Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 May 1917, p. 3

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'te. ts SbS '2» aPart, and ose ta onq and oneihaif ogl okdte a d-- ho!six May 4-A espte f l ' mp - MEau "M andI anaafr ube.o yas Ti ubi a h; rg Scesadenp; onch«yr.dA deptbh g Lqdu qy;_Vo -Nis own Lime-anid 'energy. Inroots eovlsadaduslyetMy9bln o [lihesdeeia airng isy b inde cii,.A desatci frois London may:- Fo>ur or 5v. i~i 5i1PSbM*î rmldéd jManY lnm".ae. thtgnoat iraste O! al Sucetina owng ia b mde1For eariy eabbage tart Lthe seed . Tlhe Britlishtransport Trsasylvania thi.eaqtem ceutiea o! Englad Wed- ime anl& ènegy aad theineaetar "£7 overy twa weeka antil Liie mlddleocf, about March 15. Tiche sedingsa rs 'was orpedoed os May 4, witb the loua nesday slgbt, aecerdiag te o j au r es-4tthLe =&nlier busi» nes ,,su i.!ein-vsu tti a ,80 I Juiy, fero eproeo xedn i.taslne t w nhaattre.the 18 esn.Uu rnylai statemnt 1suued titis iong. Tb@ ~actons mlgbt b. inaterially ieu edb rgp[ clnTe~$t ab esbe a*rt seasen into the fail. weeks later, and wmil h.ready for the'trsodia8 eiusrse. airahilpedropped biomiis and escapedlextwanalof theb. o-oiieretive sestei. . o iylsl*. iaâ. ,. oiWa.q*~ Oulneopen ground eerly la May. Tie planta The. following officiai utatesient wu althouii Purtued, are usuall &eton th jave in owa 3 givn outt"Ay.The dicia statmat .ty eU. i WieLpOT .SANCION' h*. Onosd boatou lgt ::loamysoeil, inciies apart and 18 Inches spart in "The British transport Tranayl- "oro balearbP.' CEMVMNT-~~morfh~s.a ricii in Plaent food. Ligiit loanis cen be 'thi.row (Late cabbage are usually fvenue, miti troops aboard, iras ton- Proseheal Eat Angileaiio,,Ûy befons ,vdelroaotnpêdq ern iikdt ote dataeta ev- go fensssd somn thinly n acoldpedoed in, Lthe Mediteranen on May ~~b-,atnigit. 1at 's eul.ý evii er loars and do set dry 'eut se, badly rame eaniy in May and Planta troisý 4, rsuig ini follouring los«e: 29 i oa* tdad~a~iakNet Ad Sptek ri à lun WCosf o Ys '., durlng suminer. An ahundence. ofthsmeare set [s the. field about the: offleers andl 373 of othor ranks; aise rain chauds 'M* oobaien 904 zt " A '1pacfriW s h'Y"luib445II aailabi, plant foed las nceîsary if midldle of Jne, spacing te Plants [n 'the .abip's captain, Lieut. S& Brenl, f.Fou a nl4p ete l t1w bavorEw .pmeu ii5 wisn d td p ro fita b le cro p a a rs ta b e eb ta in e l, raw u 3 2 iac iie s p a t a a d 2 0 ta - 2 2 'an l se ff eer su n i . o n t ie ' 5 4 . b ofr ui e nt.iil e ne' 'l u -and eonaequently à salthat h as been Inches spart nt h ie ram.c i. icoum n d - (IOW 4craie~o qdes iils n u r e d t o n s e v e n a l s e e s o n g p r e v ie u z u - T e u sau l r n * l n t e a n e lu la g e n ba idl c u n r o , l b é a p p r f t . " o t s t m r m -4 0 t o t * ]Y 8îhauid be selected. Tii. land mieulal abouîd b. given du;jnX the saunilr, ~Poultz* murei Oddseinbii aeuntYdhtitw aposi- & t. am, «Wrïtn .I5* 1 bà !18U0 o li h 4kpOî*( b. free !rem atone, and mee eds nd the gmound uaL 411011d to bicorne for ti. ar4en. t sPar&ladI y ein rniabeit eý * hi bj ofaee dl~as8 iiI<~ t , Qnonu may b. grown, [n theaime bard anal compact or to dry out. ba o oeu ti 'who nois in i.rl-,,-es =~f~îi .a * ..~$*~ land ysar*-afLer yviansd iL can;not b. in the storna !tt abg u Ote'oo i.<oIdandl euiUvàt.1U ilaob Waetdno.Well-rotteal barnyard the du durlug a dry day and store ina. ift5rnre appiied in the flI)and l piugii- Iweege etlto 'l oah" ULd* .il O!ts e5w t s o a % l n s b a U o w , a b o u t f o u r [ s d i . . d e e p , T h e a i r a b o u la l b e k e p t d r y a d g . e d h u b & * M t o t M ý wý Ï t G i coi~~.Tb »l. hould ho auRfai- PI~"tI~ tons per acra atnually a a gopd appl- iie&ds hoUtd bho placeal on siatto10o i.batfriie, iLen tap rtr li sps ii. ' e »CYd ptr" e el* y smoeth la br î _theeI______dck____Wl ' cation. If thé soit la well :upplled misies fotr seugh ap&e't te oitiro 'eedr- T «M sOlFf$inibd*r8 '4 *'#n4L tI$U i304bP 7e- ii ap~r ~ Miay b. grownwii tu co>mmertld fer.. chance for , ventilation widen Le'll m y vet t=loi @ 4 .tln#amtI ni~ u 4S tffS8 BO t WeP' la ét a ~~ poj~z0 pr acre. Tis là sor» dr cabbae storage mpossible thon the roota Iio Ieymue. ti&uy, iieaeplela h 'rt ! 0 el Ie. ofna tnope.ms ut 4O altt srIiihti P58Pj MY5Ot !th4thsiliee.j TOtd,uêtfe t.9l $ W.cgGUTh[e OUR<A. VWý 04. j RYWD ~te$.....AU&,-. Toaom CAR.11+1 14fP#5~@#. moRETn A ,OOPRINERS TAREN Centnu: pô wtb la important, and' r.4tanEXIISIN BRAZIMFFEI OT i'Y Important Heights and Several Villages Taken to Mark 2fld where 'Waterlng 1, peemble It may be porinaI. aibect to embargo. track Fdre1iu te ays lenhkeplnaqRii Ardemyof Italy's Entry Into the War. advimable. For early and late canli- T9&taorio cats-Ne. 2 white, 75 to 77 c. Decaration of War is XEI ITÀ FAM. ireon Am lesayfower ut"~t the sed and handi. the noinalNo' à wite, 4 te 6cNnminal mare as for arly and late' abbage, " On t o wheat- o n ter. er ca.r AdesPatcix trom London ays: On completely by surprise by the, audden eePt that more careful attention J2*é3.80. 1<0. frisoudo..A27 spatch trom isRo Janeiro m' is- a .dn tFrdRot ovr mlrt i a fro n t of n early t n m iles on th e ar- n sla u g h t of th e Ita lia n s, w h o to, di- sh ou ld b . g iv en to d etail in th e . d ev el- F% !S sa o. 2 n rn na , o utd i g te O P eninc of ail B razil an p orts to th eb u 1pl t a th I ai atr o aavi - s. ln . n m a .r n e d c nd t n amashed the Austrian lino hard, and, of the Isonzo lune had struck n hord it tek.. about oyen weeks to deveeî to fr.lgtaoutside. adyocated [n the Chamberof Depu-Ipoacemnddfrt. W, _plant.per1yrtye-No. 2,.;2.00 tu 81.05, nominal. ac ties on Wednemday by Niolo Ps-canha, Subr u taken vanlous positions trois the town: blow to the north. When, howeveT, à Teymayb. pl aent.eld ti dinte <>fi'.ghtu oiitalde. I i h F <t At un ZQf Castagna Vizza totheL.liead of the th& Austrians recevered f rom their Te a esae ntefed h at lu-I-t patente. l lt@th oreign inser, Antnio IriatoneandB Gui! of TIrieste. inthr eeldZsrretylanedhvyontr saine as cabbage.j bais, 1410,1 second pa ten ts. ln3 l e d n da and several ether meis- When thefeneave are three tanfour ba4suprise, they taonghbakhrSv, cobener- Partheament, arelngrae tlnfour'Ib"04 tancet etgRoote tehla tutk 'bets oflParlla thi ofnav teItailana recelved attaeks, but the Italians tenaciously brîà. *1380, Toronto. otermediste avariety v'aluable aid f rom -moome of the .ane held the ground they b.d wonce.I daetrth eaves hoL le s2.9te *$1,36, in adaisrcumina h rpa. e if'wel h e L Eritish batteries which have hauled The. new advance of the Italians b te ogtedvehh ea no- irg ptfImfihIt: zillan policy ln the. InternIational situ-- their big gune down ta the Isonzo 1br ns thers p ec ab y neurer der to develop a good w hite lower. g . t*. d*eILsi'd M ontr Otl' te . D n r d e l r d t a u l 's d r o a a e r ts e y e . y 0I7 f i. a fron to elp n ti. eforts aime at riese, wicli tros th lowr pat o! Turipa.~r tn. *1; prtto J4B rp dlmnu. a mealre w uld . tohrtIteret-of clam ofeiv. tdkand umerns rare ndilt t cra front tt$310.lB in thewioeffertsence dpendedTrieste, whint h, fromw thaelthwbeapart. oar4eycas b the conque t of Trieste, A ustria'a big the .line, is bai tha s ten m iles aw aY h al t i ab. own ai l e xt a N er 1tea$1r0.deIW , e eitii e nca.n ed u n P0 s e a p o r t o n the e A d ria ti c. i. T hgr o u n d to s o o n s o w a 9 ta N o . 2 . P r t . r s l a in f d n a$o t n un111 t P a ri r v Th ru d traversed aaan td yro s l ft i w! pe- »- ixS 5? on.0.to $15.' Fregn Mnlte ia Pea ha de aiCI te athéicldd n h OtBi Cami Net lone weretheItalans ucces- asse ove [s iffcult for ilitrY adsouthe Sed e iturlniw lprmeuld ZV. i ot.per L t, $ 1. ta5 cae »ti oni f M ntr, ~ ntOl n D n ak ad S eete W le vrey n fui in capturing numerous pointa of operatis, anid even with other suc- be ewn out The Slaaet o! May.hey Torento-ýUr otp tn$. rco lrd ln te Cu o i nwprm histaa rsn-eome prac !telhuhti ot vantage, but more than 9,000 Au&-'cesaful advances, such as the. laut on ,db i own aoothealn t on a.tivey rno . - n otheasay or eprzil t wcas r. ao n ayidans u jOigt eg tra pionrInldig ofies » thi becie6,th tlin dl o mattre on tiuos r wt l e- Sute- re b i.Iy.ci te,88t 4 ; a o Grm n bcas a. qdben nesiI egu. e h lbea' ed- boknbahtdi 3 0 0, T h e d.ver so p no o d q u a llti c. L i k e t e o b je crtv elo f th ec edliin so o tiw mrt m o i ti ng.oC ofieku or o o tsw ttolao gnien d <t » ê sb e a vyfo r td lnil a r exce88 of 30,were taken. TeAus- b. ittained except by figbtilg of a mostofthte dr&op ot croa Buthe ee raery preshta. 48 t ao39te .40t; ar oa atnyb ae commesdeVlfor On trians are declared ta have been taken most ferocioua nature. I ofteUotcoste evlplc, Nwl cletatn.4 a46 tcmtn.. I adta ~Dns hmi I but during the damp, cool fait wea- ol eartons. iUc. ithe gneatf thegny part.steomeuTina1a .owhf Oui.14te 26C. uoks. 22 ta 35c; aquaba. j uca did sot eaaentially modlfy thenslg cr1anh01o111ygonitrmdae ai THE LUL1IVAIIUN brodngtadhar d njstb noe th theyadvnae lte o t r don., t4.0 -0't $lSO chikes. 90So sitpeon o! t. flrathe n strume nd~ mi etosi s tpeet aal moh The goud can b best preared duingiisho simeerdelarnge~. 219 s>ta 27c; twina. eoftth.Parana. "edmrctoL -coieda th otcomcamdirsz.Th 0F VEGETABLES the grousrn gte pepd sooh-succulent tissue in the faîl. Swede 26SOI 2j;triplets. Si to 275c; old. ________crop ago sfrg o tokI adti rp[o OiF t.e dacspxngootpau,_ioth ipit. o! tua, howevreere fleld roota <>,à9Tii. paît four.year ing iinrrows, and should be _weîî pu b e rnia paed earn y re ve dry ghe se, 3e; wt lnaISe. k- tins. 146 CANNO0T LEA&VlgC,&AAA-cutu hi euirvlei iaet h a verized to a depth of four inches. ta .cekd ngat urngte 16C. 6-1b, tins. 14be; iO-Ib-è. i;wror 'a"ctotertoar tl ede o ntr A D VIC F U R N S H E D B Y T H E X , T he seed is sow n in row s on the heat o ! the sum nr er, developing a ro t 00-1b. , 1 ow ey t -tra tin . 10 o heavy - uRIT A tUI1 0 be t e s la e c r Q a tt m ADIEFRIHDB-H X;level groiRnd 12 ta 14 inches apart and contamning much fibre, asd l.acking in t tprdoi.1$2.75; select. $2.60 te G tWI rê tEai g tseonso i.cuty utir h ihgo ed 14RS.in chi deep at ihe rate of 3112 pounds MjJe s>rup----rpe r s] wallon. $1 75. iiayDt-ev «li. sc per acre. A hand seeder ijuualyCorn. 1Petatoea-Oýn traçk Otri.per biig, Mltr uyHev eat.. rotco uamt eueI aytefholgqa used. A seeder and wheel_ ho. cois A warma, friable, rich soil should b. tag.$41.0;Albertsa e 40. Aepthtos tanmy: at Iteloiinweeteci amae e c îJ ~~Valuable Notes on the Besit way ta bined can b. pu rchased tram any seed selected for garden corn. The se BP.E -îm orted ba, U0 Udnda- Icked. MUefeciv o, a GrwSm tpemerchant at a reasonable rate. Seed-; is aown in hbisethree and one-half feet churian.,18.Q40to 8 -5t per ush. ; L rda ri oit omita, a i.rsiswt osja itetart,8t on GrewSom Stule ng should b. don. as soori in the, apart each way, and five plants allow- par lb., ita 20C. under heavy penalty for a.ny male per. Uneatan Veget.ables. spring as possible,« e that the plants, cd ta, develop in a bh. Tii. seedisPgoabîa, son withis the. ages of 18 and 46 yaara agl.Mngl,1Wa It is very important ta mkdret-as eim 0t ar -aing s garden for -the firat 2 i adate2c;bearnt ,cn cutayfo Maitenncetna agec sdontprlla-geantd a eten th suplyo!tabe 3 ta36enbakedplin.86c boalesctheryforaeypuros wofoutableyelds&v"n.tyo! oodeedngvale. pg,,urps,51 tine soul hve orn kowldgeo!aiIy with the wheel hoe, and consista cars irto the faau. As intheti.came with &9c, tes permission af a Canadian immigra- Ti. o aI-ereit nsae prtv1 aêt the way to grow the. different kinds o! ln keeplng the surface grouzîd loose! peas and beans, constant surface cul- t a., 27 te lard. ita.lIs. 2 " o 7ta 2 I littoroterprsn u m vegeabls, hncethe allwingin-around the plants and ail weeds trois tivatian to keepCt4.he weeds dowp and comnpound, tierceis. 21c; tubs. 211c;Orized to, grant mach permission, Whaon nriy paig es formation il§ given in rgd o.smre starting. maintain a os surface mulch lu n le 2 je. ete Ob lerbao. 4tenust b. fully satilied by sworn de-andv et the stale khlds.The falling down and withering of cessary. 25c per lb. clear beli"e. 24 ta 26c, cla.çation that thie intended departureneycsb .oimne o Iwt Carrote and Paranips. tetosmdicates maturity at which! is flot wtth the abject of avoiding anypatoCndawrem ge .lrotae These should be grown [n deep, time the onionesiihould b. pulled. They tPen&.i, May SS-aîs--an ialiyt eald onorne g' thoreughly prepared soil of!base are left for a week ta dry, atter wiiicii Garden peas may b. oa soo n as oauW2 eî~~.2 u; o ,Ic ~~ mîlitary or other serice "which mught DslhSusrp[ elw ne-tr.Ti eda open textura, to admiit of even root de- they may he topped and put into siat- the. greund i8 fit ta work. Tii. land No. i f eu. 86e. garley-Manltoba f sod. eonduce towarda tiie succeas o! hia medt ait eyamlrt in om2 o8 ci velopsient. This is cspecially true [n ted crates, or put inta, these crates should b. faîl manured with tes ta Patents, lras. $1.60; seconds. $14,10;c m eadfr Biii ou bi n r u, ri [t the. case o! parnnp, as; a heavy com-- wthout topping, taken te a shed andilteen tns éf well rotted manure per tront bakers, 3113.90; Wnter patents, prevailing war.1"co Pct sli developa a porly shaped and allowed to cure for two or three acre, and ploughed. This je eîîchoice. 15.76; traight roller..$15.00 te Vioation of the. regulatin i p n- Eaptr aaa alihseig a rooty pars ip. T e gr und m y b.weeks, after w iich they are ready for w rked in the spring ta a depth oo!rie oats-.Bbl. 8.7 te $100; do.. baga. #0 ishable by a fine not exceeding $2,600 M m oi L n e r G L e tl it n e rl a 1lbs.,$4.25 ta 4.60. IlraT4840.00- Short ripisoninent notet ce gOeaI spring or fait manured, ploughed market. The avantage o! tii. crate inches. The seed le usualy swn n, -346e.0. ldinbý-00t 6 deeply and toroughly wored.- is thata 362.00 bte of7.00.nsHay-No, rosyearandernebath fine aandiapdisooument. $52ape ti$5 1.00.rongNvi 2, yeastop.boTii. drilla iwpriciienhavehI The seed ls sown in the open ground gether witii plenty et ventilation, the seed planted oe inch part n the Cb eé-Pet est" cr l t ern'1 .-00 t a $1350. he rder applies ta every mae ro togilr e r e al ru h te di b u usul blo. heniiddle of May, [nwhcisvrnesmr for- proper row. linest easterne. 235e. Butter --Choîc4ut kerson wtthin the ages apecified, aave adpegttsmkn i.co bu n-h, h rows two and ene-haif feet spart, at curing for atorage or shipisent. Thcy Dwarf asd semi-dwarf varleties do 1reane, 4 a-. c; o. dsc, 41c3ge-me rsofm Po trnaalf iiereee amwa Somvo a Haiiedr r the rate o! two pounde per acre for siiould net b. 'stared [n baga or in 1set require staking. It ia advimable ta tatoes-Per be.g. car lots:, 83.75 te 84.00. on duty or raembers e! crews of boats, tetos eethles[ aa al!cerado carrots and four pounda per acre for largepilies in bulk. They may b. star- stake Lb. tall-grawing morts. Winalp eF ra btaff, erpints thin andweti liouSt lni ilîgvrey~dterase taies Parsnips. The carrots may ho thissed cd in slatted bins arranged ane above 4 If one var.it nyj uesce- ite ay2.Cm rle: aawhen oit lly n ai pand i- utOp excletfeigvleadfrl ru te ta tw-O inches apart, and the parsnips aohr 0ice e1 nhsde.sional saawinga mhbould b. imade every!l W.heat-No. 1 NOrtbeni.$2.67, Nu. 2. do. aaa hnatal nteprom are o tour inches. If carrots arc spaced tee If etored the temÉperature should be week or ten days until the. first o0< No 3. do., 32.69-; No. 4, 82.47; No. ance of their duties as membere ef keepn qaiL. far apart 0'N[ 18;fe,$.6 a»-n the row they become tao keýPt as low as possible and the air be June. The garden pea je a cool season'1Na. £i fed, 45; N. ted,70e N. 2 TIruhu aaagnrly large fr table use. The grund should dry. vegetable, and will not do Weil during u.,s . arle 0i 1 13; rj e A M N O O ER T O .G ai at S g r W i. [ b rchenug sd uicintmoisture Oioslaabetsrtedin n ,,the heat of sunimer. The. season may 31.05. feed. t1. 6.4-1az N.- N -greeIsh whLe vaiety, somew .îuaistalned by frequent cultivation ta the hotbcd ten te twelve weeks betore b. cxtended aise by planting tste ma-C, 88.04à; Ne. 2 C. W., 13. 01 . jB-igad elag[rrop ec v o.O oc el[ iIpo IBU~ "N continue an even grewth thraughout ready ta plant, being set ln tiie epen'turing varieties. The early sceding ,s ~ fa laa akt rougii and irregularinsGshupe Noi.throa the season. The root should be kept ground early [n May. They will trans- usualiy made an. taose and anc-hal itLInneapolis, May 29.-Wheat-Liay, Beiag Taken Advantage Of. duce sge rpo xeln edn ikovered with mil te tthe top, prevent- plant casily, and goad large plants inches deep; the. tâter secd[ng, two ta 2.6;July, $2.38, S.pebr,1.6 ing .the top o! the root f rom becam ing wili prove meat satisfactory. About1 three imcii. derp.ecash. 3.8 a 3.882.93I 2.9:Nohr. 1quirepaergumen te-dy uin pe- vauareistoto. ,va- ritofDie ge reewih ojcionbefr a-tn odpaThe b raounta ýRadiah. 838te $2.88. Corn--No. 2 1ailow, Ita Oteita advantagee. The saving in coat ietybadoefilwIiLouht Capa e 62. Ots-No. a white. 04 t*16 ke artsquare Inchi. e seed shouhid sot b. i'low a 8o s our unehanged.. Braýn. 330 te 831. Bets. sows too thickly. One and one-haîf 'to i ajhmyb ana ena Dulutht. May 29.-Whe&tt No. 1 bard, o! handling large ordera Inatead o!f iiaa btsem ba aat. o two peunda of seed wili giv. sufficienti tii. ground la fit to wark, in rews ose 82.9î; No. 1I thr 2.98 Na. IL Nur- numerous arnail oses la re".gmized by Erltia ouba auoa nalS U Beets fer .èarly use should be start- pa t a st n ar, i. foot apart, and the planta thinned t tiet. 2.l Mt ,hgn s; e e2-b si eslua. he wh"- Qu bs a d 1Wce EdaUd slniiA de pmeh L e d a u e aI r l y pksgb o nee p a t sB a c n 0 0 in c h a p a t . S t c c e s s i o n a l s o w n g s J u l y . 8 2 e t ei$ 331 : O*br s l e b o u m s o o b u s e s s o n T .e a u l a*Y-n oG obiae -c y h e v ' n i r l e b i g t t o ursn c heea p a r t i n r w a p r o -m apb .an tesa nfo u rk a pacthn t aap.r t idnr e c o s e q u n t l y b-e2t:sSt P te irmii rd. $v at1t y , b u t ! c o m a r a t i e . . b o u s e sf igd ol n gu s t k , pared ground. For winter use seed*ng footdeprt.eThe diadva8.0geosethenthe tiet et Jus. advedtiiosathe o! Myr early Jus, expense of transplantngr. Forsoeur-th isofJn.U*@O*aakw oda uhlweprc.Ter-ly1 'o e avud s i. bet dc ot b-Iln al oin.ad sos o!lreÏ"tue Trn., &I C oe uvy steer , tie bs- bek bl nas any. uni4fr l o n ns~ e ad h h aione pê cëon 0 la g , A n e cl il e ize th is p actice la advisable. A ny go nd arde ,, s ai w i ii grrow let- j 10 65 t a 811 16: but <ê irsl attle. ch i , p ck g s t w e ii ut a d ar l , y ll w I co r. T . t ps a m ai m y i . o m s s a -7 7 7- ln tg 0 1 the. - 4w ' M cý* CI - iüe th r yrainéfeedltng ale ecmndd for th&a te Wte mIi a all s. tyLe tabt recoi- L an eis. Prvince, wen g frwandeprO ae lare, white la- that Sor uanllyyld fati ethroii. r recenmeowrnde o sa lare awlongelarg ta uualy smooth. Itlu la, ho-wey.r, iety wand earb.he-roe ey. Therotsaren n-uniorai nd or vas ney yedsw ,ign fi lng varue a>re sule wod in iety anu be rem tai Canda.uee sy Te ooir. r et mtroedng value., ta'Llesut may hoin- e: Mangels, 7 La 8 te 8 pounda; car- aSoir. san asu te ground- y worked in tue ay be sows coin- ao ta Lino weeks rote, soir about Lhe f1, later than man- 0 Sow. a hoed cmop and lolloir bey or pas- hould b. sawn r as spart. On land ;hat [s inliln.d to loti where rainfall ýay be dans os. the ry conditions, bow- 3 to s0w la shalloir bois -ru» up, 'with and fiattened te, eun oniginal heigt a usua.lly tii. moat, te with a light rall- tue soit la pretued ed, seuld b. um.ed. 1NE:S Since May lIn, aàd Aroundý >report exeept àn- de, Va4iýcetc, 4t"i and,.leru" I tI an,3 re- Va-i eud., oti Ian 9g-

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