Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Aug 1917, p. 8

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Mies Ii3abel, Walker spent the weelc. LdA laCobourg. - Mr. and Mra.,W. B. Robsoa metored Ri-tlaùond Hill receutiy. Mrm Truscott, of Toronto, la staying lUih lier gistetrr Mn, W. B. Robsen, Maay are ceomplalning of the robins ating theïr fruit, especigllY cherries. lease do not shoot them. Bird lite ms 6uffered this year owing te the ,arcity of iasect Iffe ts te lie most Jaiming. Next year perhapa when in- »et life tg troublèeme we shall miss hem in thetr role as scav-engers. Miss E. E. Hayemrt, assqoeiate edit- re3s or tbe 8taic#mn, Bowmanvllle, Is visiting ber §iter-la-law. Mi-s. W. J. Hayeratt, on ber holidayis. Misa l{ayraf t lu a very busy lady, for be- aides being 'the bonored* teacher of Drobabli tbhlage!'YO g., LadiesW Bible Class la the Bay Ae Qunte -Coni- ference. she takes a very active part in other women's activlties sud was re- cenîiy elected President of the West Durham Womnrs Inalitute, of wbicb she was for some years Secretary. * THUR8DAY. AU1I~ST -±.. 1917.. Ott Lettroasfro iBROOKLIN. Mrt. Lou Allemi, of TPoronto, spent 28unday with bhis parents here. Mrt. and* Mrs. A. Ketchen vislted ln ?1oronto and Niagara Pails this week- lits. Fleming. of Bowmanville. 18 wlatting wtth Mrs. (Dr.) James Moore, a IlY. Mr. an~d-Mrs. McGowan, Miss Can- If, Totop and Mr. Jîack Hortop ÀWe t d. witb their parents,Mr Miss) Jean IHaycratt. of Wellesley Hospi 1i, Toronto, Is holidaying wlth ]ber mâther here. Word bias been received by Mrs. Par- inder, wbo lives out on the ltii con- -«csslon, that lier son, Pté. J. ParrInder, of the 116th Bn., lias been wounded. ]No f uther particuiars have been re- edved. The many triends of iss Bessie ]Brown wiil be glad to know she lias fully recovered from lier recent Illneas. Miss Emerson, of Toron to, is visit- Ing her uncle, Mr. Adamson. DELIeIeEJS Miss Lottie KelUIngton is spendlng' ber vacation in Muakoka. Miss Pearl Thompson, of0f awa, l Miss Ruby Wç,ttherhogg, of Oshawa, in vilting at homýe.r g 8 l G Mn. and Mru, Clarence Hodpou Mr. and Mrs. D. Tbompson motored to Terronte, and spent the week-end therem The Dangrerous Conultioua MIbs Plose Brent conducted a fine 1 w'mi "ie" Junior League meeting Sunday even- " Ch PmOUcOSMfl ing. Spectai heip was glvexi by M~ra. Knowu D)is...... Nickie and Mm. Grsham. of Myrtie,I aiso by the Colidembus girls. The Epworth League have arranged. t oda picait at Mr. Harnden aH WTO U R AN3 Grove, on Mouday. Auguat 6th. Bring* basket, corne and enjoy the after-TR U L lioons sports. Everybody welcome. The garden party held here by the T I church last week waý Raglan's record. The weatber was fine and the erowd large. Proceeds amounted to $252.34. UPRUIT.A.TJVSW - The Weuderfe - Fruit M.diri - wiil Protect You who hiave given their holldays to titis' work. -With lanteru views he- gare seenes from Halifax te Vaneouver, where over oe e inAdred colporteurs are husky .dstribntlng. the Bible in var. ious languages. Since the opening et the war the Parent Society bas dWIs tributed among the soidiers and mail-I ors and Interned foreign prisoers' more than 6,500,000 copies ef the Scrlp- tures ln 50 different languages, sud thel Canadian Bible Society has given merel ihan 350,000 copiesofethie Sailons' Test- ament among our Canadian soldiors An earnest lippe&U la muade by the Brit- lsh snd Foreign Bible Soclet3r for a iarger reaponse to its needs thia year. Owing te the great advance ln paper, bixidtng- materlal, wages, etc., they are facing a possible deficit ef $150,000. The Treasurers report showed a col- lection ef $52.00 made by the Brooklu Branch fer 1916, aud it _I& hoped the peopbe 11i respouid more liberU1y this- year. The officers elected for the year are:-President, Mr. W. A. Lawrene: Vice-Presideut. Mr. Tink; Secretary, Mr. Wbiteferd;, Treasurer, Mr. D. Mac- donald. MYRTLE STATION. M;. Arthur Thompson, luspeuding bis bolidmysat his metber>s. Mnr. Jas. Maiuard, et Breoklu, apent las! wek at Mn. .J. Hughnea's Mn. sud-.Mra. Frank Britton. eofGas- awa, havebe vtaitin at the home ot Mr. 0. DoW*y. Quarterly services ef the Methodist Chureh'wtll b. held at Columbus next Saday Emora Over 200 waople attended Cenucillor Bnowu's bans raislug las! Wednesa1y Autointoxication means self-poison- ing. caused by continuous or partial constipation, or insufficient action of the boweis.e Instend of the refuse matter passing daily from the body, it is absorbed b3r the blood. As a result, theKAidneys and Skin are overworked, ia tbeir efforts to rid the blood of tlîis poisoning. .Poisoningo! Ike bloodin ihis way often causes Indigestion, ioss of Appetite and Disturbed Stomar-l. It may pro- duce lieadaohes and SIeefplessness. I? mayirritaiýe the JJidneys and briîîg on Pain in the Back, Jtlieuru:tisum, (uut, and Rbeumnatic Pains. It is the chief cause of Eczema - and keeps the who/e, system unhealhv byttue const'ant absorp- tion into tie blood of this refuse nattor. 'Fruit-a-izes" wili aiways ùtre Autos- inloxijo'. or sclf-poisoning-as "'Fruit-a-tives " sets genti> on bowels, kidneys and skin, strengtliens the bowels and tories up i he nervouà svstem. 50c. a box, 6 for $.0 trial size, 23c. At ail deniers or sent postpaiil on receiptofpriceby Fruit-a-tivesLim2ited, Ottawa. THORNTONS CORNERS. The annual Sunday Scbool picale will be beld at CorbettUs Point on Weduesday aftenneon, August Sth. Mrs. K. Sturgea and cbiidrea, ô! Toronto, are visihlng aI Mrs. William Stu rgess'. Dr. Charles Frenchi, D.D.S.. Brook- lyn, N.Y.. vtsited at Mr. F. E. French*s. Aerl>planes are beeoming quite a common sightin l this vicIity. No damage was dene bere by the severe storru wbicb passed over lasI Thursady afternoon. A i-ery pleasant afternoon was spent aI- Mrs. E. Pascoe's lust Wednesday aflernoon- The proceeds were $3.45. BASE LUNE WEST. Mr. Gordon Reynolds. of Toropto, ls heiping bis rallier on the fa.-m. Mr. R. W. Burton, of Toronto, spent a day witb E. Story on the farm. Mr. Bert Greenaway and Mr. John Bert. of Toronto, speut Sunday with Whitby friends- Mr. E. Story bas eut bis extra early peas. The Syndicate Ihresbiug machine is ail In good repair, aud with good cern- petent mnen is ready at the firat cal to do thresbIng. Barley anid fali wbeat are ripening fast.,aad by neitweek should be ready te eut. The Hospital iartn bas good crops. bût are handicaOped for the need or a new barn. It is a pretty sigbt te see the carp at the creek mouth trying te get tlîrougb the gale.' Mr. Ellis won't trj to take any titI cooler weat.ber. BALSAM. Berry pickIng ta the order et the day. The farmers are takiug advantage et the fine weatber te finish haying. Miss Alberta Coultice bas réturned home af 1er spendiug a couple ef weeks In Stouffvile. Mr. and Mr&. George Lawrence caîl- Pd on relatives here on Tuesday. Misa Elva lr-ln bas relurued aller spending a tew weeks wlth Miss Beulah Joues. There la more Carib la thss cie. o8 the oeaauy thta aniotherdiassamcItaouer. sad feryesraIt wua sppooed b a-mrible. Doctonpreux lealowremedios, and h*e. maur iuus Èto cure wfth locai reti t, Pro. to qi«coututLai cdtiom I. 3C ..7hC.. ToIed% Obh tala cou- mitéutiol reiaedy, ilataken ltiocu and«MOot (bru the b «Ithe n'mut lou of hetia W1OUu7- Nt l reaC5to ffer- ce. Sind for- cIrulan. md temimoalz. le.. jCkSNny a Co. Toieco. Ohio. adules FBJ,' IP41 r coamlipsîî.. PICKERING. Aller a lingeriig ilUnes froru creep- lng paralysis, extending over a peniod Ot seversi years. Thos. A. Gormley dîie t bis hiome litre on Saturday lut ai th e 0eo 51 yeaa-a and 3 moutha. The deatis occwi-ed ou Wodnesday luat, July 18th. or Mma George 4lrch, at tise age et 57 yeama Wm. HeobtbA bd ratber a uhrrow os- eape ou Mouday. Wilie lu the hay ifteld ts bihrseswieis ere aftachai tote emoyten, became ftg4htemie aud started tote naaway. Mr. IHoba wu Uu'owu froua bis seat, but fotuuatell escaped wits ratite: a hai ahalting up, Coasldenabte damage wu causei tot the stower. J. IL Btubboa. pnmzipal ef the achool. ad Miss Rea, teacher o et tiJunior itepartueut, have both reslgned tiseir postim onstetaks effeot ai once. W, juuderxt&xd. tisai MissRasbas seureit a Positonon the, temb)lag t aaf et thse Toronto PubtIe Seool. lm lasSep bas bmeau oâgagd as teeir of thse tr mit elp@4-tust .5. . .-~. POWIi FARMIýNO Increases Productiol With Lau Id We sel1 Avery Tractors suited--to the sue of yc'ur faron. The best investment you can make. You can plow one acre of ground on one gallon of coal oil. AVERY TRACTORS- are buit lin the following Sizes-5-1o, 12-25, 18-3ô, 2 ý_ 40-8o, actapted for al (arm reqaiements-fild work, beit work, road work. With a Cockshutt or Grand Detour Tractor Plow one man can do your w'ork. Ask us' for infor- mation. We have a large stock of machinery on. hand. W. F. Dlsn ey, Rev. Samuel Sellery commences bis pastorate la Bon-manville Methodist Cburch on Sunday, August 5. D. A. Welsh. of Arnprlor, bas been aýpointed Principal of Uxbridge Higb Scbool in successor to Mr. J. H. Dnvid- son, who is going to Newmarket. The-. Fafinersa (Zo-Operative bMilling Co. Uimlted bas been organized ln Port Perry, and application bas been mnade to the Provincial Governmet for a charter. An option bas been se- cured on the Carnegie Milling Co.'s property. the purchase price to be $27.- 000). The provistonal dtrectors are: - John Watson, Seagtave, R. M. Holtby. Manchester; C. A. Honey. W. E. Tum- nionds. Allan Qoode, John Cawker. J. W~. Crozier-, Wm. Bowles, ail o! Port Perry; Jos. Baird, Manchester. WHITBY MARKETS Weat, tJll .... ....... 2.00 WVheat. toose..... .. ...2.00 Barley .. . ...... 1.25 Beans ...............5.00 Rye .. ......... .... ...1L25 Peus.... .... .......2.00 Etickwheat. ........ ....1.25 Qats ......... .... ..... 0.75 Redi Clover ........... 9.50 Alsike clover, per bus . . . 8. Hay, per ton...... .. ..12.00 FLOUR AND FEED. Flouir. percwt .. .... .5.75 Chopped feed, cwi...2.75 Corumeal..... ........ ...0 ran, per ton..... .... 40.00 Shorts. per ton...... .. 45.00 MEAT. POII'TRY AND PR( $2.25 2.00 1.25 5.00 1.25 2.00 1.25 ().80 10.00 9.00 13.00 to 6.50 te 3.00 te 3.00 te 40.00 10 4,5.00 Cattie, dresed. .. ...16.00 to 17.00 Lamba, each..... .. ..10.00 to 12.0 Hogs, dressed..... .. ..20.00 te 21.00 Veal..........18.00 to 20.0 Chickens, per lb.....0.30 te 0.35 Dueka, per lb..... .... 0.22 to 0.2w. Ge.s, drsed, per lb .0.25to 0.39 Turkys, dress. Der l....-0.36 te 0.40 Butter .............. ...0.38 to -0.40 Egs ........ ........ 0.40 to 0.40 L.ard. per lb .......... .. 0.30- to 0.32 Potatoes, per bag , 2.80 to 3,00 Applea, per. barrel . 1.50 to 3.00 COUNTY 03, ONTAIZO Whitby- George S. Leask, of Leaskdale, shot a lynx as big- as n collie dog on bis farm recently. Train Time Table* 0. T. PL WHITBY JUNCTION. OoingW Vest....t sia.m. onaL..2,oui .2.04 P. M. *...Q ... 7.3 p.n. .. .&53p. Sunday train@ lbave for Toronto ut 4.52 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. From- Toronto, -trains stop at Wbltby JunIction U 8.20 and 10.10 a.m., and 9.30 p.m. UY-TOWN STATION. Going Noirtb ... &30 arn. Coing 5Out.b..7li.i3m .,.413P.rn. .1% P.0 C. P .m Golan Wet-&s,,2a-=-n G oianE-o.o 5.13 P.rn. 1u4S.z STAGE. Leaves for Brougham at 10 ai&. Mr- Edwards, proprietor. t ~MLS 0108E For W.gi- &4% &-. 10.115 &.m. L30 p.u. Fer t -7.3a&.m 8-309---rn 4- For port WbItby- For NIoth -645a.. LEGAL JN09 E. FAMEWEL1 86C4 flarrlato. Couftr Croun Ât mwk 080o% mrth vlag-Oout HOuuuWtu~-' au Mat. SUdterlsmtwy Pluci. Bée*. BOU and Idpudn bis or nht Ham yJ. Kudaont Mali m0%,ice Dundas Streét.0,, Office, #hopu lu wa-ýy WITVOb Suroos i~nre gl Dr.ý D.>. CekofsetTenu Dr. dotniratc Mn o efts tron umi 0£ýOffmmrW.M iu t',toSa e,-t à&- 'goy 8.untt s*5tfi *b bai ua bisaaUm Possesses afternoon. several auto loatis from Wbltby andi Oshawa being présent. Mrs. Nickle and Mrs. Grahani assist. ed the. Raglan Epworth Leagtie- wiîhb ibeir prograni la.st Sunday eventng. A LM0 N DS. Almonds Garden Party on Wednes- day evening last wa.9 s grand sUcceas. The gale proceeds amounted te 5120. A very bad storni visited tbis part of the neigbborbood on Tbursday last whea a number o! trees were blown down and the crops were fiaiteaed by the wtnd and rata. I Miss McBrady. et Oighawa, la visit- Iag with Mrm. F. Mack.y. Mr. and Mm. Christie and daughter, et Toronto Junction. and Mr. and Mms. L.aue and granddaugbîer, of Oshawa, vislted ai T. Mercombe's ou Suaday. Miss Pollock bas returned t0 To- rente afler spendlng ber vaeatlon wtb Mm A. B. Edward. Mrm R. Hall returned berne lust attendiug a couaia'a f uneral luthie West. -1 GIad to report Frank Mackey la imn- proviug uieely. Missea Cailla and Helen O'Connor arriveit home lut week ulter apending semÙe weeks witb relatives at Brechits. Thne meeting of tne Bible Society an- nounced for -Tuesday eveaing iu the Next Sunday In the Methodist Presbytertan Church bad net the at- Chureb Quarterly Meeting wili be tendance deserved, no doubt owiiig to heMlu I connection wilb the maorni.ng the intense heaL. Mr. Leonard Smithsriebhe.na coo ilme colporteur. addressed the meeting andsevc.fiSudySbowllme presented the needs o! the Society. He ai 3 o'ciock. There wilI 1* ne evenlng Is one of the many University students service. APPETIZING 1 INVIGIDRATING 1 W-bite Label Aie MIPkes Good Frlends the delicious hop l avo r, the creamy head, the rich amber color, brilliance and body of the older brew, which for more than 50 years held premier place among Canadian aies. Vou will find it a delicious beverage, suitable for all occasions. SERVE COLD For 5ike-by- ail Dealers, Motels and Cafes. The DBmWis, Be.s- y--C.Ltde Phone Main 333 Toront, Ont. (I - 't ". Thýe Ford 's -P HE avemag mam ca i sfly afford aFord car. It às the moat inexpensive car -to drive.,, ,20' to 20,mues on a galonof et fine, is au-cvcsyday cum e.8 m Is frequenoti" eorted by Ford .ow & Yayrpir.pu~o e the n oe dolli am-, mot uus«l-fThe car 19 -ght tu iwe1ghtý'> adIv - more multage ena F à other car, -Yo cn,,by jýf«d.l« « -and,-oue for you»r VI (* Economiii Cal off me car a $'0y-YU no both Fordsat aboutthà em m es to an la"#"uays sI a'" ata good price. Toua ave ,ac ept - ~1 I Ev~e ry where - a. i Sy s i Whitby, <lqrb--jss. '14 Job. 6, Mur. 5,I 4p. 8,May 2 Inn# 9. ButyS. Oett ov. . Noc. à'D, 4,n as4. 191 LO8RAWAs-IssEL .. Molomuwfl Whitby Vik-JuuL. , Jr, tWMua-. SI 6.APi Il8.l lNe S, Sept. 5M0Lf t. PORT PERRY-J. W. Eumuaum port iPery. Cl.rk-%Taa& . 5Ma. S, Muy 4 Jll et ,Nv ,Js 71 11 4. UXBRIDGE -a.. mo, uxb Clar"-Jus.12, ma. 14. Mar 8. Jli l0 ep,8, Nov,.8 a mil,1ibn. M ILNIGTN-hu. . eser Caumlugteu oek- a1 up Mm15 mu p9. Iuiy r B i. , >.. *8 JaI. 10, 19M8 - Mar le. jiayuw lxsoitsol0, ov. .22. u. PTMROVU - Dmo oad AtkberlQ, lbý-Jas, 9. Mau*,11 Mar S,111. &L14sn <BA&Ut Dst ut btty*cI.* et tbhe stov. rime -j At-

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