Mr. Gordon Colwl and M1r. and Mms Proctor, of Toronto, were holiday vis- kI turi5wlth bMr. and Mrs. N. W. eolwlli. Mis Candace Hortop, of Torouto, and Mr. -and Mns. PR. Jortop, of Osh- awa, upent the holiday ivtth their par- sdits here. Mr. and Mrs. Nôrmn ,Whlte and A v r vic e o r b a s n i a d t e t P e n ecemt d y J lm1 , 9 1 > * f e i i h . Q a t n lIz-IC. t-ieeoli~ ao~9 l te e w Of$7 i rwiu 4a ""m *18 Osys. miette bapitait uisba, S.o W. e t Fort, seouida ». not=,vie th ie elIe or ivist oIL Gaston,)ay st eions froe otre idoqa",6" inthée jm lB mapIhil .Ite OIOaIStl aS ueupdd eho l i ~e w*nOlhIt jMvç hI1 *4* o ntbloir.te.E : w o m t R tb e t m w .ý3îýt tâ l -l w vI i 0 N Needs Geod: Pati ith wl& thebo c- aIr omfuL-.pimtlerU.T -jouesand- %ildrtee. mitork toAtha, >f MM non t cf Mndai nMotoiýed Mr. Chas.>-Cader oeeubfed the chair. Éi ter 'sxw aý,ouDle cf -wekls wlth iji ý5à ilicalor 3e1<I tlera de ;wn and çent tuehoiliday, wth Mt.Mi~~-oI, ~y~Ia~. M.6' tùe~r h otler here .'-7 he t h » a~-leo~ l.d d m ,e C. EUaitt -C.À. % nt , ayé a Y .mioen ejtri , g->o I~VW~tebe~i hn ewM41à 1 ua une rom 'foi=.' addrms, au se ~1,-iItnof. rcraÀk #18 ~,W.DIngnason V " " as inul errlr~.n. ondy c te whre he as eenfortheputtwo the',diffetent.eUrof t h. suround- Tnesday ~ ~ i.. te.,0--Xokay. wta ;e s n oWty Aohn ieln ben s bienfor he towe f Toronto, visit- Yod l IV0 5,L .Thos. Routley dug new potatoos A new eent sidewalk lh being laid hqld la Myrtie MethodIft Ceic nc v,~owekéda irhm izeSoflilchStOfg # îe~ frein hle garden on June 30U4, omie of froin thc Baptlot te ltee1rebyterlan ?rhursday evening of thiwek. Dont foget the Union pientecIlu the the bowels regular andou Which meauncd 8 Inches long. Chureh. Thia wili ho mueh aDreW Mr. and Mrn.Qorion 1Hall' of Bramp- upDtO*#n park bu Wednesday, July il. eo teeogas Mr, David Iruex and wlfe, ot-Saint- ed by the public, ais l bis beeu much toe PSttewe-n ihterp. vrbd on n nn uibsaythig wrong-promptlyt fleld, visited bis sisten, Mrs. John needed for a long turne. The leIÃO tli eta here. ket. Whiteford, over the holiday. the. village regret that t1fere la flot Mr. and Mrs. Flewell and family, of MISS Edythe Kemnpibonne, of Toron- Miss oncsof Blckstok. h some way te keep the cattle off-'the Toroento, motored te -Brookln on Suri. to, Yv1st<d over thie week-*end witli ler c r a Mis Joes.ofBlakstck laytst-walks aid strecta. If this euid bj 'day lait sud viultcd witliMr. aà dParents liere,.. er a In brbrter r.Ura Jns.1cornected ln some way and Lthe weeds Mrs. George Bltght7- Mr. Mrs. Curry. of Colngwood, Mis Besi Gabut, ho u s Br. ut ro th rodsde hebtf Mn. Gondon Anderson spent tiec l. i llited OL fe* days lait week wîîîth the help and relief of this Moiss Bsinuedabutt, we ao, lae-tfevile neuld e ethaéed veyO day wîtii relatives ait Brokla. latter s 'ister. Mrs. Albert Mackey. keep the body in health.Tb are &lad to report, slowty reçoveriliga uWI. -<- -- --HL.ICIN Mrs. Fred Contihand Miss Mabel mal conditions, se the orgar Ms olnooTootvlsited Kqit edAg tok plce N. -Cornish. vitted wlth tirs. T. Monar.nedd.N t KQIe wed.n Miss oiplaoefnToonto comibe 4n Frîday hast. a amitne.N t - -wlth her mother over Sunday. iesday eveîing lutst st the Methodhat Miss Mabel Mackiey. o! Tornto. vis- tf0flgten the system, stin lSaiieis vià Magfdtl' a few p~sngS. when Mahol M Nay Citinn, Itcd over thc holiday with ber moiller tebwl n ucl m ay~Ioo~we t~Mn hn~T1on5. 4~ghter cf Mr,. and Mns. John Allems,lize Mm ir. Coibounne, and ciilldrei left on1 wa united ln marriage teýLeslie W. 'Mn. ahid Mrs. C. L. Morcombe, Mrs. Pte. Coibeurne, wiio 18 statioîed some Rev. H. W. Foley, penformed the cere- Hender4on motored f rom Omeince on IJE AyDR C ORS, distance f nom Mentreal iny. Mn. and Mn. Hall leftiImme-,Suùldaylaiut and. visitcd st W. Bals. VNERALDIRECMn. Niles, o! f erritan, visited wîihdIately aften the ceremony for a short doi's. Mns Mis venticlilidy. .trip tb Western Points. Tiey w-lji take Mr: and tins, W. KeMp ad Mn. aindW O ntar'io Mia. *who h-as been 50 un.itl recover- ut> thirnrêsldence iust eut of the vil- Mns. T.: MpircmbeWqre.t Oshawa on~m a u in zwy age. Thuz-sdy lantîatenn- -tnrio lng slowlY, Brookln School Promotion 1là .Mns. Lu!'- - ' ertakng Prlor in cnnecionPaiO.-Ove 75- ecent..itare y osp t , IdII b e thMil- o erakngPrlrsnlIl spending lier iolidays st home.0 U ýusiness, we are now pnepared Miss Walker. of Toronto, spent the Promoed.-Those who recelved over Thursday evening next. July 12fh, in holiday with Mn.. Waiker liez-c. 60 per cent. on ycar's work, but wio' the To*n Hall by the codgiregat1on o! Ia o ngh.miss Lillian Allen. o! Sharbot Laike, wceeunable ta write the final exazn-1 Mmot a"dan n Churc i e tic dam ýr your patronage, îhould an spent a few days ai tic home o! Mn. mnations. "NtaMii h oa"wl orne- Corne niong and lsten ta oue nev lue uanncengprmp ad D. Robinson. Sr' 111 to Jr'. IV.-Honor&s-Char)e$s sented !by tic- Y.L.B.C. The program choir next Sabbati evcniug. turnguaantein prmptand Pte. Deloss McNeely spent tihhl- Cooper. Gwendoiine Coîbourne, Frank w! Il cOtislst o? Instrumentais, duetts, Tic Hariock famiiy. of Toronto, tass ernbalming and tic ficlest day wîtli bis parents icre. FoleY. Ruth Robinson. Pas5s-Hazel solos snd 'readings. Remnember the spent the holiday wlth î Mrs. Richard- Mis Esi Rbiso. o Bamtoi.taBromeil, Chanlie 'Elvas, Lilîtan Nes- date. J»ly 12. son nnd sou. oMisse f R obnsonfraton. l bitt, lreut- Taylor, Ruthi Vipond will Mr. Clarénce Richardson spent the mother and steter. o! Port Perry. lasi boule anorhtheictlthmSr.vacatiPro-week-end aihis home liere. mailler and aister, of Port Penny ait ge for distance. Rev. B. Tluk la vlsitlng wlth is par- motell-Gieun Dufla, Evelyn Moore. -Mr. Lynde,of Ashburu, Is spending Sabbatb. >dent Phno. ntarM. and Mrs. E. Tink. Jr. 111 to Sr. IlU.-Honors--Rowera a' f day. wlth is issà ter, Nlrs. C. Miss Cors I.Awrence, of Toronto. MnI. E. Tiuk spenitich week-end vis- Cooper. Jean Robinso»w Pasa-Willicene.Isntt.hoia a erom hr. itdng in Western Ontario. Beli. Grant lunes. Carson Luke. Doug- isWieedlisbê nae Ticmetig eo tc Soldiens o! the lai Neabîti. Pnomoted-Altce Arnold, THORNTO.N'S CORNERS. 't0 leach our scliool afterý vocation. W. F. 019à ég SoiTh e met fortenge boys held Gladys Frankisi. Mliss Miller has heft us with the. best on11liuny, un o eent ute l. Sr. Il to Jr. 11.-Honor- Gordon After Lie linfavorabie wenlhen pros- wlsiea o! ber fniends. :,Onthusda, Jlle 8th iUthepects thiccommuniîy gathcning hieid J. B. Mitchell, of Wliiîby. passed. Bell, Edgar Croxali. Pas- Viol&-, on. the grounds o! the school and the thtioglithe village on Monday morn- Parker, Frank Burt, Clîfford Delong. e udySio atPia ee- tng en route for Greunburn wlth a Warre Luk. Prooted- Hatie ig was a grand succèss. Tea was splenidid.-bUnch o! fat caih.W n Ward. served e-ariy lu Lie evenin-,, atten denstand lie sohd the samate. ta M nca 1%Jr. Il. ta Sr. 1.-Honor- Elîcen meici ttaorerMtreo ieDen-iy -Iooper.Mayolre Lloyd Taylor. building waa laid by Miss Lýura Frat- MNis. C. J. Steveuson and ber mother, APPETIZIN%~ L 1r%~6ORATIN6Pas-IeeCbornRpieso. cis. ot Toronto. Speeches wene made Mns. S. Mlackey, are visiting la Wld 'iEvehyn VanNeat. Pronotd- BerniCO y es., .S . Wilson son and Det roit. W'ard. and Mn. Feijon. o! Oshawa, and wene %Mn. R. R. Mowl.nay. wvho lias op- A.W.N , Principal. veny riuch appreclated b>' ail. A con- posed thie Good Ronds Scieme for so Mt îwea.hêld about nîne o'clock in tie long. ba corne out dlrecthy for it at Cattazrbhai- l)eafness Cannot b. Cared achool bouse, whici was Iikewise lue last sitting o! lie Couety Couincil. bL. theyacanuot r. azetit gneatly enjoyed. Aften lie concert lie' We commend R. -R. for cianglng is e Lb e l X ed There s ulyo ne atga qutlt vas sold. Wec:ngrat- înlnd and spor ga shm h Nike oo F I ndyou bave a!unîMln1 oum¶ojm ecîîeaning. Miss Launa Frnncis, Miss P. Fran- MnI. R. NV. Burton. o! the. City Po- mmd u u ey o&£ýfm sth 8adMiss JulaMasalofTro.lice Fre setStnday: ut %MnE. result. Unieu te t nflammation can be reduced t. 1tdaiM FP . Frencii's over Sîory's. .E e y he ea 1ti tb e tei o te normal condition. ts. . Everywhere b .tryedgo v. Mony cas" tic holiday. Misa Grcenaway, o! Winona, and of drea r auffl by~g caturir la a rE Sturgesa and two dauighiters. Mn. Bert Gneeîîaway. o! Toronto. spent Iifam.d cealso!o te muo urfaces. HIall»* eiarrb Cureatcoohe blffd on O! Toronto, speut the hollday ai Mn. Dominion Day wlth their parents. tie macons surface of the arstems W. Sttîrgess'. Tic farinera took naliolidWty Monday, We %iti gtve Orne Hum re Dollars for any est e d lco sh pcase of Cataral LnIeu tha iai cancel be - -bat the weeds dldn't. Possss itrd h Hal'* aterh ure.Cirrulra r«.Mn. and Mna. A. E. Story retund P osesse the deliioushop À I olani crenCrcha. fee - - PSM. plceonhome on Mod:y ight 10 Monineal. flavor, the creamy head, the rich if ake NY CO. oldo 0 uÀettaiwddP g okOp laceoWm. p ota olaat - F isain e nrstof l' '~BÂULS .Cosidlo, P8M.wîen bsyeungest esî i amber color, Drilliancean body daîzgbter, Agites, v'as marrle<i te Mn. Mrn.d,%Ira. H. Rosa. of the Hospl- A numben froin iere atended Athia Normaên Allitn BUCk, Utîca, by lie tai Fart», celebratedtheti 20tb annîrer- of the older brew, wvhich for more pcleo Saturday. R spent.Uic znonyy Hunter. The cere- aary of thîcir wedding hast Thunsday er placehoilday witl isl uncle, ]Roy Ward. mapleý leaves and spires blossoins. ait hem home, where a moat enjoyable t han 50 years held premnie plc Several auto loads ot Glen Major Mis Olive MecChlleugb playedtheti lime wsset old boys mnotoreti frozu Toronto and weddi&g manph, The. bride was daini- Mrs. Tios. Greenaway leaves tbia amiong Canadian You wi11 spent the helttia> at Gien Major $un- h>' drý,s»d Iii.tvory 1IabiýtiI silk anti week to &pend Iwo menths wIllihber day School plcnic one-half utile weat wore la wneath cf; 5plreaan carrted sou. Mr. fRoy Greenaway, ln Muskoka. ¶ *Il ' eveaceof Balsani. a- sica! of whltîý roses and* flens. Sic - Mos! of Uic solitens speift Dominion find ~it a ueliciQus e ra , Lornle WiIktn ta speiikl.g a tew days Was a tended by Misa Rùby Ashton, Of Day with ther friends. - a * ~ 'witl4 Jas. Witiin sd Intends paying As bi4, and b>' the gMOM'i tie sqiÃŽtable for ai) occasions. p vatt hldihaltr eui ic.<l4sadnnsfoe NEW DIRECTORY OF, ioE Miss Ltada Jone. sa4'Mr. FiaÃknýIl btW14' Muaxt*a n 1ouà ,ntlpin -Dickaoa sPea: Sua4do.y wlh J. - and of OW ,Atter hit eddIni sUp. The19c eebo -directQrieî eile' lia.Joe. - e.. r . ant4 t rs. Bue efifor Toron. York-Ontario Telephon.-LTu1iie r S ERV E COL D MuElva Sith iand Porcy Maynard teau4RiIin9i. Uti b rde ta,ýe- _redyfor disrbuin. epny t. Frsied WML« Lin" Jpedacra o ! t n . Fr le UaWrbnoa sud adughie te elnhoe s oýndan.L ~a nlos DISNEIý -EMBL3jME-RS AND FI Whtbyq Llaving cupene<l out Undi with the Farm hMaclîinery B~ to angwor ealls at nny hour, C - Wo resipectfully ask foi undtertakcer lie roquired, in ret courteous attention. First ct in outfite. No extra char1 Bell and IndeF R. S. Dlsney 'a iciep and at the flrst sign of take Beecham'e PM&s Inly. nieed world*famebd xemedy, to ie'quîckly establish fnor- is perform their functions lier rfi-dy will so surely ânuate the liver, regulate moe the general'health as * 4 Whi Made to meet t" o quire- pieuta of the Ontailu Tenîperance Act E~çry -Farm JUBI3-At the Victortan Order Home, Whittby.- on Tuesday. Juiy 3rd. 1917. to 51r. and bMrs. Tiios. Jubb, a Son. NOTICE 0F REGISTRATION 0F BY-LAW NO. 955 0F THE COR- PORATION 0F THE COUNTY 0F ONTARIO. Notice Is hereby given that a by-iaw was passed by the County of the Cor- poration of the County of Ontario on the 4th day of .lune, 1917, provlding for the issue of debentures to the a- mount, of $10,000. for the purpose of» autborizing the Issue of debentures to the amount of $10.000 to rais. money for the payment of tic cost of building certain bridges hI and adjoinIng th'e County of Ontario and for- other ne-ces- sary County purposes. and that auch was registeredI in the Registry Offie of tiie Regtstry Division of the County of Ontario, on the 2Oth day of June, 1917. Any motion to qxîash or set aside thc saine or any part there- of mnust b. made within three months after the firat publication of this no- Uce and cannot ho made theretter." Dated this 20th day of June. 1917.- J. E. FAREwmu., -1. Coumty CIerk. LEGÂX5 JNO. E. FAhUEWELL, N86e Darwtater. Couaty Crwum AttomW M&_ 000% soeto vins Court Roua%, WbUp A. E. CHIUMAN Boulter, .IIeki*. Ntva Puble. Rte. mot o* eeLP. .owantha icomeir t. Lma. Undertbkr sand fuii wSle Bou mg Iadpeudea uliom.. va> ÃŽM- DW04 "ta the oe cte nu"> an UiTBY . otTb lo -Dr- Mel)o*01U. oiTeronto, te, takiuge r.3otous rao, o Pri urdidagt t»a&> uuse ~h.latter bu mlîtar iâovtee. OMM' R oze-O ot l. a* L tue r11m, le; 1e11lPh",%UsM .... .. . .... m %wmý