Muëh erltlclim ýhan 'been expènded upmi thée bad condition of the King- ston Road, but It -la a questièn If Yonge 15treet trom Aurora to Holland Land- 4ng lorflot equally as bad. TrhIzs liso a mucb travelled ldglxway, and cau6es inuch grumbling from tourlsts. lt la quite evident that Old Sol la ileased wit.h Canada. He sxnlied al day long on Canada natal jubilce day, and smillng ail day ls something lie hasnt been accustomed ta dolng- this ycar. Part of a day Rt a time le al lie usually ls able to manage. A tliree*year-old Toron'to boy "ho xvas vlsltlng ln %Vhitby recently got off tbls brIglit utterance. His mother liad ta-en ging a neighbor mwho kept liens the refuse tram lier table. One day she gai-e the neiglibor somne pieces et brown bread. hereupen fthe ltie lad at once sald: "That wiii make your he-ns iay chocolate eggs- The Orgatiîzation of Ilegources Cani- rnitte ba advices that Ontarlos bar- %.->St lg likely ta be a bumyper one this j7ear, and they are already setting; the machinery ln motion towards securing hf-1p for harveat. Any person wha vili be able ta rcnder azelistance ln thc bar- arest shouidecommunicate wlth the Dis- trict Representativc oethIle Depariment of Agriculture. The Outarlo Ladies' Coilege la agafin bencdlcialiy serving Whittiy b> brIng- THE LIFTUP Cr 7D- fng boe -- ouple Oà iinndred persons tlsrýouSh thée t he bboy ,muet -rettirn te attend the à gss1nMary?èonference. bis. bUtton, to the commltte.!N I O U IA Theoy~n people go awky, aftkr tn ' r Pooe laan lnerestliZg speaker days hete, with a very >leaenkit picture attention. At the -conclusion -Of hie ef Wýhitbi' ln their mlnds. Their su- address he caHed to the.,plattoeiaffl I-U UI I journ la attended by a. moat auspicloýus teen age boys wIio axe ongaged for Bir-UII $et f Crcunstnem à tey illthe Buramer menthe on tarins. About set f crcumtana. n~ tey iiltwenty boys liied uv on the Platformn tark favorably of '*btby for yeai's ta and were- given their Fam Service corne. Prom the town's Point of Vlew. Buittons.Thé enthusiastic antd inspir. oI.~ W I A¶ that la good advertitng. 1-9 taik bY Mr. Poole and the passes- sion of a button, of which he may te. * a acorne sole owner. wilil wthout dloubt Falilwlieat to be a fine cro spur many ef the boys te compiete the ln he eigboroodof arre. %Iswhe eseason on the farta 'mheu they in he elgbohoo cfBarie 'lunmight have Mterwise given up the district grows a lot ef tali wheat'and work i dscouragemaent or because of Rt la usualiy a good crop. One field the monetenY ef IL. The Soidiers of seen on _%Monday. wbich iooked fine. the Saili Mvemeattlu-in thbe rigit dir- wassow onOctober l4tJ, a month or I etion. Meetinrgs of a similar ktnd te WRS SOfl Ofltbat held ln Whitby are being conduet- ~ more later tbaN fati wheat Is usualty eli tirougitout ail Ontario, and lte re- puît ln the ground. Suecesa ln thîs, suit cannot but be et untold value bothI.," case niay be duie ta thbe tact of the failtot the boys themnselve s ad ta thti coun try at large. bein g exceptlonally fine and long,.) ____ _____ fording sufficient growth for the roots teeed -home with Mr. and Mrs. M.. -Tg gart, bas receiired omfcil notice from( * * . * Ottawa notlfying her of the deatb of Th saclý fhep o wrko alher brother. Pie. Chas- MacDonald, MN. RsEMBIJno rhescaclr o hep fr orkof ilwho was reported kilied on Aprtl 9th, b89 Ca&sgr4in St., Montre kitîds ls actuîcly feli as tbe suminer 11917. Pte. MacDonald. who 'mas a pregrcsc-,. it la qite impossible ta, painter and decorator, 1le ~~April 0th, 19 sf-ciire men to do work of many kinda. by at Mr. McTaggart's for four years InTu iy opinion, ne othcr med anld ù(rt-mly difficuit Io sectire men prerlous to lis cnhtstnhent with the ln the worid is so curative for C~i 166th Quefl'sOWR la February, 1916. lion «adlu«digeeiou as " Frui t-a-tiv for any rrork- Owners,,of gardens and Mrs. John Ferguson. of Toronto. vis- wasa suffererfroin these complaini lawn.9hite to do the werk cppertain- lted ln 10w» ILIis Wek. fveyearand my sedentary oct tn -hrto. or let It go un;done. To - ----- c-a.. -a: find a mant» t mow graus, ta build ai fece, ta do a bit of carpenter 'mork, ta uriioad a car of coal. ta like looking for at neüdle ln a liaygt.ak. The Icar- cIr,' of woirks-r-s wlI be more and Mure cit as mm-t are taken tram ineeaasary, vocations Inue the ar" . hIs 1takingl Caniadian s ome tittl îixnÃ4 la 'becomel adjtibitcd ta the çoudt ion' of things. O ur brcthrcn In 'Grett Britain bave knorn îhils-cqpditiou for two years 11ow. Theyereî4ting it by tue ubendon meut of unesential accu fia- leüns and ibtrin-res tatîd cauaerving T hc-atai -beip fJr absollureiy ne- I f<ssarý rcrcatjojis. Thre women folk, t ce. art- taktuug fold, and are filliug ttiau>- vacant jobs. In Caniada. ihere ar, thiousa.nds of men liv-ing semi-idle ing retired from active busi- i nes irlio imîglît again rally ia tlie ranks of sork-ers did they but realize the urgent duty of every man serving hl8 coîtnrrylni some capaclty. Canada iat %%ar, and every otince of national energy anîd resatirce should be avail- a bic for the country3a setrvice, Soldiers of the Soil. Abouft 100 people, of whom hie ma- tJoriîy were boys and >oung people. utýre at the 'Soldiers of the Soii"meet- lng lîeld lu the Music Hall on Wýedneis- dav eveniug laat. May or Warren. as chairman. ex- pr aiue-d tlieplurlpase of tihe meeting. ,\ hidi liad been celled ta enliaI and encoutrage teen age boys ta helP in tarai work during the stumurer months. Addr-esse8 -were ma4e by local clergy- meir as an Inîtroduction ta the re- marks of thue cliief speaker, Mir. D. R. IPoole. who la bend of the rftoemenî ln titis district. Msi. Poole told of bow the' "Saldiers of tb-li-I activity waa started. under the direction of tht Or- ganizaton of Resotîrces Cotnmittee. He explattued tluat t il aeq tnaugurated witt the atm of a-nablltîg teen age boys whe are toe young te- e#list In the army, and to fighî overseas, te 4e their bit and ta take a part 1 -tie great Istrtîggle juat as linpetalt as tirat pînyed by the men la khaki. namply. ln the production of food. Mr. Poole dea-eribed haw the move- ment Is mee4isg with Sauccesa -laaal îw,ýrig of thse Prôvlntè, and îo-day iliausands of tfeu p4e boys are apend- ng tlir' umuner -v oIn on a farm taking the place ot a masn who bas gone overseas. -1 To gir'e eniPhasîs te thehtct"t the boys on farnas.are doing the work ef a real seldier at borne lhe Organb&a itou of Resources Committe. hie had prepared buttons, whIchane the badge o! service of the ESolers o! ýthepoil. *Tirese -but tous are plîenet.toecdi boy wmho takea a poattipa on a. tar=i for tbe-sason. If, atiQUW -ad of the preneribed period. the ,'. rodueca his certificate of havlng.o«#c4 thle entire tuze, the button becoueca bts pw" per. sonai proguerty, sumd wlIt h-aprized souvenir lu (the later yeansat h lite ta testity iplire part lbiplayed la wln- fting -te War. If lic Ualato se Co W tEU~ Cou,~Iomts'vIn. MAoU TA OrStauadsdTwseSelm .. .uen-s stripe mute pants and blue' stripe bibb overaUsa at 98e. prer pair at W. G. Watersa, Saturday, July 7. Mr. hui1le, w-lo lias been teller ln the Standard Rlank bere for somne tîme. left on Wednesday for Toronto, where he was ta be assignadt! t a new post. His position bae i; belng assumed by Mr. Holmes. of Brighton. EAST WVHITBY COUNCIL. Council inet on Monday, July Z2nd. Reeve Dearborn ln the chair. Mem- bers ail present. Minutes read and adopted. Communications read froni C. H. Crysdale, Oshawma Ry. C-o, Hy- dro-Electrle. .J. E. Farewell. K.C.. M. D. Joliuson. Col. Cockburn and Municipal Association. '-i 9 t, r'; e15.- in. In testixgal Paralysis- wi th nas/y Jkad- a*rhet, belehing Mai drowsiness after eating, and Pain in the flack. 1 tried pille and niedicines of phygicians, but nothiag heiped me. Then Iwas induftd- ta try "Fruit-a-tives ", and niow for sûr montb I have been ent.irely well. 1 advise any one wbo suffers from th&- horrible trouble-Chronie Constipation wîth the resultaht indigestion, Io try -Frs'i-4 -i "es"',and fou 'iii be agreeabiy 8urprised at the great benefit ,you WfiI receive ". A.- ROSENBCRG. 5Oc. a box, 6 for 12.50, triai aise, 25c. At ali dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- a-tives Limlted, Ottawa. b-r. Pascoe, seconded by Nir. Nes- bitt. moved that the Munlcipality of DEATH 0F NlRS. CHAPPLE. East Whilby hereby consents ta theTh'le Dryden (>bserre'r of Jtt qZst Oshawa Iran and Metai Co. consîruet- contalned the follom-ing apprebatifon ing a switch Into thaîr prirmises from af the laIe Mrs. (Judge) Chapple, ot the Oshawva Rallway Co.. and crosslng Kenora, who was baro and ediicated i-n the Base Uine eaisi of- Slmcoe ett-cet ibis community. aud wlio was a siater as showu at1 the blue tîrint. Cai-ted. of Mi-s. W. G. Waiters, of! Whiîby:-- Movcd by Mr. Glover, aeconded by «It was with prafound regret that Mr. Ellins. that the folîowîng be Paid the communuy learucd atn Suuday of bonus on -,%Ire fences:-Wm. Jewellt, dal !LcyAn ie0 i 17 rods at 15c., $262; Jas. Scott, 72 Honour 'r. W. Chapple. jrîdge for the rods ait 15c., $10.80. C. A. Wilson, 40 Judicial district o! Kenera, which oe- rods ai 10c., $4: George .Martin, 110 currad on Suturda - ening at the rodsa it 15c.. $1650; G. D. Cenant, 35 Winnipeg General Hospit. rods ai 15c.. $5.25. Carried. -Mrs. f'happle had bacs i1i aInce Moved by Mtr. Glor-er, seconded by lasità racb .gnd ar-ex three weaks ago Mr. Pascoa, that the !oliowing ac- I ias removed to the Winnipeg Hospital counts ba Paid: Ifer lreatrnent, and a week ago under- Roadsansd Bridges--Edwin Cot-ke,lwelnt .iii OPeratiOn, froni the effectir-of e4: Edwin Down, $13.75: Robert Han. whieh sh@ dld net raliy. The dotets- na, $101.25: Sidney North, $5226; ed iras a dauîghter af the laie Milton Heber Down, $5825; Chas. Warne.1 andi Mrs. Frtneh, and iras borni ash- $2.50: Frank Vallaut, $5.90; John r aia 64 years agç.' Afier ber marriage 1Croirell, $16; John Glover,, Jr., e10; ilu 1882 sha iront to rt-sida la Wbitby, Thos. 0ke, $38.00; Ralpb RobInson4 faiid ln 1884 Movedt! t Uxbridge, where $3225: Wm. Ward, $6.00.; nWaa. . -er husband pracîiced law and repre- e24.20; Wm. Ward, 122.7à ; Henry sentad the riding Ia the local irouse. Fielditig. $10: Geo. Pllkey. $1_36; Fred ýetore cemia* te Kenora 19 i'ears ago. Rahm, e10; Fred Rahin, $5.50; H. T.biM-s.C4~pple iras a mnember of th,~ Cole. U.10: W. J. Stephen-son. $6; Wm I Presbyterian Clîurch. She aiwaya o French, $8.20. AE. Robinsoa, $119.70; a deep laterezt ilansd gar-e finaé R. W. Grierson, $8.40; Edgar <Ilover.athe eh upprtkin&-torhewainl $4920; Oea. Stocks, $26.30; Thos.h l na-aina h ma I- Neirsome, $75; Albert Toms, $32.50; aseoe4p prsonaily w1th Red Cru7 G. ' B. Mothen-sli, 1i950; Jos. Cocb' work- "ifdrup te the last Ilîn-eas, ias tana. $35; W. G. Smith, $6; F. W. Lee, faitÈittlit delg irat sba cotmd to hep Scheols.-E. J. Phillipe, S. S. No. 2. She was- sympiathétic snd thoughtful $550; F. H. Ct-casa, S. S. No. 3 rot- ethers, and thèese chsracterisîies $300; Wesley Lee, S. S. Ne. 4, $160; A: endeareti htr ta many trIentishI Ken- E. Grass. S. S. Na. 6. $200; Win. Brent, era and tisez-bere. S. S. No. 8, $165; F. E. French, Union 1 *BasIdes ber husbaad sire la survîived S. . Noa. &,200o. by oea on. William PL.. etArmstrong. - Municipal World,- printlng, $4.58. B.C.; aloo ber agad met-ber and lir I On motion ef Mr. Ellina, the Cotn. asiteON, -MmN A. A. Smith. of cil adjouraed ta met-t ou Auguat 6th, brook, OnL, a"d Mr&. W. G. wa1ti at 2 o'clock p.m.' Whitby, and tu-o broihers, fprederlx Wua. PtavEre. Cicr-k, and W*Iater P'rench, Gà haw'a."L.. WHITBY MAREETS Wheat, fal.......$LOO t whee.t. tooe .......2.00 te Bule ... .......... 1,3 te Domb".. .... .... .. ..8Sm t vie .. .... .... .... .. Lu te .... .... ...... ..aLo t Buckvbetai...-... .. 1.60 te i. te va« erton .... ...11.00 te plur. per cwt. ..6 .76 te Chopd let"& ewt..- - 37uste liu. Iet ton .... .... 0#*te Shortsl. P« ton'. .. ... 44 tO urgAT, PO(1LTRY Au D FEODI Cattle. dr«msd-------1..00 ote .1MI00te MW*l Xà d. stl......0 ..PM& 0 utlb-.f f 1 tmeriI or thirlae Mus. A. C. SMsasaMe wua 11.14 foin AIdcrulde ooIthe homet thUe la". MmUs. Mclas li lone,. Dotier At Cauntugion, ou Mon- S. day lust mes.Maeraras vas thre ~ *gsr etCpLthe tndard Bank atOsm-I I*slntoný,wb wvet «mesésitk *q liiot MeUlea.-a &*..r Uo.Mis. Ma 19.0e ~ t au operatioq sure vas promet la ehuret. socia *ad patouff e wr-k, 0"d vasbeieve <Nla the. *.muy. ffl arnlritm & b er hud a<'ua"ter',s*- 8.00O M a a h r , s r i b d e t tIr. 18.00 18.00 fa 'M 'M 8.8 'M 'B 'M TOM, Fou s! liMihi BUTTER WRAPPI3 RS NJeELY PRJNTIED READY FOR use OR ýPROMPTLY PR1NTED TO ORDER ( e, A. Goodlellow & Son Gazette and Phronicle WhIlby, a Ontarlo M&poaly I 01 hi at- Mrs anoi is Il wor] De a TI lias tusuta et c.. ing flot taris citiz, .lntai liett that if -and thbe enlig thue Cani the -I ive our. ca.Théu.thei1éi the .aui tbéar comttry o o«ol r- *- - - f&gss< ý.CAN ADI AN -'q 'r a X BIAS FILILED CORSETS P-o%-itivcl y thle ni., t effct re corset for ladies mlîo require abdomlin-al btipport. Alilicu iatest styles of corsets to suit any figure. CORSETS MADE TO ORDE. Write us for catalogue aoed raaurmeal lors REPIRESENTATIVESWA.NTrED Wr4îe to-day toi particuWarata Dcparxrrcnt A BIAS CORSETS LlMITED 39 BRITAIN ST. TORONTO Cet VOUr COal Wbere you a"e mure it will be Clean and Bright Our coal is weIl screened. We guarantoe prompt de- livery and good service. TeephonÇ No. 182 Jas. Sw -, l h ý&Gr m PUR 1