Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Jul 1917, p. 3

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b.ê~BUk Y~uj.ys leady Progress~ Ram Added £LOOOOOO te Its Assets hi' rA SHOWE~# i GRA~MOTNEW8 èAI~mt4.1 Ail tise lltt1~ isIOiOçms are i-bowtng1 mnd &~tbhh1nt.- - Pansies 5~1<I PtUnIa., Fomthertowl and Phioz: I Stately Ma~lam Peony la satin lu holi- --- ~abbDig PasI Fiscal Year-Thrlft Cagapalga ~ ber humble nelgtsborfolk, tise Resulted hi Gain id Over 82,000,000 gîngisam Fom~O'-Clecks. in Deposits-Large lacrease hi Earalnge. Earned 11.14% on Cmpi Sec tise SCar!et Runnera, aIl a-swing. ing ami aswaytng, tai Agaleet 7% Last Year. EverY blossoni glearnîng lise a jewel * In ite annual statement for the fiscal riewly set, yeer ta May 3lst, 1917, tise Home Movlng. ail, Sa llgistly, te Uic tune tise Benlc shows tisat mepid progrese isas Raine: a-playlng- been matie during tise peat twe'lve- SUCb a atately, graceful, jayona, an- mentis pemiod. tique minuet! * Tise Home Bank bas for some tue MomninS Giory bloseame sîl their past been strengtbening its orgeniza- crimpleti edges tigisten, tien anti tise benefits it has derived But ilemning Glory buta are e-swell- tbemefmom are shown in tise gmowth. lng faim ami freo; md expansion of the general business llardIY can they walt tilI tise mamning af tise bank, e isealthy growth in sky stiaIl brigisten deposits and an ability ta carry out its Ere they open wide their iseamis te entire shame of ail Govemanient financ- hummlng bird and isce. tng brought aut duming the year. la addition, it is evident that with its Wbcre tise SweetPeas swing their cen- present effective organization and ~ sers. rase-arrd-pearl-a-shlning. nections, tise bank wili ha able ta plsY Wbere the Clave Pinka glow and a still more prominant part in the Sparkle, jewelad fresis ant fine. financing of Ganade's industrial me- Whet'e tise Vine o Cinnamon lu stout quirenients in tise past-war period. curves la a-twinlng. Tise oonfidence tise Canedian public Wbere tise Gerden Lîlles lîti their have la tisa Bank is refiacted by e gain lovelinese beniga. cf over .82,000,000 la deposits, these aOW meacising a total cf aver $12,600,- WtjOre tise Lavender's a-row. wîth 000 compared with 810,183,735. At Sage s.nd Corlander, tise sanie tue there bas aIea been a Mînt anti DIII ant Careway a-crowd- very large gain la deposits by and Ing close ant sweet, balances due ta tise Dominion Gavera- Where tise gentîe Rosemary sud ment, as tisey bave advanced ta 83.- Soutbemu-wood philander. 360,355, as againat only ~500,Q0Q the Wisat an Incense mIses, for a gardon previcus yeam. goddess uxeet! - Witb tise larger business which the bank has bandlad, tisera bas beau a ~ Sud look you-at hem wide-fiung gratifying increase la the net profits window ahe la standing. whicb amounted te 8217,059.57, equive- bih. ber owu Forget-Me-Note ber lent ta 11.14 per cent. on e paid-up eyes ef beamlug blue o,.rê si,,. fdA~ ,.i ahinina annwv helr capitai as comperea wîth ~1dI,4iJu.Zt3 in tisa praviaus year. Aftem tise pey- mont ci dividends and subscriptiens te Red Crees, Patriotic end other funds, o lan,.a u~na ftal.,.ILIA fftr.oeOl'A af $i740,238, ageinat $42,79'> in tise previ- eus year. LITERARY VALUE 0F FOOD. Cfiaracter of Writer's Product is Governed by Bis Diet. The amateur literary crattarnan ~ilI do well ta look ta the quality snd chamacter of bis tbree meals a day. An investigator who bas been check- I ing up on literary history bas evolved I tise curious theory that tise quallty and character of literary product je gov- erned almost entirely by the diet or tise writer. A llterary man, according to tue aew thougbt. can get any kiad of gaine ho wants by regulating hia diet. Toast and tee, for instance, would b. about the right feeti for Spring poetry, while pig's knuckles and sauerkraut would be fine for any topic that called for plain speaking, right te tise point. Thue J. Whitcomb Riley was et hie beat when subsisting on Grehani crackems When J. Whitcomb waa la e condition of absalute Isunger he was capable of reacising eut md gra~pIng a word te risyme any tue that ha wanted it. Mark Twain fsvored champagne and light lunches, md sanie of hie most eparkling humai was tossed off after lunch. Bon Johason, we are told, wrote heavy stuif, almoat exclusively, foflowing his regular even- Irtg mes) of beer, biscuits and beaf, and whenever Vise biscuits were stale tisera was a distinct note of pessimiani In hie wrlting. Car7~yle wrote sanie of bis raout pon dorous messages on a cernleef anti cebbage diet. Pao wae partlcuIarly givcn to melancholy poetry after toy- ing with boom and protzels. Dante, we are told, wrc~te "Tii. Inf~rno" attor aba~orbing a hesvy meal composeti aI- moat exclustvely of macaroni that was a trifle underdone. No doubt, by watchiag literary pro- duetion clôsely, we cm, in Urne, segre- gato tise menu into ite varied litorary meanings. ~ven now there la a strong impression that varlous wrxtere are mubalsting on sawd~at, baled hay, rhu. b~rb and dessicated barbed wire. Have yen a little writer la your home? Try tise systeni out. A reel of broad tape whlch, when fastened te mireti wheol, viii unwînd and forni e dry pathway, lias been le- vented, tise abject beissg 56 onable n * mi~tomobile to pull Itsolt ont of a mud- - - iole. g t Instant Postum A table drink that lias 41iet' tho place ot t~a a~d coffe. 1,î tkous~mds of CaltadI4li homes. e "The~~Re~on" ~?h1on's Lateat flesïgns Even la trIas wisite linen, a suit mey look very military if large pockets anti atitched bande are adtied- la juet tise rigist way. Tise sixaulateti box-pleate anti large aide pockets belp te give tItis suit an almast saidierly air, wisich a large coller tries te tiivemt toward ~tise uavy, but tise gun wisich tise lit- tie boy carnes throws tise balance te- ward tise muiitary. McCall Pattemu No. 7~2, Boy's Suit; knee trousers. la 4 sizea; 2 te 8 yemrs. Price, 15 conta. w~îL~ ~unmoe comoe.t~*O misa oa~ woman ~ d~T*t~oiiIsts cf cereals BIKI fruItu~ »Lcat and potatoe~teaheavy1oad on the digçstive organs. The Ideal Szn~ci'dict la Shred- <led Wh.*t Biscuit, a food that is 100 per cent. whole wheat and prepared la a digestibI~ form. For break- fast with bliced bananas or bernes, with mflk or ~earn. MadeixCanada.. NATIONAL PARK IS LARGEST Snow-Clad Peake are Impreesive la Massive Ruggedness. Probably tise rnost isupressive thxng about the Canadian Rockiee i. t.heir massive ruggedness. These mottotains are tremendous uplif te of stratified rock of the devonian and carbonifer- oUs ages which have broken eut of tise cruet of tise earth and slowly heav~d aloft. On tisa right and lef t tise travel- 1er thraugh this district wiIl tee snow- laden promontories risirig thousanda cf feet, penetrated by enommous ai- coves in wisich hase and shadow of gorgeous coloring lie engulfed. Sanie sections, miles and miles in hreath and thousanda of feet thick. k Tii E OLO CHiNA ANDTHE NBW. mInet BIWOIU 5h. Pomp e~f Ves- terday and Frsant I.aok et Ceromony. Tise meeting of thé Pi4nce regent, ~h e ernperer's father, who oaly yes- ~ erday hadjiéen tise real ruiler o! bina, aIl-powerful. master o! tis. pro- erty and tise lives o( his subjecta, tise ~uccessor te twenty-five dynasties cf Omperora, wIt~i Dr. Sun Yat-sen, lise ~epubllean leader, tise conupirator and rebel an whoae head a price had 80 long been met. was a scene tiiet tise uultneseee wIlI always memember. Mm. ~ F'ernand F'arjenel desoribes it la * ismougis tise Chinase Revolution: WisIIe I was talklng wlth Sun Yat- sen. says tise autisor. a servant haaded a paper te tise Chinese statesman. "I muet leave you at once," he saiti. "Here ta tise prince regent!" * Ho s.hook banda and hu.rrled ta a ~oom on tise upper fiaor, possîbly witli tise idea o! typlfytDg tise new order a! thinge by compelling tise mepresanta- tive te the imperlal government to walk upetairs ta Interview a son o! tise people. As we went out Into tise hall te wetcb tise approacis ai tise former savereiga, a bIset of trumpeta iseralti- Gd hi, comîng. and tise palace guards. 'ta tiseir kisaki unifornis and fiat caps, presented arme at tise doar. Thon we saw, la tise sunlight, et tise top <4 tise stepe, a young Chinese about tislmty years o! age. wltis a klndly face ami a shaven head, and bearlng a blue robe wttb a black sîcevelesa overcoat. An- companying hlm were twa or three Chînese and a black-coated Suropean. An otflcer o! tise palace guard precel- ed tise party. Tise utile group ativanceti, but numerous clerks and soldîers crowded round. anxlaus te bave a nearer vlew a! tise prince before wboni, only a year ega, they would bave prastreteti themeelves humbly. Tisey etared at hlm now irnpudently, end their littIe, bave pusiseti stzaigist up, se tisat hisakoyes seameti ta say, "Yôu hem dear bmow bandung. ~\, ' -. - tiseur 1furtIve "Cistidren, sec !" she saftly cries, strate remania me befome; atili other are nobody to-day 1" "Ha maketis ail tisinga flOW I sections ara bent anti crunipleti under An officiaI was obliged ta clear tise -Minnie L. Upton. . predigieus aide pressure, while aIl way for tise regeut, who hurrled along bave been broken down anti womn and seemeti anxioue ta avoid tise stares eway until now tisey are only colossal e! tise crowd. Escorteti by an ofilcer, E'i5.l '~'~'~" fragments of tise original uplifts. ho passed close ta us and~cllmbod tise Il ~,w IS iuui~ AI>I>ETITE? At Banif, an altitude of 4.521 feet, great stalrcase, wsiklng wlth bent situateti la tise Canadian National bout sud stooplug sisoulders. as If hé Lose ai appetite during tise suai- Park, axp lacated tise hot sprxnge. bore tise weigist a! bis past grandeur. mer montisa la a common trouble, - Titis park is a national reservetion of Flnally tise lîttIe pamty dlsappeared Ofl anti indicates that tise digestive s>'s- I fi,732 squame miles. embracing parts cf tise ficor ~ove. tem la out ~oj... order. Lacking a tise vaileys ai tise Bow, Spray aad On leavîug tise palace we éncouater- healthy appetite many people-es- I Cascade rivera, Lake Minniwank5 et tbree or four servants wearlng tisa pecially women-go too long With- I anti several noble mountain ranges. royal livery, blua robes wtth whlta. out foad, or eat s~>srxngly bacause I I Bayonti are tise Divide and tise Yoho conical bats covereti wltis red fringhm. foot seanis ta distrese tiseas,' anti it - They were holding sanie Uttie. 111 is ne woader that tisey cemplein tisat I j Tisis national park is tise largeut u> groomet herses. Tisat was tise sorry tisey a.re constantly timed anti unabla tise world, beieg nearly one4isalf ~s remuant o! aIl tise Imperial pomp! te stand tise het weather. Thia airu- îalge agaja as tise Yellowatoae Park ply means test tise digestive systeni - af tise United Statea. No part of ~; SAVE THE CHILDREN net doîng its proper work, and tisat Rochies exhibits a greater varîety the nutrimant that sisoulti carne f rom sublima sconery, anti aowhere are tise footi la net being dîstributeti ta tise gooti pointa et view anti featumes et Mothers wiso keep a box of Baby'î varjous organe of tise body. la other intes.eet 90 accessible, since many ex- Own Tablets in the bouse may tee womda tise blood is gmowing tisin anti cellant roade anti britile p~bs isave tisat tise lives cf tiseir little eues an watery. - bren receatly canstmucted. Banif la reaeonebly amie tiuriag tise hat weatis Yau naed a summer tonie, and in Orgendie is tise inaterial useti ta de- in tise midat ai many . er. Stomacis troubles, choiera lis aIl the realm of medicine there is ne velop thie cisa~ing frock, with filet mouatajua Ne~iswmrd impressîve fantuas ami dlmrrisoea carry off tison taule eau aqual Dm. Williems' Pxnk lace for trunming. A plain shirt sud is Cascade aintis ai littie ones every summer, ~ Mountain, 9,825 foot; eastwsrd is Pilla. Take a short treatmeat w~th guimpe are seppeti by a sîcevelesa I Mouat Inglismalde anti tise Heiglit et masS cases l~ecause tise mother dos these pilla naw anti notice isaw I ovemblc>~ or jumper wbicis bas panais Fairisoîme ai tise Fairisolme subrango, net have a sale medicînt et isard t * promptly your appetite ratures anti tiown tise front coflnected with banda boyanti wisicis lieu Lake Misu»waake. give proniptly. Baby'. Ova TableS your pOWeT t0 fOOt! 0V05.<afwide filet lace cure tises. troubles, or Sjg givon et Your digest inipr utmnîmtmg pockets. Tise sulphur apringa at Ba~ff~ ço es.~>naUy te tise well ~isuld wjll pru will tison do you a""",~ beit format o! organdie anti filet notet for their c>sr~tive P~OPai' vent tiseir eoming on. Tise Tablet your strengtis ~will retuma anti yau lace boitis the fuinees la at tise waist. <anti each ycsr are tise gatisering places zarsateeti by a goverameat as wiIl ne longer camplain that tise bot MoCali Patteras, No. 7681, Ladies' for touriste froni aIl parts et tise westiser tires you eut. Ovomblouse * tise newbern baise. They are -ou The best tue te begin talcing Dr. ~ 40 with Guimpe; la 4 aises, 34 world. Twenty miles sentis ai ~ ~ysS te be absolutely isarmiosa ove Wiîliams' PIRk Pilla la thé moment 7516 buat; p<ice, 20 cents; anti No. lu Mouat Assimboine, tise Matteriioma ~<>- unun~n bocanso tise y -feol tise least bit out ai ~<>'~ Shirt, Ladies' Two or '1'hmoe..Pieeo of t.he now wôrld, tise asceat ai ~ rocimllY good Ina 42 or 38-incis Ieagtis in 6 aises, miter sevemal unsuccesaful egulate bowels anti keep tis The seener yen do se the seenor yen 22 ~<> ~ waîst ~ 15 cents made ~ ~ ternicis uvett anti pure. Tisey ai will regain yonr olti tima energy. Tiseae I by ahi by7 medicine dealers or by m52 patteras may u~ obtaincti 'James Outrain anti a pmrtiy et Swiss ~ ~s cents a box from Tise Dr. Wl] medicine dealer or by mail at 60 Uic McCmll Ce., 70 Bond St., Toronto, -4 - ______________ You omis get tises. pilla tbrough may tram yaur local McCsll dealar, or tram guides. imme' Medicine Ca., BroekvlIle, Ont. &nts a box or aix boxeS for 825'> HOMEMADE <rom Tise Dr, Williama' Medicîne <~> Depi. W. . FAN. Brockville, Ont. - t YES! LIFT A CORN f - - <sas wî'rssetîrr P A SM 4-1.... flvt. Ta, fle Attsehed Se ni-n MU I1'ARY CITg1'flM~ J. A T -- "FIGHTING" ANIMALS- Tise Yarna About Fighthig t. tise Deatis Net Fowsded ~,a Faet. 15 Is a gréaS errer fer thé senti- mental nature writems, or - "nature1 fakers," as they have bien te~med. te j dascrîbe batties Vo tise destis betweeu wéll-maturod antagonuats cither et diffament kindu or tise esme speexes. Àalnsals de figist anti for mony mci- uods; huager may compel ono So....at- tacit enotiser if hé tisinke b. osa jet awsy with tise jais ai killiag4it; twe maies znay scrap esvageiy qvom 'tise compîicatèti question et couftuhip; or two or meze et sitiser mes may figist aven a bit ai toot or a kilt. Bat, isow- ever strong tise ineetitlve, however doep tise anger, thème la always tise sense et lajumy anti tise pals et la- flictéti hunts te cause tises. q-eatures te cosse ~efere belng very badîr clawed up, hiLton or ton. 'Ilion. 15 neyer mtougb o! gmzaenee~ te lwarruut, a flgbt te tise doutis unisse onlst la se superior t. anotheu titiS' 1551 injuries are slight Ils companlsea te t what 15 auay suatalui. j Wlldeats semetlmos get 14e ftghts~~ SisaL niaise tise veeda ysew~ vitis irunarla sut gravi thay] mach liens la to#e, eue g.n.ra~iy belusg visippot. Fe*es fight a1ae~ abed4uug biset ou lite 3~t4 'vin- ter enove, ant mou ast tises ~hey gel ~ conteuSe MIeS. ueo OpuS eséls osis4r, otten over foot ~ueatbou,, oa~ havlug cau;hS luit, bird or meus. *at au- t éther cureta matis., bàt.whfl~ titis le sitarp sud n'~pg ose qaIS~ lister. gremtI~jUii~ dine. i Bain aealfrss* uiesg I vl* a~ Meut of tise Seattisis Regimeet. Keep Up "Klsslng tise Qealcis" On saniversirtea anti special occa- miona moit Scottisis ragimeMo keep up a entions mess custain cahot "kîssung tise quaicis." Tb.iu latter la abaUow eup with twe baudles, to~ards Lise end of diiuier, la handed ta escit officer un tut-a, inîl ot.iiquor whuakey. Cumtom decries that the vessai muet ha drainet ai a gnlp, ai- ton whlcis the boîtier twists it upsitie towa tram isim, anti kisses tise bottem te show it is empty, la Weleh regimeeta, on St. David's Day, every subaltersi who has johiet since tise lest annNereary us te ~pass tise loch" Shat evening aS mess. TisaS le te say, lie esta eue et tises. net-toe.elce-smclllng vegetablea raw, * wislle tise regimentat drummers sourd a fanfare, sM his>snother officors i choor tsim ironlcally. Seau. few regiments utili kcop ap Ut. custom et placimg on tise itou table at dinaur tIse "~egent's usIne," as 15 i. esUet, ena boitte sacis et port I anti sherry. Tus la a legaey trom George IV., vise, uben lie vas logent, deerteti tisaS evesy regiment aboutit hava tva hoSties .1 viii. te dnh* Ils isoattt, la aS bis exposa.. Tut mouS corps aowadays, hovever, tii. m~ney le oroduted te tise ~eaoral e faut. 5a~~ Geses OeI~ 8~ lavehahi. Mele.~ ~J bau. $ meat valuabis vois te sel!, matas,," nid tii. bock' agent. "15 toIla pas h.w le do varpthlag,"- it teil 1ev Sti goS aid et i. t o- ne titi Cii te! soi ha liii 1151 liv on 15 ta! tel fl~ Inn t" s o a 1- a t- Il 1- y * e n 1- a - I R~-Chafr. ~ ~ ~ 4/ Every min eto b. hie own eléctrie off vitis ~ 4 linS by uain~ a do-vice lately javeat- -~ byanlndianaaeelcerattereoolllig Vou coma-pesteret mon ant women reozes. Tho ~*n ho luvontoti îa~ an Stacisment fer s rocking-chair anti id Buffer ne l~ngen. Wear tise tiseos ~ ~ ~ by tise gentle~ it aearly killed you before, saya this ~i.~t ai tise cissîri><ék ss~ti forth îcinn~ti muthonity, becmu~o a 4ew It ors propels the tan, wblcb >ps ofei~eezoae applieti direCtl7 ...a ~ lis sepisyrs upon. tise issdividnal uder, aching corn or cullua, stops ~, ~ 'oneas at once anti sean tise qoin OR i'ise o erati.n o! tise fan as cons- rdencd callus loosons se 15 ciii ho * rmtivoîy simple. Â-*%aft rsachlng ted off, root md aU, wi~sout >alil. IIOOT ~ giron an u~ward titrait A mai11 battIs et freezone ciats v. the'-baekvmrd swing et tise r~ek. il, aS any dnilg store, bat viii~- ~ ~ ~ ely 15k. off oven! isard or soit cern - ~ caltas. Tbfrsisoialdbetrled sait incapensive md- la malt net te fmi- ~ PTOVI4U tisa motiva-pever fer ~e tise surroandlmg ekin. [f pou drugglat haan't îay f reesene ~ ..~ ,~ o.p. I hlm te goS a amail hoStie for jeu imhis viseleasle dnug honas. ...lS la Shop rtunn mors md botter fa.- e stuf anti acte lise charm eveay ity ta saileis tise selt ao<i mc. sains more av~ealy than a othu. nÉMÃ"~iÂCIC AI?. ii~ PluieS i. ~yiil Àeadewy uauieat Autisar Sapas St uni net ha tisgubt tisat tise EUT UIOSAS veMe id lie lij~uI A are a presem lot I a spedai art tralali eft corne Ires plaise. A poblicai oueit nMWtoL Parente and toachers ~l~uld malte cisiltiren underetaut tise danger ai est- ing strange reote, plaa<ta or bernée. FSery year mmny cisiltran are pai- soned owiug te thé negleot ai this simple precautien. Afterthe 2~4kC~ - Ms les bien d~ ueO Olv.yourBisa.muhors'o.,wlovtna SolO as Oses .54 Oesieei Suoru or hi Mati. Ais Veules (se aa.eay Ce., OIUcauo,-NVPme bei Nesrly every isousekeeper malces' enougli ualad dressiiig t~o lut sevoral *days, but few know tisat it je a saving te malte enougis whlte sauce te lait two or three tisys. Make it thiek, i thon enougis may b. ~aken md thinned' ta preparing a cream soup for lunciseon, or for tise sauce for tise vegetablos or pudding for dinner, or for tise basis o! croqusttes or f Ih bail,. Tisis le ta certi1~y that idurteen NUWUPmUU '05 SALZ - - 1H HEALTI Womau TeD. How$5 Wordz of Fi~ikham'sComix~und Mado Hon W.!!. I lui gr~ yemrs mgo I jet tise corde et my loiS wrlst aesrly severati, anti was for about nhie aloatha l~sat I isaê no use' oimyhantimndtrio4 othorLlnhnsnts aise dectere, md Was reealvhtg ne henept. Byape~saaaiou toma friend I goS MINA~1D'S LiNIMENT and nueti ou. bottie ,~whkis completely caret me, mat havebeen a~1isg MIN- AIUYS LINIMENT ~n my famlly ever uinco-snd fiat 15 tisq same as wbon I tnt used lt., mnd would neyer ha wltb. StS 'but it. Aug. Biat, -ISAAC ~. MANN. i 1S08. - Metapedia, P~. Q. ________________________ - ~- éIma~ OisIo.-"Iwas mil broies dovp isal from adisplaoemeat.Olisoi aIl -ladyirlendacameto s.. me md eh. md- <vlsed me te oern. meacetaktssgLydua as w - .5~ ..~& 55~ Paper board, one o~ tise beat noneon. Uiat 15 uoee~y 1~ ductêra cf hast knowsi. maltas an Ideal WOIDUê M i mat for tise dinlng tibie. Tise upper u Xwhlb.dl aide et tii. bostd il mmd. liquld proot, .'~Mft.JUhIUNi~ wliie tis* undersIde~ tht zient te tise ~ ~ polished table, lu as toit as toit.. Thase' Wom.n visa piper mata are ma4e te fit standard ~DU~i, WUhisPE size 4blea, azud cas~ lie bought at a bMI ~n.sdtbu mach lowor rate than tht hoavy f elt- ,~ ~ J I z :1 f ~4~Ïj -1~ 3 j CIXRIOUS OLD BRIDGES. Tii. Capital of Kashmlr, hi India, Ras Ose of the Moot Romarkable. Probabiy ne town in tise world has sucis stmange bridges as Scrinagar, tise capital of Kaehmfr, in India. Tise city le built on tise batiks ai tise River Jheluin, wislch la crossed by many voodea bridges, lined witis aid and dilapidated shopa and houses, witis balcenies and lattice windows. Some cf tisese are very ixisecure, and look as if they migist at any time feu into tise river beneatis. Tise roofeti Kapelibruche, et Lu- cerne, is aise of tise most interesting. It crosses tise River Reuse diegonelly, and bas 112 triangular peintinga b.- neatis tise raof, recording tise heroic deeds of tise aid Switzers and tise stif- feringe of tiseir patron sainte. Ta tise midat ai tise Kapelîbmucise stands an octagonel towar, which forniad part cf tise fortifications cf tise town in tise thirteentis century. Tisa bridge was built in 1333. ($ne ai tise moat curlous arsd encient: bridges in Europe is that at Croyland, la Lincoînehire, which is supposedte date froni tise nintis century» No road now passes aver and ne weter under it. It consista ai tbree pointa arches, which meet in tise centre, anti tise as- cent is 50 steep that only faot-passen- gers oaa go over it. Upan tise bridge la a seated figure in atone of a robeti Saxon king. MONET ORDERS A Dominion Express Money Order for Five dollars costa thice cents. Tise woman who isas many dishes ta vasis, and wboae lest gat t)red, siseuld try standing an a rubiser rug, such as many people have et tiseir front doors. Tisis sort ai a foundation has a reat- fuI effect. maard's Liniment Curie DIsternpe~. Wamn tise Chiltiran. ~IOFIT-MAKING ZIEWS AND JOB P Officea for soie In wood Onta.rim towuu~ The mouS ~mefui e.nd interestina of ail basin em. E'uU InformatIon ou - application t' Wilson Publluhing Cern- ~fl7. TU .A4.l.id. Street. Toronto. 01.T.AEZOVU C ANCER. TUMORS, LUMPS. ETC.. Internai and externai. cured wlth- out pain by aur borne treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Beilman Medicai Co.. Llmited. Colllngwood. Ont. I800K ON I DO G DISEASES I AndllowtoFeed I ~"-~ fr.. ta any addrmu ir Ph.g H. CLAT GLOVER CO., lac. Duglemi il8Weut3lstSireI~,NewYoek Lilile SoIIWQS A PlUlul Sigbt WithRingworniWbichTurned Eczana. Just Oae Mais. Cuti- cura Contpktely Hcaled. <My littie son, three years old, took rlngworrn on bis left ann, and ho scratched it so uhat k turned toeczema. It ilien spread to his back, cisest, arma, legs and ~head. TI was just one massof corruption and it matie my heart ache to see hlm scratch; he would just tear hiniseif. He was a pitilul sight. "1 read about Cuticura Soap and Oint- nient. Bythetinie I haduseti tise second box of Cutkura Ointmes¶t with the Cuti- I cura Soaphe waa completely healed." kS tgned> M rs.R. R. -Peacbey, R.R.1, Valdemar, Ont., December 30. 1916. Cuticura Soap daily for tise toilet and Cuticura Ointment as needcd prevent phupi as, blackheads or other eruptiOns. For Fr.. Simple Emch by Mail id. dreas post-card: "Cutleuwa, flopt. A. Bouta., U. S. A." Sold everywhere. The firet cernent plant in Korea will b. openeti la tise noir future by Jap- sabre. BROKEN DOWH

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