MdreIGIITyBLOW WN BLCIMi-SUNESEEDS BALO Britos, Le ., Plumr, Oeupy erma losi ~Torn jneIzanielobLwhOgtSPstinofH BrtnLdb" Gen. S;ir HerbertPlmr cuyG ma od nominal. track Toronto. N. ortro oates-No officiai quotatiolis.tihMsin ot tiens on the Messines-Wytschaete Ridge. 0.~ wte no officiai quotatiotis. g ateE " Ontario what-No. 2 Winter. Der car ~~iig l i.ERll ~Ule tts for ItAdsp.tchý from London says :- even pressed on eastward from WVYta- baz1a. sonr.F~d atnt, in jutLreorhlfa ter ~~~Ix~I one o thedanddar ntelaborateiy plan- cheete and occupied the village Of bga $2.0;ast ibakers'; Ini Jute The price of hay-hbas droppdr hteWrCbnt a co cf tneeo1theter, executed manoeuvres tari tourWntr accordifle ta Athione market from £5 ta £3 per toniin fha o-h r on a frontL of more than jype 110 a$II.i bats, trackstho tid ai- JOf the war, Sir Douglas Haig's forces mi saorntprîs. ta Iîlpmnt Fire raging in the hisisinla theonthd SOtf i*w u rS. ~~~~have deait a mnighty blow against the Probably neyer in hstoy _ euNo .nmna.scordrgt lomlhsdetoe arecsinaontu J afu PZ-freight» outaide. ta etur tafis dtiesat t dored~~~ Germna ne li Beliuin, and been reattack launched wlth greater pr-1al &aU< nominal. acriste fhahr b I waýn vrded with notable gains in terrain prao. Frdy h 1tcStotroiffbte utao. ecadn Fire lbas, destroyed Ballintemlple Ofce 1 o4Aand thel capture of more than 5,000 salient had been the objective of the, ofe hsoti. ! 0. Se, Rc.ard owBu her. sdne<f~Lr Nrhlfests i D- with Prisoners and numerous guns o British guns, ha d hurled tons lfeeght as lots. delivere otelSrRcadBte.~~c-riaetevrasB o! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~fegts aalncluded-B&f. per ton. Adcso a enrahdb h ~ sos n c ncnetwt varlous calibre. In addition they in- of steel uo it. When the time for 1$68 hrs8e5on:4 .mdlin- e eiinbs enrahdb h flcedhav auateso teGr-tesn$4;orts e to. per bai. 82.80 Enniscorthy Guardians nat ta put the !liced cav caualies n te Gr- he tta k came the British îaoed jton 4. -. mne oha aemn O'/C a ron of oretie nin mies ines coIaining 600 tans cf higli ex- 1 a -Extra No. 2. per ton, Î-0 ta acnto d oc ni se h ntdSae n a me40;miles union.85 a$11.50. tracICthe waz. 1-IIuw' ~~~~~~Plosives in front of the Germal po- Toronto.TeCank--S1~Gudin ar extending frein the region of Ypres1itians, the detonations being heard Straw-Car lots. per ton, $9, track Ta- Theingane silli0n-sîGuadixnagar-eiiOLofwsbone hpzd o flft< souhwar nnd anl todrinen te, iomlsaanEgai.rno Ion for the rnik supplied to the Work- A new photoftePmiraRu-ln uy1518. ert yÎhtfall fhad e dyhr adv te xnnandr urtii t rcntseryb solide. Fine in the works af William For- trying ta holdaleeet iteawie n esae thi ie nlsIilNwZaa d d o3c.gnt.prl. 7ta ao 3uebidn7onrco iEni-Rsinstgte.H.cnriarn t lla' hilne, captUring villages and nu- 1Australian infantryrnen, wxth "tanks"per lb. er o 34c to STe CtuneSbuilAingCROP Mail. He bas a coussrollin Inerous points of vantage, arnong the to aid them, started across tepen. p-iPer doare36 sei tatheretli y, did damage ta the extent aof'----- h Lna he n o th pnoMhls larnligo e :- £2,50. L r~~~ k efl ~~~la t te r th e M e ss in e s - W y t s c h a e te id g e , jT h e G e r i a n s o ff e r e d o n ly lig h t re IC îcd e i3 1'th e s clin r ic e s t; e i s i c n c r e i i id o f th ea n t h I n p ia P a e k 1 0 Vw h i c h c r n mn a n c i s t h e s u r r o u ni d i n g , s i s t a s c e , a n d e v e r y w h e r e w r e b e t e c e a e r - F r i e aI s . 4 2 0 c o i . 4 13 c ; £ 50.h o e W r o p t l S p p y D p t , C m N g A r v s l , P o a l l l l i g e t N w o n a kno'~~~~~V plda ain for ls ndwihfrtooff, even late in theafternoon, when 420. i ~ ~ 1 e eîz h u uhl ) ice ~~~ an hi yashas been a trouble- they had sornewhat regained their out 0f cartons. rtns 41 14c;0 42e te mof£3. 7 some salient. c(Mopsure and attempted a counter-t Dressed poultry-Sprngn chieketis. 60c; TeC eir Uie gricul- When VicePrsetGegeBy faennacieptinn 4eft 8 0 ur q 5 03e 40 day show this year on July 96th. Western lunesliun,91,h kd'egedivgausupo chaete feli intq the hands oiý the Brit- ulne, which was brokcn up by the Brit- L pultry-S pring chlckens, lb.. table lsh cJuring the lâttack, adteBish o4e ens. lb.. 22 to 25c. Dr. C. O'Reilly of Trim, isrpr-alteco xet o s.mtso ne ly'eresHm 10 d'24t to 251c:rls. 2taIc;o. ed one case of cerebro-spinalmnn-tewatyedothteaTbiig-Iln. end the British lai aCiltery56re. Ches. ee . largeh24 ta 5c: tw &srq Û wn,3 e gitis ta the Local Government Board. etlecudgtws200090~ub "rit xi~.LUII1fl ~ UfR~ ~t1neî »-C-omb--Extra fine and heavy dierit lie YcoLURG GE MA CAN DA£A DRAua$2.6.No. 2.82 ta $2.2r have derided ta adopt a sealle of prices growing wheo ergatsaeh bMapie ayniIp--lperia.1 gallon. 81.7 sm6.t htafDbi n itic a erîyaazda h nsa N Potatoes--On tr'ack. Ontario. per bag. iiatataofDbnaddsrcLw erty fis.AT FRENCH DE1MANI) $ON.2L6MILIOew Brunswick Delawares, per- A special grant oif £400 lias been fecundity ori aI e h iiad ~ ~ 4~5B ON H U N bag 84.40; Albert",. per bag. $4.00;:P. passed hy the Tyrane County Coun- thick growth.teuionieclec S~~o IElreds, b $ 4.00. Jeru-' Hean4-.-imT>orted, hand-pieked. $8.50 ta cil ta meet a deficit in the Tyrone of the plantan sluritapa- o tn'Will Not Accede ta Restoration British S ubjects in United States $9.00 per bush. Limnas. per ib. 19 ta 20c- County Hospital. ance. li eldCna cudrseSnd cfEpoo o ei I.oAlaeLran.Pnyoou-WI<Ileale A new ward bas been opeledino240,000,000 b1 eso hetadfi inA*ac-Lrrin. able for Service. SkN im8 'ewry Hlospital, by Sir John Ross of that it w&uld as .Atc er Lit; lit . A dcsp~atch from Berlin says: hi A despitceh-from Ott.awa says: Ex- , <a.,hay 61 7.cod 11 Bladensburg, ia honor of the late EarilI Juna.11.aprvt simI odn wero French Chamnber's decision that the tniearneet aeb~42c. rotin. 2, ta28c, bre&kt5t bacon. of Kilmorey. placed thieCandî coat2,0,. AesthfrmLdn war uetcontnueuntî Prssiai mii-pleted by which British subjectnlxi bs. 539 ta 40e..temnosxpson i tann i detroedandAlsce-on-th UntedStaes ayjoi th tu-bard-Pur 2e rdltes.27J ta 2 ' NO"ELTIES IN WA&RFARE. tluous avalacee naoul e h rts taka y tubs.t 7heo United Sltates mtowereihethd David Sc, raine îregained caused the gee adian Expeditionary Force. Variaul eaOMpound. tierces. 21 ta 22e. tubs. 21t ports, thiswsadedtalthfceb idgainaloe emnadnttuo3 le pale. 32 ta 221ée.I inidain I ae Granan a centres ai r eeruiting have been opened Cured meats-Long elear bacn 1 to Devices May Serve L1seful Purpese toe eOflof GoVerietfgrs h 95teBilhPeir L the least among the Sacialists. For in Amenican cities, including New 26ie Per lb; dlean bellies. 24 10theBriisiEmpre.crop yieided 100000bsesnO~frtengte i eie ol fIL- -.-hn -î pblche Brtitish Bny Empirhe.las orth Bnor -sane turne one could notice -a decided Yorkc, Boston,, Buffalo, De- a tep zrtg4change li the attitude af the . large.,troit Chicago, etc.- British subjects, xoau.ei arkts Genera.l Smuts, Minister of Defence'and the 1916rpbaprdedp-enlogmtlgndw aratof < ~ ~ ~ , German classes towand France, who o!wa1 oplt itl I h 0- Maxtreai. .Iune 12--0ats, Canadifla af the Union af South Afies, raid; proximately'200000bses 1,efore ivin.tWestern. nno.g2of7tejpredo.. No.f8,hm a ce;psainelintInrenttne tosngsesteretly.about e; do..aNs.Spl71cg shea iareaelin. paratiaxiaewereaboutfectaddt] lefor eaat cbgxnn itepeetsession i fthe United States Govern- extra No. 1 feed. 77hc. Bariey-maltiflngwsaqult. 1h h but ~ ~ ~ ya had Sipae smtig kn $1 181s.20. Flour. Maxi. Spring wheat theenew features In the histony af war- 1creased tram49700arsor96t ~wsiieie aoe t ywere hocmassi.yern ethngskiament since the registration day in the patents, tirets, $13.10. seconds, $1260.; aewihti a ia upid 36300are x 96 c1 rar eadngy nrtrn copa ontGmanpaes r-'States, cnproceed to ay fthese togbkrs.$24;Winter hc hswrbssple. 1,4,0 "rerahr ore rlnesind"choice.$13.7ô. atraigbt nollerti, $13.00 There was the submarine, which had froni 2.309,00ace o69600crs cussng he rocedîns l th Frnchexamlinatioxi. and, if fit, are sent on 1j loledoatis. barreis, $8.90. do.. baga. 90ruens o f threot even intd hnI a x 96 îChamber, thaugh ail af thein withautita the headquarters ao them I . $4.36,dBran.i$6 t $8. Sotsibe. an os . o wafa*e it asgng. nted Stasktcwan' ceg afortecrc o en jl any exception emphnsize the sterea-i district in Canada that la nearest ta i 50 lu 856. Ha>. No. 2, per tan. car lots.jepoin. h rme .keep.. ~~~~typied phrase, "Alsace-Lorraine wats h$.1510 8 11 60. Cheese. fineat westêen, its recent developmnents, ta trndermine tîmes as largi . tws1 n neaesa î osh rubGerman, broyerma tteandwhea th20Buter. choio It eeamter. 8819ta 19§c Q U T t 3 e l ot_ >5 e r b r . C._l ts_4 . 0 s eth e n a o n , a ow e' g h A l o w be r a s , 2 , 0 0 a r soha îb a e d d p r a s t t e AtGema foeen maotr waet ID do. seconds, 87J ta 38c. llgga. fresh. 4a was not a pessiniist at ail, axid ho wasi eastern andsohenppuaonad ttlîat f cel' peîhaps the hardent, because it, D o 45. eff icientîy ta its endý' but until that1 wheat bas b1nrle hr h nl fca eiec aLna le and( YS tha aven French Sacialiste who' -0110T ift" JWaipeg Grinwes done we were pas8ing throllgh an' hid 14000 I0 i 10.gsdteywr h on meet ~~~~~recently were ready ta sit down with Lw I ilI VVI Winnipeg. June 12--Caah pricea perlod. a.nd a perxod durlng There hue-teaepts htte Cerinan Socialigts et Stockholm and No. i Northernn 12 49, Ne. 3. do.. e244; r which those who wene in commandaif ous private etmtsa ecnaea dsiswt hr ec ilota-1No. 3. do..$2.41. No. 4. 82.39; No.a. ou j mcpnelosioavenotuaiaregmso X - $2.0 4. No. 6. 17.fe ý. $1.3. Oas-auwan acieoldhvtatracegsonfrhiyarscp tb en rtait extian naw seni ta have ldentified' Attack of German Air Squ.adron Na. i C.W., je: No.a, d e; 1eve ontin ani polen l out theeever wth hewa ama i he onEng a Cas Rote. rN. 1f 04 6 of, o.the.1: nohe gratinovtio i tiseve o innoveaTtinon< he inih mne wreex onEgihCm ue. No. 2,do.. 631c. 1ar loy-No. à .#1.024; s enwrl4 eerpy.H itrad aie epdb mîtrteGra rn h it ~.Cajitslist classes. No. 4. 81.30: rejected. S51,05: fee.0b-.., main 180 ta 140 mlles. e hIterand A esachfom ono sy-,jI&-N . 1 N.-W.C.. 83.02à ; Noý . W hd idCA.L ,~~,,, A dofepath frmaLndaeolns $2.9~7;No~. S. do. 52.79. EBasis cantrt- hdhdspecial experlence o! that la pleyed acwiliie stmtsa - Eight i eighten German acroplaeWiat-June. $2.46. juîy. 82.4L bise arpaign li East AfrIes. No tels- 1916 and caetgi ecee e SIPON INSIN LBETA. that taok part ia Tuesday's air raid igraphor, telephorie iouid ever !olîow guesa madafr11. TeslIrqND i ~~~~~~~ ~on Essex and Kenit were drîven down Uitu s ta55tehemcie raa oeraapssd svamls ltntfoi h rlrad ~ Liera' GeeruentReturned by by British airmen. Four af these wero Mnneapols, June la-Wheat-Juy. Mountainh and rivets, and the wlre- aven trae h ulchgwy 5sii o o nraeI ul ýa He About Sanie Majority as et ta, a certalnty campletely destrayed, 1 , ~nt..~~N.~. suwste nymes !keigup and ,W wFrntli Fri sLo Lest Electlon. whill t*o otheri are believed ta, have. site; No. 11. do.». 78 tOS8 .Cern.-.communicationi. ~ ab. reckond.ihtte ttsia been' put totaiiy aut of cammission. No 8yei'o. $sit40ta 1-41. ~ Oat»1. 'l.tid'eeI- atepeetlieo aaa el teic tala Th .hpn f h1eghenmahns24tls war, the seroplane,. ws prabably go- lest yer's wett aldra bsjfciyvieiFhur ray; îbnalGvrninet ndet tr thteri a ee rult Diuhans. Jn -he-a ad aetem hyme i14v 1h. The 82~~~~Dut.04 Na. 1 N, Wonte a 82 ? 1 ta r2.88. îng ta p & At imprtant of a33, y mais-hrN's. I ehecnnbto 786400 ralrea A despateli main London Beys: Aj A . l The7cre4r. uehr bla,8.3Il 1. ssan ecev VUO 1 CvnyUSS a senMi oosh haclmed501 UI 4UWW1a { ~ despaicli ta theeCentral Ne"s trom jbreeds la 5é<h, pertlUSaI57manw'e, . ti gfor telsConmunOneth te which <m».tti as uentaf.Cnaln inf mnmntosagia h nmtsetn belonged mawrle tjld. adMtuauM 'ehIristiania saym Ilisi great -demon- Iseti fluth &MSrdcrdes Il POU3id40 oiW NO LOVE FOR T3TR .lJ ma-ir. ew u nêdagsame rIM! resyr 91Hycean abjects Witla . epI!odtet LUEIUGTRl8 traioaagamtte natsaco. eetmtl1 ee# eb tokYi4,S. l*Ut ' gfood situation were Ifid terouglieut a siige tly ri 40 doia. wo uldaunt r.Tribal s Le 'igaAespC:AU8TTILUINB sieXt awilbeoe i. latn a, it!ceti aieEosts Norwaylately, The Goverument., to 810pouiidi, provlded ouy0017 t- «* evr la oMm Hilu oo pEUvAG.MST TRE Iua .te wrgthL~mpdl~ go e .tha > ewtopreventng rlotlag. pro- to lived. Th ica " tun. kulI IPradýd Rlu, e on..d t t hau age fer thm daysnret a nresut of r iiil ied a f.v edulte nov Iledcliareth*.iwer Tigherbu now e1 fl À ii«ns Wapn sAre iJNwmeeoi w b.dar 0 h> tleordr wreaurnt wee loid.attica, stables a04id e ut o t pIsta y uner rt*ritisis laS4»Wb8#. a w cet hT~e desieosadds tutal cistores way Pl*cs inv sthe Alitu Mulinsne. epeel foAseser syt ii -'l&pdvftfle lspld r li Chrtsti" ie hut their -doors, tatIn warlu <s ether the fly lay t au, Independent entlty tise AIs Nu-, aet ailm,»Y t1,MItr tteges aTari, andelectnical plants M nmassure or erganie retu@e, ari ieamad are »tof e! ncient daattte, agsbuetey A ,lsisif@w&<4vla letitp ftcI<0 adbg 70 are idle, sud tisai seanîy ml workmen! ln 6 ta 8 heuril. egM batela loto ' te i ina e eratieue they hat epeati isbg'leieie. rudWê ta an ~~~~~are ulriking. isrvse (m egp U)a>q wM i #M W Mus$4 lied a su ae À,i stem » %b Tiis t cfkWh oudt o u cf fa ter.e sUsi h ordattla uia aa1r atve tt ___Miasemature41slara4e1 fia G8o11> 0P F ARGENTINA iiV hnbCna aC ter ed5s~e5bIi i it*arguaIt the Utuif*Wity 0 14d- à 411êS roeete*t MU-BdÂT IiNK brownCase, asuilave sdeya s r. teItom 0f1Q tt8.1h. bm . - U'osgitss 4 tat ti oait «OW8l54ttO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~rdl G191Y UN B emerfea ta carry on au ac-1 l'he ussswdn . p~toae eisa 85ts uIlsebu îu~r.n.~1i - P' Itivé, exisne for nieral wetk& ioudevotisa tu thse TukvitiS vppr .. ti tIc, ' fB1* her s A~empaeli rainPari say: Tie 'l. gnat wy tecontral Mais tiers- visou tie btiarit am W_ stout et er' bo ev vautia 1w ie sted era io ir~~r tha piln slip Onlam s val fore Io 40 k9Ilitb tho Un IWe4 &M 0vtoeslu meUve coit t mdm l &Ermmdr _t ae by a sulsmarine la the Medîter- vgete u a~e eIiiifrea 00a ttnp5i.waâ1vf a twy bettes~re o e~cn Wedncsday, aecrdln tug t edM. &R uue umatsg bembd telu .UsmeWe e oe «04 lsetet «e ec p4&e O & M_ _ t r f y n a kld a an gù & *j orth , e u * bW t %n h resu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ veb o! ns renchay aI. - ccroer a, beddlng of poultry perd.Sa, re.2 ha 'm boy hmsomesll« 5fflm0 i -i0<we~ai a8dIMysntmesanherdvied mature pie ayour yard or ymU msw$i#tge E ritgs mevrtsu -nm'In er 41od and expioded thons gi» nbreanai enosiglalV the shlp fatee battem t t tMW afw eyftlwss ides' FEJFOM0,1MSCOTAN ' U Iqo Op 0 nqTEREST FROXm ml~ BANKS AINS BRAES. ,e What in Golng On lInithe HighiIdI1 and LowlendsofAl on gays:Scotla., pted te The citizens o! Kirkeonnel have' tlsh war naised £85 for the limbless soldiers and a in suc- sBalons. who Is, The D.S.C. lias been awarded to e Foreign Skipper David Wallace ai 65 Society Street, Nairn.% Il be ta Ove n £400 was raised lest year by tish mis-t the Bathgats brandi oi the Royal' i the mis- Red Cross Society. id ai the Gourock lias been entirely free 1Govern- froni infectiaus dîsease since the be- visits ta ginnlng ofthtie yer. Rada. Ho Harrison J. Gibb has basa appoint-, anty Dub- ed sole agent o! the Union Banlk' branch et Castle Douglas. kaown as Tie Murchison Award, for geolagi-_ ropnietar. cal research lias been recelved by journais, Dr. Mackie, Elgin, Morcyshiro. Ldon Daily T1he es té the le late Wm. Proctxar, interest formerly/ af the Gardon Arma Hotl,1 par mille Fochaben, lu vaîued at £32,676. Millse t The Berwick Magdelene FleldUl e has long Gai! Club has deci'ed ta close thie! itîsh poli- golf course for the duration aitee% lias been war. 't ai Pre- The Military Cross lias beea awrd-1 SRule for cd ta Lieut W. P. Lyaîl, R.N.V.R., ai salicitor o! Maeduif. Banifahire. The Crookstan Poonhanse hau beau taken over for e few weeks for the reception oif mentally afflicted soldions. Miss J. A. Hanneh, Nevtafl-Stew- fI art, hau been awrded tise Royal Redi V a Cross medal for vainabie services ren- dened. f British George Murray, Castie raad, Cath-_ incat, han been appointed a member o! nthe Cethcart. Pariait Çouncil. says: The SONG ON THE WA1I FATU. ich openad heete ben- Shorteuthe. Weary Mîleage for Foot- 'd George. mare Infantryrn. las staylng The War Department of the Unted %ce, Walton States is getting out e book o! songe ketthce lied for teir troops ta sing lin the franches on teer and on 'the march ianFrance. Gan"ra lec Premir Bell lu quoted as authlbnity for the athorstatement iliat slnging shortens the lest niglit, weary mileage for tise footsere, bure. lors ta b. dened infantryman. Every militari marning, an camp hem faund iteeli coonar or later D'bea thec nest of singing brds. Ba proe a"e adher the Italien soldiery-la the Alps te "bel Ad othey canto" tisat often they hsave -la b. mi na clearly In teface of the=eemy- thet nations, oas sang, as well as tee live tnder o! tise emrm poet's description, leapu tram peak woslIP_ ta peak tee rattling -eregu à mong, a'cn4 la ai heavy wakes betrylng echoos. Genera ,rned f ram Bridges, of the. Brltilmli ommIsion ho ame f ram i tise United States,-teill how ho once bcd liard wark to get same fatlgued glon hlere Britisli strcgglers eut of St. Quentin alOd5 ra ng when an overwhelm ng oreq of G r- me agSmens wusapproeching. Fliylie lidthe Inspiration (ho waaslien aima- - jor) to procureeatoy drlm and. a TRADE whisl, and ta tis music h. and à trumpeter brought thée in out -a0 ta Praducta tawii singing the "BifftùaisGrenaders." ekd For The odw umda, adduesalngt e trùalnl a were of- b ewarW îvrsýléh sr4,;,: "f $ 19 17, et o wn song. " A ot Ti e b h e -l ýMount tisu a wnT-lit a asigtl taios tise No wtout ehasn l a rt e! tke deir r'simplty of, faim Md themsywpaà isiw i~ ~ y oef~Uae~h ca*bê0sSiwtiati 10is,. 1915. to TWhou - %", -"t y Ia&.l »cs*hebopq.-- - Ve âé