Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Jul 1917, p. 8

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- THUU~54Y,~(JU1.Y 12. 1917. j OWf c@rfnoidat3~1 Y, i BROGICLIN just- gSn i der abethïer ,ep.r.u4 tIl b Im an - i ic i " a i t sub 6 iW te hernofet île rs>Id eOoVery. M-.Thempeon b-d ~e )pg woebitdg,veéM olotvtter0 U. ana i .* s'u. t- Mr. James Jonce anêl son, ef Cl Lako. are V-litîluawith Mr. sud à - ?4r a~idMis.J,.. icQii, nsd lrtait Jones. Igra. S. MlIOU and cblidren. Mr. sud Mis. Waikeî and MiSS Isabel ' >Irs. BrgAbum n d ollier Mrende, mo- ker Wero visiting lu -Torontoe tored frbm Tebrouto and peal lte veet. weeek-end;vtthMrs.'(Dr.> Jas. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Elliott sudà lier. Mr. Drumm aent lutI vee erLois notae indls vv i#tllibis parents iu Columbuts, 1Ont. hellaainlat 1Pi.Ptt Mt ise i a, oreLa lstg frilouta Mn. A. Jehnaton and MissBlet tauiJenetviflk,,mst. Jeliasten bave lieea vittng wtth s.NrJohn t5wii, eoruiB4mcuîa, vI and Mn. Artitur Ilevden, Velum) Jîr ýau&her dson-ln**, 1r. sd M.sdMs 'rc n as Mms: Bapnistefsd r.*i Mis. J3. et rroot, - IiiYe- be r*l A. Foci, mot rt 10Lo.ndon, vitere Mis. ChiJSu. tiiey vislled inonda.'Miss Ethel Burna. who hb eer bmne --olwilt and Miss»IU..B&anster. ef town for a mnoulh. has relur ef Toronto, are spendlng a week wilh home. 5fr. sud Mis. John Coill.- Miss Marie Holliday mas lu Lin DELIeIOus 1 APPETIZING 1 White LaL Serve Coid Possesses ai' fine flavor, the creanly -head,the tonic properties product, reiish, Canada for fifty An Ideai b occasions.- t Mekes Goi Every Niunde te meel the require- - mente o! the Ontarto. TemetaitCe Act Ïroù'i Obtainable at Dealu T e oDominionaI Phone Main 33 R ei if you f ail ,to get- of the low-pr, 'or which C0 . X-od" .re seling agents. Ju 50 Cents jjý KOMEEgXIERS thi vlalting ber aliter, Miss t Mou Oatbul A wbrfreinbuete4Ii 614 hou btAt Me. n uthe.Storii sutorsa lot, . I -p Ro bue m on, gomto. 57 ulasl Pe wtg jt r d m ut al.p4liabrof h 1481w1ZWUT W tLx. f Mcbi et tI f~I M. 1Ilcf Ptke#ag. iiihavaau4V77 ohr t -à*-'#PMdSUMII bS ~ fhi aI epIUàVV lb estu. a -- la This mablas, know, tie. -, b..t s i bu raziv *gj. t 7«t88*fttheIT*S8, aegrs), Dm la oefatIny;te &leu in1 U811 J rds ter a 10w d& day. vmtig w *M is JohnIOrznistox. Granlt Widdlfield,,CetCMiller. Tue 'l1ll Worors e St.Tholas' gr. *nd MWre.B. D&y, of Uxbrldge, .C, Cu~,~C R IO SW ae6.If f l %~ of Chufth met et the h«o LMre Jaa. »ve r emnt visitors wlth Mir. and Mm ..N. 4ES DW ýpuces. New prices ar- 27*% hý lg4or. rlth~~Mr and M n WGu.da Df. White zp eU.S. ntNO.4 the NDSTOVEIS-You eu effiellt a big ns.viing by Bir. and lMre.James icha.el vere M.adM.D ht lette Sehool Report.Naines are Ini ol!O uchen rm u ietsok balk i ns &on Tueuday attending the tu- weekend lu liarosh iIL' - et merlt4urruntstck lia.nealetth lt.Mi. oh McheL '1hePrshteli S S Ieut held Sr. IV.-Clarene ewsont. The folIowixng are in good oxtinai at MÊr. Wmi. lMorrime on ThuraY Jr. 111,-Mlldred Bravener. Hartlay .it~~ rcs Wa- On Friday evening lest Mr. and lMre. lt, vu motIt suooesfuî. There were Mnig tiirtn rcs thsNorman White entertale4the oide cu speet.at hiuhy Sr. Xl..E 'l let ar oa.1Verity No. il Waikilag 1'ow, $1200. Ibsclamses of the Mlethodiet S. Sébool ln abotîme ves enjyt. nd a toglypet VEllé'ritv MryDo honor of Mr. and Mm. Lelle W. HaILl. iihFai. fS.Cta- Jr l-Hrl olad lVrt No. - 2 Walking Po, 5.0L Ma-Durtng the, eveulng Mr. aud lire HaIll MsS laith ing vrt be0f St.thr. Jr. 1.I,+HeroI6ind CoUard.0. reks were preetented wltb a doel alve us svetn8wt e trhere r.1-fBennett Smith, Lorue Thorn- iMuy6i~Mvr 50. ,apoonl hi thome ipioentA moit d. Mr. and Mma D. Robinsoni and dyke- 1 CUýtt.ing Box, 12 in., 15.O.00. aunor litZl eveulug wua peut. daughter. of Rochester. are visarnng B M. CR&wpoatii. Teaehér. 1 De Laval No. 12 Separator, 7 0. 00~ 5 R. oy. Wm. Jëhittei. of shbuiii l. wth the formera parents, %$r. and CL1BIS.iWoigh Scalci', 2,000 pounids, '28.00 b» cupied te pulpit of the Presyterlan lire. Luire Robinson.r.booiteba tundfm tter. Church oni Sunday. -W iNors wlth lier dsnghter and Mf. oIII1eha rIule foi Âfew Cor làÇultivators and Mowers on bonct. WtthM i.* #WI tneonWd frie G.motored ftroua Tronto and a trip> to the ceat. nedyfrein tý*wo weeke vlsit 'wtth £eut the holiday wlth Mr. and MMs 1501Cioil Olti,0 o ber daulty n ootoa to.rolt. I's Deudtn& bis holldays wlth sa mcnd Mdiss Olver vtalted wlth f riends iu Mr. JD. Burns ha. ireed a great MrA-RGatd r.. Howden W . Fi. Dî oy W hitb Qebava lut week. ___y orders for the second edittUco f Mi. À Fta Gses &n Mi. A bis book Of Poemm "M1140111 Writtnu.- eettwii ekataigjig ______________________________ dsay Mme. John Blight and two children. The second edition i ou have 26 pges d af Toronto, vis- -more and a picture of the old 109g1 ted b tbthwe r lent sermon luet Sabbath afternoon. AM bous su a oen onIL nUb~tiO i atteuded th choir of yeigng voices rendered go l bo m ea fora tw o ino n Ant a la T - ul; t t--r = g o _______________________ miss Laura Francis. who ls boilday- garden aty1 N atitutMody nnsc Thomas Sadier anticipates gettiflg a MI.sj aà rmedy MOIt is* nd rontofor few ays his wek.uew car ln the near future.-_ ENVIGCRAT1NG 1 rMit fora fw das Oi wek. _n= The Brooklla District Organisation 'IûRTNSCRES u ee rmnx udyRv hlpvut saemn i. of lte Soldiers of the Soit Secin fTh O'rl ftde thlie last two %Ir. Nlckle tMrl.wl rabhr theFar Sevie Crpslt maklng or tltre days are rallier iuuu 0l Ienulg. The Ladies' Aid of ~ N yu v etney , progress. The public meeting held aI lthe croos. The outlook Is especially our churclt are havlxtg a speclil Sin- I3rooln.Juuîe 28, gave l a go tr îcugn 0laliteS a evc.Mscwl ernee wlth 31 boys signed uP trol at least The *e proceeds froin the auto- by lte %ethodist Choir' f rôn Green- l ten churches la East sud West bhit- grapli itî andi soctals in connection -ood. Thie special offering wil go to by.Oters ae jlnng Every teen la SI7 T Tis wtIl go toad h he Society. a"e boy dotuig bis bit on the land S' butlduin fund of the-sunday Scbool. The many f riends of Miss Carne fI entitled te be enrolled asS. S. Dr. ll'rsytlîe. V. S., of Toronto. lias îàawrénce join ln congratulations, she Serve Cold The District C0unel'l. contPosed et a taken po..%sQss4ozi p hie place. Mr. having now sectired lier second ls Tbursday nighilst iweek 10 furtiter e,.>.building on hls own land. lf' ln- to tiersel! us wcriell as t" Kint.aie. 8.wIIwIU làbeau 350M arranfgeKflenuL for thie OS camp and tends tý erect a new resiât'fce riglit Conscription la comltg, apparently, camp-lire meeting te be held some- away. 1 %6 if yeti art, eligible gel y0tlr bonnet NOTICE OF' UEGT'RATION 0F wltere near Brookliluoit Sattirday a!- îîs»,Editti Stonebouse ha.s been on and bt' ri-dy to aîiewer thte cal). BY.LAW NO. 858 ternoon and night. July 21s1. Mr. D. qu lte lit for,, te pant- week. R. Poole. Toronto. wiîl be the priri- Mr. n"'Mmâ.ltbl;teon and l ti rs. Richardson la away ln Niagarao!ltCrpainofieCuit't i the body and paÎvî~~~~~Iîo Ili hoeî hat very boy daughttee hsr,, cil 1uM r. disqtrict visîîîn.g friends. aslPotelerygintatabl8 elgIlewllsinupw Chhisculti A. Roblneon's roe0etlY. Clarence Richardson a nPr Notice l irb ie htab-a director by the 2Zlst. and meet us at Mr.l iram Diew liqlnprovlng nice- Perry last Sabtiatit. mas palse by the Councl &othIe Cor- sparklean the the camp-lire meeting. -Commnittees ly afîeê hie eerioîî operatlott. One of Mr. McCe(rotty'sliores. work- porlltoul<f Oie CounIti Of OntaiO n are at work on ail te detaile. and ln- M -Hermian and tWalte-r PasmeO. ë hy Jamtes Pengelly. metwIII n ac- lte 8tti day of june, 1917, providiitg appetizing and formation wiii be sent to lte boys anid of ~ ' been visltlng ilieîr cidnt last week antd lad to be kllled. for te issue of debelïtures 0to he boy leaders tbreuglu their local direc- grand rTr. ýF.. Pnco». îrs. 'Mayne 'xac qtilte suddenlyv anlount o'f $40 .000, for -te plurpose cof of the parent tors. The officers of the District Coun- has~ai.itt been on te Suîrdt. r.Mi. grauting aid 10Oie Canadn Patiritie o th pae tcil are: V,'. jores, Brooktli, CbatnaanU; sic te 1~~llvray, oft Wlîltby, was called. Donio alaet iO ereV Clarence Werry. Kedron. 5ecretary; « les-h à 'and UWFlesDoiion eelibe bytbo Ad kMe l. ~e h o g o tOscar Downey. Myrtle, Treasuirer. and - -.-- --îtr Hug1lve been 111 %vwlh' hpe .adta uhb-a a- ie h o g o tritetîmetie foyer. MOVNT ZION, rogistered ini the registry offieetftite- Gattarrhai 1)etness annot b. Cured Mr. ro arrd Is out agajin a!- At1tfred lloàztrs lias purclîased a new Vounty ot Ontario on lte 22nd da3ý Of v ears. b1:: plctos ste aio ec h er i$kuvet=5U.k- f ton3Iilis$. Çtevredet çar. Jitn-, A.D. 1917, aie No. 216. bdLdttiý- fe eaI hCYcliirescoli tii Sre.Bert Luke and littie daugittér, Quitt, an umber from lucre look lu Any motion te qu11&h or set aide, way te cire cîttalliai defsas, u.ad 1hla te -nF15ttilt NIrs. W. lîîke*s. lite phic a nu usseluan*.s L.ake on thi ane oranny part ibereof must bo atnttiôà rud.ctt-al i d wekad tinliefr kunce. mdty nado wltlin îhree months, atter lte-, >eve rage for ail o el IIC uS p ju ian.% theÀ. Bovu bfaitti'liefrtutO Studîti ret publication of this notice, sud. Eusticblsn Tuhe. Wbheu ibis tube la Inolsuned Site Iý getting aretifd agahi ilcelY cannot be mpade lherefttter. yhave arumninu cudori Wectbesring. nom. NOTICE 0F REGISTRATION 0F Daîed titis t day et JUly. A.D. 191T!.. sdwbau tia eutlruly looe. =imlte DYI5hbCN. 5à resmit. Unîes the lullamusation eau be reduced Mr. Jamies Preston el renps Y XWN.85 *E j'PWt Ir.; atle tube restored toile normal condition, nlt 0%, bie gardenlutas Satîîrday. ofthte Corporation ofthlie Countt- of ConYCIr- hesrtsu "fil be desnoyed forv"r. my cases et rin s fdeat-ellse m areousd bycaiarrh, which lasau On tario. od ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ nfae Frienda c tbe. meou suffacet. I~O P.Notice la bere)y gîvealit a abyP ofsin l O r - thee .ucous sfc of the gys>etc Don L tailtoteattend Almnoluds Gar- iaw passeti hy the Conci lte We wlll gîve eOet ed l en tlty, jgly undedDolar fr pration o!li te Coualy et Ontario, on - eniofby alls I esivem h m nut* 111%E. 1eupthorne. of Toronto. lte Itîtday <of June. 1917. provîdine EG& ~r..,>iotetraima CafeHall'&,gcita r hcure. Cifculare se 4na. hree woeks vatation at for lte- isstio of debentures îo lte -F« jV1 ç"y 4k CO.. Toledo, . .ier lmne here. aiîoult of $10.000 for ihe purpose et Tîke Hairle 'emiîv ills forconstiostion. Ue. S ene n wo children. aut-hertaling th e slie <ot debentuires t10 *NOi Fit FARVIELL. neGQ nit Ri geto,%a. are visitiug mih rein- rat»e îuoney for lte paymcint of lte U&rl # OI CMi ttovma S MYR T LE. tilves ere. (Mtonet uIh al of< building certain, bridges lna nd Rev. Georgetlckle muolortconcerinGin.thethaiseadjolxiug lte Couuty o! Ontario and coluu ti eto. te.Gog iil oo4t itis .hnl 4$)er toia 1tle con- for <tuer necessary County purposes, m. vnscut..was'- gay ont Saturday. wiîere lie conducted v) n odlr.Got rgal.ed ia ui ylw a elîrdl Irowory Ce. LUi-9"1dt ___________ad_______byla ws egstre l services on Sunday. Mr. sud Mir. NW. )ngan vislted ln lte Registry OMo ffc<' the Cetiaty et On. Messie. C. Todd anti J. Fisher s Ubr Oe le wennd arooXIe hday et June, 1917,.u . L CUBUri« Touonto, Ont, the week-endad iL Itou respective ..Cia& -'k o ibridge. la visît- No, 215. be.*s.th lsrielida bore. Any motion to quasix or set uside u$WU.lteN*, ___________________________ apspoee te 4 4 - vs aeied tesanie or any lpart tieref lmust be g g Desitelbtsc t~. to.pcnc U85K1?NSALEu. made wiîi t hemonthoý alter thte s.,t o succena. mar1y 0la- e erneen OieetEr.t pîubul4itiesbet. Ibis n0 ce, sud * é ollcî- ____ __________crowd gàthcre4, aI r. Oith's gmove, Mir .W tdmih.firsi ant b. made thorelte~-_____________ vhicl Ioleàn 14W ébsot for an o1îiug, dr&I 1 a4 lOer Dîd titis 6th day t of li.1917,PI~ sud ut once tho spors-u ause J. E. Fasr.êléwQitoLt.. A.. Nf meula commeaced. Tilal cveryone vu al ab ý <qg iWté tistors gptilaon enjoying thcmaselwes'was evldeed by vit 1 I 'li *rl. '1 Iol and itaig Cotlnty Clerk. Uatr»r lé,i8d Î9ý -the noise ofthlie merry-makeresuad Wviii isd pcv attention. Bell sd Indedot phono. 3aï claller o e lttl). ongues. Atter lte SD lcs eri->a" elookis: very gooed. 'TERS, LISTS, 1917. or ntght, MU ants 0f the laserinias bldbeon sup- but-, la ïtot as large a crop g.aer- ~rt MMplied. lte gaterlug broke up. regret-. aiy wu lut8 Ir. oaMlîinelpallty etflte Townstitp of BROOIUJ. * once 1- s1 - ar-One---t - -.i VotOUIc0f lit e . World N O ntac ehrobygo ltaI lav w 1 > w-... j à# e

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