Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Jul 1917, p. 6

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v leayes. 1'rety. îoon every fairy head was bent over a Iea.f and the fafry needieje were fiying merrily.Y 6 ù Next imê e.yonu eo a leai with these ooyinfenèseicnyii IICt~ (>14 that some littie fairy has beenk at. work production.~' iildiattacnupontyo1Iko Eoom mfedgisffcnyl I I 1e2 -erbaps, if you look very closely Ic worthlin a bull Is vindicated -~ ~ * *~by the prfo ncof his daughters EnrodryCasainithe i ouwilsee uer nede sikng in t The Firot World. 1 hop,i sol for faîry needies are goldena the pail a d the ehowing of hie and very precious, 1 can tell you! Weil, sons on the lock. Mothera ns agtr fala aecrliyivtdt rt INCREASING HOGý PRODUCTION The first enibroidery.class in the the fainies were se delighted with em- A large !flk flow is flot natural Uepartmnent ntasol llb'¶~lhdwt ahqeto By W. F. TAYLOR. iord wshid o i '-' ealymor- broidery that they came againan for a cow, but'is an acquired cha.ract- aie nswea en fietfcto, u uicm nidra wn o was, h huseso y2r rgione earyocar.,S mce and cgise iercaForlttter.eWriteion on sidy of can-r oniy. direct Pomk is scarce in the imarket. 1 do cannot possibly be cheap next year. Ig o nsado h usaends fea rs ng'ýan e grwrandat adr ier'sIamsantr. For thath eas t sandy by ct aîîd drecti tmpdcdadrae nvlp ajnisd net know how much the present sup-' Pork can flot be produced in sufficient ago uner ahge mmlen leaWa ad hegewve atadr , ing tathy eleta the bestanraejestc- ddrne sAilcenec frtî eat. oMs ee ply might be increased without iower- quantities to -more than supply the de- bfore SUfl-.UP the members began te toId tng the\Vrice ta a point where it couldj mand at the present hghprices, i P/ And the fairies-lvhy, the fairies cnb eand eeto ihu flo b pduedwih rott bt Ithnkin~e, t ~nbegrwnfast eneough They tied their butterfiies to- ftheset about embroidering everything 'n testing is merely guessing. Gaeu:1 "clover poste and fluttered down excit-I the woild. The leaves and fiowers N atrhwgo aeoig&piiee of a bretow rwhewth onr. 2.Tewo re eneed tUwo= y abouttàny immedi- to keep the amount up te the present ikraesshcnnobiegtr-awdn vl ste decline lqprice. legs are scarce, suppiy. So 1 shall feed just al the Fredl uonftheurse -ge wren arpet. ofthe a.nHveleta, ther etheob mil ser. is he aonefireg.osth a wedng ene atrhwsml fMsooanaaeteTg pigs are harà to find, f eed is 80 high, pigs wili est, from the t.lme they çoe And who do you suppose ta-ight them fmost pictures on the-window-panes in registored sire ýand dam. se you havë-yuchoc fwieo f"hfo"i a and the deman«' for pork se streflg into the womid until they go te market. to embroider? Why, Grandmother winter? WelI, that is fairy embroid- M1any feeding expeiiments last wifl- pretty siik goin-wygw.Sc .B -ti adta a that the temptation ta seli every hog Utilizo Pastures for Profit. Spider! eryl ter, in which silýage was made a major things must meaiyh eie ywa u fgon epradt off the farm that the buyer 'iii tako In ý,he third place, we can use pas- She brought out the wondemfui web, Yes, the fainies learned te embroid- part of the ration while grain W48 beat suita your w ln. 2 h ponusp rw ua i in very great. ture in many cases economicaiiy. 1 that she had spun and witÉ the fainies er frem old Mether Spider and then used in iimited amounts, show that a bride provides tehueodlnnadeeg rait aeaso Breed Sows for Fail Litteis. -do not believe it is Wise te give the 'fiuttering and flying about hem she the kind littie creatures showed the full feed of grain is net necessamy t,)yeu weuld reqimesxsetsxpi wî iIfls o ih If we are going te licreaÉO the hogs very much good alfalfa Meadow showed themn the fimut stitches in em- humait folk the secret of i T rey Put a good finish on beef cattic. iew-cases, threeprathetbl- .L.J:Yor hoxa amount cf pork ini the country two or this summer, aifalfa is goiflg tC O bmcbidemy. She didn't use siik, though; taught thom te copy the fiowers frcm The uise of casi potash when the cbths, one o:znfakne~ oe ok r fetdwt ut thmee things muet receive attention.' noeded next winter for cow feed. Grain she used skeins cf mist, and when tey te gardon upon theim centempieee"and caives are a fow days oid makes the lunch napkinssericnepcemndeae Thmmdya FIrst, we muet bmeed our sews fer fail is goitig to be very higb. People had been worked mn and eut and over doilies and upon their dark frocks, 80 use cf dehorning clippers unnecessarF t'we sets of six als Iekthnwt eda itr. T litters. 0f course, it wiii be too lato everywheme are thinking about hoans and ovem they made the shining dew that the giad cut-of-door thinga lator on. Bof6re appiying the pot- teweis and panr twessioahcfatr ddi, abspe for eariy fali pige before this advice and potatees, and whiie I do net think dmops like the cnes- you have often could ho fouad Indoors, too. ash, clip the hain away fmem the but- three dishclothslnirtopisc icîm m alsonu can possibiy be ead. But we may be they are going to overdo either, stili it seen trembiing on the grass biados in Wherever mentais are embroidering tons on the calvés' heads; meisten the biankets and al .Ido o pà upao i el ituated s0 that 'Vo can take came of looks as thcugh corn wili ho in great the early morning. and especialiy where littie ginls are, stick of potash and rub it on the spets think ycu couidmng el ihls. Pepee -. ei ea iitters that corne iate, as I am sure deniand. But lands net otherwise oc- The fainies clapped thein bande and thene are aiways fainies! They hever until the places bieed slightly. If 3. A letter ofaprctinsolhoie tea om wddge that caý f us are. cupied can be pastured by the hogu, danced with oxcitement and begdabouto ha, percit upen th toc much water is used, it may run wnitten te one's etu .trrtm-wyyucno ted ssn It does not make se much diff erence and rape can be sown home and there, hiem te lot thom werk some. But the needies and scissers and semetames de'Vn oven the bead, taking the bair n frem a visit h su t nti aetep iýhlen pigs are f armcwed, if they have and now and thon 'a man who in short oid spider ahook hon head and sent tjxoy steal the thimbies away te use off, or getting into the eyes whore it Anxlous:--1.Teem espt fthbrdadteoeles proper ce îr.. They rnay corne aleng 'If help may use the hogs te advantige thein off te gather some tiny green £gir honey pails. caues ______roble______thtr In yid-'vinter, poviding the scw has in harvesting hîs .cern. But in a .6______une________and_______one-hi________ a ar pac, ndth pguhae 1 genenal way, it seems te me that oun s Order Feitilizer Early. fine, mlx witl1 egte rp fac-sewrl io ya nia chanpteaee, ndhe. pg hv aigood meadows, eltirer doyen or allia, Remnant-See Lesson -Studios fer nsi thbrsotg n bol and the sanmmniyc piiec ttebid-ic n a cac oeecs.1shouid hoceut and the bay shouild ho Juiy 1, verse 13. A euto ao hraeadturpentine. Mitnait.ee h pigu corne lallenthan October 1, though usepenlyced nomand sr eed m iternot do it, t.he observw's weuld get a for the shipments of munitions and Utheeemnyanditis oo nmorn f the Ibest ones i have evon -rais- suseexept tse pmu soru need t false view of his chanacter and power. other war supplies, te say -nothing of awth e ans. Woheadyrmv~wt s nyteo oaev ed have beenî farrowed later than that. upenn h asueo efeDavid-The expressien frequenUy in the in<nrease ef orinrybusiness thore elo lt. 2 mi wb ned s h nae il After ail, it ïs al in the cane the - fer other reasons, an the tarin. Kingn. The neference lu te the hs deveîoped a ver lange shotge of antiseptie absoretctnshudoeitie ndak utaqu cevtog ti air ~ jIn pucasing ces for te oega§, wpromise in 2 Sam. 7. 11-17. freiusedcte anaabn an theant's eyes. 3.as ceth cane it ain eaten tha in the shouid watch for by-pr'educts more INTERNATIONAL LESSON 35. Smote.-There lu ne neference egtcas ndoe fth get The covens can okp nasnl ccld caf wînt.er ete ni h sharply than before. Preducte tram JULY 22. in Sennacherib's inscription te this probiema cf the immediate future is hidat n y th usetgnr codo itr tebekatfo'fcoisslaecaiamity, but an occurrence of this' the lacreasîng cf 'transporttion facil chsti nlont Pzld1 ontpya Sedontwh htul prcprsidefeetsorticulceibliandh thet other tojudgm. -ntvesigntpnebsibiyw tho weil the pige that 'Ve keep. To plant grains, rnîdding,x1, in act anythng Assyria. Acconding te an Egyptian the treuble can ha te a certain extentencpd to the cenrittodees.jst fwcdiha V a larger acreage than 'Vo c&n cuitivate, that the hegs like, that 'Vo can afford Lesson IV. Senaacherib's Invasion of tradition presenved by Herodotus (11. nemedied by shippers and censignees end this way the a okptfmiyng ccd1 t u otk te milk more cows than we can feed te buy.'Jdh2Kns1,1 9.3. 141), the army was rendened heipless arranging te utiliie the full capacity thInbe alw the hid cn aelybv Uc e properly, or tc keep a !arger number Use the Seif-feeder for Beat ReJdh-lKnm 8 1 t 9.3 by a piague of* mice. Sinice the et each car. If this la done the car- mroin eneug etm. 4 Cto rhrPee. 2 tt cf pige than we have the courage te In the fourth place, I wculd teed the le n orasanc.1 muei a symol c pe stil o ee inrying capscity et the ralmoadu 'Vill e tokig arebttr on hideswo yngaut Ifyut tumnish grain for, lu te increase with hogs f rom a hopperfeeder. It takes Verso 20. Sennacherib-King et As- dotes may iinpiy that a destructive increased by at i*ast one-third. In wear than hasle.wudhvagodtm a<t none cf the products indicated, but but very littie turne te make one, and syria, B. C. 705-681- the oxpedition o idemic swept threugb the camp of the shipmont of xno other cemmodity P. H. :-1. TebsteedIknwgbyalens rather it has the effect tc diminish the that wilI ho saved many turnes over, against Judah took place in 701. Theo the Assynians. The disaster lus &Md to bas thene been a greaten 'Vastage of for black ante ut i 4crwt Hueie-.T aen iùpy If 'Ve have twice as- many in -feeding before- the summer closes, king's own account may ho nead on bave occurmed at Pelusinin, neat the car space than in -ohipments cf fOirtil- sweotened wateadeetapfÀffr h ie lstptbt pigs on hand as 'Vo wiil feed libenaily, and the feeder will stili ho as goed as Uic sociied Taylor Cylinder, Cel. il, Egyptian frontier, a negien et swamps izer.- The average onder placed by> tartan mtradsti hr iebg itr aee we might better soul hait ef them to ew Every expeniment I have sn34te col. 111, 41 (For a translation and marîes, wbicb, migbt easiiy breed the fertüizon agent bau been for a car a t ene .Frftigcacsu ne aedea uc tt som on wo wllfee thmandths povs tat og wil ak seoeisecR. W. Roger's Cuneitorm Panallels an epidemic. et 21 tons. The standard box .car i.om. sorne ene more isee~~car18 lors, make a tikpseo ise uc tmt nonee wa sr h 'i fdthe in, and thusmprove h.t ogu 'Viiinsako rapdinte the Old Testament, 'pages 340-344). 37. Assassination et Sennacherib. built te carry 60 tons. It May hoeh n ha l~. Ueéfe ia roe n aaa ed n inae sre hatailcf hemwii hoan moe eoneica gans henfedin 21, 22. The cponing words et a Nisroch-No Assyrian deity bearlng îoadedwt a full 600 hags cf tertil- cead et ant sdhfr h eodsenu s r at .F neady for market at thc eariiest pos-, this 'Vay, than when a mnan atteinpte taun't-seng (21-28), describing thie an- this naine is' known. Sonnacherih's dwtco fpan sible date. to say te the hog, juat how much is rogance and impending humiliatien cf grandson states that tee king 'Vas as- izer instead et Uic custemary 250 bas héen appie.tl sta enma unt Feed Hogs Liberally. good fer bini, and lhaw otten ho shall Sennacherib. Blasphemed-Especi- sassinated in Babylon, at the entrance haga, and one car made te do tise VomIs Student:-1. Teprs waigadcnteeoeh sdi Tepg ed ep$olbcfdest. aily Uirough Uic speech et Rahehakehofethte temple. Iltse, Nismecis may'eltwt'e.tise white tlewereablees tei tisauyatieprst fur rapid growth if wc wouid reaiiy tii they bad attained te good weigh t, tern witb Isaiais. Descrihos Jebovais et the chiot ged et Babylon. Acnam- early. eneugh, it 'Viii allow agents te "yis tet teing cusluaorAle o i eu inceae te umncfpok podcts I unes Uc iaru'tlokedba. very as holy and implies the nesponsibilityrnelech . . . Sharezen-Called in make up full cars. This wiil auto- we have flot faith enough in the busi- time a smailihag la xnarketed, a coance ofe Israel te refiect the saine holiness Isa. 37. 28 "his sons." Tise Babyion- matically cut down ly -a haifthte num- pigs to someone who has. It is a off. ).jThe dlfference may ho acceunted !or fail tonnage. Sînce fentilizers aremeigs httewne F hsacted ike a wild beast, Jehovah is 'IIsens Vas t1eprime moyen or that teigtnohnue n ate ieIâkib 0 his a ed oeie. Vrui hîve along, hungry as beans, growing would not ho good advice, for tise iag treat him accordingiy. thene 'Vas enly one murderer, tise two feigfrohrue n alo h wle juet a littlc, but cvidcntly prefcmning would ho tee oid te grosv economicalY 29-31. An oracle dinected to Heze- naines referring to tise same persen. cars netinaily usodî for shipping tal te die if they, cniy couid, and 'Vaiting betore hie attained thé proe size. It kiais. Sign-Meant te guarantee tise Inte tise land et Anarat-The Assyrian femtiize-and belping conditions hy Systematic,waendsucinebatiuolgasi.ee.' for the cern te get ripe se that 'Vc can sisouid always ho nemeinbered that it fulillmient efthtie precoding premises. Urartu, the-medern Armenia. juet tisat Hiuch. Rheiins Catisedrl hcsl oi ed stscl tenwt get scmothing with which te fatton cests mucis more ta put weight ente an - Full cars cannot ho ordered eut un- trage4y and a cie tl etms n wse rget tl them, old hteg tisan a yeung one. stood what tise trouble 'Vas, and when leas tee fariner i5 in sympathy 'Vite Since tiehegl n ttewri hpbtenilatclrdg But ycu say, "Held on, do you ex-' Se no'V in closing, if 'Ve wouid in- ase gt bttr rid o ee the chiîd te novemont. n~e fertilizor trade bas neceived htwe 60an 7<Omssettoe nd oti for feed and give it to the hogs ?" c_ oven if we would maintain tise pros. J n dy h fun eecas r.eTheup anopnd tomeiammu-Thea isci,.a rgla Itrvis peet s to sy te preent bgis ricescreas tis uum t pok in he contmy THE TERNA "DOne" mre y vteehm.o hon p be ng tse Tiendeleh's sterge i tre- The sreet hoilne tse ca0seornsan Ilwonif nat lna.dhepal Well, 1 arn putting a sack ful inte the ont supply, 'Vo must firut breed ail tise ~wal-paper off; but instead f etteiiing' fuil cars aretiseI' r 0thdeu., neachisIdefrt i pnit ~3nerj a uiiifoiw seif-feeder as often as tise ioga can 5e'V5 we can; second, teed as liberailybe >'tsdeer howielfontheaeseribu olmeeatiyhvgea make roem for it, and tise faster they as 'Vo can, and tisird, grow oui isogu o ote wear e u t,Tom;, d lenrt O, Mdisa Cshsaiyu od'h-muet have te sebetOftise tanrs flcraters, about iealmdb.8' tonedbista<nbe cnt, the more 1 shal get for my work. a good sizo hofare 'Vo market *houn. waryeunboota whetinu"tobau] geeduaway wiisout de- wisios ,just rnîssed theiumatk. On tee piece teeteer amderepair tise If anyoeowhe readu this doubtu teat Tusifwsekenocasurs wriggle aîong ijiat seat; you get on lieve wltat a lotetftirouble it is te put îay. wc st aaeichl n ce ronadsoeok hnts ia Iarn right, lot me asic hlm if h0 ex- et feed suppiy, if 'Ve watch ail tise t- MY nerves!"p "Don't talk se mueh wal-paper on! Just you ceaie along It le very importa;~ ette gn direct isits, te etsrgaufyl trseainl ae hn rpects that grain wili be any cheaper tie details that make ton succeosa,if iniin se sly, Don t at'h 'floo- ie ais 'ooc ert on a se thhandghetarmeonder tetb« invery onewy.t ncxt fail than it bu now? Think ton a short, 'Vo put 'a littie et aur betteong osly rlI whlp yeul'" mon how hard'teey have te work!" tuila national emergenîcy full canrsinust ruin begun,bytiefntsunigie moment of cur present wheat short- selves inte this Vorkweshal eur It inay hrd ho beive but 1 ishd te"decrtr" in a' 1be used. Farinons, order eariy even scaffold. Tise saeo ieohrhe .paej nodacie ago. Conuider the large ameunta ot payin dlas n w hl ilpt er harggrdîy hohie mde ho thultuougi it ho inceniienient te unloadwaî,wtfingutesepnacswrkdotectserlilh bestf -taL math4sntttse-eda1--gy n 'esh_-îîptehar t1 f e-ngre«nk ,ae eClamie voiunteered that ase weuid cars--uningts. arv- ese. adw-d-,l-ee-oed--rbe rtier ecntelaso te tIt end Mt rnust be Witt be -&. au2 ePrince- it vvPers ;ani tise meanlllg lespeoul- ro table- xed with )h paste, ry it. id boliy- a com- te sprayt 4 quarts~ ntuis cf 1 et cep r n invita- plaining te thoseý ,rents of j hauld W. .ift, wlts1 12. Ai te friend' be given' .s befere torm to' Sy close as te go' intanees i )r gift ly atten.' o bumaaj perectyý considerl sowiedge ;uit te ot Worth hink you le picnic,1 int baga, ittle silk eound.ot hyrne, aUtý F greund1 1a table-1 wientistuý 'heatineg". suntmer.i tinte toý vheat forý bhe eMM r ie with, àe bW1d& ly ai the, E'he floor,ý a roughý ïbrokeni las sud' ramontf ilèb , the: ed-,evry, 'used- kI dl. kenils, ' .About who. ha. mielwîh rn ndcon-nal mke rA tse go,btey will scratch the Nov tisese don'te mig'ht have gone i Yur nn! hue iedie aeule nsor Th.e ridoW in. Ts ryrI .nt e r s gr.n(l breakfast fcr bons. Green 1soil and thua cuitivate and rc h it, on untll tee vIsitera bcd driverived, but me nt ai~ A n o nith îioshdarvcbttiuinphantly. *'Tis Ofhulivan!" niJmome nd.ts dtb o.piooh iTte~g-l stuif intendcd fer rnixing with the soft besides destroylng *many Inseet en. for tee child's big muster, who was in tlaponhrtdaprrcgbr d a"mxhevdeadta foodi shoùid ho rut in hait-incis lengtiss.j emba th a ore fth o andbhad * 'tuion. A mac xii-g Cow-peas ar'e rehished by pouîtry,l -toeretar er et tie r'a injure ote wteutt cnnt ccpt ondtinsof Thle shotet rie tsAh Iiplli etusau and shouid be added te tise diet at Keep on Cuitivating. "Cerne oeonhome, Demia! Tiser. -are ' pdns dk 1AU leabt twice a week. Squash or pump- .sente nice picturea o out ene son onty 'ie et hrl e'dlc fAusnasare oldwd is atdyv IIb kins, ceekcd and rnbxed in themasis, -onstant tilage teeda g'rO'Vng sthe caiied. orsoumeleo. ------_______M----_"__- v rd. payr ysae-shlÂheso.cIldeGo, I simle hyleisi ns nk twhd pslant afoodo agei maxiii-iauig 11 1111821 rise are goold for gro wth, productien and cropu, elo aalng tse'plan fonts.ic And telittie Coe an wite glee, and', 'fez_ . 1oentations -thse abdomSènroqs nuln. Iweaeue'n'IItsecrutftboI4s iseaith - AIl kinda of ootu can ho ted t aki a y ie rwigplna. u<ickly amnused untîl nurse Camnfi&mur gthens tise - 'ef of sîephesa- watcb tbeiae.tt3etsxg, ,dx ub uessxgQO 1 Common field peasaare egg foodtrequentiy and properly cultivated wil Eerytinte aPan;Sent says "donet» ofl hln t edahne!f t ladItien,J&'lIf totiamabeu x udwi w~an Pes onan lre rnut f ire: yioid very much heavier tithte e neHacsladt.ist nec bd- -eaihit scua sM 0e1 u as hse a.rIeIu r ix~bbgI xnpr genouî; substances. cri tstan cltvte oly00 once te thse erder, se net only *.ak- le.tlg-a um etDeey ra ra ebsôy.a' The trouble with uoinany tarin kens meal.ens-ber influence ulte telittleoa& wMtven ofn Mal ~er O5p~i'o i,~1*-'lêls sw-i o ____ t is a etting nebeliloussd, disMort «Aise-pnxadiaxcew of WMld. Conserv FeruitUro f uture. à îJ efle 4ai ta bP " âwwf&It niaà outtisaf*»...zd*_Po a ve7 ceverthîg bybavng amm-teeting aguiat7 bed- InjurIes of a&l ii>ovsand in ether eandltls adoe3 Last sumnmer, many wcmen dld net? fruit, requin., but hait a Pound 0etWof etnIs, caIl.d Don'tagnll*oshindi t' now e ne ore toiagt- !ff >e# &o" 9" put up their regular suppiy oetbhome- sugar; no tisat tise lncreaaed coat et wdv j -ns , f ol&in o tn it.e Tboyrv ecan itelste pr 5tiiÎ,dui tW tencreaaed oit 1 ns>h hberne. Tise, ules , he- - te«8or canoss eu cio it. osté "O s - a, t ebil 1 te" c.aploOf t in ,iq 1 ma reerves; and bitt crd to " n y1%-ent-s aeyune-,lver ore honored i lx habreâicId on tise .l& et Wu besd, for i iha ha & D 9r f anI bu tàt*iipe * Wo vis# ' grotted et enin, la only 1 cents a quat;ts5tise observance, exempt Wvisd» gi t aI al, uneOMMOUfor l*n, tg ne- of a'us« an dift "" t vriMMa~ ~ it~~, w bat tbey ca led the higis prie. et su- cem o d viýtis tise «o o f ret r e vlng II pp.M . o . 'O w u y irr tlmte t e b d pp r w f th à , a Car. Wben sugar rosched 7% cents s before tise van uhen augan was u». ris., ie -ot a.es éd isr a ohn mr l. le tauama aoýI»I1 poun&<, tissulet'theow t dm116 t. and s anis up. p.z Mt cherries"ga by. We uars tNov la thse tins. for 'théwome how u unsht pUmIuisomi.of'&à"h1 k snt>rts la hI. i*ic air' t. otup wBtuV 8 cents and 814 cents, tbey permmtted Canada te coee aimla 9» au * aSrtni ail tise oUioe chOiTb* b" ay aiota Idn a is eI acé r it uS Itel. a intp tee luuclouu peaches, peara, pluma and et tise countm'y, andI bel> eeaer. ieautc ttse pual0a*hrn.n«t, U -»W&bWMan w*dI MMe'.AM t etIf #W#11. îtns> Sm applos te, rot on tise ground. Our feod supplies. The»tterpûht . 1' ~I~~ 1w 'OMwioow But nover again. ThiIs umnt~r Yo r pomis.,ts t ro deebte ASayaholte vs-a a & vet vs fimi ua f ette or*." ie f a - yull secea genuine, eld turne revival Inuin quaitty and q"ustltW. Yo,$, te lMPrus pon b*dChu u ttd âtbeem1uè ob haa4f1i~ i1 ~ 1* bornernade prescrving; ,>eeauao temankete belng, clotei-bou.e e~et is..mau oe .cornud th= .taeisoct, t ist a t t MlMe PuX elàï womnen of Canada now feà1ize wbst .iihortaewrnptaatioa,, h n-caSa ra, :_ ansxud chb tcoliih extravagance it 'Vas te do vite- -- u tI w ith ce n 1mBcataip. a « ~ p pf~g -v. SOS tts eut preserves; espeéialîy when tise là. to whother tiis roe worth millom ons . beht t" io*usMa ! cneaited aoct ot putting tensup ininl. to be aotwneciProftr a, tmm wu. &b0eî- » Witthtie hoawse pafle tomewu té Au a matter ef tact, ovory vonssa omet" .i'ag , can prove, witb bhr fiit lot of straw- w e eiik -M bernies, thst'tise lucr.aed cosfat ts-'VM lOSdIme Web -- gar la uurprlzlngiy mmli. lsts lt. - tn - - - - anaa*Ita âm* Turning - back thsefiles oet ppen i blaint mfarket prices, vs ld Utà 1919, 1918 and 19140 up te tisa eut'- reak et vawr, tise Averagie prie. cd granulated tugar wu 6% eecez4aa ouind-. To-day i bo t grauiMat.4 mug ar ets l oens h aý Écart Mr pattE mi nT been with Mi tted visit * 4 t i ",, 7w- %d tý-1 - tl]

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