Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Jun 1917, p. 4

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xbIWhy )i xsptai. A Proptig ho tiie 'vide putclty re- eéen'tly given ln WToonto papers to tise c-ipaintis ef some Of thse soldîcrs et the WlIitby Convalescent Hospitalma to condtIons-tsere, tihe foliowing tramt the Toronto Sttir of Thîirsday lest s-il lie rcasisurtig to asany wiho bave foi- lowed <ho caurse cf ci-ents tutu inter- est: Scores oStih conu-aiegec-nt soliles et Whitby Militer>' Haspital procilt <udir satisfaction s-ith conditions tisere in a letter ivhici tic> have signedt anti itent to1 Lt.-Col. R.S. Wilson, OC. "D" Unit, M.H.C, Commandi, Toronto, anti a copy etfs-bici thie Lt.-Coi.. as ton- %ard tie QThé Star. TIhîe le-lier ls as folles-s: WViitby Mllitary Hospital, June 2, 1917. To Ucrît.-Col. R. S. Wilsony 0.C., "D" Unit,' Toronto. Sir: 'Ne, the untermentionet, hiav- e heonor to request tint yotu iluibave thie foilowlng Insetet in tic Toronto prsa regas-ting the treatment ot use soliiers at the Whitby Hospi- tai. Wc tbink il Se regrettablet' <at tht' compiaint ot a tes- of or coin- rades souit bai-e been jUr-n tise pub- liclty which it didn't deserve. Tii. of- ticers cspecinlly b ave doue aillin tlir pow-er to make bic home at 'Wbitbyý attr-active nti as comiortabie as i>os-, cible, anti sere erer seady te lilten te wlisandti sîggtiona. for tihe bet- termerat ofthte conditions%. Thse premier objeci ot a convalescent home la te t the me-n for tiei future battles lu lite. Tireeofthti principal requIremetîts toti rcemplith Ibis end are f reali air. ezercie mutgoot foot. Dil ot s-icb s-ee au receive Eat Wlitby. àdost returneil soldiers have a griev, ance, but sure-ly if any of (1e10M $tops nti thinkiq ton a moment anti con- trags thie dîffereise beti-en thse con- dtions ef thse soidirso ve-r ln Engienti cuti France s-tii îthRcf <hein ci-n. ihey mitit c.rtalnly favror Whiby. THE LIFTUP BIAS FILLED CORSETS Po.it'vvi y t lient -t cetc rse "mt for lad ies M10Ss rcquirc abd.rnts1li upport. AilIlle lsstcst Ertyles of corsets te auui tsny figure. CORSETS MADE TO ORDER write uis for catalogue and i*casrrrmr-,t foi-m - REPRESENTATIVES WANTEW ,Wvr to-day lot iurttcuatari to Dsevn.si A DIAS COR SETS LIMITED 89 NiRITAIN ST. TORONTO Get Vour GOal WVhere you are sure it-wili be Cloan and Bright Our coal is welI sereenèd. W. guarauto. prompt de- llvery-sud gooçd servie, Tl»OePhossoNo, 182 Jasw. -Ilerinepoaleomjpar eret -mel Cmpbeli, or the »erManent staff,' 'tue louelînes, Wodo UîiOkçi#im tor AV fleta 1i 0VW1h Ol Momcet, that. Whttbii bias-, tito tr.a Wls- bA ' ba ou tem cionsotli ot>' o! ToCOUto, but wedo ýy....tlt, r epelece 1msi d i tb t h u t ii b je ot e for * IIic II w .1C ol. W il on d n s m b a t are he e. nanM elX,, th e ,M p rM vOM = teto h- o t a y- n n < U» t u n mii cci ou kalis Wiby Sa rauci superlor. taIuly thore la no such language ilu'the. tl a a Wecil.ostablablet tact !bat a transerlp't o'evîdonce. Fur'thermore, convalescent qýýP.>erson always goca tic men jtiiemmelves know Col. Wilson for convaleqenice to tic country. A - IO Weil te beileve for one Minute that soldier Se mucli -n lie saine boat. need-.hlo would be capable of such uunmillî. ing qtiietness andi reat. Agàin i-evo-e: tas-y beharlour. for Wbitby. 1)11)NOt IKW8PC. Any ot the boys s-ho have bten here *MYrCucarpae ap sine the bospital 's-as: oponetido nt ot cc)-dionti Chwhi eteti harpnt complaîn. 'T'hcy are the men wiho eau n cniin t iib, r. George appreciate i-bat ia belng done tonrs-ent on.. "wouiti carry more salaisi tien>. Sîguset: If hf' lid aCC.pted the. Invitation of Scrgt. P. N. Brotherten, Sergt. p. Jtic Mlittai>' Hosiiitals commission, WhIstnail, Sergt, G. W. Aunis, Sergt. E. tohIniPect the. premises.. A turtier E. Coi-el, Sergt. F. L. Biggan, Sergt. lnsiiuatlon of Mayor CliunchB-la G. C. Lowther, Sergt, A. .îanaway, alMiost unworthy et ansi-ci, but St la Sergt. G. Setidon, Sengt. 4. tisuMficent to say that Cot. Wilson lis Sengi. H. -Ioeley, i.ance-Corpl. p. F. 52 ycarso It--soute Years 014cr than Shepierd. lPte. J. Canin, Pte. A. Clut. the Mayor. a.nd ln volunteerlng fer ae- es-a>, Lanlce-Corpl. J. M. Ballantyne, tise service lic made e sacrifice ln bls Pte, A. V. Huckland, Pte. E. Peterkin, business relations wiich it la not Pte. F. Williams.,'Pte. A. Bye, Pte. H. situa tihe pow-er of the Mayoeto Yeliop, Corp. R. Brown, Pte. A. W. make. Fortunatel>', tic public bnci-s Tbrun, Pie. H. T. Hayhurst. Pte. G. tisat soidiers, whlcîer officers of pri- Stewart. Laîse-Corpl. G. H. Fas'ler. vetes, do i-bat tisey are toIt, anti Lance-Ccrpt. H. C. Moore. Pte. a. E.' go siere tbey are sewnt by their su- Tlsompson, Il>î. T.- H. Nash, Pt.. H. perior efllcers, udntheti, nsnuat»Ions Bentiey. Pir. G. Parker, Pte. F. Fink, s-hidi May'or churcis th-os-s outI s-ii Pte. H. Pet-ker, Pte. W. Rob- carry, nlo seight. Pris. Pte. J. H. Jobnoton, Pte. De "Tii. men s-hem Mayor Chuth Spence-, Pt.%W. Ros-es, Pte. L. tA<5 lpretenda 10 b. thamploning lzuo Y that tord, Pte. Wem. Doety, Gnr. A. C. <be t acts are as i have statet. <hegm. Smith., Pte. H. Jamrson, Pis. J. Dux- 0f cour-se Ibey bave gnIevmnuks, tiiege bus-y. Pi-. A. Money, Pte. J. MecGonigal. lias never been an buma relation de- Pte. i. C. Jenkins, H. <. Boyti. Pte. P veloPed that s-as perfect. Tise Mii C'artier, A. Tutsker. Corp. Henry. Pt&. tai-Y 1HoPItals Commission Se reepon. G. Sho'rt, Pic. R. L.ow. Pte. T. W. aibie for tise selfare cf thse returned Noble, Corpi. E. I. Bradbury. Pt. H. soldiera and *not Mayor Church. Tii. Healey, Pte. W. Cai-riron. PtÉs J.H. returiiedilers are not deceivet by Dufton, Sergi. I. Craig, G. Campbell. the MaYOrt Ontinucd agitation, but 1 W. F. Ca&mpbeil. Sergi. 3. Hall, Pte.- am afraid thât be may uceet lad. Lam nst cr, Pl#. F. 1- Bruggcr. Pt.ceiving nome of the publie, vive.ad W. Willoeughby, Pte. A. J. Stringer, relatives ofth@b. oldIeruà, mnd that le Pte. Mes-lu, Pte. J. F. Hlbour, Pte. W. h I have tek-en sueh pains t. ex- Robînson, Corpi. N. Snyter, Pte T* mPlain tbe situation." D. Pernell. Set-gi. J.kt. Johustene, Sergt. G. W. Wutou, ('orpi. W. G- POINTS TO CONSIDER WI{EN PUR. Tonr, Pte. C. E. IroniSte, J. A. Duncan, Pte. A. N. MR"e, Geo. VInea, Pif. . CHÂSING A RAILWAY TICKÊT. IF r i.iiit, Pte. A. nogubnert. Pie. D. J. A CAZnAdie.u Pacifie Raillsay tie-.< - NIchots. Pie'. A. ChanierPt.. W. F. tocs not represent mercil samDs of Mitran. Pi. i. Donald, Pte. W. D. Mer- transportation bets-ece given pointa. jce-r. ('pI. w. S. L. Wrighst. Pte. G. S. lt, ln addition, provitea the iravolier Oswalti, Pte..F. MeNce, Pte. J. E. Bobs, s-îth éeceomfos-îand conveniemne Pte-. W. A. Wigs;ton. Pte. G. Hill, Pte..tevelopet by medern railwey sclience. W%. J. Cisetiz>, Pie. A. Hart, Pte. Lan- "SafetY Firet," vitis up-to-date equip- hawtrient, unexcellet tinlng service, palet- %V. K. GEORGE flEFEN[)S CON. Ian sleeping cars, ln a vert, over>'. DC OPHOSPITAL th<ing thet a railway can provite for 1 1 the comtortable transportation oflits NI r. .K. 0-orge. ou.-f et <1 orots-.-passengers. inclutîng courtes>'. -52 tomenstcrs ef the Idjlitar), Hoiitisais Commirslns, iatedi on Tuestay tbat ii ciireffSsiqi iqîti-' atbe-en rmade mie tc cotiî'isints et Mayor Ibus-ch as Io Ccunty Council Doings. ta-cafnie rîtf etue-tts-sediers at *.1 uit- jy Hospital anti ln Toronto, as conl- (Contînuet (romi page 1) taliëtct Ins a telegram efthte Mayor te Sir JasrieLoughed, lîresiden' or the SATURDAY, JUNE 9. coati as- itbîtcis<eeran r r Ses-caai rports s-ere r"e'iietandi Jai or hitlic'stit ondtia ut1-i Seradopte-t. emongat sbicb s-as tihes-e- iaq Wiîizî H tou ndtionk s t thetsPort Of the MSlcïe and Per DSen Cout- < hbatos-etaltht ey aSestats, Umittee. Tise report of tis eormmtrtee, t t i a a r w i t o u t a n y a s L o f i t s p r e s e n t e t b > ' M n . F o o t e r , r e c o n > 'lr Gorge "Noretiiwd ,j e that members of the Councfl au ais Snteticed to e-nion tor- cern- prehent durltîg the gession. An amend- p'laintîs made litlass leiter whlch aiî>osr- anent s-as moi-ed by Mears. Mowbnay id Ili th ise sWapes-s. Tieseaignator- nt DoWnq. ,tIsai tis recommenda. le-s of î,int lette-r b-tre gi-, etni124 hlottrs tien be &truck out. The. amentiment or tit~ î la comiiioisîy kilownas au cn- wa catried.thuirs glu-lng memnbens pay ftlrptieit to bas-marksoi- for ee-a fullu week*Lqtte'ntence, s-hether lie- ciii>' îriviege-deniet b> <hlilethey wie epresent ouI>- one. tu-o or six i-s'a ilit' of lî'a%-Itîg * tthe-hosîsitai - tisys, or net aet e. grotiius is.t<;zi> es Sil-v e .Th v Ms-. Dos-uey, sécontiet b> Mis. FiiSn- <ba ct-e-s-y si(Wre-slts itsnse.rîî off, mot-edthle folos-ingsesolution: e <s no vr)u, siit-ut «s it lit-ht uSl ai as esoît-et that lnviewlotfetthe incout- 'if ilitas-y laut -isamel>-. tisai 110OM_ -pie-té condition cf. anti up to tiserire-s- es tir piv 8 itîdi write a leties- tu Cnt. tauhtre le operate the congiructcd., <b-- .'sui--s ttxuiut aslîtar', mai <crs lortion et the Teronto anti- Ensiern mwlibohetîi îîrmnhî,ehior ti ffle conîiitd- sails-ny,s-hicti crosses thse cousît>' thrsoughlu Itset popitieus antdseailty It; oflices-. comnsmnSîy, viz., thse munilialities ef 'sf5 '.103 AiJ!~i. Pas# Wbutby, Whits>'ant i Ptkering 1w-o otite- «s. a -n e-setenee(0< Towsiîpa, andthticToi-ns of Wbtby StîîiiIey liirl;-ctr nsuîbordinatilois eaistOshawa, t1se rond ln place of belng on a diffes-cnt ocr-:r,, .ais-tlu cois- a oenetitltn Its present atate, ls a dot- rs'-ctiln i lit a diffes-cnt matter. thieir riment ta the beat intercatlaeof'the ,8entence-s i-e-se <crianti tourte-en days. Moat Important part cf the Coant>', srapcci'.cy. Tlicre arc no alleis rie- end thorefore dci rimerttalIoteC (otus- as> ai, Stanley'Barracka, andti lure ty as e shele, tise ('ouncilexpresses lieue beet noce for aven four menthe. te hcartfelî approvai anti wilSn@sses -ThIe Meyora, statement thet an>' ta support ever-> reamonable effort coeclon s-es uaed ta gel tic men te bcing mute by thc municlpalies a. aigri a siecond letter pa>-Sng tribute ta boave narned, ta have the T«Ornto and the excellenceofo conditions at WlIt. J Eetern RaIls-ey operate eut complete b> la etiraht>' untruc." added Mn. aM the cariiesi practieable 4Me, andi George. '"'he letter s-es the spon- that the. Clcrk do s-.nd copies of thie taneous lîroduet of Uic men*« os-n__________________ reognitiosn thiatthse'commilon s tr>'Sng te restore t.hern t ach a con- WITB IRK S dit ion tisat tise- could cas-n Iliir lit-. itîg under et-lilats condtions. "HI. Worhlps rtereuce t0 cer- W u.aS.... .. ....1.4-6 ta 82.00 plaints of I iuse la cntlrely ulîhout Wbest, 80090e.... .. ...40 ta .90 Jtustification, as nl net o f the pati', D .....-------------u-Il La enta tesiiled <bat the ilitai>' Court »«ae.. .... ..... ...00 t. s.OO et Ilriy ruade any use cf '115 tis. 170...... .... ........LU t. LU On tic othser lant the>' ait--tated lois.... .... .......0 te LU tha et eM i. ot goot. the QUarter. INUkvbut----------L.. t. LU excellent ent the etilcrs ti-catedtbtem Oua--------------*... st.O.sOJ as gentilemen. Tise somaetion that a a"I CIi--------050ta 10.00 proppr triails-as not gis-en s-oulti net AiS. elover pe« bua 840- ta80,00 appear te be u-t'U foundî'd, as Col- EU.'DUst« ....------.14.0 ta 16.00 TO C WESTERN CND il.il110 ftIC1fA »SN, REAL SAIWISV CANADIÂNPACIFI Great Lakes it mýlp cw FLOJIJUAND FBEI). Chepp.d tsecit. .75 to LOO Brs 1« Mto.... ...00 0400 àmUT. POULTET ÂN PD POXCUC "me .." ...0.jtenu.0 130ps.3000 t 30.00 Cbkhgu, ptl.. .....n5tâ 0.o» v« . . l..... &» 0go Apiopr smklb 2»»te us 0)UITY F 0t~.soi lui1 AFFEC TD "IFrult-a-tlvos" Soon Reoved This--oangermusCondion G2GEaLDSr. Eàgr, Toaos-o. Fotwo yea.rs, I1i-as a vactim of Actite Indigestion andi GuIsn The ';tomach. It afterwards aiMeked su, Ileari and I had pains ail over my body, so that 1 eould hardly moi-o around. i tried ail kinds of Medicine but none of themn did me any-Cood. At last, 1 decided to try "Fruit-a-tives". I bouglxt thse first box last J une, a.nd Dow I ami i-cl, afler asing osly thres' boxes. I recommend "Friit-a-th-es"o to anyone suffcring from Indigestion". FILEt) J. CAVF.EN. M0e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial sire, 25e. At alildmenr or sent postpaid by Fruit- -aves Limited, Ottawa. renolution ro tii. sald Rallway C.om- Pany, an dthe Hydre Eaectie Railway commission of the Province. Carried. Paaaod ln op«n Councli tains th day or June 1917. Noi.-It iras stated ubat the rail- vray had been graded anutruaeks laid (roum Bovumavil.le lto the Towvn ef Wbitlby. and that eonsiderable u'ork bai been doue la grading the. traeks front Whitby to Plekering. 'lb. speeUal cmmlttee on Roaeanazd Bridgu e theb Couaty Good Ruads System. roported bavtng examinedthtei HlIgbvay- DepartmEnt IMap dsuîgnatlng the. rosie that may b. -Ineluded lu a Coucty road syste'm, If adopted, and r.eommeud.d the censiderat ion by the. Counei! of the roaslndIcated on th*. map. AdJourninent s-as made until Mion- day. Jun. 2Sth. at 2 p.t., whéin fur- uher onsaidermtion ull 1* given ta the. Oshawa Separation questinn, the gooti roadsproposition, andi the <'qual- GLEANED PROM REPORTS. $100 s-es grantedtotetie Sclaooi Boardsa of Cenningti., Bei eston anti Claremout for thieu Continuation Sehools. A number et secletle%, lsavng for- s-erted statements to the Clerk since the Januar>' session, shes-ing awniaîs expendet for comtes-t aiidinitteril for "oIdiers.s-es-e' granteti 5 per cenit. of sait expentiturett. Tbe Finance Coîrmiltee refusedti t make a gs-elstîo <the Viitan Ordes of Nurses. Comtes-onmn- Thse FInane oritercmejl a tlie adoption of a by-law to grant a tur-tier num ofet$40.000 te the Canari 'Ian l'atriotic Flind. Thse County paît $423.45 ~wer-e anti local iusprQeent tax to tic Toewn of Wlitby. ATT'RAC7TIVE DININU CAR SER VICE. Probabl>- notilng helps more ta niake-a. rils-e>'joua-ne>'reaiiy duio>'- aile tien a risit Io the --[)Inlng Car," especial>' If St b.e a -enedian PacIie DtnSng Car, s-les-c the pasenger la as- etiret 0of<lie hlgiest ferm 0of efficietcy In the culinar-> art, the choicest pro- visions <btat thie masket affords pre- pas-ed on the Illentiflc pririîple knos-n et "DiettdBlending.0 Yo<sr favorite disis, as you liko It, may b. enJoyed at roasnable coul, emidat Ideal aurrounttnga. s-bile <sar- eling on tbe Canadien JPacitle. .-W -Whtb>iis~aJto Bc MQëdèI foi Canada, "Sir Herbert Amen toiti us that the Miiitary Convalescent Hoispîtal at WVhitby would serv-e as a motel for ail the milltàry hospitals wblcb i-euld be erected ln tise-future," says J. J. Shannhan, vice-presldent of the Great War Veteran'a Association on Tues- day, ln telling ef theisit of tie visit of the Great War Veterans' Associa- tion Pxecutive tÃ" Ottawa, and their trip to Whitby, whiere they spent Sat- urday Inspecting the' Institution. They camp to Toronto for thée week-end, and to-day the western nimbers Jeft for their homes. They were guests of Sir. Her-bert Ames, chairman of the parie- mentary «Enmluee on returned sol- diers. "As WhItby i-as to lie tic moti- Pi, Sir Herbcprt was espcWily degirotis that s-e sbould islit WhItby. andi after seelng conditions for- ourselves, report to hlm s toat bawe thougbt of the place," sait Mr. Shanaban. "The principal grierance seema to- be Iliat thc Toronto men are sent a- s-ay from being <sean thrir homes," sald Mir. Shanahan. thec aniy Toronto membqer of tse-executive. "But the amputation cases must lie where there la n 11mb fau-tory, ant il< la saidt hat tic erection of a 11mb fac- to"t takes a good te-ai of time," atid- et Mr. Shanasan. SaId Senrt-Malor 3. flobinson. D.C. M., vicet-president of tIse Atqgociation. 1 dan't tIk <bat s-e should express ..ny srsep ludgment. W. are supposed te represeut publie opinion, andi If i-e ver@ <o commend the place nos-, and semctblng" happered te show s-e r wrong. ws-csould b. plaet ln au un- fortunate position. Thi. publie V-III knoi- w-at w, tblnk of Whittsr shen s-e fors-art oui Y-ie-we o Sir Herber-t Aites ln a couple of i-tks." S.rgt. H. E. StAftord. Vantonytn: A. C Hay, Winnipeg: Capt. K. C. Xaer ph.rson, Otta*a, andi Capt. 1. Ftnn, of Prince, Albert also mensbers ofthei pa.nty, urer. equaliy retirent. But If the s-ar vetens iid net vent to discus e eWhItby isituation, they sere very keen tb express thetr appreclation of the manner Iuns-h irI thfy vere treated by both politicai parties at Ottaw'a. '*The Premier even kept the Cabinet waltlng on Tuesday tu erder tiat lse ATTRACTIVE TRIPS TO MIJSUOM-LAE MiGAFUETAWAN RIVER LAKE 0F BAVS NAWARTHA LAMES SEOROIAN BAY Round trip tourit Sticketao ow on maie from stations la Qutarlo nt rery lOW fares, with libera] @top overs. UT TOUR TIUEIS l ARUL Beitlà reservaiffouandi fulpartcus at ail Olr&uq1 Truck ticket oft1res or write tC. a.iloratng Dhsirt Paaudeagr Agent, Toronto, ont, SK. STKCPUKNI&.i. ,Agent, hty ROYAL 'THEATRE IEVERY NUOHI eLibsty.. un o udiy .Ighte Wodnsaly mNladkt Bmdwsy Fnatur Admision - Adulte, 10o ; cbildWnb c spmeal show, 1IN te ail, MRS.PMRI. idnatei 1OEO. dACKSO74, a e mîght diseuse the refunned aol4let, problern isith us,"- said Sergt.-Mijor Robinson. 'We rcelved the ernphatlc assârance of both -parties tbat tiiey want to do everythlng ln thefi- pow-er lor e-operatê with tus. andi 1 fi-mil>'be- lieî-e that <bey are conscientlousiy en- deaî-orîng to do their 'e sito deal wfth the problerus <bat arise, I Just want tn say ibat the Great War Veterans' ..-ýi;scciatlon bas no Ipartîy >affiliations, an<sd i-,o- be-lite any tof our menîbers <whom w-e firnd trying to ruake persona] gain ett ofpolitîcai lt-i YOL'R CHANCE-THE' WEST, IS - CALLING. Homeseekers4 Excursions to West- ern Canada mit 10w farci i-la CanadIan Pacifie each Tuesday unttl October 30, Inclusive. , Part iculars from any Can- adian Pec-itlc Ticket agent or W. B. Hos-anti, District Paissenger Agent, To- ronto, Ont. -62 - TH-ORNTON'S CORNERS. The sarmer seather ie hae ben ha.sIng for tise past feu- days Is an agreeable rchange. Mr. A. Dean sii :«*akqc harge f tie setr'vices at the Suinda>' Sebool next Sunda>'. as Mr. Lick experts te b. ab- ent. A fui! attendance ls requested. The connr atone ot tht'e newSun- day Sciocli slule lad about tihe 20ti et thus month. Fuller particulars s-ll be publaghet inter, )Mr. Edigar Pxsece 'tisltet fniends ln Shanuonvîlle reeentiy. An *'At Home" s-lu 1w heiti at Mr. F'. B. Frereb's next Wednestia. A veiry niee dîne s-as sperit b! ail]. at Mm-. C. P'oilest*slast se-k, tise net procceeis being $2.45. -Isr. P. £- Prencb andtirmIsOliv,, andti Mas. J. F. Massild, vlisited Capt.iUn George Farci-eli, et Harmony, lust Sunday. Màr. Wm. Stonehetise ll enlarglng lis sile. DEA1H S. LOWENS.-On Thusrstay. Juns- 7th. et bis late residen-e, 605 Gladstone Ave.. James William Los-ens, tieaniy bi-loved hunbanti et Emnua Clark, fornîs- cof Whitby. DI RTH S. LAWVLR.-In Whitby, 'on Tuesda-. itîne 12, 1917, to Mr-. andti rs. A. T. Utuler, a soi>. T. W. ROSS, Manage,' UNIERMORTOAOE Two houses at Brooklin Village, five miles north of Whitby. M-by quick1y -~-KuS-S rF. E. luigtIOlte P. can be consuittd about, u ou* r cyc vvie t v J.Frlday. dune 22n.d REFRAOTINO F.a E. Luke,9OTO 167 Yugm Ste, (apiairs) TORONTO (opposite Sinipaou'u) Olen -ohu IMPOBTED COACH MORSE s-il! stand fer bihe seton of 19 17 as folios-s: dONV)AI-w'ill bq, atthe Royal Iletel. Wbitby, tiii n oon; fions thence wilà pro-. ceed te C. J. Spencer'., B-oakin, util noon on Tnesday. Tuz@DAYv - Afteruoon, s-iil procted tru Asuburn and Myrtie to liaglan, S. ..Itîckler'oi, for niglit. WEIsWP.SDAY-W-ill proceed b 'w.>' of Coluambuts te C. J. Spencer's, Breeblim, wbere lie %,iil reiamîn tili Thuistia>' scon. Ttunst.I-,Alteruconà,' -wili puceeti by ia>'oi Uretwood,mouttîlsing toi-n lin.e to Roykl Hotel, Whitby, sbire lie w-ti'remeain til i rIt>oon.* FRitDÂ'-Afternocn, w-i proceed te C. J. Spencers Broolilin, ws-ber- h.ouili remain.until Saturde>' noün. Saturda -A ftnnoon, -viii roceed to .Ootbwa;tonceCRyalIlote], Wbitby, sucre ho Nxili romain until Momdsy noon. DESÇIRIPTION Two'stories, four bedrooms, bathroom, living room, sitting room, kîtchen, cerne ;nt cellar, hard water at-d cistern, furnaçe. Newy decorated. Lately built - e you want a modern bouse at a Iow cous, on easy terme, oece these properties. TERMS-Propertits will bo sold subjeet to a reserve bid, on terme to suit purchatier, Hommes will bc sold beparat.iy. DATE OP SALE SATURDAY;JUNE 16 URS.PERRN, Mnage. - ueîan,.r WM.HA Umm,, 'C A f. inpg foi war Iai UnThe nuale -dot h n îîald, "Der, tirets i 1,eing t bsas ta ï,e-tid q - -- aona> Capi. -Jflernln -Tape 4Bt W.i Do n -Iri heif -June Z~ tssg, et thec Hc b>' alto 'be lef t exknesà kindI>' inente aisq tu donati, cernft - pecla Bi£d 006t e. , - k: j' -e- i., 'e'- ATtIBRO'OKLIp.m.Td AT R--LI Wu.OOTELt m a a -*5 S- - Plan W.L. £1 i 1 s k fr t- i. AUCTION SAý-LE

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