Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Aug 1917, p. 4

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TEURSDÂY. AUGUST 2. 1h17 I .GREATEST EVENT 0F THISKJNIY IN WIIITBY SHJTR '1 4 o .4 4 44 J :4 Lt PIECES 3 r r t. 's 'I ,SLAUG'HTE R FULL PARTICULARS NEXT WEFEK. two or thrso pîscos for tho prico l of ons Wait For NEW 60009. Thils Sale@ OLOI PRICES SHOT TO PIECES. 1Il I Lt- IUitoîiaI Commente AfondzLy nextlm ci(* vi., Hoiday. if tiiiliots l oîiîî<sw'lnlnti Ortilla lo proposing tIo spent $100,- 000 on Paving tih br<-ts of th- îown. That's how much Orillia behicit-s lit good roads. The Wlltby baye a-ho have 'recent- 1> become aviators and -have matie Iights over ibis town tram the camp nmr Toronto, have, ane mlgbt say, madie thefr townspeopic look up 10 I3AGAIN HARDWARE The Store That Beats Tbern Ail For Values, rttalng I 101vc rllerh o the 'mît"n Wli0 ward the coinpiany, and lt presIlent. ( rd-r-d Il, Another $10 to -charge to Sir joscph Fiai cite. On thec other the IL. C. (If I. iCtb(.. and the F>'a,lal aIPotsi uys the & 1 charget. are wildty Improbable and "A Roét uPiid Soidier's Wifte w riter, thai the profits ot the eonipany. were a Ici ter ta t edItor of this paper for loniy 1.69 pe-r cent, anîd lntimates ibat îtubllcLtion regardlng the tomiblaiatthe attack by the OConnor report ny of her netghbo ra thib b sh lowa ber be part of a plot te Injure Sir Josephi. cblidren to play on tho ground ln fronît The Orilla Pitu-ket gays. *"Nothing of ber boause, andi dees nlo( keep tbemf mort misleadlng or diabonest coulti be II. the back yard. Tusi case lua amost imagined.» Be. that as it may, Mr. ioo trifling to occupy space with, ex- O'Connor must bave bu-n proty mire cept thai ibis prescats a verY reai of bise &atments before silowIng ubein probl-m 1to hs inoter. la lit event. o be publisheti la a report ths.t waould our ativice would be, allow thie chuld- bu-corne0e Dominion wlde liotoriu-ty. ren te play where tbey wisb on the. Therefore. the people of Cantada are I "'mipt" o thoir hne 1LAI nin *inrJ %.#É-b- É - care net to leItbem treupaas on the urounds of the eomplinint neighbors. Thomfas Levitt, anea-n years ago as * * * * "thie young glat a-o earried a bar-.J Loal fckd merchanta a-ho rejoicet nel of ponk a ile or more,"ceclebrateg ti iihe appointment $1 a Foodi-Cnrl bihs 93rd birthtiay on July 27 au hipler. wbîcî gave promise of a redue- home lit Boicaygeon. Hie la saldti 1 tien la the' prie of foodS commodflt. Le still enjoylng botS hitbt. aerc sent -up la the air,, .»9se 1spmsk. * * * * on- tic reclpt of a circular front 1Mr. .Tii. velluicer SYstem In Canada 1 analuita-o.k atatlng utheprie. dd . Uoono deubtu that. Tierefore. tht-y a-outbe eurt e s e i tht man a-ho opposes conscription ln 'in future. salti Prîce being an adrane a traiter te those a-bho are airesdy cof Ir- per lb. on a-bai <bey were (ieu îlghttng for un- overseas. He noulti paying. Of course, Mmoe ubas to psr andon Ment18 ln tir lime of lied. the higt salaries ditributed te the 0e 0 0 0 Fod Controlersst.atfendtihe GOv- A case of whilskey, ertiaetiby a erament bein; it.e Ountvy's 0,Iueut Wbulby Mai. but sent te a fletitieus n'th providirwirl Dt par theai b> le- x oa. bere, bau been "JeI b> thi. creasînstcheceat'o tie- 'ercit' Çbiet ot Police, the czpress oMfciais re- . ts~ iaîa -îm i _________________________Standard 01 Ca>. a-ou-ha, anywa'. Dh ymeedhv aliie4"blues"?m The Osbawa Riefos-uer argus liat teamstcrs shoui Ldb e 'eutret to taie out a ileocae, »0U stao eatnfbutethêti share tea-ard sîLe upkacp eft ic rosti, a-bki. satlb. Reforme.r. ls a iuaget Lanti eut up by-wagons aMti trane aoa' = or* <ban Ly aatonwblles, iQsaLa- msoble owners are payiag them sare 0f uieiaump edame te, theasoaw. WbY auld amoitii. teu.ts-sde k. IVainus, -teittil ie tan"é, la sausti * tus r m oi mli a ou -l~thé lisSe la TMri loi ple ar. < a tszlissaHMt reurces and meni and Dmenus 10 th( Wînntng af the War. l. That If we are to Jiistify our nat. ional texiste-ncx»10 succotir aurIlivingi and ho worthy of our dead. Conseriî- ive Nieasures be inmedintely ndopted and entorced to maintain the strength et our forces at the front and ta dis- cléarge iaur full duty l inc e xiatiîg? einergency. 2. That a National Non-Partisan Eovernznent lb- esiablisbied for tho vig- orous prosecution ofet i.wsr. - I 4. That ail patujotte eleinents ln tuc! country wblch place the winning oi the a-ar above ail oh-er eonsideratlonsj entiuieda Eleaasit e aiiow ta nuait e- *t e utlîîea. ta te end mat tneîr tent thie charges are true, andtihie ln- fstrength ,nay be matie effective to qutry by te ali ctniaion. a-hieh overcoMe sei6sitneaa and iniadf.rence. commenceti on Monda>, a-l be revica- andti alt te peeple e,.Canada tMay Le e-t wih Interest. tdicat-ed &an e, S dhelg thdestin>' 0* 0 0 oetservi-e lnthe cWar. W. bave reiveti copy 0of ha Som- And deeinia; St esacallal for the venir Number of Pro BelgiMa publiai-.a-cItai-e et Canada that ai ldcimse ofa ed on <h.e omcsieo athue National Day Ontariolo -aathane. Ule le iii.)) of ffliuln. Tbt. namber oet10 p&4"have an oppovtiy ef expresslat la wHcI lluatrated a-tii pieturca 0,theiradiiereut>e t10 (bue printiplesanadt Beiglase, an deosa a ta tins ai tamanrin; Ibeis- cnfrcmet. Ici"s on the ,aartyrct eaatvy". Amons Anti biseosî«vpecdthat pattoMtie the srikins îîlutatemeare pîcturea C anain rsdi e880blgi<rn V. of the lopL40o , îefl viUfe :t etm ury j7titan b> uaitins anti AlbgM rt.eCardigmal Mercier. a ur pftple t. e svrT o»" wlub lures.- of sevein) hildiW 0f DBelilum ai. s 4v4w 1ta UbOsti înîereotiag Isu.wai t renU>' iaip Me We tiercions invite alabu Iwîooprt. Belsa [My. lt perbdt i o tCittizen,, «ofa-iaensrpeltica flî, &Ul »m bebrsteaa-eh appovtd by' t atteiâd *à Celinto CMOav.Uo la the, fiblas aut»doelt andti bpf»-. T,'otà iaCIIW me iaPMhIa*, oceis betiigtrausmitute M ure" opau TAiItiu4>' 4 fiy. ie lo3 UMd works. Sabou*«pUlsta ar avoe@ u-~'>4WX*ul yubsL PRODLIC.<.aabrs sastit.- U1W54 dW UU 85U a <ks4o» certawto -fi Lite t-jVar C1190s»4UIIJ 'ua le bbon by MW , ukwusg <. * *w bol% s MM te PM& aXII. De &", »u« « ' Pro roAvL8ua . 1Wu.104t ««U. Mdi lea.à* S a u vaudw Ms «e.t i BWo laP We would bè nmuchl obiig.d If thé "The }Iigtilanda of Ontario" compris-' have taued danger on -ea and land .As weather mani wouid send us a ltUlle Ing the beautiful Mwusk0ka lakets. being considered, we have ne hesu- cooler weaîher, asu11w lîcat bas bteen lake of Bay@ and other hioliday rmorts. tion ln saylng thât theffe Intereats -wilI Ver-Y intense. Tho tbree raiiways are com=bining IgAve 1t, cordial support- The leellns WC rr-;rqet otr unranve plipils fail. 10 waicv te puenger servIce over! ia growIng tluat-our figbtlug uliti hbave ëd to lias the exatns. lletter luek next ttua new rond the eiquai ar that offer- been unjusriy treated, ln comnpàrizon - im.eti anywhere on the Continent. The a-nb thosa who remalned tb pçr(irîu Tlîoîns Sadier liât been off duty sniootb. istralght. and leveI roadbed die very ni#ccssry work-of produding for somne lit te Unie. He bas left the emnbodies ni] that bas been icearned la food and- stpplles. The time- bas como- enîploy of James MeCormick. th reequartu-rs of a cen tury of raiiroad when pay bd rewards -obould b oequal., The big electrie stortn an Thursday bisilding. he greatesut tIivel coin- 'ixed-wieu the men W-ho take- the Of lasI a-euk flatieneti a lot of the toiler la theru-fore auhureil. greateit risk shonld reelve thé, gleat. grain. lit aise kilied a valuable cou' est paY-. ln~ consldering the" queition bulonglng te C. J. Stevenson. andi O ae must bewv ln mmnd -tlt, a-hile »e strock Mr. Corners& bouse. eoinln l h ede dyinlse- iha onit he telepione -ire-. No is erions DETTER PAY AND PEX8IO)NS. Ila t ii o day'stritcd vlb sth 1damnage a-as done. Mont of tie farm- Thu-ro la some agtt.atton for igbgir Se&t maorlty. Who hare gene -over... cru are pretty a-ci over-tieir baylng pay for otîr men t t>befront;ad for 1 seau joined Uasa mitter etf. dut,. -a " for tble seasson. still better a-ar pensions for tiiose en. Inquiry t any plaçe et busineusyl1 It iN-astMr. George Wetatu 111111 1 liedtotehem, reveal that the-mn W aho ozfilted wégê supply for us on 8unday tant. buti When Frank Darliag began is suc- among thei hst emplone..; e ewna; to ie nabulity te attend.t a- e su anag o e gecrumou useful, meuit proeIstng Y2»Ung had no servIe. S. S. a-as held aith he eine tbcam an thea orpgene shien. Tc offer themrn-a -lems. rewas-d n<alent Lad d dt4 -upon, Le rccely- tP"3a- 1415ala I lU~a. -Nat SabLatti lu the regular 4%ai'5 is ots eetagma way and other wa-ecra lis a gieI terly servie, ai Kinsale. Tie servilce u tailr niblc.ma0 L MtC.UOC# ot a-li) be onduiîtd by the. pastor ai t a~-h c ab ol caa 10 &~m- .Every on* wIl b. a-cl- i&1 îî,the r«e«burden of pn- ceaie jalon 4tb bezaelog C The bara o! 're Turner, 01 P M. as-k Britajlbis bub elpîs And t~ab. ite questinonfetAlLe aný, s sruk yJIitigat A Red Cross Conem t ~ta Le held tratact f ur men W-4o tet detWyedby f8reon3 iMd-or the auspIffs of iii Women'a ft 5hi1la@'li stttute, «m I ureday. Alut 9. on the. lawn of Mv. W.WW. KeBrIca. Kinoale. A, »M4 iprogmaoe*111ibu provided. as Mia.Qîboas.ant Mr. Cowait, of Tii. ~~:: CANADIAýNPAWC UcýamIstmmckoNe« FIL--r 4ent Ul ILkIiray SPrult Vaca1e" 1Iw .dfl~3 NA1'IONAL~' I~ P1WVIR~tO A 5'QJ5ULaR TKÂIN~ m~w rms~u vâuos~w ci.~ LI os )IgW @W?à5,O AXS 1~I *AL? M~l5O ~*uUW~ ~vmvsOas.a haiwaie ~atwm anè~ Vin W OR i )j <i. PRI CES 0F THOUSANDS ,, M NEW STORE* MeINTYRI3'S 'il 4. F j1 T-JSURSDAT, 'AUGUST 2. 1917. m-%ý

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