yeare Mmra, rovum d k« rhuabad vere vers, velb kisovIsnlu is emmaunîts during their reaiQnee la Pickering Towusblp. sand tbe folovlag -ppreeta- tien et ber lite, freà thse Oshsawa Re' fo jeviibè, I* stngte ber Serais Elizbeth 3Banker. vit. of thel laie An Brdwa., et Plekerlag, vas net a M1argaret Iehi, a liary Dyer. ait Ellmbetis Fry, a Lueretia Mot, or a Susaxa B. Antbeuy, ;but et tise a"Me puerons mti and jltutt luummu kird no Ms±teofet hmt race, color or Mxa Bshe vms et thse mty Quaker l>to3er stock. bergranaths'. EMd- ward Barber, being- sieng thse brut vho settled at Adolpisustowi. lier faiser, Doxid, married Letitia Clmpp sud llv.dhie It. In Prince Edw*Ar County, on tise abof thtie Bar, et Quitiiteutâ NIotbpot wherethéof~ visoni vaspeakim a beorn neeri ishe vas uxergetie li sepeechs asMd 44- tien, &".a a%*utat vers ed =%nager. marabe sOpitily astisbe des,l a tu*.-ealle.i poé toi bos largeresvou%- ibMdeeties aise , se vls eiseerfulaffa Mi omapkqtemsa, riglitmeas. hmor pvaeed lrYAbllty mud fsaaslnseL a, ber plain utre, spel "mui eavr 0#i r$elcte ttmitre-4m and rfaent iulad *"t=mer aIes.au te uJL ies rt 1 Cbab li Graduate of the -Royal College of Dental Surgeons and ef the Unlveralty ef Toronto, desires ta anflounCe that he bas taken Dr. Sisson's practice anit la prepared te continue the sanie as eatabliaed. Office over Allln's drug store. Heurs. 9 te 12 a.m. 1 te 6 p.m. BeU phone 87. Imd. iL Hgarriago Lionses. A. H. ALUIN. Kasuer of Marriage Llemmes Corner drug store, Whltby. No vltneasesroqufrel. la . VOUNS SMITH, LLB. At dveIUns bouse uoppoute Ehtboisg*- Chur&b.No vltnuum OqIRsi WMe MAW 111 kinds of saleaPromDU tlyatended-tu.. Arranammesits for "alesc«n b.e a at thse autte 05mi4ermrea*ceaIlaow Bell Ab d nde&Mt ftnue! WHITBV. ON. £ i ---4'i i- - F -J. Thcro'% a Mu, fiau Who wiU hoIp'>voo tx> .5 RegretF G. T. IL WHITBY JUNCTION. GongWeu..4 l Olgat..5iba. m 25.M. p...io mao P.oe Sunday traina bave for Teronte mi t.52 am. and 7.30 p.m. From Toronto -trains stop at Wbitby Junctien mi 8.20 and 10.10 &A. and 9.30 Dam. Ur-TOWN STATION. Golg Nortt.-9&3o i GaCin£ seuiS .7 il &.M .6.40 P.i. 1I i .aMx -C. P.RIL Going West -6-32 Ra. jGolug Hat-ti a. - 4.33 P-M" 112.33 &.m Leaavea for ]Breugham at 10 &.m. u Edwarda, proprietor. MAILO CLOSE for hc i A* Çodf. ar:sIIn~ageltLJuât

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