Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Aug 1917, p. 6

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Jt. ~%. .f. Y - ** a ** i i *~ raiutim~. e 4L The Lantie LibaM of "goudy secrets" sent free if y ou mail us a Red Bal Trradmarkcuocaton or sack of LanticPure Cane Siigar. In 2 and 5-L i.Canton 10, 20 and 100-IL. Sacka fATI C SUGAR RERiFs Limiaed, oar. v s- 1' i., - z 4- ni! tiienr ~ftsr a apeecble.a i 'word. came almosk p~- UTour itrlJohn? Ha s miicominl be? a6e ier me, nowr'-, Y, h dn't bavabrought brin isti:'~d aVoic. b.. bizd - ienella,- speamking in a -iWbisper that ounded angî. "ii. dctor uaid he waast to b. excited, and t"i vî2it lsn n suceh an orinary tbing."I FenelIa, thougb h. dl not tuais ber head, supposed it was Duncan who was peakin, a wondered why ho sbould be bitter aswell as -angry. uYes, she iis near y ou, Adamn; bere la ber band.Y And John gently-pull- e4 FenelliVe haif-reluctant lingera to- wirds one of the bandaged packages. '<It in good of you-very good e you, Missà Fenella, to visit a stricken wretch-and stricken tbrougb bis own fault toc." "lThat's a lier' aaid that sarne deep and emphaticwh~isper behlnd Fenella. "It'a because John-because your father bas a kind of affection for me that you've come, PIn thinkin'V" It was eïident that, even in its pre- sent weakened- state, 'Adam's brain requîred an.explanàtion of the pheno- menon. "Yea; I-1 was so dreadfully sorry, to bear of the accident," stam- (To be continued.) A PAINLESS CURE FOR BUTRNS. French Physician Ras Discovered the, Means te Save Soldiers' Lives. 1 ÈBetween Cousins;, OR, A DECLARATION 0OF WAR. CHAPTER V.-(Cont'd.) conservition, he held on grxrnly to the There was a littie doubt 4au John's straw thatcb, and even to the dangi. tone-a doubt of which Fenella was so: ing stones *hose mission in life was to keenly consclous that, havinç given counteract the rush of winter blasta a haity assurance, she lapsed into an- tearing down the glen from the wider- other speli of silence. No' wondr, neas beyond, for ever on the point of sureiy, If ber father feit sceptical re-' lifting the roof from the waiis as garding ber qualifications a s an ange! Ireadity as any bat from s human bead. of consolation, seelng" that she bad A chimney indeed was visible, but one neyer fairly tried her band at the i of that time-honoreif sort which is pro- work. The part cf John's bidren duced by inserting a smail herrtng- in bis labors had alwaya Ibeen as goodj barreL, with the bottom knocked out, as nil. A given number of flannel in the thick of the thatcii. What had petticoats were sewed every winter been good enough for his forefathera and ag.ven quantity, of soup dispensecf was good enouh for hini, Adam argu- from'tb'eRectoi-y kitchen. Practicai-'ed. The thatch itself %vas in excelIent WY they acted as a ransom frein any, repair, and the arden patch beaide more intimate co-operation, and a; the cottage carelully due; but 4thin cbean ransom too, considering the em- and various other signa of thriftlnezs barrassment.s thus escaped. That and metbod could not, in Fenella'm soup and fiannel petticoats, tbough eyes, redeern the Iowlines of the excellent thingi in tihemselves, did not a bode. necessarily represent the highest "You had better wait a bit, until 1 forms of charity bad scarcely occur- inquire,"' said John, a littie nervously, red. Wo Fenella hitherto, though abe standing stili before the cioe door. Scould not help dimly understanding She watched him as he bent his head that in ber father's eyes other forma under the iow-banging door-beam, and stood higher. while she waited the trepldation sharp- That fater, with his olda- ened ta anxiety. Might not Adam stracted gaze, his undying interest in b e dead already- and ah e be calied wbat most people seemed tW consider. upon to look upon a corpse? Long the duiiest aide of lufe, had aiways afterwards she remnembered the lok been to Fenelia a. baif sacred and: of the bare hiliside opposite, witb the whoiiy enigmaticai figure. Tii.at,-Isheep wandering about aupong the traction of tbe enigma put a note 9ilbouiders in search of the first reen tendees into the awe-struck venera-1 tufts, and the sound of the 04nvîsibie tion wii which she regarded him. It river at the foot of the steep bank. waa b 2 mortifying and asanishing, 1À11 these things seemed to partake of f or instance, tbat h. sboulic stand sol that sense of expectation, of the fear coifpletely aloof froin thé cuit of the of the sight of deatb which had corne f amnily beauty. H. alone seie to over ber.- feel no interest in ber future career. Then her father tooked out and aaid, Yet, something told her that it was, bis, voice mirgling with that o! the no want of tendernesa which last the wtr bottom, of thîs strange indijfereiice. &,The night bas been good, thank Lately--perhaps 'ince Elia'a hadow Godi ,You c*n eomne i, Feneila, if no longer fell betwveen them -he had ou want to, but you mmt not sia begun to feel that she' wanted to find ro u. he inver y weak.» out wh*t it waa that did lie ait the bot- th somewbat accèlerated heart- tom o! it;,and ye.terdaym incident bad beats 'Fenèlein aturabent ber bead' brougbt the resire to a head. The arnd iouowod ber fuher: tliÉouh the pathos' of bis oitary mission had tiy etM suad thM uba fort pursudd ber even into the ball-room.t, «Ltt - Thue space w thiinwu go To-day's r.e>ove was t t it. A» , ?» tiiAà at gfrstahe couId dis- she walked y ber father's aide upffiS tlnlti n Intbtth lnisuo g 'n bat wam musical wlth the. voices hg, p yljoir ô4týte ame pon both of birds and of the many burns't, l. eea, t r, imd tfrdéI Uan- hurryipg to tiirow thernselvs ito the -h ht.jugefrm ii embrace o!f Ate x#er'iii thbe boliow, ml fbtoteal i h jet. ir Fenllas sateo! iin wa a ixtrewas doubties iadetuwith cat-cakes. of sei!-approval a.nd of trepidation-i hsa,~hasdbrftir of 8eIf-appirovai -becaume mii. was do-1 taki herbythe. Md leading in i hng wbieh atruck lberaei! asber towsrdm wbaf msmed ,to b. a srt vrigon the. beroic, of trepidation Io!«qa _ a be ius, aspite of lier bravewos h tialdePdIl abe was a little afraid of the nÏ SM id nr> aUtéa li8. it forr qvera1 si bt8 awaiting ber,, and Mt1il M , O.' Sentabd soodesideUalet ds afraid of the moral dlscomfort lasepa- tmomen tts eor .wa ie to dia- rablé froin an y contact vith ttiie.f athe, desp -upboard-bO,4, wïtii iiumbly-situated blood-trelatlons. For # akg fbnae nti ibw Fenella, despite- ber itpole irt, Ïwbida Pres abiy WaU tise h iaa was as doepiy irnbued wli the impor- j1~ mle .dgd-p.ayn tance of ber own sci, oitonor tebanked - probab tii Eila hrsi! could bave wîabud liertoi lùeýpoa h b. h. was q<tltedlapi.dte h i l'opg'aiJobs.bendn ove cympathetic, and as beil as ned b%, -ujIev ca. ss *, s poed. but eVen the deaire OrDals1RhiVi u md otat fskther couId not dl m 1, her e ' aï y üùI hs*70"tM . h a big i pgn thse river-baaz:apl e tand . - mlghty Shkidow of tiie'opjuostehllalel unt0ut*ùas 19@ullolay ug oa helpedito quicken Iber frjiiz«. g5th1,, Yneap sgea Y.»; dpclde1y lit waz a Mtè iôbunsillat- r otrtsaaywr dm Ing,$ h 0o oown .cousin«Mo odgd Ui. tban ml word *%d a huuabiy, even, though as" icturesqmely witîî une, my yeun ., gi o lao au019. Agam; wltli t Uuîryo' tb anm e,4Yyug ir,*-m years eaitssnmlghtwell bave ai- e oais @ bu"ý i$eW aafsteroo b d ~ ~ îri ouptÎ NE IS RUS8lA'8 MOST BRILLIANT GUENERtAL ACOURÉE IN HflhTEHOLfl SCIENCE COMPLETE INI ELECTRICITY'SPAT With .Premier Kerensky He Conritlj- TWENTY-FIVE LESSONS. tutea the Malnstay of Ruea5a'wSý Lemmon Vi. Carbobydrates. II w A Share in World War. Carbobydrates, tke namne given te ili effecta. It i. the most easily and -- starches and sugar, furnish heat for completely digestible of ail the food- SMit 0F TUE MARVELLOIJS Gen. Korrn!ioff bas lost no Urne In the body and energy to do work. stuifs. S applylng the "1blood and Iron" tonte se Because few persons chew starcny EQUIPMENT USED. sadiy needed by the Rusalan armies. Starches. foods aufficiently, tbey should be thor- He la sald to bave tui'ned bis artIilery Grains, coreais and vogetables sul>- ogycokd ntestinal troubles - on one division -tbat showed ccward- Ply starcli. It constitutes f rom one- resuit frein eating pooriy cooked Demande of the Huge Conflict Hiave ce. Tbe armIes under hlm wiii bave balto three-fourths o! the solid-mtltrh od seilybekat elther to figbt the Germaus or figlit ter o! cereais, andfully three-fourtbs: srIbfaontspandialiy r eakfst tmltdInetr eG ec they shat K fibt.a etr-fthe psoiesof o! diges>nofs 1r sufer especially from lasuff iciently of Their Best. mined that te hl lh.Tepoeso ieto fsace cooked breakfast foods.- The fireless This brilliant soldier, 'who wual a- beglua in the month. Ail food con- ýcocker je the best method, o! prepair- It is probably sale to say-that with. moat unbeard of outalde of Russin un- taining starch sbould b. tboroughly xng starchyŽ,foods. out electricity this war could neyer tii a few weeks av-o. constitutes wltb masticated and mixed with the saliva a> uas aerahdtepootoswihi *Kerensky the hope of the Allfes that before swallowing. This o! the ut- _,-hav; e rabed theproporn hebeei Russa wili continue to do her share lnost importance. The action of the Sugars are of many kinds and are bas; p ethaps cui eyBiBerthaben. of the common task. Ho bas the con- saliva continues for about bai! an obtained cbiefly f romn sugar cane, fie y an electric spark. Every fIdence of hie men and the confidene bour after the food entera the stomacb, beets, maple trees, and palme- Vege- orfir b edurrs eah t! 0f the loyal element everywbere 1-In but the stomach juices do not act upon tables, fruits and milk also containorrfonbadates ecest Russas. Kerensky beileves In hlm. starch. The next stageofdgson ugr Cael our chief course of trenches, not by courier as in dnys of He le the Most brîllilant of the generais is effected by the pancreatic juke and sugar.- h lsan plant soînewhat re- orld, bu tacatelepho. he ieiesa wbo under Brussiloif conducted Use Intestinal ferments. hscmlts'obig r. By crushingjcrcesatcaoacopnenti sensatIonal campaign lat Summer. the procesa and changes the starcb between roliers tbe sweet . ieveysligo hpadsbaie Auc The terpeda itself is propeiled by elec- His, own recent drive in Galicm,ý re-it oule sgla.i extracted, hc is lafedtemor. -re suled n te cptue o 35000lau Exessstarch in stored in Use body and evaported. When cool it formea neto a'bensiuae l tons, and 'according to the usual aver- in the fan o!f fat. The widespread a thick iiquid, called \molasos, and Inv sention as bonthtidemune af av-e, this useans 100,000 were put out prejudice against atarch la absolutely crystals wbicb, wben reNi ned, are call- mat bysrmicallybthe dema r nStoe of action. without foundation. Starcb is the ed sugar . firldAraves oan hedaci or la the Cornes of Flghtlnq FamIly Most innocent o! ail tbe-elements o! The sugar found in fruits la twO whicb were not known last Year. Kdrnlloff ta in his 47th year. He ordinary food. There in virtually no and one-baîf tiznes les sweet than Tl.ere in a radio telephone and tele- wsbrIntbraand, IlteI said. In dimease whicb can be attributèd to the! cane. From corn we obtain glucose.gap eupenfoistxd, hcb a log cabiu. Frým this It must net be use of starcb. Fats, when used too, Sugnr from rnilk ia cailed lactose. can b. attached te a motorcycle. inférred that he belonv-ed ta Use pea- freeiy, give rise We "biliousisesa" Ex- Sugar la very nourishing, easy ta ieesEup sant class, for the log cabin style of ceas o! protein encourages intestinal digest, and furnishes beat and energy. WieesE4upe!t. architecture ls popular In Siberia. toxemia and overworks the kidneya. It may be used freely in cold wenther, The French have developed the Korniloif comes of a, fighting tamhiy. Starcb, however, may be taken with but in bot weatber only a amali wirelesa te a fine point. They now for be- la a grandeon of Vice-AdmiraI great f reedoin witbout producing any amount la needed h ave what* they cail an "'ondophone", Korniloif, one of Use moetIlliustrious_______ detector fer receiving messages, the of- Russian salIons, It was ViceAd.J Wartlme Dishes. tablespoonfuls sugan, four tabbespoon- value cfpachleli ts aniai sTze' mrlKor'iloff who was entrustedi fuis fat, one and one-haîf teaspoonfuls u xteey opctanup h munihedeeneof? bsoplInth As wheat is much needed for. our sait, svn pusboiled ieîteiht -wbole affair, nsa atterofacan wftbea the de ne easfthol UseAllies averseas, we shouid substitut. upus fevncuroel cecoe, ecrr nas ficr ra s o!act protecting ibis port ho aank Use fave Icorismeal, ostineal and rice wbere pos-' cupfuls fo, one-baîthcuf c akecmpres- b. canni un an officterbrat pocket warshi Ps under hie command, and, se yas, oe-outhcupn-wam a ceWotb2thilti es rmtetr a a ia- I talngbismen shurelaidthefouda- OadeMffiuea MuiOne and one-baîf ter. Scald liquid if mlik la used.taco!2miefrnthtasit takincupfslmeniikotwo lagsthe ootable- Pour oler fat, augan and sait. Cool ter mli that 15 aeedec is an open un- tion oftha deenc whch eldoutcupulsmil, to egstwotabe-,and add yeast, moîstene î in ene-1brella held as hv-b- as tise baud can, tiornarfUa defence wblcbthed o ut sPoonfula fat, two tabiespoonfuls fourth cupful wamm water. Add niei reach-or a sword, if you prefer- ______-- -sugar, one seýionu aIt, two cup- n for--aked Atr Meod! whie a amaIl metal contact7 piece conq - tasoonul bkla pwde. ou niin, ake forty-fivc mioutes. 1 rected to a cord lies upon thle ground-_ mil ovn otsandietaok oe-bîf Frying Pan Corn Bread.-One and'sdmksti athcrut t < hior oAd e and lelt aked at.Ad n-bl cpcn ma1,ta u miles o ne need only plant a knife in s -er. d ggsandsaur mt.Ad i ilk, one teaspocu soda, anc tes- tree, preferably a plue tree, or a gim- to dry ingredieuts, wbich bave been 1 at w ~s totbeposlet will aaswer as well, On. of thf spoon sitoégto alson -y, ifted together. Bake twenty-five tea fat Mlx dry lngliri atackd tbintyminuts. Ths maks ton ta - - ry bgedienta, add milk, crswt t ea lpi takdt :, 1À -&-. hiry mnute. Tis akestente then evga, wefl ttn. Place fat in this "lantenna" while the other clip tweivc muffins. fia min ba î neipr atisev-ound. Tbe entiru- Cornineal Muffin&. - On. cupfulý turereheat f rying pan and tun in receiver weighs but 13 ouncesand yeéf miik or water, anc and one-third cup-1 the mixture. Place in bot aven and lis spite of itàsise it is meclclusli fuis fleur, two-thirds cupfui carna: cooli twenty minutes.- made and is a moat accurate ap* mes], one te two tablespoonfuls fat,1 Rye and Cornmneal Bread.-Pour paratus - on ee ta two tabiespeonfuls sugar, one three.-quarters o! a cupful o! milk and For long distance,- for Instance tu egg, four teaspoonfuls baking powder, balf a cupful af waten aver* an. cupfui the extrenso bordera of France,on eue-hall teaspoonful sait Metbod 1. of cornmeal: add oue tablespoonful o! clip is joined to a tephonone wbicl P Mlx milki, egg aud meited fat and add butter, one tablespoonful aif sugar and I sèves as an entonna' sud thi o ther- dry Ingredients, well nîixed. Method oue and a bal! teaspeonuI ful !alt Iv-"s tev-as or waten Ppps forth -2. Scald cornseal with hot-miULk Add1 Heat gnadually te the boiing point v-round,. ev-g, uteltod fat sud dry lugredieuts. I sd cook, stlrring frequently, for -But at a 'malier distance. tiere cail Cmurmeal Griddle Cakes or Wales.I twenty minutes in tise upper part of be a wîider duolce for antennae-sa --0»u.epfUlmlik, tbre-fourtlss cup- th.eobeble. Coadbl kitchciî stove,. a bacoay,, a metal bei) fui flour, three-fourtiss capl cr- ejtcà isovd ua urtro!a ýth ie k, or, even a bicy.çI or ýan-aUu- der, one-hattapof1 atosweg !wet lu. Mudltrs n body for the. vround by attacbing Add beaten e«g te milk and sdd te dry [W -q it ban doubled in s i»,abpo j isW etl lp hinger,wheti Ceneai Ioraloffmaterials, veil mlxed. jiavea. put iu greaseci pans, let rime Iohrclpe t h-esignal& one ireed - ice Wbeat Breadm.-Oue-ball cap- ,aglaUntil very 11v-ht and bakÏý'foi'lnla fsway sgnibaeraed blned cannonadeofetthse liritisis'sud M is"klsand waeror .'satar, f ourft-ve minues.Paris from a. distanceé of no l1, 5tisai Trnhgens. SubsequenthUe Ad- ______________ 270- miles,- Persona ubo bave auffered severe burns will b. particularly interestad in the uew cure that a French physi- cian bas discovercd, and le using suc- cessfuliy te save the lives a! soldiers ia the great war. 'A soldier froin the Somme, says the American World's Work, uas brought imte St. Nicholas Hospital, near Paria, s0 badly burned that be wus hardly necognizable as a buman being. Just six weokm inter ho was up and walkinv- about, snd the oniy indicatiou that be showed o! haviav- ever 'been burn- ed -waa ber. and there a discolora- tion o! tbe skie. The new skie that bad grown aven twa thirds o! bis body uas just like Use akin that waa tbere' before, except for a f ew srnudgesai dark coloring; but in the course a! a fe* moatha even that will have as even a pigment as thse reat cf bis skia. Thon. are no drawn places aad no red- dened tissue. No less remarkable is the f set that the aoldien suffered no pain a!ter the first day. St.-Nicbalas Hospital la full of simular or even wonse cases. In the last year it bas cuned four isundred - sud fifty cases o! extensive bures. It la designated the. "bospital for the badly burnod," and a vlance' any morning inte one of its dressing rooma shows bow tbonoughly its narne is justified. The cure is simple sud easy te un- demstand. A youav- soldien with bis banda sud f9rearms baudaged la led lu by an orderly aud seated on a stool. A nurse removes the bandages snd the burnod skia. 8h. waahes off thse p=a with a smal ubber hose, and dri.. tii. lesii vitis q electric hot-air dnien. rben ah. bningsasu atemizer filled %Îth a bot liquld. This ah. sprays canefuily oven the baud. sud forearuna, until tsey are entlr.iy cee- ened wltba-so!t, white, waxlik. film, Wbile that film las tili bot. ah. laya strips o! tua cottes batting ever it and- paints them n wth thse sauneUquld until tise isohle wouid s. sealed la un. don, the dfiîng liquid. Thon ase vraps *s pan tpatieker coesbawt. A, week later <lie bandsanare cver.dUit a new, supp"e skis. it la net çuite se simple a matter Wh"e the buis,- ame deper, but tise proem s aalssthe.saue &sud des nMt "aryitIs tiiedegre. o! tue um The, lquid la a comblasatimof etpara!- finand rsin. Laid on wit a brnsh. it would be painful, but am it drops in Ulni 9lob0lesthe patlent Ides net *"-e fel Use £auiet ah.espay on thse halL 'The tmppatureof tuslkuld, 'abes ap in a158 cg. .p-lt WOOU e&mu'eCffsidurblt painI ff SPPlluto batY skiai, but en raw Boa&sIs crestasne feeling e1 diacaoMt QUICK Ain FOR WOUNDED. New fritiaS caaiai« MeahodNOW< savlàt %aemaaàte LV... a -fam» ous gllab surgeosO,e ~Og- aultlug mI e t o ie vTet bae iboa., pit a t lRama, uhsaemsd 16M000 ptiest, asa tiat airme.tise war bOUM a Imena, trMdesba&e ben M&dela thé. sWoey ýet lis.bettfa d. T"e i*"ovmuata may. b. mc-ý as» avise tal sPlaai.,tihe eui. vitis tse "aoud ratut e! tise weMdad after a MgUbattlê aisi tise ~' ttnies" bebla lUu - 0v-s 'log auffleet cssnslty .l.a$mg lm" pbm <b. ul"et1%Ib smv, huiselt betwe.n tihe fleeing genenal WÀRSHIPS COMFORTÂBLIL An Aid t. Surv-eey. sud bis puniersansd Dis ovu body Most' iuterestiuv -aeo! nRper etepped the ballets thKt otheriseTarn No Longer Have .te Endure1 la Use Invention oi an, cleetriesl weuld have broutit Kerallotf doua. Odnlm rsi& tnivance ta removo -partiel.:. -eo!j He wandered on foot for Ilre veeku, OdisTse SdIlP jfrei weuuds. Thir. lias net Ilvlag, for tise'moost part ou herbeansd WarMSiip formnerly meaunt close liv- directly frein the wari either,- _ vlld berries. On returnv- o hes tilg quarters; aud abips formenly vent it la beint used tiser. nov 111tii quartera ho at once reaurned cern- or' on cruises oun'shicli th* mon sanie- boapitals. It came froin Pitts wâan ef a division. but wis summoned 4U 4s idnot set foot on âÏhore for six 'from the fattoriet twhWu bave te P.-trograd te take char"e of the, montbà or a year, sud quit. often they furniahing -pratticaiy all the b4 mtlltay tarrison vison tise reoelution Wadte go for montbo vithout tait. of vire for the. Allies eutitencbrn*ul broèe eut. trei&uxeat or veetabies.- Those days This maachine is a -Powertnl, .1 Sympatisotto Itueugis he awu lu the au ges4 hips stîli make long magnet tluat le tal lgtibe ues. ravoluttonary movemnent ho aaw tisaIt râis.. froua berne, but thoy do net surgeon's painful snd penileus Use action e!tithe Weukmon' asud Sel- keep *e susas they used' to. -Service sud It is eue te save couxtless- dIers' Commtte. vas bound to de- reisuatios require that mien. now b. sud uutold agony -The resto' stroy thse dieipiUe ot Use armY. »se ives a runai amon. once lu tire. piece s arapiel, steel jacket.d reIguet, sUd beggd tO e b.givos smoitbs; ad "bW tbetWs" trael with let.sud othei MetAl aubstau comaSd t tise front.-B vsH en «t te .11fleets. vaunds by use of powerful"e1i Ilmallei, wvie mies 811 tfl d- The . Merlasttng'.jiolyston1n t o 1magnetain te war zone hospital most of thefr dlscipine and aItishe b.- 'sooden decloe-'sud-tise dim lanternamstbmu iscclainsed -ns-the very latee glMnl O t lIY boSSautisbeastOnal bang'a i intervals reinlowanz n eatfin o! science te surers ativauce toevard RtiH."=ss4isy rev-nl se csly dliii 1 ut It -bas at.ady beeu in pi 4- - la2tts nv40are ts"alelnen"Ifer imore tuas a ayear in ?ast-« lu, unse. tniglt wu" nçIansd tl.ytburg ithe. reedepartmeiit' 'roKo N D PA~VEMENT'S. ae wug t telldsed by .l..cj large barbed 'sire fictary. trio ies urtrec* oréage ~ Tise mapoet la ounted ou 8trets a Ssse eqdtie su iai a efda udbridges aM-0e .4 à inked oun vilci contain a. s4soatat, uaed1 I t.btgbit ipesyAýcli e stil bave plate tbe &Muountsot Currout f Caa~m Av-êto ha belystèised ons peeil days; but.tisrough tih els. --It'require« Xiodm Poinoïn#tio am thse puaIstre*hsabotween decks sareé Watts fer iti Manipul4tIon'-, -ete vtrqettkcealsi are mot pradol"-A n now Wlainulinoleum on ts hî$ ardetpover t* supply 100-thirty-two Ci To"l. replai of Japan ii Ffr Iit ; eletc t1vbasare-411.ovey thel o Mzala~ &uet -uuSrti $i th -n te dy t»"Men1sip, &W f s oir tise )mbass,-thse "b *%es ab ot uAlMmdgcilps are 6 e hgird th 'Pure ad Uxacolored" mirai dled as thé reult 61 a wounin.la cuarred on Malakoff hUL Tiie premet general vas deStted for tise snmy aluneat trois bintis,-ad a.fter paasisg tismougis thse lbertan cadet Coris*lte pleked op ossebolar. sl$p ater auctiser "tbatuade bis Patis eaé'>-and piataly =raked hlm ont ton au. uual mulwty carier. BrIlitant loffier and Linigulut I!. obtansia Scemmisilon liq tbi sibenian army. which mas &t tisa tiMQý*e ulc sIItn organsaton =omthse aussliau EnrOpea army and thse ausy or <ho Caucasîs.; bu visatme -vua betwe.. Rsla aad Jama brokle ont tise Biber"aisarmy va" taken c'en bW Kuropsîktn. Thse Young -oler bd. !anced rspidiy and te hlm feu thse Pm. toutst «$S 08 Ugreargv actieba as Kuropaltisa put tataoeeca- OP ie s Noi fms tratgy let "toutav tsuon." Bo veli dld ICarnlleffdis elsapg. bis dotios (bat ethUe end 61 tis-ew e wu as arded tise ceoa e & Cene e tseFourts Degre and ~p~~od's 4m"agolen vor leRs ejaaiseismaat as tt lb. kussaa, msltary at#e Ieks, isi ieà Oa-9 ttamdbisau"dim ad nedeta s-' Jainwo t» lse Cisimlgugeiw t mUgit b. oeeuld 4liattisa Robssinam et longtus i ~b«WlisttY ee~Uid icomtipf. vii. spemis met Qurea - , U.beidea, Persa &Mt li. 11,e vawau Wb"i~svIvio tis presest vr br<k eut, adtvas matý la eo.M» d e-,*t a tattw dtveLi - g i I.- 't

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