Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 May 1917, p. 6

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-J i 111 turr.ed te xMur Stuart. OU MeuSd voflin voesbrougit A betÎr atO t U,t. vettof b heaâtcaket snd pot*toe ut go" puip. Weazg. ~o 1.a e 4I cAu have th e (au1 noi r fremin<er pisee by the. Irouldes aud of PoUeuls - ouwld hardly b.aiiun te- five dana kIt 4sbéoluteîy1 1 Io estlmated rougIry, oit-tire ba- ~. ~eeuiàva sio taisy. J'Y. laid; vià h icVek &Mmdinvalida, on âesret tif ne"' tin reeeatiy isait ~ btl oAtse uy tic c decf preiect Information, tiret on Vie; OUWÎI H i all miaua s sine lu e nîgi: " atritehed ti OVe toes.by toVJie natlenp>pst.ssatet Agit- pj, q *OtT C@I adie i'.hve, dUT-. btothnoheyxps'elaero teck h i to ig abot be biacrdM e" M ik videutd gm atres a rtlsh army doe,; rushet cuiauat .atftW e t "TePlplof Pets for it.» Tii. BiI & _j .,e. Insthempg40ua, ul uov b.ofh "l'us really sorry, mînldrW b* tiers rrlat voand e ivllaùna aiaa ea..Pas rFC.Baf4>p4gal lqi$1,SOO vt*ptutumaAt-Whny'rotfr 2 pon befoo.,r iFaet FUnter uIteurMtor Vebiptt VdDosurmba Peultry Ruabad- cafleti ee «etusr r get md tValue ofleae ue nreu g ta niltht,,iniei yoiisr.,-1 ti Mal tois »s ripeW u;o IedPdhie1 tld9à - itiaah brtaers elu .dtle« wa MItfréta rfpeitt for.WIIE<*otFot Jolin made an Imipatient <st guethum - »-erha n t. street b te-Wid5it wSeul Uv .-m, - 5 1 arU*odonwhe.te; bs goet *.e d e su of t h o u irs«e "Hv ougbt1l es1t1m e mssed a>.Y p t i mlt l * >ud no p il- fGMtlUStli ifor gsete@tltit th. umerto.i&.I»t tee~ O. or mel U d ve ce*U go"; goceu. Ti.Sm fltt ust mas etene aaâlpll.vgt ut tiat auy, vbl"a Wtt!milsia' U <btis 1tefl up va muet.teste";0#th<e proper iooug ofdpoultry tireti u'oeso-nr.*#à « etpotateliat.lias ! is al1-srtls eerwdi av Fle o1"Sho ' i Ï& »tU 8fl *t *04orewa laudfor iay7ete, .~.,.L, w~u u. 'slvc v.D e~ - nt e. etf *thMfe s era-l eme J.. - mu Nounaà" euseAmtnetou*s iide. j w* ~pah4w al *s am aid bé -* th a mmbcw t.meor MW-1 1' erlehoia'rpmvus te V the ot.t arsuMMflt- .ua u 1Au ,« $W< r tcu. u t ou Antiut opt »«u amd ibi lîel ofF- wmp" t ,e hw &Weral re tratsud l o u IlisiimmédiateOShbofu WpUMl epeeple seVer lmave i rom1 WsU :nteii "**bar_0"4d=_____The "on ci *0eBIuww eptwhev asst« da t -: !ck i " t W«ý f*#ol Q W#gl Mang"u, itsor, g â ut ud un t, t Tue reffaits obt.hwed nt the 1i1perîi- \ <unatel< meutai rarm et Nappan_ lu feedlunq -y t y OR, A DECLARATION 0F -WAR. good etockhrs eavy ted vu. gSuod mytp t a ancar- jet karu, Wolis asfolle"a. l"emnpote tfdn <o i.pb dfais. mpression wbiohbeeelasced sC CHAPTER V.-(Cont'd.) - t Lme, Ittllyou. 'va j b.dhm ondittou T htu ou wdeb ass.td a .~ Recipare agrotabi. accompanimeute to > 041tioiL haatofrmthevfr Wittebbuwlbelon tju<oea<w Pai mO71tZBrLnàiI3 yi moein-li . miles around, they say, minister, and moment tho miniature !ieUt ItOPPold luto two lots. of tour «eh. The. four tabosi o it ler baoon fat or 1 rond thie lnmediate Prenant, Govern- oytheiv mditw i s. the msaisdoingspledid, ut iet.ti,, frward héay fin or ot 1,wereriven60 tgbl«Ponhlbutte. Cokv- olre entnfod iz»otaand opowexporebutositgâman goo tdins .arden y gwhnn ches byOTinthaybs e ta o graulaionatovey pre.icilusntry, n apre alGerinany I lutedeipeto h Fs4teryouve ln y u phae!" objet-ginning, 4,206 pou nidsai t inish 4,880 poon fu l imo u « at ct. 8ift a8 up as mueh of the. surplus produce as pos- surface 19 e r m fo rt e a s v n olvoadatn ayfc o e d Mihr-uk, who beu fhe " id ct poud, nIcrease of 674 pounda. flour and 2 toaspoonfUl bakmg pw-!aible. teen knots thehospwrhatobsfeyorheumrn Uc as averuge a man as any lu the vil- himmeif, evldentiy lnclined to favor ' or. ur .d amxur. Cil n' Tt woap p oiite salyt i tarn- uf eydoefd. nraigtepwrtesufc.I afgrd luge. Not even the. tact of Its belng bis ourn pastor. 826 cents per pound, live weight. The raolout thin, uslng ha theii.dough at aalner. othe uld rfit 1d, a pînt cn-ot12of th e t nalceau t btt aetet-iek natural pride of the. tather. jwîth Tom Scott," hie explined to John. Thée posa proftt for Lot'i was $148.09J in a maoerté aveu. This wlll make sUMPtIon, but for th. purpose of rais- ti eo the botshieyreurngOftaenarytneiue "As fust as myfoot wlll carry me #In mn, acide. 'iLadt stage COf what for Lot 2, $132.40. The total coot of five dosen cook" n nug es.le osplteàil oePw r.nln so! Butl ho th he hlalod Iou th "I d' 11. ausinoofvoR-YOUr for Lot 1 for 9M day u $99-1; Rhubarb Saucet--Do net use an famity'u needs througbout the Winter, I Tue ratio orf k pre o Btwt tehlaieI h sseIdn t auer o U r or Lot 2 $78.29, leavlng a net profit Iwater In the. coolng wbmoh shouid be witI a ni-irglupip, ta "el«Cari- is mn ever-increalgoe n aa ie i ie r itlnt state, thnt won'tbe overfaat- And kindness," s two caniderMon, . «yf or Lot 1 i oW$.93, or a Profit Per doue lu double boller. StUr when rhu- nlng In *ry kitchen" should b. made consqtructOrs lWfe ha byhv hihniul masta i ohe'. tretting, ln ahe? My poor Ell! sedbetw6all cniertog at lte lgn gre o ams ece It wouidn't bce a bad plan ta borrow A clçiser look at the youthfuii face had steer of $10.98;j for Lot 2, à net. pro- ban begius to sofiten and when re- a prt ohei- svrlogan a are o lty eah engite pitw ean mnero uhasbaie the wigs of yonder hawk. Would ho revealed ta in blui shadows upon nit of $5711, or per steer $14.28, a duoed to an oreon buip removo from u erybasr ena oer fae ro,~.~,tp !egnwt uheater onoweerrfaeobra trpeo b What iiiy you, Sndy?"I corners of the liPr, *"1 did ha"vre of the iîgit food. - tSm to lire, sweeton and cook long neceassty for learning tbe lassons of bef ore any gretprreal ee mlemgtutas el Sandy, pleasantly astoniabed at sleep in the night, for MY-MY Patient The. average profit per ateer for enough to melt and combine thé. sugur. ecouomy. Lot us do our best, thratagh unn ho achieved.dnhssifo fh i o this quite unusuai jocuirity-for dted before dark.- But it'u noV on myan bvthco' gardening, caunins and prsev gt In this lightitnaradlbesn John was indedtalking as thougb own laceount, You see, but on that af three years, oversdaoe h otThis makea sif jeily. It la excel- rpa for the . g n g, ofte -th there tanetmc oefrh e saerm igadsn ud the Influence of uew wtne- mY wife6. Sho ta waling. And then 1 of feed at markiet pricea, wus for Lot lent for tarts. turo The Summer sbouid soectno fruit ger, faster subrneunla egerc frpedithfa t b ouleed hiscipin, ww epohile matcnisthtIa ua 'btI- p860; oro od1.5u dfecI otid Sld rutg-Pt 6adveeai.ging to"aststeaus itiuvnte that 1amiil deveilop more6-06 fo-Let2dof8-surface boats is increrssin!-P les* picturesque but more practîcal patient to epbrac. my danighter." once of! $1.99 per ateer in favor af the tablespoonaful % vînegur sud 3 table- demand1 for tih. moment in slight. bhore. power pent o ieadmc rae ai hnta suggestion. -Though wlngs might not1 The. augii wlth whici hie euded ranlg ligbt fed. The average coat for threb spoonsfu butter into double baller or _____ oron 4. procurable, legs mi ght bo. Or, Va wltb thep ride cf the young fatier. years ti> produce 1 pound of gain wa3ýlanite po. Wbn uttrla ielted EKt tewiho u o uhcntuto aine nln led a pt it more pianly, M lck Stuart, the Father Flinter ecboedthe laugb, his 1108cent. In the case of ev fed tek off KitfortheL uehod.that it may hbedwethboti hp<-paloftnt-v k forester iu the iWIihbrd by, pousecu- greyes twlukling u a mnarner that t f n oL et8og ey If every motiier wouîd have in a uubmerged, h. svn h ra p~r.B the itcte su~~~ a oywc iprsm asdcdlymr tb surlah ad 9.57 cents for the. ilght fed. Tii. light, add i taspoaonful mixed ms t dmnura-all oiche olteuaa hchBtee bfr1ohd pkub. idrto fspLtaattebgnnn ad aétapalu at . esorw cranpac h plane n up pc pee thneaaykutshu¶emae t p týIm he ier t l etrouted ahi V But. emombre bshofficiai' pepprhaairy saipilouthat are ueeded when minora ac- ta gis-e t,) he etni atre hc t smr hnlkl itt tre required y humnan legs. corretd his expression Into a gravity pouxîde meal, i pound molasses. At! axai6 tableapoouuful milk. Pour tuto bers of the f axnly, emergency occa- But beyoudeenhsecnir-.fntifaerhnit lwt Johnnjumpedaet the suggrestion, and more decorous. tic finish 40 poundu roots, 16.5 Icooled MiXtun set on tire, tm dreadnoughtAwlthhe siteat in aothr tn mnut., amelu igh "4aturaIIy Yeu Must be impatient. poundu mnes1, 2 pounds rmolkses- POr thichensl, tsiooa.duîrutî nbs could be met with far lesa dis-tinti.u.o!hesb riemut T' iihcanlptoi inaohrtnmnts.crei ih ae f n trutlturbance than lu usua.lly the case. bc lixnlted by its blt emrourahn<i, yteato fs aimaist appeur as thou.gh Mlick iiad uia el a i for efc-a roots, 4 poundu meal and i pound mo- I bu h otstsatr mr c 1 forseen bis wsi and met it half-way, I ure la uobedy waitn fomeyu lasses; se iii. finish 80 pouindi roots, gnybxtoueI hieeaoe for bef oe bis doop tii. very pony lu know." ti -adbx question etood, ready saddled sud Hg smiled sain as h. saidit, but lu il poundu ment and 2 pounds molasses. 8cme Umeful Hinta fer the Young tnbedbx brtdled. foàm adlfferent way tht. tIme. 'Iu fact, Tbe meai mixture wamade up of 20,Cooki. I ih The fropn qupment for uc a n "Ta' onddut iekow wb.at to moaepounda of ground Datsansd barley 1tepoe qimn o uha r lu o re oti?"wsJh' Jh i o ltek nroastlng ment, tVanin i aemergencybo OndotrhsugWb 01 th k f elute greetiug to the lad ut ite hcad. of thus @@con ,îmile. (equal parts lyy wulght). 200 of bran, upoon instead o! using a fork. A fork -box. Vie foil o r bs uc "bou thought I'd b. wsntlng hl." "Ah, no-to b() sUre," hO iuid, sud 50 of olicake, 60 of cotton ue. L eie temat etgoit. jui e dte ol ng artcesneces .* utopped out o t> -liguese,oue ut tl'em fui prieut there etould writtten s undredweight; rot ur Wsiid a&%IOQe bttie eft - ca .beld -fo tere-beard.d foreater. WhOm John patliy whicii veird tipoipit. As a i pa" ihQte&tkine fi-o i theoVen letbrmeanupan' ,tear $2pr o; a a 8 e tn adlÀr ss adaunns l knew, the otb*r Ï n suwhoa b.o U say, rs ltlu, alter a I, 1who -prtn u t prts;adt.he pans upoîx support.s o that the air A two-ounce bottre of wttch hazel iikewîsé kuow by sIgrit.touhneé kvé? c eà im on'thst poiiy. S0 Moi unat2 etsprglin gcireatt reiy underneth then. labeled "for h.rnhorrhg.." f1J fPA .C R' before having exchanged a word with if you am. quite..ue--"it will b. noted that the. greater Bathîng the. handu wîth vinegar A two--oiince botti, ot aicohol for tusrta.teemignweuorLceCtisareilaet him. A te-w more polité word.e ticiinged, profit.svere realizod for tii. light.r afttw mueh dish-washrmg wil) keep cîeanstng. Ltu etr it was some montha now stuc. the durlng wblcli Jobhn tried bard not ta ted st.e. Stmlarly the ibt f <e m ilelsoît and white. Atoonebxfpo erd o-other iouaeholdsdpsoaciet.Tearrpocst.hrog heap of stones uot.d by John twa look too for the..poor 1celibate be- goodbutchers, as par resulta given lin l tebw btr txn i Aci tofor ntisoxofpwere. bc;charge iu very mj xtsdw uycraecowy eoars ego witb so mach disapprovai fore bim 2io, strazmgely .llaug¶tl.dld Brtu One, gave the grpt.r profits,butr dmgiwhn .al<ce. O.alcfasbntoto.Sn f orCalueoCamgsuDyn. turned lt. <bat quit» superfluaus not look particularly sony for muaeit. jbbttesandpester diferenceke. newrllsf aoorbdt la i cgtholic Chapel, but unir some weeks i sud on whose lUps the usine oui at- thTus WIII make it éd lhn i 'crea.aer. One package of adhesivo &trip a n - " &iunce Fatier Fluter bail taken pou- ibal mmli.once or twlco e a i'd tbego uthrigh ehalu k asucd seMawiliiurdie; cîsathinmchi wlde. ~A W ' ~UL Y~Jtt3 M' session. Jahn had seou hlm from, was stili thérrona be stoodiluthe doir- the abovo instance, whlch would no andi acide will nfot curdle. Wiien add- One package a! woaden aplints. P A R LLS 71 osoSroteTr star, neye> without a siiîgbt attack oa!1wu y watcbiug John mount, and as, turally b. expected becaus& the form- ing c-*.-m ta fruit or vegetabias of on. paper o! amaîl, safety pins- heart-burning' snd once or twico iad witb meagureti gesture, ho ltfted bie or are t.oo advanced ta maire tue same acld Composition heat the. cream in A amall flask of brandy. even takon tire trouble to maki a biat bu farowell. profitable use o! tii..food eonsumeti double boller, addi.ng the vegetable Beverai rails ai bandages.-- round, iu order Vo avotd an Inconv.î (Ta b. eontinad.) as would the. latter. Nevertiielessasi oolan btig oaaty. O.paroacsr. eut. pnoximity. To-day, for tii. firat__________<ere ppr tCakeroiabelii tizne, ho uaw hic spiritual rivai ua. Inath e ar. nta b. a prnofio table -1Cake bing wW not crack white eut- gaveraI old soit towola, which have Ho wsu a very 5111511perfosali f8EEtd vnt ot tint if oue tablespoonful cf cream la been Viorougily st.&rillzedand whicb, boyiuh, o more strlctly speakdng C EIN A BELGIÙM VILLAGE. ors, as tiie above test verifi.., ais It add.d ta .ach white. o! unbeaten egg. should b. kept vwrapped la tissu. girli ah, aprnce, belng WtaInd i-also do«, that gooti profits can be Stir to(ether andi then atit sufficielnt paper. ptuk, whilo wltuin Lis cleros r y ezes Homelees, Detitute Wauderre sWlth- reaitad by the. proper flntahing of cgr< eraf u.bti ! we ifrhm gona<><lc binthefue.f ar 0An attractive diub for Suaday nigiit Evury mather noeda ta kuow nmre-________________ youug aud v.ry bealtiy g.riu. The I had seen refuge. by te tioti- TH O IN OFP LR supper cen b.aruade by wrapping a thilg about baudaging. 8h. neds aise'a- smallnes aifbhsestature aud the. datuti- sands, ou bath aidas la the Great War, TEHUIG0 OLR. sardine-iu a t V ils.of bacon. Brown ta mnovs the simple remedies for the nessof l& iMb wer arythnq Ut Cokig t» rde I PrnceandGa-the rolid bacon iu a pan Andti ton vartous harts snd accidents that an. tIn a tahct1mb twreh, u okhag . btb1s soi ,et. l ra e t a- Test-Batik of Great Vale te PoulVry, serve on toast. s ure ta corne t. younguatern <om Urne tram tue careful assumptiot. oft <mv- yoi Vie refuge. untit I weut Keeperu la Canada. Spiced C Papeand green grapes jam te Urne. fty bath buntfuturesud movmenutb_________________ _____________ seenot very mach alive. WiUlsobei- througth . exporleuce cone beautiful Tii...ar e i tys wieu the mare -- --- ---- son iimseïlf, in <ho yiars of bis, debut spriig morutug tu Beigium, writeu a study lui aliiedti t practice Vie gretter' BEDr~ EK U. POETO FNB OET in ths quanries, had noV been moi'. New York jouruallat. the. succeas. lu foodi production, as lu BEDTRE JK L. PRTCINO NB OET jsalousty watcbiul of bis demeanour Poperinghe was so far behuî1d tVie ail other tiugu, Viii.la emtueutly . f_»: 0-a- -a h lusî_ l Fahe4F1r.0f i.. th- Ve . l.ae. flk ier tr.. B-ier g -n t-grauFr rit- -seer t___eea- -àd 1dqut Fn j- r t a hastIf otsa n te grea Jng ati ruethini f tim, oe ccrn,- ,caugbt' eat or aý mdius ofi surren- he coulti ug. in Vie rat tie asing in of suh-j S attle- iota anti nty-flve:- )earance rty-knot And ne unit. tocate a thie uto $1. ~:. j -s' 4~> t -J Ltc s s. -

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