Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Jul 1917, p. 8

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ýtervemtlou- of Crown PrInoe iCa .Holweg-Kalser lias Net milttee of the Reichstag having re-1,at Bouin. His spectacular entry into GouaS37p2o4u~Woe »410 tused ta vote à war credit unless the the war wiLs in the use of the words n utter--Creamery solide. per lb.. 33 ta Goverrament declares its policy regard- ".Scrap of paper" in his final inter- 3jc. prints. per lb., 34 ta 346c; dairy. per ilb., 27 ta 28c. lng pence and reformn, which the Gov- view wlth the British Ambassador. Ila-e dos.. 29 ta 20C. ernment has declined ta do. An im- He was born November 29, lffl. areC&lC ST sellingt tn the retail trado al ths followlng Prireli - - Cheese-New. ia.rxe. 22à ta 23c; twIns. 22S ta 2Uic. triplets. 23 tea 28le, ad. Iiitte-r-Fre.eh dairy. choice. 23 ta 34c; ~U.S., FORBIDS ADDITlINS TO c SOC: twpins. 3Sale :c oie 5t ream»-erypIa. In6cta7eocs. 37 ta c out af cartons. 36 to 36c. M WE WTH FE GM ARE ressed paultry-Sprli ,hiekens. 30e; fowl. 22 ta 24c; aol. ta $4.50, turkeyos, 2 a3 Live poutry-Sprinpr chickenn. lb.. 20 Washington PassesBil Prohibit-, Senator Jonnart Tells of Impor- te 22c; hens; 16 ta 19c. fn n e~ ing Alil Trde With tant, Plans to Aid Allies. wighan er-4omb-$.7.Extra .$50t S1275;No 2.1 te 12.26. Centrl PowlrA dcspatch from Rome says:-The 1ieais-1m ported, hand-plcked, 19.00 ta Centrl Powrs.$9.60 per bush.: Limas. per lb.. 18 Io 19c. A despatch f rom Washington scys: Greek arniy is ta be inereased frorn rotataes-Red Star. new. hbbL. 7.60 ta 1 88Qo;North Carolina.. ew. b'l.1 1-60 -Wîthout a r- al a the House hasthree to ten divisions, the recruiting ta $.0 seconds. bbl.. 1C& a .5 passed the "trading with the eneýpy," and complet.e equipment of wbich are bill, désigned to prahibit ail commner- to be completed within four months,J Provtaoa-Wboîeale aeeordinizt ln ugiMb hre Smaked meats-Hams. medium. 30 ta cial intercourse with Germany and ber ta3a1 ulnd y ~ Sc; do. heavy, 26 ta 27r coead. 41 ta alle@ during the existence of the ýyar. C. A. Jeiinart, Entente High Commis- 42c, rolle. 27 to 29c; Ibrakfstst bacon Thebihrnake i unawfl or nysioner in Greece. M. Jonnart has 33 ta 36c. bocks,. lain. 36 te 37c. bogie- persan, except with the license of the reached Rome on his wsy ta Paris, qrel meats--I..ngc lear bacon. !I; ta ù 61 per Ili~ . elear boles. 26 ta 26e Secretary of Commerce, "ta trade or where he vil Iay before the repre- 26.rd--iî'urs lard tierces. 27 ta 2", c; attempt ta trade with an enemy, or sentat.îves of the Entente powers atJ tulm, 27J tao2;è(-. patim. 276 ta 2î1c. for o o acont f.oronbeaP of theïr fort<hcoming conference the re- I comp;ound. tierces. 211e; tubs. Ille; or foi- the benefit of an enemy, either 1 suît af his work in Greece, wbieh in- ,il.2. dlrectly or indirectly with knowledgCe cludeit the abdication af King Con- Montres] Markets or reasonablo cause ta believe that the ettintîne, and important reforma which 1 Montrea.. Juiv 17-as-1anda ()f'heexect tucary ut ndr te nw'Wentern. No. 1 2 t2jcdo.. No . 3 . R pelr. on with ar for, or on aceaunit ah xetttocir u ne h ex tra No. 1 (ssci.$lie Flour--Ntaniioba or oi beaîf i', r fo th hen f regime of Premier Venizelos. .Sprinl wheut patentn s, it. 111.6e. da.. or o behlf f, o forthebenei iecoid s. 8112. strong blakera'. 111.80. whom such t'rade in condueted is an Wt*nte-r patents, chaire. 812 76; etralaht enmy"SMALLNESS OF IPALESTINE. tlli M, $1 ta d.,1 bga in $.2 ag af 90 lbpî,. 84.4ô ta $4.60. In Comparisen WIth Great Events %itiIf,-ed' UTran 33 go $34 sthorts. 335 CANM)IAN RtAILWAYS That Have 1'eken l'lace There. S3.nIdIcýS0I 4 loile RAIS CLtS 844. 11ay -No 2. per ton. (,ar RAS 'AýSRTES1,lots, $i. (Cheese t- -tnest WP$terns. - Wncn one thnks of tne grent î1 q., do., easîernm 21 fv Bu tter-. A de4pntch f rom Montreal sa,,.-,cert4 that hav'e taken place in the F reh, 411c seî. econd 3e. rJfic. Canadian rnilways are increasing their lloly I.Land, thé multitude af cities, s'tock. 33 to 34c. Noý 2. do.. 28 te S0c- in andavillages and towiis, the eauntles mil-' lotatnes-Uler baz. car ic'ts. aid. $3 ta class rates from points i aaataoion h aebe onteeand $3 10 ponsin the United States In.losw bvbenorthe liaie - with the decision recently m-hose banes now lie in its rock-i DUV Grain gîven u t Wahington by the 1ribbed huis, the 8mall dimensions of tni>g July 17--ýash price:- 'yt.cPalestine ara almoqt startling. west!%VliiatNo. oten 2W N.2 reeently given at Wnsbingt>n . o the dor ms h . 8231: No. 3. do.. 82 29, Na. 4, 12.18:. InertaeComeceCmmssono o teJordan, weemto h'N,, 6. $1 l93. No, 6. 81.74: feed. 31A.31 IntrstatcComerc Comisiononhistorie avents taok place, there are'B"14 ontl'act -July, 1.4 Aulruxî. th plcto fteAmericain comn- * r iesicuin i irtIaif>. 82 29. (ts-No. 2 'W.. theapic io a inpe tho vn.! ny 3,800 squaremlsicudn l c. No. 3. do.. 74ic, extra No. i(ced. pan~s~fo athetee percenthadvncedivisions now called '41 c. N 1 I (ed. 735e. No. 2. do. 711e These companles have heen a1hored th11gapialIa rje> -No, 3. il 31; Nu. 4, 11.26; re- isoràetbIng in the neighborhood of Palestine. Including the land bath jeeted. Si 14. (eed. 11.14. Flax--No. 1 fro tolv t forten ercen.,east and west aif the Jardan, the total N .do C. 2.7. J. No. 2 C.W.. $1.2j *No. whieh aieall apply utea r cnt., area ig 9,940 square miles. The 'à u Zbi ulgn ie ta Cappd a, sud i t orde ýlenth af Palestine froin north t t se Bste afte1u intainto aneatndioir.a- south i isabout 150 milqas. It varies Minneapolis. July 1»4--%heat-Juiy main" tin te sine elaionsipCar-- i bredth from twety-tree tose*«d $2 29: September. SI 90 ç'al- dian railways have advanced their in- nbedh ro tw t-hee a No 1 liard, $2.60 ta 3&No 1 North- tcrnational .rat.es totahOe sme ext.ent. e$tymls.2c.12ta102.50. i N a. 3. dlo.. 1ý25ta The 10w -tarif! wlll came into effect . 110 Crn±'o.3 wyellow).te-4.t beteei, ul 16an Xuus 19 AFmious Chines.e Temple. Dultil. July 17-WVheat- N. 1 bard, betwe~'Jul 16andKugst st.2.41; Na. 1 Nortbera. 19.40,- No. 2. do.. The Temple of Heaven, et Peking,11.50. i.ned1.1:Juiy. 82.8.sep- tember. 29.Otoe,8.5 43,000 PRISON ERS was formerly tiaited once a year by - IN RUSSIAN DRIVE. the Chinese Superior to give an se- Xdvie *PIoe rar Mw coun o!his mpie an it affira Toron~to. Jul>' l7--1Éxtra choie a tters. couit f hs epir %ad ts ffara 1 IZu e 111.60- choie. h.nvy steers. Prom Petrograd reports, the follow- durîng the p1'eyious twelve months. $ùs ta 11.10,bucr' .atoçie, tng number o! prisoners and guns are: This war set forth in wrtnm 1 0t 11.do_ Ira"81$10 10 a110.40- do.. nmedium, $9 ta $#o @ ào.. mon shawn ta have been taken siace the the mîanusciîlpts were then placed in1h885Ioa$9.60; butehers* bulle. choit». 11.7j beginning of the Russian offensive in the furnace and in that way on- c',89-26. do.. rplotibus, i4# ta #8.et; domedium bule, 1116 ;îa 11.70, du,, Prisners Gu R. sinedti t the Emperor in ileaven.. rouf h bulli.. t& ta #4. hutcbera' cows. Pioes us.The temple 'sin o!ofthe most beau- <$8.40l tluAO$9. te11.10; tor, In the fightinu arcund tiUN and Ilnteresting sigbta of pletur- , *8 sta 18: îeodu's. t ta »SIô eau- Brzezany on July 1 esque Peking. The watts encloslag the "" c »d conuI096 ml. Woomd, and 2 ............... 19,900 29temple. the royal apartments, thse al- 840 ta 890;springers. si* ta t »;me. Around -Stanisinu and tar, mand the grouands are tht... miles lowet $.26Io 9.3. aee> heavyr$60 to 1.60 yeritffl.$1.0 t Sb elves, Haliez tram July 2 in clrcumferenee, and the white mar. aood ta chaive. $14 te 8164.80; pring -ta ..............1,000 55'ble, structures have blue and grensJambe. Ili. le te 17c.Iabysrtg, 'to .............. 4,00 5' 89ta 101; hg .4 d "wat*red. From July 8 ta il ....... 10,000 80 poreelain tules. $1.36 ta 111.81:doý.. wegbed off »rs. 1816.6. do., r.o.b.. 116.80. t i.s Montreal, July 17-Choice. miera Il ta 50. Wood. M810.5 $6. 6 Totale .......42,300 164; If everybody would spesk around u 1. ow.1.0t 8.4 he, TIhose figuresi do flot include ma-'home in thse sarne toue they use when $1760 ta il. calvea. 8t te 812; choie china guna. Twelve"'f the 65 cannon talking ta their friensds overthe cale- 1 Peerte4 boa. 814-76 ta $17, goad taken at Haliez aehaypee phone, this wotild b. a rhappier world. J 867r*tO?8 1.1:hs'wlhtoa No use ta wter' planta unless you souk Othe graund . way dmmwn th Oe ARECORD WITB V.C. 'Bottor-t.urn bock and rend ail the ros ougorclimtlgth s4 advrtiemotsIn hisisuaor aurevularly andi often ia much better OaIe Iattalloim W« BSix « Themi a may miss uomethlng important. thotan e c rdlnary sprinklint. One Zagagemet. FLANDERS TOWNSWERE - RAIDFi- BY BR11ZflAMN ExploeIonâ and Fires Causcd by Several Toms of Uomb Droped un Electrlc Power 8tatioos. A despatch from London luy:-'en electie pover muto and s'away Erltish naval' aeropl ane& Thursday aiding nt Zarrea were ttaced iy nlght carried out raids on miltary ob- guui-fira froM theair s&W bornd* *MIv jecta in ansd near ive townit la Flaad- droIap.d o am tanm et,.p 81,gasys au anounemient made by Wtom".,A fi, wua - «Mdby! tii. Admlralty,. Fires and explosions 4mbedroped jies, lb. <>u te..- *pre cousad by the severaitoua of trio powsr sttion, ÀMd abia ex- bsmbs dropped by the. raiders. The. plwuln uai» wa e auu.ed-nt tii.Vire-J satement readi: n om* ,TaIIway âafoloi by ae; Bombg.,raids woe c arrled eut Jlnt@ osie*fraiéox, Wh .' aail Thurudsy nlght by niaval maàch uneto irnln a hAmtor bint. fr$« aM J ' - Vu-seae.,St. DenlsWetr., hia-to" e0fbualt 'vrs AU Mltii telles and Ostend. Rlwm7 Bsea,,iÏ M aé Tf*4u aa.ly For oe abattalloiste vh six -Vie- toria Crossestus a singleactionla surely a-.record, y.tthOe Lanemathr Fusiliers, eus'viionatht' houerha been beitved i hva von laat dWs tinctioinlus very batti. la 'vhicbthey bave tou. aiî.Ou tii. hutnl &W4of snd se avy their biss hbut PnIase p'rdinand direteilt" .rqlmt te b. eacussd froamfurther duty. 'Ibas tâq decliaset a WW& Aft«tb is PounlarWar the o" aet W.IIIug-, ton gare Ilb Unallprele "l de- clam» bu Mtid, *the -t*UayW m-] a*=y Wb"sts-bave lad tiboue « t camanlts, thbbt. $Md Umm .dl.- U,4pish.ul, la e9# ta 41te il ah . < Eveet rievela adapwtelt.a widu l'ang et o! fttt emotfl 'eot "i tr"s. LIlvm. -' -'t- 'lai au~ th op * To comuserv pliesdoffl't MUANTUSRICRA tiule l supffll.* la tIsselm*i ~~~Md 4etalm tMU"oflTéi- upl i.u<aatu fti osti ii* ri" Rv4aku~t NDWB I SAIL PROU . IRappeMninga lus the Emanald Rate 0 Interest le Irish-- meni. îused~basîuaÎbn13A! >ttlltobu eatm-No. 2O.- stt. traek yXoe.g1o1-o 3yla.1.8 YtGven i eiis nominal, tràck Toranto. Ontarlo oatn--No officiai quotations. Ontario wheat-No. 2 Wlnter. per car perliproclamation f osdrdim- lot, 12.36 ta 12.40- No.-8.1-.233 ta 82.33. minent. aceordîna 10 freights outalde. a Pas-Nou 2. nominal. accordinogt The Voissisehe Zeitung and Lokal freights outqlde. Anaciger, both af Berlin; agree that usqmlnal. aecarding the Chancellor r.sigr.ed owing to a tRe-No. 2. 12.05. nominal. accordig t1 relghte outtiîde. letter <rani the Centre or Clerical Manitoba flaur-F~1iret patents. in jute party, declaring that Oie conclusion o a » 24;scn ptns njt baga. 11.90. sîrang bakers'. In jutei pence would b. rendereti more difficult ba9a. 11.60. Taronto. if he..retain@I his office; Onarlo tlour-Wlnter. iccordînitao Dr. heoald heooreFredrleAI-sampWe.110.20 ta 810.30. In baais. track.1 Dr. heoald heoorePredricAl-Toronto. prompt shipment fred Von Bethmann-Hollweg, tititil his Millfeed-Car lots, detivered Montreml (roibhts. bans Inejuded-ilran per ton. selectian as Chancellor o! the German s33; shorts. per tan-$SBta è39; mld. Empire, was Minster oi the Interlor, ilinges. per ton. $42; goaci (eed flour, per 'bag 1$2.80 to 12.90. the !ourth since Bismarck. Hie has H459-Extra Na. 2. per tan. 312.00 ta been accountable, -under thbe constitu- $12.6à; mixeci. per ton. 89 ta $11. truck tion, only ta Uie Emperor, having Tsrtraw-Car lots, per tan. $9. track To- been a fellow-student o! the Kaiser ronto. 1 A' desputch <rani b3erne, Switzer-1 land, says:-The Voissiscse- Zeitung of Berîlinsamys tise German ImperiaI Chanceilor,' Dr. Von Bodtinu-HaIl- 'veg, bus reisigneti. Emperar William,1 tise newspapqr adds, has postponed hlm decluion whether ta accept the Chans-1 cSllar's roignation.,1 A telegran f rom Berlin on Fnidayi sys Oint it wms the intervention aif the Crown Peince that ciused tise1 Chancellor ta tender hie resignation. 1 A dospateis iram Amist.ertam says: -A rumar hgs reaehed Halland that' tise entireé Germian Government wiî a'esign with Imperial Chancellor van,1 Bethsmann-Hollweg, the Main Cam-i ç(wgî R? AIL Ami)?j'au "ANDBAC ON 1151 BE REUCRD BULL AN4 I)VS ?UWPLL ____ EvýrY Man, Woman and Child in the Dominion Mul Relp, Says Oemrr-"see te «- Land ThSi SFOoController Hanaa-Use Perishbe Food&. 8.l.Igii Supreme in Oi@ <Wa- A ,despatch from 0O»ttawa Baya.-,- for export. Rusais ha. been endur- merdial WorU Hon. W. J. Hanna, the Foodi Controller, ing four mneatless days a week. Hou-se- JDuring the. month iMrh, »q aaysthat the consuimption of wheat, holds in Englanti are undet voluntary tons ~ ~ -p ofMasarvdu ilnat, or beef anti bacon in the Dominion muet obligation to limit -their consumption about two thousand tans legs than lut h reduced by at least one-third ta of moat ta two and a hait pounds per yenr.wh meet i the neods o! the allied armies persan per week. Sert. poale bt hm eu ansd zleopie. Pull ecanomy, in the use "The allies look to CanaLa ta ro- ingt ro sedithokrovhs ed o!fobtituifs ta urged by the Contrai- lieve their food shortage. Bath the Tie athoccwurruen ire on a Iet, who i hi. statement mays: producer and the consumer must as Lonoa genTh 'osapt n fuddenlyefi isfiredv tatrelief, the producer The ea ih ccuredreently ait and l4acon in thse Dominion must boj by producing and conserving ta the lut- Lodno a jo Chas. Walshaml reduzqed by at least one-third ta meet mont o! hie capacity, andtihie consumer Maynîrd, who hal served in the ia- the nleeds ai thse allied iarmies and po. bs subetituting perishabie und.conserv- pie. È very man, woman and ebilt in ing for export storeable foods. By dian Mutiny. ' Canada is under a direct war obliga-, such joint action thse soldiors ai btutn nual Cmmeitgthe HeÀbA- tion toasmsiet in that roduct.ien. The CanàJm, the Empire and the allies will kinsn Ewuaeted ChirmWAn.ote const4mption of flour in Englanti and be strengthened In the struggle for einsuing yser. d cairmn, o astheFrance lis beîig reduced ta bet*een ictory. Charles .CaGraws threel anti four pounda per pernon per "EconSnm in thse use of foodstuif s, sentenceed ta six months' imprison- week,, Canada .ndth te Unitedi States particularly ai wheat, bacon and beef, ment~~~~~~~ frtaln £4fombswemereuce their normal cansumption 13s imperative. Wimta un tha hotels, who is an Engliahwoman. af wheat by 160,000,000 busisels thîs retaurants, clubs and homibs ai thse Thevilages o Bbsie ae t~-year ita meet Uic added requirements Dominion Is a crime." ing a tond to maIt.good dtamage --ei - done ta tisehoue o! Private W.' Ramisaa nob frar D... .Fré m T eMidil EstA L SN E M N Hamilyyton ooasre geo!ofthe!T "~ L S Coalville Hospital, wounded soldiers BETWEEN ONTARIO AND BRI- T $> ONE L acteti as bearers. A baker was fineti at the Old TISH COLUMBIA. Will Constitute tise- Firt Quota Street Police Court, London, i orty shillings for selling bread lesur than "- Under Milit.ary Service Act. twelve hoiîrs aId. i Items Prom Provinces' Where Mausy A despateis from Ottawa RaYs: Ail- It bas beel suggested that after the. nai osodGrsAe snl e nCnd ewe h miners have finished their eight- âtroBy uf il r igeoni0Can ada wlibeticali Oie a horus'cr at niepeeahour. ait h Lvng nec cas in thse first quota under the Col. Fsab.r, M.P., hasnt £ur. Liout. E. K. Rey'nolds, a well-knawn .ltary 'Service BiH, and ail mar- the. MaoraiPAnd as er t5 towads ih Calgary nman, was killed recently in rieti men botween those ages will be teeMaono!ra of numven t ol. ejob an attroplane wreek. 1 simularly ticaît with as a single claa. Weecionofai the nuD entard ol.." hn Juliuq McKusb. North Winnipeg, Announcement ta this effect wax modet Tie ard, ofythe"oieondon a killeti 107,520 flies in the recent sehool- in the Commons early an Tbursdlay heLvai £ord M for otheoBdlnium cbildten's crusade. morning by Hon. Arthtur Meighen. t Rele! unt, cntibued hicly y1 Four hundred Savent h Day Ativent- Tise change which makes two big JaRelie ud otu children.y ists ore attendînir the conference bé.- clisses af marrted anti single moen ini- ThpaesLncahire Bar i auni ing beltleut Lacombe, Alita. stad of six amaller classes was made Tihe nra slwebrenoai t en ono!St., Charles Camp, Winnipeg, is laid! in respans o ta ageneral demanti by. agel nt all. abs enf ehoolota , out ta accom.modato 10,000 men. ithse members af the Hlouse'that tise gisto n poataspenting. ' oltoas 1Wixinipeg builders have agroati ta young lads ai 20 ta 24 shoubd not bei Sit nbltonplaiebsbnapon- stand out asrninst the 40 conta an haur singleti out and sent to the front edr onler aips a be oapthe nt- tagio denanded hy etriking building wbile aIder men witb no mare ties or istry o! Munitions ta deal with the lbr s esasbiiis oealoc t e devo.lopment o! minieraIs. N The Gra-nd Trunk Pacifie av main at homo. JohnSnae, ivetran ! te ~ placei a large honor raIl in their ai mean 'var. tise Indîiaù Mutiny, Zulu 'ie i dmnonoevnb nod MUNITIONS IN '1858 AND 1917.- antiAfghn capaigeded rconl anti fifty f ormier employes have jin atd Afgmaik n hupigne, tisear nt ed the colons sinre war began. 1- at Omsk __,in hs _th ea- The, late Lieut. Robent Coombes, of'Three Musketa ln Three Moaftha.-. _EBUN> _ SRVY Winriipeg, earneti the Victoria Cross 1victoria'Is Protet. NWBUSIKSRE. for llravrry. JTise statetnent Oint tise output of~ (',odPrgrsiReortcc undSpen ~Tbtt tbre e mall 't4bildren of! Mike iruns and sheIls in 1917 wax imore i GoodProreu epoted and Spln. antýura, l i'ving northemast of in"filt-'snle ek than it was Inltise W 1101 dd l esulta Achlcved. irce.1 Alta., were hurned ta deatis a! 1914 recalis a letter Méitten by Plans are being made for the te. whilté playing with nmatches. Queen Victoria ta bord'Panmure ius sumption of field work an tho New' Six commercial tnavellors crasairi 1956, says n London papor. lier Ma- Brûnawick forcit survoy a!ftvhich P. 'tise-international boundary uîear jesty was stîli young in those tisys, Z. Caverisillisl in charge. A report W8rier, Alta., were tineti $10 -.and anti wiat a Minister ai Munitions she recetitty submitted by Mr. -Caverhili ;costej for not bitving permsits. wauld have madel "The. ret.urns af to tise New Brunswick Giovernineat il"-tise difforent departMeints for thse last showà that, o! a total o! somne 7,500i- THE (HILDRENS WAR. quarter.- she wrote, "show ia lament- 000 acres of Crown lunds, 660,N6! Iahie defleieney In steaiIarMI. Plfty-1 acres have been surveyed and examia- Th'-"jis the Children'* War; becatise t-tv for the whole o!f te United cd by tise field parties. Tise mappisg! Th; victory's ta tise young ansd Klngdomn le asasdby amaRuItrosve ati compilation have ben completed ! len have in store;. 'v o huld neyerle fora ttalot 7l,000~cra ! ti Up tlo tise Dra«on'a ravening jaivu short ef 600,00."l The queus va area 7e per cent. ls covered wîtis mer-;iMu4rch dear Elgistesuand SOVIM' str'uck mIsa wlth tise llt.tle von clone chaustuble tumber, tes tisas 2 per ~ teen. at Enfield: "RIt éppemrs £bat duiing cent. with second growth af becs thausitise wholti quarter thia flew anti ex- mercisantable ase, lu per cent. bas1Fresbý froi tise Chrisam waters Pure tensive establishmnent ha. completedl been burned but now coutaîns yousg i De~ lads, se enger ta attainin only tisre muakes. taret gowt lusuficlnt tîastîîesTo l~e brijrht visions that allure ta replaceultitely tiseiformer for- ThIeKtight's ordeal, Oie red pulSaNUE0 to repace utimatly th formr ý zECONOMYINUEO Owing ta these arcity a! ieatheP-4* Dublin and 'other Iriis cties, tise onu choicefor ordinury wearers ai shoot wiIl be betwean sandais anti cloaL Lard Predenick ltzgoeaid presenrt- ed tise Kildare Cou.sil 'Withs £118, tise pi'chase money oi band bougist froui tho Duke ai Leinster by'tise Coincil. Claii for, compensatlinhave been made t' tise'Custleretigi Counrcil «U helsaîaf e! tise twa constablea wiso vers wounded at Bmîaghadereen saine tisse ugo. A well-knowxs figure bas been re- moveti iromn the commercial lite af Dublin, by thse tiatis ai Edward O'Keefe, Sterling Park, Orwell rond. -Ratsgar. The labor troubles in-Dublin havxng been settîcti, tise Laird bine ai steam-' ers have re8umed their saiings ho- twoon Dtublin, Glasgow, Greonock and Heyabam. A Belgian anti bis wi.ie we'ro sun- moneti before a Dublin Police Court for sclting cakes wîi chacabate caver- lng without tise authority o! the Foodi controller. An inspector tfrain tise Departinent a! Agriculture bas taken possession ai a number oft ursin Langf anti wbicbhatid not been tilleti as ortiereti by tise Department,. i - - . ' CURE COUGE BY SC«M Tendeuscy ta Cough M11r b. Overeosa. Biy WiI.P~w.s Il A man cougis. ln a crawded room anti farthwith a scoro or more of the , othors join hlm. The cougisa tIfrom amall beglnnlngs grow inta a greut volume ai sounti are the banc of ail orators and lecturers. Tise reasan for emulative coughing is a mystery ta tise average lAYM".,says Dr. Sad- 1er, Tise chronic cougiser ,wlro seema ltermlly rensinded ta coug~h by heur- lng tomeoance e-do so le impeibed.by thse power ai mental suggestion.- Irritation ai thse tisroat membranes is only one cause ai cougisin g Kabit, nervouanesa and mental states lu-. duced by having cougiseti pnevoIqul are ail contrlbutlng factors.. "Ftr attention" la certulnly able te, causei anti maintaus a formidable anti a*uey- lusg tendoncy tQ cougis. I'ave con- ducted experomes In lecturing ta students whiicis have led me ta tiss conclusion. I bave delivored alxty- minute lectures dunngthe. frst half ai whlch onby two or threestodens aighd t.IL Tien' -Ibepas.-1ie4 - couhlysefpurposeiy, at ntrv.te, of tpre or tour minatoi. Dquir~4. finît fiv. minutes oet theùeeoiullhait ai tise lecture doyen cas.gba._wrem eheard; durlng thse second five minutes fifteen coughsur durlng tise tisirc-ilvie minutes nineteen; during tise fourtis seventeen; durlng thseifts twentyl- savon, sund dunlng tise luit five miin- utes sixteen cougis,. Thoe la no doubt that mont of. thi» couthlusg vas stimulated by uncous- scious suggestion, suad that It 'vas really utterly unneceasary. Large -audiences are 'susceptible té tise saàme suggestioni, aithougi tis edgret . of suaeceptibiî'ty varies somewhmt.-In di- f«ornt audience#. Allusions t# cougis- - ing- vill cites b. suffident ta 4cause a poonte çogg. , Yaynîng le Isrgoly annilativa. Mention o01 yawning or soeing eonie on. yawu là (>iten -sut- fiaient ta ca iuse every ase in a' roo=a 1 oneattendeti a mans 'isa sati coughed ahqiost-vtlsout intermigelon, f«' over thneé heurs. lne vas phyui- eally exhaust. by thse rsecunrusg vie- lotit puroxysma 'o! coughlng,. But durnsgMy examination a ohlti was rýun over lus Abe strat lu front otblag boeu.by1isuenautomobile, -tlàthse.en- vulng «toiqnthe smon- actuelly- eus ed Èih for aven hafsrIuît Wben bis attetiona a4v*tsr4d-: th tatho.-reisedtioughihsg 0f jls- as etbdfersBut Ibis ulugelar .cir- ims tishi itetgis'wuarelIy a- aub- W vatilton y asatrong eort of h* wil-e birn tosunispresst th teudsey tei ougbwltb 'the gratlty- log- conaqumnoe that hoê-e.aeýd li ceugis .atl. Ttala on Waoro-ouase Tracts t D Y 'yD w T.. J s s' I s '1 I s' I 1

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