Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Jul 1917, p. 7

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cin b. Averted by Feedig the' MrfVfl i'rves WIthR IUcIl Rsed Blood. Nouriub your neives--that is the Only way you can. overc&me if c'a WOrst misery, nervous exhaustion. The fita of depression and irritation, the preatrating headuches, the wcuk- fl4;s and trembling of the legs, thc Unsteady hand and the imperfect di-e. gestion that mark the victim of nerve weakness, must end in nervous brcukdawn if ncglected. Nourieh your nerves lxy the naturai proces of filling yaur veina with rich, red, hculth-giving blaed. Your nerves are crying out fer pure blood and the mission of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla is ta make ncw, rich blood. Trhis expluins why these pills have proved successful in sa many cases of nervous disease tluit'did not lurnu U-l New Sert 6i Fýuel WhIbh, Strange riima'lluzury, hthrI te Bayr Ws *ldf4toPy.' at threc dollar a bushel,, or iIn reflewing ti al iel ai tw~nty-fenots a buthel, ftantinoffle, Sir Edwin Peàrs tilts an POttesare fot a .complete'amuslng story eTf a mc ontractor w, a 1uppiying tRie Bltsb fleet food. Two or three Shredm with fuel. A cetmegrit oficer on ded Wheat Biscuits With anc occaion went te hlm te Say that .nlnk frniahm=a.n ef-war had Just arrlved in the mill funis TflIC ~l'Boprus and was ordered ta, proceed body-building nlutriment ta thie Crimea w1th dlisttngulsbed ef- than a meal of potatoes or ficer8 onbeard; but it wias ebert ef meat ar muh rore Iy Sl-Thecontracter answeretj that meat aremuc mor easlyonc of hies mafl eaillng veuoei.-bad digested and cost much lm. s.et arrIved laden wlth a cargo o! cool Shrcded wi~t i 10 and that Rie would arrange te bave lt Shrcddtý Whet is icdischarge tRie fuel dlrectly on beard per cent. whole wheat, noth-. thc Man-e<.war. ing added and nothing taken A day or two later, when thie con- away-gives mental M tracter saw hie manager, ho -asked and hysial igorfor what a been donc wlth about n1nety andphyica vior orthe kege of gunpewder thut had been hot days. ]DeliCiouS for stowed on the top ofethtIe ceai. brea astor ay mel, wth Oh. we found aIl the kega cmpty.,' brafat o nymal ith njtrm I'hiamaanÉ ors. nOefo bave talIon. TIe Vitoria Tir w P ZIM' 0Aie oucwo'~ - Mode kfrn ciso"cwIaolc Cross ha* been votu by two postmna;P«ar t wawd#bt, on th. l î à «4» __ pb ___ um,-*fý >leat sud maled barl,, n~let-lt.tise îMitary !;am dim ind Pu* m tLainait u -iti. amons food rtais S~ne in aaitt UgIieliAbi5. ai ia iue. lmns- 14na bvmdWteDgtmw e l«i ofth o parinma. e ssai tiil- Mo u Mdal Lt «t " !i& buta*~ ra S M ~ 5dfiImlif for LI60d ntuiao eao. l.eet. iZ ma17<~il~odafer isth opb"" ei9w, ï 1'omeoe' eudpoint IBUOI LliOý~i~U -'~ood Savon uit lur mamatee.U.wasss. t IsKmnt~edIgmur-n yiemci to ordinary treataient. For r Siceci banlanas, berrnes CC powder ta renmove." oxample, Mr. Wilfrid Donald, West other frits, nd ' k.DtHing the ncxt thi-ce wccks thc Flumbara, Ont.> gays :-' Before Wi. ànd miI contractor Ilved In constant dread. began the use of Dr. Wlizs Pink aMda. Pilla 1 was ini a seriaus condition. 1Iefae htevr hpcmn waenotonl bdlyrundon, ut nyWOLFE'S ENOLISH HOME, from the Crimea would brlig news of- an explosion on thie man-of-war and an nervea seerned to be completely shat.- order for bis arrest. Hie became'iII tered. 1 eîept badly ut nilcht, and To Bc Malntalned se a Public Menu. froni anx1ety. when I got up in the marning was as ment te the Great Soldier. - One day, a fQrtnight later, ho hoard tireduas whcn i went te bced. I sein- Arrangements have been completed with fear and trembling tram 'bis ln- cd ta ho on the verge of a nervous by whlch the praperty knowýn as Que- ner office the voice of the commis- hreakdown. At this stage 1 began bec House. Westerham, England, thie sariat officer asklng ta sec tie mer- the use of Dr. Wiîliaine' Pink Puil,.bouse whlch was the home of Wolfe chant whe bail upplld the ahlp wlth In the course of a few weeks I feit A charniing model' for summer during litschîljhaod, hajust been coal. He put on a boid face and went much relief, and continuingr the use wcather bas à long, straight tunic af -vested ln thie National Trust. out. of the pille they completely restorcd, flounicing aver: a plain foundation fin- t was purehaaed in 1913 by thie ate 'Yes, you're thec man," ald Uic My heaith. 1 can now eleep sounldiy, ished with a deep hbei. The fulneme Mr. ..B. Learmont. of Montreal, with Icommilss-ariat officîr Rn a Ioud voici. cnt weRR, and arn cnjoying camplete of thc tunic ia laid in eaft pleuts top- tic Intention tRiatI should be kept us '"Yeu gave us three hundred tons of freedoi f rom the aId norvaus trou-, pcd by a shaped beit polnted un the a public monument and be accessible ta coal. IlthtRe best we have ever had. hIes.", front like the top of the soft vest in thie public. Unfortunuteîy, Mr. Lpaf- lnsead of oui-r alng t0 stop thie8s11P You can get Dr. Williams' Ilink'the blouse. A long callar which ex- mont died before hi&a plans eould be hRile w. cleare te nel.wn PuIs through any dealer in rmedicine, ý4ends midway down thie front is anecocmpleted. In bis wlll, made before ever tlicrc le a new turing up Uic vr by mail at 50 cents a hax ai- six af the attractive features o! this hat- tRie purchase of the property, -there smoke goes wlth a put! and clears the boxe> for $2.50 from Thie Dr. Wil- weatber mode]. MrCail Pattern No. was no provision for thie carrying out funnelI usd1. 1 want Uiree hundred liains' Medicine Ca., Brockville, Ont. 78,39, Ladies' Serni-fitted Drese; 30- of his Intention. which mlght thue tons more,. but. mind, Rt muet bhofo!tRie 0 inch length. In 5 sizes; 34 te 42 have fallen through but for thec lad same qualty.' ITAIAN REFUcIEES. bu8t. Price, 20 cents. that his family were anxious ta put intoeffect Mr. t4armonts wisbes., This Story of War Cruelty lias a, The executors obtained in Tiff. by Z Happier En4ing Than Moat. an Act of Pairliament of thie Province Few people on this continent havcl of Quebec. specisj autl.orlty ta convey ES!MAILL seen euch sud sights as hum Sîgnora i he property ta thie Dominion of Ca- CORNS LIFT OUT Andreazzi. the Boston-born wife of nada for administration by such trus-I the praprietor of the raiîway restaur- tees as might bc upproved by Uic WITH FINGERS ant ut Chiasso. We read in the Spirit Governor-General. Owlng ta difficulty of Italy ,by Mr. William J. Guard, or administering a trust go distant, that elhe saw thousanda of Italian wo the Demi nion Government preferred men chldrn ad od- en uas rb tut tRie property should be vesbed ln You say tu the drug store man, fugees £ rom Austria-unfortunates an Engllah body, and. thraugh the "Give Mue a emal l ottUc af freezone." whom the Austriane drove out of agency o! thie Charity Columissioners, This will cost very little but will peau- Trieste and the. Trent province, while it passes ta tRie National Trust. tiveîY reMove every hard or aoft corni theykeptln iternent ampsthebu'M. Learmont made a Canadian roi. Or callus from One's foot. fathers, husbanda and sans of -miii- le nconsistIng espectally of speci- Afw rps of thi e n thrcoin- tai- ag. Sgnoa Anreazi orkd -mens of tRie native work of Cunadlan pound applied directiy upen a tender, dary and nigt helpn fed n.n k d ians, and 'of pictures and prints >chlng corn roeVos. Uicsorenésln- day nd igcit elpig fed id om-Iliustratlng thie progress of tRie De- s ftantlY, and sean the entine coi-n or fort these poar people as they wuit.ed million. This collectionIs lodd in callus, root and ail, dries up and cau in Chiasso te ho passed scrosthe the tRi e , n uta ragomens i lifted off wlth Uic lingera. frontier inta îtaly. hue n utbearneet "Nover," snid Signai-a Andrazi, 0 tfc&&Lt wilR bcho ude ta render thie bouse and This ncw way te id enea feet ef 46shil foret ne ncidnt.Onethe collection accessible ta those who corne wae introduced by a Cincinnati monno ogtri ffgtvs are lnterested ln t by reason of thc man, who enys that freezene dries hi maring ona Rtngtran a fuities, In fine plain gîngham trimmed with Wolfe associations and thie hlstei-y ef a Moment, ai-d simply ahnivele up the theeapereda paraIdw aler an argandie collai- and bright- hand Canada and thie British Empire. Po o- rcfu lhu riaigthe hair thinand gr-ay, ber eheeke paembodr hiesafoc eb ecl.sroudn k and wun, her clothea aId and worn. brieyti sa rc eh ek vision bas bien made for the cndow. uTuRil k» WRiat a sight she wus! As 1 hunded oned WiiRi An any wardrobe. Large ment or tRie propei-ty with a sum wIicRi Don't lit fathen die of infection or hera bg bwl f sup,1 sid: Pockets, and aide yokeg ending in uwiIl pi-ovidéfor Its iiikiêP, aâ umre-iekJaw.from whittline ai hie conn, -er big l b a l !sau, mI s d woIpointu which buttan- on tu box-pleats, bably for tRie addition irom Urne te but clip thue ont sund malte hAn> tny 1t. 'Ar yo ai aone mygoo ~ are neW and fashionable foaturàs Urnet o!bjects ci interest ta Uiecol- . If your druestkaant any triezoui man? which 1lut thie frock far out of thi ecî .tell him te o r a ainaI bottlc frein "'Ail alone, she replied. 'Tbeylephere of tbe generat i-un ef freekz. Although Wolfe wus net bei-n at hie wholeaate drug store tor you. sepnrnted me t ram my dear aid man1 McCaIi Pattern Na. 7834, Girl'$ l)rens, Quibec Hecuse, but at a ieuse close by. f aqomewhere in Austria. My two sons lin 6 sizos; 4 te 14 ycars. Price, 16 still exlstiag, fi-om ts Impeishable are away f roin our home over there 'cents.asiton ilitoDmno!a. THiE FEARS OF CELEBRITIES andi are now figbting fan Italy. But, These patterns may ho obtainedadaocatin wtthage tomin tRiea my id an-e'v lied ogeherfo f rom yaur local McCall deale:, or fri t til one of the mont deali-able ac- Delusions and Superstitions f en one netirly fifty yeara-shall 1 ever aco 1he McCall Co., 70 Bond SL, Toronto. qubltlons e! tRie National Trust. Worid-WIde Fine, hum agzaini ? I've nowhere te go witb-Dct.W out hsrn, andi I don't intend to leave' ___. +I a noe ertR ic alka tbis station untîll ail thc other trains WASPS THAT ATTACK FRUIT. GUARD BABY'.S IEALTII btR Ktng Ferdinand of Bu lal m- came aiong. Perhap&1a ahuRi bdhum. -mediately *has a faintlng let every Do'tyo tin h wllcoe logHarm Done lo Wrcngly Attrbmted ta INI11E SUMMEI< lime the Round et guna ruaches hie Andi won't yau takc care o! me until ee& PrhStisetrokser ho 10 dc?, fc. unik. for "Foxyll Ferdinand ives in She diti not have te ask me twice" The. waape known as hornets and Thse sumaner moathi are thei MostJ abuîct tsaar of belnga asassinaed. continued Signera Andi-oazzi, "and '1 yeîlow jackets do cenuiderable ha-n dangerous to childi-en. The cern- Lord Robers a hl a great aversion diti what 1 coulti fur he-. She sac- orlpening fruit by eating through; plaints Of that season, which are ciel- to black s, n xl ô eani !carce- ta caVa. ae sck utthefcut ea dfanet, cremainrrhabad ly left the raitway station for a me- tihse isrert scaotIm ritea natun cicdai-oa n ~ ~with ene o! the"e ani- nment. Up andi dawn tRie poor aId ,Juices. Much of' this har i l attri- dysentry, corne on se quicly that of- - thing waiked, bour after hour. Sev- buted te becs, but in alm est ail cases jton a little one is beyond aid before TRie Kaiser'. father. Fnederici 111, eral other trainsarvdani hy when bees ai-c feeding on the exuding the mother realizes he lais II. The could net look' st a uc twt as juicesthey are frequenting botes j iother musI bc on ber guai-d toe - ' roswihutbbnsiol ha pmlc an e ifhe ppruched every aiti, made by ather insects. jvent these t.roublez, ai- if te oiahlvertng lit. At the soaad ti fthe inan ta se if Rpie e Bue h era. hawotn These wasps rint in ibe ground <or corne on suddenly ta cure thoin . No wird "auia" (wool) Ibo at. Fresi was unqhaken. Finaliy, the second! in aId trocs. If the rient can bc dis- other Medicine 18 Of sueb aid te fluth- dent Diaz of Mexico beme aics., dayRat intbceveing anth. covered, which usually meauns watch- ci-s dui-ing bot weather ae la Baby'a A curuou. delusion bauuîod Paca, crowded train pulled into the siat.iaîi îag the Insects when they fly eome, OwTI Tableta. They negulato Uid îL.e aoted Pnuiich philosopher. Ai- TRie~~~~~~ a* mna uulwaro te centi-e celony can b. quicldy ex- stamach and bels ad are absooute- though Uiceaîfet brilliaut gordu» andl Th l oa euulwf-o h terminated. A gallon jusfe. Sold by medbcilue ibsUrehsawysthuhîh alert. 1 coiaid not keep my eyes off fuIRure J a 1 f i t jheawastouth ber go déeply had ah. uraused my, full c water, and placed neul ote or by mail ai 26 cena a box freonThe saw a Vawnîng ahiysa on bis loft Phand, Sîd Iberd gve isail thait lua neded. A was r. Wifliame' Medicine Co., Brucki'ille, Parnel, sbeirer eft-gi-con wao. 'uit synipîîhy. Suenly 1had e ive i e' g i-rciiaetopanOn.Jknw.H wu 'oacra oto a cry antI suw ber tbrow'up lier banda. l eeg frmtenetoe ion. ______H_______w« a,« o A litIle bit o! an aid man b.d juat perceive the jug, and- fly iiunuriiy et tic with soi' tisai. ofsrem tu 1t, sud, stepei l tt patarm H aa 1br it .The hollow sound o! its bm 'g ICND'8NTOAL l'ARKS. hi objeced te anythiutglke a reca andi mn towartl ber as sho îot.,-d ectiin frein the jug. will s ieu o- vslipape-. go arons vas bis av4ti-aa DýtItDu1uth Cruis. Nontisers P*isè'sws. gorAisut TIe~st Agent St j re lil ' "Y f - 2t 'il. - "a- 'I El s id rit TII. t. 's ~i0 lu. * 'e i i.- il S leR.IIu1e y a"lwetuAmoLaue Tube%, ?aa ,ad "sie for sSo f the 1xp rge, 'In these days of unprecedented pilices for fui-m products the farmer Inýst keep "kcyed up" ln cvery branch «. his werk te get the meut profits and k4ep abreas! of bis nelghbors. MONEY ORDEIW WIIEN rderli loa by mail, send a Doinin Eprs Money Order, No mattçr wbat other tbings there tu y bi, Il there ianeoaile a fanit le .nct fully equlpped. x ZuStue Asa Cri =iatitA Frequent and. shailow cultivation aýe casential te succeas wlth cern. Dýep cultvatin means root Ini-y. - FmbvWPos sunplecasy, eut.Smear he pimples 'ith Cutieura - nt-ftO waho fv tlutos w1tt ticMraSoapïmdhot ý terwiiotiue Ib or t&me utet.'v UWe gt sud mmnng gsài sd4filIug1;f, td;rough t t eollasamc woiâcrf a " kW ifor htouet. -MI~~ vu ron Is om d Threê littie'LYSWêtG plaýyfng l T M N~ Pl wifiters, rh.umatim, orl- teand cajoled :the sn noa ee-oa al buagmIue. u l' lao Sdivi taietrubsa.P ÎeeI-. blance to a racing caro another hal Hnlroerb or lDet eontrueted with fair suçceas a tour Mti"7ý8adnaAve.. 'Toronto. inJ cr.Butv what te idlittie fel- Iow had made was without forin and i ANCER,, TUMORS, -'LUtBIETC., void. c..)Internai an«, *xternalj'-oured wltth- The Home Water Supply. vi.out Pain by Our home treatmnt. 'Writ. Water.Inl the ho"ac, to use lavishly "What je your car?" one Of the 118 before too late. Dr. BMtmiIzaa Mdic4 ut fretthoght eyod te mens f Lncertain until the questioner continu- at il w houg eo th e eme oher:"Ls ke hum.r lie oerther JCO* lm1e, 3o00Kwod ON~ Frugal peogle, who have earned by "cd: "e ike oor thr;diee gter"[ .BaK ýd labor ail they have ta spend. To "tj, eei otl;"iesaDOG DISEASE ny, who have flot clesely consider-clio!"I - And IIow toYéFe "' tthe coste and the benefits, it- ap-, raf- BLaZ: dreu p _.rs an, extravagance. Insted Of' t o.F;_0 ýhat it is one of the greatest of house' - oý tarniM IL CUwri. 3StSIB.NWe1u economies. Almoist every fariner could Whnbu:k orPin ______ *fford the luxury of all water con-l hislt ol havhs nt ýeniences ini bis home. Like their fe YIG -$WLg 1ws, eunshine, wholesou4e food and 1' "OTTO HI GEL" that mre a horse h.~ treeh air, they do not w àeal themus-> Il hveT i ZI uarmetlomoafbrsoli.ILPA O A TI N RrcThcWhn one has been compelled ta use XJ= reduced with j 7 aima oof these deeboaSwelfora tNîbllate NOTICE TOaloôer ueisr wlig.N t; niuch in return in saving womnen's gg** >iain 2poieeliv#Mcd.' - 1 1 1 strcngth, in increaaing house coin- ____AUSRINE., JR., the antiseptic ih3ment foý, forts, in preserving hegIth, in impart- Jmkind< rducs Cyt Wni Unful ' « imig satisfaction in housework and In POSaWO 5.roof That Lyd anacuo ciee. ok"vdne re elevtin th geeralt.oe o th i - E.PinkaMP VegetablD W. F. YOUNG, P. 0. F., 516 Lymabe SIdg., Mnouta, Calt. tt-ria1 side of living.-Dr. J. W. Copound Relieves OurbIatscd *brblm . . usadm eS Iobertson, in "Home Waterworks."Sufeig- flvlgetau,?L.- -1cannt upeak twt blhlyof L«dla !L Ptnkham'a Vegeta. W i fell fi-r a building and received bu copo dfoi; W~hat thc doctor called a vc'ry bad Ifamto sprained unkie, and told me 1 musti otherweaknesues. 1 not walk on it for three weeks. 1 got 1 Wua Very iegular hINAtD'S LINIMENT and -in six1 and would have ter-- d4kys 1 was out ta work again I rible pains bo tht 1Wi thjnk it the best Liniment nmade. culd hardly 6ake a ufl*da im IonR.mon-So ARCHIE E. LAUNDRY. step. Sometimes 1 th dealer Cao order eut bis Edmonton. weuld be o d a, fertiliter Wacars loaded to fui! bIc that 1 couîd not capacity, whlch bold twice au awcepa reon. i mucla as averag..loadedi cars' ______________________doconepmtoi the aeeded,-theother ha.-àem et i time but tilt nio £e o te aaPiL.1 Milk absorba adora very rapidfly and Pag.IIte~to y i .Pnk-. ctkoat u I ffl d. o tn edlects ierme just as quickly. Thèse b a 'iVoretable Compound aiid UMn rett chamie c rnly flot produce disease, though they leit hLchan"e for the better. 1 took it f ertiler frîquntl d, ut't s amot uretoenu IWuIn godbsthy ondition. A htrt'IOà.R.Ai-0 frieueniy d, btitia amai sue te~ nco e iiam remedie. to industries. &U ontr pitoduce digestive disturbances when il Wqenssl1hsye used tbelmwitesuch sorces, ami u'f fed to babies. Summer diarrhea is goc reut.-Mr.MIP rD. CuM- a Inhait misntsof very comman among infants and this wGiNSM ~Hamony St. Penn'a Grove, viciandeo f onWw le, frequently blamed te the teeth, yet a.J chance té laqa ineat aften it la due ta their f ood. Sncb testimony ehould b. acceppAd b te." al f ood ippi SUl women -U8 c«nnig oviddflce O! thé excellence ot Lydia IE. Pinkm'a'War When Your Eyos Need Caro Vegetable Compoid 5u a remeql for ~ ~ the dlstrési lle of women mieu a 14ue-Aàota quickil y. Itfor 2.4, Weak, dia facementsINfiammatlonulcration, 7 uf o mnpesas. Iftrow dêdea t___

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