Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Aug 1917, p. 8

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Pâot 131Mi -~ M.TGUST 9. 1#7. - -. . . ~ô __________________ TI~URSpAY. _ _ viaitors wiith Mr.'.and lire.! JoIIÏ Vi-.- pend.' The felloiewg pupils ut the Broektit Continuation Scbeol have becs suc- cesaful la pausiag tie Junior Schoel Graduation exaiinatiens, and arc now entitled te attend the second form of the Hlgh Sehool:' John M. Farmer, Altos Moore, Ialeeii Moore. Nora In- nes was unabie te t»ke the. fuiltxm mnaties owlng te lllhss, but bas been Mr.ad lins. Reltand family. oet 5ILLLVaU LVin5I8ate o ua LUV o Toronto. were holiday -visitons with meadation ot ber teachen. Mnr. and lire. A. C. Ellilott and Mn. Miss Gladys Hortep sPent -the -t and Mrs. C. W. EIi.iott. day with ber elatens tli TQronto. Mr., and li. F. Batty anid chidren Mn. and Mrs. John Waiker, of Te. Vlsited with relatives la Kedros re- resto, and Rev. Mr. and Ml'ament, cently. of Coidwater, Mich., spent thc holiday Mn. anid bM'uMulbollasd, 0f Toron, vitli lis. Wal ker..1 to, are vlsltiag ivibliMn. and lins. D. Miss Chants. who bus becs st.aying Holliday. wlt« rb ber sister, is. Jones, and teacb- Mr Iaron *>Jof T"to -la ng at t 7lio CM" U(wtoo1eft lh , parente,_Mn.Mand est'usday or e West, w oee h lolidaying with slpaseaccept.and 4eho & 3frs. N. W. ColwilI. bsacetIa eol Win-tbe-War, Brooklin. Ladies» Aid 1'Af 1er a paintul 'asd lingering tII- sud Red Cross. Movîng pictures ofet l. j50, death came to lia John DcLong war. Ten recta of pictures wili l>e on Monday o t tus week, August 1L. fihown at the Masoaic 0al, Brooklils eoebe araeue a isJ on the evening of Thu?-sday, Auguat 16, aie oiby, 0f Urdge s e a its wbo by Mr. Noçniaa Gunn. of Toronto' ke CW lierOh. vs aid fnToil whvti must an soga y lcaltalnt.Core a patient and netinlng disposition. and and lîelp the boys at the front. Admis-. îîlemc lsc abcbreb alo 25, ati 5c.famlly of four smalt ebuîdren. The Mnr. and lirs. John Vipond andi Mn. sympaLthy et the commusity is extend- JjradshaW, of Toronîto, wene heliday'ed to Mr. De.long In bis heur et grief. Over 700 4C7.w- Um Service Stations in Canada w Serve Cold, Tite ursI teok placé onWedisday aftern0on, conducted by tbe, Roy.- H. W. Feley: ~~NewsItrs frtom, r' Expensive uphotstery doesn't prove that a car excels i quality. The real quality of the car is determined by its chassis-its powcr plant, transmissioni, axIes, etc. Both by laboratory tests and actual service tests, the different parts compos- ing the Ford chassis have proven them- selves supprior to those used in other cars, Ford Vanadium steel has neyer been surpassed in quality and strength. J. LUKE &SON Ford Dealers, DELIeIOUS 1 IWPETIZING 1 Whitby, Ont. 1NVISORJATING I Serve Cola -hem, y0a Io n ii harge "ôf'a ctiurcb IlIu the' w'eet - le liab -beenlh the Uic inis-, try for tounteca yemn peat deinir gou:dý %vork. He li s oo the niany Kinsale beys that bave made good. Wiu-the-War, Brooklit. Ladies' Aid and Red Cross. Meving pictures ot the was'. Ten neelsetofpîctures wili b. sbewn et the Ma8onlo Hall, Breekîla, on the evening of Tbursday. Auguat 16, by Mir. Normant Guan, et Torento; music and songe by local talent Corne and help tic boys at the front. Admis- sion '25c. and 16c. Mm..'Mayue ha. becs quite litlifet mether, lire Rodd, la at prez»nt wîtb ber. grain in titis iocality. lire. Holley and daughter of De- troit, spent over Sunday at lirs. Anaie liowbray's. KINSALe. Quarterly meeting wau held bere test Sabbath. A larga attendane as preQent. The officiai Board eft te Clu'- cuit met oiL Moaday evenlng at Greca., wood. Win. J. ILwrene ad famliy, ot Port Hope. spent Suaday lest at bis brother's bere. Mr. Ernest Brignati. son ot Mr. Jos. Brigneil, and grandson ef the late John Lawrence, spent the week-end at hies uncle Eds bore. Mrs. Lawrence aud daugbtcr Cera visited the former's father et Graven- hurst a tew days age. Mise Lyla eea e upn4 .ýiigtew-dayu st home. Miss Harvrey, ex-teacher of aur acheol. bas becs reaewing eld acquan-s tances here. 4in. and lirs. Pasee, et Esfield, ilpEnt Sunday wittiî Kinsale frlends àlaay et the farmers have eut thoir tai wbeat. itaying i5 a thinx ofetle. past. Mr. and lire. baddaford and daugh- ter, of Toronte. aient the week-end at Mr. IPtngeliys. John Salton 'and faily. of Detroit, ctilled on thelrir uîy oid acquRalt5 Tl.t'e ela MooeCat tu titis sMci0of ethbe ten yeers IL uma snpooed P e -. me. Docirs prescnll>ed local e ediense.e bvecon. satstly alitag itqcure witîh local nstincu t, pro- gr.fl~nftcç. ly consUtitional conditions1 aud. tL imtres coes-tpttàsl %trust- met.uilys rreu s lv.iySMS. a we., Oit dir« Diilu rewati là <Me' ;àî 7 Dy eauis aia'5Cit*u'th Cure talle te oums. - Sind foc ula»"tu d esionisia. Y 1. CaaIgNY & CU. Toledo, Ohio. miae&ai iy Pil tefr constipatIon. RAGLAN. mis"set ori and Ada Brent, ot Ti> rente, are vtsttng ai home. .Mn., sud Mns. W. H. Brent and daugbiten Olive, ef Moutreal, are er;end- log ibein vetatios hene. lin. and lira. N. Hughston, ot To- ron.to. spent the week-end at Wm. Brent*s. Win-the,-War. Brooklits Ladies' Att! and! Rted Cross. Movisg pictunes et thc war. Tes reels ef pictures vhll be shown ai the Msoîîtc Hall, Brookîta. on the evening of Thus'sday, Augnat 16. by Mir. Norman Gunn. et Toronto, musie andi songe by localtalent. Comne ang help Ibo boys et ibe front. Admis- sion Mce. and 15e. Miss Niolet Stantes lies retunneti atter viting a week Ini Port Perry. ies Bcnah Drns& ef Toronto, epent the holiday ui ber bomne ber.. llasAda,,Wadge, et'Terante. spent Suinday vitit ber parent# bere. MiassLuIs Motaitt. fToronto, vas at hoeme for Cvic Holiday. %lits breta Hoôdason. et Oshawa, la visltlag at homne for a short time. Mr. Jamnes Ormistoti, et Brookln speat Sunda'y bhem Miera Aiden and -Cordon, iodgaon. cf Toronto. vere at, bouse oves' the bol- Iday. Mr. asd--rMel Wln. of Newcaai$e. ver. lttlgsg i 34,.ad Mrm.F. DrtWigt for,tho woekýca* Most of the farme a"arethrough bey-, lira d »*«toie have coumneM h lai. 'hie Epwort-h LoagU picole hed ln buÉ. Bartidca eGrove ot Mosdey lts t raouiontwell, altto4 ibefoIbl Feit roi UîooDtl- He Stuod le Tako Flfnt.a4Ivos 594 CIIAIPLAXIN SY., MONTIWÂL. «Fror two years, 1 was a miserable sufférer frum Rlwmatism and Somac4 Trouble. ihlad freq uent Dizzy Spelis, and when I took food, feit wrethkEed and sieepy. I suffiered from Rheu- matism dreadfuily, with pains in my back and joints, and my bauds swolien. A friend advised "Fruit-a-tives" and from the outset, t.hey'did me grood. Aller the k-si box, fl 1 I ms gelling ZWelland I cau truthfully say that <'Fruit-a-tives" is the only medieine that hieipeil me". LOUIS LARTE. Mec. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial aize, 25c. At ait deniers or sent postpaid by Fruit- a-tives IÀmited, Ottawa. Miss Gertrude Holden, of Mlarkham, spent a few dayâ with -lra. W. S.'Scott- We uinderstand that MIr. E. Webber. of Brookltn, has purcbased Mr. W. Mcl4ean's tarm, nort.b 0f the village. * BAGGOTS VILLE. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hueson. of To- robito, spent the week-end at the bone of NMr. Thos. Lyndo. MIsNellJi" Lynde 'uid t' end, of To. roffto, %isiteid ovor lth( oitiiyli er '.rni e r. Surply the effeets oft ilts great wvar are betng fei lit our vtcinity litthe loss of four of our brave boys. On Mondny Mr- and NMrs. E. E., V.anstone rtcttv(d- il tal>legrittll siathui igtaithir offly son Gordon. had died of wotunds.. The --ymlpazlby '.t 'A i m int s t' A to AMr. and t! rs. Vn.ston, In lu tir liercavement. NIr. Alv-Iin TrIpp. oft'Iorovtû. !.D'ent the holIdaý w tth ltus parenis. ALMONDS. Rev. S. G. McConitack lias charge et tbe services bene durng Mn. Foster's vacation. Mr. Neil MeGregor, of Toronto, lias bees vleiting hie mother, Mirs. J. Me- Glýegor, Miss Mabel Mackey, of Toronto, vis. Ited over te week-end with lier nsotli- or here. lire, Jeffnies and cbltires, et Ridge- town. who have been visItlng for a montb wltb relatives bere, returned home last Fntday. Mn. and Mmr. W. Sangtisn andi tam- tly mhotoned trou> Toronto os Saturday andi visitei oven tbc hoiiday vit I lIr. and Mrs. C. Kemptbornè. 1 Miss Latura E. Clark bas returneti home atten a montb's visit witb trieuuds ber. and In Whttby. Miss Allen, of Toronito, la visluing wltb Mliss M. Kempthorne. Born.-At Oshawa, on Tbursday. August 2nd. 1917, to Mir. atnd Mrs. Wil- liert Dingman. a son. Misses àMabel Rowe andi L. Colemnan, et Toronto, visiteti over the week-end et F. Rowe's.1 Miss Roise Gaston. et Toronto. Is spendiag ber vacation at ber home here. lins. Crawford, who bas been vîsit- Ing wiith hér sister. lints. George Rodd. bas gone te Kings3ton te *Ilsit lier ilece, lins. W. Ashby. Mir. Stickells. et Toronto. visited ver tue week-end wlith A. B. and .%r-,. Edwards'. -Miss Edyllie Kemptborne, ot Toron- to, vfsited over the. week-end ut the bonime ofber parents bere. Mn. Vicier Pegson. of Oshftwn. visit- et inl our midst lasi Sunday. Mir. and lins. W. Baiedon visiteti with Mr. andti ms J. Reeson at Column- bus on Sunday. Mtiss S. Crawtantb, of tbe Base Lise. vîsîteti with ber sister. lins. A. W. Richardson, on Sunday. Mie aad Mrs. Penkias and two sons andi Mr. Walters motored from Toron- to on Satunday andi visiteti aven SSun- day viîb lins. W. MeGregor. Mr. and lire. G.ould. et Toronto, vis-. lted over Suxuday witb Mn. and lirm. W. H al . - Mn. and MlrM.BoWes, ef London, and Mn. sud lins. Sallesnand ebtîdren. of Detroit, called at Vm. Oke's lest week. A CHANCE FOR THOSE COING WEST. M0Mrg5Kr.fs' XCtwu8o,.C VIA c'. P. R. Homeseekers' Excursions te West- ern Canada at attrative tares each Tuesday until Octeber 31sf.,via Can- adian Pacific. the ploneer route te tho WYet. Particulars f romn any Can¶Iian Pacile Agent or W. 9. Howard,'Dis. trict Passenger Agept, Tpi'nto, Ont. A MOTOR CAR AND A RAM. Oshiawa Reforiier: -lr. John Rose. a brother of Mr. James Reosaassiats bis brother ln the seliing ot the Ch.v- rolet automobile. Mr. Hiram Ufford rune a noted fanm on the Base Une. Mir. Johis. Rome cokicluded that Mr. Hirani Giifprd should have a Chevrolet car, se last week lie dreve isto Mn. OitTondsà yard wlth a magnifIcent opc. riunen of the Motor Trme art. After poiishlng It up bniglitly with bis hand- kercliief ho set eut te search,..fer Hiram. and whîile exptalning te Hirami the beauties and elegancies ef this particular car. another member et Mr. Gtfeord's family, consisting of bis otd rani. took a notion to inspect the. car ln Jolîîfs absence," and viewlng bis owa face ini the dour of the. car lie backed up for twenty yards and teok a beder Into the door. Re then wan- dercd around thé. other aide ef the car Ie View hie lîuad Companion, but low and bebold litspotted the saine rani In the eppc ste 4ev s>ad teck another ahot at hlm kn a Manner somewhat BUsier te that et the ttrot. [t tlàsMid, that h. thon wandered behind the car GANIADIAN NATIONA Au*. Z5 uORle-5.t. QV ATONAL IESOWC£Sý We WI -Avery Tractors suited to -the size ofycurt f. The-best investment you can make. You can plow Oneý acre of ground on one gallon of coàl oil. AVERY TRACTORS are, buit ini the following sizes5-5-10, 12-25, 18-36, >5-59, 40-8o- adapted for al farm requirements-field worlc, beit. work, road work. With a Cockshutt or Grand Detour- Tractor Plow one Man cao do your work. Ask us for inf or- lmation.. We have a large stock of machin«.r on han&. W. F. Dlsneyp and viewlng bis own face ln the back of the car througli, the ring for holding the demeuintable tire, lie took It for a hanging photograpli ofthte other ram and baclced up and took another shot tturough the ring at the back of the automobile. When John and Hiram appgared on the scene the ram Polnted to the scene of bis triumph and eve.porated Int Pasture land. John retunned lt-e auto- mobile to'tle works for,- repltir, and rHiram le ruqiinating every nigbt as to whettier be bad better dispose of...Jbe ram or breed.More Of bis kind as a deterrent te travelling agencies. Civic Holiday in'Port Perry will le ceiebrated on Wednesday, Augiiet 15. W}IITBY MARKETS Wlîeat, tatI......$ t0 wheaî. geose .... ......2. n0 Barle ...... ...........1.251 Beans.. .... .... ... ..5.00- Rye .. ...................1.26 Peas ........ ...... .. 2.001 Buct<wheat .... .... .. -.1251 Osaa.... .... .... .... 0.751 Red Clover----------.. ---50 Alaîqke clover,-per -bus ..- 8.50 ltay, per ton .... .. ..12.00 FLOUR AND FEED. Flour..per cwt .. .... ..56.75 Clioppeti feed, cwt. ..2.75 Consmeal .i..... .....3.00 Bran. pentes. .... .... 40.00 Shortsper' ton .... ...45.00 $2. 25 2.00 1.25 5.00 1.25 2.00 1.26 0.80 10.00 9.00 13.00 -6.50 3.00 3.00 MtiAt, POULTRY AND PRODUCE Cattle, dreseed.......16.00 te 17.00 Lainhe. çach. .... .. ..10.00 to 12.00 H ogs. dressed..... .. ..20.00 te 21.00 Veal .... .........18.00 te 20.00 Chtckeno, ,pe IL....0,30. te 0.35 Ducks. Per 1b.. ......0.22 te 0.26 Geeae. dresed, per lb . 0.26 to * 0.30 'rurxey8, dresÏéd, per lb..' 0.35 te 0.40 Butter.. ..... ... 0.38 to 0.40 Eggs.........04 e04 tard, Werlb...... ..0.30to100 .32, Potatoes.Per"'b&g 2.80 to .0 Apples, Per befrel .. o te 3.00 SiIing s!Division cDsuui COTJZiTYT OPON'PÂRIO S1917 5, APL -8, M*y 3, June 4j July 3, $*Pt. 4..Oct 3, Nov. 6, Dem.Ab Jani. 3, 1918. nSiAWA-Mtue M. 4 ~MaodonneU, Wtby.' Clark-Jsn.8 . . . 6. Ai 1. 4. ay 2. June 01, Sept. 51 Oct. 4. Nov. 9. Dec. 8, Jax .. 1911. L. BROUGHAM - M.LGf*.mou. reta- Ir'od,* t1esb-Jm .4- m". .,MW,$#, JuIy 6. Sipt. 6.Nov.-7.' Jan. 5, 1918. 3. PoWr PiiYJ .Erhm Port ?errTyo, CI.rk-Jan. 6, .-rS, Mar 4. JuIy 6, sept 7,, Nov. ,J. à. TVXM3UQE ".EJ. )Moon, Uzbmtg Cl.rk-oJO. 12, Ma. 14, M"y S. ju le., Sept S,.NOv. 23. Jeu. 11, 19M8 Canington, Crk-Jsu. 11, Mir- 18, Tan. 0 98 I4. EÂVERTQON--Cbau , A. Paro% Etaveton. CTrk-4an. 10., Ms,. 14, May 0, uil12. Sept. 80". NOV..21, JasL t. 1x11, MY 11. I J. IL8 riAi, gov, I 0 Dbatl setWblty, Nov. Itbi 9 i~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Um am' a,.~'-i---------- Whutby Lieut. Ralph Madili, of Beaverton, has been killed iii action. Trais Time Tabfr. 0. T. E WH1TIJY JUNCTION.- Going W est...4tpeau. Goionast..2p. ....7.Las m:n- ....t.o U .... 7.30 p.rn, j.. ..5 pauu- Sunday traînse ave tor Toroto -a 4.52 a.m. snd 7.30 p.m. Frein Termite. -train.s top MawiWbtby ,Jým9Uu At 8.20 snd 10.10 a.nsdSr.30 D.m. UP*TOWN STATION.. A Golng North ... I.3o eau. u Coing 5euth..7.13 lmw, 4.465 pan. 1 Wa.1s p.ss Coing West *.3 m. Gotsg 2*M-li .lm8.0 STAGE. Loavesfoi rouglm at 10 4.m ,M. Edwas'ds, propricter. For W*- 564% 5.10. 10.15 s&. For a**-1.30s4. 1 FC o Ie« Ncslh-a &NO* Eu FAREWEL1 SI 05*, u.th vin Ooin gHwsý Ue#ds4oe. Sol 05*, Broê Undertaber ~.Usa4I~ or nlght. BRooKu~ Gra4uatethe o- O ssesses -ail the- body and fine' fiavore the sparkïe -and,- the creaiy eadhe ppeizing and tonic properties ,,of Ite-parent' product,' rè"relisbed throughout, .Canada- for fifty years, i BASE LISE NWEST. Mr. Thos. Greenaway spent Civic Holiday ln ,luskoka. Mr. Fred Reynolds aund ttleîds, of! Toronte, spent thec holiday witb bis pareuî ts. Mir. Bert Greenaway, et Toronto0. anti Mir. A. E. Story. et Montreal. spent Stinday witb frientis bere. Mn. and Mlis. Tanner, Mn. anid -Mua. Penny. a.nd Misa Gl-.dys Tanner. of Toronto, spent Saturday witb Nins. L. Story. A loati ot plcknickers spent Cîvie Holiday at Stery's Point. Some farsuers are expenlencing great diftleulty ln gettlag belp on tefarnu. We learn laI Mn. Neil Vanstone Ie expecied home soon fnemn overseas. BROOKLIN. t wl QUALITY 1K THE RIGHT PLACE M-hïte Label Aie A -v- 1- 1 17, ýj - 1

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