Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Jul 1917, p. 5

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1 %-1- 1 if you are engaged you urely want a ring ta comnietuorate %bt -act. A ring is mnts appropriate as a token of love, admiration and f riend- shIýp. Our stock af rings embraces all th*lateat designe. Particularlynota ble for n'lue i. a Pearl Ring, set with five beantifully-xatohed atones, at 810.00. Apother fine atone at 820. 00, and five heantiful thres atone Pearl Rings at $14.00, 816.00, $18.00, $20.00, $35.00. 9nr stock of I)iamond Ring@ in mont 04plete. Single atone rings in price f 10.00 up to S300.00. eare showing two, anc at $60.(0 1anaanother at 1100.00 that are rot lly worth very mucb more et present prices. Tbenjagain the bout value af ail is one at-8140.0O, almnot a carat. Our business i s triectly*confident ial1. BASSETT JeweIer and Opticlan la thé Store With the BaCony, Brock st. WHITBY .W. C. T. U. GENUINE ELOQUENCE. That Is how wve class the following *expressiôns lty Sir MI. Robertson Nicol on the question of State purchase of the liquor tratllc: It Is a prospect ta excite horror, and the proposais must be fought fa the very deatb, even if It should involve the complete breaklng UP of a Govern- ment which certainly was neyer put in power for eny measuire of the kInd. . . . We are not in lave wlth State establishment of religion, but State establishments of drink are Infamies and horrors. No nation ln the world but ours would dream of such mea- sures, and If we sanction theni noth- Ing can saye us f rom a îuick and .steady decent ta ruin. J LOCAL HAPPENINGS - Keep hrsaJuty 1.9, ,eaintSý Chutrcl i tra w hirry on Church lawn. for.- Ail The Soldiers' Conforta Club ne- kn"owledge with thanka lite donation by Mn. S.L. Trees o! six Morris chairs -y for the Miiitary Hospital. -o0 iXi~M. Arthur W. Lynde (caches vocal $ni Witby every Monday-anti Tuesday %. tb»,ughout the suiliner mioontuis as - uenjaL. Phono 118. -10 XE* ETLRNED PROM THE FRONT. G yer two bundred Inivallded soidiers -arr4ved tri Toronto on Sunday f rom L gand, and among the number two - w vre listeti front Whtby.-F. Hazzard anti'D. C. Millar. -0 98c. sale au W. G. Walters', Satur- -day, July 14th. i The Treasitrer o! the War Relief Sa- -ciety wîshes ta acknowledge with thanks receipt o! the fallowing dona- tions: Mrs. Albert Moore, $2.00-, Mrs. Bradbumn, $1,00; Mme. Perrin, part proceeds o! picture show, 86.00. Goed musical pregraru at the gar. dien Party ln up-town Park, July 17. The etamne ette rear o! the Town Hall, which afford an entrence te the stage froin outaide, have beéen tara r down, being In a very delapidated con- ditian, and undem the directmon o! the * Town Property- Committe., Mn. Robt. Darnes ta crecting new stairs o! aub- - taIcotruction. Mm. Neil Yeilowieee wilI be In Whit- by ahortly totune pianos. OntIons may 1h le! t at A. 1R. Aina.drug store.-tf. Keep Thnvrsday. Juiy l9th for Ail ;Sainte' Sttswberry Festiver'-on te çh)iurch lawn. The Tre.4urer o! thé Soldiers' Cern- forts Club'beata acknowiedge with thankci'-the, foiiowing con Libutiot- "Olçn R1q,"N.gt..- .30O Xe'v J!Stan Mm, lrewer, c 4 n; Que........24 Cous ,,the Strowberry iboeiai. -whlch eundOem tue direction of te Tyoung!les' Bible Clasn, o! the 'rab- e lCe, .",, to bd helti on techureli lawi WedosýMy, July 1?th. Tes wi d gÀreti rbpm 530> to 7.30, alter --wic. prlgr i viiibe given. ~sp~~Ythe- orchustra and Mn aon~ sd piht1mo worr. Admi 1.0té $2.OG), .-mie'..Saturdiy, Jiy MI" hIeStrüio, Lthejbllc Tbrar iva i' Li1onTulattenqp,& ,l p'annuair weetiag ef te I!817 lt-' itte. Thle4IAbrarýy ,waxs. u sgre6r eîosend ail day. , DÃœringthe suimbr' nIontha thie 'IÀbzýS' - -wll1be Closed every Wednemday,,afieroon and even- Ing. -The rekuler hours are 3 ta 6 andi 7 te 9 p.m., excejPt Sundaya and hol11. deys. METRODIST T.ABERNýýACLE. Sunday, Jtîly 15. Rev. «A. R. Poster, pastor. Union services -Presbyterlan and Methodiat. Morning- Antbenm, "Hall, Sacred Day.-' solo, mr. w. J. H. Richardison. Evening-Anthém. "The King o! L-ove Idy Shephes-d is." solo, Ml.5s G. Lin ton. TIue pestor wIl occUpy1he pVIlPIt botb services. -0 FAMILY RE-UNION. A Pleasant event was held at the homne of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Camer- on, Port WVbitby, an Thursday of lest lweek, belng a reunlon o! the <ainiîy o! the lete Allen Cameron, Base bine, and other frienda and relatives, The yaungest son, A. A. Cameron, of Port Coîborne, 'vas unavaidably absent, being deteined on business ln connec- lion w-Ith the school of tthich he Is Principal. Mr. and M.Win. Gilmore, af Stratford, motored down for the occasion and returned the next day. Silk stripe calored and white voiles, wide width, reglear 75c., reduced ta 49c., Seturdey, JuIy 141h, at W. G. AVal ters'. RESULTS 0F GARDEN PARTY CONTESTS. The resuits of the guessing.contests held at 'The Grange" garden party weere as foltows: Lucky number for Ist crocheied yoke. 95: nearest guess. 77. GLucky nuinber for à2nd crocheled yoke. 1)2' nearest guess. 55ý WVeight of -%V.ar Cake' 3 Ibs. 13 oz.; neéarest gtîess, 3 111e. 12 oz. Numnber of brans in jar, 1-353; near- -ets guess, 1350. EPWOIITH LEAGUE ENTERTAINS. On Tt'eQray the Eplimortli League of the Methodisi Tabernacle providr-d an' ev enlng of eniçrtainmnent for the aIder people o! the cong-regation. Cars were providrd for a short molar ride.1 folîowlng wvhlch a pragram ivas givenl lu the schoal roorn of the church, and1 refreshmnents were sr-rved. ONing tai tlhe trilrment weailier the motor ridel ,intended liedtao be curtalîrd, and more lime spent in-doors. Howev-er, an evenin&Lof great rnJoyment was spent by everyane present, 0o- On Saturdey evenlng, July 14th, we are having a special orchestra for the evenlng, and ivilI also gie ta every customer a samnpîe af City Dairy Spe- ciel %Vater Ice. MN. W. -Martin. -2. The War Relief Society wîshes ta express Its appreciatti of -the hearty support given by the townspeopie to the gerdeti party belti recentiy et "The Grange." The ladies frel that the great succras of theetndertakIng was la-rgely- due ta the merchants anti oth- erg Nho contributed so lbernlly tox wtards the souîvenirs for the wisbilng Nvell, swans and doîl contesta, and those who generatîsly gaveP of their tinie in the decoratîng of the grotintis -tud assi-sting an the day of tahe eýnt. T!,e proceeds of ihe gardeîn party net-' ted about $231, o! which twtld kars to War Relief anid one-tiird- to ilie Victorien Order. Large straîîberries seem ta be lu style in matny gardens thîs year, but those lu the berry patch o! Mr. Jos. Baker arie worthy o! the table o! a King. Prom a box full o! these ber' ries pcked lest week one was able ta pick out many that mcasuired fivo inches ln clrcum!feronce, cleanîuscious, rosy bernies that the awner may be Justîy proud cf producing la his.gar- den. The neit wonder one wouid wish to see wauid be e strawberry meesur- inýg.six Inches or more. This would see o tbh almoat Impossible, and It ia sale te say the bernies ln Mr. Baker's garden have rea.ched a record aise. 0o SPECIAL WOMEN'SINF3TITtITE WORK. Under the Deprtnýent o! Agricul- ture, speciai lecture and demonatra- tlon work ln c&nnlng and peerving cf vegetables, and fruits la being una- dertaken >y uitembe re of the Women's Institute staff. A campaign beginlng nert wcek'wlî be carried on in Bcamb- ton, London and Hamilton, snd sther points làter. Miss M. V. Powell bas been aelected- by the Departmnenî as one o! the workems te go te b-ondoxi. Ont. Will Whitby branch be smnong theP pinces visited by the workers? 0o NOTICE OP DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Mesure. Louis 1.',Richardion snd W. J. H., RicbarMsoll, fornicrly identlfted under te firn sane of Mosans.Rich. artimon & Richardison, and carrying on the business o! generai insuranc* snd real estate broterege, have diuolYed as from thea date of April lai, 1917. Mr. Louis P. RicAàuown iii con. tinue to carry on the business oetgen.- em, hIaurance sud test oVae broker- age in the cilice premises f ormerly oc- cupled by t(l atq ftrm o et khrdut & Richùardin. Ail mattUrs relailî ;t# generai Insurance and i tesatate vwig ncilve carefui anti prompt pcrasage attcnUon as heretofore. Don'î ferge th1e garden Party at the Itp-town Park, Tuesay, JuIy 17. W!NS THE MILIIOÀRY CR1S9. Lieut. Douglas Gray, a brother :ot Major James Gray. cf thte 18ud Mt- talion, bas been awamdetitb theUtu7 Cross for vîlet. lUcut, Onay les am o! Mr. John Gray. o!fPort* Credit.Me bas hati a vasieti experlence tanebe wefit oversese laÂnUat. leu. lie vas reporteiS veudel - and iSlang 1881. Septeinberbut ht« ltoseoutI ui 'gay Fok Rope, Palfeys, JEtc, in stoe k it Lowe5t PrÃŽveb, Sereen oors and Windows in G eO0.1 -aRIrE, Whltby Everythlni-M Hardw4èe at iLowest Pa'ices. HEAVY RAINSTORMS. feting will be held on the u.cond The heaviest downpour of ramn that Slonday evening in September, when Whltby bas experlenced In a long time If la oped that aU interested In this felI on Saturday last. In the alter- PoIety wlll be present, noon a thunderstorm blew up thatt oaked the vegetation, but about 7.30 f THE MICHIGAN SPECIAL. In the evening tnky black clouds rall-t ~Up fromn the soutli-west, Sbortly the e Convenient nlgbt train for Detroit ain fell In a deluge, accompanled by nd Chicago. ivery hlgh wlnd. The streets became, Particular attention la called to the rivers, earth waas masbed across the bonvenient nlght train operated via ldewalks, garden growth and fiowers be Canadian Pacifie--Mîchigan Cen. were beaten doitn, and under the 1Ta route ta Detroit and Chicago. eavy ramn whlch contlnued for an ave Toronto 11.30 p.m., daily, ar- our, the earth get such a soaking as lve Detroit 7.50 amn., and Chicago 3 it bas flot had for many a day. Fortu- .m. Electrie Lighted Standard Sleep- ately-, the severity of the lightning *rIs operated to Detroit. Further par- xas mucli les than the appearance of iculars f rom any Canadian Pacific ,he approachlng stormn presaged. An- T.Icket Agent, or W. B. Howard, Dis- ther rain storm occurred on- Sunday $r4ct Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. norning, and at nlght a thick mist a- -ose, whlch made progress nlong tbe -oads slow and difficult. Motorists A iEV iad a bard time of itý fdsame wereADL. st r% ri hi seen lni the dltch alonW-t* main road, heving run off the roed because of the miit anti rod, and being unable ta back oui on their ownxpower. A CHANCE FOR THOSE GOING WESTt- y ilO0F.EKrEts' XUtM~vIA cP. R. Homeseýekers' Excursions ta West- ern Canada ai attractive faxes each Tueslda>- until October 31st, vie Can- adieu Pacific, the pianrer route ta the West. Perticulars frorn any Canadien Pacifie Agent or WV. B. Howard, Dis- trict Pessenger Agent, Toronto, Ont- UNION 1-ICNIC POSTPONED Mluch ta the regret of ail concerned, the inclement 'veather made necessary the postponement of the Union Sun- day School Pienle which was ta have been held on WVedneaday afternoon. The grounds at the Town Park were ln such a wet corffition an Wednesday mornlng thet it was thaught Impos- sible ta use theni. and a postponement was wlsely decided upon. The picnic will be held on Saturday afternoon, Jtîly 2lst, at 2 o'eîock, It being Impos. sible to arrange for aiiotber Wednes- day afternoon during JuIy wlthoui confiicting wlth other events. The fac- tory employees and the men-at thE Hospital for the Inaw ", Saturday afternoons during the sum- mer, and it was feit theàt tnese ùJ-etl wotîid. be enabied to attend. Every persan is urged to be on hand, Don'U forget the date. Saturday afternooa e next week, July 21. -0- ter and Miss Fowke, of Oshawa, were the gueâs t Nflrs. E. E. &tarr at -The Maples" ïon' Monday afternoon, wlien the Y.'s gathered to hear o! tbe County- Con*,yntion. A round tabhle -tali-l Wamnen ln Politics was moat interest- lng. Miss Lulu Dryden elfghted-ber listeners with two vocal numbers. Af- ternoon tee was serv cd. A CHORAL SOCIETY FOR WHI'IBY. At an enthusiastie meýeting' of about thirty of thoae lnteresited ln choral work, held in the CouneliIrChamber on Tkursday evening lest. a;,, Choral So- ciety wa.s formed for the Town of Whltby. Mayor Warren was present and acted as Chairman. It was the unanimous opinion o! those present that a Choral Society be organited, and the following offilcers were eleet- ed: Prenident.-Dr. F. Warren, Secretary.-W. D. Dyxea. Trea.surer.-Wm. Ayreoi4 Conductor.-Rrnest 0'Peli. PiiSL-R. E. Nichol#on. Management Committ*.-Mm .Gea. A. Roc&, Mrs. A. W.Ja4aon, No active work will * dons durlng the mummer qnontbe, 'ýýqut the ont If you appteciate a real good cup of tea, use Our' OWf Golden Leif 'Jâpan Tea Glarden Party, under th1e auspices of à-udiey Methodist Church. witl be held trie lawn of Mr:- John Puckrin, haif Piiîle weat o! Audley. on Pridey, July ý:t.Poramn will consiat of selec- donsby illJ. White and Jules t3razil, enterteiners andi comedians, 1fiso th1e Whilby Orchestra and other focal telent. Tea served train 6 to 8 iÃŽclock. Admission 35c. SSCHOOL REPORT, S.S. NO. 5, PICKERING. SThe fallowing is the report o! the promotion examinations iin S. S. No. ~,Pickering. rJr. IV ta Sr. IV.--Gladys Puckrln ýhonors), boule Ptuèkrln, Gladys Hait- e>,Fred Ayers, Isaac Puckrin. ~ r. Il ta Jr. II.-Grace Kydd, Wlllie Bell. Gormley Crawford, Lorne Bell. 1Jr. Il ta Sr. 11-Leta Puckrin (re- tommended). -Sr. 1 tii Jr. II.--Garnet Crawford, reddy Ayers, Bert Hoitby. Jr. 1 to Sr. 1-Eunlce Squires, 131111e 'Baunders. Sr. Primer to Jr. L.-Elsie Aers, - DEATHS. 'PLOW.-In Whitby, on Mondayý, Juîy *9, 1917, Elizabeth Annu-Blow, widow cf the late Joseph Bîotv, ln ber 73rd year. K IRE LOSSEýS FOR MAY. In thc County ai Ontario duting the jIonth o! May. 1917, six lires occurred. The total lacs was $9,670, fully cover- ed by Insurance. Thege figures are given în the report juat issueti lrom the office of the AitorteT.àGenerai, put- ring forth the report of the -Pire -Marshall. Other Counflèie were net se, fortunate., In Renfeew the lire los wes $128,141. o! whlcb only $77,473 'as coveredi by Insurance. The total lire loss for the Province durlng May was $1,242,000, the insurance totalling The most unique **cattte cftlire" brought to the attentioli cf the Mars11- ail during the month W'as thte use o! coal ail for cleaning ben oosts. The oil was spmead over th4%lroosts. thon set -on lire. Reaur lt4h e rooste were thomoughly clean si e as thi en house, stable and barn. Lois, $3.600. A malter of intereat-'to tarmers es- pecially is that te Pire Marshall re-* ports h. bas rade careful Ilnveïtiga., tien and atates that WLo ugtssfuce haèa- lhghtaing cou-mo! $s-e Io a barnts hicA> tras equapped teUh fafitaing rode. 13LDERLY LINDSAY CITIZEN STRUCK BY MOTOR VÂB.. iàndaay, JuIy 9-A serious accidet oecurred here yeaterday afteraooc, ta-' Bleit; painft ai twuou UMr. orp W. Beali, jeweller, su aid snd ilgby respe regnadeut. of o, tovu. ' r, Be&» *as out vahking villi-bis littie <raudmon. and viena st 1acornero! remeAu sMd Wlliam atteeta attemptet to cross tac pavem«e tu lit frnt a oomins M«tos as 4rIv*uby. Mr~. Mtred Woolacolt. M'*. 'BeaU W" atroek by lte cet.*ad ,<1tbwn 19 the lmwOak.*.eewbes, il vws feund tba* bue iq wyrubrçktiw <o pIs i. t»o sEls brokm snd &»vreet ion tbe beat. Th* litU. gradelUt ts lieë recoertm tic he *ws* .butlad taa s serio eetieatt 1fMr. W.olao. the. driver of the eun, vu golU, Ãœ at a «adem,. apee4, &s" ater the, mcçhlat4didevei'tbIng PC* ail te lwrr>-the net*ru=nte--ln 14, lte do«eWî oSes. PA4I~WJVu j- ----..-.'-- - -~ '- -. W4TD TBUY. 014 oC!an iihèOel boks, . ReDort wat yMu ha re te N. IL.- luntte, mII- itary JJospltft, Whitby. WANTSD. Maid for Igeneral housework, 2 ln 'IamIy. APPjIy te MMs.WM, Dewnie, Byron Streeý,Wltby. HOUSE P0li SALE OR TrO RE-NT. Seven roo4Ied bouse, Wltbl electrIc Iight, %, acte of land, with garden planted, on V~ufferin St., Port WlIitbY. ApDly to P. e. Burns, Whitby. -2 IrO RENT. Five-roometi flat. Bathroom, water and electric attachments- App1y ta E. R. Blow, WbýtbY, Ont. Bell phene 9, Home phone , 14. HOUSE TO RENT. North of .d. P. R., 6 rooms, 2 plece bath, furnate. open grate ln living roorn, town Weater and light. Rent $12. Der month. &py Greater Canada !m- provement anid landi Co, Ltd., Wblîby, Ont. -tf. CARETAKER WANTED. Caretaker wanted for Ilenry Street Sehool, Wbltby. Duties ta commence August lst. Applications, statIng sal- ary, recelved, up ta Saturday, July 21. by Dr. C. P. McGillivray, Secretary of the Board of. Education. -3. FOR SALE OR RENT. Standard Mgotel ln prosperous vIl. lage about 30 miles east of Toronto. Hotel bas been recently renovated, now one of the best botels east o! To- ronto. Goed chance for the rIght mnan. Possession Gctober lat, 1917. Send re- ply to box 75, Brooklin, Ont. -. mine kate Wright TIAhHIOF PIANoAnPIPE OMAN Pupils Dprepýared for Toronto Conser. vatory or Unlverslty Examinions. Realdence at Mms. Arthur'Richard. son'a, Byron St., Whitby. Phone 201. AUTO SERVICE Parties wishlng services of auto for afternoon ori evening should commuai- cate with A.ý B. EDWARDS Shoue 70 WHIT Y, ONTARIO iTry Our -NOat Coke Býtter than Ceai M ~ Summer Use. Ordýrs Delivered Any w ere lun Towne LJEF E. LÈtS, p. WBRU AV£ BREN ELBADING OPTICIÂNS of Toronto For More Tihan 1TWEMTY YEARS. Fi Es aohomom. wli*sa IsnuMehmaaa DELIGHTFULLY COOL ON -GREAT LAKeýS. Port McNIc-hoI, a shÃ"rt, iourney via Canadien Pacific IR l8 the Gateway te the Great Steansiahp Express leaves 2.00 p.M. each Wednesdlay and day. maktng direct connection iMcNIcoli witb cuber steamsbjl M-atin" or '"Aaainiboial, for sa Disney- BOI and EMBALMERS 1THE Marie, Port Arthur and Fort William grtilar front Cangdien Pacifie cleet Agents or W. B. Howard, Dis- plnattit Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. . a PortROYAL -THEATRE 1p Kee- ault Ste. IEVERV NNIH- ""THE FUBPLE NSK" i Wenesday Nlght Broadway Featiti IR IAdmission - AdUlte, 10e ; -cbiIdren, 50 MRS. PERRIN, aagy ATTRACTIVE TRIP$- IJEKOMA LAMES ALG.CONQIJIN PARK MAOA&NITAWAN RIVER- LAME 0F BAVS - KAWAIITHALAMES SEORGIAN OAV Round trip tounist tickets now on sale tram stations in Ontario et very low fares, with liberal stop overs. CET veNuTICKETS Il ADVANCE. B'enth 'eers and '-u cilparticula?. at en, Gr.nd Trunk ticket offices or write C. B. Hotnlng District Puauger gent, Toronto, Ont. inW WHITBV9 0 ORIT. Fineai Hearse and Fanerai Equipmaent outside City ef Toronto. A large *tOck of caikets and funerai supplies aiwàysi on hand. Bell-No. 99, Day or N4igbt. Ind.-Day. No. sa-. Nightseor Suo-iays, 14o. 0502. i - Car $7500 FoSlo ai dthi cOtrai.arg e aIson'al kinda of cars. Ajin, of, 4Acccsiories aIways on, hal 'n' hé f Hei W. ame làtstltUg tefmous 2iis* rëi salés 'Etc. iOC r- i I * I "v Whitby. CA - RL'DRDOCDOYERS We like the trade of particular peuple, people Who bÙiitg ail thteir jndgment te bear in their bnying, people who want reasons for thinge, who seau goods carefully and watch quality and prives, people who examine, compare and leik around. - We eatem~ especially te such buyers because we have found that iL 18 easy for us to hold their patronage. If yen tr¶ade here you may always be sure of accuracy, purity, potent druge, prompt service and right prices. WH ITFI B LD'S DEUG and STATIONERY STORE WHITBYO ONTARIC SasSe Agent for Butteslck PaUteruss SoM Agent loir NyaI Preparatlon. Leave your order for Piano Tuning with us. A t. A;- ~: f t. - ~ A i <t. 'T

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