Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Jul 1917, p. 2

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 ~ r. Conducted by Professor Hfenry G. BelL Thaé bjeot of thia departurent la té place -at the service of our fam meiders the advice of an c aknowl- edged authority on ail subjeéts e rtanla, te solls ad . . . . . .Address&Ili qusstIqne te Professer Henry ( o felli c re-ofTheWilon Publishln gComnpany, Limitad, To- ~, recto, end acmwera wili appear In this column le th§ >. order ln whlch they*m. recelved. As $Pace lu sltfitedi il;lt vubeWharf imnediate repiy sacsceutaiy Quai aetamped and sddressed *nýwMoffl b. enclosed wlth the Ueeq U. ~question, when the answsr Wîi bDeMalled diriet Qi1U9>.. B. -Wbat la yeur lQueaton-L J.>-Cam ont pstill uiPlaos regardleg sumraor-fallos ing? ROw uediug for-ea while tuie smmer On what doma sufte. depend? -and theu turc the cattie out and eut a Aaswer '-Summér-fallewlng la an crop of clover seed? The wheet on efficient practice o! gettlng rid o! titis field n'as "1d lest year ami vbe ruWblesome WeÃŽdsif thie soit la tllied the clover came up evealy and maiS.a snftlclenatly ofton e as th crit ief thé splendid growth it vas weedy la place young weeds as they sprout. It, and for that remion I do notWat te &IBO stores up moisturo te a coneid- eut it for hay. erable eutaat and Ifl teés1A la fainlykamwr-lIt la possible b Pastureê fuil o! crgaalc matter, it conservés new seeding If there is sufficient dlov- plairttood for eueaedlng crolpe. or growlb, ganted thâtet L. oute nôt Succese cf amrmer-failowing de- a hevy dlay type.- If the. souis i pends upon working thé surface of thé heavy dlay, pasturing with heevy stock s-rond sufficientiy cf ton te privent wlli tend ho tramp Uieoit to&rè'her, thé eecape of moîstur. and to prevent se that tÉe edorer s.tting wil.l b. the. growth o! weeds whicb exhast . amothered eut.I ar asfrald you willl the meisture and plantfood o! the mii. find the wced seeda among thé cloer Thé ground ahould b. plowed eurly in seed a groater detriment thun tue aprlng, dlskod and iirrowed Imme. weeds ln thé boy. They certainly lately alter plowing. and harrowed ieduce the value cf tue seed- Cut- and dîsked sufficiently often te kçep tlng thé cropé for hay walle a lot te- lhe surface dlean aiid epen. Jaai-de kîllîng eut thi. woeds. S Thor n itli a goed market for f Q#J4L',/Iqtmgj~<. young ducklinus and se! t roasting ~ fowls. w~~'E.A LL~,~' If breeding -in fiiahed, the. male Whlen bîrds drop over as if parelyz- are béat rcmoved f rai the pens until .4, the trouble lm heat prostrationi. aftem the melting séasen. cauaedby pressure on the brafn. July la the. month in whlch rate, ýTo preveat this, provlde protection minks, 'possuras and weaséls do their frora the ua and avold ovencrosa ding; inost deadl3t werk. Be on thé look- keep bird cool and epply cold water te. eut. When their prosence is discer. Què e uad. ered dig afler ttem; give thera ne -.A.I'hthi tira. o! the year brcody hens qatr are la thé iajori4y and cause ne ittei' quart______ troûble te tth. attenant. While it le mdvisable fer those wbo do net rua incubahors and broodens te set every 1ý p j" breedy durlng thé entire sommer, ut thé camé hlme themé will be rnany Kîndness le a cbeap. supplement te 1w ~ >des that can net be utilized. How the ration and produces big gains la toifdthein et the hatching fever bas milk flow.- beerý thé cause of many experiments Kecp the cal! peill as dlean as tue by farinera and poultrymnn, nilk pailla. it s te be regretted that some of Th- cea- giving the. nichest miik doee thèse aiethods are extn.mély cruel and net necessarily bring the. biggést Shouid net be ailowed. Ia one instance croani check. - h in the total amount aeted récently a hen was tied by the o! fat predoced tit couts. leg witii a pièce O orpe ta a Post-,li Ileavy rmilkerb duo te calve durlng tb~ otuer instance thé hen was beingi JuIy sheuld b. milked once or ta-ice a lihaerédîln a poil o! water. In both - day for o couplé of weekL beore cuir- theu, cases' thç hexîs became excited,and ing, if thé udder is dîstonded. This the. theory la that la this éxcited state'attention may prevoat the loss o! a they forgét thelr breodinees. Wiio valuable cow f remrinnlk- fevctr, or in- that may b. se te a certain oxtent, it ' jury te, thé oddom. which makes o cew fa oquaoiy tmue that excitement of teii 1 almost worthless for miuikinir- nieke. nervous, scary loies; and lin When the butter granulés do net thé émie o! fat héns It isnetuncor feriater càurning a neusonablo tinte, mon ho have titei diéfenf rilàght, or, try putting a smaii arnount et tablé meet with noe sevore lajury. A saIt in the char-n. A litt-ie ws,-in we- More humano treataient ln te place 1ter has the. saine effeet ef haastening ---pu nin soparate coope without neeta, thé granule. Tocaioch warm wa- or la a f lock where thcy are kept eut- tor mekes aoft butter. - door thc entiné day and permitted te - Memnony is rather an uncertain tuing rcost la a houai. eniy ah night, 'te depend on to identif! the calvea that Kindnees sheuld b. an erder that la are takon eway f roen their motiters nover violated. and raisd by liand. Whien the-ques- Kéop the summer chicks grewing. 1 tio>'i o! ewnership or parontagé lu Pevide shade. Give the ycungstérs jreised, it le much moe convincing te aIl thé range possible. Exencisé is thé have eacht)calf marked witii a metai béat tcnic grcwlag stock can have.- tag faetened to a strep around the Titis is censidered a Wood mentitfor cmi's neck. Records arc hait the eaponizing. value of a igeod herd. MIE-TiumeBOY HIS OWN ROOM The Possession of a Comtfortable Room "~e"' Treasures WilI Do Much te Safeguarcj in th. Haven of %ieHome. He Can Keep-liAs Your Boy Why ln Il that the boy of thé house. low.d te keep bis tresues la il, la usualty senhenced (i use that imet Provlded they are aanit.ary sd that, Word dellb.rat.ly and I beiter. apPro- hé keepe tuein ir. reasonable entier. priat.ly) tô the leat desirable, flioît Pride ia e recmnth e i.bet incen- Ornvitiag roem ha the, houae, net la- tivetorte déliness, A boy cannot b., tfreuently two et thora béiag packed cxpeéto-d te tae.pnido lnae shoddy or, la togétuer for ne 'reaàon titan to sve suiabby roora, whéuéetthe turniture la -trouble -carias- fer twe reoma inatead het.aîîy unsuîteid or la oif vroua woods et ona ? Net cnly le tue boy's rom and fautses anti, théréfore,, neao ~ater iîutfuiy ecaed ad f uo-Did you ever- know a boy# Who did net box dimensions, but it ha-aari o'y love te paint'T If It is neot Possible, habit of bêlas- meagériy furiihed orj te have.ý matehins-furaihure fer bis 01 plecrpwvded, belngr used as a sort o! rectai, sugrgest te hlm luit ho firat ne- dumpinîg g1 ounid for the toit-aoff urai- mtove the quarrlng flnlse frein tue hum, freai the reat of théeitouse. Auy- Jvaniegaed articles wituitoeécommner- thinir &*tnts god -,noukth for Bill Leé c-lai peint remoror andi then paint it aU ceose, motionr rasons, ho h*rdly Oiesaeclr. rde7T tbo kacirs coepièce cf funniture !roma an- wi l tae.a tremondous prid. la hie otiier; has ne conception ta! good ori roem. JusIthinit o! sbowang "lte bad tate, ne>-la hoe ppreciatire cf 1fenuioa e mifull cf preYty uirai- beauty, Isn't ho?- Perhap a ho couldn't Jt-re pated by Mmsoln exprn ie In»hinaany worda, but-eh,' TMi rd U ysa«il. *a 4dw 001 tth atinni. 1the. oora siould nvr ecrovded. Tii. ~ dp uotlaihae erora ! ilacansuntial piêmesof f"irntm a"a a bed. là h* pos itt lh. hn cfroom mud1 Oehi*w sngle or la couicb form c f thé rorai» lIoto'm e eomwiry mattere. am ,abWî oreifolrto Borne -one hihuppfii seweaaY chah-sftr hhiseh!aniS a posible queua-n mroornas 4ahome wiin ' ae~,aie okaeI i loua mayhé methas-,oua oved~ and read ilthtii aiiSiSe @!t i. ais-t- muy for litihe t timnderst4ind - ~ hi er aw -o - (aiS who seo otea n sundtrstood se Ra8tliiait anus-tly--liS carpet or a e~te average boy ?) buftvlth closaiSdoor *hÃ"Md de gPlaceore--Or tva smaf lai our viry owa room we cari br<tat ruP imposatQe pmtdlor. U, Que' BîleiMy room &aIlfras-rat wlthMy S ides those mationeaibut alusys WiU better self i tàpuIaint lat hi keep a reoe- s e. e s0 Jaiea Mount of Or. A réomsaoee Outgiià%, tatifemad14 9»ge f or a t<inlylargeroaasp,"ai Il c th Sraà:be Made to pfurtii09ofa MM erfor a la liane tiiers po.aniS quletmiSand stuidy or dés.- d an s otut witiu awwp9"a for bue ýývh fHf mn r It do e4«M tlw boue' ýtasSelai «art Most 1 l CIILD-LOVERfg SONO. 0Thou, ho glvttwhatmont Ipins- Bakhrg-soda relioves etii.dstresd -el If yoÃ"u believoi good roads, pave No gem so preelous in mine sye- colic by getting :Ad of tiie gas. - the wayj over whlch the pig must Thi elve of littie childrent ,pour téethk prevent a hors. making, travel to becollle pork. What hind but Thine could e'er im- full use of good- feed. It may ii.1 A s'Mau pen Wtilt close to the sow'e ps4rt -'4. -~' 1) t. 4- 4" a<uminys 5uAMP uses. until hUny grw bit enougsh and Th.0bo !f triensip Il a buluti.i no churth no relion, ns rligion ý< n5o h~S4 Whén tiirough my bookk e et *tempesuutQ. >laeea e u la i e eb.hghytnWhichlweaî y e omui n reuatdI imPh 1Truiee an te u*idzi, eis tns- f#iendy Uw4aur iii. tuety-th no- tligm,- Piy hepoêd bý. lbt odo îth1.sel nduehoç wvil fy awuy." i Ourich -or-poor, Iresa ep,>s Wbe wodree tiiae I500 J"ndwion ~ ~ ougroth muuelettictongr-d.1 Th& Churelu ptqdtes0 tel, Q Itls <eerer diteiastorylsook Attine. -uif ka lu lruhIaiay m - ~ <~~ of U4 UIIWd&th&t MSy uotbor resus tg me. 4 Iu autu, nwe ia odwtirj~ u. slei tOl ~~I>Ii iO#P I*dr-"'thar, r, e »e=y cf the=a, aa en to !ment aisltheChrist livai the. CiIrunh t Il seonete u d -oni WIi s-Test d.ls-t tu tims a day. idlwy dow nu loes pas. i.ad a re -e u ubai atê tP e'ss-a i 1 hdi huI té' 8uïid 1 stop rMy play te gluxice ri r bgM$MofhObf eoe«opean r uesomoeu tawu Upon Itese champs of Pagay efuaiS f iseies.- s Ydo b<OIW uIe 54iare Mus r mo luopeM uasitolsuir elle m o» adht tek. ear <s C.O. oufoiclte: agnemfa rwkww, -Thé esm.et-aa Tb"y beia on me ta ersry bus AiSardinal anis-rosa.M Il.iupm Ow i.bo* -autit riads »0 le ta pages 11Il; Abdi M 1I mne atis499 arniSU mlint be u MS ?ibe potais patne" lsai fb ita out*tr hie teep~ battiea t t um tinesfor hIES. ring ti-du. mteu. ,nIe.. you c<a. m . tbm asI s-70, u sm uaout Iuut~ abmt wbae **y by ntlstmu- MIIs, whut do 1the s.,?" - *,, t - thm »tes>b'? ithêwr jiea-t msIibw bép-eqIg =tb wm tau Ybfis «MWra. Yot toduasiée isiiotasafs sIr*aie~ ig delea neceasary tw file the. teeth down in old 1Pen, with a bol, tbrough which thie Te'céo itecide horns, se the gr<ln ean b. properly pi1cnpi n a ri y ~ Telv fltI hlrn Mothersaend daughters ckail ages art cordliy Invited te write tO this pigecanpos an es grin y tem-No wealkh au 'hi can MI1 my hert- department initiale only wlhI b. publlmhed with each question anid t greund. selves, will encourage them wo eat T lhe 14v. of little children. answcr au a means of identification, but full name and addres Muet be, A mixture cf equal parts of thé graLin much sooner. jHow faiý the heur that firat begot Oiven In *ach i.tt.,.. Write on oe aide of paper only. AnsWBwi1 be tincture of îodine, turpentine and oui-1 Alflfa a one of the best pastures Tl'h oýe ef Uttie childrent maikd cdirect If stamp.d and addreas.d invelope la eneiosOd. phr-ehr ppidoc a Addr.saiH corre.pondence for this department te Mrs. iiei*n L.aw, 235 phuleeteraplid ocea ayforlfor growing pirs. Sweet elover la 1kw drr the day that lighteth not Woodbine Ave., Toronto. several days, in sa.id te b. death on. o! the earllest pasture crops on The lêve of little childrenl_______ to aplinta which are forming. i which pige thrive aimet as -wellau on Within ine innicat soul inwrought- My-.I sfo odfrit n kesadt- il opn ntt As long as a horne oaa chew well, 1alfalfa., Rape ila agood forage crop The loive ef littie chlldren; wea face oila inte eve ni T andightfoot.anthe grlsway te rOnaéla meal la a poor feed for hn,. It le which ie ready six weeks after plant- Oh. sw*et beyond My sweetest onîy excuse forp veil at night in go as partners, each holding onto the aten toc fast and sticks ini the horse'u ing. It ca b sowed in the corn at tbhught- when one in imotorinc. 2. Since your opposite ends of a clothesPifi. 01 throut. Give the animal a chance to. the time of the laet cultiveition. The Iove of littie children! 1 1 a nitdyuV erprycuse i lg cpueIiy ça h are use bis guindera. That la What they Deud ii lt farcwlnt timerPURt --CeWad P. JOY. and &&kae you te bring a z nwith you, 1 retaine<L Ringing the Victori Bell la are foe. frem the. sows cUizbing or.m a piece of_______ it would be quite proper te write te a -another good gamin. Forai an arch o1 Maybe yeu thinlk you Cansave lime two by fou? ini lb.dôOor01 fthe hembot o ke wl adak h im h cross poles, iigcnieal by feeding the. horse enough in the: house, mhe remedy le apparent- SIGN 0F MEDICAL GUARD. mango.Wodteyoue wel Mynd as i bethre e ad roiteng opnldeay- mornln.g te lait al day. That ln a take out the cros ie s.,eg. Wr h oetu:M ea bv h ed tte çayandai-. good way te make a job for a horsne 1 iaio -o otMei," heS.Anrws rs aSg Ta - in giving a littie party bed the uprîghts in tu athe Sn ni doctor. hg oetl go hn. Tc net F'riday evening and ban asked me the crospiéeéflrmly on. Thon de«' hogsto at i a ood hin. To Dotorin o Bord.te bring a man wîth me. Would you comate the arch with red, white anci Ifti yalng j so eshdm mc 8 osiptn.Wben %e.rships are in harbor one cf care te go?1 If >'ou can, let me heur blue bunting and from thé top bau eet e ae1itrapeieirydcngMreig e that cen be or . he im aisearly always seen flying ias soon as possible, anùl stop for me hang 'a lag bell. The game cou--' teîn temfo wrm. Mix three i.s.a bred, ln at tue tira.comparable fe»htyr-rmafa ossing eeig t745'lc. eyait ihitting tuis bell with. bala draine of powdered iron suiphate and'to killing tua goose that laid the. gold- wnihIe StAdre'rm fa osstn a ineen May-,7.45 Tco d. e 8 hîh r povdc, ah laerbn thredam o tntin oo. seIisner.Cog on ma upl ft~ ud hsman ia h.atr ,,silor- hat try the fpiiowing: given three or more throwvs in a doetwc we i esa-. country cnb.icreased more quickly j>" deto onbô rd and that be'Dissolve One t.ea#Poonful oxalie Actd round. The tape race il fun, ilave bl by rmeanâeoft the hog routa than b tei8asjeewilb l'aany:oter, th ahip tbat is -medical guard" for the crylitals in One cup!») boiling water. t»any lengths of! tape a hr ilh anrkprducinlaeaper wittIi;ebi If medical assistance is and, after brushing the hat theroughly players and have ail the tapes about grain orage r>!on any othex warship in the. io remve ail dust, lay it on a flat sur- i the saimé number of feet-tèn or grai an greriforge ps h ehrber wlose own doctor happens t<> face faiâ s crub with this solution, us- twelve-then provide seVeral Pairs ef land. essaryt onthnhilyw o rnaeln g hoe gainn ec-.atcre I ,t can b. obtained freai theing a emal brush for the purpose. harp scissors. Attaci al the tapes' l e' xettieiteices ! ivrandafla akemn essai 6i41ng thé fiug ln question. By Work rapidly, beglnning with the te e fence . Fôur or six 5l' 1a a titis arraingement medicel efficere of crowa; nse la coid water, wipe dry content at once, nccording te thepar the. flock for breeding stock unti thor- best crope for swine pasture. tifetarai.t oban eaelanpaconaftcoulaQ.unoo!csesavailable. The contestanta' oughiy experienced in breeding. 1 dry. Do net let the but beecene thor- hold the loose ends et the tapes, wh1eh The emailer the flcck the better thei Sunlight for the. Volear. regular nýotation, one always bex h ae. hyda u tu. A h igna ahoep ill do. One eheep ter aere injeThere ila amistâken iden that a Jlett on dtity In case of emergency. oughlyr~turated with di wte. hy i-uwet tnt. Atlit he ignaliâ the Iinît and often that le toc many.'bouse is wai-x»er ! if th cellar is net Where a 'nuniber cf ships are snchor- Gardener:-Try cayenne peppez- te thec plaer Unegisthe sctt hie tap e cd, it is, of course, v-ery essentiai that rid cabbage beada of worma. Sprinlie théeer a wi th the sensor hieh Pretty seen the gadf ly will emerge1 under the entire building. The argru- i hudb osil o n f thet. cabbage as seon as the worm s ap-plyrarvn aIténd hihl (rom manuire piliesand begin te tom- tent lt hthat tpossb.e are ne windowsfte !Ment tiie sheep. Re r1y o I ittreie telltl h cdar etl inia a moment where tie (locter pear. A r.medy for cutworma and tc inn h ae fe eachl Sm a i.sh e e o e w th ftr T; ihat may e t let in t cr air.he on duty îb te b. found, se tiit he may onion gube is te mix the 'seed w tl set bas tried, match thé win ars for be ummnedwitoutdeay.sulharbefreplatin. Tis aythe. final decision. This would, b. sui- Don't keep aheep and bei-ses in the 'cracks next te the frames, but withoutb.s mndwtoudea.uphrborpinng Tsmy able fer the. eider guesta. Anotheri same field. Soeé of the sheep areldoubt there wîll bc dampness where b sdwt edCii ie race consista la pushing four>,ebbles: almoat si-e te be hurt when the herses'tii. ground has net been excuvated. l rhrFedadGre. M.C .:T ae neds oraprcmedouewtiwlkn run j Then the first..fioor joists are nearer InOradFiladGre. clothealine faisten twe greoved wheels sticks. Ail four must be rolleda Sbeep detest odors in drinking we- te the frost in the earth in tue winter. If the 'strawberry bed je te bear whemever you went your lin. and once, ea.m jrn turn. ter. If a tank lu used for watering, Set the first-istory beama well up fru.it agaijancxt, yeur it should b. istretcii a wlre lîne around the wheel. X. . Z:-The engagement ring 10 dlean it often. from the grade, net lees titan 24 mowed arnd worked over soon aft.i thé As yen bang up ecd piece cf clothing pto vrtewdan igadtu Mix caongh suiphur with the. sait te inciie. frein the soi]. If there la a fruiting eeason. you cen tuma the wh..l and thus makej guards it. The former le removed givo it a yeliowieh tinge. Keep theidistance of 30 inches between it in Any red rust on blackcap ci- black- room for tue next pis.. dimectly lan 4efore the ceremcny, leaving tho -fia- sait boxes filled ail the turne. atili bettor. b.rry plat? If se, dig eut and burn front of you. The. ciothes may be ger froe. - Thon the bride slips bacif A long-range gun is one means of Excavate fer a basomont benesth the disgoed canes, reota and anl. taken from the. Un, by' tulesai con- tue engagement ring at her first op- solving the. dog problern and making i the wholc houa,, and do net be a! raid Too mulch hot un causes picked' venient method, which saves aJyj portunity. shcep raising more profitable. te, previde sUfficient windows. l'homo blackberries te, tura an undesirable steps and is aise, a beon in case cf rein. W. B. :-To restore the coler e! blacl Sheep are now doing woll. Wool in nething quit. se dingy as that damk ncddish c9lor. Hurry theai into thé E. T.:-A widow when preparng kid, mix lnk with thé white o! an egg novr rouhtsuh pirs.and damp space under the bouse. T'h. packing-sbed. ýfor ber second marriage should rpadapywt etseg. Te expenditure of a few dollars woid The spring-set strawborry b.d needs the name e! hem former husband and dlean white kid, dlp a dlean white flan-_- lh soinc parts ef nerthcrn Arabla have made it ligtht and cheerf uL Do cultivatin# reguiarly and often. Youp have her househeld linon. markcd with nel cioth in e littie ammonia- and rub the bilse are se well etocked with beom fnot try te bar tué sunlight, standing sig ashould be: "Weods net'hem maiden naine. Linon procured lightly "n a cake of white soap. Rub that nu.,soner are hiv., placed tha ~ailowed hure." Treat surplus runnere aft.r her marriaga should b. marked thé soîled parts gently, changing th. they ai-e occupicd. Gicie i>ust Cloti. -the sura. as weod-for weeds tuy with tue naine of her eecend husband. clotit as soon as it beçoitea soiled. To Watch for overlouding, everispeed- Maie a new dust cioth witu an at- arc. Frances :-The foliowiag are sug-- pelish tan shees, wash the shees clean ing, 11-ted and badiy harnessed herses,1 tached glove and yen wiil not have Saine f4lks sein te think that a flice. gestions for yeur Sunday echool pic- with a sponge and warm water. Win@ for warm weather je witu us, when griimy f1ngeý-s and nule after dusting. little fnringe of grewing apreute about!'nie. Yen icen have the Uuul raceis, wlth a dry cloth and lot dry. Thea the horse feele thèse cruelties More ReSw e piece of the goodas eight inchè. 1thé. basé df an applo troc looks pretty, somne Of tuent for the younger foilce, rub fre.ly with tue laside of a ban* titan at any othem soason o! the year. square la the. conter cf the cloth, leav- That may b. their tasto, bot tuoe otiiers for the oIder person. Flgbt- Peel. Wîipe caefully with adry clotir A loto sprint. laor shortage and i ig one edge f nec. Mark the shape 1aproutsaiare sucking 1 hf0eout et the ing fdi, the. fieg is a particularly tira.. sud pouash with cetten flannel. Patenl the extra amount ef land te ho breken of yeur hand on this square with chaik tro. Oit witii theai! iy gaine for the youngei boys and ieather shees sheuld net be "polished" opte fo u llseeing will reduce theopnclad0Wwttumch. After a 'rain and bof re a bard crust girls. You will need about a dozen ila tue strict sense of tiie word. Apà area plaated te reos inl Britain thisi around the mark, iaeving the wnist on forais, is the ideai tui.e te hurrow an Medioai-Bized cotton fiaga o! thé In. ply a mixture o! one part linsee-d OU, year. the side îef t fre. rchard. expensive kiad. On. flag et a tinte te two partis créan tot thé shees, rub-ý -If tuer.! are any tent-caterpilarseon la placed uprlght la thé ground and bing it wellinl with a aoft flannel your treeq, give thtin a quick siageing six girls or boys shirt in a race to cioth. This will keep thé leather' was net ready (29. 17); moreover tue! witu a torjeh. oitWn It. Give thera some handicap. ,soft and it will net crack as readilY..' solv e sowan te Bereheba The- Astoylaide-hihl, sleping toward the l'h. beys can race wlth potato sùcks, Joe:-Even though you have nult 61slves! u nivddkigia. Dan noreesea-h, th, tak4>ýn out of an old cow pasture, while thé- girls cen race 'blindfolded yet met the. bride, ii. présent sheuid in the fan nortb, 'Beershieba ia the ex. i the bua, orchard we ever haît. or running backwand; ou' the boys b. sent te hlir. Weddinii presqnt4 - train. eouth (1t Chren. 21. 2). Great From, tlirne to tira. dunlng the sutc- might race crewlbng on tiheir hande, are neyer sent to thé -bnidegrooma.-ý numbers--AII were under oblijatien, mer go ov r yeung trees te, guide their____________________________________ te observe tue feuat, bot according te tgrcwtu. If tee, muny limbeamar stamt- JULY 15. hd etue law. thinned tu te required naiber. If' And then, my countmy, write it en thy "Ethel," said her mether, "Iha ve 6- hepolaain.CirenOf nk lin b tonde te filîl the. conter or beert, yeu been et my préserves agen'?»O.ý 1- Inraý-Te cntet autens tat he!crons Other limbe, it may b. rezaov.d. Thy sons are tiiey who nobly tae .tiiy Ethel at once becaze very bu3y ,t,% Lesn 1. eeka, h aihul; aterbs nmndolyte epl f fthée treet limbe ail mriwIlathe. part; anglng her doil>s huir. "Mother,'- same thus30 olen th orhwoahecosdttlp t ws IN TE R N(13.A L5E-S2).t R la lnt-t d pM ber i» ng f re n , givea po i aont, W hoéy m aybe TO Ciis a hOd a t le re le hl y ught. - l TetHb I.6 nterpreted a ml gthe. feu of t ided troc,'tueymay bc plnched beck, chrmne, ilddntgr iz4tayen, suxe's Verse 1-t5. Invitation ho the celebra-à Otenkingdom in #' but if t le thui cnc aig or limbi to tart Wiierever born, la bornaBo hn e. ytbye lDot O 'qUiiitlve?" tino h asvr eeih-o!proclamation was sentinl rs e o thé opi flit aide.-- ilUCeS O hltedtofblo lezoki&anud If iiç bou~mc X4îin la After t le LIMA hean Vines bave A' accesionin ucertin 2 Kigse1. 1en1.eacu e21Y,0 onl te seached the .top o! the. poles, they inaso ethe nerth dnrff n2ough: to e ,pinchedof isr 13. Tentatively the. years ef Ahas, Kingsi1&.29; 1 Clu-on. . Rings- strongervie tdagaeryl o Mnay bo given as B. C. 735-728, thoae Tglath-pilneser IV wais king Ina784; eans vnssdegetryedo o! Hezeklah B. C. 728-697. lanel- Shalianeser V and Sargon were tuetu upe an e yu - i hrhCn.<i oeCets~~r oe oa 'V

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