Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Jul 1917, p. 7

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z 77 Mm Éebl. ilroy. wohu tiabm' i uecoIo.1hesla t o.tu ~ g- - 51*4fltig itY-nt o me z- morneiï e, ysUr meoauedhs.-Who 1= (1 ltpieaguli.- - ' -~- - -béat thit? -'I - - Mine Katllea awkens, of Trooete. The eWomen'a InstiUte wiIl meet on Ne~w ~tue -eekend wit her aunt and Thurmday, luly 28th. at 3 Voclock at ou orsoâa8 MrsuChs.-Mrloit'U 41dr, ay etre u t M b8i the IDeaty of Toronto, cr8- visltiag with heu-peu-- of!.Aeuculture. Toronto. la expeeted. enta, Mu-., andi Mu-s. pe» who will giv. a demonstu-atlon on BROOKLIN. Rev. Mr. .Cameron, et West Hlli!"Caning anid Preservlng Fruts and Mr auiug Mu-. A. Ketchen visited inluOnt., occupieti the pulpit ef the Pies-: Vegetaebies." AUl ladies e!t-ho. corxamu- carbero last week.- byterian Chuu-ch on Sunday last. aity au-e espeoia2liy Inviteti to ho pies- Mr.Ailems spent Sundcay with Mu-s. , Wîeu eappyn nt. bMembes viiiplease previdet 'Pafterson on Lake Siîncoe. gai ln the 'Baptia hrWt ~ ~ >tby lgtrrsmns Miss Alice Moore lu viàiting fileiuets during the menthe o! Jnly and Âug- InToronto and eisewhere. mat. ALMONDS. Miss Evelyn Fisher, o; Oéiawa, bas Mr. James Routley, fou-uerly e! Denlt forget thie date o! Almondit- b)ec-i -iisitiag friends heu-e. thsplc. aida one time foreman Gardon Party, July 25th. On Wm.Ok 1~ Miss Marie Holliday bpent Sunday o! the u-ilway section heu-e. speat a lawn. Gooti prograla, COnBaitng cf Vith friends ln Poi Per-xy.- - few days heu-e calling on fu-lends. selections by Excelsier Maie.Quartette s. Jsp lkr rotunei eto Word bas been recel-ced frei Pin. andi P. H. Punahon. buniolisi to wliiiMis.Tiotphon WuîL ne,b4rotheg -s Adamslon, awa, aid the. Wlithy Orcheigtra.,. Irs. Eddy ta visitlag heu- alater, that ho lusld*ly b0'-1jg.#match35ç. Soc b>01s bu-rfluther a: - -Jrs, L;. Hall, Brampton, Ont. sufforig fl-cii seere voü<Ia. He la 1ticulars. %Ir, W. A. Holildny. of Toronto, vis- ln a hospitai ln Englanti.I Miss Rse Gaston. et Toronto, nuiit- ted in te village on Tuesday. Mîr. James Skinner,. who alwaya han eui over tbe week-end at heu- home blr %Vr . Keru-, of Hamnilton. Mlan., luaà splendid garden. bas dug new Dota- bore. TB-igwitlu friond.s in thle village. jtees the ii-st e! Juîy forer doen years Mu-. and Mu-a. Fred Draper and Mx'. DELlele4US 1 1PPETIZING 1 INVIGORATING 1 tion end ROI ,013 muet bhO ,wjO!S wm hob@ inLawb 233 f the Prince great rivera igris and thle inal mearng a tablespoon- L - two table- ,mixed with mooth p95at ht try it. Sand holly- rus1, a cai-, yis to sprayl To 4 quarts' î>onfuls of, ýnfaUl of cep-' ;o jil invita. , explainlag* sent to thosa; cparents of, )e should b. 8 ift, with~ ide. 2. AI mate fuiend iv -ke given' 'ea sbefore od fou-m to Very close ri, as te go 1(j aintanCeai 1for gift. 1No human oé peufertly w cousider Sknowledge' resuit te a not worth think you' the picole, mint bagu Dlittie silk Ppound of thynie, an of ground nd a table- d scientists' t 'heatiuug" ii sUflulTer. nt time t-o wieat for o the same er is with the build- aily al hie The floer te a rough Lh broken la-ad ead gises anal tar, amxong jthere are ýs of sifted wVhich tho eaned every le usqd t-o le window9 ganiîctask and. lmeri is à mne. About et, who haî ~ 1 his tifeasu stou-y about, Makeiiý Good Friends Everywhere -c-- -j Possesses the delicious hop flavor, the creamy head, the rich amb er color, brilliance and body of the older brew, which f&~ more than 50 years held premier place amonig Canadian aies. You xviii find it a deiicious heverage, suitabie for ail occasions, SERVES COLD For Sale by ail Dealers, Motels and Caf es. Ths Dooeimiom Brswsry Co..Lti Ma-de te mccl the require- inh'nls of i11wOntario 1 1erniierance Act You'11 s Phone Main 3à3 Toronto, Ont, Regret if you fail to get a copy of the. Iowupriced 't for which C. .Gofo o are selfing agents., Jut two rie 50 a Cents jToroni ai hem. ries Gladys day wl We J Mrs- J, agatn i Saturda boys good gu ou- aide Que. Onu- I ________________________________________ Iden Hlodgse* hai reiuràà dtôé atter two weOkas holitisys. Mlarie NottIngham Io vlsitlng Elize. Hezzlewood and Mis Harrison, et .Myu-tie, spent Sun- ýh iondaheu-e. ee glad to welcome Mr. and ib Bu-tnt back to our midt fer a year's absence.- iveliest lime of t-ho season was y night, wbeuthie Columbus et the Brady beys heu-etulaa me o! football. Although naih- seo-reti, t-he geme was a lively aastor delivereti a splendid ser- re last Suralay afternoon, baseti LtiUZl patriotiani. -* IMYRTLE STATION. Mtss=s Chieholi, o! Toronto, visit- t aI l. Chsholms lasi week. Rer, MMr. Totten, o! Greenwooi, s-il occupy' the pulpit at eux' church nexi. sundaj'. Prof, Scott, o!thie Normal School, 'Torentio, andi Mus. Scoit, vIsiteti ai J. E._Beucoks last week bmrsE. Thompson bas returneti frein ýisitJng friends ln Toronto. Farm~ers au-e auxieus abeut their bay cx#op. The centinueti raina mnake it impoassible tb, work. NE1ý TC A!NAD 1A N N0P.T H E RN ROCKIES. dt 3uou do not know about thie won- derfu Mountain scenery. Including Jaspee and Mount Robson Parks, tr-a- verse4 by the transcontinental Uine of tbe Cfanadian Northern Railway be- tween,Edunontoxi and Vancouver, get a COPY pf our bandsoine descriptive booklti. tu be had for thue nsking from W.J.}4. Richardson. WVhittby Agent.-4 KINSALE. Miss Carrne Lawrence bas see-urecG a scl"Io on the seventh, coiice.gti near ber home. Jaries Richardson and famlly visit- eti b ýusister. Mu-s. Annie Harbu-on, ovieu- nday. Mu-t. 'Mabel Rogers and son. of Port Perr)t. are vlslting relatives liere. M r4 NWin. Harbrôn and daughter. Annlé, ef Claremoni. vlslted nt Har- bro Brs on Sunay. ro 'ne totehue Sunday Scluool npxi Sund y and heau- the report of the Suai uner Scbool Convention by the de1ê_ýates, Misses Lawre-nce and Cor- Ne t Sabbath ai 7 o'clock. Rev. Gpo.' Nick e, of Vyr-tle. wiil preach here. The Ladies' Aid of otur cluurcli are bavi X ga speciai Stinday servicé. Ex- cellelut music wil ho provided by tie Greceiwood Methodist Choir. A spe- ebi kuffering is asked fou - o assiast the soci*fty in its wou-kings. The Red Cros$ will receive reognitlou from t e raesto a considerable extent. ht laude-îo Corne along and beau- -one o! our able preachers and plenty o! ejeoil music and aust a splendid o0glisation. Te insnie brandi o! the South OntrieWomens Institute will be held tti home of Mis. Brîgnaîl on Thuksday. July 26u-h, at bal! past two. A g4 e rogi-am là expected. Ail wel- Com. Mu-s. Packey, President; Mr$~ R, R. Mowbray, Secu-etary. Ou'new choir vore found In atheir D11a p~ sin lait Sabbath with thlet nus4bers .aigmented. This organtza- dlonf imghthave been auccesatully car- ri ~otut a yeur ago If somne competent ps a h 1 takeA bgttol t, but we are, pleased to repntheii.yOmg foka ma taking up the task o!fsUpplying mtiÏic willIingly, and we hope the con- greaton andth le xutor will boid ont ele~ encouragement and- the nder- t g ng l1* Mosttauceesf i. Iu.and bMu-.Gordon Heath,, ef HmIlton. have ben spending a few da4 olidaylnig wtth relatives hou-e. M~u C. -J. Stevenson and her moth- ou.M'.S. Mickey, have- returneti to tOrrespeCtive homes After speniIng ove tîro weeks at Windsor. t>etroit andi ether western points. M eontlnued wet weatber là o. lar4ungLb.(amea.who situply cén. net gt oi ; v- iiitheir rorit. W. p1et bette,' urathîr trois now on. *. esatWeber, of Brookita. vau M thla *w»Iootag for«aa uttable fito. purease. lne caleti on:c. Ste ason, .ae Ord, andtr. Ce it i h424l, b wesbaye t We seil Adery Tractors suited* to the' size of yc ur far-t. The best investment you can make. 'Vou can plow one- acre of ground on one. gallon of coal oil. AVEJIRAETOIRS are built in thie following sizes-.5--o, 12-25, 18-36, 25-50, 40-80, adaptedi for ail farm. reqtirerents-field work, beit work, road wo'k.- Wit-h a Cockshutt or Grand Detour Tractor Plow a'ne man can do your work. Ask us for infor- mition. We have a large stock of machinery on'hand. W. F. Disney, beard whether a deal waa put thi-ougli or not. Mlis Cou-a Lawrence spent ovéru Sunday ai bier home heu-e. Coin holds a veu-y Important position la the city. Mu-. Win. Sadler bas succeedt-l*n leau-ning to operate his new Ford car very successfully. WVm. lu not as young as some wbo are giuiding thue wheei, buit he luaut as level headed ead per- hieps mou-e so than most or them. Mu-. John Corner bias been selling bis oid onts. deliveu-lng the same te the Bu-oeklin miii. NOTES ON THE POTATO CROP IN ONTARIIO COIUNTY, (iDy the Dopa-t-ment o! Agriculture, - Wlitby). There has pu-obably been pý- sle-ht ln- crease Iu acreage pnte t À> potatees tlits year. 'att Geîîerelly speaklkig the t& crop lu lookIag yery prbmlsiag àt prescrit. B3ugs and biight. have x4at causeti nîuch damuage so far this year. Present -wentheu- condition aeveu-y condiacive to the deiop ent o! b1lght. ýand hIl s araking it appea- aneeil many places. 1-i7 experimeaite ta spray uîg with Bordeaux mixttîre -fou- blIgbî aiduct- ed bv the fermers tbroughout tarlo. oveu- a peu-lotiof folir years, Rbh I an average lacu-easo et over 60 b bols -peu- acre over unsprayeti potatoos. Bordeaux mlxitioIs cempo oi e bluestofte. limas andi water-prepb dions -t Iba.. -l'lbs. "~d 46- galions. Dl solve bluestouue and lime separaîoîy ln~ woodea èr granite palis or crocka,. «Di~ lute eacb tvith ose-bal! total quantît o! wateu. -thn nulu- anti spray onp tatoes. Addt poison: fou- blip. t)uriuig warm. mitrky weather Lia- toeu shoulti ho sprayred at tnt a of 10 tinys or two *ieeks, begi 1ui at once and continutnag for nai to nuonths./ / For fullIntst-uqtioas an la Inra- tiOuî On potato cllîue. wrlrio th e Departmnent ot Agriculture, Whilby. ENTERTAIN 'VONVYALESCENT * SOULI:ERS,. Tuie MuniceIfaU was crowded on Thursdny eveninig lest wheu the Ep- worth Leapîe o! 41mnonds Church'en. tertaintuedlb. solaibe cf the Wbitby Mllitary Hospital «I a concert. Unfor- tunately enly aboaýL40 eftht-e soldiems au weil as hai! a tiomen nurses, ver. able to bhésI~ent. iuttthp tovuspeopie tw-neil eut Weil ud ceird-ot! l o the -hall, - The pu-ograniw»rasexcellent, the tes- Luis boing a two sét play entitIeti «'Not a MUa'111 t~e Uos." taedbY off- *ral young ladies. , Their acting waà splendld, and tlimaworou estuatons- cause of rt pumntpatcl'y centering but he nevly engage muid. Otimer Itemns on lime prograis ovr whtch Iev. -A. M., -Poster presîdet, ver.: vocal 4 uetîte by UMiss HelenLoü g anti Me. W. D. Dykes;- solos by lita Raîhiben Neoio*;pa oW: o4 .;' Robin Ncosn-ne oo.by Me, E. W. E-cana. reatgby SMi#S thel A ail-cee colleuet wi utahen &t the doux'. fer vilci tbqsuaio! neorl $60. NO'RN O 11~iNOtIÂ8O66. cf t.ctoM or <P. o nu cfo Whitby authgoiizing the Issue of debentures te raise money for the payment of the cost of building certain bridges in and, adjoining the Coninty of Ontario and for other necessary County purposea, and that sucb by-law ivas registered lIn, the Registry Ottice of the County of On- tario on the 2Oth day of June, 1317, as No. 215.qts~rseasd Any motion to uscrseaid the ame or any part thereef must be made wlthln three months. alLer the irst publication o! this notice, and cannot be made thereatter. Dated (bis 6tb day of July, 1917. J. E. FÀREWELL- -4. CouÏity Ciýrk. NOTICE 0F REGISTRATION OF DY-LAW NO. 858' of the Corporation of the Oýôunty of Ontarto. Notice la hereby given that a by-iaw was passed b>- the Council of the Cor- poration of the County of Ontario, on the 8th day of June. -1917. provIding for the Issue o! debentures tehe amount ef $40.000. for the purpose of- granting aid to he Canadian Patriotte Fundl, eatablished by the Act'o! the Dominion Parliament, lPtfth George V.- Chapter 8, and thit BUCli by-law was registered Inthe registry office of the County of Ontario on the 22ud day or June, A.D. 1917. as No. 216. Any motion to quash or set aside the ame or any part thereof muet be made wlthin thiceenxonths, after the- tiret publication of this notice, and cannot 1* nijide thereafter. Dated thîs GUi day o! July, AD. 1917. J. EI. FÂREWELL , -4. Couînty Clerli. LEGAL DsrIao ,couley Crovu toami .uatr SoUtor 1 As Ea GSIaISflý amemmls. S*"mer. NelwM PSut.setcs Ofiww Ibo& L.Op.ilmu ier&, &5 St.- Roe$t., -Moatrem.. pril 4th. IlFor oier two year I was sick and -miserabie. I suffered from consia>zi Headaches, aind had Pahlpitlian cf the Heari so badi>- tht 1 feared 1 would die. There seemed to be a lump in my stoniacli and the Constipation was di-eadrul. 1 suffered from Pain in th# Back and Kiduwy Disease. 1Iwus treated by a physiciau for a year and a hialf and lie did me no good at ail. 1 trie-il " Fruit-a-tives " as a iast resort. Atrusing threc boxes, 1I us grea#ly wunpvr-d andl twelve boxes made me weIl. - Now 1 can work ail day and there - ae no licadaclies, no 1>lpitatîob, no --leart Trouble, no ConstipatJon, ne Pain or Kidney Trouble and Ifeet tske a neu' bein'g-and it us 0Fruit-a-tii-es" that gave me back my heWth ". MaAu NARTHURItLA PLANTE. SOc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 23c. At ail dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- a-tives Limite-i, Ottawa. and is. 0. Pascbê motored te Belle- ville iast week. where tbey spent a few ys Mr. Cecil Wood, of Toronto. spent the week-end at bis home bere. Miss J. Wilson. of Stouffi-ille. lu vis- iting with %ms J. Hall. Mu-s. M. Mackey vlsited with Mrs. Padget for a fetv days last week. Mu-s. Scott and daughter, Alice. of Oshawa. visited last seek with Mms W. l)ingman. Mu-s. Vickery and son and Miss may. of Toronto, visired with the Misffs Webster. Mlia M. Stark, of Ne'w York, visited on Suaday at W.- Oko'. A number (rom li7ere attended the f uneral of Mes. Blow on Wednamday sat mi s L. Smith,.- of London. Vlslted with Mms Mackey on 'Tsesday. Thîe Mtss Pter, of Port Perry, are visittng wlth UmissLIlUan Bowe- W@ are glad to repor t tmt Mr. Frank Mackey la dotng as Weilt au -abe ex- i>ected atter hîs serlous obeaýtion. W#- hope for hies peey r~very. Mrs James Donefl>.of Aglncouirt, anti Mis Doanely i xfo, vlsiteti #t J. Roe no slurz: eek, Evrerybody ho op 1med at ftie Union pieute on Saturday.,,uI Ùy 2lst,- at 2, ocilock, Mr. and Mrs. Oiivêr -Iléeder, Mr. Charlco Reeder and M>iss Belle Jobn- iton. o! Scugog. visitêed on Smrday at Caagu-ai D.auCaum G «be Çufe1 " ap nZ et ts, a r ey d et mreeb tbe wy tec'ire c* ts!!Ilt N»84sad ota by soaitl Udy catarubas o m s 14 oeetiel. a u laaue condihOs of the muses Ilit~* andtWb« . Vs.y . yo«Un bavs aiu seoiefpchrug .ami tSis tube roatorotteit au edl.s Soutie wl be d4m(uiem.S q duem#oewk tabeut 4=9 touo t us'sefu Ras an» aiSueaw ta Ob t h e « 1stio lts* macu NU tai,! mat et 9= 20uié 1 Ukt Raille. Ou Fuldaylait Wilde 4floSee Vhha ps~~uttd aedartwl met~« tas altos$ lin ell- baa', uusl4al a $eflrM ce dt)e b"& »r"r oviwtA . olmit wesk% h.sy iml*s littetbij- burkg ha hwdf. inla-- Yi &rnd ~w7. ~TIiis g g White Label Aie s ) 1 quart of and butter ts enougi, tWhen auid wo-uk b4tual lits (fGod. t iv ef wine ist- on Bis lu-y-anal ts of that t books of ~at mark h.bia"the ted to final iOwn andl s changeal and madoý Y uedeeni- and 1 au-n Jppau-nt. nay maki% 'ration. 114 aku Christý nani'n thA ls which Ged and Yîed loud., power l ýhuag"y iriat â4id ,e-s are, g, It May of lGod benu-a the darknea rt-. Go4 $ p very, 19 tri flen Let u aces aa 't splii A. A. ROSINU Uaclortaksr aa4 furaltut - LU aad Kadepéa~ut pli or niait, UOÃ"KLI~. DUNTAL liai'ry J RuOs.n, I.~ 8ug~sott. W~. AU OBo.. Jeu ~ukuns ISSrS

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