Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Aug 1917, p. 7

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NE! EADES 'AGENTS W,,.NTED one Ag.tla .svW n.o us w~ Azeria.nbone r c OGAn ak.e 111 TU ' 114!VC tg 'A "t aid :%tfi cmeon cool VI niL jya.J>j 011.il. ria, hoxe -as Meedd.0 dirt. YM ES samoke, odiir. no Cires to build and no ashes to cr,. Cheapest "nd rýA&s1ef il lent au. fuel&. Write-quickly. Glioria HeaK and Light Co.. 891 Yonge N W WOSE RANDS RESTS Street. Toronto. FAT 0FDEMCRAY. Ing hMe plflant mile. AUI England breathed more easily when he took the helm, for this stilolit.hful Welsh- O)uteome of Struggle la Governed man, who only a short ie ago was a Largely by' Statesmen Now in solicitor, had made hie way In ParlUs- ment and was known to be a mýn with Public Gaze. modern ideas and wlth the push In A new diplomacy bas been brougbt1 hlm that was needed li the Urne of Into existenjce as a 'resuit of the world stress. war. It le the dlplomacy of democ- He now Mxeaks for the natlon, for macyatrightorMard efiite,~ le bas the confidence of every man Ini caflcealing. And tts appearance In theh mpire.. Zdo eelinsedo lotedlotur conterences of the Allies le to l eshl. bate e hlo ase hsttonlose tracod to th-e men the confilct rbasas lebs h iuaini brought to the front, and these are the ,hand se tboroughiy that lie knowa men wht> bave dared to be fair In thelr 'what can be done, and he neyer bas dealugewlîhthe1 pepleand îthfallen into the error of underestImat- oteatlns t . poleadw tng the enemy. The man who coutd There are about four men In whose remake the Britiash Empire In less hands tlhé result of the present con-tIan three years, the mani who could flct may lie sald to lodge. That la te give It a new Ideal and keep the gay, that the victory or the defeat of peopule to It, who could, ln the face of the Ailles resta opon these four pair 0f timmensethesffn, tel show thie re- shoolders. Most promînent attetreute tlnl n-t the get present moment stands Alexander est of the quartet that eventually w1lU KereskyPreier f Rselaande.-tablisli a reign of universel reace. Minater of War and Marine, whosej Influence shall prevail If te ILand of the Bear remnains ln the trenches and ARMENIA 0F TO-DAY. refuses ail ofi'ers of a separate peace. The-mest of the quande are L.,euten- Nation Has Precerved bts Traditionsl ant General ('ount Terauchi, the Pre- and Religion for Centuries. ier of Japan; Alexandre FehIx Ribot, sieo i.efrso abru Premier of Prance; and D)avid Lloyd masters, and notwithstanding the Most Greorge, Premier of Great Britain. frightful persecutions the -Armenians It would be entirely wz'ong to aay of have been able for centuries and cen- any of these men that the war bas turies, ta presemve their tiraditions, made thei, but it would be permlss- thei language and the religion of veated*tliem ln thetr irue stature sndthAreinvaiylaaco te imporance most remamkablefacta of Oriental his- Alexander Kereriaky. ! tory, a fact almost unique o! its kind; Kemensky la flot only one of the moqt 'for, of al] the people subjugated by remamkable men ln Russas but he lo the Arabe and Turks, very few have tbe foremost personabfty of the war.teen able ta preserve the three prin- H-e le a man ot the people hîm&eif, a ciple ebements of niationalitY---cus- lawyer, a st.atesman and a public toms, language and religion. speaker. HIo l a constructive statps- IVTe Ghebers, the asat Mazdaian' man, and lie las made the hmost dar- 'remuants of ancient Persia, atili forni Ing peeh evr hardIn aRueiancommunities that are preserved sole-: teglalative aeaembly. Ilits daring, bow- 1îy by relig1an; for the old language ever, la got assumed; H le flot te has lit.tle 1ýolittUe disappeared (o give flourisb of an, ambittous office-seeker. place ta dialecte af modern Persia Kemenaky wael born ln Ta8hkent, ln mixed with archaical forme. The the heart of Sibenia, about thirîy-seven Chaldeans, for the most part Chris- years ago. loelias been counisel for ti:îns have in genemal abandoned their workmen and labor associations, and language, while a grcatnumber have flnalby was sent ta the Doms, where lishage their religion anid become Immdiaelymad lia mrk.lieta lotcoaleeced with the manssaf the Arabe. a ire-ester, but a aincere, level headed The less-nurnerouis Christians of lover of freedom. Hiealiouesty nover ,SitJh Mdeelvn nLw han beon questloned. and hizi whoo erainaldeh. (aee atilivinghedib ret course lu the Russian Dtxmn and ln bis IrCada r til tahdb ei con giou4 beliefs, but their anciont speech public lite has atrengtheuied the con s dead. The Copte, in Egyçut, romain- ,'fidence bis followers have ln hlm. n hitaswtesdteexnc Ho was the one man wlio coold et- tion o! their language scarcely a cen- feet a compr-omise wtth the possible tory ego, and Syrie bhasepeine dlstumblng elements and prevent the àsmlrvnsigo ra un country from falitng Imb a claIe ofesmirvaihga!eratn - ber af its traditions; Coptes ad Syri- auarchy. s, Count Terauchi. General Terauchit, aflboogh a mon-! arcilat. lias licoureared ln a land that. .aCnsunw epeak but the IgnaIIgIe or their masters, Little by Iîttie the Moslem religion hesuc ï<eeed. ot onlv tin,,nif vinoe [ AOne-Pieoe h Brakfst eady.? Thé answer is easy in~ the home where Shr.dded *heat Bhscut in the regular every day breàkfast cereal. Being ready -coolred and ready -to - eat, Shredded Wheat Biscut is the jôy of the housekeeper ini Summer. Seryed with sliced bananas, bernes, or other fruit, they make a nourishing, satisfying meal at a Ost of a few cents. Made in Canada. AT8ý0OOOFEET JDNTHE AIR EXPERIENCE 0F A CANADIAN Somcething aibsolutely new ie the,- AIRMAN IN FRANCE. s]ip-on frckh shown above which re-i quimes no festening of any kind-nei-1 ther buttons, books nnd eyes, nom Engine Ref usedti t Work and Fliglit snape. The two-piece ekirt in attech. Lieut. Munday Narr'owly Escaped ed ta the blouse, and the waistline ad- justed by an elastic which may lie Imprisonment. dmawn tight or loase as desired. Me- A xiIgti a httknb Cail Pattern No. 7891, Ladies' Sim- Anecin pwaltItknb, picity Dress; in "0 sizes; 84 (o 46 husi. i Flighi Lieut. Munday, of Toronto, who Price, 20 cents.. otily a few monthe ago recetved hie Tits ptten cn b ohaind fro!commission. and &hortly afterward yaur local McCaIl dealer, or from the "~sn aFac.H ecie h McCall Ca., 70 Bond St, Toronto, experience a olw Dept. W. . landed in F'rance on a Thursdsy,j and Frida,' moming I wag over the' Ue for the irst time. On this tiret :THIESTORYOF THESTAIRS rp vr erybcn arlor of war. Eveiry lime YOU go up stairs you can _1 cros&ed at eIght thousand foot test Your sade of health-the candi- ;abova lte clouds snd wiahing ta ses dion ot your blood.1 what 'Huntiand' looked ike from the Do you arrive aI the top of thte Iair. 1 cbut off my etigiie and came staime lieatbles@ sud dîstresmed th!rough the cMouds teO ive thoums.d Does yoor beart palpitate -tiolently? feet. Then 1 ondeavored 10 'switch Do Yoo have e pain In your aide? 0n.' but my enginè lied 'glven up the Perliaps you even have 10 stop hafit ghaat,' ta use a service term. You way ulu. »-itb limbe trombttug and e'au imagine my feeings-my tirat lieed dlxx,', too exbaosted ta go fur- trip ovor the lUne and a prisonor et ther %Ithiot restixîg. Thece are on- war. tailiug slgus,of anaemia. As soon as- Engine Refuseti te Wek. your blood I4comes Impovertslied or **I pusbed the nkubse of m,' machine Impure the ecaIr-case becomes an in- down and almost gatInto a noue-dive. sîu ae uat toror. yWhen (hie la50 ýst sîflmy engiue refuced te atart- wa-ou aund t or nwoî-k;>-au biod leAtone îhousand foot 1 vas on the watr,'sudyoo neveaexhustd.point of gîvîng up and aptecting a you are iosiug the jo,' of an active jaïjU lace, when tho englue ite and pavîng the way for a turther laiwdlngnao ctvp ndwt break down and dectîne. In ibis con- ahosed siÉga1ofac"tiv gani'sIt a dition ouI,' one thlung can gave you.vouictoht1hnmbrrqre You muet Put put new, rich. red bItte utonij,,.sia,,t hsalfAthe L'Pa,,îe* fr bas- - ..- '-"--- - - ,-- --,&&o&ugi-v &&u- -tu&'r)Ito your veina without further dota,'1 la hise 1eer 1 the grouad regard-j the language, but alao in reducirig.and se bulld ou your blood aiew. To Iug developmeuta of gave rumeut, and creeds. In the Turkish empire W-oday gelttis new, rici bbood glve Dr. WII- uaturalby teels somne sympalli, for we mccl fragmente ont,' o! the Chris- irs ikPU afl readte suscl demacracy ns ane itîda lu Eag- tian races. The Armoriait. arly havelaaPn il artil n h, baud. This, et eaet, fits hlm to ectInl the moral t orce te coe. with lie cal-! will give you new vitalit, , ounid concert with lte Entente Allies, and amnity; they alone have preserved &Uiallthwoffd theeFr o re(handa lie has announceti Il la Japan'. Iuten- the intelectual and moral inhoritance generaîlon thie favorilff metiloine bas tion ta stick ta the eud sud to take of their ancestera. bennusIrogotlewolai lier place wherever Il shahli e foud 6__ ____luus_________th__rldan for br. lias madie mai,' (hausaida eofaeak. ln many ways Terauchi lae te Blasting WithUînue. - despondentmnadîmnbih. atrongeet man Iu Japan to-day. He i. active and astzong. a monarchlet who knows lite people When water lestitiedti t calcium ex.- YOU cau jet Dr. Williamsu PInk Pilla and wio betieves lu s conatitutionat ide, or quicklinurthe lime oxpanda throu.gh any dealer In meie..e or by gavemumeuL -bHe Is s pracîlceti soldier _-lowly with almoat îrresistible force. mail st 50 conta a box or ehx boxe. for sud general, and be îî was wtuo ar- Rock Products deseribes how that pro-' $2.60 trom The Dr. Williams Medicinq rauged the war wltb Roaiasa wetI perty of quicklme was utilizod ne. Co.. Broekvlibe, Ont. that l brougl tvîctor,' lu JapanS ban- centi,' ta break up piers twelvc feet j admnIsraton ide. twenty (est Idug and (velvo eestt A SCENE LN LONDON'S SLUMS. litsadmnistatin t Korea af 1er high. The pions utooti between sini-' te war, wlien he socceeded the hiar- las jslerf liai auppart-ed engrines ini Influence of a âtie War ShiftMeo quis Ito, -who wae assaseinaleti. was canstant 6perjon aud thereforo hmd the. Itugli ahabltamea suother Instance of tie mans valuatle,; tob. removeti wîitout injur,' to the 1 walked the otfier day (lirough one talents. Ho aocceeded in cabming tho maclinery. It was Impossible to blnc ofet tndoa-8 eanesî str*etam. Thse bar- couquered kingdom and lias improved the piona, anti bad' euttt-lg w» teov. et Ofcostenmengers linedth te pave-. It sud ils peopie tn s marked manner. slow and expensive. The. wark was mc- meats. Rougis somnrJetieti ch Itle al mIwouder tiat bie people complisheti by drilitng thre-inch ver- g ttier sud shofflt in (ortiga longues, are back of hlm and that tho Entente tical Iheles. thice. feet deep and (lisseOdâs a&Miends of unscvcn-y-lookine Allies have confidence In bis power ta foot spart in bath directions, over tiwashiug (ltuet frein the Windows keeçu ispaî wit.h them until tise world. satire are& oeth(le -plers aud fUint of atuma overiseat. vi-s &a Exiài- - peace lias been obtlned. then wit-hin six luches o! the top with voman. Alexandre Ribot. !resb slaked lime.in plices. oniehai And inlathe midst o! m ît bs iirt gad Alexandre Ribot, bottg known.as theiench to onnsdsabel! iches vide. Astdlsorer Icame upon a "eybeauti- most efficient dipbamnatIat In France, aoon as the lime waa lioroughly wvol fuI ltIle Vu-r ahr-ie.InIiltterso! ýwa. reentl caledto tke li e etopseofttiha ïlos vere fille tiWhliguld agahla sbarligronti9o!white weerecnîl' alld ( liteup iebrick dust, which vai voll tampeti. la marble ammes ere lnarlbed-th. premiershiçu. aittiugli le ha» pased i ttnmntscrct troim1 aueMos. blis aeventy-fttfîbbirtida,'. He w-eutabu e mue'rcs@&tdin"oltHnr. Ine te Chamber, receiveti a voeof o! ery direction, and lie entire top oif tBitons lie ahinea la,' gym.t bumelie èonfidence sud tld tie wri jt ho foundation vaw hibrer ite tht.,- lof roses ati pini carnation,, wliat Francs demanda as ber juat fo umAs 1 looked at lis tmp omasinlaton- riglil. The ('liiber ali;a welcomed c don'. loweat luinàa vomnte a ra". Int the temil,' of repuhlIcs lie new ged shawI sud wv V17dity banda RomiBan, ealouebed'-p. là those banda a r.a- M. Ribot la te mari wbo a quarter: PÉep W5 ried"' bunch etfIl"s. Site loeti of a century ago aigned tise îreaty of about lier futaly to sée. If a»Y ee alinewt usl h ie ime li T sSwatehling, Ibis plared *le 1111M a" s generalion tat France@ had bler hope te liemi teurs vois la lieus«« a« raiset of overitual,' gotting bacit the 'P ~ oiq . tire a y. Goi<dEU!I lest provinces Alsace aid Lorraine. It he.. bler mouer. a"se aimay. ti&d 11 'vas regardeti as a astier atroke andi ma"y peple s8m~ii to 'fuov - totali,' unexpectei by the chancelterteu drink (sa snd <offée in' jThmon I thv"a em e & um ot Europe. a Mu ùâ W Ribot la known ta ho one o! île bis. a Whue wtUiout ppamat am I.scld<o .érm sae St mon In tho Prench Parliamnt.. hsi'in bUt when , h.alt 'Primte M dli Jbtui, et b. M DW andi ho la aIse known to ho île muest dillturbancef llowe. e*M aftfte at ist 7psplring,orator, and.s-at ia more ho ;êi ;Ihe Irt, a man wbo làla conruptble. - 'i t e ' -w Noq saul>ject liai cornes up for Oebate tuRiVeUtue t *m-- pu MW la lispond i itaInstant 4"empr.baeanaloa. m power of poae(rstlon liaI is unique. fWlth thoue powers hbasu te persona towtii ~bt mo u tons; ho- làaua ipr té te he. la douht. an& ,s. "iY mau la Phaie oe l ad do0o b. cerW leo 'vihle con- ~IEtie tiseple.,-"dwvtP -n teo theId V",dO "rt<e j, 19 wlioguton or 4OU a fou" odlsmee av ratier Beigium, and pagged over thel troncbes andi «No ftlszxaLaid' at "I~ tet. RAieS andi waoWiieguns were tuu-ned on my machine. and upon lad- lng Juat behini (the Bel&"ian es b dis. c6vered Chat my machine lad been bit tour limes, but flot mueli damaged. 80 that was my laitistion to (ho war zone and 1 often wonder .'hat 1 voulti be doing now If my engin. had *gtven a thie glost' for good on that trnp. Fate of pilota. In the aquadroo 1.0 which 1 was at- taehedti (bre *ere elgîteen pilote. To-day six ar etsUit Intact for uervice. 0f the six. oie only ta aitbe front. th* remuader amreooo$.srin.g tom w-ountde anti Inurle, reweth luactin.1 have beon (nformed timat 1 wil be un- lit for service for approxtimats)y (vo, menîhu, bui I amxaer te Cet back Wo tie front te, gtelen witb Fritz for maay steeples, atigtsad ntertuoted m«]»a. Tbey seemed ti - e kow our meat dm4 te the minute amd ouli of- Ion favor un wltb a few remindesm et the vsar laLb. shape of ahelle a«d bomb a ud on anc occasionWO bad -tas, b.. an appetiierfor breakfast Fllgbt iet ud a qte batil>'humrtulath. aboulderet the ldm or t hi. 1<1. a astihabe« ,la *a,-IBa- 11mb hfopial slice$. - laflunceN«"èd ne vas vuery yotmq mnd fnssb mmd new, am hole»a asecod Ieutenant On a e glt bs eldry oims anm peerd forth a epan. s.yeur IsiauteS to pevu la My plate. risoDn g 8 (b. etti «4= --1!W4 fl.kW -.f "" m "woi lam . kto p la bel bo tWî«7n OWq % b.wm"$ li ae Vb(ieli boÏrt * uabi"M' S-AVIG FOOD AfT ONDON- ZOO. HeSftflegli la OnIy MeatiJsed-&ea«d Made Prom Condenned Fleur. How the Zologicat Gardons ln Làon- don are holplng to conmerve the Bit- tiali food aupply was t»td by the Duke of Bediord ut a recent meeting of the Zoological Society ln London. Hoe said they badl not replaced the animais that bad died mince the war began and lied killted off ail of those that were easlly reptaced. The only meat they gave te the car,. nivera was horse fleeli purchased froni the armny. They bad ceased using potatoes. The bread given to the monkeys and other amati mammals was made tram flour reJected by the Board of Trade and shlp'm biscuits that had outllved their uneeulnesa as humait fond. Instead of wheat they used dark piaddy. rice and tocuet beans. They were repbaclng as witb a mixiture of maize and splît horme beans.e1 Hay was that ieft by the army lm. ROOT' REPORT ON RUSSI The Hon. 5ýMu Boeot as leader of thie misalon (o IRusa sfren the United 8tates, lia&set orward a: brlef atate- mfent of thie situation tuer. that lu qui"e reassuring. He dues net min- Imize sither the dangers oôr the diffi- culties, but ho do.. mseut (bat the out- look i. hopeful, and that h. and the maembers of his party are greatly en- couraged. He toele us that ho found no organic or incurable matady ln the Rues"i democracy; deniocracies are always in trouble, ho r'çmarks somewliat faceti- ously, and Ru'bsia le passizig through no daiker days liat hie owu republc. ha. gone Ihrougli safély. "We must remember," lie ays, "that a people in whom ail constructive ef- fart lis been sui.prcsed for so long tcannot iimmediateiv dovela p a gentus for quick action. The firet stagels buyers supleentd wth arkgra@ UAM L uuut. Afiesu C WFSPAPEEUFWBO INDJL B adibe rais n th R usla h ar_1 k.. p ROffIce-frM a lelngINGnt and tollage. Only Chinese Pickied acter wîîî mpulllte nation througii the towns. Tii, mont usetul anitîrestint eggs were emnployed and the isii wa" or &Il bualnesaca. Puil Inforimation ou tha unuitlib fr hmai us. Bn-present ci-isis. Natiîîal love of law apPlIcatIon ta Wilsoni Pubti.hing Com- thatunsutabe fo humn ue. Bn-end order anid capacity far local self- pany. 73 Adeiatde Street. Toronto. anas. formerly f cd to many sinail governament have been domonetrated mam mals and birds, had ta a great ex. every day since the revolution. The tent been replaced by boiled mengold- (i NCER.L TUMORS. LUMPS. ETC., wurelandbots.Ony Oe oiidsofcountry'@ nmost serioue lack is money C internai and externat. cured with- sugreland eets.were um ed, a nd e of and adofluate transportation. We out paln by our hume treatmnent. Write euga a w*k ere sedandthiswasun before to tate. Dr. Hellman Medîcal ««foot" iaugar unsuitable for humiin shnll do what we can to heip RusasiCLo_ Ltmtted. Coitngwood. Ont._ food. And the "greens" wer*i imîted bt. to elèven buebels a week of ends net To help Russa in bath will be one of The Sou] o! a Piano -la the sold for human consomption. the iwrea~t services that thie United, Action. Imst on tho KEEP £IIILDREN WELL , Wen Tour Eyes Need Caro 1PIANO ACTION DURING 1101 WEATIIfoER I e&! Vfie 1.IL'Il Th eff"Qun"of ofaven" (Jeia i%., 8xvi. 17&m1t,19, 25) et t enW;o4 .W.iped as Astarth or.sFa.te Every mother knows how fatal the bot summer months are to amati cbl- dren. ('halera lnfantum. dlarrhoea. dysentry and et6macb troubles are mîfe at tbis time and often a preclous, Ilttle lîfe la blos after only a few houri Ilineas. The mother wbo keeps Babys Own Tabiets In the bouse footssate. The occasions] use of the Tabtets pre- vents stomacli and bowel troubles, or If trouble comnes auddeuy-as It gen- erslty does-the Tablets wttt brlng the baby safely througb. They are sold b,' Medicine dealera or by mail at 25 cents a box fr6m The Dr. WillIams' Medicine Co., Bockvtlle, Ont. Told tlhe Truth. "Jimmy," aaid ti» gentle oid lady -tsdly ta thq young imnp who tay with a broken ieg in the hospitai, "the nurses tllt me that you have ibeen a very naughty boy." "Yes, missus," acknouiedgihd Jlm- my, hi. sun-burnt face and toualed head linlf-hidden in the pitlow. "But, why ?» carne the gentie qusry. «Can't 'eip it, missus!" shame-4ac- edly whispered Jini. 1Ut4ow, look here," said the aid lady as elhe rome, "I shall be at (the hospital agaizi neat week, and I vant you te promise me to b. a good boy t(lU then, and, if so, you ahail have a wliole shkiling.- Jimmay fervently pronuls.d; but, al"s, ail bis misehiet reserted ilsdif, and lie wis sadty ln disgrace when -the old, lady again v1âited ( e*ard. '<WeU, luttle Mai," she uaId mUly, "'inm net going te euh (tie nurses if you have been a good boy. Teli me your. sel Now, do yo deserve that shill- ing I promised you?» Slowly Jtm rsls.d hi. big brown oes to ber face, and then lowSxêd them agaui. <'Gimme a pnny," hhosaid In a bow IWOMEN1 tITla MÀGIC I 1 MTFfOUT AZ41 cmU Appla fer dNP&baUf .5 I Justi thiahi You Uft et an,' ceea ess a lus vithoot puis or ou ,& ~bcIessU mai-i eovened Ibis otimer ~ ~m.mnd- sIs$ viii aefl~th~I Yr~nnn. likel show,,. fer vmw 1* Soeem u UrenuiaRtcd£IdEjelis uv'. ea-o1u ded bjy utnr Oeuital-not bS p>teng meiae"-but un& 'lu auacesau#nl pliîsct lrsetlefor Msîy ytqtu. Nov deced go tbe Publ ia and tSby Dugnime a i&0eru offle. 14 urh s ESal l&»SPuaoTube%, Ma mn.! &ce. Writo for- Bock of the M" e ree. mus"tas ye amedy Oompfamy, Ohimogo. Lii. Whon boiling corned bec!f you will Iniprove the flavor by, adciing a amati on-o, ms W fe u ln imaa ,a ..a, sn. îbaves o lbwnler in wbbcb h it i X T s IR Incresees strent Mine.!,.Linient ui... »itmm.t. fTIYIY f tdelicate, nervoup. If winter fbowering plants -have net por cent. Iiu tan isys bien repatteti do not langer dem,'. Get' mmmy instances. good nicli potting soit fro ten ar ù s f ulltex- est florist addrepot thse pansp anaIn la lae dei nd PlUnge lie plants i inte gar- article 800 n (o appear-In (hie -papes. dnadkeep them wevoIt e~red. Aisi your d001eror druggist about SuferedTh W ekj Sore id Uùsightly Cuicura Soap tand- Oiutm.ntýHëeld stat.m.ut rOintIy re 22froumi.aG por-Iaes it ouhe ! y i Smaahesdsnn and th'es Y Umma gmi~rooà*y mofllont&, for ft"ch~U.' MONEY ORDERS. REMIT by Dominion Express Money Order. If lost or atoien, you get1 jour nioney back. Every mehant abotxld unload freiglit cars promptiy. Fruit g'rowersi are suffering for cars that are kept i standing for days waitint to b% un-i loaded. Durind the mon$,h of May at the principal Eastern m-irkets miter the cars were placed on4tem tracks for unloadlng the nverageldetention of .cars for unloading was four days. Help' the whole country by unioading with au littie detsy as possble. 1 bought a boise wlth a supposedly ineurable rlngbone fer 180-00. Cured bin» ylth $LOO worth ot MINARDYS LINIMENT and 'sold hlm for $8500. Proft on UJnlmeBý 94.1 MOI« E DUOCU 41 r 1 il "'j J Àft'i 80K Os SIDOG DSAE And How to Feed Amdceslth Autboe -4 :1 y 10 . 1 - a J y f "s 4 s s IMW»APEU rom saim

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