Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Aug 1917, p. 3

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I - ~NCME AXDULLINRODUCED '~Mreso i oMHNAGEfSFRQM -SUNSET- COAST BIG ATLEYjrwteOe BY MINISER 0FFINANCEBLiY IN RUSSIA WUAT TUE WESTERN PEOPLE JF. EUE1JBC storePotWlam AEDOING. AIMEF0 Canada's Wealth to -Contribute Ful Share in Prosecution of the Bay , ot- No 1C .;8i.tac ffer Money to Incite Rtebellion --Flghting alenRsmdI Amerlcan corn-No. 3 yellow, nominal. War. track Toronto.i gitPoiinlPOrme th Gea WstTUF ____________ ~~~~~~~Ontario nosa-No official quotations.AantPoiinlPoeso h ra etTl lnes o eyIe.o neetFo )ntar1o wheat-No. 2 Winter. per car Government. In a Few Point"dLreSae ln-. 32.65. No. 3. $2.62. nomninal. accord- agrp, % Iespatch from Ottawa saya %:-The Where income exceeds $20,000 and 'e1)freights outide. Adsacfo e oksy:It 1 A despathfoirts edur yWvso ,via'th of Canada will be made to conl- dces flot exceed $30,00, 8 per cent. Peas-No. 2. nominal. accordinc to isi truc that German agents under the With the arrivai of the G. T. P. ters in Frne ysTh GennAtni. <~rttte ts uil har towrd he cst here income exceeds $30,000 and Barley-Maltlng, nominal. accordlngr guise of. Socialist and Anarchist steamiship Prince Geore t Victoria, and Britishfgtn nsi rne iu.H .Obre of carryî'fuol the ar. In rdthe Co- oeflt xtee frOO,10peicnthRe-o.2.noinl.acordng- lekes-av henopnl gegaedinian D Dnad omieD. ietDonaldBigum wic hveben lad is W J hiene mnons Sir Thomas WVhite introduced 1vis~ Where incorne exceeds $50,000 and freiglits outide spreading revoit against the Republic- hundredth round tnpD to the Norths as paratively omn o eea ek, ola enkle aa incomne taX proposais and the extecnt of jdoes not eXCeed $100,000, 15 per Cent. itagn1190; seconda Gvrneito Rsia ndGemn omadr.s frasay ageofesienscn- Pe.Iaa Icnose th olt etýe fteicrQ f 'Vee$ 12.40;.,,tronir bakeri,;. in jute nioney la being Ilreely used to enicour- The greater portion of Sumnas prairie cerned, havi eadpretbyu h iel h hr o th olt etkno h noe f Weeincome exceeda $100,000, 25 ba siac110o gedicuenMndris. D.tin Mcll eil ntoaed a el a apatof be e the rich mot with docidsid apprt vi iper cent. ntrôfInur-Wlnter. nrcerding aaedsotn n lstsato ih1 tiiiudtd swI sapr fIa e as fl rota buth Àgides of the H ouse. The A asi4prcn, nicm3e.Tr nto, romt ahsio me.n tazr. tra"-k. the progreas of the war, according to the througb higbway from ChiUiwack Out ofth stfenghegrn o. Finance Minister propoges to exempt'I llifeed-- 3r lots deiiered NMontreal ceeding $3,000 in the case of corpora- freights. bage Included -Itran. per ton. f ormner New York construction en- ronds lias practically stopped. cially inFane. TeGems(orletasopdo shorts. f inleme aartintonjoit.tok omres SS buors.pewto.s4 towediir. o- t-ehaeanv ,wdwr ihu cide ptton. $44 to $46. orood feed foeur. per bag gineer, who arrved here on ThursdaY That tourist travel to Alaska i.s ne-haedeopdw tisnonann $2.00, nd il the peson Up T h e plan wilî work out as follewa;1 1 after spending ten yearis in Petrograd, niarkabiy beavy and compares well the Britisha evs;ta.s he nJi 7hacne $2,00, ands llwithut peisonanup to, a-xr No. 2, per ton. $11 S() to hr e ubn epoed. with that of last year ta the statementi have becorn $3000: Income. Uumarried. Married. $12.00; rixed. per ton. $9 to4iO. îrsck excptioaibesenstiveto nld a Moctonto arnn Income Tax and How it Works Out. '$4A00 $ 80 $ 40 Toronto.t She asserted that aile had seen Grel- of Mr. C. E. Jensey, genenal agent of any moveeto hi poSis iepoic eces Four per cent. upon incornes excéed- 5,000 120 90 traw-CToriot .Drtn 50t 5. man agents circuiating amnong tbe the Grand Trunk Pacific line, which la w,%hich deitsfonteruie n 98 trac,00iert Tornteonstoo700.20 8 crowds surrounding street speakers now operatlng its summer service to give evideneoihscniiniifii rprîosaeo unniarried men or widoweri without' 10,000 400 360 OontryPwofuc-WhIolesale and openiy distributing ten-rouble the north. ous bornbadenstsuecdpot. i NwBrsic W children. 12,000 550 640 Btte r--'reamery. solida. repr lb.. '"è ;notes to, those who wouid agreetot According te news just received ln From thst1cniso sdantt ovnint i The same tax on incomes exceeding: 15,000 850 810 per lb.. ?9to t o 31 ab sout for a separate peace o h e etiseLet .F ngt ht o esn fteron h o aOtbr $2,000 in the case of other persona . 010300 1,001260 g-lro.35t38i overthro* of the e-xist'fng governrnent. who went overseas as machine gun o.Grasmyb enn httobetahr fNwBus In addition the following supertax 30,000) 2,500 2,460 trade at the fiowinor prices: eaddth ts miarsaeflrisbe wre he llayi mpn la ha iposd:50.00 ,30 526 Chees New. large. 226 to 23c: twins. everywhene in Ruasia, i the arnY and medai for bravery during thie struggio net certaiwhrtolkfrit Pin inruins nca la t be imose: 1"000 5,30 6260 221 te 231c; triplets. 23 toe23c; nid. Where income exceedg $6,000 and 75,000 10,050 10,010 ýlarge 30c. twinis, 301c; triplets. 30jc. among the civillan population, and at Vimy Ridge. pearance. alu lb nttpo doesnotexced 10.00,2 pr cnt. 100,000 14,800 14,760 icreamery regh dai1ry. choie. 24 to 55ce- that their- work in aided by shontage To have something over thirteen and Lens and1117 eryhv en D.AciadPotr Where incorne exceeds $10.000 and 150,000 29,300 29,260 jte 39r. ~ of food, due te the existing disorder. a hait bours of brigbt sunsisine every under hiayadamu otnos'a. oaetsno u does not exeeed 20,000, 5 per cent. 1 200,000 43"00 48,760 Eggq N--N id, i cartons, 43 to 44c: "We are confident, however, that day for a week la somewbat 0f a 'e- gun fire. Ee h atesardadMa rcoo ot - .~~ ____ l)~resned poutry-4pring ehiekens. Premier Kerensky will bring about cord. That la what Victonlo and barren VnyRde hc vnok ondtemdciui 30c; fowl. 20e. suruab-a. Der dos., 84.00 orerot of chas. He îs a wonder- Nanalmo have had for a week- hvle bv oahsbe .M eg.O .Mi A5'41J5J I ALlIA K rJAI. 346.tuky.25t 0 k. fui rnan, and the best people of Rus- An o>rder-in-Counci lihas been issued obJect ofvgrushelnwhc haByhownheD aiti Re- i .2t). 7. and suc- ,l' fru lîl ,î4:t ivt, hings 21. Il nîi ade ,i xithe ion i n lt13. r 14 Ash. j sit r had- ofIi>Io 'te vvi 1.t <t i, l1 Mil tha spur 1,il l'yit ivgine l"'101n 'hv h Tiu ither iîîg rght i ig mat- l o thie le> loulr .1 ha ih. r mriles rom Osrne. 1hi fort' -hal to <, 100 1nhi .u %vth e hituto Statement Showing -Financia) Burden Assumed hy the Dominion. A despatch froni Ottawa says:- Canada's war axpanditure both in the Dominion ani overseas n0W amouflis to ovcr $850.000 a day. 'bis statea5 ment of the extent of the tri-mendous financial burden tEhe nation is assum- lng, ini cnrrying on her paýrt in the great strugie, was givan in the Corn- mons hy Sir Thomas White. The Finance Minisher gava the figures ho tic lieuse in explaniing the necessihy for the new income taxation. From the heginning of April to July 2th' wnr axpanditura in Canada arnounted; to, $39,700.000, and estimahed expendi ' turc .elsewhe-re, including Franîce, dur- luîg the sarne Ieri<)(t was t$52,6i00,000, or a total of $92,600,000. Taking that total as a rough hsis Sir Thomas, estimnatad the datly war outlay nuw at CANAD)A OBTAINS $100,000,000 LOAN A daspatch f rom New York Bays:-, J. P. Morgan & Company înnouncedr tirai arrangements had been perfectedt for the flotahion of a $100,000,000 boan Of thc Goveroment of the Dominion of Catiada, which will lie offered te the Arnîricati ptblir upon a basis te yield approximately' f) par cent. The loan 4 ~willI be uniwcuired, and it will run for two. ypnrs. Tiec ban to Canada wili l e the tirai foreign Govcrnment trans- action that hîîs been undertaken since Ameicas antrance into the Earopean war. FRENCII AND ITÂLIÂN $HIP LOSSES LIGRT A despaici f roiin Paris says;-Dur- ing the week ending midnight July 22 met a sinKle Frcnch vessel chier over or under 1,600 tons was Itat, s.ccording to the officiai atatement. Six Frencî merchanîrnen were. attacked unsue- cesxfully during tiat time by sub- marines. Shipa of all nationalitles, numnbening 1,063, entened port and 937 departed. .A dcspatch f rom Rome saya :-Tvo Italian steamners were sunk and one smali sailing vessei waa damaged dur- ing the week ending midnight Jk.,y 22, tays an official announcement Five hundred and ninety-thrce vessels, with a gross tonnagt cf 889,815, arrived, and6560 af a tonnage of 403,450 left port. ITALIAN GUNS BUSY ON WIDE FRONTr. A despatcb from Rome. ays t-Th War Office tatement regardint miii- tRry eperations on the Austro-itaiian front reads: "On the whole front the -artillery and patrol activity was nor- mai. During the nîgit an Isoiated at-I teck by the enemy southwest of Cas- tagnavissa was broken up by our fire. One of Our alîrplanes paid a sUrprîse vlsit, under adverse atmospherie con- ditions, te St. Lucia-Tolmino, drop- * ping -a ton of higi explosives on the rallway works wmd doing considerable BURMARINE TrOLL WAS 94 YESSIEL -\, A despatch f rom Lendon ay~ rTwenty-oae Bitish veasela of More tJlan 1,600 tona oaci, and tiiree < thai 1,600 tons oach, 'were uik -lait week y raines or hIbnarlnes, 1PUT TO DEATH Capital Punishment to be Meted Out to Seditious Troops. Ir-- epanrmT onA-nsa- lme Russian Governmentfs policy or "Blood and lion" is te be carried oui along unes which bodes iii for the se-, diious troops aiong the Enstern front a*nd those pt-rsuns within the country who are trying to nullify tic good work that has followed in the wake of the ravoiution. ( .nitna i Uinl ib ll antt., iq& i5V t NI Honey-Con.b-Extra fine and hpaay welorht. per dos.. $2 75. qelect. 32.60 to $2 76.*No. 2,12 t o32 2 5. Iteans-I mlorted, hanrd-pick-d, $9 00 to $9,60 per bush.. Limas. per lb. 10 te l'otatoasq. on track-Red Star, new. >1-. S .5 toSb36 : North enrolinas, new.bbl . 36,F60 to $7.00; seconds. b.. jSmokfd 'mesiatsn-ltatns. ni-e'tium. 30 t0 ;31(-. do lheàa'y. 26 tu 27c, t-ýouked. 41 to 42c, roll.,2-1 to 25ec. breakfast bacon, 33 lu 36e. hacks, Plaitn. 36 >0 37c. bone- lasm. 39 to 40-c (ured meatç-long cicar bacon. 26 te 263e per lb.. <lt-ar hellie.q. 25 to 26e. La&rd-P'ure laîrd. tierces., 26f to 27c. ts.bi 27 to 27i". patis. 27à to 271c: co "uî.tierces. 21C. tubs. 1Ile; patta. 213e. hie advent of the new Government. Montresi1 Markets again has been put into force on the ldontrersl. July 3-)t--aala Wett-rn. No. 2. 14e. do. no i 3e 3: demand of tie military commandera extra No. 1 feed. 82C Barlü .%taxi. ai tie front, wsho will now be able ta fet-d,.126. Fiour-.Nlan. sprlngi whe.at assemble field courts-martial and put'VI 6 . Èàfiz ba31: -co. 1tedS 1 2>4t hto deati summiarily traitons in ticentter ItateriTs. chice. 5(2 50)te 313 où arm. Cn. ornboi, cmmaderof stualah rillrs. $12 t' Si.' SO; do. bagé. ary.Ge. orilff cmmndr Gt" 5$6 5 Ooti,-t us$9nara(.)5 t" the fortes in Galicia, whobe disaffee- to $9 35, bag%. 9U 4. 340 tu 34.5>t. ion and desartions hava wrrougitlitran, 1311jta536. Shorts. 840 10 $41. .Iddingm. $3 e$50o Mouillie. 560ý havoc in the Russian morale, was the. Hay-No. 2, î'er ton. car lots.,3$11.00 10 hf-111350. Cheas4e,-Finast Westerns. 21te: most insistent of tie military cmnes inln n,-st Fa.terxts. 21trle tutter-ChtIcept calling for a free hand to check Lie cr,-ame-rv 37j te32,3e, seco'nds, 36è 10 3 7 jer.F!K*s-rert-ah 4se.seiec(ted. 44e; refractory troops, declaring tiat the Nu stoe. 40C.' Nu 2 gtoteb. 36 to 38c, death penalty was the only means of 9'ttstari 4 te $6. saving the afniy. Wlnntrec Grain WNinnipag:. Juiy 31-Cîsh piesn:-.,. i h.at--No.i1'.ortixern. 3234; No, 2. do..3231,No. 3.do.. $2.26. No. 4. $21%; NOUR ENATO S1kb9; No. ,i13; feed. 81.60. Bsais contract-July, $2.34. Augruat. t-FO R 'S NATOE 1229. Os-No. 2 C.W., '.8c, No. 3. do.. ADDIIITV1 tc, No. 2. do.. 711c. liariey-No. 3, M R APPO1.26. ;No. 4. 31.20. rejected. 31 10' teeS. 31.10. Fias-No. i N.-W.C.. 83.95k; Nb. Five Seats Are Yet Vacant, Uite matas mask.ts Minneapolis, JuIy 31-Wheat-Juiy. Three in Ontario and close! 3.68. Septaniber. $2.17. Cash- No. 1 hard.$3.93; No. 1 Nerthern. 33.85 Two in Quebec. - to $293. Nu2. do..$8640 t$2.87. Corn A deaîpatch fnom Ottawa aya: No. à white. 76à te 711e. Fiour-Uh- Fournew er<tors twaef hom avechanogeidL. ran-$3l1 tu 33. Four ew Sdatos, tw of hom ave uluth., Juiy 31-Wbeat-Ne. 1 I d up itb tic present occupied seat lain, $.81 No. 1Northen. 2.60;.1No. 2. do.. ý $215. Lýineed-3.1 1 .7 the,;House of Commans, have, it ie Sepiember. $3.19; Ociober. 838.17. understood, been appointed by the Goverament. They arc Richard Blain Liv. stock Ua M uet of Peel, John Henry Fisher et Brant, Toronto July 31-Choice. havy steers. David Ovide Lesperance, chaîrman of 10.25 te é10.'l; butchera' cattie, eboice, 9.76 te $10.2à; de.. cood. 9.26 ta 89.60; the Quebec Board of Harbor Commis-'do.. medium. 55.25 te st815; do.. coni- sioners, and Lendrum McMeans, K.C., mon, 37.10 te 87.25; butchers' bula. 3hie 8.00 ta 38.50: do.. goed bu h. of Winnipeg. Tii... appoîntiments re- i17.26 te $7.50. do. medium buiis.$16.0 duc. the number ef vacam'cies la the toe 476-do.. '4911g b"boUs.$8500 te '0-00- butchrs' c s, ýchoica. $7.75 te 38-fl Senate to ive, tiree in Ontario and do.. good. 7.10 te 87-16. do.. mnedium. two la Quebec. It is understood, how-83.60 te $4-76; stockera, 38.40 te a$6 fedr 7.75 te #8.76; cannerd<end cut- ever, that two funther apitnnatr.é.5 e$.6 ikn odt vM b mmc onFniay u on8.atr-,40 ta 330; aspnger. 880 te 3110; liqifl dayý leaving only tiiree seate then te e .26Z te 13.23; hce. bavy. .36 be filled 8 .2 ; Yritnir, .10 te$1;«i. ~~ I otechoiee.s i ta $14; sprnn.g be I3.83 te 813Y.8;Iambe. ircarlinàma.9te S10.50. hoga. fed and watred.815 74 te, 1;do.. Wcu1 doin Cams.$14 te816.23; 0_ .. .o.b.. ie fto s315.8 DE1IIOCATIC RIJLE Îioe. $10 te $10.29. do, mcdium. $.IÏI' te $#-76; do.. commea.3780tea3"@ a&nc 37 te 7.35; butchers' çholce CON'I'ROL GPEECE wa. 16 te IV3.3:buteh#W ~cale, c» M OLS C .o.. 87.50 te $8. de-.-bulla. #b te 33.30; ii lera.choie*6. ch 870 te 8150; shccp - ~ owcc$8.30 te 89; Uhck and culîs. ÏÏ Ir i$16; Iambe. 814 te 814-60: bogu King Not Prement at Openg ofed and watarcd 816-96 te $14. caives. P~rIIa ent a UMEl jmuk-ted. 812 te $13; do,. graac-fcd. le Kr" mtat Ahum. e si 1A dsopaci trou Atiens »"- :Tic meeting of Parliamant on Tiuréday vas slgoisald by a complae.re. sumption of popular rle s&W the. end et au<tcrcy in Greeca. -King AJcx- ariderÀ dld net tak, part in thc fane- tIn i.speech from the tirons hav- ing 'becn abandoned on tice..grSwnd "i~ lt- would hnvlve eriticlam of a ta- tier by hlm son. Tie Chambhet pruea.d a pletur- caque ecens, vitiGreeka, Mussul- Ms a d hsimd alndrs&ram.lathi umint nive M c oum& Pru«lcr Voalsolesvus accaluci by a larg zmajority o! the deputieu.TIbe nsu-w re- t'me eompltey ousiols tc alUatc and Sla -fo cst u esprt rak our ewn&dumcadatn Nlthid* fqun& vaner Or iow > .1 and aU, tng-1 er, Te.vc PLACE NEW BRM»E SPAN ON SEPTENMRm1T A daapatei trou Quebec "".s-The centre sPmn O! the quehee hrldw v b. put ini plaeo on the. mornlug o! Septamber 12. Ticeavenst as plansq4 to e ..pIes.qulatly vitheut -vit- naes. but an englaer o! thi ern a lseon le.suppmw o bav e s.told the secret te a newqspp masnUal. mprs- LOÂN& DY BMIAIN A 4o.eistch trou Lor4n p.-. nouai Law hm made a stateweant le tii. Bouas«o- Commor* f laýrd lt kam" te the *ala udthe do hs. 1Tb* woal sdvute the*0amlia", fa ddfi t to lO, 080 ~ * 1dtefuaom"llsm&u~s sia are neady te follow and obey hlm. aiR Victoria permitting the Canadian There w!Il be no separate peace, 1 arn Northern Rallway to opemate a work- sure, and Rusais will continue to stand' men's train between that city and Port on the aide of democracy." IMannit%%-ithout paylng bridge tolis. Tht proper conservation of the few remai ni ng spawnin< grounda - and WAR DOGS HUNT FOR WOUNDED j sources of fiali food on Vancouver la. land Is being shrongiy agitated fer by Description of Work Done by Fait.hful residents of -the Cowlchan district. Animais in German Army. At Nanaimo the employees of the iGrant Collier>' Company, the now mine Johann Gottlieb. who bas been in in process of successful development charge of the war dogs of the Ger-; ai Nanoose Bay, bave jus( reccived aq man anxny, gives an enlightening de- advance of eight per cent. In theié scription cf tht werk cf these faith- wages. fui animals on the firing line. lie The danger perlod from bush tines Bays: la agaili upon the province of Britishi "When s war dog is loosed from the Columbia, In tie coast district as 's'eU leash holding him and receives te, as In the dry belt. and the part that command 'Find wounded,' ha rushes in mombers or the ganeral public Cin ex- tedirection indlcated. lie neses ercîse In rcdueing thew nunîber of flres around through fields, foreats and is once more empýhasIzed by the for.; awamps. Moved by his instincts of estry depantment. ameil and haaring, the %var dog rare- *'Cordova' Is 10 lie the name of a ly misses finding a woundcd soldier. new station on the Cîtnadian Northern This la espeially truc when a ýîumber llaiiway aI ('ondoya fBay. The orcotion of dogs operato together. cf the building bas commnenced, and "When a war dog lias f ound a fali-' but a few days wfll ble required to en soldier, he picks up a knapsack, carry out the necessary work, bread-pouch, eartridge-box or gun,t The Nelson PatrIotie fund total la with which te report his diarevery, or' $14,377.41. Durtng 1the year th1e Nel- if nothing lsata hand, the dog, return- son mca 's auxiliary commiitte. of the ing, by jumping up to his master, or Canadian Red Cross bas collected over by chnractenistic expressions, makes $3.000 and has pald a regular incarne known that he hair found a wounded of ever $200 a rnentb to the local man. The master tien fastens t.1v branci. lenuli and gives the comrnind to go in. Next 10 AusiralitlieHuse, at AId. thc words: 'Where is tihe woundedV, wych. Bnitishi Coiumbla's new home The leader and a corps of ambulance . at tht bottoni of Lower Regent etreet, men, stretchers in hand, foilow. In a close by Waterloo Place and Pall Mail, aimilar manner, battleficîdsaran la undoubtedly the mont IinposlItg et searched for wounded soldiers, re- ail the overseai Goverameat oflice8 In gardiens whether tiie talien men are Lendon. friends or enemims The fifth ef the six mining engineer "Very often the. presence of a who are te bo In charge et the several wounded oldlia i&net dlacovered un- Minerai Survey- districts createdby til the. dogeii hWýeeinet lbs..The legisilattO folU t at ession vs selected Visual facultY et the dog as a rule la by Hon. William Sinan, Minister ef not mrater than that of! man; in faet, Mines. This la Arthur G. Langley, a th,@ verY opposite in true. However Vlctoris. bis sunse'o! hearing ie very marked, At Mission City the feeling agaiflt and, above ail, the. senne ofsmll the Japanese seems te b. less*illg. Evon when a wmnd bîows ni<it, un- The Jap wIll buy cbeap land tirai wlito faverably. the. war dog kme how to men vill not touch, dlean aand drain overcome the reauliing Mefiulty. With il. iand the foIlowiIIg seann» produce a the. nos.on the gnound, orraedincrôp 5<1114 toe h site 'neigliboit tiie ait, the. dog anifs laiid rapidly e.- A couVi1' la skulkins In Stanley amines a remarkably e«-tended ar Pk.accriigteM .,Irvin of the Il1e*iver Rooma, Vanc ho caiv Ia order, to aceompliah ie wokr-k 1 ht fl WIl ;gÏ; he'P ar, aâ tormed byV a doff in an heur, ambiu-Zti rna lance'men would have t» laber f« the '"Seveà Sinters," 'lio aw a bIS day.! mountain lion in the underftruh. ____________M. S. Middleton, Who. waa assistant provincial borticulturiet-at Nélson, for MAKE RIREAD FROM 'CLOVER. five y«er, bas beei tSUIporarl'y #p' pointed iii Hou. Jobn OUver, Minuter 7ROM TUE INCE&. PI.... Lapa son of Majoir ,cf Fredric- tlon- of Sydney of Mr. and killed ln ao, -master, the id and set on iIrish port ence w131 be ge for a mari- Institute 113 the way for "oDxens Inst- eltà in ionco ehold science >vIck are glix inlaZ to the viace. of 'Oakland, late Mr. and Sydney, has ýn Oakland. boon, of Glae tM. and tho accomplished nething tîtcept to agId Italian bronze medal for gallantny 0on stili more sheilleraters on the already the field, bas been wounded. hndly punishcd bill Master Fred Russell, a Newcastle student at Acadia Coflegiate School, won the cssay prise offercd by thie WU ST ? ALLSt. Catharines Chapter of the I.O.D.E. theda acrosa the mli brook whieb -DPi>Lu'ITVL'DIII supplies half of Marysvllle, but the PIWFÎILLftI¶Iztrouble was discovered before mach British Food Controller WiII .. M. A. Mcnls of Glace Bay, who ne- Regulate Prices. 1 ceiîtly reaigned as 8uperintendent for t b>e DomnInon Coal Co. at Glace Bay. A despatch Moim London Bays 1 fs beon aDDOilIted a.ssistanit to C. A. Lord Rhondda, the Food Controller, , Magrath. fuel controllen. outlining on ThUrsday the policy ho Tht ralny weathcr of the sprlng and ,purposes to follow te regulate foodisme!assrosy eae h prices and eliminate proifiteerlng, sald srannîais soeratosy0f ath e o he intended to l'ix the prices of coni- 'încial Department of Public Werke medities of prime necessity ever which 1li New Bruaswick. he could obtain effective control, at ail atages, from tht produ 'cer to the con- GREAT WASTE . I LOGGING. sumner. Eveny éffont would lie made te prevent speci4lation, and unneces- Technical F&lest Services Ncceusari sary middiemen :would be eliminated. Existing agencles would be utiliZed for 843 supervise Logwi-ng. the purpose of distribution under A recent report, isaued b1y-.thé license and unde t th control, and sup- United States Departmnent of Com- ervision cf local food controllers ta be merce cailsatitentien te the v"r appointed by the, local authorities. large amouat of wasté which occurt 4 in conventing standing timber inte- HOW MANY LANGUAGES? lumber. , Waste in logging occurs in a, 1 umbe .a---na, Ir-may- cses There Are Over 4,000 -Uaguages Spoken b7 the. Roman Race. How maay men, if aaked how many anguagas tien. were la the weuxbd, suld give anytking 11ke an accunate hauvenT The average Man's knowb- ige or ablity to speak languages 'areby eeeds two humides, bisnative .ongue. Th . 1.4 Emperer Francis roseph, lêben 'ti31tin a lRe cros lospital, spole ie th the patients ln hair Elvis laaguâge, vhlciihowed thea ted emperor te b. Muter of six. It Mnay appear strange, but it la levcrtbeless true, that there are over J,ffl lanquages, spoken by maakind, Vhile the numab*r o!dialect e"cud is. Tiiere are more than slxty vo>- abulamlca in Bwasil, and lInVexige ,e Nains te bzi*cn up into noMe 700 iect3. Tiareï are hundreda In 3orno, vile la AusUalla there la ne Iasshtylng the conxplexhtlaa. Let us. wsu=e* hatftidialecta, on au &ver- go,' weons te e"chlanguage, sud vo ive tiie colo*s" total or'* quarter A century hece the, prebsblUty in hgt ther. vl b. -oly tour -1augtsges eurepe may prOue. aVUitS ad mage, Impenlal Englis mai reign dome ««e tbue morh kinmsnCou- nut snd a more budaluehSa- Kits,' vile Raimu May tae oui meo isonreici elavoaidialftt whkcl Mi blend the vres o! Esatern Bu,; ope Mi ns~6daco" a toa hrMonI- Me feder.tl& seUtain fture thé" mirý Iag *Ms~I etu infto what in. tii.fit ttfes M -tistus eu lai am ed t> 'th &. ne 4,4 's th ci ith 4 BC th Be thc "BEwo -trlttestuee . . lalw "Bread of the. Iuturl" la the. titi. - Sig sf book rec.nty publlsh.d FK N I tITU vilci "ataforth tke . slw that- ose RF R of Germany's .ndur-Ing var beonsuutjomVW L& yul b. the. Itreduetl of oa sert of 'FUh 1I.NfI~' bread hUherto mainowva. It viilb. e ~ T trou a -eombinattof o! hoth colofe louis. viti a libers) mluture loyai .m~LeuA pyIay< 1e dîetary aulihorty vie sdvacs aAsmBgos tis theory usys dtut tiehenrd ha. Ldo*, 5* Sê-Agafa tii. qe, ,mhtaeal bau lvngadj tsIte oyen mansh1,"made a vicons ShnustS te animaito a ieni t copins, bh Unero" la in h a" Nd=xlo ~ un75 exaetly tiiat "MmraI enperg?'of.!pino, aMW alatey have P»M whieb la r.qured ast «Iryo! bedly deanly tfa»Mes ildor WMOW l« es aounlahu ut ofte!"mntal euh' a silgiU #<mlii.Tib. SU*& %A de-. Ea to R»ve ~ olwe.but ulijto lr ~~~~c Advaea a Ped ife., <,r¶w A&AM l ViwdPrkP&lspewa *my ahle ta peu*rtê1t cesti!la tartan& to-day thi a t tbâ ' ' pagiethe P'remu ha»t oaptor.d ha =Mnt ma"e byl.entag1 elek_-ufa t'clambi." ~rUj4àe. 114# toi a1suW . U»I $«' the. trou la cut unnecosSarily high, loav- lng a. large aineunt of the moat valu- able materlal te rot l inte stuImp. Young trees are frequently acf' pro- tccted from fallîng tumber. Immature and defeetive trees lire cut and. rej eet- ed. Largo limbe, tree tops and'iedg- ed tries are lof t te waste. -Smàalf bodies ut timber l*cemparatively. inac- cessible places are tSe ot standing. Trees brokea i.-,faflitg are ýgéneirsly laft, as arc aise short log lengthL in tii. UntdStates. ý Natiofl fori whxere- modem methodaem cetfe. forestry are, practisd, t it, boli U about 10 par cent.,buat là generai practice 1M to 20 Oer cent., lx pot tee highà an estimate Aü consldertg ti Iggeng biduustr as a wilo. tt douhtadly, the . me Peéreantages wuild apply adu te CanadaunIsse3lInded4 they ahould ha increa.do Tii. forest r r -Canadà -àri by ne mmbsIaxhauqtbk i faetOur- resourcea o! sw timber are only .&bout one-tourtith6e.-cý thé.United States ofe et4tiinost PraCtîç*l4e hnd .feo.> tof psîo!Conse.rYI2I thesere. sourcels ~ ate avold 1allu nêbessàf' vaste. . Tut gMet wsste dmil_0C. curw ln oùr woods CannaS-bs quést;iw .âd agood, d éeleliib.- MisThgreat bup f lt Ig in aCeik Ï& 10 *ù" t 454Br MM 14 de $8S0,OOO A DAY eY4 tlad sgre.en grains, ds. The :ey cati j nd the tîin and y weili 's Have ftiodern )ne thg 3jeting' a mo a tic ad, it now ac therc Nir. t 1thia Pr frora harvest Vs thore Af Lib- arning. nec e h licenise iii "IBy cd and vote of ire ef social Icoin. lac hla. 0 seed anq allni e*01h ,ý,1'... 5,,. s.. Lated Geri»a Subatitute Cfidmed to'Pf Aeculture. as PrOviucW - bOrtlcuJ' 1

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