Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Aug 1917, p. 7

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-4-'-- - - 0k - La l "WHA TU U.S. EMBARG MEANS TO THEM. Rolluand and thbe Three Scundinuvian Kinglenus Are Nov uin aGrave Dilemmu. The AUtoes cent-roi, by nieaus et k- their blocadlng fleet-., acces. to t-be * the port-s et HfflanI, Denmari, Swe- 9 ilén anul Norway, ahd have oniy per- mitted seaboune produce and geode Iromt-ho Unit-ed St-at-es, frem the Br t; r ah Empire, and frein other count-rles, j. - alliel and neutral, te rench Dut-ch and SeandInavian ports In returu fer a selemn pledge by t-ho Scandinavian and Dut-ch Governments that-t-ho trelght lu quest-ion vas dest-inel for excruslvely hon e consumptîon. and t-bat- none et X would under any cir- Cunlstances bho.resold t-e Germany. 'rhese promises and agreements have been vilated with mucb t-hesanme et- trontery t-bat- Germany dilplayed lu treatlng as a wert-hloss scrap et paper t-he guarant-ee et Belglum's nout-rality te whic slloiad subscribed. Thanks t-e tufs. the bleekade off the Gorman ceast- bas lest much ef ts- 1- value ns a fact-or In t-ho present war, which ha. berri undniy prelonged Lhereby. Fer if the nout-nal powera concerned bal livel up t-o t-hein en- gagements and te t-be obligat-ions et strict neut-rnlit-y Germauy would long &go have been brought- te ber kures t-rough eonomle st-ross. JI Great- Brit-in sud France woulI long ago have put- an end te these brenches ef taIt-b and ot neutnlit-y on t-he part- ot t-hoScandanivian and Dut-ch kingdonis sud weuld bave shut- L down on their seaborne trade. closing accoeBt-o their port-s, bal h flot- been S - tfoi- their congiderat-lon for-,the Unit-ed Staltes and their destre t-o refrain çrem auj oppressive interference w1tbt-ho MrIlniime commerce ef America. But- aince Prealdent- Wilson t-ook up a-a ln national hoor bounl, t-be gauntlet- 50 ftecilesly undIlnsunely t-rown ut- bis feet- b , t-h Kaiser, tus situation bas * iraugel. The Unit-el St-at-es bas beceme one efthte Poweru eftht-e Entente t-bat are fighting fer the emaucIput-lon'- ettue civiised venld froin t-homllt-ary and economl e rrisn -et t-be Hoeozol- bei-ns, anI bas excianged t-be ole et a iieut-nul fer tint- et a belligerent. That- t whicb Great BrItaiý ndu Irauco ne- - ' iael frein dobng eut- et ceusîdera- l ien ton t-be Unit-el Stat-es whlle as wus st-i neut-ral Presilent- Wilson bau niov, vtt-be tul approval oftht-e àmerlen nation. undertaken t-o ac- -CoMplish by menus of bis proclama- tion et embargo. Neutruls Must Choose. AUeu ôe LDS WITH g. anal ic lait v di-p 3CýIsI vo Phap- -tii ich Of the olue of 41-a t e ( vneiTi ()' thei a 1.1 Illt I1. *gasp t111o People vit strong constitution. escape meut oetht-e miner Mabutuat maie lite misemuble for otuers. Dan't Yeu onvy t-hofiend who doas net knovwbat à bealache 1u, vbose di- gestion' la perfect, ad vbo leepu soundly ai ntght ? Hov far le jeu ceme troin. tuis deacription ? Have yeu over mal. an carnest offert t-b strengthon jour constitution, te butîl Up your ayist-em te yard, off ds coinfort and disoa-se' Unies, Yeu bave an erganîc lisease IlsI general- ly possible te se improve your pbysl- cal condition tuai peifect bealt-h wll be youms. The firat t-Ing to e e one lis te build up jour blood as pou bloolhs- thbe source et physicai veai- neas. Te build up t-be binaI Dr. 'Wil- liums Pink PIS la just- t-be ineline r - ~ i Natualsupply et SBI&nai ppe-d3.t Rua amani Faglue. ValCanle ieut -le actuafy belng us.d t-o i-un an éectric oweal plant fgiil- fIg electrlcty te a number eit ovas nle"r Voterru, iu South-weseoruTuso. any, aébdig to an Interestlng arti- cein tnhlb.Annallst. In t-but regien. varlous volcanlo fis- sures exlst, hot wlth escaping steam. Frem usig t-bis te oporute àazanali horizontal englue came lbe idea of us- Ing It on a larger acale. Bozing were therefore madeon he b.vlclnty and a plentitul supply of steam with good pressure tapped. Because ef Ils- Ixapregnation vit-h boraclo ucdi t la net- used directly, but employed te, vuporize pure wat-or. This là usod bo run a plant wbich furnishes power t-e five near-by t-owna. Nov that velcanic heat ha. actually be.» made commercùaly profitable we may looi te ses efforts mad, te utilize this power source elsewhore. Aetna and Veauvius mnay yet b. yoked te a municipal lighting plat. Italy's inck ut coal rendors experlznents hi this direct-ion uhusually valuable. HANDS ACROSS THE BORDER [to learn real fo*dvalues?. It 18 what you digest, uinot what you- cat thoit.figrnhes strengthl for the day' work. Many foode tex the digestive powera to 'the utmost with' out supplylng much real n ut r im ent. Shredd.d Wheat Bisut hlain food end in a form that tseaaily digested. It islO per cent whole wheat. For break- fast, dinner or supper it take the place of meat eus and potatoes. You don't know how caaily you can do without meat orý potatoes until YOU try it.' Delicious with aliced bananes, berrnes1 Dr other fruits, and xnilk. Made ini Canada. NEW GERMAN DECEPTIONS. The PhYsical Union cf the. Flghtlng W"hiehlcreas.theb. Dlflcuty ef Strength of Two Natilena.Fighting ithe Bubmarlne. 1 You voudnt exactly callI h bande acrost-be ses, because Canada ts onlyi acros a taie; but Canada lu part eti Englaril, which is n long vay frei South St-at-e Street,. aays a Chicagoi wrlt-er. Anyvay, vint- Im drfvlng ut Lieut-enant Coloanel J. S. Dennis, ef- ficer commanding t-be western division eftht-e Britisb Recruit-lng Mission, reccnt-iy claspel bauds vît-i Captain Pl. R. Kenney. uSfiner cern- munllig t-le reci-uit-lng district ot Northei-n Illinois tor thbe Unit-ed St-ut-es srmy. When t-vo belgerent partie. shako banda tuere are ouly t-vo thinga whlch thbe referee or thIrd party tan say- etior *Taie 'your corners" or «'Bless jeu. My cbIdren1 1 sali neither. But 1 bell my breath, for it- sas an Impressive mo- ment, t-be formai enect-ment lu Chii- cago et Immortal b1st-ory; t-ho physi- cal union eftht-e flgbting st-rengt-b et t vo gi-et- nations. Anl tue spirit et pt-i-otie co-operation Iu t-ho eemmor cause et Just1ce sanctiflel tue alli- ance. Colonel Donna aand Captalu Kenney Wonedln1 plans. Wbat t-bey vaut la men t-o seul t-o tue front. Netther bas uny çchoie an ta vhetier the men go ln Canidian kilts or Amerleun kusis. At every eue et tic dozons ef scat- torel stations unler Captaiu Kenney's commandl volunteens ef Canalian cit-izouubfp vere taien fer tic expedi-, t-onni-y forces- efthte Dominion. ut every headquarteus ever vhich Colonel Douais ha. cent-roi volunteers et Amerlcan aileglauce vere taken fer our ownMNt-ional Armv. Accordtig t-o t-be t-sims et t-belatter y- j eced. Every dose hips te maie Cutui nwKonduey a Jlu ceîtevth . I oeeru eesrlae ie utctnv bod wlb roaches every îrig a bit ef n bearcat on tie science ne exports ut- ail, viii be alloeelt-o nonve anul very part efthte o& et recrultng. But ho vas -mmiely reaci t-be reut-rals unt-il 1lrt et ail t-be bringin.g celer t-o the cheeka, bright- linxsed- iti thbe pilicles ald ideu -requirements et t-ho peopleofetht-e nons te t-be eyes, a ateudîneus téo t-be ep« by t-be dieUngused Cana- Unit-el St-at-esanult-bon tiese - etber bauds, a geel uppeti te sud splendid ilun minuoft an. allies bave been adpquat-ely auppled. euei-gy. Thousauls througboutt-be Colonel Douais says tint tuere are. Thiis means t-bat- ubere yull lie very countny vbosue condition once made 167,000 Canadiens lu Chicago. Cal- lit-t-be eft- for t-be neutnaba. Andl-lu them lespair, ove t-heïr preseut gool u-,vt doa ouaine 000 dealtng wt tthein a prefersuco vil bebeat t-et-is inedicino. If jeu are çrsen attal0 olatontuefront.00 iovr for those neut-rals, eapeclally luneueetft-be Weak au -aflig give Dr hwiat -bnmlb Chicagoe deb Latin Amenica, vie bhave abovu a dis- Wîiiams' Pink Pilla a tair t-rial sud There are about 35",000 Brit-ish s7ub- position te refrain f rom tnadlng vit-bnot-e tue daIly gain lu nev bealt anud Jcshr, n -esit-y t theenemy oetht-e Unît-el States, t-but-abouuding vhtalt-y. Geosbie, na on ea sitte Bt. lu t-o say, Germany, vile neutrals You tan gem these pilbis tirougli aujGonyu aleLs elds sucb ias Hollaul. Deumani, und abeve mediclue denier or by mail peut- pal i Tbere la no shortage et m#lteriab hemo alSveleu, vbo have uldel and ut- 50 cent-s a box or six boxes fer $250 .ubout-tfon t-hoeBni4pl recruiiing mis. abetted tue cause et Uncle Sai'. tees frein TicDi-. WilliIams' Medicine Ce.., iou. bY'xpotin thirdomsti prduc BockIll, Ot.A tuitalgly hntonestiig mnule 1W eporing -ier lauesie polue Brciv île Ou. -colonel Dormis, lIe la the niait Ver- und tueir Importel geaIs t-o Gemmauy, tile Indi. vidual I have ever met. If viii - very rlgbt-iy und Justly- ho dis- THE GREAT TONNAGE PROBLEM, » es uîny - n"iet t crIinatel agulnst- by t-bebonrdi- t wa 4whe la Dennis ?11 OMM ,nght Wasblngtohtiotruste vt tue ad- Orne oft the Mon tal"Questions ilaSt vaktetpcly rts nwr miniat-ration et t-be embargo. lte.Woeld T'o-ouy. *gelanco tuet -play it-uaner Few oeu torffJlz th ful ete i Hov long can Ailiel shipplng vit-b- For yeane ho vas assistant ta the at tueImprtnceet -bi snsu-lealstand tue hideens nubinanlne sap ut presidout- ef tho Canadis. actit icRail- Drocluin o neta embargo by Preal- its tonnage? This ia the question vuy, Lord Shaugbnesay. Me bas dnt Wimensutl tmre lgb ae u- on tbe anaven te whichbhinges the fouglit Indiana, i a Vet-eru-nvit-h nomt mesur, a migt apea atvery fate et vorl reelem. Let us hoonsretoftue Soutu A-rtcan epodi- tIrot-igut. It la uon-ethlug tan more lieok ut t-ha tacts..tien. iaengtnoored road buIldtig t-ian tiat-. It-Is ln tact- a demand made t teote ftettlt.sba AeeIdasbdt eklela e upc» Hllal and -'t-be Scaultuavlanrietueuseettettes.um- erldanhdtohoklSas-- kigost-bat- t-boy boud tlnally de- rn campuigi, Vice-Admirul Capelle gulariy as does bal te- be laid! ln tue -kinlom in -bepresnt-varanneunced t-bat- 1,000,000 tons- alpi-gi-eG; but lie la moie-oel a cigre themeolves l h rRn a menu vwould bring- Engla-nd te ber dietneJuftst eoe fat sud sieuld lecide t-o t-mev lu ibeir, knees. lt lu generally coWedl diltan$PYate unntdetea er, artoc lot-oIt-ber witt he Cent-ral Powera or in t-behast- te» veeis. thbe submarînefcaslenal enthustastie Bieadveytte. a __________of ____Entnte bas donc lt-s weritbecause tue tub. mraonteur oet Ineot but saantîng - - li-t-e leu apealovr tbe op mersible fleet hum boon inciesed by persnallY. Robuat and mfghty et cAltes bfor -byreicolviii phe oeuft-he-addition et tue iupereubniarine. stature, ho ring. vitu militai-y meiaY easbef eng hfarein nu»ing evet Y t the average lois purmonth bas ailavn Cultiivute ce rn us oonff.errannver exceolol 40,000teu of Bn- Culivae crn s Bnn fte ranatusb aipping, -und It vas John BuIll'. -aà t-be soil bau cied sufficiently. KeeP batu e Germant Iive oit eut te eut- RÂRV'9(GREAT DANGER th olsraewl tre n igbt. rU5atU5' v.Ihslt ain souk i quickly, t-busj Up t-o tue lot ef Jumt Great- Hit-ai» n URN O E T E preve»tlng vante, and it keeps th-beL ncilest aPppi- oally 9 pr cent-, eOTtEA BE .1oil varn.aKeep al -veeda 1ev», as ler ecean-gotr.g tonnage ef abipa s Mr ltofeesdslufl b o thy-obthe corn plant-s cf mOuture io tnMudoe.rnbl e ent e itan tOum d ite s' -tata oI neeedto ak. crnk enes istadcerdlng te Lord Caon, oah. mo we ye t. t nyrroade t1ie e ~of wee o -sstecI&. , - n e blpuglurgbo's emisugygotuy,, t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ vW v ofsea t huaunit mand over.-e , Me n. %ilbut »wanla ndwhMa eolda#r4t- e. 100,00té«tspar -s«elu l n t ut nd th~tW niontu for ïwtiti e m i uatnIbaamIaudt» l sIt-flhave 9,00,0(1toms ot. If a". didi rà tt 1 horte cm ase net bauida- single:u'sw shlp ia lb. Meanatla -h IAS muant-lia. jeaM M& ol 84.Basra"Ova b. L*ok* a itlm s heulal am hokot lt Gemniay peruta l bot -pt-bs midm - et lit ab t~as *îav ftXWlUII1*7.mina vitfuse tt-be ligbssi rate ef prienou toupuýc_du b»,« tmboo -immd q -as weII aa minCi F.bruarl 1, it ewoui t.it. 164prmot »êet tb - Tabo3111 ~îL-WI*1Ia podset ecia, or moreo t-banthit re.lw, ta aIep uleaS- sS tue ausniiont-bat ber siipyards at& b= x Tt*'lb. »I U»d& -But- EngluaI cioe * Ï 4 4 4 f The viiole campuagu aguinst t-be Germa» submarlne la becoming in- creaingly difficult because ef a chaructenistie succession et deeeptions nov vadeiy pructiced by thbe enemy. It bas cost t-be British muny shipsaund lives te tEnd eut t-bat t-be u» stops ut net-bing to maie bis underses opera- tiens ruclesa anu isuccesaful. Firsi of'ail is t-he non practice ef rigging up n submarine with sails se au te g-ive t-ho vesael the lok and chai- acter of, an innocent and respectable ci-att. In more than oe instance an unarmed merchunt vessel bas encoun- erel this trickery upen tie seau and wus on t-he point of giving a friendly bail when a terpedo ehot eut from be- neath t-ho canvas, bringing dth and destruction to t-ho victim e£thIe trick. One et t-holut-est Germa» devices culcuinted to bure ship t-e t-heur death lu t-o set lifeoets, mannel by duni- mies, adilt in the open msea. '01 course, t-he mommetan Ailiel vessel sues these boats a course in ateere tor t-hem - Humunity could net lict- pute ethemnswise. It in thes t-bat the inhumanity oet thoesuatuine aussi-ts it-self, fer neo-sooner in thbe vict#m at-aited on lts mission of mercy than tho aubnirieanmiseafrabeetheh wtor andia rgce ils .- A t-bird lvi.wbc-haprovelte b. auccesaul iu t-be aendiug eut of fuie 8 O S messages.-.The cuptalu ef a certain kinenican pusseuger veas eheowed t-hoeviiter t-he transcript of such a rudiegram vbicb vus atter- ward proved to have been sent eut by a Gui-ian submarine. It rend, "S 0 S. Amrneicun ves"elainkng.- Latitude -, longitude" Unler erdinury ciremtuncest-hist skipper would have r,7iedhibot about ivuS ruabol teu- ee.,-Bad he don. e nuint-hi. lut e .wepdd bave gene te bis death., By Wbs pro- celu-e the Germa» et only violates overy tradtion eit theaiu, but "erou&- iy interteres vith the.remcue ef ahips i» 'atuelal dutrosiwhese uppeals for belp are legitimute. 8S-O S signais; cannet b. safely heedol.* A fui-t-ber evidonceofe - Germ&n t-reeachery is the sending up et taie distras, rocieta ut nlgbt4 Moté. ,hau orne sbip"Lbas been lured te her grave by respendingte t-bhoe sigaba of trouble'. 1Nev you begin to e.s vy thee r- suds against tue aubscarino leaftend- ed by b-ud and -harýdaip. Yot de- aPite -theme haniempa the. Britilsh navy te makfng heudvay aguluat tue peut et the sou and accountlng fer merst than1 lu generally belleved.,1 MARVESTERS READ THIS - The boit -wuy t-o tueRi-veut Flalds et Western Canada la by tue Canadlan Nenilier Railway, vbesoIlinos serve tue nov-est aldMost productIvo dis tricta et ,&lberta, Biulievan sud' Maaitote. Tho.. i-un 'fer tuhe moat pa rt t-o t-ho aôrtuard. Who" -exeW. entee hmsaboya t-taItro*PUai-reusi« vai-lable. vbtekà u oneunl- st-eut» domund for luber aud corres- poudling».!ulg*"ueevag.. 'lteC.N.R. bas M"6 emeptkoul arrangements- fer buudliugt ~tariff Laoers, trafilu, ui lloductai luncb ceunIes sns, wblt tvUI perIt Ebeutisate t-e ho eonifdrtably rad la trmat- vicins ti f roua lt. Joatulngand vexati èho a esrt ét* »eu~ucb - lcntw'-00", TO ~~UIR f10? WLSTN~DflEN TrmU tomPERtOuIs URGENCY" 00 CONSERVINQ* GRAIN YIELD. Burvey Oondueted by Canadian Nerth- cm indicates Necd ef 25,000 Mcal Mlonoi te Linea. 1%te uceseful harvestlng of tue cro ln - Western Canada thi. season Ifs what ýg-Premier Asquith et Great Brit-alu wouid ter i a mtter et li- perlous urgency." glace menbegaa 10-o W grain West of tii. ar-et L.akes, there han n""r been se much dependtng upofi the yiebI et grain In Mani toba, Sasiatche- van und Alberta as t-bora is tuts Year. The Canadian Nortiiern abvaY. witu Unes gridtrng tue productive secUtons ln thbe vent, has alreadY con- cluded a survey as te, labeur needs, und tue prospects eftht-e vages te ho pull, and bus unnounced tint 25,000 mon vill be requIred t-o belp the. fuim- ers garner t-he crops ln the terrtorY It sêrves. The Indications are - t-batt-ho average vage. vIll be around t-hree dollars a day. A fu-t-ber conferenco between the representatives oftht-e Governânent, tue ruilways und t-be tai-mers la te b.e hel, when furtiier dotles *1lU be brougbt eut T7ho farming situation ln Ontario may not permit- et sendlng as much belp us la fermer seganens, but nethlng should bu left unIo*n. On t-haefuims und ln the t-ewns t-o give tue Western fui-mer. t1ho assistance etfvlch they stand to-day in urgent need. IF FOOD DISAGREF DRINK IOT WATER Mben food lies hàe ltouS in the stom- &eh anI jeu have ihat Untcemfortable, dtatended feellng. It la becease of innmtf- t1cient biood au ply te the stoms.cb. no-- blned wlth acld anI food t.rmenltutleii In such casm. trY the Dilnew foleved in many boapitais and advifed by many 1eminent phymiclana eft taklng uateuspoit- fuI er pure blsourated magnesia in hait a glass f e»t -r, as hot as you can coin- fortably drink IL The hot vater ras thi blood te tue stmna.ch and Uic blauru- ted magrnesiian a any physictan Mn nll yeu. lnsta.ntly neutrallzcu the acd and at-opa the food fermentutlon. Try this Simple p1a and you wti be astenihed ut t hi Immnedlate feeling etfreief and eomtort that aiva>'a follovu the restera- tIen et thc normal preeu of digeston. pople whe lnin t incenve4ent a t Unes are f requintlY obligeA te ta"e hasty meas.l poerly propael, shoul avj t-k. two or three Oive-Mval» 'aMiaOe BIsurafl 4MgUiostu alter mea-la te pre- .*ent fui'uictatloù mmnneutralIS eb GIRL GUIDES NOT TROOPS. Not &- Single Soldier On Guard Out- sue de SILIIWar O09I4%. Probably thure la ne other Wsr 0f- Sie. like the Imperlal on. in the-world at least, in orne respect-there las net a soldier on guard sithor outaide or inuide. the. viile building. The task of keeplng order ta loft en.. tirely in the bandae o the. MetrogoUtaa poieen. Eeystâaner bo n Mr s akedhis bu"l sby aou-~ the. guidance of a Constable, and, Who, ho louves, delivers that forni, whi& serves him as a pans up te another1 constable. If iie req'ufres direction inside the buildinghe la put tu charge of alitUo girl apWetly tresh Immu sehool, wiio taices hlm te the zoom h. rpqlres.6 Rer duly-mark of official- 4oauýla abrovu oveun Iviât a amal croven on «Chl point of th. coller. MontroalMay 29109 huard' Uiment Co.. Umltedo Ylarmouth, N. 8. Ctutien,-I Ibec telot you kuov that 1 have used MINARIYS LINI- MENT for some Unie, sud I 1 fin lt -tbà bout.I have ever usnI for the. Joints and muscles. Yours vory truly. THOMAS J. HOGÂN. The. Champion Clog sud Pedes.- tai Mater of Canada. Meore rylrng bacon put the. rashers loto bolites watr for two frhn*- 'Iiuutes. They plupou tk ther oriial tlkuw p ehance la removod of their being -tee sait- muet» 3ainm at O ou e& u3b -4 afow bmd Crusao the, 161Pi oLDR CORNS Oo WITrH îIuNGER8 ,bfaw te.. ousen a tender- Cern o'r balu m it lftseout t'ot folks top on your foot'bore- &fterj wear shoos a size emallor If yeu like, for coi-s vill nover again send elect-rlce parks et pain t-hrough yçu, accordlng te this cincinnatiauthorlty. He says t-bat a few dropse ef a drug called freezone, applted directly upon a tender, achlng corn, Inutant- re- llevem soreness, and soon Uic entire cern, root and ail, lifta rlght eut. This drug dries ut once v;nd simply shrivels Up the cer n or caîku vwithout %yen IrritaUing tue surrou»ding tsàne. A mail bettle ef freezoiiýe ebtained ut aiy' drug store wlll coat very little but wlll positlvely remove cvery bard, or soft cern or callus from one's foot. If jour druggst hant ntocked t-hi. new drug yet, teîl hlm to get a amall bottieetoffreezene for you from his wbelesale drug bouse. Sait scattered over thebe ay when geing ie t-he mev adds ta painta- bilit-y ut feeding t-in. Seud Order. viiere. MONEY ORDERs a Deminlon Express They are payable Meney every. SSpraying wltu Bordeaux mixture sund destroying diseasel parts wil check the apreal et celery blight. luarS'uainatmiChUres Gugt u aCov A yellov vai-bler ham beeri knovn to consume 8,600 plant lice in,. fort-t min- ut-es. Anot-ber pi-ac fett-ho industry and value o! birds te farmei, and gar- louns. r l TmFm er a Utimm Afsersbs Mèneos ergmIr, m", Zm =»M fo, e;lihact..ui dr u.iuuat.Oh1yOV : I"bmuSor ymlrIvu Camiforle limes. o«Cund ithy 16m u 901oUDu safluOpoeimi owr b aiL As id ..ert.Io eMr U. oecus om w re am Aegularty i» mllking t-ite i. orne ef t-he moet Important olementu in keeping Up the tlow. EaWm ~-- _ p ROFIT-MÂINO NEWO ANP JOig Officefr a*in 1.-gant Ontnt4 towna T739 mont useful unS Interepunsi O&UbUuinesa% Pul Information c4 aippicaiont lusn tbibuing Com C ANcER t; rumORS. LUMPS. ETiea internai and external. cured wtth- out pain by our home treatment. Wr1tf un before too late, Dr. Beilman Medlcal o.. Limlted. ColUnwood. Ont When buyln your Piano- "OTTO HIQEL" PIANO ACTION and aflayu ai.HesSoresCtg' BAFE ANTisEpTIS ID SERmiGiDU Doce not blister or remnove the hairand horse can be worked. Pieatant te, use. U2.00 a bottle, delivered. Descuibe your cssd for special instructins and Book 5 M free. ABSORBIN R. JR.. madcP& cIlamet for .àankiad.flU %Med-esly a f ev drqs rquite ia pIn d à4 ?doe il set bono e me,, oorvert&. W. F YOUNG. P. 0. F., 516 Lymans Bidg., Mentreal, Gas Osoblue sud »Abbseý. L aedc acuS Treasuresof ELair2MidSUn- Ireseeby Cuticur il ~ ~ n, yuseutcaSopfor cv ry-day toîetpurosswith tusof Cuticura Ointîmn-ept nov and then as piceded te -ooeè nd heai the fiut pimnples, red- neàsroughness or scalp irrit;tian, yu wifla ave as clear a complexion andai good hair as kt is possible te bave. Sapl ach FX«e by Ma" j I b 'I -t, t -t) -s Peole100% 1n Te» D«yýS ln many laao.P~osbve waik vithout becmntir rd. Next takc sùfered untoid agny for yiars doctor. two flve-griItablets utf ordlnary lng fr nereus vakue e macOh. nuxated fron three timesPu a ie inqror f ndiemorr mvuswk orne ot ena flor t~wo.,k,,, hon tut« live orkidny d»aseor »mi othr vrength &Wnand sec for yourself houw aliment when thoîr goal trouble was M~ueh jeu have galncd, I have accu ladk eof iron ln the bloodi-tow to tell. vouens f nervous. run-dovn People vho weealling ýaI the Uirne double. and eveln New york. N.y.-In a rcint discourue triple their etrengrtb and endurance 'anS Dr. IL saue.à Boston physician Who bas entirely get ria of' thelu symivtomas ef sltudied widely botln (bis cauntry and ya s p la.lver -and ather troubles la medical apnuCM ntttutions, Itram, tent-o fourteendysthempl lit.yo oreto miW kean actuai f1ri te4kiýi*--ennnthe proper $formn.* a-1 biead test on mu people viO re l 1you! bis, Af er they hua-In corne-.Caoeo becS veuil pro"~by be groutly astonlsbed ut doctorrnx for unontha vitheutý obtaIning the eueellnsi. large aumber vhe lack jany-bonett.,Yoik t a, talit as youi plmie lironan ixwhear Ifo 'oother rasnabout &ailhte WýoiidU'5 v'ought by. nov 2hi t~ lacoere». mThe uoreet trou lmtdiot. but vhen You 1caie 4ev»- -ta ou» synîptoîns dlappesr. Wlthout tron b-an te but cl1» your cheeka und goal the blooS ut ocie, lonseth*Powve te s»und, IiidatjiY fui WotrbreIt -tu change bol I-nto Itlng tiie u nd there- alpa ranervq anduatoiamh strength- tare nathînt you est boa Yai4 unW geed; eneoit,-tu te'.beat'.1>1004 h ulir 1» tiî yo o etrt the strenath out of 1<. vorld. Thoeoiily,, trouble . vas tha.t the Tour food ,nerely passez through 7o9r eld fermof Inorgniefro» 11k. Utintur aystein like corn thtfoush a rUUUviti tbtIi. eire».,iroai tais. etc.., ttcn ruineS reliera ae vide spart.th(at ti iicr eol~steh et hflr steniachs an4 sgnc As a rouait of thIr ooutlnUouî vers- fnot çsslateg snd for Abs..a blood aSnervo -starvuUioniý people ho- reaeouthe frequenmtly-dia'- more hî= cerne «eiier*1ly -veakened te*usaA <han'900d. But wt theh. disevery--- ail su l u ndo i euhly eee il tte noer forma ,et, oirgante iron ail ibis sorts et eeulitions. Ontet41tIbm: ani-h#»s ben overcem&a. Nxated- Iran for ether ta-,burdefl vdtb uîiieMnlhYfat;exmpe.tir pl*iant te taes. oa nQt- sorne a"e4Q. *exk tbey ça* îIzlW *uIl; Injure lle teoti aund le âaimost intu aine nt thai liM Sia" i5s"»OWkilaey iiiedtately ben*tal' or liver trouble; moe eit stae night * erar.eep tiolsllN;IO=Te - lmanufactuera of z4natmA- morne f ad tmtable; Ires hava uoh utbounbrn-eagfene ln tà l 0 but&U lei 1 ê =,- petnçy titt thoy aulliorlu ltheaauto1 ve d uianoa-ln iaUeh cames S t mS bIIer viii forfait SI00 té r. j 'ra wo feitahuesat» taoe SUU- charitable Instituton -If thîay eannot ýtake, l Un g AJelumâs. or1M 1 nuraetl oi , un a or veia» uunSer stal 'Who, affl vlhetywlUpyr *lgVital troc and Inerse thelr atusngth 100 ver pevera for the moment. ma'be ut4lte*ca- cent. or- over la fourweeso* ime, rov"41' Pensue ofjour Ilile Ixter on. No ïmtate tbey bavaerio serious orpinie trouble. Alità vhstmi-n al »UI. If *Î11u&» ta iOura' ii-reus en l In ' fa ams -strang aýqms voui Uove lil t oo ermoIf ln -vhieh- Nuxul.q lu» oua isot a et s 10 inako iflàO nu test4 Se o boy-doule r our utreustit ln ting&,Wsij, o.u- ft, long yeu tcm n o- r you x1 - lto dl prsdby ail %"4 Idruggime. TFor sununer Utings, the tuing yeu need is 'a linen freci. It- muy Le pini, or blue, or gi-een, as you pIeuse, but by ail mnenus you vant- it eut- on vriy amant- linos. The pi-et-t-y model show» above ia lu one-piece atyle und slips on ever t-be head ie many eftht-e luteat designs. McCall Pattern No. 78U-, Misses' One-piece Dres (suit- able for amal vurein); lu t-vo lengths. Iu 4 sitea; 14 <oý 20 years. Pnice, 20 cent-s. This pattei-ninay Le obtainel fi-on jour local MeCail dealer, or frein tue MeCaîl Ca-, 70 Bond St., Toi-ento, Dept. W. MAKI YOURS[LF SIRONG eo hati v 0.:trii ot va n t L, 110-1 elirI- Lce to i> wilii 6t nie - l'ie t, and flabie i otrai - son,' op of il o qits i ta-st 1 ty m a hro- d:tl d tn i.e tian last- lest- iti a 4il ý-C- . BFA»B»

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