Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Jul 1917, p. 5

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j TUURSD~Y, JULY 19, 1917.. - PAfIUI VIYW rPan ir Mg4 bO~tr 'Il. If you are engaged you surely want a ring te comnîemorate t'he fact. A ring ie ntost appropriate as a token of love, admiration and fàriend-, ship. Our stock of rings etubraces al the latent deaigne. 1aricularlynota ble for value is a Pearl Ring, set with five bqautifully matcbed atones, at $10.00. Ânotber fine atone et 820.00, and ive *beautiful tbree atone Pearl Rings at $ 14.00, $16.00, $18.00, M00, $33i.00. Our alick of Diamond Ring-s is most complete. Single stone rings in pnice from $10.00 up to $30000. We are ob.owing two, one at $i.(0 and another at StuQOO that are really wo1rth ~very much more at present prices. Thenlagain the beat value of ail in onest $140.00, almos ta carat. Our business is istrictly:confidential. imer sand Opticlan WHITBY W. C. T. U. DOMINION-WISE PROHIBITION. A typographical errer appears ln : one of otir contemporarles ln whlch the headlng on an editorlal on Domin- ion-wide prohibition Is mls-spelled as - above. The misitake but empbasizes the fdea that Il would be the blgbest wis-1 -domn on tbe part of our leglalators te pass a Domlnion.wide probibitory iaw, not only from a moral standpoiut, but for national strengtb, economy, efil- * cIency-, al of whlch are detrlmeutally affected by tbe traffic lu intoxicating .iiquors. prohibition would be a DIominIon-Wlse measure. LOCAL HAPPENINGS~] Ladies' Bloutses. regular value $I.>.p and $175, rû-dUced 'te 98c. Saturdaï, .Jtrly 21. at W. G. WValters'. .- N. Hartéey bas just recover- ,ed froni a sliglht attack of erysipelas. Mr. Neil Yellowlees will be ln Whiiî. -by shortiy te tune pianos. Orders may te leit at A. H. Allins drug stere.-t!. -o- Dont forget the Union Sunday .Sçbool Picic 10t be held on Saturday aflernoon at the town park. Every- body welcornt-. For (urtber îiarticulars, see advt. on Ibis page. Rfv. Thos. Jopli, Field Secretary M.on, le ln Wjiitby Ibis week making bIs annual vîsit ln the Interestis o! hie -work. NeW styles laced lu front corsets at W. G. Walters'. Pte, 'Clarence O. Stokes, son of MIr. ,George Stokes, of Claremout, waà kili- -ed lai action on June 2lst. Mdr. Arthur W.' Lynde teaches vocal ln Whltby every Monday and Ttîesday througbout lte nummer monthe as usual. Pbone 118. -10 Silk Stripe Voiles, regular value 76c., pAr >yard, reduced te 49c. Satur. ýday, Jnly 2lst, at W. G. Walters». 0o- The sale of ujillinery jn Mrs. Mac- donald'a store on Saturday evening lastdrew a large crowd that thronged î-t&ép1ace ail durlng the progress o! the sale.. The entirte stock was disposed e! ln quick time by Auctioneer Nlaw. 1 have-a f.ew cords o!fcexcellent sumn- * ee butrntuswoou eut In stove engIts.~ .,for Immediate deliver>. 1L-ave vour -- >dratI once. FraucisMintyre. *-Men's 13.zt!brggan Uuide.rwean. sizes 3' 4 to 44, at 35c. to 75c. rzarmrnlt at -MG. Wlters'. Î,Wm, Brownu, o! Wbl:by. lias ènliet- qýd with tlie 2tIufantry Blat talion, aj ýeInfOreifg draft. Hoeivas lnî towîî , \.fùr a.!e'w days tbis n-eek. He is aj -fbrother o! George Brew-n, who - weîît 'everseas with the 59th Battalion. àn3 ,*one wanllng .binder tlIvne ù.*ould, lé4ve ordérg 1th WVm. Oke aI oîzq,ý. as tivo supply ld neariy exhaust-J ed.f 0. B. Roberts, forniorly of CIiu4f%, bas oeened up -a ladies' sud tallorIug and ceaning and g i busineu. lnhie-B3urns block çnu '3roek street north. wbere hée is n ready 10 attend - teorders. Mr'. 7e iqs' advt. appears nlu IISfme. W41. Vilt*qrl, Who bwao s-beeu _ssuly(I t tonsix months. bau rW " -u*çenitiy t- le able -,t get *eees. hlm around te" one .J& tIN .ffHele l regfilahig Cavlla oday uut W O ofbaehaili And Sport Ubder Pl 01 ie.Park CO. *Adnitheo 01 tlap MItsry Rempiti. AU lie lsitli f.-5', ' Middle aged person would lîke ihree days a week out-qggoF wor.k, Iighter ceanIni or washin ~4pl t Har- vey. Knowlion Cettage, Wltby.- - -- u Rev. V. H. Emery bas comffleted his work at tiun Ae tuchToroato. He bas- been appoiuted te laIte charge o! the late Rev. A. K. Birk*s work at Morrîson St., -Niagara Falls, Ou.-I Exchange. Rev. Mr. Emory is a for.ý mer pester o! the Whltby .,Methodîs;î Tabernacle, and Is well known bore. Interest lu produclug the largest strawborry o! thé- season la waxing warm. Last week a berry was.,e'xb-b ited that tneasured 7 Inches lin clrcum- ference, picked (roml the garden o! M1r, 1.E. Joues, Byrou Street. To he sure. Il was flot quite as perfectly shaped as the enialler 5-inch bernies. neverthe- les it as a genuine single berry, and one tbat will be bard le beat. -- Eav-eroughing aiad furnace work at low prices. Satiefacîioîî guaranîeed. Leave your orders new. Benj. Bryan, Dundas St. Prepýare to attend the big Civlc Hol- iday celebration a-t Heydnsbore Park on Monday. Auguts 6th. Tbe Park Co. and the soldiers o! rhe> Military Hos- pital are Joiuin.g to make the day a * succéss. Basebs.li Bnd a prograîn of sports. Ail meu iii khaki adtIed- free. Military Hospital Baud ln at- tendance. Watcb for big bille. NNHITBY PIRNi AWARDED DAM AGES. Judge Ruddy basr, rndered bis decis- Ion ln the suit recenlly entered against the Nm- Branswick Potato Exchange by tle J. H. Dom-ney Co.. o! Wbitby. The IlowMme) Co. suied for damages owlng to tie non-f tlfilmeut of contract. and Jtudg(e Ruddv bas awardt-d the plaint ifs $'179. the \ew Brunswick Po- tato Exchange to psy -ln addition all Mien's NavN. Dhie suits U1S te $25 ai NV. G. Valit-rs*. -0- MARK NORMAN 1S ENCLISH HOSPIJIAL. Bombardier Mark R., rZn, o! Whitby. i.. uow ii .eltbual G~nMiii- Iary Hospital, London, Englaud. hav- Iug received m-ounds at Vimy Ridge. 1 Iu a lett-r te a Wb'itbYý frlendbesays:1 ý No doutb by now yeu will have learned o! my heiu.- wotunded on te 5th of June, ai VÂy cWRidge. I wasi badly lit ln the back, lçês aud lbigbs, i a!ter havlng b-en over two years lu the llriug lhue sud ail tbrougb tbe big engagements. This lathie second lime 1 have been wot.nded iu twe montbs. se tilge speem to e ocomitg my way ail at once.' BO0ARD 0F TRADE MEETING. A speclal meeting o! the Board ef Trade Is called for Meuday eveuiug next, July 23, ut 8 o'clok, ln tt.e Couucill ('amber for the purpese o! furtl.ering the itreet railway project. Cotisid-rabie furtlier Information Is 10 haud in Ibis ceunection, aud a large- -iitendauce of clitîzeniq vis strongly1 tirge'd. Dou't forget the date audc heur.t CARD OF THANKS. Mn. sud Mrs. Wm. CIatworîixV wisb te thank their înany friends for kiud-v ness sbown duriug Mr. Cîatwonthy'st long illiness, aud for beautiftui fiowersc and fruits seul te hlm. 10 mep's sample straw biats, sllght-r ly damaged, regurar value $1.50 to $3,1 Saturday sale ;îriçe 49c. at W%. G. AVal-1 ters'.t 3IILLlNERY BARGAINS. The last two daye o! the big clear- ance salé o! îrîmmed and uunimmed bats ai Miss Luke's are Frlday .and Saturday,. July '2Oth sud 21st. Come sud get a bat ai your own price. C 0o- BOWLI NG.t Port Prrry Slar:-Two icame ofc Whltby lbocwlors vlsitéd on rlocale ont Wednesday o! lasI wçéj At tJe cun- clusion o! the a! t <t by wae 5 up. The* agalu aften suppet. Port Pr Ing 1 point tîp. Ty.aA# ,~ cellent asud the eocs-Very e- y-e nbe0 METFHODIST TABERNACLE. Sunday, July 22.t ]Re-v. A%. H. Fonter, pastor. Preebyterian sud Metbodiest. Union services. Moruing, Auîlein, -Hast Thou 'Netr Kuown7 Solo, 'Some Sweet Day,'* Mrs. Aibért W. Jackson.i Zivenfng. Anlbem, *The Ring - o! Love My Sheèpherd le. 0S19. "1101d. Thou My Haud." Misa Jean Johuston.1 The liastor wtIl occupy the pulpIt1 boilh services. 5 dozen teenes samipi.' vash ve»Mt., slgltly solled, regulnar value $1.00 te .S3.00. oit sale Saturdaiî. July 218t. at 69C. vach, gizee-31 inte10 al W. G. Waltere'. LII3RAIIY INSTITUT*c. Tbe inuîajmeeting o! the LldsIty District Li1brary lustîtute was ieid Îli Ltndmty, July iOîtb, wltb a full atud- tien e! delega;ta. M 5r. CaRson gave an addre.s0on "Pook Sletn"Dr. Hardy on '-Pu.bilty.- lilany and help. fui disussions am$*s. The dele"atc. were giveti by tihe Lindasi- Libr-at Bloard a tiolightful inctor r1de around T14 tv veffi j;%inettlni cont4bieI4 «i veny intierealîîng .idcse on "lPower o! nublic librariea7 , y tDr,'E, A. 1-ardy. and lilotraPhy by* W. . . yk(â. or Otta nPublic Libmary. lit) tr4.:l«a% is LttlOt%1i.4 .P., IL ý.W-e can s-ave you méniog: on i#~g ïrciesw- Paris reena, Aseu4eof Lé'ad,' Blue. Stones We have large qué1itities of llay Fork RoPe, Polleys9 Etc. lu stock at Lowest Prices. Screen Doors and Windows iD Ail Sizes. GEO Me RlCE9 , 4Yhltby Everythlng ln Hardware at Lowedit Prices. $ a I t la lu the lhlck o! the fighting lu France. Altbougb she bravely recog. nlzed the needo! sacrifice for the great cause, it le possible that anxiety as to the fate e! lier dean ones coutrlbuted te ber fatal Illness. This, bove-ver, le only surmise. We do know, lheugh, tihat ail the mothers et boys at the front are heroines, whose devotIon 10 a sacred cause entities thein ta as imuch revoreuco as do the deede o! the boys lunlte front Une trenches. -There are left a young son, Sam,. and fire daughîere, Gladys, lte ivfe o! Mn. W. H. Scott, B.A.: Grace. Ruth, Hope and Mary. Lieut--Colonel Sain Sharpe, M.P., Hon. W. H. Sharpe, o! the Sonate. and Mn..Ber-t Sharp.,oo! this elly. are brother-e and Mrs. HLar-1 vey GouId, oet Uxhnldge, lea alaiter. **The tuneraI on. Wednesday mter-1 noon was ver-y lafgely atiended, th. service at 'Oaklmnd,' the tamily resi- douce. Anînette Street., and at Prospect Cetnetery, biong conducled by th. min- laler, Rev. D. T. L 11 cKerroil. Thi palibearers ivere! Mlesss-Norzn Beal.-G-rge Jackson, &. Gould, Jamtes Broakfast Ioeds Corn Flakes, Shredded Wheat, 3 for 25e 2 for 25e Qqaker Oste, package 25o Robin Hood Qate, pkg. 25o Puffebd Wheat, Puffed Rice, package 15o package 15e Your busineas friend, Wm. IWeeker Whltbyt ont. TRE POSTP8O ION8 SUNDAY S*COOL PIC Saturis y , 21'l ln tel. "own-,-Paa'k Ity ln th4 " Province o! Ontazj e ~ a most flourlshing condI ,,kThe memberelp Islan the 1 e igbWriod of d2,oê Ijti-Igtpd am~I450 »*dges, with 1e~ thh Iàtnmy ,pre$'iling throug'o t, thei.Jurl adiction. Rt.W Bro.'A. Tr. Lawler, o! Com- posite Lo4ge, Whitby, le lu attendance. W. Bro. F. J. Gale was preventedl by Ilinees trýom attending. Puplls prepared for Toronto Conser- vatory or University Examnations.- IResdence at Mrs. Arthur Richard- son's, Byron St., Whitby. Phone 201. AUTO SERVICE Par#ies wlshlug services of auto for aflernoon or evenlng should commuai- cate wlth A. B. EDWARDS Bell phone 57r3 WVhltby. prepre etra aud or fîl weat ud cMtýllen, Or. Gordon McCormack, and do fal Plowlug If there le suffIclenti Capt. (Dr.) Victhr McCormack. There 1demaud ta Justify the otîtlay. The trac-:ýwr vrffybeUIU lrlôfr ter le intended te be used te prepare wr vrf!ybauiu lrlofr land that would net otherwlse be plIt ings iucluding a ptllow o! roses from1 under crop.- tbe famîly, wreatbs and other desîgnes The termseon Mhiclt a tracter le; from the Session O! Victoria Presbý-, stipplied are: The Departmnt Slip- terlan Ch urch, from the Bible Clase plies the tractor, ploîîgbs, dises an di eperater. The farmer supplies fuel laud Choir o! the Cburch. (kerosene) aud cou and pays 45c. per '*Mr. MeCormAck anud family have heur for the lime the tracter le act- the beartfelt sy4npatby o! tbe congre- uatly at work on the farm, sud also* galion lu their great sorrow." boards the operator. Under favorable conditions au outfi- would plough a- - bout six acres per day. The cost per MASONIC GRAND LODGE MEETS acre bas varied (rom about $1 te ai- IN BELLEVILLE. Ims $ne 2.50 te the fariner for ploîtgh. The Masouic Gland Lodge o! Can-j ing., dependIng ou the conditions of the ada, lu the Province o! Ontart, le land. holding ils slxty-second annual com- Any farmers who could mnake use of munication hI.the tCIty o! Belleville a tracter should write te the District on WVednesday and Tbursday efthIbs Representative, Whitby, at once, for weeki. The sub-cojnmiîîees o! the particulars and cent ract form, and Board o! General Purposes met on should give an Ides o!fIthe acreage te on Monday te arrangep for the business be p!olighd. If a tracter le secured te tome before the G4rand Lodge. the work will probably be doue as This being wbat Is known as «'elec- nearly as practicable iu the order the tien year,- iateresî uAîuraJIy ceurers applications are reteIved. around the election ci a brother fer Jît le hoped that tbe farrn tracter wll the position o! Deputy Grand Mlaster, aid mtaerîally lu increasing the acre- and (rom present appearance R. W. age sown te grain and falil heat fQlOX Bro. F. W. Harcourt, K.C.. o! Toronto, ye-ar, for wç- need the food. the officiai guardiAn of (Ontario, willl 0 bie elected. The present Deputy Grand Master, TH-E MICHIGAN ;SPECIAL. R. \V. Bro. W. H. Wardrope, K. C., o! Ceuvniet nghîtrai fo DerolHamilton, will undoubtedly be chosen Conenintnigittran fr etritGrand Master. Other officers wbo and Chicago. INul b ave no opposition and who will Particular attention is called te tbe . be re-elected are: M. W. Bro. E. T. couvenient night train operated via i.laoe, K.C., et Toronto, Grand Treas- tbe Çanadiati Pacifie- )licbigan fYýn- urer, aud R. W. Bro. R. W. Gunu, o! tra] route te Detroit aud Chicago. Hamilton, Grand Secretary. A Belle- Leave Toronto 11.30 p.m., daily, ar- vil-le brother, as le the customu, will be rive Detroit 7.50 ar..,sud Chicage 3 chosen for the position o! Grand Son- p.m. Electric Lighted Standard Sleep- ler Warden. For tbe office ot Grandi er le operated te Detroit. Furtber par-i Junior Warden, se far two names are ticulars (rom any Canadian Pacific mentioed-%w. Bros. Goo. Mleelsh, o! Ticket .Xzent, or W. B. Heoward, Dis- Toronto, and G. W. Fluker, o! >$Mitb's trict Passen ge Agent, Toronto, Ont. Falls. The reports submiîîed te the Grand 0 Lodge show that îte Masonie frateru- DEATH 0F IRS. R. L. IcCORMACK - The death eecurred recently lu Tc- A LIN O E E ronto o! MIrs. Robt. L. McCorn:ac., PVk1NO E E muethier o! Major Carson McCormack, ATr HEYDNSNORE of the 1 16th Bu. and sister oclt-Co î:arn. Sharpe., O. q_ of the same BatiaI 1 :rs. Xl.C. Bolton bas opened the fort. Mirs. %IcCormack's bealtb bad 1 pav ilion at Heydnshore for the season. been poor for a >-r. but uobudy sus tko cream, eof t drinks sud fruit always pceced the end was 5s0 near. The nuews! ou baud. o! ber death therefere came as i ebock te the mauy people who enjeyçed ber - aequalutance. O! Loi- the Presbyl1e;- runa -- '?ccîord saye: - -She n-as eue of the brave motberrs who saw t-o boys go ferth te war for G dtst sotn, Carson, now a Major, was oue o! the tiret te cross the ocean ou (lie tuission -ahicb le bningiug se mue-h renowu te the name o! Canada. Later N EW GOODS l11obert, only lu bis teens, and a mosît AT O D P M!GE lovvble boy, could flot rteist the call te duîy, and partng w-ltbhlm was a _______________ ,se-vere wrencb 10 the loving mether. A brother. Lt.-Col. Sain Sharpe, aiso a-ont at the héea of ht n..,,,.i,...anti a a - - - à PersonaJ Mention Miss (trace Meffatt, of Toronto, is the guest of Miss Bryan, Byron St. Miss.. atkleen Hawkins, of Toronto, la visit1z4g ber cousin, Mrs. W. J. Mc- Intyre.,'1 Miss »orothy 'Leary, of Toronto, is visltIipg ber cousins, Mr. a.nd Mrs. T. Desmond. .Mrs. Ë. H. Black and chlldren. of Toronto, are vlsltlng with the fornier's father, A4. D. Fraser. Pte. and M1rs. Arthur Rouston, of London,ý Ont., visited with Mr. and jMrs. Fleýming over Sunday. Mrs. W. Waterbotuse bas returned homne ftim a lengtby visit witb ber daugbîer, Mrs. Kennedy, of Acton, Ont. Mrs. J~. E. Egleson and chlldren, o! IRldley Park, Pa., are visling Mrs. Eglesonis parents, Mr. and Mt-s. J. H. Downeyi Mrs. Steele and Miss Steele, Iliss Prichard and Miss Blake, o! Toronto, have been guests for tbe past week witb M r. and Mrs. David Bath. Mrs. .3. H. Stewart and cblldren, of Davidacln, Sask., are vislting at the borne oit Mrs. Stewart's parents, Mr. and Mris. W. A. Fraser, Brock Street Sout h. Mrs T. Desmond le! t Iast Thursday morning for Toledo, Ohio. to attend the funeral o! ber niece. Whlle tbere she aIsp visited wlth her son. James Desmofld. o! Toledo. and daugliter, 'Mrs. L' H. Sheetz, of Detroit. 0o BIRTHS. HEARD.-lu Wbltby, on Sunday, July 15th,, 1917, to Mr. and 'trs. Richard Heard a son. MiIss Kate Wright TUCIIER 0F PIANO 180 PIPE ORUON EqllipmeD& outaidO Toronto. OsaiDSII'SAÂlarge stock of! cas PIUE>lO ~fuieral supplies a 'Wf8ITBV, ONTARIO d Mut Coke III..» ý II Battur Iai '.oal for Sumnier Ume City ôf skq>îai twayI0* Roberts' LADMES' AND GENTS' TA1LO RI-NOG CLEANING and PRESSING. Goode called for and delivered promptly. Work guaranteed. 0. B. ROBERTS Butai Stock, Brook st. N., IHITIT ROYAL THEATRE EVERV NIONT "THE PURPLE NASK" Every Monday Night. Vfouday Night Broadwayjoatum ,Admission - Adulte, 10c; chidren, 5c ipèeial sfhow1ý 10e to ail. - -le vitar tax, extra. RIVER ilouî ho 8.-I. loy ory gs ladt.-Day. No. Ord*ssOlvm. j Anywhe' .lawn WB RAVE 3"EN TWENWTY VEAUl wlli s-. maýo! en lie !ound in a well-preps.red adv Moisment Inserted ln the GÂzrr .&XDI Ctino-xicLE. This paper coves thoeougbly the local field, and le care- fuIlI read by thousanda of buyers of jiusý such thinga as are sold in Whfiby îlltgo. Mi.Tle by is the ghî)g anid ~2.69 price. ly Iast. 1$3.28 1$2.25 It t %bdi il the< ghtly order Ss They' rigth.. o. and - k To Rent, For Sae, Etc. TO RENT. Five-roomed fiat. Bathroom, water and electric nttacbments. APply to E. R. Blow, Whlîby, Ont. Bell phone 9, liome phone 14. . -! WANTED. At once, a cook, also dining roorn and hall maids, and lueudresses. by August 151h. Applications recelved until August lat. Apply Mlatron, Ou- tario L.adies College, Wliitby. CARETAKER WANTED. ('aretaker wanted for Henry Street Sehool. Whitby. Dutiesi 10 commence August lst. Applications, stating sal- aryv recelved up to Saturday, JuIy _n, by Dr. C. F. McGillltvray,, Secretary of the-Êoard -of Education. -3. FOR SALE OR RENT. Standard Hotel ln prosperous vil- lage apout 30 miles easî of Toronto. i3otel ban been recenr.iy reuovated, now one o! the best botels east o! To- ronto. Good chance for the rigbî man. Possession October lst. 1917. Send re-. MlY to box 75, Brookli», Ont. --4. DisRoy - ros. rad EhALOIRS üE WHI1'FIEÉ-LD E-ATERS TO CARERIL'ORDO BUYERS We like the trade of particular people, people who bring &Il their judgment to bear in their bnying, people who want reasons for things, who scan good-s carefully and watch qnality and -prices, people who examine, compare and look We cater especially to such buyers because we have found that it is easy for us to hold their patrouage. If you trade here you may aIways be sure of accuracy, purity, potent druge;, prompt service and right price. WH ITEIIELD'S DRUG aà"dSTATIONERV STORE WHITBYS .ONTARIO Soie Agent for Butterlck Patterns Soie Agent fer Nyai Preparatione Leare your order for Piano Taning with us4q Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lynde are hol- . DELIGHTFIJLLY COOL ON THE Idaying wirb Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lynde. GREAT LAKES. 0o DEATHS.J Port McNicbol, a short, pleasant journey via Canadian Pacifie Raîlway, BILLINGS.-At Ridgelown. Ont., on Is the Gateway to the Great Lakes. Wednesday. July 4, 1917, Henry J. Steamship Express leaves Toronto Blilings, aged 56 years, 2.00 p.m. each Wetdnesday and Satur- NIARRIAGES. day, making direct connection at Port SLEIGHTHOLlN-CORNISH-- In Whit McNicoil with ciler steamship "Kee- by. on Saturday, July 14, hy Rev.' watin" or -Assiniboia" for Sault Ste- Jos. Fletcher, at Ail Saints' Cburch, Marie, Port Arthur and Fort Will4am. Mtiss Mabel ('ornish, to Mr. James Partîculars from Canadian Pacifie Sieightholm, both of Wbltby. Ticket Agents or W. B. Howard ' Dis- trict Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont -6. FAM PITIÉ wHiTav,

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