Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Jul 1917, p. 4

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A reader eal. our atte0tion to what. he laims 1tri ierror ln demi gnatin- the email farming community near te Srd ccmcenssion of Whitby Town- mhlp as "Baggotevillie."- He assertis that the naine was orlglnally 'liagot. ville," so named after. Sir Charles Bagot, who was Qovernor Generai of Canada from 1841 uîîtill isdeatbh l Many yeara ago, It Ioi Raid, doubtîs about the lIme of the incumbency in office o! Sir Charles I3agot, thene was a village of some Importance at tItis place, bavIng a population o! 300 soute. und being dlstingulshed by* Oie location tîere o! two grlat rltlls, as uc-Il oas several stores. and a cobbier'Li Bhop. The village was nanîed Bagot- ville, after tht' Lit'utcnant-Governor. tion scat tered. iucvtng te towns antd cit-les, lte village lest Its premitnce ,tie*tii iIt becanît.litile nmorei' Than al utinie, î'aith only ut few - he learîuîy. Tîtese wlmo %ere responsihi.- for nainilug J iîaed s w-ay and grmd ul Iy yïot of etthose - iho 1n-e ofihi.'origin o-f itliei nie wut-cnt' t tracl tf. Ni-wý goneritioît arose, who, net kiiowlig (of ili- honor dont' the' place by riamlug ti "I-iittg vile' îîtltted the aggoTsîIo'. wi hb 1si.r le usî'd g'trîl to-dat> by tIie.-retidenus ef thîi cominttTtlîy. Stue -Bagof tille hbas net now e tv.n p1îoî tibici- evn()Ituriti eaurestîli (roui designatiug Ji ttht-r as 1ag~-li orî Ils.gotsa' ie,blu t 1ils ll e ii 1 - bht o! h tsioartgttreltited b) Oitr Infoirmanîtt N i bt- liiit-rt-stitliIt 1.-asTiIo inos-t' \%lie liv.- tii tIte spi ot i. ti tit> lut\( littrdtli lirl'patre-uts tir g'rituid larea sl siîetk of- t(bc-village o!f tgtiii' w t ti isîîrosTîirots toîtuiat itaind i tsi Editoria1 Commente Potrt Ilotîts tax rati l 32 ruIlle ils Lr, :3 nifls moret-ta-n Ilttas ltil~ a. ir. Thfioqe wtiho tfiti11k t fi e Wl'fi m r-iîiv. lm otihigit mu> Takù cornfort lit Iigt .~- iaiit tu titi-to.-n s Iare-coi an- hîtîs lunuist-ry. And Port ]-folie lut-ni Stoitif! ,I-t liay s criîiiit o hîav i ig tht- laigt 1i utbt-r o e tI glomus dul-tmilî aittin. for ilus poiînlat ton of any pulaice' int tilt'I)tîinloniii. Otlîallt illore titi rt-tai-sTit-r.- tre in a ihet .- fewer eto-tilivetaure' wlo att-ndIbite ster- vilt-es, eo t> iollfelll,> oitglî t tii ti- ai i <r- liîaîd -iîiî iil;tt fur t1ti"Sta) i hlit iiiii 54at 9200. Furtbtr -4orth, eaoti5*f lot, ln a CoMter Position, and 1al1y as va1uàble. Ir ttsoes ia te8Y lot, le aaaessed ifor 8126. A 'corner lot opposite îlds la ftxed ~at $150. as lus rulso the îi.,xî > t t. ILTre î1"t stili furtiter xtorth or' titis la oniy $10s thougli botîxi ttand ts $150 neighbor are la thee mtddle of a block antd equally valuable. Lots on 'te other aide o! thue stres-t are about equal. StIli furtther nortb one -Onde' lots ln thel saine black assessed at $70j $100. $120. and ut block of eiglit lots, two of (hem on the corner, averagtng $84 a lot. 'rîtle only part of tbie long last of Incongruitdes that could be-reciteti, but It la sufficlent to still furthet5ou: port our contention of last Issue, that tie Assesment Roll of the town needs revlsing uiud equallzit,îg. Il lm v ppeat;re te note ln tht' col- uns ot the' Oshaw~a 3'îndiratte, ex- jrtlonf ogod*will toïtrd the ven. eruible proprietor of the R.-MOrem#r. gtv- lng toeb- ial)t-r a lotie which It bu'., lartted faor t lon.- tnt-. One. of t hé gr.-ait-si rnlslrrunttt of! odemreino- i 4reillsin Is tiat lotw r n the- tiilit IlnT- f hsn in lu t owu i feu coideir fitthe prroîa-r îitng o be ai ennily wiit * sdi oi (tir and frequtent. ty «'not msp-axlng.7 lnsitad of each et -lalng a -înc.. to fi>'aithetcother's throîut, tIli(%thoui lit' mîîtually lelp- tain the atdiiaptaue hidli Co-olpemaition lu b 5tl rlugs. 't..- li .d -tor b>- lis adoption of ka fri.-ndly attitude to lis t-onheiporary cannot (al 10 rise in t livt' tni.itIon iof t-i tr>- (ui r-mlndti llNl* "a a o r cndtiie'd In th&. pîublic leIbtrary lu Midluitd lias ht-tn istartud hi>' itts Dc> i.-.o! the' Midland tili iS<-tîol sIn.!f or the- clîlldrn.-u ot i la.-. ti. Part hetimara are net It hiil , loit til lm îrt-aiinîd îhuai .MIj tir 1i>' t- ut. s t1ic' taoîr uo tiiliiig th*' ci or of soîîin(wùl -kiii Hbook icili, fomr et.îtt .-. as tîii'ktu*s "K'~ing of tht wood Ttt-a"Ktîgste> 'ut %at.-r Batb- ttes" sud other chlldreu's books wvrib- t en by werld-faned men. One can con celi e of no more benieficlal lu. fitience that ceulti he hroughu t Iobsar tipon the' educatlen of -ehlidren thait mest sncb a -story heour." Why ,not itdgî)t the' schemte for- Whitby îext îali ttmn? Losslhly If Tno one' person of Thouuando o fDoir 'f iEMI y--. SALE -Worth ýof Bootsand Shows 9' ESE are to be sacrificed, regardiess of the present cost pric~ in order to clear out the balance of our higli grade stock. They mustgo T AIl the newest designo -in men's smart handsome shapes. New toes, new leathers, tans, gun rnetil, kid, patent and vekr-rcalf. The highest grades that money.çan procure, and aIl to be slaughtered right. and lef t until the close of THIIS GREAT T»I-RTY DAYS' SALE cheape cheap1 Corne and see the cutting of prices, corne and, ,,ee t je bargýiins nt the (loor, examine the bargain tables irîside the door. -Whitby iF3 the ýst town ini Canada for good boots and shoeq-. (lÙr stock isas %çell assorted as any city store, with all hûiýîe advantages of changing and repairing. This will Le a rare chance. Dontt miss it. \Ve wiII keep the bargain tables laden every day. 300 pairs of ILadies' Oxfords and Pumps, the regular price 1s $3,@60 to $4,.000 Sale Prive 2.69 157 pairs Ladies' Oxfords and Pumps In an assor ment of ieatheips, iregular $2.50 to $1,00. Sale Price $1@98 215 pairs of laies' samPies and a variety of othersurpius stock we are determlned teo cisar out at, any prIce. Varmiety Job lot ail kinde women's and chiidren's, gËrls'. and boys'. Bargaîn Prices 98 cents wbi1le they last. IWen's Oxfords,) patent, gun. metal and tan, -regulae' prives $3050 to $5.00,9 Sa le Prive $3@28 Men's Oxfords, patent and gun metal, regular price- *3.50, m m Sale Prive $2.o25 Suit Casest regular price $1,,50 to $1.7J& Sale Price 98 cents. ýCHEAP REPAJIRING A SPECIALTY We want to do business with yeu, because we have just '0xactly w~hat you want and our prices are simply the lowest. Everybody is delighted with our goods, and you will be. LRemember ev'ery day i8 a bargain day m4 our store. We want large trade and large trade is only got by mrail profits. 1 arn your aerant and will be glad to see you. liernember the Cash, liedý Shoe Store. M. W.COLLINS, of flie opportimittea o! readtng tht-re- in. lBui s-buttla or Importance Inlu iis councci Ion la that the LIbrar>y IBoard, o-r te (ommtte- uieon whom mrtas tii Y-sponsibillîty of seleeting ut-w books f rei lime tu tîne ti loîli tiseý couîîa uicfondo le If ulI charge, tht h'urotcr ndwsonl.u<i oi.pQritlt> uor tt-iing as tor)> 10 thete ums ae niidnii h cititdrit i ttigul 0<. paseid srounid te ifirtous lipriou,fur tht-te uare ititan> iii tus n w ho ceîtîd take their bii kilid do Ili 5-4-l. Vitls le a sugge-aîion1 for sonie local oraaaifln Interesti-d )ri( liq, 1 'If:r.- of th' bu nad Ilis t i '.t oft i twnî'- Wt ii~ tu ubli h Librzir> <(ot- orthe, baneb 1u1v-' belil n ilkjlit t 1<) unr i leit oi tif nilicidi in i r es) " tg an nimoigt <tairit n ile tit ISIweek, particulant y a rMT at-t li trasp uMsd by the Oriîlil ttgairdi;iii, e' inviii ' ton Euclid S' t.1, j ilasi week. One woiideri how t)iii lt ii <tIill eur VDundaa s 15 it' public le rcuiti 1wrulnu.tîsin îîite-d lit Ifu.whlle anothlt- lot (fi--- roress" '-l ht-u 'placing ot good ____________________________________________ i t- isiaiT e l thi ,the! 1wpublic ih kinow tî l 0 a.e oe of the bout educatioît- al i lîttlenc'es of the prem-nt day. That t. Jîîst Ilte point. If urnphasti tvere Get ou rCoal j iilat'tldt li nthe via of Il teratuliî' Putl bi-fore the igîbllc, and non ueb.t the' Get VourCORI bet holebonit. bookis aud rnagazinez Wlîere you are sure were to. be st-tn on theta lit'ives and it illber. dittg room t ables, ail wouid lie well. 'lii-/'uk<ti tat<-ment la more eaill> i tttmidersatdble wvb..n rend ln (fl -ciàagànandBrig t *NOa Public Libraries (one of the Our cool is well screened. banîîaoor modt'rn *progreBa'>- -suiîply itreof costtIo alilcornera. trasby, ime- We gua rantee prompt de- wamt îug and debliattug fiction. and Iiî'ery and good service. the dtiv otees of Ibis ;forin o! 'study' haîve lîtile tite left for more tbau a Telephone No. 182 hast> jiiaice ovr-r tbe dally newspa- lers, and rsoin.. Tîntes euojly the 1$care" ~ 2~' Sawdon beadittîca evetiof thbcm." hol ___________________________more 1) opie-do nue avait tiienielves I One wortders what thle practice o. the' WVltby Librnry IBoard is ln the' selietIon uoflterature. On the whole. the' elustî of books to bt, obtalned lu ui (le melves of the Vhltby l>ubiic Li- brary la good, but occasionally volumes appear that had Much better 4, put ImIt the fUrnRce (han Into the hlandi; of the public. Such. a one' tnadvertent- [y came ta notie lut 'aeek, a book that could 1w of absluttly no vilue to any person, end woiuld be positively harmnllIo the mind and Intelligence of the' >ounger generation. The' book b"s not even thinernt that, It presenlaâ a moral. and Il has te higbly objoeel. louable -feature of condoning and pars,. Ing llghtiy over smre of tbe grent se-, dlal evils of the' day. The attitude of 'most adults ta already formed, but one' can eastly deduce ithe harin hib might be donc b)' a book of thua character to the youth whose Ideas are betng lu- fiuencccl-by bis or ber readiag. WHITBY IMARKBTS à Wheat, fati .... .. .... $2.00 te $2.:5 Wbeat. goose .... ........00 10 2.00 llarley .... ...........26 ta1- 1.2à' Beana .. .... .... .. ...5.00 ta 5'00 Rys .. .... ....0.... ..1.26 toa1.5 Pt"a..... .... ......:. 2.00 ta 2.001 Blickwheat..... .. .. ..1.50 ta 1.60t Oatm .... .... .........0.7s to 0-80 Red Claver ........... 9.60 ta 10.00 Alaike claver, per but .. I50 to 9.00 Hay, per ton..... .. ..12.00 to 13.00 FLOUR AND FEED. Fleur. per ewt ....... .. 5.75 ta 6.60 Chopped feed. ewt .... 2.76 te 3.00 Corumeai .... ...........00 ta 1.00 g Olran. per ton..... .... 40.00 ta 40.00t Shorts, pet ton . ..ý...45.00 ta 45.00 MEAT. POULTRY AN~D PRODUCE Cattle. dretsud.....17.00 ta 18.00 JAmbe, tecb......00to _U»9 Hogs, drt'as.... .. .. .00ta 1.0t V« ,a1................17.00 fo 1900 t Chiekesit. pcv l.*..**. ..0.25 to 0.30 Dueks. Per lb ..........0.22 to 0.5 Oasis, 4rmd.eO.pr lb .. 0.2 t»030' Turkmy, 4 ree4 p«r l&.. 0.15 ta 0.40 mrl. .. ....,.. 0.20 '0t 2 PMoateaP« bsg.4.00Oto vpp e, pr basl .. . tu0 3j».1>t '0 Rw mift ni CANADJAN PACIFUÇ Great Lakes SteamshIp service Via OWE'N SOUJND cahTiIURSDAY (catuin!iag trgin,,lavas Toronto 5.28 pa.). lot Satat St*. Morte.,Port Arthur end Fart WMliIYa.> SERVICE via PORT It.NICOLL COxmMtcu SJUJIE -P laff Vacation. FoUIT-Au Trhe point we wtsh to suake lu tlitis lh that if books for otar librnry ar elto&-u a( randoni. iben there Is even>- rt'ason for a change bu a systen ituder which. the' Board knews what It le get- ilng. If care ' lalaready, exer- cisê.d, tht-n there ls r-as-on for still more cloely 4aegllardiiig lte public in the nmattar of ltterature jîtaCed au ls disposai. Co-operat toi twb.tween Cuînada's Fauiel Centroller and lte (iairunuof te United States ('ounmittee otn ('oa Pro- dtuction woîttd seern ta kw urgent,_ and as ueceseutry as the co-oDeratlon of Hon. W. J. llamia witbH lerbent C. Hoo-ver. the Anuerican Food (Control- lr, At present there doca flot st'em tolie any nîdiate btorking ln'un- fo bet'ween ý4r. Cý' A. Mc(3ratb Lnd Mr. Peabody. lt'or example last u'eek Mn., fcGnatt allowed to 1w inserîed ln dailly papers lu Ontario, anîd presimably ail over Ohe, Domin. ton. a Atatement frein hlm. ln whicu he tirged everybady ito use aIll possible effortt geu lu tht-jr wlutter's aupply otf coal at as e4rîy a daté' as passIble. lu wrnug 6té (hé'Mayor of Oshawa, Xin. MrGnath la qîîoted as saylng: - "During the currency af tItis war it l; golng te be a hand-to-mtsuth propo- sillon, and aillInterests muait continue to uAe every possible ettorts ta get ln Ilueir own supplies ooal,......, Tient' la only a certain malimum e!' forte thab I1<ian put Into 1h4m wark, and 1 *cati amure you that il. wlll be ex- rrted Just as saon as i eau dsecovez te best way of turth.ning Canadian Itereste.- On the other hand. Franelis 9. P«.~ 'bod$. Chairman af the Cammttee o. Cos.l Productiop, Counsel of National Defence of thet tnited Stui.î, id ._4 Mu who la uidoitbtedly ln a bettes' Position titan Mr. McOrath ta know te coal situaioxi. give utteranee ta Idems alunait diametnlcally opposed te Nir. JdeGrath's statemmets. Mr. Pea- body says that coal conditions look buittee. As e-"anau tte oalindus. t> beesmai adjusted ta war condi- tions and the force fiat aiay b. e es Unr lm brougt I-o liai 'upan the. fe ,Who Mnay %oeék -oeeai'vprofits, reul *11 toine.- -1 "L*u-me sy aru," sad 74r. Pè&a. body, 1U s-tbt l14bflw# are sîîf.Iis t-rom *hye'2mhc !Icul t 'vr>bodyW t $0 urln; iconl for tunre_ tua forftwek» 1htt .pr1C *ot*,'! drap $2.A toît.11Yi>'s4doa to, -btansat ase s on mifor acIt Oc tol* to o at à tumUor m. Jn my opita": i el u nt oui>' et h1$-oemi. bt et It chtapêal* Thý# ad maue star,- long t e In W"s Urt. PqpOM40 Otalo*. »4r u0umrth îý,4 »M Penba4ï. bot W hui re IID tofo 0rûtad, rlpe ~ad gulduia n t4I" eniueR ky ta*kla at4F porp..,1 W*HITBY, ONT.' Dates of Fîtil Fairs fltOntario have been decid4ýd tîpon. Ameng lte liat are tht-se tiatwili he o!ftutereat: Beat-erton .............. Sept. 24-26 Bowmaiîvhile .... .......Sept. 18-19 Cobourg . . .......... ..Augtust24-25 Kinmount . .......Sept. 14-15 Linduy. . ' Su202 Mai-kham............Oct. 3-5 .... .. ....... sept. 12-13 Osbhawa .......... .... .... Stie. 10-12- Ottaw-a... ..............-. * Sept. 8-17 Port Hope-------------------Oct. 2-3 Port Perry .... ........Sept. 13-141 Sîudetrand'........ .... .. Sept. 18-19 Tor-onto ....August 25,.Sept. 10 <)SI1A CARRIES BY-LAW. lly a voto of three to one the by.law atithorizinp the expendîture of $38.- 000 on a fil% ration Dlant-was carried ln Oshawa oni Saturday. Work on thie çonitriictio i ot the plant tvill com- inenea at o4tce.1 [Improve lieur Comspleion'4 (Getyou blodvine keep the liver active and tie bowlsregua and iI"ringpmples pandnsxght' blotches wIldisappear, fiom tle face. For zpo the cmlio adptigthe -blood mgoee éliminatpsoosatrfeth en the 3rai and purify th 1o44wn _te~P glow tgheeeks. brighe yÉ Beaufy~the1 i I -~ I I. -7 'i - 4h , 1- Quick Jiauliug tomgr U T think of the time the,' Ford saves- a--bus$t. UST ~~in hauing mîilk--to the cheëso facto-.y J tables, butter, egsandi iltz omîe-.fu- forrailway station.* O9*0 irtI ý groer la e- asI fortripsa a day t*-'tii.railway 4%tatiOna to0itl'of 44 and ;çarried as bigh as 7-a cratçp" f i,,quar&_ ach. ou a, tt coulddt have miade mure than one t u'ltu .ýùi ý d y 'wfth' -Theê Ford s<on ,pays fort the tiuie ..î- .sa farmer. -With >iel%> '.0Scarpc, 1veif îmIer tflýtO in 1 a&e ,every- P, ecious mint ofbis tr* i h~F*ar aeceSSItv. Inde.d. Sc me *.rmtte UU i t hItlà 't i --1 EXCURSIONS LuOW RETURN ýrARK.S TO 0WEPSTrcRN ANAÀ&0V Standard and Tourbt SIeplaw Cmrm" Çs4le8.s C.s For Trickets. R«eorvations. Literaturs 4nd IAtam*tbon.oist>- 5 J, iH. RICHIARDSON, REM,AI.~TT, WMiITSY, Or write R. L Ofabtbalrn, OP.A, P kieq, SK.. Teea

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