Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Jun 1917, p. 8

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Avery ,deD,, loom W*aieMt iver -qui-ÇoliipM 'ey 25th. *ben - tbe îtartllng and #R& uensave came f ron Q.hawa 1Ecepitaiý that Mm. Luther J. StWaton SUd sudý.- denty pamied a-n.>.Two weeks preo- violns a beautiful littie daughter wa s - airs. Arthiur Starr. of Toronto, hian bora te ber, sud ,_eweryth1ng lookedJ 1pnvî YblloUntrienm onhre. 'gr. etarorg fyvrgbk foIoll UII tIlr &ftfl btUp1 =ow occupies a Government position 1te -a few minutes before tlie end came.3 -~Toi'ronto, jwlilIclîmaie iMe smginey to Me lx lirs. Robt. Gtiroy bias been viaittng reaved huaband. mother anxd other rel - ber siiar, Mrit. 12ingbam, eor'3111- atIves ail »ç mqe evere. broiok. %Mra. Sanderson. Who has beOfl 1 Deceaiied's malIden une was Rfte ut.aying here for a trne, returned wltbH ojnos- Bondi, Ibirdl daughter of the ber to lber home lu- Peterboro. late Wiliamn R. Bond aad Mrs. Bond. Agood tical of poity thievinx andi and %lie was bers sear bere 41 years -vandalissm lis beexi goinit on ln thé- ago. For several yeara preylous te village lately. Sonie of the re8ldents4 lier inarriage she resided I n Oshawa, bave had tîxeir tîîllp beds destroyed wbere »lhe wax very hîghly respeoted. and other flowers stolen. From the On Marci 11, 1911, she was united ln footprints and the bursit matches loft niarriagp wlth lier now bereaved hua- near soute beds Il would irdicate. that band, and atter a few yirarý resitiencec thie %orkc was done by sorte one whose on thé Stlton honieatead in Oshawa. * iear.ï should have meatt somnetlalng moved te the faim adjoining this vil- *.btter than stooping to sucli mean lage on the south where they laid the -work. . fouindati on of a happy home with Mrs. Jamîes S,%mitli lias beeil vîsîîîng brigit lprospects for the future. Shet Mss Arnn.1l, of Wliiby. 01 was9 of a i-ery clieerftnl disposition andà It Is years ,tnce an éptdemic o made friends wberever slip wenL vhaooinsii cougît las corýne btitis vit- The tunernl, whiich was prîvate, lage. Out of' torty-nin- pupils in thet- ook place oit Monday. and was ai- Iowr dvlsoiîof he chol frt iîd etideil by a very large number of rela- te w en lvftoip f p colr-et whoseliv-s and friends. liev. H. W. Foley. ehlldrrii liave-the11w astInhdrcation cf lA.B ie .r fastor and intImate the trotilli iwotld isolaie ititenthe,îî fripnd of ilite fatflly. conducted lhé 4itseast' isoîîid sou» pas. iervice. He pald îvry loving tribute Miss (eirt i- Tomlituenu. nf TorontojIo0 lut, active Christian lifé of the de- opùn Ill wili ler lloter.ceast-d. basing his remiarks on the ASr. i le W,'e-iîlwtt oftTrnot r. ords, 'Froîn a chli thon hast known Mr.Loi M-tsni nrnt 1 en h*- 'MEStsanley Aitxan- Sundlny mwtlhlîits pîrviier- ibr, of Toronîto. sang very SWeetty andi Mr . rd '.Ir-;,%V.NI. Lsrtr-ar.- !,yi npatil-ticaliy two favorite bymns- VI Pt n'f.ritndg Ili )r 2l ii i 1105 toreh of Age ittalla oreVer wil theii weok. Lord." Mrs, HafilieEddy accomnpany_ý- Mr. und NIrs. 0i. S<-lert ha%,e hteu in lie-r. Tiie pal'-bearers were six viniltng. fîientls In Nonwoiud for a WA' cetisitîs: -%l's rÏ,-dA dJ. JaMe(, 0 ilays. tjslàava: itarry T. Jamiet&. Colubus: b1r and Mrs. J, N, lortoio ruU oian 'S. B. James, Bowmanvile; lin.anntin- te cgageiý-%t r t IrCeeil 'I'. oOsqiawa: Li ~ilaîd iBlake eldet dnghùr, ~aur V:iîia e Ir k.. -Zenezer. 1The Internient took * W. S. MceGowtaîî. of T'oronto. ilie niar- place Ili Grovesîi'e eînetery. The ran otake tplace earlytr Ii in,. IMoral efferings from sympathizing Re.H .PepletotMna o frit-nris ere very heautiful. consisttug Plevo. 1r- .W.riv'isitîon indacefor ofwreaths Iroul lier brotiiers and ais- Plictaof ler le s u înne ' utters, ilii. tainton famiiy. M. A. James * te Dy o Qunte(oneree. and fainiIy, Nir. and MIas. 'N. Wilkins, NIM Wst. cf Aslîhîtrn. wli tak Ilite andi %Ir. and iMra. F"rank James. Brook- %êrt-le-- lirte on Siinday nnrning. lin WNomn-tîsi Inatitute. 34r. J. S. Bond Tiiere vilii -tino seri te liiI tlietin-and family. ahieaves of roses from 3Mr. Jing. - and M~rs. Stanle'y Alexander. NIr. andi The teacters and I titîils oft1iîe- etli~- a. A. S. Li-i. aMr. and Mrs. Geo. odisi Siinday Schnool tar(- usy lîractis- NN'. Tliompson; sptr-ays froni ars. Wnti-1 isgfortinir nnit '-t-sary. î '1 îî NcLatiglîlin and Nmi r. and NMrs. 1 be iîeld ntSîîn1dtîy andti iltitay. Jutie i Franîk W. Datty, Nlisse.n Carrne andi 24 and i2-7. Fuller partietîlars.R later. Ev.s liait- andi Anna Kep-ler.,aMr. sudi aire. W, t%. Liie, Nir. and NIrs. Cecit Miss Je-an Hlayerafi.tus,-nirii-Oke. and ie saMargarel Cook. Ing nt Wett'-iey Hot*ilIài. Tornîîit->. Beils lier iieart-broÏen huishant, yotinger dauigiitor of MN>r. NW. J. Ht>y- sitb eltav-,s lier itîfani dauglîter. Mary * craft. of Brooklfin, litais a cas of '3 2" readlerhlefle)er-l o candidates lit lier -xaraInatiomîs tri lenîtd. lier motiter. who lias resideti Medical Ntiring just lheid, laving 01> vitli lier for soîfl- years. ltre 8sters. talin lot4) »er cpiitt-a record seildom Nls Anianda E. Bond. Winnitpeg: 3nado îîy any candidate. Miss Hay- Nîta. H. J. Hiarrlî. and I ars. Hiaroldi E. tratst l a ru est okler uccees. u ck - Torontto. and two brothers. air. plesédto par of lir acces, ndArthuîr J. Bond. King Edu-ard. Mlan.. extend ivhartit Il cotigratuialiosiisto andt bergi. Orville W. Bond. now lu lier. En gland, ail of w-toni were present but The foilowing appreciation of lMe tii' tvo latter. laie Mirs. Luther Stataton was recetved Aîionic te near relatives andi others Machinery' At*moMIes Get Our bpce: os TireszaUd W4y. a àac wqtI -of We .F1DISNEVP Whltby, Ont. G. ýW. Tfompn,- Troto;ais. r Lanhsu MIn r. and mmrs.Wrn. Stainqton, Mr.: Géeorge St;aton, ,mosaAda sta-n tou, Mr. and airs. Thos. Staton, air., and MrLe. C u kf.. 3r. sud lire. Ed. 3James. Mrsa.J. Rraund., M.rs..M. WRl- kins and milsa 1tlYaJames, OsbWA; M-r. Harvey Cook, Grimasby: Mr-. sud Ddre, . XAJames, lire, W. C' Vole, flowinanvllie: 1,fr. sndaira. Mlte Oke, Kbeneser; Mr. andi Mie. James Stainton, Enniskillea. mand many other rel*tUvez andi frienda. eUal. 01 Ohi.Ciy of Towal.. Prssk J. Chee makes cliti nt bli eie lmr. ic&numcd P. 1. Chce" & CD.-dove W*U te Cty of Totleo, coucy adomute feouaaidaiIid S 'awili paytbe sui c ONE. xusz>anu DOLLS.R for««M sm-J cvery Hlal'& C .lsrnh Cure. FRANK j. CIRNLY. en«t, thiotbdey cf Deccial.. D. ize NorAiYvPus5LIc. thiongi tho bleod on the. muceus surfaces of ithe s7.tcnt. "venti sImooaaiufret P. 1. CHE(HV à CO., Toledo, 0. Sald by ait drus¶ Ut. 75C. itallo6 Fanîliy Pi q for constipation. A LMON DS.1 Mir. ant ia. Lorne Puckrin andi citiltiren vîsîreti over tht, week-end with aIr. and Ia. J. L Parsons, Dar- Born.-On londay. June 4tb. te air. and Mrs. W. Hall, a daugliter (Mary %,Ir. sud airs. Gwaîklns. of Toronici. vistitet over Stnday with 2aIr. andi Mrs. A. W. Richardson.t -Nr. F. T. Roeo t attending Couatyi Cotincîl tIbs week.1 MliHast-t Alluncf Whltby. apent Sunday with Miss Lelia Emerson. Mliss Pollock. of Tloronto. visited or- er th- week-end wi-ttiNir, and aire. A. B. Edwards. Nirs. W. Morcombe bas returnedti e1 lier home at Ornemee afiter. a lengthy rîsiti uitli relatives snd frienda tiere. On Stnday evening aboutl six o'- dlock fire staried oun the roof eofairs. W. àMcGregor's hotîse. Quit. au excil- ing lime foliowed for a wbile, but wlthti he help ef neîghbors thie fames werte extinguinheti. The fine lo sup. posed te hiave bt'en Causeti by a spark fron thte chimney. .Ir. Fred Draper lias purcltased a Ford car. .%IYRTLE STATION. MNiss VanNest. of Brookilui. spent the wveek-e'nd liere w iiiMiss GIadYslHar- rison. air, antia. Norman Hughsou, et Toronito, spent Sunday ai aMr. J. Hit>ghaon',s. Tht' clittcî service next Su»day eveîiing *-Iillbe taken by the members et the Epwortlî Leaite of Columbus, 11ev. MIr. Nickle being away at Con- ference. bMYRTLE. *àir. Henry D)erby has béeen btîsy for the pat two weeks ct.antng up the village cemetery. Mîr. Derby deservea great credit for lhe Improveti appean- ance he bas made on the ratter ne- glecteti looklng yard. Rer. aMr. Nickle lias purchacti a new bitLaughlia îouring car trom Mr. Dalles, of Oshawa. Our pastor 18 lIkoly te cal i rotint any lime n0w. Miss Nellie flrlggs. cf Whitby, hmn been viesiIa Mrs. John Quinn. Everyone la dolig their bit iln the ylilnlty îows.rds Increteeti produiction. but 't ether man, wvu evldently ias net laken tht. laie eosteratlon ue yet. Mn. George Tommes., a former sec- tien bern on the'C. P. IL., ber., %diei ai hl$ home ut leaside Junction u flrldii. afier n brief Saintes. Rer. Mn. Niokie oacated autlbe fanerai sen- vice on Mondsay. "d accompaned the body to Ivohoe. Hfouses arc a premuu &roundi bers. and the demand for theni le Increai- M.besar, I. Smitb and A-7i1kwipNut Sandyai t Iheir respective homes. ê T, ~L ~IL9I - TOiON?~. Li bv. g; ot * tp your home, ilesrwto hwsr.k .lt - tiiweahu'.I>.ut rsut tie suctive m o fnme" w do, sMcd mn»w. O*9 b~il. y=~o si~ i losior ou re-pOueteA NARTI-S ENO le tum et w toct o! wood auct wýoe>sO 1115Mmd burgWlar, Issmdo an« ~ 1 - Css 1114-U"biTOrdif, MatgMrt omoyle, Jameé -Dun. 1Vaine Jolinsn. Alymer Luke, Ul&anorlc Reader, Irene Britten, Ross Britton, Georgie Grant- mRt Btirkett. .Claus mT-Thelma Brîggna.Har-ey1 WMwIyI Alt L)ou»nellye ccmr tan, Nelson WtUi.ma. L.orne Mtartin, Clas t-DonaId 3ohnson. as <l- jýorle, Ed&ar iteron, (Violet Broot. la.mes awrence) @quai, Ronald John- son, Reid Cooki. KINSALE. Rev. John O. Totten. aCcompanied by his wlfe andi family, went te Picton en Monday te attend the Bay ef Quinte Conféece o ccveaed there. They l.raeled la tli1r Ford car. Mr. Georgé West, cfÀashburnti preached an excellent sermon here last Sabbath eventig. Mr. R. R. Nlowbray bas a Rute new MeLaughlin car. It certaisily ca» go ge some, aMr. Mowbray te attending Courity Counci l ttis week st Whitby. Chas. Mackey has purchaseti a sec- ond hand car f romt Mr. Geodnow. et Brookîltu. Our yonîng- ladies have organlzed anti equippeti a basket bail tean, andi are enjeying weekiy gaines. The play grotidIs ai aira. Annie Harbron'saIn the village. W.- coagratulate tht girls on their siporty vent ure, as the boys seenito have lest ail Inclination for recreatlon. ou, Su uday tu litas rew car. He Ilkez thue horst', but dlaimi this way of gel- ting arousti mauch more easy. anti would flot li14e to go back te the faîîh- fut horse. especillyin l the RIOOd o14 stîmuer time -eheu the roada are good. one can secure an M.D. or a Y. ý, nuw In a ver> t'es minutes. Mrs C.J. Stevensoli attendeti cliîrci last Suuda) eî-enlng for tie irst tinte sinc-, ber iieinearly Ibree. monlhs ago. Her many frienda ivere pleaseti te se. ber lu ber jplace agaiti. Cern »lantifig la pretty viell cern- tue-ed he i.mest ef the tartuers. Turnlp aowiug willI new recelve tun- meditate attention, or nearly so, Mr. E. W. fledmnan basi prhaseti n nov manure apreader. and spealca vel of tis new Inîplemeul. -Clarence Richardison spent la-si Sbt- bath at 1Port Perry. Miss Giadys IMowbray is tnklug mu- sic lessena f roui airs; Eddy ai Brook- lia. Harbroni lres, anti VicIer-Perkins abippedtictir catLle at thie Greeîîbutn station Ibis week, Mr. D)etiy beiug the pu rchaser. us ai mitiuummner holitisys. Out trust- ees are looklng for a sutgabie esupply for the sehool fer the next year. The different Sunday Scheels 'n ltie circuit tnteitd hllding a unies pîcnle about Jutte 23rd. soitr Groenwoocd, jies- sibly ln aMr. Clarkas bush, Win. Bentiey la IL emiles thtese days asnd ne wonder. A lise baby boy ar- rived at bis hiome a lew daYS ago. Both moîher andi babe ar.% deisg sire- Mr. John Corner >iadtihe mlafertie to lose' a âne ctw lut Stîndai. Dr. McNeely titi ail he couldtite as'e the animal, but 'tas iiabe. A fcw of eut' ladies ouled the floot'. la thie hall here a feu- days mgo. 1 t peu- piteents 'a gyM- muci better ap-1 Duarance tâtlde. The windows and doors woutti iou- be gVatly benefileti Mr. Wtm.Burns, (brother cf Mrt. Pti Burnsi, of WhitbyaIMIhtboanti poet), bau been making catis on oid~ f nIeRdesud acquilatmues durnasthe puat few days. Mr'. Henry John*Mn. of Toonlto. «e home o te * 4uu otr a feu- da». ovin; te th# e piousiliumeos01 hi, mother. who. we- Ïre glad to. re- port, la improvia; uiiçelye aitbouglâ Stthl coafied to - er b.d. IiePori bU ItilthMatill anotber auto lte b. atdeti to tue nuuber in oui comnmuaity, &nd penhajîs two. b1r, D. Parroit bas replaceti hit r"oadtr 'itti a fie ire pausengr 1911 lied.. Dan l a alu-sUp to'date tn -ererything PeraisIng 10 mobchai. "fte ladleu ef Baros Churclih haa OanIse Ihetr forces for the comint an- niversary tes on Jane 151th. ROY. Mr'. Camineron. the speaker for the Sanda>' ser-vi«&% bas a Dune tecord a. eeoe tbe ableet pulptteers lu tht Provinet. .00e fticr.iMier tii.alele iedcIlp of Mrt. Xeii. are pie»-park pecial ni. -140 for lbe occasion. On moud"y' t- lu&t ,lte lSth, te& 'tilt b. aeVM d l tue Lqffcm*enl or tht cbhurch trous flic e'elock aui cl$Q are mse& S.Tue"PU.>" mOan a -goed tee.. eourteoo.s tretuert.. moa NWAol iUme. 'l. mmu Inl Chaffl t tbo Proffle i va»u'erd 1QUIMMebI>'a soetur*by 11ev. lDr. 11atrs.Ofo, t Ceok'AQiar&ii.t'orto, suJbet et cture. *&tteii laraui .", fnî'attffl= en r pe 4«tb* able*si. u4ulstcr Mmd aitIthle btosI.e t evetry wlv r f lmthlm 14 i. m itàr play. DuM iles tht ttci.tu tree.admsso t0 tg* and ieo d sut*6&; chti-I. IW Arp ara .iu4ste kam t Pte. wat Ro" l%15 Uikàt " UPI& pmfg>e.* 40. Pwaria c o k tm 4*ted th I Pl rayumiii. . n , eietk i IWepaale*OMMst. $-Bok lt Octoer 3tb-Inclusive Y flom say,Cawslau Pacific W. B. Howard,, District Agent, Toroiito, Ont. W i1ay urtil- Partteulars Agent, or Passenger TRORNTrONS CORNERS- ! Tere * will b. no Sunday Scbool nei-t Sungay uaccouuifth et ? mle decoration at the ernetery. A very plemsnt tiine was spent by ail at the home of Mra. N. fluas last Wednesday atternoos. The net. pro- ceeds were $2.65. An '*At Houme" will be beld at Mrs. C. Polleat's nert Wednesday afternoon. 31188 Coie Horn, of Oshawa, ta stay- ing wlth Mrm. P. Scott. Mr. C. Folleat bas sold iart .ot hhQ farmn to a Toronto veterlnary. He In- tenfds to bulld a bouse riglît away on the part lielias reaer-ved for lilmself. TralaTiseTable@ 0. T. IL. WHTT YJIJNVTio. Gi£W 0e«... - T3a.m. i~ ~ tj - -..30P.M Sunclay trains les-v. fer Teronto at 4.52 a.m. sand 7.30 D.m. Prom Toronto -trains stop ai Wbitby, Junction ai 8.20 andi 10.10 am., and 9 .30 p.m. UP TOWN STATION. Walg Noull.. .lo &.m. IDli o1..~lm 6-40---:-- P.:o 433 . 33 . Ltaves for Briugharn t 10 a&ML 5fr. Edwarda, proprietor. MAHT-LR flnS For Wes- 4,% &.m. 10.14 &.m. 6. Io P.. 8.30 pim. Pot est- .30m.a .30 p.M. THE STANDARD BANK PARMERS Advances w ofarmers arc tuade a special future by this Bank. .1 SWHITBY BRANICH You'iI Mr , P Motld la' j Iulei M. - Jenkias.of Nrth Oshawa._______________ Miïs Vers. Sturgesà vlalted at: Mr. Win. Sturgese recently. dNOkefIWLL S A smali lire trted In-the. Boy Scout roome over the. Reformer office In Oub- - awa. and but for the timely diftovery cmte. meuth wIag OÏU4 1 l", ai> IIb. of the blaze a serlous tire maiglit have -________________ ATTRACTIlVE DINING CAR sooew teo . S. atry*hc Uc Probably nothlng lielps more to ' teu make a railway journey realty etijoy- able than a vitcit te the *Dinlng Car.- esyecally if It be a Canadian Pacifie Dinlng Car, wliere the passenger ta as- A. A. R BN O sured of the bighest term of effiency tn the culinary art, the choicest, pro- lUne.rtaker --and furniturs dealer. visions that the market affords pre- B& md fJdeDwident phonea. DR? pared on the sclentiftc principle o ltf known at "Dietétie Blendlng" orub Your favorite diali. as you ilke it. MROOKCIN, OT. may be enjoyt'd at ren5onabie cosi, amidst ideal surroundings. while.t.rnv- ellng on the Canadian Pacitlç., -52DNTL ___________________jHawvy J. HudSon, D.D.SO, LADOS,- IHOMESEEKERS BSufItoW. dn EXCURSIONýS I mDu ,,e&B, ; i,, n&54. il 1WIIITBY, ONT. MAY ahl TO OCTOBER lOti TU ES DAY 41ALLL RAIL" - almo by TrHURSDAY'5 STEAIVER Gr'eat Lakea Routes" <sloeatatinav) YoUr Future Is ln the West i» .,tpnrlu have out ~Win a4a n le ,.~,. Ther* are til e=-It &Cree ing for the man BLAME IL BEATON, L...9 DDoSu Oraduate of the Royal College Of Dental Surgeons and@ Unlyeraity of Toronto. Dr. Meê),well, of Totonto. la tak1nt~ Dr. Buitens practioe durtng the ab- senceeofthé latter on mllêaty sêrvice. Office over W. BM. ingle'e b-ardware- Olle. 11Gur-0 to 12, 1 t.8.10. lad. Phollo. le. BOU Phono. 2». O. Arthur Lie. LASi.. 6.8.8. Gradutte of thé Royal Quels et' Dental Surgeona and of the Univerit3r of Toronto, deuires to annousae ta hha ak"n Dr. fiiamonls prattieâ and la prepared te onêt1inue the sme a&. cmtabliabed. OlUceover Allia's drug store. Hlour& 9 te 12 a.m.; i te 6 p.rn. Bell phone $7. md. il A. EL ALUIN. Corner drus store, Wbitb7. No vtaemart4ulted 6. YOIJNG SNUTH. ILe& mnuer., At dvelWaa boum oppoilt XiIbuIM* Churcb.- . ttZ40qlwi WM. M-AWl AUl kinds Of sales romDIitlyt«gti4 te., Arrangement@ foramies cm be xi s. g the Gazette OEce, Terme reasoub4k Bell aud ludepsadent Phones, WMITB0 ONt. Regret 1.Il who wantm a home and pmmrit,. tfa» For Poni btty- atvaUci 1.w Bb» aWnti evia, 640P W'S 1Canaedian Paclflc Por.bam-soop~.W. Bl. IOWARD. District Passeuge Ver MOIt -B Agent, Toronto, Ont. ER. BLOVV. Agent. Wblîby. ont. if jeu fail teuget .vp ethe Iewap micd AU foýr wbmich c.A', xGoodfeIIwa are~M seln hgnts. .ht two p

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