Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Aug 1917, p. 4

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The ýGreatest. Event Wat.lias ever see j'N SÀTITRDkYI, AUGLTST 1 1, at 2 p.m. sharp, (make -not, of the date) Melntyre wilI 0open up at one, door otfhsodsad 0 S outh of the post office, -the greatest bargain hardware store ini Ontaio In this storewill, be exhibited h raetaryo bargains ever offered in this territory.- We have thegoods., Oureyes have- been kept open for '40me >time purhsg estawI defy any competition. We scoured the country for the goo)ds,ý and now we pa-ss them on. to you at prices mostdeerhaetpyfo them. Everything wilI be priced with large tickets. Bri*ng your mail order catalogue alon*g and comnpare prices pcalueec week alougc with the other reglrlns This week, at the hour and day mentione above, we offer to the houiseodroftitrioy TWO' TIS USANI IEEs F *AITEWARE Every utensil imaginable in Don't forget. a Grainte- BIGGEST LOW PRICE GRANITEWARE SALE e 1 ' -NiWHàTBY'S HISTORY. Spaco Will not permit us to explain ecd article and price it. Get ready for- a big surprise party. 'vare. -No Phonc.orders filled, so be on1 thejob and buy what 'ou need at away be-lovw'holesale.. Every article will bc sold -absolutelyfor èash only, with the option that you -returni them if-not satisfactory. (4oods ivili bc delivcrcd if (Iesired, Âfter Saturday niglit the Store w'ill be open on Moudays, Tuesdays and Saturdays. HOUR 2 o'clock p.m. PLACE lat door South of Our old stand PRESERV1NG KETTLES .Every size made at Iess than wvhoIesa1e prices. See these aiso DIsh Pans, Trea Ketties,' Caps and Mugs. SAIJEEPANS Every size and -style made,both lippefand straight. Prices to surprise vou. See these also Wash Basins, Roasters, Riçe Bolierse TEAPOTS AND COFFEEPOTS Every size made, but not at the price you are used to. See these also Pudding Pans, Spoons ami Ladies. Berlin Kett~ies. Pie Plates. _ * _ i Stove and Potato Potsi Ail sizes at slaughter prices. 1See these also1 Chambers,- JeIiy Tinst, CIJLLENDERS- Ail ready for- catsup time. Get eue while t-bey IaEt. ~J<6 4 Water Paîls, Dipperps, Foot Baths,» Ontbas flot heard mach of the. acti- 1 te doctor. -$ 50 a pounti,* was the viisof îro-Gerinar, propagandists In *reply. Lnfortuinaîely the doctor only the United States, since that nation had ibait a potînt lefi of is supply, Beaverton merchana advertise thiat celiito the %var. As long as Unclc and could not part with it tbey wlil close 'tteîr stores a-t l * Samn 'mas neutral the hyphenates were 9 *de dlock oh Saturday nights. Some Pcokdi, neîiv t. but now tbat îb? country ilat a i lthTon -aEe.whcbs curry thls early closbng Idea boo far: war. they appear te value the itafety et nsdsn, b alge h - "-f iheir own il des more, knowing that !raîî s, inc e th te nayinofzthoe Congratulations t'O Edlitor M. A.. u eî eat wudb wf n scheme the Goverament bas adopteti Jaesof the Bowînanvile ,~Sta ait. stAden for themi. for thie Canadian Northern Railway? who, on August ist, entereti npou bis S Th're '1oroîîîo-Eastern la a Marenaie- 4Ohyear as edîbor and proprietor of "The Kaisers favorite Coburg Regi- Mn rje.btoiin ie st that paper, having been "la the saddle- tient" caught one's eye 1a a war de- wbcther It la a part ef the CN.R. sys- continuiottly aijice 1878. spatcb the other day. WitU "Berlin" i tem. No Information Ia avaliabie nt 1 *changedte -bo*Kitchenier," and tbe present on thîs peint, but itlta heped Inaua uprising ef draf t ebjectors In "H onse ef Saxe-Coburg-Geîha" te 'the that ere long a delinite, rotiablo an- *Oklahoma. two o! thei were shot t o'luse et Wbndsor.** probably eux' nounooment wilho matie. Perhaps, * . deatb, -anti the deatb Penalty %will be aeighbor Cobourg, wliich bas sen t 8soller al, publice wnership for thxe To- asked by bhe Ditrict Attorney lit the) many nmen overseas ta figbt for the rento-Eaterra wbll corne from anether case of others arrested. United States Empire, will fallln iane andi wish to angle titanlias been expecteti and le- la the war to stay and wîll toîcrate cas anrn 1 oxtbg ls owr hc h aehore t wns ne raurou aîsGerînan. -*h a een working. AnOillla paper ativises lts readers Many of the daily papiers have re- The National Service Couunittee in that If they want a perfîime that's a cently rabseti th&-Ir aubscsiption ratsseenlaout thousanda ef lettera tîrg- -littie dîfferent, te ry St. Julien., al$1 -forcoti ta do sa, through i ncreameti in ounce. St. Julien la certalnly dit- rmsts. Ajîrojios eLt iis, matter, the bot omn teforme rihabsrvce. 10Oae fereîît from 11w kind %wc use thèsQ càse of the ilradfUrd liWtnt-,s, s, Inter- vwonders whother the farinera et this war times. How mîich different? Just <51 tig. A vote of ls subscrlbt>ra was vtvinity are la neeti of help. Net 10"i 31 ~ an* ounce. recenrlt1v aken as to ivhether the iel ao he Whlîby Br.-ncèb oethbe Paît-t- !oflthe paper sheulti bc reducetimor. e e P un ati elta meeting et a&l lb l prdtced hat rbia ~-~.subscriptbon price raiseti. The major- johlpon(am atie IVIH be?'à or 36 iNfUtilts year. We risi o te rae. n hell* Incfaro OI1fariners wbo re<ilredhelp. aever,. -justmention bis fact ln parsiag~,. c- ag ri, s is mne o e an ves-e present W4o were Wtag te * cause as a rie iisery likes comjîan'y 1up toe l-60. -do their bit on dtÙ asrn, but Det -a *and N'.'lxiby. taxpiayers wili be 'con.* a .iiruwr put lai an oppeace. 1e t soled %with the thonîglît tuat thev arkr. The provincial Goveruarst buAs n. -alion may be différent now. but tUeë net the oaly l)ebbili an tlUebeach. nuct Uii -II nAga b a t htoncfheareio b, s s c e offici. lly lak-e cver the, settion et thxe d$strtct soeunetitô e = uinlo for lzdp. ".We( look to the resources of Cia- Kilisgton Rond hte-ew Htginianti daltped bthe ardor et thae Who w.r et- and the lîndoritable energy ot Creek anti-Port Hope, cô*tctnsg a db. Oen Uiea ppred tu heip tbeo, n-til tbe~ Catifflas for an aîîswco that *113 t tance ef 52 miles. -'1'2ni. 1* êe il nu 1routistbtêitentut et iamçç »&ý f sh.*tter Gel'nîany,*$ tUrelit of starva- hlilwn-y to e bt tûn ovûr b>' the Gou. ow b. soeaall obtauieti,- . ,l," asys 13nron Rhoiada, Fond Cou-' eruiment lin eeflon *1111 the iDr- troller of Greý; Alutatin, lna amessage fposeti ren- Prelîlbali ninwstr. NOWt je Hon. W,% j. Hannia, Foodi Controîler jibat the, date la flsgd.o, ý iboPlnjg .4A u îFIS fl 0 of- e Canada,. -the-sUme for thie lt498qjtl, *II- tutîKa t , 4A1liju , S the"ewlJtn no delaï..At fast wh Va v e bix -gRb The Port Hope Tm»ues anticunces, *itie Wbe, fr *Ima ïffle «.. 4u thtthe Royal ilidta luthat townnla b - n luu«jn 1m BoW. J.lHtgis1 oMContmlle q july "du4 Apw,. O& , 14Ing eloseti bêeauste ibans not, b. inu adoptedt t dez- et sa pflutga lt c l'ta <iPtchiag( sa t#* mine « 1bayintg. TUe iliference la t.tbeforo e »no huehobi~ a~ m ofet tutuOf j6thý faeen in -la hous"bto Utwm luTa7 ' à;ntember itnlest thtebusiness wasftom eseit 4nndhriduai kox'*en-j0=7 tfl4 pYIu1aý9FntitherçtÜre that the bar wi aher b"*1 t IopixYent food wa* e dtoi te w th ote i - .b1pin.g ho hay fteemeals anti lodg- .ncourage îirut and enmy in thi.eaitu hi £a usubse o t 0 à ef the travellers neociarctre o % éaafe niTI* oY ah ihe houa. wu t?0 l - ho b. pla<sd ln wIdo mbtwau t_ he bouse la ultt4ge.401 $o 00*4brtS4 i 94 -'thè a *ittniee, L lkadul- -l i BARGAINý HA RD WARB That- Beats-- Them Ail -F-or Values. anti vetgUt bas selom been exceedeti slruck tUe paxty- bebween' Preet in thes waters. lianti and Midianti Point. The wav There ýwere tbvcly- tintes bei-c on i-an -'rnountains higin.- the aight gn Friday lut wben the Pitre Bfrigade black, the waves duahed over the c and 1.0-0-P. Bad of 2Midlaznd beld a opy oY tihe boat. the wicked chain ligi big excursion anti picair te Honey f jng flashiet about, bhe peasof cf (b Harbor. Over 500, people came anti n-et-e appalling. The ladies ina tise~~~~~~ da&MswryIvl.A i cn party nere badly scared, anti evea t isat been floos-et. enclosed wnith.rsiling mien -es-e net without uneusipesa, ianti canvas, coveredtibh a roei, andtihie boat n-as tosseti like a cork la useti as a dancing pavillon. This inobfckea thte storin. Only n-I mnense structure n-as ton-et eut frorn flashes et ligtnlng lit up the nig Midîsuti anti rackagain behindth te couldth te man st the wbeel se. psegrboat City Q«eeur. bearinga. Oue flash et tighbnlnig car pThene ortrail a tn m s a ntUe boat anti seeuwdti teplay' ah TUreurat ter asUeila by itoumeas.sthcengine. really alst-ming tUe ««si On-et s er as (ns retVictoyersa per' -wti'>la not essil>' atarmeti. Wi oue. a sumoUel boree, t ictSrIa arly every passenger abeard drenc Hous, asnetbee oenei tias *escd te the akithte splendid Ilit son, n-hile 1h08. tUat are open have îauînch weatlnered thse gaie and ec fewer pieta- many loua tisa for rieti Uer preclous cargo sately te i ,lyeax's- No deinntishe outrance efthte bavofet idilanti Ugrber. TUe expf Uniedi States labo tUe n-Sr lat-Oeflo. îence ,asnot exactly ente of tAed isihie for the absence et manny Amert- lbgbîa etfAolîdaying. bul It wat cestai canas. How-eer. -tille the bote]. are iy Oeefethie ailventures. CA pooriy patreuized. te coltages ail -1 seem 1to Ue occupieti. DELIGHTFULLY COOL ON TiHE A violent andi lemgthy thunder sterrn 8RZAT LAKES, bien- up'on Sunday evening. Scores of laînncho.s frein Midianti core o Port IdeNicie, a short, pleam I onncy Haor on Saturtisi- etenîng jouruey via Carnadian Pacifie R&Uwi a nd 8una$ returntng home Sunday~ lath.m.wa h Wedae a 4 Mny -ofthbe malter es-aftt et-o arible1 day, makItng direct connecton at Pi @erousti up, andi they ha.d te put I-n.- alun" or "Auanhe for Santit St Ite sinoé te hrer r risey «nuld Afnd siel- Marte. POrt Artutr a"dFort Wilim 'ter. Yeterday -1 lu.red that 40 p#r.1l.arttcu>n rntrii Cauadian Fuel 6ont touai refuge and apfflr au nigint <'riet Âgetr W. B. Toontor, fl On utaitr$ Point. Osboralea flPoin ut'1-4. senerAetTson> Be.aulu %Y.. ',bathor ot noier î-o . "cOre.n-hile boat 1ud aller heM Joad0 wua âltflbuted here anti(boe about LUAT WHITBY COUiNClL lte Wamu d nirock& . hwn-& Most Ce>ncil nit at ýolvrnb10 on MO, trnpl" tjn experjence for tinctu. One day, Aoutui~ tnbr I r alaunch- lzutidi. he pre'ss, ovmneti hy Eeeve 1Dearborn Inn-te chair. Ulntm J, F. QGwttllW. , Proprielor- feet , t laat t it0hing toati *»d-adopte Midiand F>fte pie4 u asue et isCumnfatu nue rouadifo W, fen- boua# Mat venturedte hocrou tg)o Ugp,, I purty %lpIster PUbllc Mlg Mitilatui. The .alorm n luits Oreff nt aa ls*A. R ntelueu. "., Publ proh i and use 0 t hem found get aý - derin, the n the c is est are c Ionabi 'a-bit ~; pect A coket Yl fI oi g Toron Mr-. lu Wb ths-oui Gel Rober CÎp IJenta *.day l~ Slight lias t twon ~.Nea ~(East -thisà -as 1 - Sehool, Iiispector; HYdro-EIPeÇtrtc Rail- Township, Police Viage, DUn 1Way Association of Ontario: F.W. Rob. War Tax and Pdldeinal, b.urpa eson; *rhe Yedar Peopie Lti.; Hydro- and for the support of ftue po«. » Electrle Power Commission or Ontar. Mr. Paaeoe, Beconded -by Mr.- i io: and Col. J. P- Farewell. K.C. moved that Mr. Gibsonbead Mr. H. PuSoe. sevondect by Mr. J. on bridge contract. Carrled î Glover, rnoved for leave to Introduce Mover by Mr. Pascoescne a by-Iaw to appolnt an enin4er unider Mr. Neabitt, that this Coùjncwtdhedn ithe Ditches and Watercourses Act and Ithe coûtract for' building1 th.e Ha tbîut the same be read a flrst uand sec- Bridge to the Pereman Bridge, iond trne,' and that the Council go.in- CouffcU to bear- the expenseoâffi L t coumittee of the wbole thereon, Mr. the south abutment and -that the CI iJ. Nesb1tt I the.cbalr. Coamnittee a' ibe instriteted to notity-tbe'contrazi rose andi reported the by-law.. w G G Mr. J.Neshh gaveW.tiG.thatbson, te thls effet Carnel Mr. . Nsbit gve otié taI5 M Noved by Mr'. Giover, seoonded the next meeting ofthAe Counil he w iiI Mr.- Ellins, that the fo'ioWin acçoxq move for leave to introduce;a by-law b. pald: te appoint a cllecter eft axeý for thbs Roa and Brdg sJ. Wray $ Towuhbp or Axe ear1917S. Manning, $18; E.Gloer, $26;- Mr. J. Glever moved. 'seconded by Hanna, 46.26: H.T. Cole, 14.20. -J.N Mr. Hf. U. Pascoe, that the Clerk be In- mon, $5.30; C. A. lFon, $"; J"e sîructed to put ihle naines of W.A. Arn. Ralph, -$15: J. J. *Terwillegr,-;li oeld. Peroy Arnoldi andi Melvin Arnold Albert Toms, $8.75' Wm. eb an tihe collect.ors roll for 130 kcres, lot $15; Fred Gbover, $55; . 'TXe .7. con. B.F., for $6500.'this having bora $10; John Stocke, , $8; John Htes fomitted from tlhe Assessme#t Roll. $13; A. L. Smith, $15.. Mr. L.EllIns gave notice. !hat at the jtingu. $87.12; IW,,E. French,> U;- S next meeting of thls' Couac»l he wiiI No. 5.-$25.00; W. T. tvnin jask for leaYée t r trçxce a by-law to tien, $IL _ S au e s hf7To1Wn'sbD for: County, Wi, PusvxCie ,-t 1 m CANADIAN PA (ireat Lakes Steamsbip Service Via OWEN SOUN~ < *5m~>flp s4~g43[~.i m'a. On-e. 5,usd at m~dafrLt il 4 4 4 4 4 I DATE August. 11, 1917 4 4 McINTYRI3'S Trhe StorE ý ý ý-t 1 See these also

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