PAGE lt'Va the <'0ltt wlii ulich il ý-e, rring 'for 1!v . 1' n tt. ul bis il- 11il tu !' tard forht n. IoIr' r two ble save and nih, LE- Of W!t tb.r. to111 sAt'îng ln, Uri ac. Fy torir i-t.t. - Ccv e b-, '-I 1 *( . ('1 IRIS, ifi NI Itf 'e r, o WOULD LIKE - YOUR - Do you know that if your I's trouble you 1 can fit your I's with proper lensi 50 that they will ccase doing so. 1 wiIl refund your money if Mny correc- tion is flot satisfactory to YOU. BASSETT Mslsp sud Opticis la theMo C tb un1h h.S"OU, Brook et. WHUTBY W, CI.T9 U The regula-r Monthiy Meeting o! the Whitby Women's Christan Temper- ance Union will bee bt-d at the- home of tht- MIssês Mitchell oun'ednesday-. Jue I3tb, ai 3 ocloçk. hIt 19carnest- ly hoped« ihat there will ho a good at-e tendance of thbe membera as i is to beE election of officers for the eoing year.t Another appeal ta made to any whoç niuy wlsh 10 contribute Io our fund raised to provide soup, cecca, etc., for soldiers ai the front. 10 band their con- tributions 10 Mre. Toti or at bbe meet. Ing. - "SCIEN4CE HAS SPOII«N.le Prof. George Elilott Howard, of Ne- braska Unversity, speaks Gins: *"h l i Iiigburne for tht- econemists and tht- soctlolgts te take the lead iLn an organizeti campaigrýa gainst the- ai- coholic trafllc ln al l is mguy sinîster -refuge la letfifor the- tiquer lit-rtst aspects. Science lias spoken. No sale NothIng short ef nation-wide proibi- tIon of tht- manufacture sud sale of aI- coolifie drinks ls adeéquate. Coliege andi universlty men andi women shoti come forward, ai i-hat-ver risk or sac- Zreat battît- for social rlglît-ousîîess» ,~ FLOCAL HAPPENINGS 49t. aIrai- bat sale ai W. G. Walters* on Saiurday, June 9tb. 0o- -The War ]Relief Society acknowl. -, edgea wlth thanks a donation of $1.0 front Mrs. Relit. Parker, Centtre St. We rt-pair aaything bought la-a jew- 'dlry store. Basseii's. 4 Decoraiion Day wIll lie observeti ai the Union Cemeiery on Sunday suter- neen next. Monday, June 411. the King's blrth- day, waa not obuerveti as a gent-raI holiday, oniy thé batiks. pont ofDies andi some ofet coffces of Government ýofficlas belng closed. The regular monthît- meeting of thc 'Couniy of Ontario Olti Girls' AssocIa- --tien wili) bhld on Wednesday, June 13tI. la the auditorium of the Library eti 4 pa. Bring 1our broken lt-ns to us. We can rt-place tht-m. Bawsettua. TIé V. 0. N. wil) bold a rummap' sale on Saturday. June 2rd. Céntri- butions o! any kind viii ho gladly rM cei%,ed btfore flirt date at the V. O, N. Home. M r. and M r. A. E . Liho leaVe te. iday on an auto trp to Brautford. &Cliathain,St. Caharines, Niagar Pallis and other pnts, ceiebrating «thetri wedding annlversary. Thy i-e Ae-V companteti by their litte daizaîter "d. Mr. andi Mrs. Iss*,c W r «10 dozen s1p11 tai htu OU g unt-i-istyted sid i-caves for mn and dhidren's We4r. UssuUlar Talusi -5c. te $2.0). atnrdA7 l0price. 9e. li W. O. Walter'., The Womeu'ui ýittUtt *.ylmet liave ireieted' thifr à ttttiii'toVU4i b7SQPilr1eto nn té- Olie ho iofhot>t a4. nd a1oi.Regrutai-valut- TScz Welters. Pte. John McCullough, w-e-bas beén at home 'W Whitby on a hi-o wéees furlong)h fromu thé Base Hospital, i-e- urned hM CaMD Borden te report on dîsdliange ln a couple O! weeks. The Mideuimmer Departmenta! El- aminations commence ai aie Higb isclIoi to-day with mineraiogy (Upper Sehool> as tht- i-st pajber. The En- frneExamlnaîicýns bt-gin on June 49c. sale at W. G. Walters' store ont Saturday, June 9th. -The negular meeting o! the's Institute -il lie ht-Id on Friday sfter- * noon, June 151h. ln tht- Agriculinral Roonts, ai 3 *cîock. hIt luexpecteti tui aaspeakerwilli le preseni 10 îatk on the pneservting andi canntng of fruit andi vegetables. The. Treasuren of the Soldiers' Coma- forts Club sckaowledgeswiti h hnks the followiug contributions: Wbltby Patrioiic Found-....$100.00 Pupils and Househoîd Staff o! Biuhop Bthuhe Coliege. OuI- Iai-a...... ..... ......... 1710 M ns. Bd ward Buris. Toi-en teo * 100 )dit- B«- ........... ...........00 Cbitdrens wbite duek pleated ekhrt3s for âgez10. 12. 14, regulair ValUe 7&ê. Sainrds-y rale price .19c. ai W. G. 1WaiterBs. --1. Mm. T.eton Wilson.,iWho,. vubh bis fainlt, bas neocutit- ineetIle Whlt- by. on Mary Street, -as obligeti te un- deigo an eperathen Isat Satui-day, for vlulch put-pse b. vent ho th@ home cf frit-ada la Ilyrtle, i-ber. the Dra. -,Archer, o! Port Pert-y, performeti the- opersilen. Tht- operation v-as succesu- fol, anti Mn. Wilson lm nos wrecoYerngý Tht- regulai- montbly mleetIng of tht- WVar Relief Societyilitlit- ht-Idln the Count-il Chaxuben on Mondat-. June 11, ai 3 p.ra Ait the- ladies of aie toin are luvted to attend. Itlasrettuested tbat ihose s-ho bave awn- of tht- bocks on the- warrt'hat bave bt-tn circulateti 1 by the- Scciety. wivll kindly itrn tht-m OnS at thîs meeting. -0 3 pairs ef black or i-bite plein or ribbed boa.-. sizes 6 Io 10. rt-gobai- val- ut- 18c. te 25c., pt-r pair, Saiu-ds-y sale price. 3 palrÃŽ for 49c. at W.C. Walters'. Word w-as ret-elvolti liet is i-t-tk cf tht- deatl st Niagara Fs-Ils of Mi-. Frank Campbiell, un olti Whitby Boy, ando- brother cf Mrs. W. I. Wilkin- son. Mr-. Canipleli i-as In tht- hospi- t undergoîng a sigth opeTStiolt. wi--n e i-asselzed i-filan s-ut-ciof pneumonia, trom ulticit lie passeti a- way. Hie many tnt-ada wilîtIregret te lt-arn o! bis deail. and wil i uipaihize det-îly with is wlfe anti tamlly ln their bcreaveim.ent. Mlisà Agne.'Dcaas. et Detroit. i-ho Is a cousin or m. F, . G. Erskhue. has htuilasked lnto elteWashington Ie be- couit a memie-r of tht- Red Cross Ex- ecutive. xwth beadtjuart-rs at.Wash- iagtou. \Iss Delano. w-ho Is ut lte! ht-ad of the Arniy Nurisng Service, las elioscît lier as te mcmi capable .wo- man for ibis Important service. Miss Deaus, if released b>- lia.nperions lan Detrcit. wuîi iatct-pt the- position. 5 dozen pairs wite Gem-y To'.eis. size 40x20. eila ale40c. -atl. Sale prit-e. 2 for 49c. ai Wý G. Watt- ers', Ni.* anti Ni-s. F. G. Erskine enter- taint-t a number cf tht- boys fi-oui the- Convalescent Horme last Thursday evt-nlng. Amoîtg tbese pi-suent i-trt-: Pies. Carver. Taylor, Stevens. Sîib- bênti Pt-arsmon anti Sergt.-Major Hu-- bsad and others. Tht-se boys s-trt- ln Whitby befone. but hat goet te Toron-- te te pea Tht-y i--esent des-a bei-e ton l-tiays te give tht- massge tnetament to som fiee tht-lt fcîiows bt-te. -o- Mn. R. N. Btassett la te have the Windsor Hotel rebouit m so s tores just neril o! tht- store nos- beiag ne- bulit- yMn. M. W. Martin. Thiis vîi greatît- enlianct-ehieappeananceofet ie business section o! the toi-a, sud v1i1 pt-ode ta-o admit-able business sites. One-ef tht-se stores,.vît-a completeti, ilit hi oceupieti lit Mr. T. B. Joue. e! J. LJes-ingtoa, floit-ti.Mr. J. Me- ,knuyre i Iaie rebitiltianti ImProve the netfbsection o! île Windsor Motet building shiel lie purchased. 0 . 300 yrdwooti fibre Mailing. île- versihle. £6 lnches iid., faut t-lorS. ID gmcn anti ta oulades. Reglar value iie. Saturday sale Pt-te 4§i. aiW. G.' tJ~ a- Jevol ON Steve FUEL 1I-SARCE. You can do7al Ourwrk un this 0OU Stove. SCail at our store and sec it demoônstrate&-. GEO. .RIE Whitb:y Evemthlng lu lardwaue at Lobwes rc WVlitby, i-lent- Dr. Brougbton la Medi- cal Officen &t tht Mlitary liospitai et- ter being ci-ci-ses-ss-liCanacain Cen- erai Hospital No. 4 at Saloniki. 0e 'VICTORIA DAY AT -PERDUE. Mr. Lawrence Kean, a Whltby boy. nov la Pet-duc, S&auk. senda a met-y interesting accoai t, fthe.Victoria Day celebratton ln bis ton-. A sports day i-as ht-id. ihem s-bout 2400 people gatlhered to vîtuesa île races, Dut~ halt, ansd other etics. Ont-quarter cf the- gaie recelptsis asevotcd te the Patniotte Fuad;the Ri led Cross Soety hlda tag un!, ibld atted $175; andi a dance ln thet sing breugbt la 4110 for tii. Ieltian Relief Funti. Tht- pt-o ple cf Perdue are mnuel pîeased wilU the sucesa o! tht-If Victoria Day cele- brastien. as htinldies-tes bc-vead ques- tien tînt the toi-n la thenastural cen- tre of a flourlshing anti prosperous agricultunal commuuity. Mn. Kean lu Secrt-tai-y ofthae Perdue Publelty Cern- TC RENT. F'ive-roomed fiai. Bath room, wat*r sad eetrie attaclments. Apply te E. R. Bleow, Wbiby, Ont. Bell pbone 9. Homne phono 14. -! CAPT WRIGHT QUITS WHITBY.î Capt. E. Ward Wright. 3rd Battal- ion. nephei- et N. W. Roi-tlt, K. C.. M.P.P.. leader of île Opposition ai Qtîtezs Park, anti a iember cf the firta of RowelI. Reid. Wood anti Wright. i-ho for some trne pasi bas liten officer coîama.udlng aitte Sol- dit-is' Convalescent Hlome bei-e. is re- signlng thai commante baccpt a poi- tIon in New York under the- Imperial IJoyerament. HewitII e lu the office of lteBlitis-h à MinIter ln hat eity. Tht- wocik oft' ibs dfpartinent consisis lu enabling British subjeets lu the- the Unite-d States te jon -tht- Imperial colora. Sert-raIl tet-Canadien officers are likeiy te lie emploYe'i ta111i6 work. C-spt. Wright wenl ove-isean as a major, rt-i-trit-i, anti ias s-euated In tht- hanti anti aide ai Courcelette w-hile serviag as second tn comms-and cf a coîupaîy lu a Toronto First Divisiont battallon on September 14th lasI. Ht- iI le succeededin lu ttprobabit- i- ai Whilby lit Major Wiifreti Ne- ville Kulowies. lt Bs-itaien, - ho i-s only a wp-ek agô appolnited'totehé e cer- mnataiof the- North 'toronie Militai-y Hospital. No sticessuQr bas yeît -cil naint-d for the- North Torbnzo Institti- A LETTER'0F SYMPATHY. ,Mi-. and lira. R. Bs-lIty have recelv- A a ette ofcoadoleace from tht - ont-i cf thet-Btalien n h -ch tht-li son, Normatn Baiîey. s-aust-rving ai thet- ime of lis des-il. ht-res-duas fol- *Ne deuIl pt-et-ions tte i-receipt et tbis ltler yen a-lIt lave recutiveil fiem' oMetcaI sources tle sud at-is of the- des-il cf t-Da son. Pte. N. 0. Bs-IIey. Mat- I trt-ad nty sîncere sympat-y s-ith you ln the terrible lees viicI las causei )-u so mueh grief. rPenitapu vîtn lime bas lightened tht- bai-ten o!ft-oui sot-rowi- h viii nomne s=ail consolationte t-ou ho khow? il-t lie dtiedbt-ayely lu tht- gi-et ctusè o! fret-dom anti justice for wih ie are alt figb t Itg. anti th*t- bis umiUL ever lie Tetembere1ta oeeofttht- ber-- oes o! titis Sgrat strilgle. Duilg tht-perM o4 -ut-son us t-eyed itlt iis battatou hh bheen htglily spoken o! by bis odmtr sla brave soiter anti a truc eti. anti vo ail fftl titat . ile t-oubave bat- t-oui son, s-e lave-loat Our commode Yourstulesympatit, Iommanding 2nd CanatimlanItanlt-Y Bs-tales.,"Ea OXurlit.Regme Waltens.Rr ~ t 0 GYPSIES UP-TO-DATE. nom,%& ev. vlD. jUdout i-t»v A band o! gyputes 41a554 tbrougib" Wltiuity lait Tbumsday on theïrlt- i-ny nbimg uei ieUd wsatisrd. The- niodein InrMbitona MeI790W ini transportatlin hsd aSPaII*Mtly dW'Cie ss-tsfed -thoso vaudorng nouitis viti a>ra scure t the- sucient, su ooable bort-4mii lbe Oams*$u" Clama oc onlamie104 vebteles, -for tht-'e veqtlPc it osO1klit- n X. ».C.?.'r,<ii4 tour Ford et-s, seaue ofitem ith e ar- ta-st-iIod.Ckê,Bâ sau tomps. Tht-t v. liats-able 10- malte More «sped'titan i-tIti orme.'wtostit owm and te, see mot-e ot theecatulm durit-tg su~A ltO ,O Bocks.touar vadue 2"e auiS (Cflagon 1Fridat - rU" U maie Prw#ospait- or 49e. ,aI W. et aISe' I. tu t *10 ICmu Wati. 7 ilai.t.Iks wvi» h i- Oit*,meto& Mm. David Bath bas rftelved a lt-l -bary a4tllo J ',Os- ioe -arodeO ot&JL, -V*ft ta 40111 mfl ?uW vitht sotroi-S te 110 dotIor lm a1r. Oïaierb- t "rtuI 0 Bat Ob M". sr& Lieit, JaisUM *a Seall Wig Ws iift br. b« bbP a- AI' la . Oiino!t -*0* t$1e cplieïrs CO*VonumS MQNOIgý ROLL, Major F. H. Moody, Toete. Major F. EL Moody., roporîed eund- ed, vent oyerueas *th the ll6th On-- tarie Cenitjy BataIju> as O. C. eC' (Whitby> CompanYt-. ater h. i-as tt-IlSf.rd to «OB" Commay, Major Evei-y assumhng bis*eommand of *C' Compuy. Major »M017I vua ri dent of Toronto iipvlins te ent-ring militari- >1. Md vus oditeor fau ou- glneërlbg <urnaI. ne beeue ton- uetted wiih île 841h Battalion. sud later -itlUithe 1ittIBein. stationcd et IlWhtby for sevetal monthie b. lic carne stîl-kuovu tW Whiiby people. and vwu Ter-y poular, bot t]yl ich m-en of bis eornpanr. anad wiUiWbitby citizensý. His sister. Mm-s W. IR. Wil- ls-ms, lives at 192 Baisnm Av*., To- rou to. Word bias alzo been recielcd tat i L. H. L Major, o! tht- Il6th. i-ho bas bt-ca reported seundeil. has bailon. of bils l"-s azapoteteil, andi le dnngenously SIR HÂMAR OREENWOOD ENJURED. London, June 5.-Siri- Hamar Gi-een- i-oeil s confined te the- bouse ivli in- juries from a taxicali collision on Sat- 'n-iday,. Ht-is Impri--g. MARRIAG ES. BROUGH'lrON-KELLERMAN. -On Satut-dayý,Jue 2ad, 1917, at Dash- wvood. Ont.. by Rt-v. H.A. Kellerman. Ethel May. daughier N! Mr. and Mrs. J. KellermZsa. te L4t-ut. A. IE. Brougbîon, Mi., of WbtbiMillitr> Htospital. son et Mi-. sad _Mr. W. . Brougbion, Whitby.- FARU3 FOR" SALE Ontario ('ounty Farta, 2w0 aceff, 35 Mile. frein Toronto, convaent b station, Clay boai tarin, modern tarts buildings, I-o tiuillings. Condacteti as stock farta by practima tsi-mr. Nv1lIii Itl afiteret t amnelui ea e01iown 0p gigbusiness. Abojt -83,500 cash re- quired. PFin le Doi-w el tocked with catit., sleepadhoq John Flsheu'p * Cio. Lènm" £SWiM £11 *oSLRAfl iq'-'TMMO WE AU EN IUSINES PEmuAN~N1'I.Y; EXP~CTTWqOASEIES 0F OOAL 8N. - Tenus StnIUY p..,. Mr. and Mm 9 . LA. CHue have re- turned, from a month*!q. vlsk~wthr t-r. Ontario. i Safety Razor FOR BELGIAN RELIEF. in view of the recetnsîntement Is- sued by Mr. Hoover. Chairman o! the Commnission for Relief in Belgi um,1 whieh polnts'outth limpossibltyatt present of obtalning the necessary shlpp4ng tonnage te forward te fBel-.- gium the- food- supplies in the- name QUantities aB ln the p)ast. and also dravrs attention to the- fact that the United States Government have made arrangements to loan to the- Belgian Governient tht- suxu of $45,000,000, payable to the Commission for Relief ia Belgium ln six monthly InataI- ments, which sum wlll cuver the cozt o! s'uth foodi suDplie, as can lie ship- Ped la that time by the limited num- ber o! slips avallable te the Commis-1 slon--the Central Executii-e Commnit- tee of the Belgian Relief Fund ln Can- ada ftnds if unneeessary for the pres- t-at te make apptel to the senerously disposed people of Canada on the plea of the urgeaey of support la order to stevie off etarvaflop). la the hotte, how#vr ,that the Fe- cently sviftly dcrelopfd shortage in' the itr1d'a shlpplng-îhe tcause of hils new departurtetc the Relief Work -mnay nlot p.maiientiy endure: la the kope tbat the neeessary ftnds may b. avalable should u» emergency or spe- effl oeeuxlon arise and in view ef the- tact tat la ny event reliefhI many forma will bé r4tulrtd aler tii. var. the couimittee hep. that l the gen- crous supporters of thé Fnd ln the paei and aIl -those ý-bo hav-e pledged themseive., fer future ï>e7moltf vl continue to support the F-und and ihus continue te show their sympathy wlthY the people VbQ PT'e thelri-&11 for the1 eause or kumaMty.c Ail sucb donations veceive<l afier the 151h o! Jonc VIII ho dispowedo! 1e the besi advamtsige ef ibis sîriehen peeple. AIl donations receli'ed prier tu tbf. SALE REGISTER. Satut-day. June 9th-Âuction sale of house and four lots on Broc-k Street soutl, Wbilby, property ot Geo. 1. -W il- son. Sale commences at 2 o'cloek. Sec bilîis aaid ad. Wm. Mai-, auctioneer.1 To Rent, Foir Sale, Etc. FOR SALE. A sQuare Williams piano-priee rt-a- sonablie. Appiy Wm. may. auc'loneer. PASTURE TO RENZT. Aprih- te lit-g. Jok, Agt, Suni»-brook. -ast or Model Scbool. Kingston Road, Whttby. on Saturday evening, a Waitham nickle Plateti watch, wlth brags lob. between Grand Trunk station and NMr. "t-orge Mll's. Finder please returu 10 ;nzetteofce PUP FOR SALE. Pedigreed Sable Pom 1 nian up or sale. S-yen weeks o01 . Pt-ici't20. Apply F'inch. care -Mms.. LGimablett, ,CctreStretWhitt'y. HOUSE TO RNr N 'ottofetC. P. R.. 6 roOM8,i Plcce bath, furnace. open gi-aie la living room, town water and liglit. Renit412 per month. Apply Giéateor Canadai M. provement and Land Co., Lti., Whitby, ont.- MAUTO -SERVICE Partes wlshing services ci auto fer attemlOOli or eveailng uhould commuai- -cateitl X. B. EDWARDS Bell phone 57r3 Wbltby. Nice.Drtving Fou toersale. LITS IrUTMQn,&V -lMiNIV. 7 114*17 for 25Cents No Stropping Device is Necessary. No Experienice Required. Just Lather and Shave. On Sale Thursday, Friiay and Saturday WH ITEI FELD'S WHIT13VO ONTARIO soie Agent for Butterlck Patterns Soie Adout for NoeaI Preparal.wm Leste jour order for Piano Tonifil with no. Mil iStil et Jane VIlI be b.ild nt the dis- win-g to the Oshawa Hospital, laid posa1 of the Coramimsioii for Relief in Ion Vietoria Day in a downpour of Belgium, (or the purcbà se in Canada rain. of Canadian Py-odure. ateordlng te our O)shawa will inrtal a fltration plant prertus a ro3t of over "30,000. Tours trnî1y, Cntbl .ishmîui. of Oshawa, a A1. See-Atreix nsf-ucted te round up offenders uho Se.Taleave their cars etanding ou the street _______________for more than 30 minutes, and the DISTRÇT ~first to be nabbed was Mayor Conant Bowmnanvilliet'Ised $2262.618 for lte Walter Hoffland, au ex-pupil of te Y. M. C. A. work at the front. Greenwood School. bas been transfer- Rev. G.. Clarip, of (rono. bas been rud froxu a bank in Winnipeg to a dFle-ted President -of flowmanville Dis- branch office Ina Nea XYork. trict Ep-wortb Leagiîe. TRussî-ll DeGeer, \tho w-as kiIled in. Major Harry Camieron. of lleaver- f'rancE in the last bieg batie. was born ton, 1has wrluen a very interesîting lt-t-.ln Vhjîeva;e, andi telt 'vhen .ong te ter. n-hlch appears tu the "Expre"ss7 learn the bakixxg business in Toronto. tellinq of lite nt the front. 1Aller lt-arning lits trade lie 1ought out Lee Lindsav, formerly of Canning- a baking butsiniess in Wood.çtock. and ton, was dromned at Drag Lake, Hall- wals $sccessfulIin bulsiness. Hie enitst- burton. ced from there. He leave$ a wife and, Beaverton Ceuncil will oil the- main fiiy sîreets ofthteVi1llage. Arthur Sparks. of Regina, son of W.- DrMarh, f Pckrin, he cn-w.'Sars, of Pickering. bas been suc- structed a cernent foundation for bis tgflIiwiiii l$,6 ao i larée telescope, vhich weighrn TQO Ibs. automobile In the Regina Post Content WlItclibas Ju8t closed. Richard Hobbs. aged 99 years-. for 45 F. Hîirst. of Pickering. pla.nted three of wbich hle was a resident of Oshawa, acren of corn last week, tht- tirst big dled in that town on Mây ay it. planting of the season In that neigli- Thec corner atone of tlhe atw Pediar borhood. Novu SoIid Brick Modernfldo s Four Bufliing Lots ý_For ,Sale- There will be odè~red for sale by PUBLIC AIJEION oâ $atwrday tho$th dy f miju 191 oui thse puusîe%, Brok St* Sou".Whby thefolowig, teipropeety 0 Lot No~ 1, ! 4.15 x ;13~ 5 ft., More -or le"s,ituate e tecorner of'- But-ns aa45rÃ"ck strsét, as4 titig oùth e latter, on whlch stands &asotd brik owu &W MR sx oMoeW, wth al Moder nvnec.Iuldp elerk it* ri b tméI rpu th-os1 eth tc. etc., Thits 1~ e Lot. 25 trohtdgà i -4 t.8 5 I.x11 t, mreorJ- 1: f.Moe O! ~~~~ frclti*sfon But-na treet. n ia1g rnae on t il . 6. 5 &'Moreus fi6eihtc*t 'Lots.weý1 vr -;.à :.t qnthhlc 1melte -poie t. ovu il 1 1