Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Jun 1917, p. 3

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ueS £ Ls P.lltlcalCeremony approaCbAv ofth Dflg Pea-Na.m, nomial, T e Germn. UIdDUbt çonetin 't teFrot h n eft C ndic a beOntario Ma «i" illurFOpitionst8 In jue numrOun tanspors2of0 44:oge H R be or o - oc w red mny A ercaisccccfl A ixe f i, esr, a e rM d e a de roma Lndn , Baya fop usd Russn ia, the faopnp uho-ca a ansn or a imefore i2.60. rd ple,$1îfortce 1110.finmed mtrck ange eieldartiliry. T4 i3erte H.t Robedrtse, Lnt spe- jte ta d the borderCardte delivd fo Ofronte. promp shipJemes Matreal manocom uniques conti gay a cDolE nt asd be n ssu Of the istinctvbbdesaicgroafi "Sicerlydesros o3metig he.ed ti r inaiiy e pr e s ein tatios$12. i eof thfreipedht L bor Uni n. The wec raued dtosp - rmpI. i n u h r i l b t a i n , a d f r a t h b d o e T o otn $ 6 o d f e o r p r b S 2 8 0 ii a te r r n . iss heRugssan Governmeflthoeewemdebte United shy bouid be ealdtoaWar States oenebt hvtebagHa- *first hand the opinons of all sec- aitered and tho men merged into the ios tBrtshthughthe Goverl-, Canadien f orce. *After over two years Srw f B i ht uh s e t a ti ye s a f w a itiY ig T h e s ba tto cai s w i l e *i t. ¶ n e d P e ' t i 8 ta 1 .5 . l s d a l a i g a r c e ot la faciiitating the journey f i nationaty he m tay elin il the poiiclopnon magthese I styled "The American Legion." The Buttnterp-etl sc er fcioswih er mail f Olaow- titie ia unofficial, but means a great cemr ig, Who latteriy have not been over- deal. illthusisatic n the vigoroues prscul.' On Wednesday this legian depoited out fesr rne 3t 5.sId,4 O o i rns h ae of he ar.its colora n St. Paul's Cathedral. The . 4gre e î nt'~~~t C ~tet Èon of oue wor cermonS, 43c towi.eto25Cduoand 2 ta 290 dos.. eing .,tu bide. T e enter ed t e w rdow in history as the firat ceremany LieteP U t'S rn cikn.1c a an erd t h deene fth rgbeof sinail na- n whicb American and Britisb traaps to 4c;1 261 o h rgt Cet 7o rpes 7t h uc aiitp naand democracies; freedoixi and attended Chiirch, service together dur- Justice-a brutal War was oced upn ing eIi.war. A majority of the mnem- 21t tIi alies wb wre n astae f ttal bers of the Âmerican Red Cross unî-, u peard Ss nd nvthey are Ii oficers, nurses and men, attendd. All $2,5. I Mape yre-lpae'il glln.81.5 ussansitaton the75;NO.2.$ZtO$225. of cof tseeCana- bis tr very difforet tposition. Tbey cen- teAneîcnmeies fth an-o ne alw eniny aprofit by theý dian force ln the London command $.6 pis wrst.ed f ranithem unscrUP.l - were alowed leave r he.he old ,E a. $4; Aiet. pt a. 40 . I E B ISEiI the kI. w ites.ba..$400 ueyadindeflance of ail right. b present.Thcorawe psi Dn- onteaitar af ter being handed ,te chra DenInge by a color party of Amer- p.~4 er lb..1 a2c H U N M A ? 0 F ~ ~ i an ciiz ns enis edin th e C a nd in 4 v i d . p a,5 a l b 5T e ex r m g av t first Canadien division. The stanmat-dards;um 34t2bcte dseseInth BRRI'ISH FRT S wrcrid ftram the aitar ta the haY 5t 6;eiecdb h ec nortb transept while "Onward, Cbris- Lard-relr.trcs26ta7;tersptiette t1an Soldiers," was sung by the choir tb.2 Ilow Eney Sube e Advised andi cangregatian. The colora were de- ,- ..- b.2ta71:uil.2 t27cco aerdaetismn , appro nationssfor th ftie renc f pasited in the north transept, and Cur Merchantmen.mony la performied, when a party re--4 Loda ay A maves thern and conveys theni over- monv~. A deptcb tram M oondon a pending&gainch aggre match trm Christiania tBeys that -sea o .5e o o .7e XlntdSae r e TpIdens Tegn pbSEe amEPRight Hon.. Arthur J. Balfeur, otihrates1.0 scns $80 togt 450000 ound on a spy takeri at Gotbenburg MN SA F BiihFrinSceay edro h rts omsinsn t$42 q1howing tCOsensaTot th BriishUniedStates t.o confer with Washinagton 5uthorities r:garding the conductdo., reb trolr.$ 35it ~ ie0 NraSweden and the Balti.EColmson 1> Aries7AUPL'yao the war. Mr. Balfaur and the. members of the Cmisinvis îted 1 P,,rele 57 a3.5 o.bt.9 b. eetana eti mpjmarked in numbered 'tf snetlas mgraFells, Tarante, Ottawa, Moatreal and the industrial districts aid asaelgahic code $ In tiils cde "barrel" means tor- a11.5. (h ter-(S etef5 23 F rsry A seitfh rnrlP flT D D A 7II at. caralots.e$878nto $ê.t0BaontrfsotheiInonzor -' p o boat, anu onatianlIItY jes C nvey Ho l AilGai n and Occupy H ais tr-hJOINSe nî b""scod. dan L mbr Of' nocent businesmessage readiguoiLe t anAoftheIsozo b"S undred berrela, firt quality. dA dsI5mLodn a E AMiI i Wineg..in -ahprcs-n ie "Btish toeda boats in' " I e on.ha-O.iNoter.$26lN.u would ineal 46 1Noecond$sta60;ofeehe 'talian adva5 square 600.1 A mes"ago eading "Six the Isanzo front, which began on Mey bic,"wui e Otla- 28, bas been conducted with as great Fto>~nVsesBigBita niain o atMY 23;.us ..~ ubci cta tinthta awein merchantman~ a determination and conspicuaus suc- Tsdo28.OtN. ,. e o.piebitrdsae t i o n t h t a N o w es t a g e , wd o . . w o ncf oe t racN o.e r f o rdTh i s4l oc .BBarie y j s u r v e y . a i Il was lni square 600. cees as the ftrst whcbwo fr ansueriforAThîs low Brzil'REoamde. eed,. Fi-N. .-C.$27;truaCnd. The paper aima publishes deai fltaiy the Kuk and Vodice beigbta. -o1 .8.8 o ~ 11;rjce bow the Germena obtain and main- Develapilents of Cadorna's Plans Adsa utmOtwasy-sy:TeBazla eaevtdo vidin in- how b in ataiv.g in orce n a TurScatiahritan detelianc oft tain agents everywber, Pro,îdnginshw e i atnklg n arc es dsptcrtrm ttwasas: sas:Tb Baz4ia4Snae otd Tn c ufa emeiti be ping ub and n aval the r ognt ao P ls o the eit sn ui x an a v r f r ti om no rzl w t otbei States te .4 mieend 181 ta $86; a d v ai r. lit ~ ~~~formation about shippn nd n v l ra fo ta 2 ies ta e s s To n Vnod uvîe r fos ret ne wDominion B r sdey uth orz1g2nalia ce a n k v m e rE b ita t l a s a e v r- t i e o d a d th r t l e r i s G o v e rn m e n t a s t h e. n u c le u s oi eep n u m r n d O o h iht t l v o h ef , a dt h e A m e ric a n re P u b lio s a g a in t th e ,il. 5 t 1 ; b u c e u a t e c o e . t o e r v n e i a m ink r ir a y c m lte t hmercttaclc. f r igbt -cau-YiW g erv ie b tw . tV an-- v$d"9. t.4 e tn .~ 0 t i .î i ,o m ___________ ath emies have dane i"aalycouver andi CanadiaxiAtantie Ports.- ta 9h ito~l~~ti'.$00wiepn aqt I. BRITISH CASUALTIES ~ ~~BThi amesd ar hae deltiaiul is A sat. A t hm afetw s ae despatch fro nt Wabngsto ni mya: Melîm hia 86 a $; d. og u g 11,m diAmeume t t hi ff ws mna id r ue n dicte t»U oat tteco u lleoc . 1.6 t 1 .5 93 y ts r v n e a FORIONIS0FHIA . gains on Kuk and Vodice eights and ln the. Commons TuemdsY ngtb D h<hlt ts tt epa =ma t ot.i 8. 64 a$,0; bthf'c even exteaded themn, while it bas' de- Hano r.Ri-d ng-ean-etBain lu relto ethe vwu bis 80 t 900 edes î,olreat eai.tn -b i L nd f m ya fe te wih i ~'eoua t . esof e the Carosa. 87.600f B as despatc ro I~~m ~ tveen Germany anti tii-.& e UnTita t ta t-.0 iiea od t hi. 8 a A rclue c-p witiatantilig the tact that larerit" e ar the British farcson landi m&y, il bs pleam, malfy hi. curicslty titi fishieis a ie oiiOful aa fo, by~~~~~~~frcs tis e yfgua, la ugis lborn e otanti ses, aSccenig te statli&U pre- by gaixig syvarti ami vatcbieg Itabut*euas lg i spossibmt te ar.-' its aainEpdteB e bmee figre cs, atyrepen t er snted by ina. Duncan Raris lu an ilWgn ia i ialumdiat ti rve aiotaisge balsIe frEn aud ptaM y A Y agB tsi Ap ril aly l i is menti the. o>«.n- attir*Îs upon s chit valfeo t the. Tii.expianatin et tIi. mmunity la of foodi, but ah. to promet.perMlaxi-1 i atvs825> odn als Biahopitt Intitute, London. thtthediihit from wviics a Zopp. ont tievolopuunief owt urfiuisonhes eus a authnfnilbibyo.J,>.G. #ve vas leunciset he i.sioviiig i.n ent Ths*argaî ofet diirecord." salid Mut ues aly oeae ni ti iuigetrsue u srva ofepo auf e is iue t A Ieil lxivedi. 807t169raefments tdon.metIsse ltile ets lest their iîvas irais gnealy agiletsemaeracyatman. Tilsenel, lie canda i~iFbisiel*&#0s-! cosoU' Wte53.-T oal wb-q» <~Ivîn Age 80of169 ofeara th es.dlargeî>' praventabli causes." az7A». Wmefhis tisebulrs-eye. cdation, llis te CandIn Ferestr».y unb .vsevÀeou& l iuCnaanae iteim o Augufm t ha e atSo m an, d e1 nd' r rl a g ot e . t r .a re t n- . Î he a om droppe ti ro a a soc ation, C ana " i tdueMln g eta tute ,t o M y l t ai2 , 7 0e a cam.abie ve. 17,46.- a cmpaaiciel poisons 0f clii t <7ountist- iseigît et 8,000 feit,vist the alirsiîp ulp and Papir AsoÏi Ontise gret4 I4el wltI 11,28 fe Ma, ta acen . lcoiel, cousumptio n a nd yphils»- l'*eeil lonig ut the.rate ai tise arm ere organisaticoi s d "Méru s'B I IE D S~ O Bt1k menth ai tise Arras battle. Mns. Barris declane at dt.ha st- Flyiag Scotebmgnu, vouid trn ike e other lafluintllbotta deutiflt4 I vl SV af >e n EON OHORîn00eildu'a vàisa l aiY~~mzpp a ttituoettae.a i ead liseet it *srieVme lt asi'e f., ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ft he da ciudni. "Ot f t mse Iitelxfront ai tic spot aven vsiw sptnutl i t Is vaime $Phaeea .mr«aa esl biu m haM) NTE T bfere tii>Y a teYeI iatlinsg. Tins tise-people visa are hla aitusg Menropotaae~~ jii gh20DINTESA eS.misaiti, "ut le esimatedtbtint60,000 danger are tisowehvise ieUé Zepp. tIl e w eeopment tb Cit&dsha Àsa,.. ro Wskndie, tilnactly or lndinetlY. ires dtheomll.bien aeurng 4urnn arvi ta AuelOiprtoeWeI asd ov tney ff ecU af idit________ -' AstnngElI iseitiDai~ latiiGar R us I RVE BACK TURKS__ IN food antbill, meklng l a <lony te hoarti- AN R feed prodtiloranotisan necessiiu et OfcusToup iREvENl'.I ile r la riment te any sciseme te FORMAY 18RECORD4 aptt ru ar~ as NETO tLA4>~ov1' ts w a&,sioitaP, vas adoptai. by tise o te___àCùe .tioThun &YBTbY e vive v«oeA tespeteh troisOttawc.7i 55 av«MIesuiibeat y% ole.I ita-rnrd by the Sounate s e saqsomssrevenuefor Mir oUnt- Sailieatsumks t scV"ralpoint by rtbmot - 201poent id &U lthýoed att. $7,îU.86g, the blat.mtAIi Aiaa sd on Ut eepeT héastiia& ,iolw s ~dl~ - llalonconldaret by Coupais, returna lnditi-hustory et lt.ooe ti.front, *ssTOdlni te 1'SuTSdays-i ~ sd a itepreid by Smnalens a, T'he rvenue lncneased b 40 7 Ofice stluai*. 2pnt t rol8 t t , #V# * e n ob., _ _ _ _ vitiwtau oaxrjl*g lb. reMlsolution of tisafoot as campan iits o oîhg1""~w .- ->u çan do nemel*er nov :4h -oteo h "l$fl w-,----ba Gd m bvn atribetmeud .4 VERFROM SUNSFIT COAST 1IGf WHAT TRE WESTERN PLU lenewal of Lsterfl Prognesa ai th. GreatWest TOlU la s Fev Pointai ,. eagice si:Paratuaph& 'astenn front.- D. M. Ebertu, K.C., former Speaker' idatate tIntat th Provincial Legisiature, bas been' n.n anti naval eppointed judge ai the British Columt- The latter bis Court of Appeal, si;cceeding the., pears ta mndi- late Judge Irving. rand . high- Foui Bey rosd end Foui Bey beach' Le lstet Ger- wyul hereafter be known by the nania wie ta, refler taoto Vimy, ta commemoiste the. gloniaus luel slang the. succeas in atte.ining which50 i5flY i 7he Frenkfilt- Victoriens have f allen. -onn u. Inf ormation bas been received' et ,empbatically Victoria by wire, stating that Ilajor ;the. so.'celled J. G. Andersoni, M.C., wao waunded lI aven, and the. the. ,ad et Vimny Ridge an Apnil 9,I :eeded li an- and bas been admitted ta hospital cous off ensive Corp. Clair Plaxton, ai the 72nd rsaya the Kai- Seaforth Highlandrswbo went aoven- roson the. seau <rani Langley lest year, bas beeli lecisian la now ewarded the, Militery Medal for con-i ecoming coi- spicuous gallantry an thei.fîeld. ignificant that In bis firat sermon afiter rtunnlg warns the. Ger- froni the front, the Bishop of West-, ail hopes of eaninte Capt. the. Rt. Rev. De Poei-, Russia, îvhilst cier, e oqunl e orhti ed for' ressThurday sacifieand suffering in national andnan Chaencellor niide ife. 3ptmnent of thel Althaugh Vancauver's civic expendi- ture taisyear bas been eut 850,Q00 the increase li the rate, 21.5 muliB net, Ï q CANADA. lu due ta the. reduction In the. assessa ment on land tram $70.189.880 i 96 teste anti Eradi- ta $53,694,822 this yean. esse. Severel hundreti employes and syM-ý y of 'the pine pethizers afth tri tikers et the British, UJnited States la Coluîmbia Sugar Refineny, at Vencau- nt appropriation ver, aunrounded the. plant an receivilng se f or assigting iniartiiatlon tbat moeI strikebneakens in their eff orts were ta b. employeti by the compaliF. sce ta the. white Spesking in the Legislattlre on the. >untry. In the. budget debste, Àkiex. I. Fisher, memben rhite pine occurs, f or Ferai., saiti that the. debt ai Bnit- s ie work are now isb Coluiribia vwai net $18,000,000 gate eomne $220,- alane, as Cept. 11ayward hati saiti, but foresta of the. includeti $75,000,000 ai guananteedi ioualy estimaitOti bonds. rom $260,000,000 Residente and propertY awnens oe. Victoria West are wonking lndividl.lSl. Canada la val- ly anti thnougb organizatioras te In- 000,000. At the duce tise Provincial Goverlimeuit to gs ofthtei Coin- confirm withaut turther losa et timel, ,ation, Canadien the .glft ta tise city ai the Park site on: iCanadien Sa- the. Son'ghees reserve. Associationi, urg- the numben of eheep -itbe province, eaedopteti, <aven- about, 50,000, andtihei especielly highs n by tise Dominion pnices being pali in the eat for -the )00, ta provitie ion clip, British Columubia this year wil) verk wiie will ha produce between $160,000 and $175,000 ,nd eradicetifig the C. Bebnsen, wb a ne.d a raputatialu and for making a sa a been hunter lest seasoxi by kllllig rthe situation nine heass anti eapturing e euh, leaone . Scouting la ne- oi a huxing pastY,nw li tise Bouton unswick anti Nove 6idlng dist1rict.-Tise bear seàson ep- e whetsen tise dia- pearis t. ha vony late Ibis Yeuan sd te establihaedI lnenogreatsuceese- bas been expenle.cil. ati attention muet The B. C. SugarReinory ha. be enl '- foreats ai Western Clioei qn. the réason aUloed iby lrn Bi4tish Com- tise -prêsideut bulnt tbat-tbê he i-ns plojea ils whom i. -Cïuli bvecar-, icis wonk vas done i oni uitmr'tise stulice, as -elaed Ontuo ni ilocatiug tii net neeve muficient protcton. ,e- tiseans. Inu diii irotise Vanu*OUVWPoIi1 Dî pa8t- * DepaYtuieIt af ment, ,ratet, and cantine1- -'t -f M 0, tisa a 01, .-th *i- wbk5oii busdo6t -~ 4 *aI5~ojUtiix 1i t h ibAt un on

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