Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Jun 1917, p. 6

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Artîfici'al Colorîng of Sugzar I>robited by the C overnmùent OR many year~ the Canadian. Public bas been eating Artificially Coored Sgas Govemament eorts show that some refiàerie5 have used Ultramarine Bu to make their granulated sugar look better than it actualy is. Others made use oý Anihine and Vegetable Dyes to give a b rilliant appearance to their soit or yellow sugars. The use of dyes or coloring mnatter ing the coloring of sugar, and ln cases of any klnd is unnecessary in refining where it is found, prosecution Pro- Cane Sugar. This 18 emphasized in ceedings T11' bc entered under the a notification sent to ali'efiners b>r Adulteraon of Food.s Act. the Doni*on Government prohibit- We Wish the Public to Know that we Have Neyer Tised Coloring Matter in Lantie Purý Cane Sugar andNever Will Lantic Pure Cane Sugar waa first put on the market about two years a go. Since that imne cver 200,000,000 Ibo. have been consumed by tihe Canadian Public, and w. are now turning eut 750,00016e. of Pure Cane Sugar each day. The reason for this enormous bus!- nessisenet bard teexplain. Xi means that the discriniinatingconsuiner hem: learned by actual use tt Lautic Pure Cane Sugar lesup tgorLeau others. Havingerecteitthe mosmodern sugar refincry in-the world, costtng over $4,OWOW, we teadfastly adhered te our orWigi lcyo maigonly absoiuteiy Pure Cane Sugars of highesi quality, in Wh"c NO BEETS ARE USED NO ULTRA MARINE BLUEIS USED NO ANILINE DYES AR" USED NO VEGETABLE DYES ARE USED MonutreiQ=e that we ýou1d l tain sections of Our yell were ac ColO'. vo «Su ,.st tua years we were told [nerease oVr business in cer- SCanada, if we would -çeler 10W sof t sugars, as the publHe ccusteuedtoLetise more brilliant 'Ve refusei and are glad we did Tise rent aCtion of the Covern,' eut bias ince viudicted oui judg. Look for tise Redt MaM Traite-mark To b. abdolutely certain of get- ting t.antic Pure Cane Sugar, se tisai the Red Bail Traite-mark is m> every bag or carton., It je Our uaranty te you Of Canada 8 Purcat pr. ir grecer bas Lantic Sugar Îu stock a get it fer you if yeu matit, Atlantic Sugar Refineries, Llmited *LJoli, N.B.ý' sonabiy be considered as dangerous I rivais to her own-she vas acting in a particulariy handsome and generous Y inanner. a B e vv enElla breathlessly watching John's e. Betw en OUS1ls; face while he read, did net know whatv I o make et its undisturbed indiff or- tI IR A DECLARATION 0F WAR. e I arn astonished~vr muchF ustonished," he said at the ven, as he %Mf -uietly folded up the ah.et. **What- ever could have put such ar idea into CHAPTER V.-(Cont'd.) a sick-nurme frein. The resuit ef these your aunt's head 7" While the pony picked its way mental researches wam contained in the "It's a very naturàI idea, urely. aniong the boulders, and the da intY letter. Poor auntie needa sorneone to look t gittIe figure et1tthe pink-faced priest, Tt was at the end ot another <Irg, after her, and l'm her nearest rela-E with the eyes et a girl andi the gravlty day ot absence that John returning tien.1"i ota Judge, stili hovered betore John's tfredasd hungry, found L11asilttiiig Ella was on the defensive already,t -'rMenta1 vision, hie o±nu oi up on.- the effa., yith br-ght , 7*8, armed fer thç struggle wlthout which !w1Îis head over thoi. rnt e-reklgiitl of that hegtaed coler, anc~vd enty1 a John would prebably flot think it right amie. Tt could not be.. urey, that simmet of impatience. Ito yiei4, if oniy out ef regard foris- lsha a inati i ' ad wîthw a tes- hisoslk e promml, hea!lgprinciples.r tiuhinnyit im1-An wiwaat riasloly e e, L'érfu fth% "But you woul4 neyer even have hsdt mon?--mnce, meat ebvleualy, the. taugli epen letter in ber II "ella tn srng fo urlg lier. Fanny1 wus on hlm (John's> ide. having you about, 80cR." was much tronger than you, 1 amn lEven while he was slttlng between "Oh you'Ill Ae havln me about at suad yet it killeci ber."t Efla's b.d and the baby-gir1'& cradk, onoe, ichu, t'y. hait mnçh a g-and place That'a only becaume she did netr his mind darted bacli once or twîce teo! newa! t'V& nade me t4BT qit know how te maniage. Puer Fan,% Father Flinter. -He conld net regret strong again. Oh, I've bfnn countlng wamn't at .11 lever. I know 1 shah the. meeting. Even he cauglit himseL the . mnutes tilt you cSflC!'1 do" better. Ajntie neyer bulliei me wondering whether a few more xub<- "A pieceq news in t)hat letter 7" hole . way mii. bullied ber. 1'm sure 1 utéea' conversation mniglit net'have ak.d increduloialy, for h. could net ahall be an excellent icl-nurse." proved lnteresting; for soulet nla luimaglieti>.pogt-bag brînglng 517- -,inm sure you would," smiled John thé look ef thome straight and clar thln whlch eculd disturb him -gretly, abstraetedly. "But what'm thie età grey eyes n oi.hmfan7 that, de- eltierplèeasurably or otherwlse. Did diseuming your talents ini that drec- pt. «Il difeorenceis o ith, theylndahi worMd lie close areun hlm? lehi ion, ince the whole thlnk iL impos- taight posslbly have found nmre things "Ye@;, here, resd it?1 Oh, l'do won- sbe' te *aar toeaeb other. der whxat you will ay?1 put Of 'u Ells at up quit. strsigh. upen lber * * cyou eanolysa.yonethn It'sfrom sts Tt la probable that the appearance My-açnt yop ilI b. a.tniehe<1"4"Impouble, John? Yb>u a.idlor- of the amati Julia (XII&laditben care- mpgel ontitesb. twia o' syg.Wttster fuite select a nome flot Indigenous te held towardehlm- vs. Wat.soahad iioshe.iti the district) would hsv6 servedtot keep neyer ppealedte more tihie "bu se "But don't yoii aee Lbal Luis involves &the yesof ber parents longer el sdof CRistian charty--ond bog~t bie tv ng mi khm~ tote ireai position tewards acàhhead te the task. MTf. writla w«as W " a-h siiecideftêy. other, bai net an unlooke4-for event crampeit, but, 10giblem and the émaii "Tiiat's, a thlag thet, ef!J course, 1 hurrieci on a discovery -whlch. soonor iislf lait nothing 'whatever te lie de- can't do." et lster, haci te comm.- siteci on the score al cleariims. ItlaInthe. tever et ber excitoýe»L Ella wam miil partWsly on the seofaLthe trankxoes vith whlcii It w«s ex-.hm slmoot sprng up, t xrt eauie wben tiiure arrlved s letter from Glas- pessed occssonafly verg. on brul. L~herSelf l tme. rimmbeui .t à*eh gowhlch, harmlestliougli ita *p. ity, astat ldanger et muunder- ~ ~î<u o rnemiglit be,. neverthoies con- itandlnj. wUs efl'ectUy done waay in tàýt rso hoMutl Moaamoral bemh-dstined ta witli. t:- ý eht*l #oi,~r a god am dreamis botli of lu delightfully plain worda rs on en akaai mnbercusauua 2imband and 4ë ialaterreDosed to EUs a bargain. If Jhn "$ut, Joua" ageWilbi terths lttr hd eenX'onnllwduld si-ve up bis living edVtlog w'-ho eclared li-rméelt b. dgfinlas 1 ï:no~j breb ea~ t onrtf te .fford te the emploi oxr go o El la, desite rstlll de ct taete pi4aity Lofber bouse, but Uya withcoflérblecoDI5O5Ur. 'ThAt Wise tea asurv té ,E£11&the.« ultisgte Turert-la Jobilshh for some isse peut Pm-r p..AnY haciposemiien of the two thousSJi "It îs Ltto the Glsmgovtos, hav bten aillng hait Principall7tram h rcipouWO swhîeii cons9tuts Wbr fortune, b i eUe& I1* làt.u o u. bih. Ié - tirug M. tope itoU sem eil as cf -the.bouse Its& eei upre. I DO . _t.ti..>. Kw4& net beln c _=m flor560 Me sentAng t est Wanother theusanci,OSJ ou htwndsw ldb a _eehad ben a sIlkE~tfOOItse nta r tisat imagination refuse10011e pieture in th va lous >W73 1 W"t vhetbncM Gtà »? ,ier asn jpatient. Wienafter a few u*"cl We i8stotuiatô'heath reflie Mdt.e t dOis'lltnesa, and ultiioxt m Aàî*s. la actthe veantPoai otls ,~a eu tus. wiiatoverabout it, ab. q e *y ed-num ds » C-s< f ' ýus ort 9%brl r r p#ted tuis lite, astonsithmenStheor'the.present. bt tiitii. -ione7jj1 a boua e3r upjrmesfeehg~ Hr mo<W ler- iieid out las a brpibe t 5end; en1M" i -anuraitfl srat o eL esemed qi4tas deti Me. wosf ,ia . Mb~ eru m .-eaut &las grived, sud evidently PÎhdiauy b hr rtame gto t 1 tiibaby 111,1*into exer" in mmd as tu>;"O ."f te - al,-ous < il 1 sPiiit'samr d. osd..* ts stSomru- &%&teîs_ Mère l'-w" IN FIJROPE'SwAR WB HÂAVE LESS TRAN PEOPLE. 1. I- h v 'Il mi-luSur- M W tm wb ihava bes ale e L. am, Whoi ~k for the: - keepyour *anvas ami Suekskhi Shees OL!AA WHITE g e.- WOYW 8T5TUL~ - -I cf Uàtlsg Ussees la 8.vu '-4 Toep Ktbbrb For Winter. a layer ef salt in a glass jar. - ' eut$60,00,Oe, Loue $80.00.- Hav th jas nr-toeiDésat until thé jar is full, and Preal pet Me00.,mpoi000.000, wflh new rubber rîngs wah, ue down as tightiy as Possible. Sa Mnitionis, Enllsted o400,00t"ntd when foruire( anr u5 ,V-- peechthe rhubsrb up as ilfor stewiug andt OVet night. pour a lîttle vinegar, This kziticle i. part of a speh i1Lb.th jars as full as possible, Luren ever them and sprinkle with pepper- aido by the. Hon.. N. W. RgP-Well ' fili te overflewint Witli cold water Tlhey will ho juÈt like treshly aliced IrIf'I Il J11r Cbefore thie AmericalIn wiiicli ha. been previousy boileit for "ucubers, net having changed celer LaNL >lL LLJI aper Pubiehers' Association et -î~haif an heur andt cooleit. Run a f erl at a"l I have heen asked to »ss l0netifg paces. After b.ing sure tiiat neoair WggD AN D B A >you about the part that Canada lias is leftia the*ar, whfie the jar is over- Every housekeeper becomes vorY Riken In this war. On the. fourth et flowing seardown tigitly. Put away mucli concerned at this Lime ef the RSNWSUIDAB Lugust, 1914, Canada found herseif at in a cool dark place te, keep. Handie year about the invasion o! the hoe ONLYARSNW TDIDAE rar with the great military power ef or move the jars as littie as possible.- with sucli peste as rosclies, bedbugs, THROSE 0F DESTRUCTION. ýurope. Oui Pariament and 011? Peo We have býen told that gooseber- ants, ticas, mOlths, fies, mosquitoes e atone coulit decide the exlent and ries, reci currante and vei-y fresh blue- andt other anneying andt destructive ilu- ature et eut participation ia the berrnes will keep if prepareit in the secta. Followinf measures for the ex- Desoîating Lonelinese Characterizmtruggle. ane ay- termination ei venmin and insectS Our decision was taken witheut hesi- Thue scesewhsetut eedatudl b' oeaercmended: Universities at Oxford and ation and wltheut delay. Our Par- on having the. fruit very fresh and Lb. Reaches-Coal oil is ene of the best Cambridige. iment truly velced the sentiment and jars air-tight and properly sterilized. agents for the destruction of roaches onvlct-ion o! a unlted-Canada when it and their eggs. It sheuld be spray- Thse war seems more intensely rOSI, [clared that Canada was lu this To Drry Cherries- oit freeiy loto the cracks and crevices at Engrland's university cent*" than, truggle to the lunit, of ber abitity for Stone the. cherries and spread them ef the floorsansd -other woodwork anywhere çlse lu the countryp snys a îepreseirvationi et dexnocracy and eut in shallow dishqs or platters (the where they breed. Powdered borax London writer. This was not ao aP- ainan liberty, which we believed weto dishes must b. croc .kery, net Lin), let- mlxed with a littIe sugar le aIse ai parentl ts arly day s te col-' )ut in jeopardy by the action of Go;- ting the juice romain in the disiswith good remody. Cracks and crevices, flici. Tise transf ormin issp l- ny.the cherries. AlIow thorn te stand which are- thoir hiding places should! ly pronounced at Oxf ord- and Can- The course then decided upon we for a week or longer in the sun, ev" ho closed up with putty or paint. AIl bridge,whr tee ndsotfl lave pursued without faltering and ering with a nettbng te keep off fies, foodstuffsa should be kept uinder cover, lonelinees of the cellege building, et vithout regret- The Genman atrO- untîl they are thoroughly dried. Pack and crunibs carefully swept f rou tise tise river and the playing fietits. ties et the last two and a hait years, away Iin cetton baga or pasteboard floor. The kitchen sink -should b. Net only the undergraduate ha§ imo of the service and'suff ering et boxes. When wanted for use they Icept scrupulousiy c1eýu, while the. gene from these soats ef learniiig, bu;i )ur mon at the front and Lise more pa- 1rnay b. stewod or made into tarte. If kitchen ciosets should b. thorou ghly aise the youngrDn vt u f Jeut and more herolc suif ering et tithe cherries are intonded te be uscd scrubbed. miliayae xeIýh nai n lie families et eut gailaut men wiso as raisins for cakes or puddings pre- Auts-These can easfly be destro mltryae ocp the cipela n inv Wat ans u- vuise. Wis aeOr sinainet at home have only stnength- pare in the saine way but sprinkie ed by trscing them te their nests and ofhe re is i ot ege sle ned eutrersolutiou that, Le the mens-'over them a large handf ut et sugat pouriug inte them gazoline, benzine te the place. r. of our ability, Canada is ini tise and asow them te, dry. or ceal il. Hospital and Cadet Scholî. etruggle uni ia-itr s civ re pls Fleas--The tarvue et fleas live in Tise examination scisoots ai Oxford uniefnlvitr. theo-DedApes b interstices et carpoti. mattinge have been transfernod jute a hospitali Cauada's Contribution. Wiudfaîls and apples that will net sud in the cornOrs and cracks et Part ot thé ethor buildings have bel We re amil eoleles tiankeep rmay be dried for wluter une. floo-rs. CaLsand doge shoulit b. kept vn p t rainiug buildings fer tJ, Wear asal pope lssthnPare, core, - sud cul lu sîlces, and thorougblY cdean. Het vaLet, soap ary. e rmsbegn ud uduuhed ight millions, tnhabiting a territery spread eut on dlean new boards Or andtheb scrub brush are very effectiv~e cd. The enly students left are sLUD ôomewhat larger than Y'0ur great home-made racks to dry, coveriflg in destroying the peste, which bide iuntso a; hAl rt utvte& ountry. At the outbreak ef the war with a nettîng to keep off the fies. the crevtces ef th. floors. Gasoline dnso a- hnyat utv engrssetare those et destruction. wo were busily nrse in probleins About a week wiii make theni brow» lte oe of Lb. besi destructive agents. A.CBnsntiewdlknv l' of devetopinent eftsotiement, et ex- and dry enough tq.keep. If there 18 Bedbugs-Sryterhdu tcs hnsdmse tCmridgeè dis paniou-I trust not neglecting the au eMpty upper roomlu i the bouse wiLb a solution et corrosive eublimste cusîrcen tîy te gradua1 yan1 higiier moral and spiriýual ideats that, with plenty ef sunlight the cherries (on. ounce te a pint of alcohot). Thisaugn eetyth rda rn-o have se mucli te do wlth n nation'Stand appies, could b. driet irIL substance is poisenous sud ahouit ho lermlg ati :t "éI nli s nqestio 1 if., loving peace sud hating war. And 1Qt course, noisher cherries uer 5p- so market. Gazoliue sheuld bo spray'- instintad feelintrom Lisqe stntO ire ineng tweoh ae nteclu etpies must ever b. loti eut lu the nain ed fneely lu cracks snd crevices. Tiestic -spandlfeelnuit advte ainU ar lc dwemovtissu400,000 m n ourif dried eut et doors. Moths.-Thoroughly brush and ettreto hesdtrsotÙh~ vxiic ur ecs o ream- an 40,0or mn. Mtrr w In lu ean ctothing betore IL le put sway L.mnewa ioohe uee ype tbau 800,000 have lofttise shsores eosf.fo is umsrck i u la nsd thon tise. seWh e veo naurall'1 ~saafr evc i lso' .-a String green beans and cut up as papen bagi or boxes, visicsaeresisoulithtnglie. Cranaafrsriei llA :ropsring for the table. Have thiemiho made airtigbt by sealing Lhe edges avrs atntsefagctuge."apn -fectly dry. Neyer pick on a wet wt tls e ae. Wrrbs- MnfcueWaos il. Spread Lb. beans oui qu plat- should ho tree et duslt and thoroughly --'AlI the ntural population'- ot the s sand give a goet covering o! malt M b d. N-aphthalene or ts.r belle universities snd colieges hlas -gOneý. fi thein stand ovennight. ch slne reely dimtrlbuted in trunke, What staffs are lett are turuiug out $ ctmerning pack in glass jars, etincost and lu Lb. pockets of clotisos. ( desth-d.aling veapons. The staffs aý t ,overed crock puttiug a weight o Flies-Keep tise garba~e psul cov- ueanly aIt the vanlous departments aý Bui ) of the beans. Wlen reqplr.d fo eredtLightly. Fly *paper freely dis- Leeds University are nov doiug vas Moe3 take from tise crock as many as Lributed yull b. a great belp ini des- work ot a most specializcd Icint. Ti tanad.sdorGnuetla t uWLrndhn0ltolg them. A olution of etLas- coal, gas adsud lindustris dpart~ CndadThey requfre alftelonger cooldng tw ouncs.tsuarc vtq>or à bey duced lu Yonkishire sud ausaIyig Co rangedth theb.banka fer sdvances Le 5 IittYgeenbeas.tropesc>f bormninin sweetîed wster tan for Loluene aud benzine. The enJ> Lhe Imperial Munitions Beind o!fh frs reubau.vlI kilI fies, viien placet wiiere they gineering departmnsetý besides -,,!th $100.000,000 more. CenPeevdFrne s. eau drink. more elabotrite duties, la teaching .1- We bave in Canada et tise present CuLt te cern frein the cob sud pro- Mosquitees - Burning pyretbrum mentsny maiue work te intenig Lime more than 600Q plants ptoducing pare It lunLthé saine way as tiie beans. powder or sulphqt will stupefy theni. munition wo ko-ta. The textile indus.j munitions for the Imperial Govern- Presh Cucumbers la Salt. Tii.> failt th ie floer aud eau be hurm- tries departmieut, Lb. coter -chemistry 1ient, sud ln ihese plantis about 80# Peel and gsce Lb. cucumbena thin, et vitb ths weeplngs. DQ o t asow departinent, the. aggicultural- d*eJ 000 are employet. put s layer of!milced cucumbers aud euy wateT te afcumulate.mn r nae b b oenet C»ada Prble., ==r-- te teai viLli an>' clotha, with tyeml f L nviu o hinengt u jitBrealdng the. Neya. snd vi tood8tuifs. 1 -1 W. have alreedy 4hlpped from Can- thepvlge fbig egag i htOutliinu etore PanUinent ti ada mnitins eta vaue bevsenlong battIe aud -defense upon Lb. Ger- Little Marie steot lunLii. doorway, daLi.oknvbegdn.a 40000000 eu %0,00,0. Tuat m=n defense at Vihsy Ridge. 7 oe haut on the doerkueb. For a mlu- ts nvniis ebn .L Iiw viiole indust «hIS beemi developeci Ourmna at tue front neet no syni- ment se gazet at lier mothlieWho bead ot the educstional departunento ince theva brome eut snd et the Pithy. They uaifor none--411 tbey vas propaing to4 go out. thse country, saici: "The profesr a"1 ver te utvewee itdrawlaic la t t hat v in l fiitg tiey "Motiiet," the ssud, "do you 1<nov tisousada et e r eut ndstil there shall be otuer lbands to uliat I amn going tegive You fur Your , the. researcli assitnt sd. x'ep.m u 01 mUon trcfor o rea metr- grasp ttait gthat falle trous thein birthday, uhen IL comfl?' the researchi stutent bave suddeUly e- vice -auds, sud-carr It on to vlct@r, 50 "No,^ tsar," auswer.d the mother. coW pobtl set eth -+tea sud umeit>'"Piusetelime. Wbtever university you May'. iioosîé We -bav, in addition te tis, weeog- tý&t Luis cause et lîbeîýahmnts'Pla tume"te vimît yo viii bi IL te .thi e u- nimd th*,tiâ"for bood produe- uay InsU'trluiipii i. bîpntsyuo idf1v f delicate sud necondite 1aveetlion,- L&.,- We realuue "ht under coud1- The glatm«% t*1w best youag ers1on IL all around," 's aid the lcr 1 mo. eaiyelj ~j*l~g -e..day ue worl4facesàninng hCaadanta moreng en trom v 4 I E"t

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