Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Aug 1917, p. 1

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-F. A.. tut (anTi, plow one k 8 ,-36, 2 5 -50, ,mok, beit- ,d Detour îdfor infor- - itby nade Manager. of t -lr- Da r11g t - ioph -o ft- krio fr ot tr t n[Iitl lc1os ila t' t Urr -- îttrr i if -ri n1 fhiir' e,, tIhe Cha aTrr bari fo, api Oro, tie rîet itrr il N'r itris 0 . r CHURCI' kilis ail the Leaf E-ating Insects with qne applica. tion. No mixing. Ready for use dry. A fertilizer as well as a p&i-son. Pure Paris green Je E, WILLIS Drsaggistam MEDICAI Broek St. i id 0)PtIcIan LHALL a WbitbY. I MVESTWENT $800 Sale Agreement for sale, *ecured by East Whitby property, c1ear of o4ber encunibrance, fair value. 'WiIl give reasonable dis- cow for casli. Interest Le ô per cetpar annuru. Caish wanted fqwwlrther building. John Fisher& Co. Lumsden Building 6 Adelalde.Easti -TORONTO ~w Car Cannai Goal Juat Arrlvod Present conditions eeni * ca a severe shortage of « well as otl4er coale thec sason. We are auggesting old friends--and cultomer they order now. Our Mill Oapnel 1*. regard of e±oepti high.,queIi1y-the buts we OL AImo casr of the. Cele *Lily Sitpg oo1 Zrn.ivî uiWays in stock. il, R10SLOW,@W Trofft, Ouft. oem) o of Cajiad :~\BCb0Oia. The desiaM frsds ats fer boyoni Our vi m t mu to g p'a ammlau 09 urt tr LUd.&. wh *ç0wp#tent. Write t0417. for oui tout C&tiogu.. Il Contalma fu1t Information. ,cr Oua. ensd Cbueea-M&5 io indi. Oannel comiag Zte our ro that 1Croek ionaly e know abrated renieis~n~e * ê it t4 inckded la tire deal as abuti. larYI te .CanadIen Ne,'ibetem mtu Tire teliovlm- ccruehe e settios the queuton. ~omtitte ~fmuulci»aftlo, re T*- - Whthy.Aagu* 51>17. The lion. air T1-hte. W.'Wbitea, Sir>.-t*aUb. gatiIf thIe shat r.Mgment unkder.visicirY"U a"e a qnirtni thée latter, te endeare? te s. cur t*0 epfflovaI et yUr potcy l'attiat regard býytonna "i soaue Ct tireýll by oft Coomauttee. 1 shoutti o pluseti if >»U viilo t Eme kabw Whisur a etisers or tue rui. Mat areund Toreo, . for #a. stUilc, thre $cs.rho4e he a thre loIng Mton Ro" d eaid t Trmite osîtern te Quelpir, as Weil 4as tie metropltua on Yense s"rot, are tuctudeti ln the- I1my mY ai tirAtwe lIn Whitby. st. eiaiy. am the Ate» t in M tIS part et tire oewury text«ouly adepitithe prtne!ie et publieow-aertip-aq p- eralon o utlitma, -are dempiy 'tr. estae in a ia e*tenalon u litiha e e gf tbre pruat s««m m« a# yn nees deaveitng t. aeeuiplIsh rail h Air Camp Notes Tis week eutcmp te *tive vils te noimee of otrou .1w part>'e CTRredayPUvonut us chare et MIsse la euzM IaI pe, oum eoswr . ê m;.1e entmv- hve nte- Mhbre.Li. p ut Il«rng» .Mell Wvra. WiLtb:ire Muse d orRube Whitby ,, M'e. Coy, i,Wtilîb> ; hi':de Ad reea*oeMtiodis httby. XIs Frut Moe. et - -It-u #y> mtltar> Mostal. Pte Js. a. HOM W. attnd #agau tin t mt he&rt tissais te aIl wbeb av* Iteipel us lu- gay> vI to nike et umm=er'. non Um'na M V- u.w*Uri4 .mnu.ia t C. A. GooL>FELLOW & SONr, Publishers lia1 - OFR QUALITY and SERVICE1 eallon A*.Te Lawler The ÇGrocer WIIITBV Phones :-Bell, 47 g Independento 47. * . ~WHITBV. ONTARTO), CANAD.TR DAWAUGUST 23. 1917- TOWN'COUNCIL WILL GRO VNTN JPURCHASE MORE COAL GORDON V SERTINE T oStteet Croings ta be- Constr uctedCemnent and P]ank The memortal arirvice for Corporal t Gordon that the completton of bi Gordon Vanstone was attended by a 'course ln JoIninig the chuircl could flot Theugli two mentbers were absent- at a profit. The town bought to Bel] very large congregation lu AU Saints' the Bishep wel e olng confirma.e Downey aid Goedfellow-the lTown without a profit. the breker getting iii o Stdhevnlg:Th irt emor ionhrehe osi earheoldescnfrma.t Cotincll hetri a meeting fuit of tnteî-est profit that would otherwise go tothe- on ut ta churcb :Tee id iii r'tion haethrte erstearmestdiruîtri or, Monday nlght. local dealer.ofta ucht ekieInatohv a reprfmd ihu u- T*he Item Io engage chie! at~t,?Ion The Mayor and Treasurer were aufli. aitbough a very 14igp roportion of ther delay. This, fortunately, was pos-I vw as that of a coal tipply. lnqîiiry liad 'orized t0 borrow f romn the Standird thec yoting menonfe e congregatton la Isible throtigh Bishep Sweeney happen I beewn niadeo! the National Trust Co. if Bank sufficient money to pay for the amonget the torves at the front, flght- Ing at the tume 10 be ln Oshawa, andi they would permit the tise of lhe coalai aready ordered by Ceuncili. giv. ilig for f reedeul frein Eun domination accompanying hlm there Mn. Aile n Quec's Hotei sheds for storlng the ing nîotes under the seal o! the Cor-0ftW OId.an the loafwblo!heialse bentae on towni- coal. 1'hey replted lu the af- poration utîtil the coal is sold. pgid for, hlave been wôuîîdçiâ, therat were mont IMtiy 15, 1914, Iln this nMost extraerdi. firmative. lcaiug theieuestian of the and notes reired Impresve clrcuit4tne tu connec- 1 ary Instance of entrance to the vi-nntint of rteniai teothe CounirIl. Labor Day being the date et the next tioni witli Uic intdai case ef the su.lhurhfind religlouschraier peedo Mr. Conhin dot'bted the wlsdom o<f regular Meeting. the Couincîl wili meet, preme sarcrifice Pid h y bordon Van- tefn eilu hrce ossed puuîing coat where It might âooti have on Tuesday eveuing ot that week. atone. Af10r the affiing efthte Nunc by Gordon Vanstone. In conclusion wte h reninvt-d, sucb as the sheri In fThe question of street crossings was Dimîtîs the rector, Rev R. W. Allen. Mr. Allen very dellcately conveyed etifo, as lie lîad reason *-o b2lievt_ again brought up by Mr. Whiltney. He Idt an address from the- Chaneel stops, words of sympathy and consolation te that t1iý property Would soon ho sold. wanted- to know if the Ciairman of toMd why tic greateet henor was belng the membors of the tamily who were Hf. rýc;nunwnded the itscetf r. '%%.E. Streets Commiittee had secured tend- paid 10 lte tnmory ofthtie herolc dead present. wie',h could lie rented unt.il Aîrili isi Mr. flateman replied that lie lad se- part ot teire regular service ot the tyre, et St. Aiden'a Clrurch, Toronto, next tor $25. i cured a tender trum one coutractor. church. Ho t eetlnçly referred tu the an otoquent and forcotut one, %vas mosi Mr. Dudley agreed lIat Mr. Van- but lad net been al to get la teudli deei) personal Ion êx.ine ybn.cmotn nIsepsto tlt qtone's shed wotild bo btter tliat thie 1wîtthte othser contractor, self In thse death .et G0ordon Vanstone. strength to endure tise terrible trials Què-n~ sled.Tue- frme cîîl ti Mr. Wibîy ttoght tirat it look$e4 It was lnt e pria t !1314, before thre Incident te thre war that may be de. lokd he ltter wars openend the .lîke an effort t-u block the construe- war bail brotten out. titat. Mr. Vanstone. le rmblo ats-svn lc coai sNuild bki exposed If placc--d ihere- t ion of te crossiuîga Ibis year. wohdbe-atnigtecuè.o h eemr The Mayor salil a temporary cross- came te hlm aMi exýpreased an earnest Thre rosier ofthlie memniere of AI] Mr. Disney satd tisait te Quecn»s lng was greatt> needed on St. John St.esre10beo e ember. Thse even. Salnts' wbo have enlisted for lte war, shed w-ouid have te be closed if :wsed. crossIug Centre street. H-e stiggestéd Ings epent wilir hthýnti carettîl study hanglng lu the vestibule efthlie curcir. <'onlin-Dtsney moved tisat tise van- thar apI.irk one would do for the lires- andl hIs public baptisas lu the cisurch was aproprlàtely draped for tiIs soi- ~lon sied " riîtd prvldd l c*u 'oît.were recalleil. As I bocame kîsewîîte eti occasion. t:e sectired unîli April 1, 1911-ifur 1 Messrs. Whitney andl Conlîn mnoved ______________________________________ Carried. that a cernent croeisiîig In constructld This discussion natîîrally led to the o11thte base lune opposite thi? ralwny ( SE cr I ICN r K1 r AT r question of tUei .coai supply. anîd ît lîu.and timat a îlanîcrossing. be 5E F,.INL R ON-F1CATE tacts.came oui thnt six tari, of coni llaid on Centre St. at tise Si. John St. lad alrepady bee n e7dered, but th 111 î- 1intersection. Carried. A case et liqora cfiatlunaywh sgedortelqorte cil had autitorized'the Ptîrcbae 6tf hvelThese commitees retold Mna flenb ord.u)i'a or efstes en atwohaing e ot itir he. only. Mayor Warren asked foi, en- 1S1TlUrk:. Mna feno yodro utcsoeao aIggvnoitegos dorsernt of te action oft tie com-; Johni NiacCarl. work . . $3I4 50Of t t!iRPace Ji __i White and A. M. J. D. Fluker, Canadian Express' nilttce ln orderlng an extra car. Lesle Moore. teamIngV....59.40 Rosa. ln the-Poiio&Cniturt The liquor agenut. identifièd lte box producedin 1 Mn. Corîlin sald eue car et pea cokA H. R. Durdge, cleaning hose 1.05 bad been seized o,ýuî-y 12 by lnspec- Couirt as thse oue tIsai came tlsrough had already arrived. and habailho soldé C. M. Stevens, lamips. etc. .. 7.45 tor L.ouis ake idho - Chiot MacOrotty hie office. It WaÏ addressed te W. H. at ocein otsas ighas eve or Ge. M Rie, emet . ... 8.31 at the CanuOtan ËE1 press ýoMfce. The Littiejo"î. He bai sent by mail a no- ai once, l lois as soseven orq>i0.1n. ornent . OreUI bad--tice to tire consignec. but ne une liai piglit tois. This wsdh ewlg ti hê RJ. dRwco, rpa ng îdr cqme W1,- itfrom Mon.Treent alldt lidte-os.H a.» knowedg orconsent efthtie Couiiil Bruck St. sldewalk, ...135.48S a et mtéuuAPS br oiebe ae y&ýn o h ac. or cumn-ittee. NMr. Conlia ttought the' FIXE AND balsntotth is> ptcrlntiebenaXclb nynefrtiep 1ct prutie meihd woiîi iaî-e eon l con- TUai ire saary e tiseChiotutlueùlaoneeadcamecto Hins dricameta Hi drivr milbeen slce abycatitzee suIt thuse concerned. Fire Brigade be Increasei triens $40 dcaim tire *goodi. 'Silaptclon wae a. if lie hd a parcel for Littiejuhan. Tire Tie' Chaîrman ofthlie ProertyCm- $75 per yoar. * roufet tat Little$în va a tictîtieus Court considereil thalt tse evideuce es- anlUe of the Board ofEducatIen ask- k That this Council recomasend t elu naune.ar iaI iee the iso r asa aLiiti re fictnd illyousrrne ther etq ed ieCouncl If tbey woîîid suppiy thi ncuming Ceuncil a cousideratieu fwte iqenu tznora. iesizr iijln as ie reri i.tqe the Board with a car o! stove coaI, if of lncreas.lng the rensuneration u of t ire ue. o confiscatel. - lte Board destred il. and titis was a- firemeti. tlphnsIona' Court F. E. JIT4#on, agent et the No charge was laid againsi any per. greeri lu. Messrs. Whitlney and Disney TIsat Independosît ephnsbI- Dominion Exprèfts Xk. gave evidence son fût bavIng recelved'l iquer ut4der a moviug ltai thsePire and Ligirî Cons- stalled In lte homes of ('bief Samlirth tai oretle ntDé 'A cisc' efIl- fIttieus -namne.as lire evIdence was mittW beho lstructed te erder anether Captain Geo. Huntley and Caretaker quoi' had eaie ln $41 DomInion EX- net tcensidereil suffieieistly suI'eag. Thei car ,of coal, iu addition te lte six ai- laaacs. Press lu WhItiry fMrebsed to eue minimum'penalty -ina sucir a case te *ed rdered. and if îthe Board o! Ed. Mayor Warren and Cisairman Whnt-1 Litîlejelin. Rb did ifot kftow persen- $M00and coe. ucatlon don't lake Il ire ceai ceali Wî ney totd et their iiAviagwtated upoin __________________________________ uipred tôr tater use. thse Pire- Brigade, sud- haying talkeil- Mr. Çontiit thoagtIrt ilwoUld ire good lire situation over. Theme recommend- business te oriler'on carso atcoal [n- allons were tise -resIt. tire Mayor was -net sure oftisai. Ho Tire by-tawsWtze put thi jugi-ene ~~ uvc1-vas. saldI nasiucIlsu tire twwn bougiut te auliOrise thée ayor andi Treaurer lNV-I fA 5 UD%1L/lfRt Irom a bretter eoai eould be obtalned aite bordWmt2 »Jo1r the, Pubuec LttUty.: îy ttze,Teq-Ie, r ommamISiL kThe etiier te borrow O0- - 0,tti - r su t vftr I&he dio pI et onata.tuent cOnipales of hétir.Cnd"e net aw ays get l a. ,. iey b y tu sIt The M tt a djered ut l p.oe. Ig > t h sî ~ r ~ * e e X rh ra Ra way. 7, -'-'p 1' f-t -t -l I -'I .~ÏI~ï~:I~' -i J S e 6.a8Oer,J W row#WU e.4d*sgsw 1 for Our baoree r biand. W. e8 llit, r'a-luipai 110 inter canada lmpvmim.st £wlu lAid ce., LUNIte Whltby M Ontarl6 IalEtate-Dealer., ELitate4 Manapd, ReMate ollcted. PiriLoani ArranWed Propertieu. bouglis and sold. Poir tormea ugy Head Office, Brook St. 8.1phone 1 lad. Pioae 70. Farms of Ail Sues Woted Dy the' Wemaire a «Peclalîy of land aeling. 14et your placé wlîh tun for gond _re- 11ts. Offie,. 8 Bond St. West. Oshawa. Emait l'do nobt thinktk tisa er (riensth ie Cenier wtll object te this, aiuire wili ilpubieus bave sense enougir to know tiraI Ibis wiii net reaciryen for utt toast tirre. weeks, andti iaIt tsore le neopou- slbiiIly oethtis Information betasg et value a l'eneaai. Omc. W. P. LI W:s *«SomeOGeraans wiro arrived tiree days ago f rom lthe Ruessan front ansd are now tmunchtng batly beef aad bi cuite ln aur cages. say tiiey did nul know war was Ibis sert eft îling ut ail. Tlsey were -the siciias of one ufthtie mont dasilng raids efthtie rêcent figiri. Ing. The wIsule etery efthtie raid andl ils preface are most charu-tcrlisttc ef thse war to-ay. Ail tise atterusoon andl eventiug thebe (ii-ms d potid Vimy Riaige tiI It looke I lice a vol- rAne, andltire village et Anga-es tMIi h seemed on lire. '*Wo bail made but a sitgirt repiy. Aboat asidnlgirt morne ?rrens.eisas- attu mltes au-ay, as tiroy told me jual ason', oke ln terrer ai aadden itrit oft hunder wbil one î.ad te tire etir, Iltleaonly thse Engi" tai aek- ing." îand tire> wen4 to, siepe>agit a a "'Rigirion Uthote eb t tr bembarwinent thse Canadiens le-fl theri trfeclles about ome Wo'eto eraid il aseiutous Gerumasposition euti et AvIo-n. I15"W Il roemtly *ttu lagularf dlistlacînos-tise hourI!' ra.lwe.y soi banimt eî« -thre LaoitsxerfooUn ie vils a hilekywtra s b. neas'ati an au ohivieu lilno et trenth vrlggfaas' dema-etis. itorate green snd wvItile anti browu ;anti a chuate s Of I"-el out- line.- la 'i vory futur, I4 le a tiufoo de- hte"tve poition fuit ot sedt"Mt fie t saistehamias, ituialk.4 a* Board of ldcitia A speeia meeting eft1he Board ef Education as heM ou Tirtday evea- tng test Presenî-J. F. Paxton, (eirsirmn>, anti àitesa. Kng, Melntyre, Ros«. WIi. son. Jackson, teirardsn nd Goodtel. hiO e reugnaiion ' n sakMalft.k son as chaîrînnueo ttistaudfigdoe=-i mIllee on soOl proptli'Wva- rM4d anda on motion w'a ceepted. ai Mr. Matisn lbug decilasd <ote- osi tire "me.- tlas Salttîury wro< ie lead5k I nz for an lner«ofe$1440 a year ta sat. îry, aise iavIa; douslined au oft!àr et 81400 a yoar in, Lindea. Sue bu fiteu Mr. W. IL Adameon, "lowlug 1 tise bitb cosi of living," sktiforiaa4.1: erewo of #M 0A yean roua bismpresSa salaiTet *120. - - IA eommuwno.ea oan m-th* ade 4- Jult 2W, 1017.' the Cnsdai, lowre nyallg Dear Si-Icnnot -roet t u to>'iti meot-ttaclnln u eder to-iîth ie nytauon o sendtag yu l eneleseticlip-' grisunti. rotired. takng ,vitisýthem editlon et thse D<Iy Mail t-dy twIce ss nqaxy asawouzd.i Aithiougir sojolrnlng for a bilef Stay ITbey luad puit, eê*aI Iiundd to Iln the - Chrlstlaa< eailta.i efParis, 1 out o et tion u"d blos-sa anmaiy.- ! <>7 mix uvattet wilmtirte t<ueBlIntenw Ifnes i. ioefront etttu-ii Il Iatiely the' resait oet isa "show." jtry nttaek wtz betweerri 40"à I o , Ino, mno, teieltapisarin" wilt 1yards, and tiereaSi4l ad sfer-atpur. :otzreapplied te the O'mpty amphit'peosal e i of ve-.pereîyc- wiic isletire local sobriquet ut tire boyar.sgiteut vitb, 4Msb iZataltrL troan thse '*graxd -oId country." Le lea awealcer oteth tirat x vs SUMMER FOeTWEAR Our st4 ck of Summer Footwear include3 the very_* Latest Style Pumps and Oxforde j in Vici Kid, Patent Leather, Gun Metal and Park Brown Calf. sec Our Une of with, ~hor"1o4,éhýk,,or with leatbér or-ruihbersolmce k and keel&, PLT, T NWNSUIS_ îw +c . 1 4 , il ; mýw, * , ýU -, ". IL

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