Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Jun 1917, p. 6

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I - -luii1 k jav s'poce far more of tvoatisth con- &Xbe lore. "Rlbbennclaesa M'iai» nalevlneo. -To ercomne tue sinvanit Ila not, fS het and theiel anlIisbt csezxugnasiupe tuyprecoclty thon et that &Hedeai4*rY vel for old vomea vltii'If 1Mexteoa. d 1 hrsâ o u II ufcin ob.LV mIi bbmaiy*b.e anaedjs 1» irwtu tvhen- oio ""'Ima eenai ltr vivre wbich usel t. b.eth. pnivijege vnlnkb.d hroats; but yola"vie oparti- Desturs vol Muuru erV a isae ucetantJdtIjra» ýv rmew.d T lTe iivdoVii a* w1aulg ii»*nfiathefVh of bis years. e0ur«neaofor lidag orVrot u Aini nÈo m. la#N lhmere"la o replsn au itu « w remoATMi. ud nd amointhtwud iot' Iosi As -now, cdllna ablack Va&Most.oet tuat I know of. yu.; tlU tt chO lan- »' b me V In ortheijdrlig Ilsbrop~andt « It d arof rne-' litiiiti gpcs , m U tue hlm> aclown m yone onwi rebh viiose defecta of qnaIIl evas bitter. bett." suciàm c& wwutzoo un#MU1 Ibgeb.. SntIUI# of MU. tlb t nlongi poc$&b, 0FU~I fs theh4a oin.shmtx n a iiYlieul*1 h t u e b o c k , M t d y u n w u s . j t v b e u b . r e a d n e î nia ut e d a il t ho f = Ur o p o r t i o n t. .ef i haf_ uT eOb i » m o «okst t h iiip4ups -wtb011e qkrO.sl m adthn V ii*» ! l _ _ _ _ _ __tte e, ili ttain <oillbve sautt o dt wvw agls' b. bc ta d ra: M de b fli po 4f l èýaiplasoneto me ifnthot thebd kt u ,-,,,, l "b dm-,n.Ia-e tu ohitin aliWbe *0da n* a Oâu I A laVe ii ats avée$11r - t aa uekaga aé t la a cIm dt P l aTb* - . .coup"X. i n, I > be. ftm aen.1 awd*âtentAmerleata p er eni lia, e. w eaXje,>MUI of'U-the F cae tu 4.54 P jyMo aéil-I osa l o ke . aia ha1 ni «Ytt. déÏtb Iae...on uage mri rinbt1hi mamber ht wae btbBMIIted - lug ail oea- ;e6e a.çI 1 imv*e t <a a"gngn b ou'e a tQ i ~b.utliI, en aiapiWawaev s héti. m fuW«u Bel-onI- -tg _ ii p,4rwbll*m - e~osyt IboTý'b od«nlhe.bumý,ad e- t.Iyou 1us. wi4atMâ in aubthe e a la*seusIgbt b paIlsi ta .aIIo -iii<or # io*611lBerg nmeI, geat 'bae eiba 8Ms, b . t lmut pM d amMÏea 'i hk#M Mtn-. uadg% n. .riisj t a*alo t l it ,yýi-"t eaua Lr u A-- ,~ <jfaý Illiboni*t à t~, - v. & 4 17w [k 4 e I *1 e t red that it :o. replace-, i thltIie reIqased- <OUI wlie w o inssis o quaIl~y- T Ecoamy or Rent. ooe and who bu>'a only the but .ugar.-bCou'au. Seofo n.al o on keradtes rneape n arTe LAWRENCE REi)DIALMONDG oeiAM n - wa d h io kouséwô o o ~ver with ti.annto urr- -alaitea wthutan speor-W D« aM pUeM o «Mnt-Titta Woman lives on a farm, quired, anid 1liqtadi'ar lc a itesD oy tont a nysth e or wc iil nover ans. pr &rv st fe ment - -o dosé a a d o ler oM n hom m ork, in- Until sugar is m td. dd eird _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ as it does flot contins ii. ogani imp ritis whch *at fe menttion an i i. aundermng, hlpa car. for fruit, cook ni , whn t ed n a the. 414a raises chickêns, and carea saucer, it isofjrlceoniecyEGIS WEShflT ôr drmn, one five a.nd the. oth- Use t'wo pound fruabV n IL SIMPLE WE SUGGEST for n s=8oôd, yet she nover Poundofrutadte-qrer PRECAUTIONS. tbtthe 100 lb. baq or ervous and her, house pound of sugar vr on fmx of SL Lawrn Red ta aliray neat.. ed fruits. 1ontco uabi i To Succeed withDiamd Extra Gr&. aUd Ut the hous. ini order," she con- 5000MR E E your preservesbuynulat.d, is thi e t tinu "thon 1 Came fr my childrenCAGEBRTSMANR.FST0JUY goo f ui-l m etfor tlie Farm ers' a Dot be ove-rip ~ . lsWor ee to d y pciContrast BetweLodnadru frOnt 19, as it May be. At ten o'clock sels Under emnOcpto. Tesnae e rmF Buy Good Sugar- It ensures fuil 1I0go oMY room, darken it, loosen my Srkn hne nBiihmn it er r fe St. Lawrence Red IWIl fti etCIOthn, and lie down for a half hour. nerB have resldfomtecnan DiamondGranulatecL sugar and avolda I u~n vemY tired I sometimnes go to Dresence in Lono ftosnso t hi evcs frequent tripe to the% lp but even if I do flot sleep 1 rest. ficers and soldir nlaofo h I trYl Vo forget ail about my work adtronches, accoingt n fta-Wt ,0,0 o eo laisimyor m just .et go and rest. mhe children taches of the Cmiso o eifsrxgI h iiayet thoroughly. Ywdae undetstand that 1 am n ot to ho dis- in Belgium, Yh a eetyrtre n bu almlini tour daecmtrld, and are wiliing to play without to New YorkfrmdtiiBrseGetBranisardyce Mimpfme»sfflsRe Diamond - Ma for half an hour. Amsterdam in odn h rd- oersucso a --ki Cour Grin, or "'eon I get up I feel like new; sOltional aloofncs fteEgihaNoe a h a fw --= e n thoruasel I stairt tledinner and then dean MY- 1always s, oicesî oAei.,casiiisdmnefrc ptelmofetda s elf iup a littie. After dinner 11 has disappearein oi sapoc-dr asaLno rtr <~><><I FIuit 4. Good S -got ~ fin l up Mly work, but I always have ronChooftaha an h )ur off in the afternoon too, and Pullman smokgrom oo Ë OmGoitn ttegene %ly two, or even three. The men on aeaetyn oe-5000mr oadte ! A T F P E D D A ~ O D E X T R A tV i e s gh a v e mj ssai ;dp sa nb li n v i t a t icm don.1 Jefore my torenoon re3t period.nderyneeeisotohephm SWô w01 e m; Fblbo ébj1 gw*t as hard and fast as I knoW do it. The whoect'scntnl ro 1V 0yasodV how O1p Vo that time, but try Vo plan a holiday staeo m.Asr fad h eut hefrhv ST AWVCEmy MMMLUTD ONR-vLýork to make as feiý stops as icheery light hatdesi bod , o oso -ossýble.- In that way 1 get the big- spirit of coradsi htsee Vo hs g i 4qgest Part of rny WQuI done by ten pervade the woento n vm hi evcsa h ein oplé.yclass of soleiet.wr n eedsutdw t can you do that on wash days The things htwr omrywr eetd ept i h asked. worth whilesemthaeoster ___________________________________________ "replise epie, "f"ihf r 1d.im orane. hestuaneand:varimporrprbaleahnce.aj godat ali-that is, when it lias es- King .Albert-of Beilumi the Washing is flot too big I amn ail1 of that ime wihnwneas a smn o h aetu -a e thn setl iu da ngeral o f fPrfec t' s T he. latet phâotograph Of Belgum's thro#ý9h by that trne. If I ar nnoV away has been4 p re e y a ~ rjce ept h i Ul w een ~ ~~~~~~~~~and Fonla had noV only escaped that monarch. King Albort is spending throilgh 1 just lot the clothes soak terminration todmretaabitosstasthsmna mi Be w e 'C u i sdanger, but in the matter of sunburn Most of hie ime at the. front en- wh4 1 rest, then finish when 1 geV 1 make the way foe elwmreswoaae eieaey sand frost-hite, and ail the other porils couraging hii troops. up. i'Vve found out that tiiore are few, a littie more es.srie Vo the femalo akin, had been watcliod ________ hin$m ha B ' san tions onora onon t OA ELRTO OFWRover with a solicitude as aasiduous as'i od an ta oe futee aondanr-hour, and it certainly helps me, lies, s armor noetgta 'c lg od fesnytal eae ut re arun < _p. - THE ELUSIVE SUBMARINEà. for If 1 didn't rest in the morning I'slwee ntosrae feseamyb xmtdfo i =Z don carreer. oh average Britishi -couîl foer stand my work." to go along inisoracusewtvcerebigonatltl the addnation. lneTnhought nthere teareidoeveryawweek mû..ke a Vnqhard The chil over wose crale poor iguredoathe geliinleheVoite dseen wman, underen40nVohegiiot afgex c e r t a i n a u t o m o b i lex pes sc entte so sei eo fto fhi empe le re xn ohho r s eW h e but aIhdes! areittr in operationen ,Feeland ace Aheveparticouthlar w icyoung manfour 4bassoobul with her mnother's i %ht-hlue oyes, onîy whether Fenella should wear white 'cý "I think she will do, won'V she?" for fighting purposes. In Germany Addi % cuP*milk gradualhy. Putoi Belgan policeadfr(eatexste rbnladscrda ot a smaller and s arpor make, anpeloed ooemlngnihtatheirta usJulauokinlfulfunctions. eithernsse t te ItW bVempoivdeinar2patsoan rllou ar prarm with a shower etf- those pale-brown wiht notidrwh tapa îch ofrbohewohdrsn'fdsrcinbfoehsiiiBbe ofýteck tn sn h eatp-Team Frn s a e o e a r. T r u h u u i er lnea' reav ace-w oundeanddlm et e w ho are ofunabloiblcornes toaolse utho e m easunrfomonthIl lathe d2rw os cadle o r h ni ne c ollest eeiginalptock tarte blT rIttsO mrktedyieof V aiiLa ru pevrEl' lx et hyappeared t. b. of minor li. ~bear for the. pumpose of devlslng nw th pace Qther part on top. Bake 16 Vo returntote rnc s, eebos enil se oth yun to aelxi. Te sl htlclt. Ta at (To be coninue -methds ofeconciliation bthetusenbthemptandishirtsveflirtn contemrpmenusas renultý Whena year:ker ulia'nelizhty bord, 'sh stood ther upaNothoneustakosison a. andigmilt seotnerPldirection.caeaTon.digislse fo reprbhies areathereset.ddglance isathetreprosenceolastisleepeunderbtediewhlt w i tev s on y ear hat th e tew hom e llu n e u el ry em l ar ng..ve ut s b t Bazilan d MezîL c o.IN l a & c nt iv n es w ch aw n avahe l - recognlzed. - Franco, don't car. mucli forut Mts akd oncl t nin AlbrVth e otd w up. nota d ofberT I Vik Vs ofe targentin tek. Vhs tird p8h" alen mitrncia r ot sncb pla na-P? a or výe get ble s, buot I e t o lte-a no r ST c'laT M TS O FL . Imki ay u g wo Even the tphyuical hidken ew in brt h e a m ban * h. heWl titde of btr de C~ofin s tonu vniposa s an e d t ei b.gioftvalu e r-y ly e c hes y Vser hi ze e co t hnt e-gilsofhe st rete te bit b n o evd u o r-atfca foosaîn t1 th stwotieto ae t h nco eo denctes ii.il strs des. "Pvrly i titude et tLe a le» i ns ith es meaurs . fo c n eto f~ Cb anningsuf iiet en th e f I t s 68 T ate.E wlatRiiIdo tko nyeeit Iail, nf ar ea atherane, i ts A rgud ua t ock his hed sadn ge aeIn pou a t the New World 01! AusadrceltVohancvrela tro hc iV Iail sores ger a band T ly o okPae helardy *lse-grow.morope t urudy p old, bt ixia eyes wtlihi a nda, r f ad gazing t ic re wam l a, fcorethe nt edgr eatI a opd mgtIsu rvsini,.. ab -. "Literallyador soiafyas"aI yet n is vry ois, ad , ~ lird t te frge-menoV. itarat o al patie Vothoconitcin t nw wapoa mandw knda0f aiauseboarudsd Iofaulln-ns Athodo t wa Lonudsea Vnci "Bth, wa thtepor evrua rdthaof tse my ov m es , onas "I'm surmai7wll doan e. Butwh1I StaTesUnaite d aasàl e po pun a-emuntions halptute tthehoresnbyalan , f j .poileyj s and th eo g n riat h rdcd ti e on e h r lnbviusy eo hal!a soiatinot~ s ort in of m arknd Fen ia b ag nnch o og V 5 V Vin t 10,7 000, a mre d p t ar t n . forugl it o f.its - l t nt" e eohr i"fyng m c i s w e e e n o ie a mate n. Thait sen lert ,t ttr o up. oehAlbrt 1thn heef t hers tdita >co aton the ai dee etilJut at dprsentefhs eto th- tlcae.'ly t ii, diectoi n V a lckmt aei ene ai ow tIcn i ascetic made or busness ik keen- in a theathlcradmtt.d etkeesotheo tnt rledoVi- y.lL onardo da fasionfVo ake hllundev nes n the hsn. 'Ti. eubro w n yo radti o. 'Aad wthe he mi hlt a n popetviion i, os landyrdfdiga atdoef r om- orivii haes gutd color, b. TPolula i . 148A D.atm t ie p e o hpe n a vertherend oon but wl tb ltoemif ar -nubr owhlers iiaV'st« th lage t a mawrtanil gPnr o mparable' t tIi. mpoain se. It la mai ofthat le. enuit-ay be aqdllco sria. th conte s eVrno a11 "fzb "vle aan ehne th mral dwaen hs. e: ii. foi, oui'Umener i.MDnabhl~sacity.vhhThe attitudmak e. lg omarethe-Uitlop -fSietsaoecel,- h jafobtie yrotaicp-t e o-dat wsli 6 myste mowc thof ut tii. ositvit g von'th hiaihasadtatnstW. re gwraof ursel t of rs wea; iws oek mort se hanptva hon- erod. r icnld it ermuthie bu ithas mre borzetthe o t V mnoe. 1irs oal a ethe moa1t h n .atmtdt Wi prcu1 n c ,rM t et In ete a sol, .-h ia "li 1eV _ - &1ake-a 11i*tue o __n - l a ti. atitue_! r__, h. lar e o f s new elett n .co aln n g w ht tho tes m@%Ahu Ib. ca& ed w e t ran geme î, DÉD BY rty-ene te 'ted nOW tbiishmnent the navY, ;xng about ower. r su vora- Lnnoii f od- -Gon. Rab- demanded ty 1lwith w ill be- authori- Vn o mon voiuiiteol e been a5' thoumandl' its offoereKI ng o! thý bon thepfO it lu hear4I IV la, alto- aSURi ha atar houa" Ignous te Itary ag 'd te evade, litary Ber-; ghitened. Mu der for a d account n it gets. I tliat a een batore, nent, the s Vo MIf mptly W-1 is non-el-1, romen dl' Jar young{ hat brighVt ises, Ran4 $r in Vise Viii train- ais, eltiier - seplng tuaý rosses In, the- mlirk-' boy the ixomptees.- ý piy tedb. I tsnd ta.

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