Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Jun 1917, p. 3

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but r* thib tion iw jy ' ear ibe with uitI ýrees lie- ltill Pen dow byIl edle t ta, the T'he the - foel- tua tth. whole night. roschirrg .uci Seur. '70.000 9.ldierm. many vair.The. womu nlamodern I 1 mni.tatte epl1i violoncein the morning that theý ~w&vtun are 00 frWgbtful, 80dustruotA despatciifrein Atlionssays :1h er' miata h epei vilnc xitemonngtat~ Adeapateh frota Waahlnnon ataive nd50 dd«uin tu te, 0ffIMçis1GC«U ,_i* 1 Eunfd M tnrurîngforW ut of! meuntains ila li southern Tyrol rai- President Wilson ha. put bis shoulde? a4vie itrmotb Ig'A3Ie a"ete.ouilese"okda .'choed. The -battie, gays the Corre..bhind thewbe.l efarmy recru ti'ge<> , mids o din emiemZots; UJ -eAtowp e<ii ps mê bcori u spendent, extends aloag the entire i m e otex e ii 3w43în"57 M f ii Wrt oda ofr o! i. ii. atin ssrat"IM oin w [t'ah-ISmSagvd fron frin te Sgan Vaile> tebruughîte ofull war strength et 293,- iiosd d tefac sund maof the. 4- ~the tii e aetoui0oa i h I"uV fPtO ImAi Auag. o00mon by JulyI néxt . eweWro.taru«yn 1 me 4 ýý i h w*y,ý *j j Baker on W.dxieodsy smouncod that moet slgr -> uae.' issWs - ?OOL8 0F «ERIîANY the. Presidnt iiad by peimto e lauoa mhhgti atfIg~lnoftlft?" EXPELILEI) FlOM GREECL. sigasl.dthe week of lune 28#, e ues'. f UD)PIIC gt5Mes idj7 luealW TI '1116, ao ~sv u p b a Ing Que period trom lune 28 t ue15 M ae a t$du. fthysI eI itelia ' t- *on ,ltiPPed t* pOu ftm &out Amelo. despaeh fminAthens aays 8,aCrcuiagwkfr u e u . I a IoC" lIthit eu livI'rW ilhny .«Idqwet ut npeetoe Steps are being taken te rid the lar army, and Qthe B#kadierGmra Wy eli tswsdatitfemr- wt us uausilgenwa~amt 1tam nt. oountry t,! German propagandiste. william P. MCInYb Aina t» __ ii'lnprodtrot8Wtentj ii !th ieett5iei*o eesn sI# Tht-one ef thein, including former; General, pf tii. a-mi, vil Uelse be îW<i ý mý1 , >t% Is ad other Miniter, and of! Preaidet'.roerullgpohsm.inh tdel oldsti e Yek.f, ùdem.eofthe cGrecit general staff sud'lnstructlng bis reoçruiv*, ofeoonIboise est on', maies8théude- tii, roarvlta have beeti erdoret i -emphaalaetobecmliy th vo,k la ,ý~11~te __ ft. from th country, S o! Moue» «Xg* 7 M11b 4eu D1lL h plàceunder surveillance. requît' amy wltà Ite à"dhir. n el fo, h tm la amonte and the. National Gmard te van - ,1,"y" <î.h A chain that can be sdjusWtéd t .gjL irewae iitrd t r s' -n nchha. been ixivented 1 tm*. 'Ih» oo~ba uly*8~~88 gautomobile Undis a A'age îpuddfo ae VIM" bui~iutbo t~ ~ a4 t theiuseo! projecting bracketu ibe lots ephup8le5ts> i.esm 17lvst tw 1,7 e êid tre. I roin floons vithout stoophig. in ! 0tbelv h es. CANDIN HEAYY BAlTERIE 'elENCE GRA US _______ NEW EThAl FlO 11. ~WRAT TMM WESRN PEOPLU Ever. AAST LUT 8 8 oREL YJ O8N rtIl.ARE POING. Tuo Armies Confronting the Rusalan Troopi Ar. au Largi ý Ever .9appnuge i the ader u 1 abominlb1,tr*.ok Torot.P«m et heGa'WstTl 13 IhU - - Idê ri W t*bq"N.a.IWinter, tpar car h Gm WetTd jà« tt rs.$e ecrdgte do.No. ts = e.la a Few dte despe Itr'h frein London Baya := ~t(about 80 nIleà) long, and wo are l n. IR fqths u oie. paragraphe..g t t Wth theo ri'et captures in the Mes-Ithe Germmxx trenches for this entfre A heavy thundermtorm did re te ire--Mttg, nor. ai. accordlnit The price of bread li Vancouver is sineone î the British now hold à s ect i wlh toextaloabo25ide..da !daaelthe Curragh Camp tRy 'o .8.0 nmnl cedlJ o o ot o 6o.c o! télé VBft',e points along their lino on' secnshih teextalaont of il- dsfrctw12 .l fou--Flr*t aten s nut. Liet Robert Branks Powell, of thé, lrai l Xdgian front, as -a result mdist A ri. *... nMedWilia i .: f1340; second Patentslin- jue0Vacouver, waz killed 4n action on Sat,- o!Whcht'i as been an enormous He contradlcted reports that hive AaCrimhan dvedr.a B l&abaw bata. *$12-5. Toro t baker.'. la iu8. decreaao in the nurnber of Britîsh! been current t.hat the Germeuns have nStaunton ha. died at Boolabawntos- .$1leO.Toroned.. m-day, April 28. ~O e !aje-Geera Mar- rawn large forces fo he eauténea E-lcoth.amvlà. 81129 to 1119 n'br.track l xetdta h dc F. . rot o ak prt xith fghln ~ Owing to the prospect of an Taoronto. rmt abirtp. pert will be ready te résume her lot, chiüc Iirè'to f>Éiiayoe bidneo rsctl rcsa- miII'edCrIota, apUer t onaiAlask. u i ue tIonu s 1 rO coj i ekyI Tattc a" oadd ~tVanc.dby £3 per head at Ennis- $31; shorts. Per ton. 1331:* nlddlInes. per A minimum wage of three dollars Wsk o - i -sday. there bas been no conidrable moyo- corthy Pair. ton 82; odfe f1r e bt 28) 0a o a iylboesi n Who leGera..6 erostopo met o Grma triop fom he auT 'he Grand Orange Lodge of County Hay-uixtra No.,2.. per ton. $12.50 ta dorsed by the City Council of Van- tu their d:ive on Calais early in the to the west. The Gerxnans have sent Down has declded ta hold the usua] trs.ck Toronto. cou2ver. 1 - ~8traw-CmZýr lots. per ton.,8$9. track Deputy Chief William MeRae was WU the% ostablished tiiemselves on f rcsh unIts to the Western front, but demonutrations thils year on July 12. Toronto. -teVnoue ti Utch dom '-"tlng heights as thc>se of ,tl-.ese were made up largely of mon beerate of a penny in the pound bas appointed chief ofth acue o 90S pr- ,nlof sUnes .cle oteoor recently. Tébe struck by the Monaghan Counfeil, cout r mucm--Whoesaiu lice force, suveceedimg the late cif "Ai t~ - hvenowben ermnuhav benuslg he ~ li idof the local child welfare Butte__r-Cemr solide. per lb.. 36 M. B. MacLennan. Ai t- ;ostinshae owben erars av benusngth pope n idta 37e; printm.Per lb.. 36à to a7ic; n !te aga aneisa wreatod : um tho Germnans," contirîued in thir occupied terrîtoriea to replace scheine. dalry. per lb.. ai ta 32e.Onoftelrs cnri a GOea. iv ie. "Our woetern front laborers at iame, who are thua re- The citizens of Belfast and district Fge-Per dos., 29 ta 30c. Steveston, which was formerly oper- tsappmien btey ave contributed the muni of £3 M1O1 ta tras are selllnir ta hért& ated by the Windsor Company, bas1 *10kioete.'e Ie orthe861 Ot e at th~e toiiowiqu prices: £~p.x toy kloretes es.edthe Um. hIlster Hospital for Woundhd Sali- Chee.e-New, large, Za ta 235e; twinm, been taken over by the Booth Fluber-J ors nd oidire.231 te 2310%, trIplets 231I te 34c. old. tes, whio are installinz four new lino ors an Solders. ., -in. 391~c; teiZAetB- 305e- é ruAn old mgo pensioner named Har- otr-resn dalry, cholce. Ua te 0f sanitary machiner>'. 75 KIIILIONS FRENCH GAIS ret Murray dled at Anahighnadar- 39c; crearery rnt.4:to fil: saeUds. he B. C. Electrie Railway bas js rogh Santfeld at he ge f Oe Egg-Nw-lld, cartns.37 ol unga beautifully frameci honor rol and one yersasj oute, of uicarto s ri of tes. he 452 employés who have geine F R WAR SUPPLIS IN CHM A The name of Pte- P. Downey-v Royal 40c; fan-I. 24 te 25c. wuàuba. per dos.. te the front in the hall of the head ef-' Dubll ruslier bas~n isert in$4.0 te $4.60; turkeys, 20 te 25c. lcebidnonH tngadCarf Dubln Fsilirsbas eeninsetedin ]IaePoultry-Sprinx chlckens. lb.. 25 iebldnonHsngadCrol1 A n e t e r e c o r d s o f t h a t r e i n e n t f o r g a - t 3 5 ,c h e n . lb .. 2 0 t e 2c « S t r e e t ., V a n 'o U v e r . Caad aks uihr dane cre-Sceseso telant conduet an& devotion te duty.' weitht. eer dos.. $2.75; eec. hevl Amodacnettrsre obi Caaa ae Frhr daceSoe SCes" o teAeHefow),-Cemb-Extra fine and ~ mol ocnrtr r eb to Imperial Government to and Regain I.ost Ground. Notice bas been served by the nl $.;No 2. $2 ta 82.25. gaon s s talIed in the gas plants pfthe Vic-i Fiance Munitions Here. A despatch frem Paris saymi:-The tary authorities on the occupants eft1PetAtoea-On track Ontarioer ar . torla Gaz Company andthe Vancouver big German effensive aqainat teltha Sinn Fein Hall, Cork, ordering $4.25 ta 84.60; Aibertas. per bax. s4;1 Gas Company at an early date. A depatc fro Otawa aya:SîrFrench lino est of Vauxafilon Mon- them te basve the premises. I Ieanaý-Irnp)orte -d& hand.picke& 3$9.001 11 antn ShoEqiat Thomas Wýýhite ha... arranged ta make day, in whieh trenches were stermned The. application of the Tipperary te $9.60 per bush: Limas. Per 1h. 19 toi commenxorated teachers and pupils Sfurther advance of seventy-five il-adcpurd a oe o agt orOaCminn eb lowdt a * - who have been killed li actIon by tion dollars te the Imperial Govern- t! e French forces in a violent counter- crease the price ef gaa has been Pbrout"a*n-'Wholes,.x1 planting maples uit the school. 4ient te be uzed for the purchase o i eert'oe ma . e. edu.30t hecntucinofteEmro ~~U1iitlons sud supplies in Canada. e~~~~~~ffeniive had regained nearlyai er approved by the Board of TradekdmasHm..du.3 e Th osrcino h mro Muitiovns ipliie& nm aneada-les ground Tuesday night. Ata farmer's gift sale at Sra-I 3c; do, heavy, 26 to 27t; eoked. 4swadsigemlsl rneR- the avace wlSteradad-te!te 4c elirail. 27 te 2igo; breakfasýJswadsigemleI rneR- Aitoug th German Çrown Prince bally the sum of £120 was roalized. beion. 33 ta 36e; beekes. plain. 36 ta 37cý port wri oceupy ail summer, ànd re- duig ue, Jty-fv and August. The1 fectives, compoed iof picked troops,I sociation saym that ail the Irish dis- ta 261c Per lb;, clsar belliles. 24 ta îîc. h ïast week the big sawmil at Goldeni read con- land covered it by a heavy artiler lery e r lsd Lard-Pure lard-. tierces. 271c; lubs rflume pe ine. The miiiba tlnued produrtien of munitions in fire and by bomb-dropplng airerait, The Rural District Ceuncil of Col- 21 e;atub, 2c; paoispounc. mretiercesiilin ee f og Cabadaas ofthe hghestimperarlcehis tenure ef the captu red positions eraine have decided te dispossessai tus 1e alla.2e oeta wlemhinfe tlg ln connection witli the great offensive',a hotlved and only a alient, 400 teatMh i e tl hi lt.Iontréal Markmt Th&-jetty on the shore ef the South1 north-east etried ontinaFraneJund! w-Oasho--li tenants aoArin nof the FraserplRiverenjust below xwben crrdonnFrneadmetres nrhes fthe Moisy Farm, Warning notices have beexi served , Western. Noa.2, 79ie, No. 3. 78c; next rnio h rsrRvr utb wf v'ihders. For a certain type of sheli' now remains ln his banda. In aiddi- on occupiera of land who are nôt corn ifed.78t. B te--Mntoate Steveston, la on the verge of comnple-i lgriti.sh niilitary autharities prin- tien, heuy-y casualties were mnflited en riyng wlth the Tillage of LadAct.! aettrt.$16;ueni.$3eO tion, t.he lest unit new being installed. aIly depend unon Canlada's ind(us- the Germans, who left many dead on, Dr. John Gwynne, regius profes tlrofl bakere', $12.30; Wlnter Iatent M.ad rs GibtS.MCn ~Ll ha. the feld of battl. sor of diviity la Dubli Universitychoice.. $13.26; .trailcht roller.8126neIhv reiedwdetiesa- establishments whoste output hs'te il fbtl.sro iiiyi ulnUies to u812.so; do. baga. seOote $».1 nl aercie odo h ei cmitributed in ne emnail measure te' Likewise, in Champagne, the Crown dled recently at hie home in that Roiled aatg-<Bbl-a., 9.00;. do., baga7 911! us wounding et their son, Lieut . w. reen sccs.etth fon. he Prince bas been badly battered be- city. l..$43 te S44. rn.32 00.hrt . BMcConneîl, who lsaà native son of lnltlons can be purchased la Cen- tween Mont Carnillet and Mon.. Blond. The Master Bakers' Coemmittee o! 83ou".00 Mdlt44 4.00 ta9.0.42 Va0ouer "a only if Canada providea the In an atteunpt ta recapture positions Dublin ha. raisod the price.ef bread lees-ie. t wts. 813.00 t H on. M- A. Macdnl a oe inoxiey by way of! ban to the lm perial previously taken f reomthem, the Gerito smec frato-pouad looai. 1--Chcn t ee-Fi er.. 71te. But e the seondr d of hid bla moved - sixpencee at te Dmfor, ona. 6tw le sSeecmr'3 t. 71e e-toscndraigo isbleuhrz TRa8Z7 U t at te omninmana irst were repulseci by the S' Henry Robertson hansbsated, i .toci. à36e; No. 2 ator<lk. 3 te Nq3 ing the eonvéyance o! six acres oethbie Government lias found $250,000,000 'French. who then assumed the effen- tha £ 100,000 would be available: Potatoeu-Per bag, car lots. 84.25 t old Songhees reserve to the clty and the. banks $100,O)0,00 for the sive and advanced their line on a front for carryiag on housing schemes for 1 1460_0 ofe Victoria. - purposo. The credits now estabiahed ef more than 600 yards and te a depth Dublin. I naveo hui The conatruetion et the new mflitary bi' the Goverament engure cent inued. in exces eof 300 yards. Here aise, the His Majesty the King ha. awarded' Wnnntz>eg. June 26-Cash prîes: ho--pital in Vancouver is being rushed munition orders for mnonths te ceme. 'Germana lest heaviîy in men kiîîed or the Victoria Cross to Lance-Ceorpral de..S.8 N,3 . L N.1 24;No. . rpdytate tieranmns 4: woundo.. > - a. ee.e3. maee.for theNf.rmai82.2 in wounded. ~~~~~~~~F. W. Palmer, of the Royal Fusiliers. N-. 6.-1.98. No. 6. 81.83. Baseco4ae binmdefrteomaopng ___'traet-June, 82.40; July, 12,8651 Au u 1 of the building,, 'UBNARIN TOLLý (frsthait). S2.30. Gats-Ne. 2î111 S M RYO SF, ORDERS 0F CHIVALRY 691,cratNo. 3. do.. e72c. extra No. 1 uel . Point Grey wUll readjust the water ineteMde'NQW OPEN TO WOMEN. TREATMENT 0F WOUINDS. 67re -Rej1cted, 66C.05; fre.do- departinont and çut down the staff. Wookiy T6GI i nSicethN__dl Fiax-No. 1 N.-W.C.. 82.78. No. 2 CA1 .. Ia Vancouver 1,50 women are en-9 0f April.Two New Distinctions Anneunced By MlOdelar s f xtsptc aes8.3 o - "Io.'8.5 rolled as fruit-pickers, and lni Victoria A despatch f rom London says- King George. Many Preclous Lives. j-50 Uaited Statos akl Sinco the middle of April, when the Aindeaolis.June 6Qu ft-JuJ A recent tig day collection for thet iUdersea boat activity recorded its' dspatch frein London says: Sicce e ays f set , th e m Sepeqr.$.1 cahNoi illera' Home in Vancover resuited ta 'hlgeattol, 30 Brtluh vesel, 1 Orders o! ehivalry open te women Englishi surgeon who taught tue'ha2rd,; $2.5te 82.62; No. i Nor...7 tumo $2,83 Whlch 220 nueisured more than 1,000 will b. one ef the fouteemso h oiCi. nietcto~et o -' r.± '3 yeloplx ié12.01. T "J1.D"Isteneet dl tons, were sunk, the weekly total be- twar.ofthe anifolncd serviesrecovii- lo"nda, er'Ou tO ife FoS12.yit ra-lril#tt128:1- ittien te the halibut fisiing fleet of thée tng as tolbows: Durtelutemnfodsrie edr ls agru elte omny i i~ th, June 36-What-Ne, i h M-. rtish- Columbia Fachers, la connection with tii. war, ~botb' was te be expocted that wounds, wb,- 81.14. No. 1. Northera 188 Ilritcopli .33,lb.hav u Underaliee ther produced by accident or by the. Northern. $2.2U; July. $ .S.LInse4 Week ended 1,6;00 tons 1,600 tons by British subjects and thi alis,3806, July. 88.07; Septembier. 83.01.,V yeer. I the. Okanagari Valley it Aprl i À------Ir1 the King bas been pbeased te institutei knife Of tho surgeon, would suppurate - shnmmow 9%m- -, region have long been acquginted with lb, but the fit-st sciectifie description o! this strange cresture is given by Mr. William T. Cex, State Forester o! Minnesota. The.ýwhintosser's head le fastenesi te 'its body net la the ordinary way, but by a aeck that operates in the faskien et a swivel. Se likevise it i. vith short, tapering tal--and both head and tail can be spun areund ai a rate estimated at 100 revoltitione a min- ute. The body i. long and triangular in section, with three complote sets oe! legs. "This lant," sys Mr. Cox, "la aa great convenience in an earthquake country. If te floor suddenly be- C< mes a ceiling, it doet net Matter, for the whintosser je always there wiih the legs. "A cat's ine lives are few conipared with these o! the, whintosser. The beat may ho shot, clubbed, or sbrumg on a pike-joa without etopping ite wriggling, whiriing motions or its sereains of rage.- The oniy succesaful way of kilirg it i. te poke lb in'e'a flume-pipe se that al its feet strilce the surface.- Then it immediabel>' starts off te .walk in tbree different directions uit once, amd tears itself to "pieces." No MISTAKE lIADE. Characteriatie Incident lu Life of Neled Auther. 1 Sydney Porter, whoi la botter known to Que multitude o! bis sdmiring r.ad- Osa as O. Henry, possessed an Iniate noblenese! nature -that preveat.d hlm from beomlig lýtter even after three. yeara in prison on a charge' o! alleged embezzlementt cf whlcbheh wouid have been acquigtod had h. not fled&to Seuth AmtricW te escape trIai lâiehety vas houïieu amnd bis' ayiupathy wt suffensn, eppeclafly visai thé.suiferas'woa "dovu and eut," as prompt &Mu as instinctive au the. glaneof Que oye, isays Prof. C. A SmithIn is lmblogrephy of O. lEenry. go wu talking to afrlendeô'Ihea tretof New York ece day whenF- a, ýbeCgsr approaeed :îmd sqled fer beIp. '0. Ienry Isola M c oin o li peket>@Wbedl# 1 r*m tliii view ýof bis ~ ~ B fsln.ýnda1pdit tnto tise ber.- tan. Wa" 40.a>iMnhq cm:Jlw s tei buor id, - T0. Hm iar aikude tew s editwa., tate w-bat ty-dOU 'fekh.1 m ow-* etw yeYolaildUstýé vaaa oll -ar-, O.a Ki-en. turso" d uobie alg. An nt 'n l yen*MI, kIme hs ztussîa on lThursciay voted confidence in the Provisional Governient and un- animouely passed a resolution de- mnanding an imninediabc-sesunption et the offensive anid the reorganuzation of the army. A Wuir Cabinet vas forrned, iach.uding bte leaders o! Que Russian arrùy and navy and technical representatives - A despatch frein Washington saya: -Ambassar Bonis Bakhmeteff, head efthQe Rusmian War Mission te Que United States, on Tbursday fernially outllned tbe political andntiitory prom- grain ef "New Russia." Spealdng for the Russiaxi people and theur new Provitional ,Governinent, the Ruesan apeclal pienlpotentiary asserted btait the new Goyornmont in Rua i is eeh- ing te aichieve Que anme enuds aiute. Unitedi etates Governmnt-ýuntveroal- peace and Que -preservabion ef demo- cracy--axid gave, Mont emphatic an- suruince tht Rusala vil stsy lI the fight against German autocrucy until bh at mini la won. Ainheaador Bak- heteff's speech vas interpreted as comvlncing Droe! ef tue determina- fi-on o! Nov Russia to opurn. al o!f- forts uit sepanuite peae and '+ostay li the wax until its objectg i have been won. He made plain tue distinction- between "reparate" poe.e and "uxilver-. mal"? peace. SEEING THE RA¶'FLEPIELDS Touriste Shown tIWè Flght Front That Waz. 11ev parties o! "1dietingulsbed nou- trais," usually Amnericana, are "tali te Que front" vas teld recontli> la Paris ceue whlch the "w*ar «Correspon-. dent" frequints, according to a de- spatteii ote i.New Yerk WorM. "4You'vo ne Ides how mapy people$ vomen -as veil as men, insist on lie- ing talion to the front" sai4 tue ofYl.. cor who vas explalnlng that, It vU a official duty te, "guide" tuae. partie&. "There are MOU and wemen vueho nie- ovor here and expiain that tiay have. be n sowing sliirte for soelor or col" lecting pennle -for poilus for , a long- time and. tee) tuaMInuor-der teo ontlnu7W caMbylng on thefr von«-kpropenl7 tbeyý should èse var Wacedet firaI hand. *WmU v hv ' àintdférent: place.ser otalci tii.. péarti... One la M'otodk-,ttlofteld of "Ua'i $h"#nQpgopfnav tae-tl oure aai vo !lsve a a "V eaua sea QuIthe tà, mua . nTuoffl kW IAIiy w*g K , WhiIe the Air Scouts Keep Close Watch and Check on the Move- menta of the Enemy Batteries. A deepatch frein Canadian Hoad- la taking on daiiy fer -destruction sev- quartera ia France maya :-The eneniy et-ai et the eaemy's more aggressive la stili very nervous along the westerni batteries. Eaemy guns, large and smlare ranged along the Caxadian front. The slightest sign o! an ab- front and lin the rouir. 8o=b-are net-mal movemnent on the part o-f the over six miles behind bte enemy British or Canadian treous brings trenches, and the dut:. of the avisters down what the official report 'chat-set- sent ouitato checK, up bte condition et erizes as " hurricane barrage," the the Gerinan battoi-ies is no sinecure. enein> depending ehiefi>' upon bis lIs pet-il teins te b. an added attrc- gens for the holding o! the lino - o tien, for. there is ne iack o! candidates counteract this, our heavy artiilery1 for admission to the ranks o! eaglets. TWIELVE-LEGGED MAN.EÂTER. RUSSIA WILL STAY Remarkuibi Axilmal With Three St Af Legs' and Reversible. Head. 1N THE MFIH Animportant contribution te ou? knowiedge o! natural histor>' bas been ilRsneOf svead]- made by the discever>' et a remarkableWilR um Ofeiv an - animal with three sets a! legs. Feuni orga7nize th. Army. ' excluîiveiy la the wildest and ieast A Canadiaxi Press l)espatcb frein accessible parts a! the Coast Range, la Landon says: - Despatches tram. Calif ornhia, and reputed a mlin-eater, Petrograd te the Exchange Tele- it i. knewn as the uwhintossr"....a grapit Company say ihat bte naine the derivation otfvitici 1 uncer- Congreas o! Soldiers' and Work-, tain. eo eeae£rmtewo È Thougit rar-ebte luxabermen et that Degtofribtewle t -1 's... .1 I 5UdsS I'LL Tugow

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