Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Aug 1917, p. 4

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4. 4 r w - w ww~ - u ~ - w-w mu * -u 110W (JUTEN 1)0 ~Y(¶ BUY ASTOVii~? e If the.riqh choie is mde îthoùldody be once or twice rn alftie To buy .--nd sc a otQ"e right yQU rnust have iW pruperly dioplayed. tie impossible to see a* stove throughi and^ -through when it is packed -up IiaconrîW r £~~~ - eoigth.e entire saeo u new store to the display of stovs Howmanyblours a day do you- spend in. your kîtchen? Surely a godmS we o get 1000 meals. Per year. Yusteisiher yourbstfind or youwos eyad you spend a large share of. every day in its cc>mpany. Do you know itcotacmprtvl small Si>m to place the right stove in your kitchen -? Good tools, good rsis vr a and woman knows this is- 80. If you buy-from a mail order house, who ~tk nitrs in setting. up your Stove properly? If you buy from a mail order hou., hw nyutl whether the stove wili look as good- to you as the, picture of it did? 'Astvcasfo pca knowledge in making. Sometimes a poor stove looks well, so beware ftedprmn store mail off er. BUY FROM STOVE SPECIALISTS. OUR6 VUARANJTEE If your stove, for any reason, faits to give-- satlsjactory resuits we agree to refund the prîce paid us on thIS stove any time wlthin., 100 days of the imje of purchasing. Bell Phone 60 We Do Stove and Furnace Repairfing Leave your ordier for furnaceor*, stove repalringý now. Don'-9t wait untî tihei rush time cornes and pér- haps be disappointedi Repairs fqr any stove or furnace made@' Suid, Pluone 64 McJINT YRE 'S 1 T BARGAI SreTatBa&Tm Ail Forp Values., Toronto Eastern as a Sub- I "~Cmitee lncpalitiea e ".eu ltfoIhy anycl préenting a munîlpaîy tacet vltally hI.ally deny the tact, anneuinced Ye8ter- sidiary of C.N.R. Ineetd might take the initiative In day, tbat out 01. one miiitary district TlxJorrsponenc pubiehd hi(hi ' itteen bundred mlitary mon n »one Théýorespndece ublshe fi ths 1cafllng a meeting, Provlded always that year bave beecIn lthei basqe hesPital isse bw*e M. F HoarAhe suggestion pes favorably to under treatment for venereal diases, assi Sereye Mr.hF.o ardin e M- en - Iwhich, If uncured, would make h im- niclpaitiei re Toronto Eastern Rail- Of one thing we are aiàure: -Whit- larposs i e lat Uey iiolàO ever ce fit- way, and Sir Thonças Whte astoby would mucli prefer to, sec thc To-.iforYseicie ln Fance >-i. -e i whether the Toieonto Eastern lime lqto ronto Eastern operated under tUi .h* rhi is theUicamoun atateaient, .econsidered as a -subsidiary ot the aton. Iftrî ha by a Drite coi-er- made in au editeriail n -thc Toronto- -Lanadian Nil ernis f.astIntreton. Ithe o ite Esers wesorthGlobe of August 4, whieh we reprint in Io the people of Whitby and other mu- connet e upWoUi te wnau crigh- fullIn tuis sue. Tihe social effi, as nicipelties through which the Une ~Ccrwo, swaoii aliy rtai vce la « Ie. ath~e ettanâ- run. Witb la- CMMitedtiithepreposed, there would be eniy a fewt119usineoflite world. AUi tr, Vkus runa Wlîtby u comlttd toth.miles of &grading te doe tUic eced et nsîapeit ilpucc bor princlplc- of municipal ownership te a u andn gadngnar kelgt t o p a ontattesoalci large citent. We believe ln aud have conneet ai. Cherrywood. Adoptcd municipal cwnersbip of water, tcar~.riealng n. rc l, is taor f hia rc uebl and pe0wer utilittes, wc have ën Governmeiit it la more titau probable viulet nd ew.,lè omwîen are derseil the IvydrnFlautrle rda r' -ldfan n mraintl proiec, sud now that tUec question cf a st-cet raII*ay conneceting up the Miii- tary Heslxtl.-rberJIeydnsliore Part ani ti r ralyay tations wlth tUic bsn la ùeô.Wlng consideration, the suigges- tien busbeen md, tat iMthe.,Tomât. Ieoasteri verc e cpted au s,!*ubsld-- lai-y ofthetni aids4aa Northers, andi * taken ovet I>y the Goverament, lbeý lirases *othavl it opc,-atedter tlare ,Mydrç>-01tetn Contntisln ntght lic suMitoently brir tp warrant an deffr teolnduce the GOvarsnetot take'lovor tbis line. We qpibrotpud that the uteet cerdial, relatIons oxste~e ,t êweeitSir Itubeit Ion., --4citand Sir ,Adam B Dok;th.Authtie Pi-entier tdiIy sympatirlses Ith sud *ndonsà tire ,asplratîens-et the* 117- * Qttiau boblt 1Mta rasoirStatententa - te t~g Rbesrta te*ling bave appe-r' 'ed laue 'daily praesnd-h ave becs aanou«0d by tlioum'Copitut ef the ThIa -uch ipsured, lmlgbt 1w as- uumed tlirtif1u VritOmte ruke ctire tI iiuheldiry et tbe -alt54iS*N ýortirern fer tue purpe et r bitlng- Ù,,,operated onder-,tho Hydro- uio 'ue Ir 4ltk ie thitunon-Govrnm-' i"iýit llwt reeeive favorabile cm.- I'e"IItea ssume the Canadia -là inow before the CaaduM It han net yet receiv#4 X,14aaliasîn. lTher. i*lm~ne iet- Idon 10 ot Wsorti thte cet- L h n ea u ttir 1that Uic Toronto EWtern wlI iteil er reviveti by il*a preent owncrs, nti Whitby sf11llie A&,fanas "*Vetýaway frein radial riway eÇoenmi«Wit Toroestoe*d litie 'ikcly t, teu,.tire isucit desiredtreet ratlsa>y service. Casiaians Éa Fnce alve agiadis> tïtuiobcd thèmiSavu. by 40eetlis, tu a Ici--lit baud lata 4 struggic unay tintes espetlo nsunthers .1 lite **=Y. W. aré intensely prendoftbý proec et Oui- boMs, sd ve eiteuld lie more de- torntirm -Ik" ev e o dWtem the. need d upport "d ritwesna ln; upen a mst a j-ibewwtr met date, regardlesu as tohe le Poitiegi phty hoebêlo» te. niassegs tam to be a migbty deceýnt i9Igto do at lb. present edlîlcl tinet, u Ciaiab tory. Loyal Caidltpa bodliesPW04 r-eourtbo cflbe,toOuntr>- t. the mmsqet -f (lie empire l i te uts 10 e nos proeftitatsstha 0< arw, b* ,4uont et 'ate i OU Aw anotr ero-aîng ant ihit l lves Inhutacrable. )Csewledgc of thîs la sot a tuia hich bas mast bots mdc kuovu, but» baisleeu se nogitized for, senerallont. The vorid leu awaiening. howeyea. te the awfUl prevaience 4d diessearisAs; fremts iis cvii, snd pare»nt d s&Ua» be have an lue.s la tue iYoun; Illc of the nation *houis do theIr utfsatotewau-s youi Mg ple «f te danus eofthIbs min. The article nOpntnteti fromnt he (fole, and aoten artile te b. publabeti seat wcek. ebould bliereati by aIl wshe csn râ. as" lie serioualy pondered. The nunther of bai-ns aî;uck btw lli*t mleg durt; havelt tintaial-haY as t rin crop bi*sbeec soi lat a* mess, mas cam -fwitI b tirso antck eanrr Irthue -b"mtr.wh. hamtsan. mptyusmate ndicsstit Mtbr'now eoPm uti mM'uiWe vkybe es i t fer attIapO lte $t$1ëýc urewstTbe tta. mes ren te u*iiftêbaj e.ë «< lbf burmandtla âeu Elmer Lick says that Ifftai-mers wouil leave the doors cf tueir barns open to prmih hazes te escape, sud to permit a circulation ot a»flbtning would Pau thein by. Re ays (bat utin Luint- coin County farineras se teIl that barn doors are lefIý open durtpg a tbnder. utorin. larmers wIll risc up trois bcd in tuie 1iuight, îrtg a morm. and go out t. open tic bar-n docxi._This ls wcrth prchitg t4 OntarIo County If It h" Iasritue in Lincoln. h' eh.*ay of the tiransgreur la be,.d., ays Hoiy WrIL Tiiere a -houe Who Imagine that. the way et -the~ tranagreur et thre Ontario Tetuper- a&nce Aci la easy, à"d ai. tlme It ap- pearu te be. Despie a tle ue a im ltëe.now and then. ellci t taille gees o11, and liqur s$"ma te have beeim nowing trcely in Whitby duens the pmi wcek. Since Sëptemaber 16laMg tiisues aen bave beien ~np-tvl f.,î la Whhtby, mnd4hi b chang mark. 04 and: apprsclatcd. But tlxo who -wasî liqu0r badiy ýnS» et 11. sudr »e get .1t vh.thout wanthng it bly-ss ln- sMante seidiers at the- Wltby MhIitai ospitaL, who vere vlt&dIW re ttY, soi it la rcpoMt4,by tvoo eian"adm Iti ivo suit eseà ue ilifwet oodéý wbich, tbey dusesed o«. 'Thetw Osba'wa redts .n.whosab droppm $21hUi s a penaltt l r reuuis s. eAé w$h14ïebunaibtt 4alI the tnaa.orI a T'hmb am. »Mue eof Or t eua bo are- on, *01th ta »"-ïd aenê0-< HIh be -regrded as enemiei cftlthe Sceiity, stations west andd 5outh' ef Toronto, up and should receive ne synxpatliY trom te and lscmîdlrug Hamnllton and Win4- a vlolated îaw. Tesae. g Sm oM. Wl. ktrten, Goderich, St. Mary'is, PcirtBrwell ad THOVSANDS 0FXlEN REQUIRE» Et Thomas lranchcs, and sýMUons Te- FOR HARVESTIINO IN WESTERN rento and north t0 Bolton, fieclhmlve, CANADA. ' Furtlier particulara 1lm szuy C.P.. Thouemute of mien are requiredte 1 Ticket Agents, or W. M. Howard, Dis- bclp la btir g-at vork of harvestint tict Pasaenser Agent, Toi-ott, Ont, lte Western crop. Arrangemenuts -for -8. transportifg to, there W.t tis great arvuy ct w<rkers have lWoescomploteti There-wil be cleven -rural sehool by th# Canadian Patdl Railway. fIsI nai .ýutrti al Excursions frets points ln Cuitar-te tai l ua-e4en~ h.t» Manitoba. gaakatehewan ahid klbertîa,1 Lakes Simco. and Coulcbichlug have will lie -un, aiid3Yeel5 traîne ope-steti, reccntly becs rczleuished by the Plsh- makIs: the. tnp llnkbout thirty.sl, nries DePartmnn to hue exttt e160. houes, viite'ut Chanse or tUastU OOTe RoylMtl0 otHp a Gaing ta-ip West, 112 ta Wlnnlp.gTe oa oe tlotHp a Reluis trip si $1800 irom it- been eloscdl beeause It ias nôt becs peg. pua Censuit C.P.R. agont rktardlng- A bunch of rewdies atherdtat lb.. trasportattIon wemt ef Winnipeg, boise cf 14r. W, H -Sithî, ses,- 1 Markhant, and after usbig abusive asdo GOING DATES. -îxuinu language, set ire te a- rn Augmapt 2ut and Auguet Otir,-AI1 whicb sas de4troyd, asi wel as tihe statons lninuai-tovesIofiSxith4s contents. IHigli Cenaable PhIlIps la Faite, up teg5114 tlncdial Tor-onto. carryla; on anui ito on Lake untanio siore tis, anc Have- look4'.terboiro Ilite, aIse-front Sations betwm Ringaosan and itr.w, une-. tien. Inclusive, anti, fom Mgau«ona on Tomouto-4udhury direct lin., Fi-ou stlison, Ssit -te maute ain brm P.Frow msatimon s n lUse, Euas.ta Pi-sas, breluse. i-cnt statOD^s Dtho4 u Juctio»tepoitMO. PwofssI aCr SfIO. E. I9WEILL, I& Nanttr# c@ýeunt*rovu AttUas7W *Couay Befouin., cale, m.utb wtagOour goum#, Wb 09»00 Dcbru 84Oppo Satut Undertaieran tuI t turê <e.i Bc m ast .domcdent phestu.., or nigrt DICNTÂL 'LuoooL tW. Usas. A. H. ALIN. _onfce Dudas Stroo, epjefi O.m dia tx4 httyWuitY, ONT. ~ j BUE SILB(ON* L&BO$. VOV SU~Ne~ Iusut.71,the. Royal CelIqme 'v lui ' 4ý 4-. -.ý, e. - ý m fmwý wm lrir

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