Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Aug 1917, p. 7

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-luAnî. u t Il ,ÀMvvvvAUmplu I Wl~yoti et itoa rgme of mmldIL liai nIe ifeSseem ootI64 q~j lule ~u~atranother, wgh oyeassI au the loy out of 11f. and worrTy 'loyer thingg that are r!lYnot Worth Worrying about, hhep-yau nerveus sys- teni la becornlng oxhaffted.and you are on the y te a gênerai break- down ln h > In.lthis condition'your bealth and happiness ta worth fightlng ftor ,tnd good, ich, rod blood la what your uysîtnm needs. It le a bopeles task -to try to restore your heaith whle your blood le deficlent eithor lu quanDtity or quallty. And remomber that no Medicine ean be of any use to you that does flot build up your weak, Watery biood. To build UP the bloocland id trength- on the nerves there la one remedy thiat1 lias been a housebold word for more than a generatlon-Dr. Williamns' Pink Pills for Pale People. It la the actual mi~ssion of theBe plille 10 make riew, rlch, red biood, whic.b strengthens the nerves and tones the entire system. They give you a new appetite, inake sieep,refreshlng, put color In the Ilps and cheek, and drive away that un- "Trench coat." T4e very name is natural tired fèeling that oppresses so aiiuring to the smali .oy, and mnadeii matiy people. If you %vant ta expera: .in khaki-colored cloth it is very ma2ch ence riew health and happineFs give ilike the kind the soidiers wear. It is lDr. Williamsi' Pink Pills a fair trial. a style whieh also looks well develop- You can get these pMis £hrough any ed ini tweed or some of the knitted medicine dealer or b),nmail at 50 cents weaves so fashionable this year for a box or six boxes. for $2.50 froin The smail boys' and men's coats. McCal Dr. WilliLams' Medicine C'o., Irockville, Pattern No.. 7882, Boy's Trenceh Coat.. Ont. 'in two lengths. In 7 sizes; 2 toi14 lyears. Price, 15 cents. NEW MWERCHANMEN liAD TO SINK. TAKE SEVERAL TORIIEDOE.S TO SINK U. S. SI'S. Amenican MerchntNt* ri Built Alo)ng the Lines of New OilTankers. ~'That it wll tlie tm-o or ilîree lor- péc&es ta sink one ofthie ftl hips ta bé built untier tlhe direction ot Ociieral G-oethlas for the nwAmien can merchant marine Is the -Lat ement mnade l nie Popuior Nleîc orith- ]y. The writer systh;t te hp WIll be bulît on tlie*priincipleevIe In Oie ail tanker, whit-h a built ln many sections anud therefore liard to Sink. "0f cour5e no vsrlaticuai vr te ho launiched ln the nlear future witl h uit- sinkable If a tficicnt nunîher of tîî-- Vedoes are cxpioded agaiîîst -ber sides," hosasys. "Even Ille latest battlcsh'ip la flot nImmune. IBut L'ode Sam's newv boals wlilihai-e no upro- ,jected portion ofthOe hula and iti-ill11 take at Ions-t two anid perhaps thrfee wéll-ained torpedoos te sink one of them, Modeiled on Tanke-r. "The ncw type will be fully armed. ut 'viii hé of steel construction andi patterned after the preseut-day. cill tankéei,- whicb La practically Immune Kgainat Single torPedo attackg, except tu the wsy of thé englue and bolIer raoms. If struck thore she la doné for and setties by the itern, wltb no pow- )r ta proceed3l1'rbe new boats will have .!uel ail tanks extendlng clean arounti the shlp. tram main deck te, main dock froin the front of thé baller space to thé rear of thé englue room. If a tor- pedo stikes ber theré and blows a tiole lun lier outer skin, the Inqlde of thé tank will act as s uéw hull to keep lier afloat util thé aubmsrlne rimes ta vlow lUs prey. Noue of the cli tankers have been euuk no far In thé war by one torpédo, unlest bIt ln the engino or balier spaco.ý - erIes cf Compartnenta.- "4Tho bulk oil lu the tankers la car- r ieti lu a dazén or more separaté tanks If simplicitY gives wvay to thé opul- ence of soft draperie-.-. t Muat appoar in soine other way in thé frocira this season. là îthe madel ;Illustrateti, t'ith thé sidedrsperies on tite akirt and graJeftîly draped a-urpice bodice, the simplicity appeara in thé fast'en-ý ing of thé blouse without books or inapa, but with the fronts wbich cross' each ether anti tie in thé btck. An1 innovation, su 'lY! Mca>Vernu No. 7921, Ladies' Tie-On or Button- On Waist, in 5 sites, 34 to 42 bust; and No. 79,25,.Ladies' Three or Four- Piece S'kirt, 39-inch Iengtit, in 5 mises, 22 to 30 waist. 'Pnice, 20 cents each. These patterns may be obtainedi froui tour local McCall dealer, orl from tite MCll Ce., 70 Rlond St., roronto, Dept. W. ti il i 'I SUMMER COMPLAINTS KILL LITTLE ONES At theirst salgaof lilinsuduring ths bot w-peathér gîve thé uittle cnes B4by'. Own Tableta, -or ln a feýiheurs ho may bé beyond cure. Theto Tables yl or compartmenlt, tto whlch the buill 'oint__ no '-m-pltat I gro ot thé tanker la divideti by buikbeade. accasionalîy, to thé well chIld sud wil Trht. le why one torvetio wili nat sluk jprotnptly curé thes. troubl.it they lier. A torpédo explodtng +gaanst thé come on suddenly. Baby'. Ovu Ta>i hall cf tbé slip and crushlng anc or lots& huuld aiwuys be keptinlaovery twQ et these compartmnts daes net home where Ibère are youag ehildreui. uink thé sht-p because of thé relafIi-olyf There la no other medficine au good âmmml i muéof thé few companîxoonts andi the motbér lias thé guarantee cf Runctureti, campared 'vitAl the dozen a goverament snalyst thal they ane or se that arg lef t IntacL abaolutely safo. Thé Tabiets art BC"' * ______9. -_ by medivIne douIers or by mail ut 2$ Iu higli explosives th. Biia pro. cent» a box from The Dr. Wlhflamu duction la now ixty-ulx lMes what Moedielos Ceo, Brockvle, Ont. it wass bu Jaauary, 1915. . One gallon o! dlean alt, cote pint cof COST 01PFORM RWA.R8: .sý<_brown augar, and ilot more Ilian one- àal! cupfui cf pepper, make a sensible ow lbey Çmp eWfthPreen augar curé for the aide meat, hausExalir anti ahoulders. Keep out of lie salt- GlgLSUC eeter. That is what disourag.s seo Qmpare vili other wars et1liai many farniers about usîng-Oie sugar 1ai century and a hallthle wouI m cure for meat. Na brine needeti if te&wers mamcall me a rnlgtyj treated i wth titis mixture. cat .hed'ml oves a bumible kg tabln. I nleus an OC lie AMunlaRevoit- on ceutsi 1500 .,The. var of't INST'ANT o wr*»aPM z a been m eostly stfair for Ouet 14al OSTU e »éoe War eveny "mk *$nL ot tbe cuit e« ths e rliar t1» a- ~ of Cie ruv! W v~vu luý -Othese WfS time.7 amourit of body- building mmaterlïat lolwestco0.'re le est gra n is ah f od.. N B! ALLANT T OQ W T RD Shed.d-Wea~ isui HIPS AND SWIFT IKA- is the whole whcat i a dietbeforfI. TW'ýO 0 orne Statistice Rogarding Strerigthi tbh=c of the=C Jttcloaves of Of the British Empire at the baked whole wheat with milkginnqo Wr and alittle fru.it make anour- elnn fWr esi~ trcngthcing mcal.- It 'was In December o 1916, a few Made in Coaada. WFSTERNFARM CmL FOR LABOR GRAIN RIPENING RAPIDLY BUT MEN ARE SCARCE. Cutting WiIl Commence About August 20-Patriotisrn Demandas Con- servatioti cf Crop The graeity of tht' situation in re- gard to the harvesting of Ont.ario's crops serves but to illustrate more clearly thé seriausness of thé calaf, thé farniérs o! thé western prairies for sanie 30,0M0 men frani the eastern provinces ta help garner the grain in' Manitoba, Saskatchewan andi Albertai titis seasen. The Canadian Norther-n Railway whose 6,000 miles of liue in the three. prairie provinces serve the most pro-, ductive areas, havé alreatiy announceti that thé help of 25,000 mon 'voulti hé requiréd ta assist thé farinera along ita lines this year. Since thon ropro-I sentativea o! thé Federal governmentI thé three provincial governments and.' thé leading raflways, have conferreti st Winnipeg, and announced thati 31,000 harvestera from Ontario antid thé other eatern provinces wouiti bo welcomed in thé west tim year. f As everyone knows, agriculture lb atf the base of our Cgnatiian prosperity,j andi if only for this domestie reason. t thé hiarveîsb soulti h a aured - But this year the wheatless millions fthroughout the world look to the Noh American continent anti especiailyj Canada, for theiir supply. mhe Northi Amnerîcan wbeat crop this year o.W longs toa51I the-world wîth tte'excep-f tion cf the Teutons andi their allies, f and becauge et ibis It lu impepsive thiat thé g"ai yie1d b. conserveti. PRAYER BEFORE TRB BATTLIE. Ie StlrrisgPetite un" u m ou rillui Warshlps Fer Ma Teams -This is te treiundous prayer h ,the men on Brittuli warsitips hear us ithey thunder it cb*ttie- "0. most powerfWl and gleriou Lord God, the. lord of Hos,, that ruleth and coi "Iads&il titina Thou sittestinluthe tiurone judgiug rlght, and th«ereor imnaSue aur ad- dreu te Tby Divins Kalest, tin tiis our nécoslty, titi Tou voult taire lte cacuse blhi0'" ubud mand jutige between us sM ud'r eenies $tir up Thy ustgih, *muidco &Wui help us; for Thon'giveat net always thte battIs té the. strong, but canse save by many or byfev, 0.let ne Our snoW cry mgwinsi us fer velt- geance; but hear us.. Thy poor sar- vants, beggins mercy, sndimsploriugi Tby heip, anti that Theu wouldut b. a defem née to us l* u the fCm sof- ths enemy. Make it mappear liai Thou art our Bavr er asi mghty Dalirerer, tbrougi Jeuus Christ ur Lord, That WL. tbe moviug prayer ou heroes berd ai Trafagar;fiwsu tihe prayer »M eit the tisof Jfil"n fi meut have bées a stirring tuhuuhî to Our mamen liai "isVry>praye was that wbleh bad cmS»trou S&0, heauso!t"eswho foogli edNea- squo- CANADIAN XACBINEI. New Frewina lus oBig"euSb*$g 14k. Teurs'Wsrk et orImls. - lu seuuettwiues ilure peus!v msthepte l.tmnyletieb Pan Emn te Promso. iebau-j tîft miOrienw ta u o »MO& p - *irgugmsut h# wSu - h b» rain. ai prb me Cnaàa avstnet panSu m «Put te au.w uaUVLDeA V uAAiatmas, that the nrut- Jeb Pa.rliaxnent increased the strength of the army to 4,000.O0 mon. Her standing army figures beo re tho war fwere 126,000, flot includtng the army lIn India of 77,000 and In the colonies cf 45,000. ln the first reserve were 206,00; la the second, 463,000, the total number of tral.ned mon baving J beýn 798,000. Thé population of the British Em- pire la approx.imately '500,000,000, and from overy part oC ber vast domain, upon which the sun nover sots, have come men to aid the mother country ln lier figlit againat Germian autocracy. Canada han beeg especially generchms imot Wajr ot = no&y k#w t Pow Quarunteed.to satiu iettnteu. E.. obo NOt That Kind.% The wife et Gen. Sir Horace- Smith- Dorrien, who is engaged ini adding te the comnfcrt c.f wounded British sol-' diers ini English hospitais, tells an amusing-and affecting-story of a soldier who had just recovered from a severe *wound. Feeling fili and vory homesick, ho went to beadquarters tb obtain leave of absence. "I haven't seen my wife for more than- a year," he said in a most dejeeted manner. "Why," said the colonel to whoni ho hati applioti, "I haven't seen m-y wife for nearly two years!" "Well, 99said the soldier, earnestly and respectfully, -that may ho, sir, but me andi my wife aren't that klnd!" The turlough ws s umediately granted. ln responding and her warrlors lbave-- as that of France. Head and Face Covered. Came Off borne the brunt of some ot the bard. AR DA ER U nCw InSae.WudCyMsAi est fighting. Australa, New Zesland. MR D N N S lbra ---tCrsaralnow ln'cle.Wudry otAi India and South Africa have sent hun. Night'Cuicura Heaed, dres o thusads.muc tothechg- 00" wo AVVIMICAUIM 1Hère is a way to make ham grsvy: 1.Wjien miy baby wus two weecs tAd red chuand a , nuch tofGa tca- OISyOWLS or bacon fat blond ino soups or,*- ber heati andi'ace became covered nu ati lsapolnmon 0f ermny, Just how dangeroup l s t atandiscrirn- who -vainly lmagined that certain par- Itately dose theii tofliach wlth drugia and J gravies insteati et floating as s gresy . with little.watcr impies. tios o Bitih pssssins ou medîcînes la often sont reulized until io ae on top: Stir into each two "'eV"' They Lter broke and tions~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I 0fhrt osesoswudfot tlle. It seémas 'o siple ta swalî l aye be loyal ta that oxteut te thé mother ýdos-e of mornie pecial mnixture or take tablespeens of meltod grosse, one- drigt, and came off in country. But from every land over 'tamiti fsoa. teafo isth. titis drus: bld o of fleur. The mix- =es.They the n 1;terablsot heoda. peb ofn.ibish.et.athft.abesponrn' sd itchean sh whlch thé Union Jack files mon are glng is not apparenitiuntAI. Perhaps -yuxobure will blnd oasily ixito milk sop, oldnt serritly andh no run n hefirflngbate lnafterward. when Ih i..found that égsatric stock su a nuces or grviz nd n> Cyouintslcenibt wou no fun o té a.-tun btte l lqers have ahîîîost caten their w grea aptzigf av ies anti *cr eut ailnd ht. Sh ln- France, Flanders, Egypt., Macedo- thraugh thé atoach w&la..Reigretriar~ e a Peîn lvr vss rs n rtu nIa,~~~ ~ Paetn n eeoai. thenunavalllng; ih l-4 inthe eariy stamm I*1 1 Icould net leave her to niPlsieadlls6eai. ýwhen ijîdisgestion. dysp.epsia. heartburn, Iadoir 'orli. Sea and Air Shipa fiatuIcnce. etc.. ind"cte téx-esaive ai- ~ __f ... ty or the atamach anid fermîentation, of iuil YI(s nnna n it Bnianîn tii rle th wves Té food contents that prqcaution alînulti be r Eyeà infiaod by expo- nient. Ith lree weeks there was not a British nay s thé country's grflait aken' Dru"a andi meicienes are unsuit- mum to -Sa.Dus and Wia trace of the trouble left. She iras able aind often d&ingerous-théy have l~~u 1.î,ebgne eld"(ind>Ms lx atr pnide since an empire of which thé 11111e or no infuence lapon thé harmful jey eméâ M bYNUM R Rle. 2, ProtnedSt A. n . F er9,16 main thoroughfaz-es are thé océans af acid.,sRd-Rth1 Ptotonv doctOnt.,a-ueed9,-1916 the world demanda. in the lirat in-rmdigstion and ad'iaclntrouble oreaJust Eye Ccmar.iUn eènt £urther trobl y using Cu- ..fro idigo teonand rostoacdandtrou lotoY=urDrunâftle 50e per Uotib. MldseE>5 ticura Soap for the toilci. etance, theétonetpossible duOîéthe fo, cotéts danou ait d ~by bSe %l i"b25r.Fort"ee84libeEyelreeaak For Fiee Sample Bmch by Mailad. at sea. 0f laie years it bas been ac- 1 akîng a Ilttle pure bisurated maunosia DugscMumEoadc.Uc. dresa oa.arMCtcu. Depi. A. cépted as a fundamental axiont cf Instead- Bisurateti Magrnesia la an ab- i-cr:1cd * «téolutely pure antl-acld whlcli can bol1 Boston, 1U. a. A." Sold everywhere. British policy that the navy shuîuex-! readlly obtained from auîy drus store. Jack Canuck-Do you pleuple retlizel ceed in strength any reasonabié com- !Ilt labahlutely harmiesi4. te practically _____ binaion f foelgnna.veaw i dli tastelesa and a tentrîoonrui taken in a ethat thé food yoti throw away each, be brought against It. the accepted , 'iii usualii be round quite suflilent ta erI siaei t$60000 A th ~tw-pwe san.Instantly neutralise etxcttéie ittidit y of -WEN formula being theéto-oersan- t taah and prevent ail poaebtlity MUi a z tumslGr tubhwm ard"-that la, a 10 per cent. margin of thé' food fterménting. j avor thé joint strength of the two Snetéottra1f a ot next Powers. Untîl the decade of Could Net Mis* IL - Afic ieh avtbe >ilod £i outh S'lOa L 1890 and 1900 thé cost of maintalning Teàer1 orinr' iOiut N 00worth of gold. tbis colossal'fioating armamnent was comprehendinf thé huge ares of - DA GHTER orme entirely by the taxpsyers- of thé America Io well illUstrateti by a story 1-%D Unitedi Ktngdom, but silice thon thé a ibout asn Englishman and is valetb' 1 TheBol of a PLio ls the 2 j self-govorntsg colonies have contni-j whc had been traveling due wes;t frorn Il-Wh butéti towartithé formation of a îruîy ;Boston for tive days. The travelor fi ActoiL inulut onthe. t u w ho imperial Çavy. jfound his servant gating thought-ful- ~ TT I( ard Althougl Itlb laobviously Impossible hiwo ht o tikngAn ~m Irritable. present zierllbl tfretcfar W th itiare o at-i to1PI ANO teIf -e or statistlcasboiied thoré wero 68 batl- '1Wsjq hnig i,&otte«h bua- ehipe. wlts fourteen building; 110 I-was -O- t-nkotgair, aout th cruisers and 1 destroyers.wltb duseovery cf Hajnerica," replled lte saroumm ins f nany othes 0 bot liso aiesvalet. "Columibus ddn't.do such a A 3 Weil under-way. Gireat IiritaWas naval wonderful thing, butter hall, whea h. .Xl bUdgeîbor 1913-1914 vas nurîY twlce fonita out'4Wh, ir tat for thé army_. I«, er t i. n fater hall'as aid and done, 'cw could 7wut Inc @u .u 1914 consisted of iaOêairpianes 'lpi"j~jueî prestu 21 dtrigiblea. but et çors e Ut. umi In ae.De FOR HAIESS1iî ber of pla nes Ill hiusé on tue' varices fronà ts e enomous. MmnTrainse h Thie carliest ar-rivais lu Wlnutpeg wii bave the. iret anti bêmi choiceo! employteint in thre harvtes i elds, b.- yond. -The. Cunadan Nortberomileg w ay vii ruialthefini ExcSion JTrais toi the West lnt b" connection, leasing Ottawa 9.80 aim Aug. lmti; sud 10.30 P.m. Aug. lOtit muid28*-i 4100n leasing Toronto 9.00 &mn. Aug. 1s1-; andi 10.00 pirn. Ang. Suet Srd 1and -8th.- Througb i eau wl b. oeraied trous Moemi muiad llette, afordingdirect couuiectlon Lt Ottaw ftroue principal Quebe pointa. fThi.equipauawavlnslst o! 1..-l j tru he coLoulut ceart udlunchi tien for vomen. ' .té Lises cf-the s.udsmaN orw.ri lu Maniioba Sasktehw»an sd AI- b hata. wbere tii. demuM for labor lu b»Yr ad â- ilg W ,sno ma«e wbat Sam, 4utMum oeu uMy select. tbe (C.NL soffrei . »but ou t o Motvu, eQue.. tdatesdte éo.u . h«s et 1laà.t bno '#& tîbu Il ,o ensi ?*Nte Tblmt.aoe <1'**WChe Wrru Tas FJNGERS 1 8AY8 CORNS UnFTOUT Bore corne. bard corn*» uoft corma or »uY klad et as orucac sborjy bulUt- ,e4 richt eut with the, flagers If you wlU apply on 1W oom a w, drope ef IrOe8Oe. 8875 a Cisci-aati uboi At Uttle ost 0» cuet sa , uwiI bottle o f reszoce tMW 88dmrg or whikb wll poultively îld Qoik ltst *very corn or caflus withqut pain or sorsus.or lbe d*ngsu ot lnfotlu., Thi s w dr~g us te sibor com. - Pound. md dries the momnit -ile plied snd dosa soIt Ilmsor aveu IW rftale the aarrouonq tu& uit tt"! Voose l»Utoa 'youw co me &U4 tallu8o nov wflhout Ae bt:«f %Ior seff. IU yeur druggiutbmsai freesoae ho ma eaaly oesLt £Osmobot- Ul for you froue b im" aedrus boume. la* b tol. uUI buit baums 66s&$#Cbemsry. il t.od.~ ~ ~ & bot b st ,uue - t?. 't- i e -i.-, TENEEDOF Il] HU TEE - W-PAX CASH FOR W.I Ti aTeth Witbout 'OW rwoes. No patb j ,jolyrongli; Gold sud Eltinum Mailod to Canada Lokfrtplaces: that are EIflooth Refiniag Co-, ImPerial Bank Bldg., and eèar.Yonge and Queen Sts., Toronto. And spe#k of those to test the weary ear A good table that provides proper 0f Çarth, s0 hurt by one ntinuous flourilshment is the principal constitu. strain -erit of good health. Every house-. 0f huiman discontent and grief and: keeper should have a practical anid .pain. iPositive knowledge of scientific me- Talk Faith. The world is better off thods that will enable her to produce ,ithout attractive and appetizing and also Your utter ignorance 'and morbid i nutitious food. doulit- XOL£EV If you have faith in God, or man ,or Kzjmu sel, QEw7N'mÂ-iiNES§RIAIRE. self, I P Gramophone Springs made, Baby SaY 80; if not, push'back upon the Carriage and Lawn Mower Parts. Jack- shelf son Ca.. London. 0f ilnceyor touhtstiI fjt (ANCER. TUMORS. LUMPS, ETC.. O f s l e n e y u r t o u g t s ill ait C n te rn a t- a n di e x te rn ai. cu red w th - shah crne."out vain by untJime tre&tMnent Write un before O tocla Dr: flellinan Medcal 2 Co,. Limited. Colingwood. ont Buy Yur Out-of-town supplies wtb 11111 Dominion Exprffss Moriey Orders.. T HN U NN Great Britaniniperreaftl flAflCon !sUmption csabout iviriu>s us DMDJ e 1 fin

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