I MIES COODMOIENS The Tranafiguratios of Litel, Its Heavenly Mom« ent of Bleel, Are Given for the -Cosquest of the Womt in un, and fo the Serviee of the, World; 4 as tIe prayed lb. fathion o! ,xlè.i ç'unteance w-ms et, ad His raiment was while'mut glistering. - -Lui., ix., 29. Liebâte Its hrgnaflgurlug moments, *boua w-idésiru lie higbest t Ibup s *W-e>s i tabat moments, Theologlanu seexc to forget thie sometimes. Theo- 1 Asyt lu tesmylîl terestet lu lbe, rSe.of sin. t &Peak&a o! us as if wre ralways "miserable anr. - '1rhe doctrl<, o! total depravily, now- bapphly QbspIte, asslimet tat oren 0"r lent"aqhtons w-ro net alogituer rtgh iitbemlghtQf God. Our conscIences do net lot us forget ,,tiat we hsveurbadmoiments. Sin ls a <Qi5bita ut nmili Io prwdenht fe ac lt. Th1e boy certaluly han Its nl ~- V unm *llb meon ,«fus. Nîne-teitus oftheevïlêlllaphjsclaInuorigWn Ev'en là lb. matter o! bodily adoma- 5*Otnt the.- Soty cornes In for a Uarg" are ofOur%lm*' -Ytas Mt là sot flbody, .tber e soutlu 'ýa body, Imm> tdweltgw-lhin, hé i ensteriadorgulsuor! !tesh"so sie bas lts <cet moments viienthie' ou!. apeaks. Ar1 llerature, phlosopy initie,'neligon axy departuients ofU C wihib*loUg ho lthe k1pogom out lite 89Ul. -Wlen or loor«prayt onthe I>ou-c tain of Tra~tfnathmO 1tashiouMn of MIscontnacew-sa aiWero Ã4 Ehii »aimnrt w-sa w-bte _aidégltnx,"SI #5*er wor4,: the Imergrlory faIi, service, the. noilfity cf savlfce, the iaow-etg. iaI tuîy have rmate lfe'u upreme strreuter,thie loy -o! spirit minglet wItatself-aba.gato w-hkie comea trom tolng net merely "oneli bit" huit ouu'useat. St w-as upon thbo uutaln oh Trans- figuration hhat 'lb.efashiîn ohof ur Lort'a counteiauc w-a allaret" iu lie spiitual exaltation of pr&yer. Wor- ahlp ttedy bas a tnsfigurlng finfluence. Tue "Mrjaal gmuer". of lie occut cute, placlue hixiseltaa srestfuu 3e.î. tien, la s rmcptive trame et ipluti gas flxotlr t a 0crs auSet mut gatbenlng lu is factea, pmmes uIe 1th. bypuhe shah.. 8o the Chnitian 0i '- ho0 eusbfqo reis o 'gs a es luabbu thougits from worlly thiluglul "W-osl,tise bigbeserg Of o! i a"n. Mamfieshesupon tii. llost Hbil. R...Wu esn .s 1.faut tbat every 15dda. aven l e wlukdqMK4 ba b s od mmts, tise Iudguassho!taether. Ooit. omU m "asettansenagy cndsseby j.sua-'.m lg.ntt 70 je unotJudg- e&" ' W=uSoV1d c e ffer wbe n oiatleqkfor th. w-ni poi»euitof ur ýbrom e,.i-t Mup au coices bdbltaj ýet goas. 15intigems, forgethïi ........ Mothaieaarid deugihersof ail 0ae..or* Cordsally lnvited te wri1te t -49prUynL Initiolle ont vwiliî e pubilsied w1h 01011 question s*nà i EèftSw*i' te à fueiueetIdnof iaAnbut ft# naume 'and gddress diust Oiv*iM n la *chetter. Write on en* *ide or puper oiiy. Nnevers wili bg 11N911eddW#c1 Ilftamp#d and addM»d enveIé opi. elos6d. ,Addreaa -ait cor"espondene fer Ihia depà .-taenîtoeMm ie Mon WooUbine Ave,, Torenç Miss Cgnda;-î. Threc patriOtie thrOwnl at a Veding 18 mucb l tableaux for girl- perfermers whieh 6. A bride sbould write Per"l1I Illght bc suitable are: "Britamdol1siters of thmnka to al those who luK D)aughters," -et .16 cents, 4"Wemenos mOnt PrPsents te ber. Wo ,rk ln War,"at 15 centa, and une B* lUebeII'.-i. YoU migbt trY bezi Maklnt cf Canada's FIag," et 25 cents. te remeve Ii c reant stairis from si Ai thé cost in no imail, %wby nôt bui tatfet11 Or anothermotbod la t11 aIl - three - Rulections, and aacertaifl the spot upen a folded dami> cie which would best suit your perferm- Put anothier over it and» pross wit)i ors and]yOur audience?' 2. "At Home mederate weight for an hour. Thi in -the. Water," by Gea. H. Corsani wiPe off bt aides wit bobrax watt prie. 26 cents, Io an Illustrated text,- weak and cold, followed by clear . bock On the art of swrimming and ter. Shift the spoït t a dlean Pli life4aaving. 8. St. Quentin is pro., now and then. When clean pin nounced San-kan-tan. 4. Lemberg in 1mootii between thick cieths- and pre, thé. capital ôft the Austrian province cf 'dry with amoderato Iron. 2. Ti Galicie, through which the Russians boots when stained wlth mud end di are now drtving. cen b. cleaned by rubbing with a alii 14da Y.:l. o reýy o a ed-Of raW Petato, allowing them to di Madan Y :-. N repy t e ed-then polish1ing wth beeswex: and tu ding Anneuncement is necessary. D. entine.. 8. As a remedy for pi .QAe', výsjtizig Cer.d- itha word. cd apiatien prepa.re thç O fUwng Pc, uYmÙpathY cen b. Sent te a person who der te b. applie& tc the. hands and fb bau uuftered a bereaveinent when the or .prlnkled inside the glovea or atoc degre, cf acquaintanceship dons net -inga: Twenty ounces prepared-Veni ciml fOr e note. 3. To remove tan tien talcum9tetn ouncea porderedcr from the neck apply the followîng root, five ounces oxide" ! re, fi Pente: One ounce honey, 0one tes. ofcapodZeinrrl c, fil spontul leimon julce, ix drops cil cf cuncus powdered boric acid, twc av bitter almonda, the whites cf two eggs oehi uesslccl cd i andfie otmal ufient te meke a quarter ounce menthol, cne-quartx snioth Peste. 4. A marrled wcman ounce ili cf oucalytýus. 4. P1ecing Wben -calling upon *another married smali pléce of orris root ln, the. lm wlýn ands onef ber wn cada rimae water willl give delicate bleust tb.~iicsess nd wc c berhus asend bendikercblef s a 'suggestionc Cardt for the. hcstess andÀhe busband sachet. of the hhottes«.- Mother:-1. A dector gives tuis aý EBrlde-To-Be-1. An engagement vice:- Teach the children te take nu ring n4ed net neceauarlly contain s tural sweets llke raisins, prunes ai diamond; many athér stciea are us.d, other fruits, and especiaUly teach liii frOqiien1J bitttnes. 2. The wife te chew thorougbly. Honey là of' the'lergym*n Who effcltis et a wbolesome sweet and may b. given't weddlng uould b. invited te lthe wed- childr.n oecceslnally witb whole wbsâ dg.8. On. wedding invltation will bread. If the child bas a well bo; mz*c. or -mnhis wite 4nd daugh- anced duet he will net bave an abner Sor; t a etgoed form te- addruss mal desire for sweetu. 2. Let.tucei a wddlnginvi»itation '18fr. snd Mra. rich in lrbn. It in e blced-m&khii Mihl Suith $Bd f&Mily.Y Insend- food. Thire la more, iron ln a pour -fg wedd4ngir nvitations- te a fainily cf lettuce twice- over than in a pour Celstlnsg of fathir, mother,0 Onf ibeefstuak and the. iron cf the jle daughter and t»o sns, one, Invitation tuce in ail available for use wberea mnay b. sent te Mr'. and Mr£ john tbe iron cf thi. beefsteaki l lis aval Smith, wllh lii, n5ume 01 Mis. Smith able for use; bealdes lettuce contain wrteiudreth t f .,Pu* Ume, whlcl islalacklng Wn beefsteak enta, while anoîber invitation should andinlu.4&bin vitamiaes, a bigbly os b. addressd te thb. Mas.Smîith. smenalOId ibiment. 3. Wbltef Prm 4- Wedding anneunementa are nover celain lined or agae dheos shoulc posted bftore tii. cermmeny, but ami b6-'ugd ln preserving fruit$. Ti sooli as possible aftorward. 6. Con- acida li *0 fruits willI affeCt Irmont fetti as a sUbsititut. for rice te b. tin. regularly. In severe cases the bert will stop suddenly, spread the leip *apart ln an altempt le steady bims.L and feu te tho ground. SAVfig Fr. Suânstrui. Wben tii. herse begins te laffer, il Ordlnarily.'five minutes cf work wlllis tee laIe fer prevention. If e upoffg net Ril! a herse, but if -the ive minutes saturated wlth celd water had boa gre ln the afterneon cf a bot day ln kept between the. bors.els ra Wb*~ .*Bummr . when the herse bas beeu w9rkýng, the trouble xnlgbt have bSil working bard beneath. the burnlng sun, avoidid. orb. only afe plan te e0l. -that mall ameunt 'c1 lime May b. bcw after the herse jf QMeh«eahelà fatal. Per that reesen itlha advlsabli te unharu isahm and gnt hlm te a te watch tho herses te se. that thoy sbgdy pise. Bt once. are net overbeated. Cold water. thrown forclbly on ti. iles0 sogne danger signala eviry animal, tu an effective rimedy. The teator sbould heed: An oveà hit- skin sbeuld b. rubbed vlgerously wita id herse will leg in his gait, walk un- nough cletha. A b1kg et cracked iî« stmeadily and spread his legs wben may be placod betwain th^. «Mrs. i standing. His bead la beld lew, thieciona usencugb t drink, cold wamter eyee Protrude farther than usual and sheuld b. offeod ln am* , amounts. A the Pupils of the eyes are amail. stimulant mer- Sq givon. Afler the llretthuug lu' leud and raPid. The animal Ia recovered, lie hould b. tutu 'Ckin is ict, thi puise quick-and wek id In a sbady patue w-bure tiee 12 and lh. beart beats violently aud Ir- plenty of cisa cool water. uu aw-umn itese unsLt ua stextent. <i-U-Mce ne adi h roppings am8 lu 8 Sie!,bavex' sri; pbsbou bu o rwxd se rvetvemasr1 Urowîng ber te s greesor dogretuiauISYMPTOMS-The chlck8 appoar are net romoveti daily, tltey shoi4d Ah sud poassiu have ncrea tWhieyheitlu.berriehuntaeo!Ibe si!, a ertil front 8.20 lu 9.19 bashela per acre;' soi w-tIproduce plantsat la -tiw-tlz- - rr bfenaupe be owa d slyte rea ein ntue ir-aut b.liaitt w-lInga fa oit ouj c ~~ pi~~o -~~ >*~~ tb, a,, 1111 ithere w-iea number cf feeg eeue aal eena al.mrsae ieh aoepe I~ mi4 phoph« o tu d= andniro san ' itle u .iry pr4utuliI hoccsl ntpmwth- hover or under the hbei. oTII. fe&lli- infection. UIl. the get#, frein 2. 17 le 16. 20 busheapr prove i tisaslnosoplauta grow--) os. a btîî< ersccin.rufflot; wlnu ttop;*p- largo, Il la also adviabet' hu aut, andtjounghobastmpe obealothed or& Ibm abuit, -t ~*b.qualtr o! hea cflb,10.its tecumes ento o w-î olfro .n enutrai -ouatrles. Petit. la lest anti oecalonally lie w-i a ba, hnecatucfli ýj»qulit o wbt f te 910Tba i bcaue f«4 et wll n:Bome Ide* of the dégrée te w-hiet chicks wIl give utterauce te as bnîlj tioned lime ait eltber sadjonh cm ogrewaon ferhilIsansd unferll- abile an Inf*ecttPlant btller tr.ly, .tî-bs endalg upis, ruex'iularly w-heu rlgtt ea in-r> i.uhci -a a P tatplots w-a studid. The .w-heat and tusse ftilera w-tII harfromthebowfklA'ouv tbo Ih ftil1 Ise potaalyzet94 vltality ta uhebtandthle wifter andfrein the Nehherlands aid from th enla r11teboes -ieAW.v rImaSU adula owls' eeas. Plin~psd 6% shnvell.d; Ihqt fro einod up hed-produetwl lu tir. duatnkndma oy, e t, di5ch.rgiluuser-reaint aihhougi aais fbumdbr, 1it br e - e aayet s»' srtg1î ahered tram lie tact Shat h 111r îmyb airrtdii uolrat srylng OnlY- seM pi ~ pmie!d42%" simed MW s% wn1 o t fp~g' 4,oeiaiprshv he -vent a" SecSe s ud w-U th.ectidon seingfroinpe'h f nOMO. ExrineuCt Station Bull.-hsectco««t r& "f "I txIliiytir artmwly teMoidbut lu sea cases M ~ana apermeatStation" e, u.W-ar ePrices rnlm, ut. la g.800a nas oflte -ar. 7h. oulj labrence deWValshMteta tdeM.dîres. busines foW'Camd4k. awwoe vi otOSis t15 bt. fa ut he <on iorI ra t ég h 00mauy. l a euiset ani som ts tou. miet ~~~ Iasmutms 0"C~ Oèé P"" d oyerss oa à m ey c e CntTue Ov*aérr 8.& IfoBt. m ?sat IIutUea. *mîs*to torefrain ftro iis bslpla zsh< wio e *si Ut bas lonig aies, boern .t&bU*etdj t'.Prou.a& a bu ssd.'w osda iu *myý w-jtINhIdhiig Jiltiofecti #Md «es.rwnsm Ives bot WIiS usé tbrmesd tbé ' vom 10- AUJGUT 11.the* far *#itb, "ý oulj au Pub .1lte.ac"s. tog"ebr -Pink paoWot. ip l*M.a»W jQ Tm the nort__ ra -<tirOiL 15,(Z Z b t abe v1*7obvkou ot .- 41 epair od lb. temple. '* a itb.,day .hoa s"i itwi tu eJ «Idue v w i 09e <,b<g,Ib a mè. but___ %. Cbrt& M M& of-U!1k the tple and tiudlu u e~~ o! ~~~ « wï tbi e ouhow me or sew -eeéé 4etg týo buti P t)»i Irl»o u. *, 4 f «wt1.8m 5ao a. tb be e f îmI«,ýI«"ofwreo eb Serions Food Shortage by Iurels t 4ue Wheat Area Tufs Âutumn. By Henry G. Delit Agronominit. -SCODIUtCGI> I'OfCSO (j _ a Food, moenand munitional Thès. nmonly, Prôf. A. T. Wianclco. Its The gastrie Juice net enly digests, ikL _ bu ame the sinews of w-ar. Canada» gai- valuabli contribution tu thi question the food, but disinfece ti, and sfter Th. obJeçt of this depoirtmrenl tgt pla;oe t th* lant mon at the front lu co-" optn. beoré Us la as tolbows "EpIW.the food leavathé atomaà lithé gastrie Vvlce of Our tainreaderu the dvi. of an mckniiwl with the scidiers ef ber noble allies,- ments in 10 repriseuative coUes cid diainfectà thi stcmeach itself. Thia edged tthority on ail subJects pertaining to ecliie and aeglvingeof théir béat. The1b cf thé sotate hAvé shewn an &arané inbhly Important as a préparation 8 Pe or. strength must Se maintalued. The. gain due te fertilizetion of w-Seat oX fer the next meai. Hence, it is aices- Addriusme i queftions te. Professr er nry 0. Dell, hl- [e-whole AMerlemn ontinent Ila a unt i 11.6 buahélâ per acre. The averae&M that the. stemach shoubd becoeU cr$ Of T$' WIlie.sPUbllehlno Company, Limited, lé. ô eta determined effort te this end. Pre- coat per acreof fertilization w-as $414 euapty and sbould bave a . aborterod rente, and anuwere will appear la thîs column la the ,- Order ln W111hhtheY tirs rfe4ived. AS fl lllted . se ut food requIrements closély paraltel léavlug a net profit par acreof $1.46.'lcfirt a der'"eacme beïcee food i It la advleabl. whers Immediato repiyl e"y that ueKitchener', immortel dictan t oncern- Circuler No. 2& agaiIi takea ntoo thi stemach. This a stalmped snd addressed enveolope be ençlos.d with thlo i1 ng thé gréat war. 't iit i talémn "On liMid and, mlxed fertilimerhan will pnupere the stemec1 net enlr- hy question. when tihe wr11b ailddietBen" 0C. IWlL sikgdmore men," hi seld. The dys Seen used et <ced profita,.lu ail coous inmuring pezfect freedeM trom infect -___%vil ________dlrcl Iiy Of w-ar, eaudlthe alter deys w-i take At North Vernon ead Wortlldngton, !i abcterla, but by giving the glands ,7 eti, "food and more food," and food that la w-bore mixed fertillÀ;rin applied ho ef the shon«cb sd thé nerve centers 1 ton...M&-fisboutd plowUew oi .g.:ueded. ïBelg su seudy Il 2 meut easlily transperted. wet on manured baud, good w-heat wbuci contre! ite action an opportun- ieder a patuli of buekwheattu kinlaIs lard lu ge4 a catch.of clover. It hall %eni The day, for sieding w-jter wheat increases bave béen socured f romtué Ilte treplealihtheir store cf energy quaek grasswhat damage, if auj. a 11111e cloversold plow-ed nadir mirerai unr, are epproaching. Every Canadien buse cf 200 pounda per acre cf 2-84 for use iu tue digestion of snotber would l do te th. grud if plowed years &go, but aince lit bas gtten ru= VR- farmner in vitaly lntérested in study- fertiliser foilowiag corn, w-hlc babd mie, w-he the uckwheet la la full, boom? down. 1 trled to gseul It té duover aud aceIag conditions te determine wbether or received six tons cf manure and ZOO The stomacti shoubd bave a chance te Answer:-Te plew under blîckw-heat Itimothy but very little came, 5no it net h.e au aid stlIl furtbér in thei pro-pounds cf ecld phosphate Der acre." ris-t fer one heur eltereci ni eln lufull bleem w'1ll do ne da*xatete t Pbew-ed t agate and mowéd lu rye aid "un ductien of Ibis grelot food crep. uyVin- 'jul1etin No. 198. oetetkn téni. If food ycur soUl; on thie ceutrary, It will do manured It in w-Inter and uprlag, and an ter, are colder than they uséd ta bu." j Misseuri Agricultural Experimint iforecte i o the nstomc eoe, go yedn umso rai at-pu e orn. » aanmu dce o fr1t "Ontario weatber la cianging." Have. Station edda: "On average MIaamurl bas dispoaed of the previous muai ter, which will belp the. fertility off theIlest; mummer that the corn dld net get; jci you ever board Ibis. reasena given for, baud tue fertilisation cof w-hst te there in no Chance for eltiier test or "" Be very careful te work the jbig, s» I cutlt1 early fer fodder corn My w-Inter w-lent production decreasing iu precticdly aIw-ayà rmunerative. disfifection. The atomnach ia unpre- buckwhest tboroughly lint e ii sl and worked up the greiind sud soweà d LL- certain counitiez ? The filet remains Whuîe there are osasuslu wbich ro- prdt oiswr eladindigo- by diskiug sud iiarrcwbng; otherw-iso il rye and inteuded tiplow Il uxider for Ir- titnturi's lveragée climt. bas net', suite of an increase ef 1w-e or tiree, tie isthe reit. eladwlii furtrea oer. matclas ymaturs eni- ate rboi god I plit. ut w-changed., Record»shobw about tie busbela ouly are secured, in average t*Irwoe. Sc a et h ut~~~~~ man eea aitoal ei a easons lacruais <of fron tofur A iltystmahemlesixé! fousîr-injures th sie of etmoisture la As soin » the ryei s off 1 *ould hlte ktteadrainel u ouet tue eans. ilbushels can Se counted upon. On ath dkay eafu eur, 0 t h~e sol. I have kuown Instances tô plow 15 wllh a threeurrow -gatg rie- The resi cause cf the decreese lu Ibianer lands mach larger returns con usluel mes! houri, 6 te 6M 0a.m., 12 w-ion. the turniag under cf e buavY plovr as there are quît. aloir snd, risw-hat crege as eenlb.ralie u -.expectekd. M. F. Miller aith an su 616. ...,afforedtiton roIcop cf buckwbeetryo or clover-- in athls-field. ýWhatkc>d uf grass ive salisfactox'y market conditions tiat oh.. University cf Misuilleoge cf A.addiifcio swmiudgeto.without caiete w-cnkng »sain io tho ceuld- I »0W on tis>gound? Would, ive tsaed in jears previcus to the w-ar. culture cites tue resultao -ha e- But w-heu the. stomacb becomes dis mi~~t setia Ihdes etimpfert sol-be, actualiy lstarved the folew- sw-et dovrrlb. good? I could manurei, ndPoor markets combiaed witlx unsatis- tiîîzint expenimente -conucted la dit! o rdîred ota tdn o mt t ing crop by cutting cff ' ils moisture It next w-inter aid plow under for «a' e- factory jields made whist growing feront parts cf lb. state: On th self promptly, tue muaie over-lap, tue sappîy. suad seedil hua. un nanprofitable. Ncw-, the peer jiélda Nortieaut Missouri'ilevel prairiu ne- stInacb in clis.red'enîr- ence <turing quetn-_A.J.S.-What Cam 1Duw Answer:-As seen as yen have cul ,a were ln many cases eaused by iusi<tIsults cf suvural jyeans' ixperimienta b.e day, duriug the aigit; tihge nc1. -l uuui o atr u i.oftery rpc bsjahv b Lt ravages, tho use ef inferior seed and, havi show-a an icnease averaging glands bucin. w-eraeut witb over- lateI. uumer and hall? 1 have Ilest land plow-od au jeu indicate and w-ri-' M0 poor solil frtilily. 11.6 buabels an acre frcm the use w-ri, lb. muceus membrane cf the. y oeeding " ssease n sd wil be id down to a sonocti mieed-bed. 1 of But Ontario heu luarned hcw o of lime, phoaphorus sud potash. Ou stomacb becomes infected sud diseaed short uf posture after lb.eumiddle oh w-ould advise applying four or five' masoter tues. destructive aencies. Neol et isen oin paret~ and serious ga.stric diserders reà ut Augut I havi six aceihsayla~c eur el.ar ti lw J. province bas produced aeed cf higiier 1Initias. <uring approiinalely the This conditionl lu exceedingly common jlilua faix'"euSa. cultlvatlonlaI n adbeoe iki sdaIead-!_ ~~., "ult. TeOtresme peniod bas Seen 6.2 bushels. On erong chronlc invalide. There are grew a big crop -oh durer tant jean, vise pattlng ou 600 to 1,000 lbo. per, Rd and Experinental Union fcuuded ami ;tue South Misouri expirimint filds verY few porions suffiring from butîvas ,pastorid od f ry adose lest acre cf gx'ound limeetone, la ondin ho' In dlx'ected by Prof. C. A. Zavits, Ontario "te resulta have been similar, althougb chronit1 disealeiofthe. huant, blood vos- ha!! tha" I w-ua Sldkleg oh sowiag tlu sweeten tho soâ. When you are ready' toardo Àg ualtCoinleeas st atand- _ in::me cases materialiy higiér than sels, kidteja, liver or nerves, w-ho do <mIs &mmd rap.. Wl!!lithe asekeep te muid lb. grass mixture, jeu w-culd cem te mbiio c famei'Cie fiî<t AI IL. St. Janties expenimeut net et thi sainei tii suiffer fro noselegrowlng If they are pastured off or do w-ell to use from 200 to 800 Ibo. pet.' coateabto ffresCo'fedasix-year averagehas-ahcw-a an diseorder of lii stomach or intestines. clipp.d? Cajesuetaehhg crcferlzecnyag2e nn. ucain uog îIi cni increase iu 1he w-hoat crop o! 18. 1 Constipation là alamct universel iubotai? Would I sotand au show of ammonia and 10 te 12% cf phosphorie, r-nnt4 bushels. Il ina asic te ay, tierefore, Ibis, cases, and thi aluggisb action ef gettUng -a catch eh cloverirlf I sedid acld, appljlng Ilturougihohefertiliser lu g i Ouanie teneri mou tuaI <cod uthat oeeought toeixpeet a minimum tue Moen iu ahared by thé umal lIntes-.libtIspasture crop? lattacliment cf fth- w-1.at drill, cx' wtilge i a oein. ceasrifr til etofaround 4 bushelz and -£ maximum lin. and the stomeci. The resait et Anmwer;-I would advise sow-lng the scatteriag Il ovenly oeor the <round ýd ohf rdiu oo d Iaee net lesu lieu 10 lusiis as vîry cou- Ibis dilay, Or "stesis," as the. docteri fellewlne mixture-1 bushel. eacb par hefoni lie last diaking sud harw- ad includis good soil drainage; rotation oif servatuve estimation." Agnric. Cep. cal] il, la le encourage the develepmeul acre of wbeat, oteanad bsrlo7, and 10 juge Ts aiab pmtodrrw-il 4- creps,liIming w-heu neceasry sud pro.-evc, ce1, 97 f bactérie and autointoxlcation. li fcmo orrt u ce ieTiseung pants a igoosstr per working cf lthe soil. To tues.Ib. rvlconro. lorteth ar. n. te 19, lataa1917.s tat elsuentà as must b. added preper f ertîl- West Virginla Experiment 6tation Water-drnikg affords a naturel Would w-onlan 200 te 800 lbs. par aminw-TI almeit insure a good catch If izatien and the use cf good seed. reports an average gain pur acre :M and ifficient miascf relief iu tues. of fertiliser carry-lng 2 to S3% ammona yla h ave sufficient moisture. I am "I U don't tiai tus andti Iat pays" yield Of w-b.d Of 10. 16 bushels in caes. If not a panacea, il la at Toast and 8 to 12% phosphorle a&en. This Inclinedti o advlse the growth cf s-weet k. IDi ju ever ben a grcwer sar- il?1901 and -21.66 buzbuis la 1914 as ea ILmost valuaiblé sccissorr-mane. Tw-e avaitable --Plaulféod will bastiontii dlorer en jour ol.-Thscrop wil SIWall, here la tue evîdence; let the jury t1sult of applying a complet. fertiliz-Orthbreglaunas«c! -water aboulti b. growthoe!the grain. As a rube grain fleurulalI where Most everyhhiug aeli of kein, .bualues-like, petriclie Can- er. Bulletin No. 15&. teken four, heurs attir eaeh mel, et dg«s net continue te maie grow-th if Il killseout. If nol kept in-control, it Id adian fermer, decide thi case. Wheat' duives w-hSothe tiar- _ l te lime w-« heu t lotoaeach ahould la allc'wed toecome Into h"a . Tis r- posmibly reech theostage etofa lé1 TeCaainfrmrl ca.get an abundance of - abe b.emptIud o! tii.lait reumainsof h ue miture blai gir» on <edrl"u- M lrbleso weed, but 1 a .kpi man. Hu la Ãutéx'ested in ceepiug up pattooti, antiwuri "is maWpy lor k 7h eupraue f luiinr pastuem. o0c" l eut fer hay w-hile tii. Young is manutacturng plant, and et tia fond boîta eut thhonéhtoa tue --nuw-ter maY b. hot or wara or rocu Questiem-L I.-We have heur 1 uflkls aretendon. Front 8 ho 10 Ibo. saine lime makhlg il psy. Espoclally sesen. Livesteck stock manare lu temperatuire. Ici-wmIer SboIld b.acres eofligl ssudy sOtw-hck1 I oul f 8setpar acreare suicet unde prsen coditonsin h iner-thegret bulesource cf plant avoided. The.if icI w-il be net enly uftndr l prs i that lucrease re- feod. Every bit eh menure that to w-eauthestemacb <out bj mechani. __îmtrsidsl.ig. hs r i tins. Hiebcnow-s thre lu s great clinbe sparid eau-w-ell b. applied te cal cleansing ef tue muccua surfacée, matprornun e symtom Ta l aesh mar .ket for w-beat. Cen i px'ofllblj tue'wheat lands, eitber lu preparing but te rasure tiereugi disinfectlon by Prm bu Mt ebilnki may ciscsb. bticés is total w-huaI production ?'- tue soea-led or as __awiter hop-dress- causing lie gastric glands tb pour otbtc klMYaoobs bdly atfecteil * Ri Selteves lie cen. ie s a gin- ,ig te ttierYoung crop. Te mesure a an abundace of bydrochloric acid. adehbtn uwr perneo * eml know-iedge cf practices that are gooti stand o! w-béat andto i gve - it Since Ibre is 11111e or no food th In. Auguat ait surplus.Legioru diaeasounutil doalliauddenfly takes W riccmmeadud au S eing gocd. but he strength for tewInter and eanly stomeeb, lthe gsstric aecid 'romains triteC0kle-resudccftenelb Oh M>otlhonliSPlace. m iuet w-on ont bise wu problem' h. spint famrofe Canada will find it andi la, liece, highly active as a dieun- weigit breabould be w.aiketed se TREATIENT.TrMeaten consista MU"st Snd a mtisfactoryaasw-er ou profitable te supplemobe the manure fuctinu gent broderas. Ther- are of l111e 'vea% insladiasolvlng fifleen grains cf powder- bis ow-u fields te bis own questions. R ih20t 0,b.ptsr !frii Thé qÙantlty of water talcen uhouiti rouleaed cab"cu lu ýa gs1boýofdrIiîxiwa-_ 'bas learaed to put faitllinlathi as-, zens.- ' This plantfood supplies 1 te Se about a plat, sud the beat t. for Green ducks are young doris from ter. This sbouIld Se kept coastsntiy sembleti Information resoulllng f rom 2% o! nitregen, wblch givesthie tlny taking in about ani hour betore eating. 8 lui 12 weeku old. Tey shiud lie sold ln front 0f thé cuis aid abeuld li icarful experinients cernied oht b>yti.' w-ual plant e vigereus starI; 10 te Copicuis water dnfnkîng, as directed, bMore thir- moult. changed every tw-o dayml. t ruaI international system oh Experi-! 12% phesphenie aciti, w-hicb plumps net only runse, andd tusintecbhe i At tue prenant lime w-len, grow-lug PREVENTSON:-Preveutîoî con. Sment stations. 1Ihe kernel and causes tlb.r cxp teme- stemeci, but supplies te the blcod lie cicka are attaialag an agi. cof from îa lu inte Isolation cf aiaillag chickst ' Canadien experimient stations bave ture early-, and et presunt 1 or 2% o! w-ater uocessary for cbeaulung tue is- eue molitu te ten weeks, s dîsessne from, tue remaludere!tofoiai fi- ---%nIbe- w-r-lxgey t - lo.po&hLbc-asst edAse---- sus et .ada1h,.itne.. utot e knw-.a.ccc AiL efc-a1 h. te t-rogbofsi thne fllban "I 4 A:, ~1) I <v il