Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Jun 1917, p. 6

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r'~-~ - -- sî'rc:.ms, andi knowimg full wllhro cnlealns tnl tCSItre o the a-- - "' - 1Io t found in the inside wrsppr of barlwe woesadly dimppoint.." peril, ~ ~ ~ ~ t raetetc iChi& point by patiently rpeating-tee tevî uhaa, Sit aluudry aoRp. LUs.el in m W5#§Y asl "Oh,# you inuit b. itaken!" caied Wbyil drushe immediatel> o h barik. peaaibiy net wltbo ît a touci ef mare fuhly repreicuted. accardlng t-o 155 yçu de be.sw=a. tic abbot. "Ordharly we have no Wyddserush te lbe bank?" huMan obstinaqt mingled wîth is area, ai the. oth.i' continents, pcThapi tnaîsr n edpuieac- ui falfa ewriyc e. Tiere was a dramatic pause. Tien higicer motive: "TMii, lamyplace.and wlth Uic on.exczeption of Sentis îé csosad1aýeel r: ui talta nwrb fyu e srnaîl voice piped eut: I wilI flot leive lt," A mi.rlcs, although, if Uic ry. Ever hoaekepc.i 1In earing;, but to-ulgbt we hsd a trsaed 64Plense, air, te draw bis inaurance The. icene cnded in sontethilng ike joins Brizil, even that vsat continent ei w e i. ieh houl e a Mp-1 sang t ertcea for eusudim Rs e treas on is, johned toea general s esilbl tetleybllncthe pl. wlth tics. m im uplemeats. swct that w. ail at-opped te liaten. et amsement, quit. asp-cat as hem!W l'a *t'nd «o, Ier ea right ad a wI0115 wS> For the. firat ture ne lal tisse years ow?1. woee ot Asi.l u tii.tdo cveri7M O ve» t te iing ef our munie vas beautifuL" Late that rdlb4twile already h. figbting, snd, if China b. couateil î au en deedarus savie ma&. Fori h ne mld Ai eU i Pres rve il - shst, lf miibent, weeping. over. bellgement, lets, t1su on-icuhiOf; herigit way-Uoto 0 la simple job, j eaven we beard sotbin,' ho sidl Pres rve ll ;t&h'»Pcradle'et hem child. Tc atie A uiat.Ipesce. lu le a r kab bf.k lilthe qV to'b. sUd iit@ al Oftly. ______ ration fioun John thcre was ne vay faa et a r4.- u ag ya bt:ah kcI. hot t sepai tact tuandiii ticeeontthe wb. e t - m lote siiNew"iueaadmc securlng thos. thre thousand pourds: i eccsuAbsiI5tepOlflMldlt.te iganNwTahRlu. -'anl te this ahé could not quit.- makc;f i-sslaluti.vrwhs I Idî ~~ wê'.t. iiet pinsit- up ber mi& ot becaue b Va wm ny rtoi aîghis wr qaemI îbaÏt y Tb WIksnd h4spiI.pr if longer cscadai te ber isaPPinesibut et Asta1t he icmallest gr t*6 eon- POII$bi.î " .ti...î t m"eit dotd t ie 'becaute h#ci mmd vas faiwedon' tinnts, sithougi faorsû« ,ir . Jf 5l: Iltia.CoPs lea a fi litn., tee conventions) for so uneon- uifrds tbeSir vgofetLunope, la c. or vquieldy 'W» i' aUgîst it. 'utwccsx»W - Frefteh uad- e Ventiona) a .tep. ,Oh,-the sgcny o of to e ue fthei.AMM e 1D o MdIlieotteteof tn types' Ile. ssof: aWore ple tis$. lett.r wvk would have te bel tcMdeu,&M14t h u vuitten to-mernev! an1 , ln fux, the stwation ruaiis " e ittUmthe vatar gises iteaima î< 1&hsW>su B tt#h wrttn o-orbw b ey snacfa sen sta1*- e1oi bat, et iss fo-cc reusa t tise f f e tctory-et mark Twsiu. viseougi>, amiciby tihe tti.îb* q i~ 'rm o t lt Ib ofuturet for ha pl r fi,. h a le e madi case t o e'iathe. ,i1<j<- 1 je f t I Iodw l Fortune! Suâha chanc.c, er tez omundlm: e h .g uarxI tbtiioig -cljc.sc ult t100 tact, andi co re az l : uat crial c» ufo mi la t i f w er b d , ma d vie lyly reorted t t Wt o a put & viste c o w on t sa , l'sv v1 etas pr ngetd ri l 1 rou ;issebatab( aseeations. whkbved-b4 frIt àla ch oair 1 iig ada truet o tifostemtis tlmej eu«tangled ber afevery itbi -Ceoid tare lii. 51*1* et t eetkano bc"se t Rer.in a exelleunt vuelpu-for ~~ ________ ~ 10i#"iusng ---mi% 3aW.pa for thi miawhe'walu" .lolar ai uer .talu fLntad M*0oimmDwof the w> to tkethiast 1 1tWà Mea ia nT.r. jasPoMîtaV son's fruitcrf.Use ozdi7 aine, aisehad n 50 susPect tuet1 I~m the.h #aad.aaetbarfiýt,: u Iwassttlalla à*W" da h*fl iu*ofî. i s ilu n=y IaP. -les' unlilithissk; ro- My drm i i, uobbW asUEaêu Ib*vltiIg» oi ad aruop ieiovoer« tieeN'a, lyngor*,med m4- cradfio, -iow uhoil 1 ev o le axiUP 949 ye ts woutia 4 eligdc. ë tad u b"bar:iar anti - -su ft j io.kavu Visios <if&i Iaoews ast I*v* V1*#U Uplb. aurd.Thad lntarobed of ts ctuPo«"-ad 16 8 l a .£ hllw t»P g r4 -". Ibo o@*'MTb@ INgW 0eli S, I Cieaft aÈ~d- TAt-s it!__reebmP Msi Between o~1s **OR, A DECLARATION 0OP WAR. CRAPTER V.-(Cont'd.) rien, wlth close u ¶flthirty yersPte>an oumg i n ou tl amwtroe SO C "TM» fortune' Chat de,ýixnd upon our sepsrting it from a Z one upon which 9sun.iadporaltewrnwtrîvr cîiri reoutio. ou cewba m aut o « MDonnl a aehs~ The word ptomaine, whichi is taken it-just enough to wet the top fla sa ~ uys about leaving me out of -her will farewdil to the beloved scene of hie from- the Greek, signfes -'lrorn a Cover cloaely and allow the blanket to -~if Idi flot agree to ber ç.roiiosal; and labors.<ed body,," Food of nitrogenous char- stand for a few moments, that the lm in sure she'd dq it." No very startling difference tQo b. acter devélops bacteria very quickly fumes arising from the aimmonia may 3 i "o oldhv eb.utu odlscovered in this world oif dark-grey when expsd to the air in a warm loosen tùe dirt, then wasb and dry it AM Mymisson bcauseof &fortne?"rock. The wslse of the amphitheatre, teper-itun.. It î important that, i the ordinary wy in water of the auzeo.~ sked John, witb a sterm lunent searred by tbe slanting "Des 0f the.in bot weather, the utmnost came b. ex- aine temperature as the fifrt used- 3 ~~ that almost struck her dumBbut not blasts, have retreated somewhat, and rseintepch'ng ca ndPsteblkt gtytrohteT NS'quie.the green pool at the bottoin of the ecoi.d f lk. prcbsinga, pcar and Pas a nd bake t uhtyth ry.hth "4But no-not untrue-1t's not un- abyss ba. 1 llywldened. The bîS cookandg of odk s, ets olrwigr agi u ody NO t».co ow faithfulness 1i asicof you only a lîttle tic bobbins qîhi.¶ h is Mas< oos matwbnexc A L U M ý r4,8NAU comdto.Yupaomns lower levels-have been mnewed, and posed to files or other germs, will OM OTERSU ms1O trig onl deila ainW 'uld uche the engine-house bas been recOnstruct-. qusckly develop the ptomaine g o eRikdPnilnn l èn ~~ ~a!t.ered. You can't be so obstinae uoi -or odm prnipe thout ga KinheartcletheAct.r THX"EERALSNO S. nrrw-indd s ha. n when 5go therwise nothing but the tgnting the-aaticle theAappea TELE -EERNAL SOWmuchnrrdependedasuxn t-theA whle fu- tinguisb this afternoon from that dis- ance of being the least decayed. rc u r chpedsu ,on-Jut tbin olfu tant autuxnn day. The saine mionoton- Wben buying fooda during the hot IIow Tomrny-by no other namne A Gigantic Snjwsiide in an Awe- that!" u hid Jh-us hiko oui "cbip, chlp," the samne dangling V~ason, bring borne with yOu, if P03- known to fane--carne to the. rescue of Inspiring Spectacle- Depte i rsltinE"asvoc prawling, crawling figA-s--appar- sBible, such fQods as are affected by tie a hungry infant and a distressed mo-f Naur i amodofwid esr- shok ibe & reo our cld s aîde ntly the saine rose-bud stoopi e at. Food taken f rom a cool store ther in a metropolitan subway car is tion is an awc-inspiring sight. Man "He will t1 areo u cidsi the abyss, only that, instead of 1kn or refrigerator, then carted around for the theme of an incident described in thrllset he reendus pecacl te had. an nstncivesinîngofunder the. weîght of its ripe fruit, it.s several hours, la unfit te cest; also it is the Nw Yr ead Soniewhat Joil tth rmnos pcal hn, with branches.b ristling with tiny gTeen liable to develop the germa that cause condensed, it runs as follows; an(I feels as nev-tr before bis own in- Ell trd gat smtig ie 01ts, flirt gally with the breeze Thet Ell sani ahacanceehig il e ptomaine poisoning, without affect- The mother opened a amali wicker sigifcane.In the'Rocky Mountains panic dawning in ber eyes. The &rug- illua srosthse loch, framed byth gteaparn otefrdisl.b nd rwfrhabtlte of central Colorado. Mr. Enos A. Milis, gle she had forseen, without serioualv1 gates, stili wear their grim facesigteapaac ftefo tcf a n rw frh abUe h m'ho was act ing as gevernment "snow1 doubting the victomy. Thir, was the ghas tly almost with the palier of last Do flot use, as cooking utensîls. clightly gray celer of which indicated c< obsrvr' îtessd he ioenc ad tiaimomntat hih br onfdecevear s bleached grass, but upon the enamel or porcelain pots or pans that it had forrnerly contained milk.t clsrner of a lrge sndth vowlnce aacfrt etual ared. B onidnc urial Island, half-,way, there in a whose surfeces'are broken;. while stir- She gave it te the infant, who, attert thilnzyco-p range. "You-you don't mean te say seri- alne fgena h fe ftern h entofuhutnith two lusty intakes, dlscovered the de- Th idebrhi ooe n lan ously that you expect me to refuse black firs. T ecntne. spoon is liable te corne to contact with ception that had been practiced upon5 Th' ld Iuk los ad mn -My aunt's offer?" ~eb otne. the broken surfae and go ehip off the him and went up two octaves in hisr more correctly. plunged-by mei down JoKn stared back at ber in an a- fine particles, which- enter the food, roaring. On ail sides looks ef dis-t it frightful slope, says the naturalist.! mazement ne leus palpable than ber OBSERVATIONS. whiéh, when eaten, may cause serious tres began to appear in the eyes ef Fv<rytbing be-fore it waq overwhelmed! own.8 and q\ cpt down. At the bottom of "Could you actually believe thtI-Ntigha d has mde- scon- atroubles.d iii. passengers.ed 1 the slh-pe t leaped in fierce- confusion should agree to your acccpting i" NohntatGdasm elecr- Ceesadinifenl cene At about this turne a young man eof froma the toi) of a precipice down into She leaned forward, gripping hlm by menplace. utensils wil cause ptomaine poisrnng eleven yearms carne into the linielight. a canon. the slceve, as though in hopes of rivet- 1 A man's soul la the measure of as quickly as the food itself. Give AU that is known ef hirn is that bis Fo var tîssnwvmas adac ing hie attention to the. crucial, lhc ail, bis usefulness. the food a reasonable amount of care first namne was Thomnas. He broke the Funr v.-sthi-l on mas haçtac mone n pi. Upon an ample food supply with when ih bas reacied home, aide of a large paper bag tint resteil of th- , -, the height It 'uthtree thousand s pounds , John!y careful conservation and ecfnornic dis- Symptome of ptomaine peisoning between hlm and an eight-year-old th- 1 sow~"(h îpe'ren thee housnd ,ouds! urey YOU'tribution may depend the safety of are very clear-violent pains in thecopainndre frtapntb- far bt-low and far nway could sec ai cant have understood the letter rightnan rw othapntbt ofI would be threc thousand poundai ibtis country and the preservation of abdomen and legs, nausea, diarrhe, le of milk. He looked bashfully ai sumrlong. Perhaps a centuiry e l b euin1fIsa o1 democracy. cI-eepy tingly sensations, accorllpanled the troubled mother . opposite, and' white h bl ctrsibthed to rlospieOfA unt'- Most troubles neNner happen; any- by chilIs and low temperature. Do when ah. glanced at hlm h. i.ld the a hte ill site pprsipeof *hatî(Io we wai.t with three îbou- way, worry le especially îrying in hoi, not delay, but send for a physician at bottle up and nodded the question* a.rhwheru- it clung, piercedtd an and pounds? We are very well as weather. And it lase easy te scowl, once. Give the patient, while waît- «"Want i" Bnyjas, l1o oued molran te rnacIes.h ora oenslngr hesared- grumble and slam things when one is ing for thc doctor's arrivai, a strong Two minutes later the only unusual c ise, lil e poure aIlte n la, hdi 'oreal momentt laogeai he te -hbusy and tired; but this la wasting!emetic of mustard and warm water noise in the car wss a gurgle; the 1f an founleil n hthe n ji es 1t' o -ier-ta of berrierve ho tefnerve force and energy. 'te produce vorniting. baby was etill "going strong-when Tim rn-a'-Iitý tool,;, tegether v.ith its in a burst ofsharp, hysterical laugh- "Nof eture. en thn sawertha icdaece iet-i tet owlh-gta( egt lls o-ter. which o ue eo tesf ie No sooner had tbe older boy re-t owih1ht nIweiht ethit rm- "Ah. you are jokingi" aie gssped, are r: o net buy carelessly handled gained his Boat after doing his good? bnIorliei e h ltc n w-t her face in her Jhandkerchief. hI bette, expesed to, the street du-t, flics un than bis litth.cmano whis- the clcrnial pufll of gravity. The ex- can only be a joke. You cannot Seri_ writts ber vutà. turen, cmpaio panillg. 'hea'-ing, breeking force et! ously mean te refuse thre thousand aiprdinwe forming ice,thie constant cutting- of pounds. If yeu hmd onlyousIf te *aTmy o'lgtkl! ,-mi-rv elgal rnningUwater an the thnkcfh wul edffrnt btg remark, the unklnd cr111- Uste More Corin-Meal. The answer to tint was Immediate. unfrnog taw t snng sen1 yur ubn n ahrJb cisr.n-ai could be put off until to- Corrn-meal is a cheap and nutritious An elderly man et Tommy's rsght tlitnilering bowý)%nward witb ten tien- -oh, that 1 shoulj1have te remnind'mori4,W, for you know to-nuorrow cereaý which deserves pore attention. turned the boy's hand flat and put a ta( avn hosahlmilotosjyou oftha! neyer cornes. mInt one quart of water which in quarter toto it, and the smiing'me- of -noio ar nd ehosahamlintones Tis time John said nething, but' Many are consclous et the thomn: beiling rapidly, sprinkle gradually ene ther tossed ten cents ai bis feet. The of ~ow,ù'eendstoea.looked ai hem with, on ils face, - the, wbo never sec the rose. Every trouble cuptul ef coi-n-meal, stirring i vigor-1 boy irnmediately returned the ten ihel on the ' vasi mass came te- puztled frown whicb lately had been a that comes eur way teaches us a les- ouely ail the witue, and add sait te cents te the infant's metiier, but, jnwd 4ray nd h tte of masse trte rqen iio hr.son, if we only take ih so that ihelpe tante. If yeur famnity in large double,- for seme stmange psycbelogical reason, snow spay rîdagitted cofusdi Your duty is te your family, John.! whrwins o snw del.I wa Hve ou orgtte tht?"Us Mount te higier things. True, the recipe. Cook it hard for halt an'he kcpt Uic elderly mns' quarter. wr t ýhngzf rom the top ot a precipice.1 -No, 1 have net forgotten it." John'aornetùnes we can net sec bow good hour, beating hà thoroughly every few!9 Pelow, the n1de, deep canon was fill ed; said slowly; "but my duty te My office could corne te us througb semne pamtic- moments. Ih can then b. îransferred THE MUSIC THAT WAS HEARD. w-ih fecc Houl~a byj cemes tirsat." ular trial, but in afier years we cari ita the firelesi cooker. wherc it aheuld i rom se 11r strained face grew raiber look back and sec tha i was aIl good. cook net less tian four boums, or it I Only Melody Frein the Heart Reaches cf cotîs bvon. Te sideshe whtc.God who "seeth ail things" knows. cati b. coeked in a double bolier on The Eternal Timon. straight for the cloud filhed ahyssoand -Y00 mean ibat 1 and the baby-I what le besi fer us and "He doeth ail the back ef Uic stove until supper-! b l nod t o i took u w1h it several iundred br ken and your aughter coin. only second, t1g el. ie. Tesceto od uh r ere i n al try aut h trees from an alpine grove that ih wth yeuthbroihers in a moThenseteryof"aomewiicreo wrer'keul just above the precipice. "ht cannot be otherwise, sureîy," Hv e vrntcdtn e.l hsypdig" l i og lwiin France" long agp. The monka Tbis swift-mot'iniz menster disturb- sad John, stili frownhng perplexeslly. lDore real friendship te Uic sqjuare cooking. Tic bot muah, ierved with weeblvdtrugottecuty ed t he air, and cvclonlc winds fiung .Sbe sank back upon tL sofa, star- 1 inch in .the country titan in,. any1 milîk is a n excellent suppor dish, or fersidalfor th ouigoumth acontrd me headiong a; the snew tore by me ing ai hlm, hormor-stricicen. lu was; other place? Wbcn a new fsmily may b. eieaeted, fer. the. breakfast' kind deeds; but as it bappened, not svib us ad rar Iroe i tmeteonilya mornentary paralysis; prescrit- moveu ie Uicheneihiboriood if la enly cereal 04one De-,themn couid sing. Tmy as bard wietheuhcn ir ass et reckagtie de- yhr tongue began te move taster a short time unil they arc acquainted Cemn-mneai musi witb dates: A goo as tbey would, the mualc in their ser- flecî cd a few degrees uparard as ht charge upon John's reselution was b.- with everybody. Strangers aliay adwols edi rubikdyUcvcs*s a failure; and it becamne a shot faror ul ovt'r the precipice. A iel- ing mnade. He was appealed to, argu. speak when they meet on tiie road. In chldren. Ten minutes before serv- - great grief te them that only Iu their Ing acre of roc-k fragm-ents, broken cd witb. admnonished-all te ne pr-ities, families lire wlthin a atone'ssgsi n cpu e t1e n hearta could thcy rnake melody te the treeg. shattî'red icebergs and masses poe During lie haîf-hour <whichi throw of each otier fer months wijh-1 halved dates ie bot musii. Serve Lord.", of dustingz snow hesitated mementar- j disowerites aou eacboplecmtianeyr utko g ticir neighers' naines. with milk or thin cream On. day, however, a travelling rnonk i1v ho the air; then, separâting-rocks, 11. .ýAiie 1a- - --Ï -%-ý-@- - discoveri'e abotich thr thn mhyEvcn t.eclosesi ciii' friends have lit- Corn-meal witi cheese is 811 excel- came by and askcd for entertaininent; Melium -~or Fne Grain Welht ýi l IlI You NEED for Preseres SL I..wrnce Red Diaznd id xtaGraulaed wha owrng to sheolute lreedorn Item orgaaic impurih Deyer causca hose distresainjiures wkh Smetinft wozy the b;cum of cooka, Wafrinted pure cane aus the St.Lawrcnce Red Diamondl Stqai do« its luil sbire o prevent feauctation Yomr <leer cau ssppy Red Diizuond Sgira*0 e&;" grain. or medàm .oi-ine as yoia msy select Oider thelbig bas-100&m. fuilweighîci idscbed- ana made sud svoid frcquent tipe toe i.iimc &m dwi, n me y ohés*aes4d $uof peugus kL 1 wmaiv SsaRa, i 'a Lmte.Miur 5m-471 A- flC. wbolesome, curto es cfciuiosmtlk SeàIèd Packets Only Neyer in BSulk BIack-Mixed-Ntus.l <Cs'*n E212 T'HE CEMETERY ON VIMY RIDGE. uhere could b. ne prouder huril place for tiese men tian this centrai' sum-) Cauadians Buried in Centre efthUi mit et rhdge tiey won se spiendidii'."1 Çeehtion Ticy Won. 4 "In tic middle et the - waatc on tic THE COLORS.' surniit et Vimy Ridge tiere ha a uitile 1- teý rroup et wiic-paintcd woeden Red, fer tic brigit, glad sacrificeth'- crosses marking tic graves efthtic iake - iSaforth Highlanders of Canada, 'who ' Who kcep our bordera, for the lives fell la the capture eftuhe ridge, writes flung down aWar correspondent in France. These (Se prized but yesterday!), fer lite's Canadian Seafortis were mestli' Brit- own sake.- si Celumblans. A long, long way Ah, tiey beat proudly, ail tic bearial' thqy camne te die, tics. îonz-liimbed j tint break sons et Victoria, V'sicouv'er, New Lefi ber. alone, for ihese who eamnt Westnins(cér and Nanaimo. Seme, death's crowvn. rame even turiber, for tbey came f rom the tar'off siopes oftihe Peak Moun- Blue, for tic steadfast sky, untreub- tains or tic upper waters et tic Fma- l ed atili zer River wien îhey heard tic caiL1 Beyond ail clouds, our hope thaeý "Many other teet wji tread th& even icre,e same journcy amUer tiem, lte f et o Even here on earti, man's lite mmY. Pilgrima who tirougi gencratiens ye yeit ulfil '1 te be borm wili come bere as le 1'l s briguter destiny, and kindlier wiL shrine- The littUe graveyard wili be Defcaiintz haie, make this world'g* as a faine cf inspiration te tic heart paiiways lemi'. of Canada for ages. for tbere ba% been noihing finer don. in tie war than tic Oi, tic whiite gori' et the world un-l sciievement efthobse western men on seen! tie ridge. Yet seen se sureli' y hi' ose iere- '«There la no yard of ail tuas table-- eyes land wherc a mani cari find tic original 1Tiat look pasi deati, for ail tint uts1i surface ef the earti, but everywhere' la msot been,1 ridge ani shell hole, the hardly dis- î Ah (bhat death can be, in bis dark de-ý tinguisiable remnants oethleeiod I mesne, German irenches, ticeithin coverimg etf Grows white in tiai clear lighi te soul being bihl chumneti up witb tic wbicb iiey risc. wihite cinit below unI il sîl l gmayh Katicrine L. Jebristen. white. hil othe plraes in Canada msns Because ordinari' ladders frequcnty, tihnk~~~~ ~ etle lcewer hersos when uied agatinst .the wails Of' resi. Thc bot sun beats down on h -cylindrical silos an inventer ba's pat- ýtie sielis simg over the. place both etdamtioetcupredo ways, ani overheati acroplanes drone wbicb la mhungon wechs fr endper in a circle. Il is a hîdeo0us place, but manent îrack. Il .,i lý - 1

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