Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Jun 1917, p. 1

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v ~ -r~ WHITBY, -ONTARIO, CANA -TI" $D JUNE 2M. 1917 ACCOMMODATION FOR CLASSES QUINTE-]AN .M~ STUDYING AGRICULTUREHLDCNETO VISU l Vi W Aspécial meeting of the Board of Ta nve !tt eest f Te2ihana ~etn !teB Wednesday evenlng the chairwa K»d ch Education was beld on Tuesday even- provIing accommodation for aorcpii* of Quinte Branch .tmeWmns Itikeg yoRf Gehre B& n s SlP IM II Ing for the> purpose of considering the tutrai classes ln connection with the sIonary *SoefetY saét ln CoÃ"t'ention fi Hamnpton. who spoke very higbiy of Squestion of providtng suitable -accota- H1gb bchooi betore scbool re-opena*In Bownianviile Methý q>Clurch las tht work of women. referrlng espeetal- modtio fe th> Aricltual las ii Sinenbe: tereore ho t resolved week. Arsss , welcomre were e Iy to their effort-s and successes ln the the Hili bSchool. t-bat thbe Property Commit-tee secure tpnded frcmi reprmtatlta of th miWsosîary cause. %Irs. 3. G. Lewis. Killa ail the Leaf Eating Dr. Dandino, the lhedof that work estirnates ofth cost o remnovln. t-ho varions churches h i-t tW. ta whic Pontypool, gave ber report as Supt. of ln the epartaint et Eucatios-s.had.yBrandonbuildig to thon.arnad Chrigtian Stewardship. The> audience I nsecs with one applica. written Principal Johnson us-ging that lot. and placing saine on ernent reply. Tuesday èo$1 - . the -Pasto waA iZfurh pleased witb tbe address or don. Nomixing.Ready Itablk. quarters ije provtded. other- toundation, re-roollng t-he building, itev. B. Nea l wj8CbIMàan, Whiet, Ml. W. E. Rosa. Preaident o h tion. No mùing. Ready wlse the agnlctiîtitrai departiment Of linluZ saine, erectdng partitions to di, officiai *report-swe#ijby&. Jf<ad, -o th foa< se dy. A ertiizer th- escholt would ha,,e to bl abandon- vide the building into tbree recuis, Keldry, Peterbolr, aTre"byIs . J BoarWd ofh exctinagersnd ssb Pd. He 1iîroposeýd two or three solu- cIlngoves- the rs-oms. heating the W. iH Ashton. Cnmiýb-f1Nord. and Mra4M-.A .Fse.Wibo P-c as el a aposo.ions of th-. problem: (1) To erect a building, and making sncb other li-M. isn a~in. Ï-At thîla seas . .c. Pln oster ahte Giong," t-ht> netw wing tu the> H.S. building: (2) To provements az may be required: alec sion, t-lie presidont e he braih:Mm sessions on Thus-sday were devoted buy a doeuble garag.' and set it up 1w- that estimates be procured for ifltting A. W., Grange, NaP& mýeê a il In iyt uies hogott - ......théchofi o b ise, a3wor UtP .bulg where it owstands.""'p"- 1pYr t» sple n l obsns.Tru tte room: (3) To fit ut) rooma iln the ali. - convention musial-,numbes-s were sup- gmnasti building. This motion was xuoved by Lawler-- WtdlesdaY Iors ft~ A Meinos-i piled l>y local t-aienL. The> brancb m neetingý of Ille gehcio Manage- Matbison after thbe commîtte h ad &.a servie was beld Ili ttbute te t-he 44 meeting wili be -held ln Picton next Parle Pads-Gre n nint ('ommnhîu-e iwld las: Friday evn risen, and cars-led unanimousiy? members wbo bail Pasqm away dus-m yar Ing gltiuseti uthe mater. and dibcided Secretas-y McGillivray point-ed ontt-be yeas-. The Mw.§iceiork _Ds. raieqae el le Purea Paris -neied&res., ktyeses ya- ~Mcaln ln I4Lb, /2 lb., 1 lb. pkgs. t-o ask for a speciai meeting ot the that if thle building was fit-t-td t-t- r ~-ws. abCly pon, F1t)x aro stb s J:C O rlan se - Belieilî Board ln consider the qçuesîion. couti be useti fur a gymnaslurn, and Th~Ilord ent io conînxttc'e .otforii oeuintgatwspi Wilson., Napanee, and' Mr&s.M. ack- Hewe TîL.Tole; Brighton. _Mrs. R. thé- M huit> ý îh Mr. Jackson aIlte The> Sëcretary nsported tha *t- tht>Peterbo'rough, dîseu-sqIthe uJe r CUmDbeilford. Mr%. R. J. Lawior: Ce- chtair-. Management Commtitte> bad- secured -Shall we celebrate ctîr- sIlver-anni- bouM rMss. J. W. Robert-s; Lindsay, I if Wfl Kit Mr. Johuson mas neketi to atidressa tht> entagemet- t o MiassGregory asvra- n ow t~sltts- e-Mss. (Dr.> I-vine; Madoc, Mss Geo. J iE«'WELLIS Ilutin. n l, %hirh it- 'did. .-xphiining teacher o! Modes-ns In t-be Higb School dîded io celebra~t> h> t- en- isris:Napane>, Ms-s. M. S. Madole- Druggst an Optcla thlé- situatiloinandi sùîting the' several ik0 replace Miss Guilîrie, ai a salas-y of by s pecial tiîank.offe# Napn.ne> (Tamworî,. Ms-s. J. W. IrgitadO tlan prop)osals. spe. Wal th.ank-OrilliWager; Petes-boro, Ms-. .K or tht> oninlde. U.o . cn f nt4betlore', Mr. Lawier. chais-t-san et Manakere. d.4wtth a psts-ott -lesr44-.4 whenSt-s-a Net-on. Ms- J. Laird- Wbitby. Ms-m ment Committe>. suggestetl tha soie J. R. Renwiek s&MU5Lsi4of HopeGereJcs. 8t'ri Ste * Wbitby ltailte gymiiasitigilhuildlig hi' iIOYtd iadvprtkisig of t-he>High Schooi ahould and Glory." Ms-.à-.R--ftl gave a Officers.-Hon. Ps-es.. Ms-. L Mas. Io Itht>r,.ar ot the~ lot. Immuedla:ely j4>b.done previotîs t-o the re-opening in sketch of t-le uew .tiîW' book, "lTe âey and Ms-. A. R. CUmDbef. ll ses., seuil tth bechiool, andi that il bc fit- September. anîd speus-ed a vole of $20 Stors- c tht> Years," ~ ~sfoilo.uns-A. W. s-ange. Napanee: luet Viell pV atht> nepeii a ccmm odet aytio, an tw aîplit>d Io Ihat pus-pose. cd by an Anxiliary erie confer- ï4ra. (Dr-) Has-s-la Keene: 2nu l Vie. _________ lia fd s-daco m o dasîtion. ancd "i The> resIgnation et Miss Minto, as EPRe, cOnslatin&. -f .tbre addsesses by ýb s-. J.- R. Real. Claremont; Swd Vice. Thtis was trî'ely dehtîted. Il ma ;teacher ot ps-mas-y s-i n Dundas 31s-s C. Clliez-y, CauittpmiK1611W C. Mss..W. Hamnond. Campbello-d __-apoin-ted- ouit Iat this motion commis-1 Street Sehool. was rend aud accepted. Turner. Carnpbellford,,iitnd Mis. J. W: IRer.-Sect-y.. Mss C. Caties-y. Cannif. jUted the BLoar4 ltu the project ri>ardless 1andi the>Secrttary wuahsked tgoiionce Wages-, Cents-eville. 7IqMlatOU Band tOn. ,o.-SecîY., Ms-s W. H. Ashton. of hettl> cost. and otss ugsin aivestise for a ttuitable teacher te dili Cenference ivas ln, chrge « Ms-s. M. Campbelltos-d: Aux. Treas_ Ms-s. Jas- ~îrt mti, înlifbi'ii tti ointht> iacancy. E. Wilson, t-be speaker# betu; Ms-s.H, Kends-y, Pet-es-bore; Cîrcie and Band - t-ut-sagri d Lu.Tht> metingadiou-ned.Aian, Newbus-g. Te asm o0f ville. Cis-cle and Baud Sect-y., Mis. m. tbe Les-d'a Supper vfla dITitlstudE. Wilson, Catinifton: Sîîpt. of Christ. IIIJPJLO J by Rev' H. 13. Ne1. asasted by 1Éeva. tan Stewas-dsb p, Ms-s. J. 'G. Lewis, Owxng to stringency ini the QOOÇD ROAD5 5Y5TLMGeraBev t4.A.Tpl. enpo. coal mnarket it ifs impossible at ~OTD1YO~ROC U T O4ASSat HNf OL >resent to secure an adequate N RRO L supply. AU orc!ers and prices The> most Important action taken by inie-stbt N oî fusav ~s ~ ~ ot~e qutdar aclldfr the h>Courity Councîl probabiy in yeass ot ut [isesent witbdraw frota t-ho Food raptnH. Majo%*t-. qotdaecne dfrteCet-tnt-y. As a matter of tact Il laît. . aJr.WhoealOu ivas lte adoption of tht> repos-t et t-he îkeîy t-o be a maltes-et sestous cou A Tes-ontoeeei se itis w.t>et E. Was-ing. Oshawva. present. ___ Spectal Corîs:iittt>t appolnted t-o con- sides-ation &auin, as t-he advaat-ages «' report-ed t-he appointmlt et M 9.. ots*s sider t-hit good roads question. The> witdrawal do net- sen t-o appear s od p.e-o Q iettttg .Piblite,Osa . US Uta e (,~uncil ha& deftnbtly commit-ted imicif decided as aitfis-t binai. now living -in WhitbYas aseggtit- o Oas la»LL _____YCo, %IBn. .LJOWnnwasY_'_Cu_______IOI 9.1 pon 9 Hmephnoî~ Highway Lepartmen, by wblch tte BC« -zss- la otmfr. it i Il J. Clark, Obhawa. systeim of reads recommended by <eIe eth h ot~ri e 94 pt-s-n t. iybet ,rêsa was wîth grea t duesa that word Departîtent %îil hoptaced under t-hoeW1%e£<> azetltreandt. -i w recelved at- weekof O!the deuils opes-atien of t-he-.Ont-as-io Hghwa Ys Ini pite ot t-bereinut-os-m Sains-day converalnt vit-a weiiiafruzad .agr. - Wounds of CAPt-.Re"sy Lawr-ence flemse~~~* "~~ Ths acîtineort-he Council came on t-bere wasas good attendance ut- the>cut-slit- !-l ou~p iptt ir u> o tM- -dM.A lIME Tueiiday s-um 01 o a 1iz 01 ' ~ w !WhIt-eale. Cat. Major iwu Tuesda ates-non. alt-es-a leigl ydis. beekeepers demonutrs-tion hcid laUrM. OOditb ie-p#e ltheBattait- Mapoi> n tteisa ~ ~~ cussien foilowbgt-be presentatbon e .A ofQ absy ltse wl igUp ie1êie n-t t B eatatono d wasthe it tereport by Ms-. R. . Mowbsy, fe Reevýe ef plekering, Ctairinan o! the ut'vot&i ladies, evidopigtt bi-mm ICS ! st sa ! -pa-s lt-i- -a Cotainit-tet>. ven sare takhig fttstlia M 1 b Wbiàt!I. lts aa s-, t O * ,n @rdhecs bs-. Mowbs-ay, fotr UMani y YSSLi~Ag09-ucanre Ms. tt.W.1t .,wsoa l-y oess'- seaj - Tes-et,, Ont. poilent oe t oadop4iot ed Ut - Dp&rstMqt -- ww, _ "lt.W vr okd o i alô .ltts- s-os-da, and ehsnpilnd handlngt-thm. Aluta.t spoion s-t- a tsbul eto! p.OOeilbu- osScience, ht t ave up -bis pcH jetwe o nt-he an £4 durtig t-be adoption of t-be sstt>tlLThe rse- then made t- t-ebeer f r.bentbscli. ou. U-8-oeli.Newaexedgi ilghrmeut-h.. De not dolsw--'tr t heoele o r.byet bat-talion>ent1 .ârtO11111ILH ÃŽ 081111 »,0- Lauxe. calSoge m&lleS on reve.t. lpos- in Waltise mes -ettAmonttlu Osieg on it sa 5-t.'tiy ru-- t.which 'wtts isthltshed t-n -fi u le' oliuo eutbu-s-st, plste Ms-. Tdd bu tlCsltthé >mecfsnau ai isoit-hes-lt i -ends, b ato! oo Oieioir.pnsirt. sriett f t- ast-weeks issue or thbe Gazette sud ing andci aCtl Iadds-esson apPrOyed I. J. fleig s-s au s-gs-ae-« >wt-eaa-s--nsnyvsl l h &Il Departmoib4. Chrencile. secoimended t-bat-t-ho ronds meliesod, int-erupersed fs-cet-y it-b di ms-ns-gos- If Mr-. Toi lias aftytii nd vn ai biel h Qos- Toge sud W. J i oe.s, desbg e ytleHgw-sDpst usoocpe -t -s !tb tt-s.to do vit-b food conts-c iIt- vil be vl Y. lne wu20 yCATSor au.ge. wus- (tiss-mBt-. I Principal ment bo adopted as t-be roadsa t amsy noun. A moit-apprecbat-od test-nse 0 aor ed s-h vtIget -ls- briglit, promlig yowig amn. be inctided la a Ceunt-y Readu Sys- ihBis es-y succesaful gat-bes-ng of bee- Tliia tor-s-fiat to t' o'u I isasttt 4bis 49i buscausd mitcii atincas tetu, if ost-ablished. The vas-bous tronds keelerts vas t-ehotu'sentertuiment t-o hear, sad bis ftun-ere esr, la the. bistiWhaeud 8170 t-h tst ien &Ã"hi î - la ~~int-le Townshlip wes-e t-len uentioned of the> gathering by serylli gdeiltIdUio it- ot Ibis pralée, vii liee itethepoause o tha le Ethir.Orl o limeo geatem' Canada laspVM'eg.t & 1in,1_ rl. efs-e- s.hmonts. Ps-tnsgal Jolhnms. Of more eciet>-watci sbs- Wtt?.>s-o- s ,c -tth~ < e o GLan Ce. Llmtd p- '>-34r.s- M s-. &o, ti lo 0 and e bit-by IHigflboî wu ps-tmnt, Pi talotherSCo ApsOyvtbes-pt-.Maor. ieu adsao favorahiy tmnpsess-ed vit-h t-ho _____________m pnywihcat.Mar.Met Towaahiip, t-ook np t-be -nage of bat-e.Impos-tance o e i ndu t-rhat le la13 Ma .di G 5spfun-li Whltbyl Ontalo Ret>thought- il wotild liémucht-bettes- propos-ing t-o ns-sange for cisses t ClastL < -yLet O ' uy Wasinla" isiUt--- e-trEt---u~t-o decide vbetbe-' tise systei vsato-o tektepug. naing aUrs. Waiko-'u s-pis-sy Cif o ,e# bwt e.uns _______ Gil ro ai« lent lte ei, Fisst LessXsnaget,119be -dcpt-ed; t-hen, If It wes-e. would be >for instructIon. 8S uocaUl v a tbis -wads Ot-t -det- e rge,, sle-soyr Proetsbqnght- sad s'sgd , tte PrcPer t-me to designate tht> r*u mstn-ia-ae-t d -o eets -easy Fort-s-nas-pi Hod ffoeBsoc ~ to be Qlatclt-tded. iikely t-o come o! Il. This la thet>for- -av Fo ai#&DIHa M',rciS. Mr. ewbs-ay Poilt-out. hOvweves-. mation cf a lîekeepers' ansciation for .mnbs-et om sieest> O I* Cfb Ba11 phono 193. lad. Phono 70. t-bat-if avoewese taen as a head- SouthbOnt-as-beOne fet> ipterest NO.30. ..&A. Wtt-laIs. bomI. w.- Sv *~~ CODNTY ougt okn o vhsyst- oas ndthe e 60.00t e 90,000 lndlidth te"i be lin panîedm, attd wse*i. tram â1tth tomber 4., ithout s-ny break. Cous-sot-ctm ccittes tnt-o te.c ntobtc fuît-y descs-ibed bintoit catalogue. Tht> ounecl uner t-be at- nitsl- Write for IL W. H. Shaw, P-es, Venge point a Spslittduwo.'t- A Gos--srd St-s lt-is-t> emm-wsorts-,1a%0 <as-ea& t-be COM ountS- -m. decMav*Ut SUbai 1berepas-!ed.bai but a*W. Whes- thlees-ok vîti ltsla, e tf-..-niWPtuW»-. j$6ent aSupet>Undont, -lt ibe lm b - ~, .10. boni I h il appoint-o!, but- es-c*wnlllcat-y wtI *IB suni au acét- i os Mr afld . Q qpeO* ý ? tus-e t-ethbe Couaty-CIe-.vol us f»rk, wbo tu lu In-her qutàot-b 'xpul- uit -te LIGK T W SALE Iilidal lm- ,U1A. - ImIs t t-go as' t-e - Ullde 1 *#a' d duble liT-e ru4stion o* lt-iI. ldei î him l~sito au jt e is tatossiu u ietsl.~j,~-, C. A. GoolFLIow & SON, Publishers 479r QUZ4LITR mand SBRVI1E cail on ,A. T. Lawle The roeer WHITBY Phones :-BeII, L47; lhdependent, ir stock of Summer Footwear includes-tht very Latest Style Pum pend Oxfords. îii di, >atent Leather,. Gun Metal and Dark Brown Calf. Se our Une of th high ô o* , e1or witlt leatléietorùw Our, He 16 for -mn, Wb>menandiChilde complote FasI&Ssn, oUuitby VOL54~No52 ards Wbbtbs- Etc. BankL eles. . Dar ONT. s 'a t, *4 i'tl Pnot- L14. f-Al ,oné-o. ine ah- cs-vice. Me s-n bd. il. p ms-t ý ý, - ý -.ý ' 4 r-,' i

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