Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Aug 1917, p. 3

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r- Dombardmêènt Calculited te Level Geruan Defence For Infantry Advance. ami l'reparc A despatch from' London says: The itmies. North-west of Bixschoote a'rtillery duel in Flanders bas again the Fec aeelre ute Increased to the greatest intensity,; gains made on Wednesday. South- reports the German general staF, The west of Bixschoote, in the regioli bombardment has been especially èouth of Langemarck, the French have heavy on the Belgian coast anj- from'made sorne progress into the German flixschocte to Hollebeke. line. The Anglo-French guns of al cali- Except for several local raids by bires are evidently engaged in- level- the French, tbere has been ne ixfan- ing the German def ence po4ti&bs, try activity on the long line from St. preparing the way for anotherthrust Quentin te the Swiss border. The of t'he infantry. French and German pins, however, The only infantry engagement bas are hammerlng the opposing Unes aken place on the line -betwçeen along the Aisne front, in Champagne Ypres and Dixmude, with the French and on hoth banks of the Meusee in the lis for argeet af ter t3aelic d4 eye- mes a I POOtI ~t wa- them Ùi, the iturt'. there", ctober 13(1te.S Wd lo<stvi Contia c ra y te Ate,' 'vhtcî le, ert. -. , m i' * tare less des- xd is b lut uitq. Le lo-. tob- : hse t nlese tv'i iinounçcvmnt Wosu mode aller a thorough cannaiss conductedl by it. Members ef thecomuittea express- ed the hope that the solution cf the c4»iDrn<nIN I ALE5TIN ARE WORST POSSIBIL Northaeca.a 4.0: ltl. bat.11.00 -. Ont q4 eat-Uses, eOlns.30 t arnîiculty wilî ce ieun. in a supply of 1.I C; do.,. neavy, 24 te sic.: coones. 41 te docto:S freom the United States, .y- Adeajatcb frein New York says; 42c. roiS.. 27 te 29c; br«akfast baeon. Sit33 t 60; blm Uplaftin88te 179; boue- ing tint tiey believe that tisousanda cf Conditions ia Syria sud Palestlm e a ài te 40e. medical mea lier, are Wîllîng te coule declared te b. the. "vers: posauble" I>y 3t te Europe. i "rfur». who led frein tiser.and 16. ar 1'Mtard. tereee. -9t» t24ct; Xst U*àed ?.Otto&tiares.i e, tt&SOMe: .. ANOTHER SU13MARINE SUNIK NoeYerk and reported te the Amen- ic BY AN tiNARmED sTBA7mERcan, Gommîu ci Amoidan ad - Syrian Roet. - montrait Aut 1 faW--C n A despateh fromIn Lndon anys:- 'The cmmttee'. iform ou, w ete ý%lqo . sto 54e» do-.N. , AncUser unarmed merchantman bas 1nl- ls itlh*Wl, iaid tier. were jtO , OZtra 0~. i tee&. i4 te 53 sunk a submarine, but, boauseocf tihe 800f80 !tplah t i ehn! leI$Jbat# i >çieoS2, fate ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h 'c atî hre ratc i. left1 owtasg ainly te a lack of 811.&0; qtrong baiser.', $19.30; MWla ter British steamer Brussela. wbo was mediene and .e..r.y-of âeetors. 812,iat.4 i. ~:sraei4,lo exocuted lu July, 1916, by the. Gr!peerer class" bave been wiped out 1 ROI s1 84,4 t* i4M Mans, for attempting té, rani a sub- bitrainb ad n Lea"Dnshorts.. S9O& -Md tagu . 8.t e,8 mnarine, thse naines cf the.captain sud ho saw ma"nyvilla m sdtowns viti- Ioullilo.. < - IL H-N M crew cf the steamer snd* particulars' eut 5asingle iuhabitait. on. car toms 1 e$ .Caa ccncerning tjseir achievements cannot aie ba published. 'EW'POI&>N USE!> t. .r:a t e. P tt6.. 7%e captan and cre of the essel, 42: w0n 2 tock. s e14L The aptin rsdcroe cftis VnS5IN ~GERUAN BO>3 Poetbut. car lots. 414 t teSU' iiowever, have been presènted wti $2.500 by Sir William J. Tatein, chair- ,i.ri hHck W a, Us mani cf the Tatern Steain Navigatios FranCo, aya:Bitssmeju eferapfl4ta Co. for their <eI.aetyg oer bd. . i~8.4G.,j~ Nc ISILISIM",n FOD O SLMESthe new Poison ne, Iu la belleve 1« rspecwa. MS.,n Xe. JI~ FOD Othe IRS(ucfirat tise, by the. Garmaus os the ý 3,7. e, 1c 0 [S OFTIEN WASTED. rni euae neairs ie t.v2 i 4.. 1,00e; tutse&. No.e 1u A despatch from London anys:iie. BOliVAZIrontier, The. poion b«» &I *I<MW, 18838, War Office dre'w attention te the wast-,'ct&nSOiceot ti u ~ ~ 5~~8~r*~3j ~4, age of food frein the despatch b - e nioaiy soa alrewubr C1. 14i tiens and frienda of parcela contalinug Britis trops : a rt fl bu#itj" toodstuffs to .troops, more npecially' efeb r__ iel m s ericoMi distant tomves. Moretbauoae liaitoe rive quit. unfit for consimptbs. m 4&2~im. ~1,4 tô #I #I& acagsoten r retqred,-IuaaM. A deplafmS I'yI*811 a». "M WIi' eloatly addre&Wedor wskaown, UsV~.Frmek é or bars «Mt 4ar<'ts-, -e cosstantlyrae bfood lu tea, lii lba ts fJuI v b« w.~ articles sailolias gtg*, botter, asgspasba4 fruu uIu .t -- a a laiw vrilig altet dp efaclios, on % * A x .'0,__l The. wbolt'escr. of au== -la 131 once a g««W stand basbnu ucuvd#la fwidi keeping thq' groouud«24an #v.tian and .vold4 grit Iaury dr ,rican FIag. -d the Ha2nburg-American liner "Va- ak of the war. Fiftcen other German work of fltting them ?et for transport >man crew sought to destroy will- soon NEWS FRNM EGLAN NEWS BT- MIAIL ABOUT Jolis BULL AND RIS PEOl'LB OmerTenm g lu the* Land '['ba Reigu Supreme la the Coma- mercial World.. The War Office is calling for laun- drymaids, cooks sud housemaids te' proceed te France at once. Sir Howard Frank bas purchased the old Beachy Head ligithouse, which la said te bave cost £20,000 te build.* AdmniraI R. S. Dalton Cumning, who .-is sorving as s temnporary captain, R. N.R., has lleen awarded the D.S.O. Mrs. M. A. 'Harcourt, M.B., bas been, appointed temporary modical .healtb! officer. and school medical officer for. Holland, Lincs. Tho challenge cup, given by Sir Ed. Smithi, J.P., London Cou!ýy Ceuncil, fthe e.5 4eC C,..a....+han 1.een. troops the aggyesesin bt in- "Verdun region. RguSAS CECK C FGRTING BILLION ENEMIES. Coparison of the Population and EN MY AD AN E War Strengtb of Belligerents. ài Te Central Powers' are fighting'Te ug em LnrVt%üF14 heA i ___ ~~more than a billion enemies. Ger- h aeGruuLIe YtrldFya ReAa ]In Galicia and Bukowina the mnany has s population of 68,059.000, Pot taker just sfteRý the Stars and Stripea were raised on board Àustro-German 'Forces Are wvith 12,287,000 additional Germanrad h a h age asne esLntewrda ~ ube subjects in the colonies that have t>een ships in U.S. ports have been taken over by the U.S. Gà-'ernment aùd the M Beîng IieId Back. - snstch-ed from ber.. Âustria-Hungary service wiIl be rapidly pushed te completion. The angines which the Geri A despatch frein Lendon'says. Ap- bas s population cf 51,505,000, -Tur- be répaired- The r(pairs te the Vaterland cost mnore than $,OWOW. parently the Russians have checked. key 21,274,000 and Bulgaria 4,753,000.1a.77 e8.6 anr n utr,$2 greatly the Anstro-German advance in Tbe combined populations are 157,- 76 WtiI, o $.7:cnesadutm$.2 Galicia and Bukowina, as no notable 878.Q000 Makets of 8; mlkerqgod t chece.$ t advncs av benmae y heTe-[lie 2 1 100: do.. coin. a.nd med.. $40 ta $50; advncs av benmad b te eu A'snst the Central Pewers are ar- I p1'i1ge1'5. $80 te $120: Illht ewes. $8.50 te $9.76; sheep, heav y. 86.00 te $7.25; tous since the Russian line stiff ened.1 rayed Great Britain, France, Russia, Erea4«s UUYearlings. $10 t 1.0 avs odt Te the scuth ini Meldavia the Russians Itsly, Japan, Belgium, Portugal, Ru Tro-o Ag.14 antoa het-$1 te $15, spring lanbs, $16&75 and Rumanians are atternpting te re- mania, Serbia, Montenegro, thle United No. 1 Northern, $2.40, No7 5 Northern. do.. weighed off cars, 817.25; do.. f.o.b.. occupy the positions north of Fok- Statea, Cuba, Panama, Brazil and 138: No. 3 Northern. $2.33. No. 4 $ 15.76 ta $16.0M - ie. $2.24. nominal, store Fort Will- Mentreal. Aug. l4e-Choice ste4g's. $11 shani, lest to Field Marshal von Mac- Siam, wîth a combined population cf liam. (toe8h$6; good. $10»60 te $16.76; lewer kenscn's men. They have attacked 11,009,681,000. 1Maniltoba onts-$Wo. 2 CWÇ.. 7 9 jc. grades. $9 te $10: butchers' cows. 86.26 Itrs.ck itayports.,!te 88.25: buile. $6.75 te $8,76; Ontario the ustr-Gerans with strog 1In ares the Central Powers cover, Amerlcsn corn-No 3 yeliew. nomninal. lambs. $1150 te $14; Quebec. $12-6C te forces, but Berlin says the effort fail-1 an expanse of 2,223,133 square miles.' rck Toronto., * 1$13; 8heep. $7.76 te $85; aelected hotu. taîrio cats-, offitciai guotations. $17.25 toe.jif; reugh hega. $16.75 to ed. he iumer f pisoerstaken Th'e nations cf the Entente-Amerîcan Ontatlo 'sheat-No. 2 Winter. per car $17. by the Teutons in this region is re- allies rover an area cf 34,502,082 lot. $2.55 to $260; No. 3,.$-1.53 ta $2.58.- ______ according te frelghts outside; new crep. ported ta have reached 3,300. square miles. No. 2. $2.35, nominal. -.In territorial sizo the Allies are!' agNo 2. nominal. aecortiing te N w ONT EH Y RESTICTONSON UE sveneenturns te sze c tbeirop-freights outaide. RESTICTO'N ONV-S sevnten trne th siz ofther o-! arley-Ms.ltl.ng. nominal. according te 0F WHEAT AND BEEF ponents. freîghts outalde. 1 h obieHatoa3wat c y--No- 2. nominal. according ta CROP IIEAJ!Y A despatch from Ottawa says:-De- Germany and Austris-Hungary la Manitoba flour-Ptrst patents. In Jute finite regulations, ta ceme into effect, more than $100,000,00,000. The com- bags. 812.40: second patens. in jute at once, for restricting the use of beef,' bined national woalth cf the United tag $ 12.0. trn bkrs 1JueRain la Retarding Harvest Work bacon and wvhite brend in public eatiîîg States, Great Britain, France, Russas lou$1120. In bgtera ornta. -Root Crops Thriving. plcs nd for prohibititig the use cfîand Italy is something like $250,000,- prnmpt ebiprnent- e.thfrmNwLaer 0Milifeed-Car lots. dell"ered Mentreal Ad9ac rm Nw Laer whent in the distillation or manu-! 000,000. ýfreights. baga included-llran. per ton. isays: Conslidorable rain has falIon facture of aîcohol have been promul-ý The four Central Powers are les $36; shorts. per ton. $46; rnlddlings. per . e gated by order-in-Ceuncil at thej o tir ta'tiasie in tn 3 a35 odfe iur ~ a.within the paat few dgys and is tha oe-hid heterioralsie n ý83.26. fed- È stance of the Food Contrei.ier. The, square miles cf the Dominion cf Hay-Extra No. 2. per ton. $11.50 te tarding work in the bayfid.Th seringof eefan baon s pohbit' Cnad.$19.00: mixed. per ton. $9 ta 810. track hay crop is perhaps the heaviest on" edon Tursdayà and Fridays, and nt1 The normal war strength of t h aen t>,w lots, per ton, $.0takrecordfotisitrcndor ha more than one meal on'".y other day. Central Powers, xncluding peace jeontorîe n coe nrl ig ecUlt. Inarin- Substitutes, such as cern'bread, oat- str ength and reserves, is more thani uaexPoue-bogal r who havenerithbeen CaLta cut cake, potatoes, etc.. must be provided 1,000,000 men. The total available Butzer--Creamery. solids. per 11>_ 35 t i arpr htarayS i at ever-Y iealat which white bread la unorganized normally ot these coln- 36àc Pr"n"a. er lb.. 35J te 36c; dM.ry, terhy eotta le$ t- Der lb..2» ta SOc. begtnning to falt amd unlesa dry weI-. served. Under the order the expres- tries is more than 18,000),000 men, a Egeis-Per dos_. 37 ta 85e. esiatoneacsdrbl sien "bacon" includes cured (eitherj grand total cf more than 28,000,000 M hlealer th e ll n trieth r-alpohrtiitconce a rotaTdeal- pickled or snîoke) aides, backa, hàms1 mon. Ch foiNwlar, 2ràtec; iîns. p orti nUti. rep il ot. hie lst and any portionx cf what is termed, in he normal war strength of thc Eu- 229 t4 Illetriplets, 23 te Ille: old. mosttertalaiae uayIt the trade, Wiltshire sides. tente Allies, peace strqngtb and r- lu tet-Fresh 3Oicy; tripe. 3083c; knt cdkedon graincisdy e te i 0serves, oxcluding tho United Stateas, ina meyprintsdr. o,c.oi , î~38 1u u ii edc rywairl NO -MORE MEDICAL MEN1 about 21,000,000 men-,Te t talegga-ew ad ecron.4 ' 0;fafrly general. In ccstaat te the hay AVAILABLE IN BRITAIN1 avaitable unorganizod lu norma! tunes eut of cartons. 43c. sud grain, tomatoas, c0bages, cu- of thse ntionsle 6, 00,00 ma. ~Drsfed poutry-Spritgchickens. 25 ecumbers ad aIl root cropasr.trv À despntch from London says: hi1e total la 82,,000 men. li 84.); îres 6 q3c u lrit~asue Thq Earl cf Derby, Secretary cf State Combining aIt tii beiligerents thfre tLIve poutry-Sprini chtckens. lb., 0 i btyt j'...1..41 for War, was informed by the Central nornially would ho available for fight- te 220. boas. Id te lac: ducks. Sprint. mb# r n ext vA ils eliPWe With- 17e- n thenextton dayaIt tt by that Medical War Co mmittee that ne morej ing something lilce 110,00,000me&. Ho y-ComJ,-Extra ine anddheavy, ettug â, j. '~ tppw medical umen are available for army Anothor million poured into the melt- wet ht par dos.. 83.76. select$$360 t ag ntn .dsealud wil to, alaeett, tm commissions without. "seriouàly on-igpt by the. Unit.ed States, plusite.3 $9.80 ver bush* dw o the fact tbat havit on the piiIp dangtering the supply of doctors for ,0 more available, makes a grand BImre a n.dO" pl. c e 1.50 per bush ___ th cvi cmnunity.00 The- commit- toalci 2aÃ"ô,00 Der L.1n-picod.18 t.50 ffliUP UntU ta* prsant theCiil or toalol 20môMn' l4otato.m.. -un tra.ek-Red star. newý. .. .11 tIa" lmout MW &dy Smw. t t a usatadm sein, -ce thse u l umber misabaita. epysbtnildm 1- aUn or beig>bnt,,rein Qi. P1I tbii'ou<t the. o0untt'y W5fla 4" ou- miss Anale- Jonies, a miaddle.agoard Ing ucreed t ~ pint 5 apI' usinntIon wonker: e. Forastt l)), va tb* mines.!I!hs Ja Wltlt Precedmentwrded Me "=aUnes erinjvaies - 1 ow.tty h S . .frdwhl alth Ig trom a tram- mear, w m - em.ar.Àùpteâ Wi"Out ràdum% *I M o i Otahe say [mmded inu«"o peebta th* V>r Qrb.r, ýjwomlnov lie rasdy te »Uktuitisa. i NEWR DY MAILFR01 R. LASVDS S19ORPS. RapPeulnts In the. Emerald [I.se Interest tb Irish- meài. WUAT TUB E SW EI8 A RE DOII< 'Prqgre» off the. Great Wust 1. l.a *Few Fountd Pareg-rapba. f-I r i 00 la TI. '<ub Wk I0ow Ii ha lbel lâl. reportslew $b"ot amat two years e t* iwar more tiiaa aue" bunasAam disses hanta « l ia a p olatly anluo pnsoseae vsoa or Bsn 0,0< wata~ ~ qk eîtua b a8rl raw .9 U Téleadsr of tbe uw corps me *mm nde o thé.Mo rlta BIG hh.yA case ias II,é A resident of Ardmore, Portadown, Whitmore & Orr have located Wa has made £92 in a fortnight by the high-grade copper-silver-lead lead on' sale of eggs. their M. & L *group at Legate creekl A sale of works of art was held in Ské'ena river. Dublin recently in aid of the Irish Vancouver shingle manufactureraý War Hospital Depot, realizing £2,800- have decided to oppose the demands' A new summer Y.M.C.A. tent for of the shingle weayers for an eight- the use of the soldiers has been open- hour day with ton heurs' pay. ed at Rathdrum by Sir William Fry. Word bas been received frein Otter The Irish Times Fund, in aid of the Point that the traps are makizig -jul widow and children of the late Inspec- catches of salmon. Most qf the fish tor ?4ills amounts te nenrly £1,400. are sockeyes, but there is n smnattek- After-making several tests' of the ing of springs- and cohoes. . new potatoes, Athiene f armers de- Gunner Robert Esten, who left scribe the crop as the best in ten Victoria with a draft from the ' th years. Regiment, C.G.A., soule montha ago, The~ Duke of Connaught's Hospital was irijured during- a Germnan air for Limbless Sailors and Soldiers at 'raid over Folkstone on May 25. Bray v.-as formally opened by Lord The value of the British Columbia' Wimhorne 1 buit auxiliary schooners has been he telegraph and postal sub-office shown by the splendid performance in William Street, Newry, has been 1cf the Geraldine Wolvin, whieli arrv close» by erder of the Post Office au- ed at Sydney recently, 49 days out, thorities. f rom Vancouver.0 The Board of Guardians cf Derry With an increase of from practical-' have had a number of citizens fined ly nothing to sixteen million'dollars in; for neglecig te have their children the value of the shipbuilding industry, vaccinated. in and around Vancouver within a. The Victoria Cross, which w as given year, there bas been a growth la the* te Private William Jones for heroism Population of about 5,000. at Rorke'n Drift in 1879 was sold byi In addition to forest fires at Trait, auctign for £110. Sproule Creek and Demars, conflag- Edward Lupton, barrister, has beon tiens ci a similar nature have br.6kèn appointed Divisional Justice cf Dublin eut ~at Woodberry Creek on Kootenay in place cf Mr. Macinerney, who has Lake, Summit Lake and "Arrow Park. roached the age limit., The fires at Sproule Creek, Arrowl A cooked fooed dept was recently Park and Demars are under control.. opened in Limerick by the Lady The -continuance .0cf the marked hoti Mayoress, te sizppîy cheap food te the wave over the interier ef British: citizens and is i>eing largeîy patron- Columbia has begun te assume lm-, ized. portance from the standpoint cf the A -request made by the magistrates forest fire danger. Already a sericus, cf Ballyniote district that the îPotty outbreak bas been regorted from the, Sessions be held monthly instoad of vicinity cf Nelson. fortnightly has been granted by Judge Mr. Samuel H. Hopkins, B.S.A.,, Wakely.who bas been occupying the positiOn; Sir Anthony Weldon, Bart., who ofassat provincial live st"C served ln the South African War un- commissioner, bas been appointed drGnrlBullero died recentîy in district superviser cf. agricultural la-' der Gneralstruction for Duncan and the dis- private hospital in Dublin. tit fNrhadSuhCwca. M. J. Kenny, K.C., bas been ap tit fNrhan ot oihn poitë SniT row Poscuorfor The Victoria B3oard cf Trade, the county cf Derry-in the place cf through its council, virýually felt lato P. Lynch, K.C., roslgne4. lUne with public orgamizations cf tÈe,' Major Edw'ard Kilkelly, M.C., cf the otcfacuvNe Wehin Royal Field Artillery, who *as recent- ster and Nanaimo iii.supporting .thé] ly illd t acion wa a on f Cl-proposai to effect an affiliation et;i ly klle Inactin, as sonof ôl-the pilotage boards-o al tfour-pla ces. onel and Mrs. Kilkelly, PrimceiiF, Mr. Albert G. Langley, ME, 'Galway.z The îlîary~Cros w~Jc~ ~ native son cf Victoria and brot er-o awatle teti. lta apal~ Gu W Major W. -U Langley, now, ath0 Eaton, Royal Irish 1Zusiieore, i tnLet.Gn.SrAu-u urî~ basbee hadedte ls u-staff lin-France,, bas beeL ppointé,l guet, 1916, bsbeihne ehsmo- district ongineer af the Eastern--Min- ther by the. War Office, f rlSivydsrit ih- ,e'- Thé clerk cf the Boyle Board c rlSie itit ih ed Guarian ottes bata svingof 300quartersa at Roveistoke. Gh dan s staefete bth e sav i e f 30 At North Vancouver the LyalU bashen efetedti ti. ew ier~rSbpbuilding Ccmpanyi, which has. scale at the, workhd"s, and that tii a<y.qlodtoPl i!o lnai~eo re wil attof<L.-D . L. 2U, cýi4 h Wallace,, hipyardo,, expecte. te lar» ê' slGix woodon slips which 'thîs conipany bias contracta te -buîld for TheISEI) IN LONDONa 1taý d - ni<&-lian beesi-so oftan -a .ie Ther Ar No 40900J.w luat won It Wa.-li tii. BEitob Arme- fl $tuat alEti w esy~r A- despatlI r ' c _London s$'Û n ,ments Of the. postal départment 4 dat a raat WAïat bOtwerniRUS-1beau compIted w14 ad -ta -.the s i* a #i a s. wns crs ab.--serî ewcald .be hi.ugarated with-> Ing oîgaulasd hao. Thorauar 20100> -ont delay, the o ouueilIoras-c6ntent<t: aws«f 'MiliUary p ju ndo, I.1tmuIvus WithiliEng tii. etterý ar -uW 4&,00 .ews in-the Drit- lo a &MY#' 81Met om-arepu&ýb iII~<~If . dT tI__ sro0--- a.1 zmapir.ogg A t' .1 k' I won by Eusten. j Joseph Smith, cf Spitalfields Mar- ket, was flned £20 at -Old Street Po- lice court for impesing a condition in the able ef petatocs, IA saler. who has taon twico tor- pedodd sud twice lest ail bua belong- ings, insisted orc giving £1 te Churci Aruny recreatidu buta. ICharles Nayler, of the Grove, Hamn- tmeramilti, wu fined £5 fer disptay- ing for sale oas at a price higiior thsan that fixed by thé Food Order. git Ceo>es' Per>v, ofGuya *i n bua b.euelect vice-oliaceller ofthéi IUulversfty oetLondonte Ã" succeed Sir AIie Peaee oldea in Euglaud, las retire41 frein bis pouti ,,f leader of tthe bellringers at Uttox.l ÃŽeter, sitea ixy-ftve years' service. qu ip- ýght - auSt- Sfor -nalic ) i. th a t ci.d r- it he ,ing oi-k- -cnt iaie - iiit ider 'in- i ngs, îeep tva r f ter 'ie 1 t flot sps be. d to ens ber ive ta u Id î 4AÇF" va fflm"%

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