Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Jul 1917, p. 6

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MÀIONy LaTDEfNE FEN Gave UP là Tronches Lweadilng to Village OnJy Jnder Stron Cqmpulson.-Canadlan Heavy Artillery Pouding at Final Teutofi Stand. A. deapatch from- the Canadien cond itions in thia trench -lino. TheY Eeadquartors in France, says:-Tho found it strongly held by the enemY, RMM3 o clinga tenaciously to Àvroin. and were unable to enter his defencel. h'.gav uphu~trnchswhlh wroOur heavy artillery bas once mnore Ire ate u h*àrlreche, wich' wretaken up t.he work of de4ruction. on, a siope leadîng up to the. vllage; 5 When the Avibn.line la .rendered un- =* 9"qvr a quarter of a mile ftom the tenable the defendera of Lense wil - ict bouses, only under strang com- have but one abat in their oceker. Be- Tboy wero dug ln challi, tween Avion' and Lens there ia a con- rnd mev artillerw observers had no dit- iderablo treteli of marah land along A' - r Hom. W. J. Hanai, C&Anadà Food ControBlh Marctof thse WidFrmliesNd&IW. Toronto. Ju1S -Monltoba whst-No. BETWWÇ ONTARIO A"D iEI* 1 Nortb 2681.1 No. 2 Nôrthern. 18 OU BA $2.68à. traLc o~y~ rts 18HW TMLJ antoba o . 2 C . .. 78C. track 'm ranc:o No. 3 yeIlow. 81.816. nonal. track goronto. Iem rom Provines W or. Many Ontarioa oatm--No official quotatUons. Ontario weu t-No. 2 Wuter. per car OtroBy u il r lot. $2.60 to 8.66, do.. No. .8. $48 to #2.58. accordit to frelKbhts ou aide. Uig treA»-tsôtst2lB nominal. according ta vii Bsrley-Mal#Ing. nominal. according Rural districts in Alberta hava to 1rethts outbide. placed a tax for patriotlc funds. Ry-e-No. 2. IS2.05. nominal. accorclIni to freligbta outaide. Winnipeg mon in casusitienssincO Manitoba flair-Pirat patents.i Jute the wa.r began number 13,6M. bars. $38.40: i second patenta. In Jute ou~¶1, baga. l2. i strong bakera'. In Jute The Edmonton Library ond1, bairs. $12.60. Toronto.62bokdrnghe onh fMa. ,Ontario flou-winter. '62 oosodrid henonh ftay samPle. 811.00 b 8$11.10. in baas. , c Lieut. H. N. Walker, a well-known Toronto. prompt shlpment 1 -lasbLe k ldinac- Mllfeed--Car lots. dellvered Montreal Edmoanton man.. S,.acl freigh ta. baga Includeâ-l3ran. Per ton. tion. Oultytln seeinrthe effect a! ever the Souches. This Y-as been flooded!F1 hm.kr 13; lci An qeldopdirte.Hi e ieand wre entanglements have been oi.e~r ton. $42; ~Oo4 'd cnour. par O t e tte t ser sdeofth ~I'R LDflICffleAHa -E£ 1ra No. 2. per tom Sî2 50 gte ousWnlpg a oo e 1,t eitllnfotothmotconstructedon te easten ade f te i-11019 OL D IL1 13.fiemlxed..ver to,39 ta 811. truck:cently. westsry row af bouses lu Avoin. It floodcd ares.. Toronto. ThewonofLorMnasd la lu nected with cellare and dugout.s North of the river, durlng the night, U.LDL S- rar,?car lots.,tper ton. $9. tre.ck '$625 for4 titcproo tarcn fin lihe village, te whicb the occupants enemy poste were raided b>' the Eng- IYLIAL 8jAI. OU /L T 0F FROM 13B ornt.bazaar. eau retire when heavil>' ahelled. liab Midiand troopa and a number o! Country ioneWbtsl n norieuAbra243fmle Strong Canadian patrols were sont the enemy were killed and taken pris- BANKS AND BRAES. Butter ---Cr"nerý solids. per lb.. 35 ta are recevn sitnc rmtePt out durlug last night along moet ai oners. There, as itia tu, the south, Army - Officers Hatched a Plot i- par . r 12 , I36àSita 36c; dalry, i. c ud tefota learu somethiug of thethe Gerinan new hue e strongly held. to Overthrow the Preent E-gor-%Per dl)z. 2 S ta 29c. Winnie arol egepaat ti.fotWhat le Golng On la tbi Highlands NWhlsýSare sellinhl ta the retalad$ P.gn fSri.trade at the ffilowînit price;:- ad 20 e otht h ioaC Regme ! Srbi. sd Lowlands oî Auli ('heese-N.%eW1 large. 22J ta 23c; twilek. Of ncb hid A epthfrmSlnca as-221 tb 231-c: triplets. 23 ta 23 jC; aId. Mntb a o hadmr Ue se "TROOPS H N - --RSota lre.Sc ttutterEee-d. c ticlet. 206c.kMa Sevra eect 3tok place in the Boetatte SOC; twins . ic tr3ttts o 36. FRANCE 1hIlTfU UTW'n('L'ICoutskirts of Salonica un Wednesday. There isa motar service awli- mer)- pin 3-Igta 1.4c; saitde garessnete.,r ,'u'.. BEACH Uf R U OLl L I.a Col. imitrievich, Major Vulovicb sud tween Stromnessud Kirkwall, con -oro cartons1 SO.»QblAenn Ausro-lunarin ~olutee, Mlo. necting with the steamer sailings- 40c. f wi. -2 ta 26c. aquabs. par do*.. Ing erece x ieehbto rud babach, concerned witb mown>' others The Laird of Fresuicit bas been 84.00 3d 4.50* turkeyi;. 20 ta 25e tMoeJw lepoultri-Sprlng chickena. l. 5a O Advaucee Guard o! Powerful Holland to Psy Germany> Totalil a cansiiiracy of a Serbian secret created a rear-admiral of the Britishbte 3c. bene. tb. 18 ta 20e. lb.- LieutS.JDaisfo eryuEd soityt oetho teprsntfft.Honey-Com -Extra flne and heavy mont-on coltcebs be Army to be Sent to War jCompensation Value ofShipe. societ>petaiovILthrow75:csplectnt$fle0t. reieof Serbia and substitote an Dufftown and district have pur- wlh.e2d~. 2.7 lec.26..60 ta Against Germany. A despatch f rom Landau asys: Ac- oligarchic forin of goverument, were chsed ovor £,0S0 of war cert c 1e oate-i rc ntra a a. The Mntb iia> avls despatch front Washington Baya: ~~~~~~~~~cordiiig toa Hague officiai comns- 1&'Ilot. anetebgnigo pi.* 0 bra D:bC8. EI I Min>'mWahnto as sneth einigofArl redeR. bag. $4. 0 Red Star. new. bbI ..~ cent Hoea1ueo akwl e cryteUie ttsi rprn orsodn f Reuter's, Limit-ed, an long terins of imprisoumout. Wick, has been grant.ed an jucrease in N bbî.. S 311.60 ta 12ll0nsa1.71ers. to moud againat Germany reached agreement has been rcached between salary of £20 per annunt. Baoipre. ndpce. .0PoIr France on Wednesday night. Iu do- t-oeigth vn Dutch au ema aerninents FRMR HOME 0F THE CZ AR.I The Royal Red Cross Badg has20%: LImeWm lpgthe umr fiance af thse German submariuoscomenn tiseetseeDufthehau- 1been preseuted ta Sister Laura Ga- mmgrntsonerngtheWet ur thousanda of seasoued regulars and wîh~eeti>o<~ofteE'.Surptuous Palaces Sit-uat-ed iu t-he don, daughter of John Gardon, PmVW ie~îI ng oner e aa 0 o aioa * arne, raue igtig onwihlish coasez lant Februar>'. Germai"'yiîaeofaq mokfd meaka-Ilams. meiu, 3 t 247 forSsaceacu 6 nl thé tan of long service ou the Mexi- undertakes to replace thle lait vesse1' Detective-Inspectar Smniths, ane cf 42c. rois. 27 ta 28o. breakfast bacon, borts. eau brder, Haytir Saua Do-by the cession of s number of Germnani 'lTivellers tram Petrograd ta Paisley's most poliular police Ofn- 3 taeS36c; backs. plain. 36 ta 37c, boue- Dal'tinsrcebsenIsu cnbdeor in - t O atoD-le»s 39 ta 40c Di mingo atiîl ou tboi.r faces, have becu ships, naw iu Dut-ch East Indies, 0! Tsarakoye-Sela have a joufliOy <f flfI cers, has resigned after 39 years of; Cureti meats-L.ang clear bacon1 25 tegu ratedbtenanubro ua bastnedta lghtbesde -beequivalent value, but Holland la t -en miles te Ute south aver te old- service. 26 V per lb. ear balles8. 24 ta IL. districtsm -ecte fRgn u freneh, t-be British, t-be Belgian, the psy German>' a sunt equivalent t-ot-ho est rallroad ln-te Russian Empire," A free gift sale at Carnoustie tubs%. 271t lx.IrIe; pals. 27à ta 27 [:. 'Moose Jw Ilusîs, tbd ortguee sd Us Ial-total compensation value cf t-be lbt maysas bulletin o! t-h. National Gea- reslized t-be nsmo! £350 for For! sr- ompiound. tWtrces, Ili. tube T. Le;1Winnpgbsa letos eita tàti thé soug esernfnd h t abips. German>' wilh componsate thse graphie Saciety'. "Thee hue wbich sbire soldiers sud sailora iujurea in' xlif. 2c-.-tion cf 600 hc asvu> e 1h. Aôi n e w fresern frbeta net crews of thbe lost àhips for moral sud connecta t-he capital city with t-he thes ar. - Hoîtreal UMarkes cent. vrIa eru lt ubro ghaqn e -ealires twlJ thow a mat-crial damages. l'Vilage o! t-be Tsar' (wbicb in thbe A well-cquipped resttesud recrea- Mfont reailut 3-0ats - Canadian women oeaeulmn inglo burdon of supp1I 0r equipmetj The ceded vesselas a>'ouI>' ho used - meanlug cf the hyphenated rmante) tientbut at Oldmi.ll Military Hospita o.. extra N. 1 fee.C :7$ic.- Barey- JjdoCalaywhlaMnob' otkem. The troaips will ho f.d, for transocean traffc during t-be war wias construct-ed lu 1838. It runs bas brou opeued b>' Lord Guthrie atl-MaitInt, 31 .LiFiaur-Niantobe. serins oldeatsticrcu-yclbse In an asedtbesd mot until t-ho belligereut pawers through level country dotted with Aberdeen. 'whéat patent .firata. 18.0:i-aiffte subdam d dequipped b>'te !secondi.s . ce; .. stronirbakeraO. lttehatuvrsr'saJstco Uultd Satea ArundUten atthereeognîze t-he transfer of t-be flag and fertile fieldes &d ricis pasture land. IThe Admirait-y bave uearly com-itdo., stralgrbi talleroa.$2-0 o 12.80; Peso.I, u8 easad -' te Satat Fecs. aliouedesat-ho herigbt o! tbese vessels ta 'inder '*Tsrsko'e-S4FIo bas taktea mare pleted flfty cottages, at Larkfield ~idS e4. ta .16~ o. Roiesoats..Bar.-5 CardfMnsAbrahve ee wll .e the gln fr ot-asu __________o! 30,000. It wasanauinuignificant tion ta construct as mai'>'ore. $29. Middfl t *340 ta $i. Aoutlllie--ps more uptheri 11 n fo r low.,an Finnish village visen Peter tue Great 1$c-oprlJonKly 44 ta $49. t---No. 3. pwtan. car lots, atfw-.k.TIi alre ui ___________U.S.SENATE rAourEu assumeti contraI ofte mout- af tise ran Highlanders, Mothierwell, hW2aSc; tad8..60n t oe-rut. ttr-euttrs osttnu il umr ______________ U.. -~ - ---Cholcest c. $bcy.36; do..seconda DAYLIGHT-SAVING BILLi River Neva. The monarcis presented1 j'- awarded t-ho Militar>' Medal for . 34. .g lleted. 37 tae î; No. 1 IA AKPNE IRUN ARMY WEARS i t-be village ta bis rayaI consort, Cath-; gallantry duriug a raid on thbe enemy>. stock 34 ta 354'. No. 2 stock. 31 tae,3M. SUITS 0F PAPER Last Sunda>' of .>pniUntil Lent Suc-.. enne L. sud began te construction oai1General Sir H. Sincair Hom~, coza-ý - lrlaTeQusonfPredieMutb Evlonc o!GroisgStriteo! -ho day of September lunE..ch t-bhea t Imperlal Palace (uatualîylàýanig t-be FinI Art>'on 1h. Wîuinîpe1. $uîy &-Cash prces:- e-edtthoOt. ]BTene-f rwngSrat f hdesiguated as tise Old Palace, ta dis-j Western Frout, le a -CaithueSenan, Wheat-Ne 1 northern. 82.38. Ne. -2 I urogatpckpn>tlwy No. 4. 5. 51.95; No. om.th; t leatarteernla froIt ao aneris$r.as; Germais Forces. laewt f t 4 Palace built isud '" o t- St-rkke, uatberu3. 6,N 5 lrtN.4 i-a rè A esscbfon Lnon Bye- A despatch f rom Washingtoll "YS*-b> Ct-ermne Il. during thbe cbosiug 1Tue Dundee hoaltb sut-horities DBasicOnatrs4 ;June. $3.87' Ju iY c d-A gb- p<>.SIta yarsa er e. Lonndon s* pprve o!: fo 2.12:Au<uet- (Crut hait). *hSif t Mlit toWieelm dle' The dyigtsavlng law sf e'redd fyeUt of-er a gn ad2of he tihtNo.haveaCpW..il7o0a;scehieforaten-No 8eCW..h 7m.àrluWt-7 at hI BUlking, evideuce o! the growlug Senat-or Calder of New York w'., entit century). The edifice was com-' utilizatiou o! certain classes o! in-. esir.7No. 1 frî "7 1No feed. 49c. tort"al otI~b a tpln mIrIt.o!t-b. ermn rt>, ss b- aed byt-ho Sonate aon WednesdaY piet-ed Just a year beicre Peter'a toerior meat for the. bonefit o! t-he o4.5.1:r $t-d1.10; tee 1.10. e011bweo tlwbM pas y Iecefly f. s cap. Ba pison-N. àC .. or ta 1 mr. Their clot-hiug exclted curiosit>y ff 1u1.4et3fr;b'bi No.e, 8 e-bPtreu, i. runao J . rvu e' 3W O5 W. 85 prbebouo>,mls n A . oa tra l-aapeaane,50Itva aalz- The inoasure pi-avides t-bat time b. bet-vecu 1747 sud 1756. Palmerston, bave been abtained b>'ir» e.It vas discovered that t-be ffi-movcd foi-yard oee our on the tat "ome etflte mnt-magnificeut t-be Maxweilton Courscil sud anrebW-. iînespoIS& 1aMin. XW 8IN m a-pn T heCndinRole.. m a Iww e r n g w o- c o h f l$ 2 3 o l m b . cy - b a s h- o r i l a l i e t a l e c n n t b a b cor ar no werig vyoucha h ! unday o! April lueacis >'r and net roal sprt nsln uropeare to be îng .takeou t for arde allt- . uIy .5. à; YteTtNorth71; --a i oi ui lotther fibre, sud eulisted men uni- . , X Prj n bard, e31$ ta 3.* No. iDur-1 fors i ppe flr~ It l evdet-back t- thne original tumeoat na [alad taund lu ahe 01<1 Palace, fabtaby hé -le mnt.. j rn. 1*46 te 9310:. Ne 2I ?tt-hein. (n Ieysre ao oym -freo aprfbe. neiet:0to 53.40. C*oruý-No. 8 Y.ttaw l mils.eotln l ctiel' usut-d a und'.y ln Sepfembtr. Al cîgeka Iu bedroM etMarie Alc~udrovus, cou- - lhvpth bhai Coape"led PatrickihsT ~, oiQt~'O aio eiPr"ccdth.eapeu-u ts- t-be nation. under thbs set- paiseAsort af Alexander IL, vit-h lt-eopah- Keit-h t-oresiea bIs position as clerk t <te. ou't,nnehane Shiptuent&.ufitb rvr etbstme n thor latts o!as long. StlagtiftIewculd bo advanced fromi 2 o'clock te escent glas walas, ils columas omnd Irasurer o! t-hm Hamilton Sdiool 1buluth Mint,,-Jqly 1-Whtï î lplunge fo-adtrug bers- var lacIs t-bat- long. on té ae - d nApril, purple glssand lt-a mother-loi-p.arh1 Board, a position heho au beld for 4" hari-t. nominl.No. 1 Nort-hern. WOOdtagvbi oenltyle; p , 9 2. 387; NI8:naL Llern, U &I' ju. . u t sud remnoee our lu advancm untîl Iniaid fbon. Tue walli cf another yuars. 33;nO. 3i N orhrit, 33$.5 btbeor ii dmrrd uemmt NEW LONS TO LLIES. t-he sud o! Septembeir, vhen t-bey chamber are panciled with auter, a! The i-cuis of t-be late Jamen le;s.e ipîeMi~r 59;Otbr ss.srwd orlvstrtu.txa AmrcnCddt e ette wouid ret-uru ta normal "-l . t-ird spart-ment le decarated vit-b Bravn. s Crimesu sud Indian Mutin>' 1 ca-eerel bda fb i oe AmrianCrdîu ovPae -le II. ii.bill aiso flx.dstandard t11>0. silver, anahher bat wonderful tables j rt-enfin, o! Coatbridge, were buried X.vei »«- I & 1brokote lu lion Mark. visicis ieretafore bas ouly been donc sand chandollers vsicus gîow vit-b tue*witI.milîtary isonoru at- Old Monk- I 9TaranteoJU 8.Extrachoice thear'rvilaa -epne utb Adcspateb tram Washington saays: by general agreenment, sud b>' set o!soft- îîgbt o! lapis-lazuli, sud tiiere lu land Cërueter>' 1.7*j a iL5 od bea'Y 1bailierpto!-h one'oe O -Ausnican luans t-o thbe allies pasaod rai-tous State Legilatures. Five s baiiroom vhlch glitters vit-h goîd- A.cale chantant hold lu he t-be M c- 7 iotl 13:do.11.006ai rcia upotae o iti tiie bîllion-dallar mark an Tueda>, standard zoneare Pnovded-E-t-- sd mlrrora.Tiie agate root eoft-be Lehlan Gallcnîca, GJasgow. unders<.he 1ta 811.265* do.. Medium. $10. ta 8*10. 76'.1thierilqesoao!reeei we idI conmnn. 39.50 ta 3",86; butcherw afl 'aben Ibhs Treasur>' plsced $15.000 000 li, Central, Mountain, P&CiiIC snd palace vas te bedehamber o! lb. auspices o! t-ho Cli>'Business Club, 9s hoe. *1 a80.3.; do.. »â -e -br atOb e tirl -i to thekau-wlofhGrat hour's add810ferassace wth au ours.d89.21.ce tagve9.50:thdo... onuedlum ofthe eoustesn..P$n*&dcy Met-boreliiveo. t-o tbe cedit f Giont- ritan audUO,-j >~ roatCathriue.y oubehaî ~f tc hopît-ia, rshws <>315ekte. rugh hila.30 ta.5 tuglesfor -be lad$6it-ina, ausal 000,000 te Franee'e accounit. Credits 1tme b "neahot WitUiasU hbeseumptueus spart- thbe au> o! 9730. fbutebero' çaws,. #4 ce,$960 t-a île; do., ' tr te ahI t-he allies t-o meet-t-heir expeadi- _______ment»S et Ma ie pasal. Nirbolas IL.,1 James Cessfoi-d. te nov manager saose.t81.50ta1,î:do.. medium. *7.60 to fl".,cadnasd otlg -a tareslii Iis conti-' uowtotal$1,-sorecenîl>' deposed, mam> cSuplcd'o! fit. Cutbrt's Co-operatil 1.00. sptoýce 87.50 ta 8.5_0 fre".der.ïe lo r 4-1lh oahue .980000o! wbici Gi-est- Britalu U S. FORESTRtY UNITS any of t-leut, but- preterrad t-o lve ina*ceatio' est-ste. Rat-ho, vas pie- t15ý40 te,3L.0 1flar.go mlis bas r.oeved $5f)0,000.000, sud Fr&nce ARRIVE IN ENGLAN» s MoMet building no urgr "t-h ese-nted with a gold vatrh, sud Mm .$0 t $lie;--_:uerom 6$ a i o to e dto reb- a> u- $210,000,000. count-ry' homo o! t-ho average vehI-to- Ceastard vit-h s gold cisain. e s.i. lA» tota 3. êge. - bswY¶bea s4 héeb eteahnbtaeleOid 31.50.yoarlhss.11 t-o 112.607ivos. c A despat-cb from Loadonsasys :-do Canadln. f-l--4-- gtod tLaehabice. $13 tu $16; sprn am atbe, -r ie. uo. ! thm 81,wel1bed offceira ..abdo. po>.slpd f -onrrwsdb organisations te hurni.variona foi-est-s skoye-Selo. Picturesque gi-toUos.art- ieutc ftt place ;for protmein î Mpie.î ul3Csoe t-ih *16 Kiesdomluto IIste tsywln. seA. "i"- 311.00 ootet 8 11 -60 A ep hfi-cm Washington maya: cf tah. UsIIled K...o l_ umberl-tiebridgesa, îXai-bornd...de- tituiver imtea ide a building pro- t 10; ta , 3 1eoV u 1t.26; fair. a -ebtt !tb tI i- Heur>' P. Davisou o! t-he Red Co h ave a ve nErîgiu4. lghtt-iul pondls a o fourid *1*. t 16.6 ffmo l.e #.*;bte Wsr Cauncil, vbo bas been la charge Th. voodmen brogb vit-bt-hem o lI <e.wthhréad hr a r.I a ricat-< t- î t , choseQ mtoI 0.0la'dj-b $'"al1 1d ,to*tc1 o tth 01 t IS vn-ay caMhpalgu for $100,- no# only thm véressslry uacbinry, but &artifidanwhlcb ,c*ptlrat*5 tho "mgmgved asit auily luaaduit 1m I. hêsmi 8160 ,t-o I8.00" sprlug 000,000 for Warrelief vork, an Tues- vero !uhIy uqulpped lunoer>' vay. even I ye snd quîchieustic Imagagution. »ttsuasalte place La t" .middle tanins. 3.lm,.0".ivt4 day awiouncedlthe suceais of tb. pro. te lahttlng olis. TWar arrivai j"ThU faumi sAI.xamlyoeom M o lt lwuetnem iir otavi' I' - iewvt-bs 1 as..wa I {iu.Ths tctwu a&8«0w b. .IsY um "e AdmiWat>', aIr raid o m *osi.t sum" we*, i»'en ft -. dm" b *aol ne .or.t-fomtu. UsBletm m i4~ ptlmn.rla as eft Moasl t Engr y*»sît Sndegmmm.P«lamf# 'vm the a. yhm ___________Mast t6hê .w ,' u v.- ap l a ieiUt Ut â= LAX» 5au PEOPLIL Oomrreuces la the Laud Thal Xeigus Sapreune la the Coun- merda W.rkLd 'w 1 About two-thirds of the 60 acres i allotmenta at Chiseuhurat are planted'- witit potatoes. The Landau Munitions Tribunalý bave decidod te, impose heavier fines) on munition jokera. Hayes Fia er M.P., cstiinates thati war pensions ihî cost. Great Britain J about 2400,000,000. A peace resolution was defeated by the Northumberland Miners' CounZ11 by a vote of 42 ta 14. Three Gorman prisaners have es-I caped front Larkhill, Salisbury' Plain. A Parliamnentar>' Cammittee on the Dogs Bîis je bong organized by Col.i [Lockwood. ýHonorary degrees were cartferredI on General Smuts snd the Anwýrican Ambassador by Camnbridge U.î$yers,- ity. Lard Fisher, President of the Board of Invcntiofe, recoîvea a salary of £1 ,860 a year iu addition ta, retir- Sed psy. For the first tinte in thfrty- one years there waa no strike pay dis- tributed by Midland Counties Trades) Fodoration. - Durlng hast yoar 111,000 child>e'~f were treated under the. Landau Coun- ty Cauncil modical scheme. The death occurred reccntly of J., H. Thewlis, who et one time wu%.. Lord Mayor of Manchester. In an appoal by the»British Farm-%, ers' Red Cross Fund it iasatated that, Red Cross work costs £4 a minute. A lecturer at the. Aeronautical Sa-1 cicty stated that air fights had taken place at a height of four mniles. The boot allowanceofo the Metro- politan police ha@ been raiscd front' sixp»ee ta aone shilling per week.- H. C. A. Bingley bas been appoint-4 ed a police magistrate In London i the place of the late Paul Taylor. The London County Cauncil bas de- cided ta buy the. London section of t0i London United Tramways for 5 000. Th. mayor of Croydon presented a war savings certificate ta each babj¶ born in Croydon duriiig National Bsby, Week. A furtiier war bonus o! 11four shi1 linp a week bas been granted to the. clorical staffs in the. Royal Dock- yard& The Lord Chiot Juistice and the At-, torney-General for England paid eLo quent tributes to the late Joaepb Chate. A committe. o! experts bas Wen engaged to froc th. British printlng trade f rom iti depoiqdence en German monopolies. Two rosd sweepers of Westmlin., ater bave been awarded the. P4ilt&uy4 -Medal, for distinguished conduct at lte front Georg Go..., a potato merhantet Whaplods, vas fine& *100 for sofluna potwe t Salilgir priv *uu.Oi- Ini Au"ua a tbra voeuu' vacation' cour s. wtt!b. heM fors tudeuta an d1 tecea of I'reh at Univursityl College, Loncoli, A proe sphototmrapher "as ncA 2M at ho .Thrnes Folio.courtt oir tli apheograph of a group colei wlthout permliIIoi The Ptiftce of W&Win.sd Prince Mary paid a vweilreealy l blinded soldierfi st U 01. om g ent Park, ndu The.. lat Mr. an4 un. iWIiq £4OAO0OW rthbmbendftofw wM snd orphans luengad jAmR ROUTE AROUNI>TÈB WORLDt bey "l ~1 i 'e -~ F~ - t'-- -t t v. - -t i. t- r-

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