Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Aug 1917, p. 5

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1'AGU PI~ i are you and vely man fTRent, foi'Saie,,ýÉc jr rest 4 tell ecial4 rient4 wait les 4 El i Carde Eu, K.C. on Attorney mal lcitor. t Houm*, Wbutby Lry PublIc, Etc. S1tnard BatIk. muILluro dealer. r-t phbonos. - Day ONT, ),D.S., L. D.S.- Adam&. OpPosite Fout 22; Ind, 64. )NT. ol1lece oh Dental ity of Toronto. 'Onto, la ltiknc durilîg the a:> Mtiiiiiiry service. rg(-'s hbardware 'îl College o! Ithe& University annîoruçe that oi's Ipratjce snd ie Ihe-SaIne asu 9 ladr . ilr FIC Dur 'ip' Now' IRIL &KES LA1KES AW VERS ES .PR JVER t ROUTE" iMaking>.OId Jewelry New Down lu your stroug -box there ;re probably nescerai pièce.r of old jswetry tuat are doing n one ainy good. MOr a situai t cont ve migbt Ise able 10 mod- emnize tbefti into desir- abte shapes and sty les, 9rif hopelesaly broken ALLOWANCE for thent. For instance, that oIt! watch. Would you flot prefer a modern wrist vatcti like-the abovo'eut? Let us show you biow il ca b-e d ont. BASSETI Jowe.rasd Optiolae --hostore wlth the saloony WHITBY, ONT.1 W. C. T. U. DURING THE WARI.. Thousands of Britain's bravest and1 bethave beeunmaimed and mangledf and slaughtered by cruel atorms of( &as and eheli and llquid fire, because 'away, back where war wepapons are Aorged, drinkIng-bars were tempting là heartiese Idioness the men whose !aIàllure left unsent the munitions that, ~would have stiencedl the carnage-wreak- Ing Germhan batteries. In hospitala and gaols, or weakenedc and lneMe1ient through drink, arec tbousands of men who would have been *etrong and brave defenders oft honor. 4tistlce and freedom, but fer th e seifish greed of traltors who were ready to ,debauch, and de»troy their countrysf young inginhood for thle salie of the FtaInted profits of the poison-traffic. la there a single loyal citizen wbO! 'will not, back withi ail lits heart and .sjoUl the surong demand ofeigh pur-t jiose and patriotic appeal 1.hat Canada1 wilhave at ltast and nt once proixibi- t tien during the wax. LOCAL HAPPENINGS r Rurnnmge sale prices for $2.00, 1 .yard vilde black taffeta 0lk $1.49 at W. G. W-Rllera', Mrs. T. Desn'ind received word re- .cently of tho death of her s;IL&er-iin-law. Sli. and ber daughter, Elleen, ieft on $aturday morning for Brechin to at- tend the limerai. Aucteneer NMaw bas been doing sBffie farmiiîg durlng the past. few weeks. He nas acquired a good coat et tan, priesumably a zffl appetite, -and alzo presumably a bux1kh of coin -et the reali. Boys' Sport Shirts, natural linen and print stripes, aizeà 12 10 14, regular ývalut, 80c., rummage sale price 29c. at -W. Q. V/mtera'. Mr. Artk.ur, W. Lynde tu*MM voeal in -Wlitby évery Monday and Tuemday tlrougbout flic surixter DIoRIIJUas ýxî»uu&L ,Pbouo 118. -10 Messrs. Rainnie and Garton, con- tractors~ of Toronto, have begun the erectiqn et -à ncw 6 roomed modern ,bouse ont St. David'u street, Whitby. b,"is wyul be folloed by twe other --î$otu4s la the saine block. nça sWUb lVosi,i l in wbite .stripes andi héku, aises34 te 42, regu- jar Vli$l ito 8 wiesl rv Se9c. at 5W. G. Waitera. -3ý,~Trie êProeter and Misa Ililda loghave entered the service of thec dutles, on Auguat 15. Clever youag girls r»ake Ii eeln bank eterke, &.and t*iorOsare tew,, banks. now.Et'dayis whIceh av'e aot Youing vomen on their QÂERAFOR 1SALE. .ul> jnew No. 2 Niults-Ey, Kodak 1(f" n*)u for sale. Takes pictures ±$gt.Nlautlful pletures imade by -tbtç kbdek inay tbe asen. Wili selitat Aeprtu Âly et Gaette4hroiikle MW Iç, rpoM*e ts 1.1 tpsell 2ier.gho ,reptîty on ir"n stroet. 1* N2NM COMING. Z, : .'WlUI , reuldent 0f the" Boad e Trade, bais reeeived ndtjCe frol -the ÇtIief Engineer of the Hydiro. Etectrtc- Commission that lie la going te siil this week 'a competent engineer te WhItby teMake expert Inquiry .into the possibilittes 0f. operaen -aitees- f ully e'a4treet railway lùu Why. Con- necting Ile water front.,park. sud sta- tions with the Centre -of the towb. 7- tables full of real bargains at W. G. Waltere' 7 dayrummMc- a ale-~ The Chlldren'e Ad Socity of the County of. Ontario last Friday was made offlciaI guiardian of the three itl e chlldren of Pte. and INrs. T. Gam- mon. -Private Gamaton is on ser- vice lu France; Mrs. Gamnon has bot-n living ln Pickering for seme weeko. Sbe was-charged wihh living with a man flot her hulsbgnd, and admlîîed ht. Slipe refuised to leave the man, and the Ciidrena Aid -So- ciety consldered thatthe icireumstan. ces 'warranied the removai of the chhld- ren. J.S. Jeplison, J.P.,agreed with ibis, and after tearlng evidence lu the Icase, 1iseued an order making the eilidren wards of the Societiy. 'The Ji111e eones were ah once taken away. --o- Ladies' gpiaranteed fast'dye. tan. lisle hose, In plain and fancy lace, aizes 8% 1 to 10, regular valuie 50c. pair, ruminage salle price 35e. or 3 pairÉ for $1.00, ah W. Gi. Walters'. Ho! for Toronto Exhîibition-,Labor Day Excursions and tourish points- tlçkIets. Get-t Ioaded tup" ut STEPH- ENSONS ai your lelsuire. Torontot aud return, good going Augirst 27th titI September 7th, and return till Sept. 12. $1.20 (lncluding war tax). Specil days-Sept. 28 and 30 sud Sept. 4 and 6.-good. going for 3r. days for 85c., Labor Day tickets goa going Sept. 1, 2 and 3, and return titi end of 4. ait are and a third to att points ta Canada. Sectire your tickets ai Shî-pheuns up-town ticket and tetegrapb otIce. NWhitby. Also buy lits Harvest Excur-, siQ1i tickets at $12 for August 30, .ittd * Homeseekers' tickets everyý Tuesday,t fQr Niitoba, saskatefhewan, Alberta. Cholce of routes. -o0 CHULDREN BITTEN 13Y DOG- OWNER a'IN4D. A vicltus dog owned bY'Wîn. Corner, ot Whitty, bit ieveral chtîdrien recent- ty. CoffliJaint was 'made to '[ie Chtef of Police.' who haied Mr. Corner Itnto court. A fine of $1.00 and costs was Imposed, and the dogà ownea- was or- dered ho kepp Uhe animal fasietîed Up. Mena's ttwÃ"-îîiece all.woot tweed sulibst few ifeft. Runimnaze saie price $S11-0 only, at W. G. Waltera't. 131-C STORM ON ']ONDÂV. A big electricai stormjyisiîed4 ibis-sec- tion or country on Mouday. ltftro"n., The rata came down Ia torrents, and ihere were -manly vtvid flashes of lgbî julng and sharp crashes of thune. Much damage te reported frein the it- rounding tcontry..,- The barn outh'de tarM,fltCtedltor'Y," con. 8, Pickering, was str.uck by tight. ning a-nd totally destroyed w1th con-t tents., The barn and contetts on the farh- of George R. Redehaw, Con. 6, Uxbridge,41 were entirely destroyed, as a resuit oft a, stroke of liitning. A bal-n ?owned by. Mr. Wagg. of God. wood, was also a victim of the stolen. A week ago Mr. Cox, con. 8, Plcer- Iag, tost hie. barn by llghtning, a1so Frank BeolbY, rear cou. 7. Pickering. THIEVES STýEALI LAMPS. Rocenîly thieves bave îtoleu sevemal 100 c.p. electrlo lampas trot» Ite lawn of the Whtby Bowling Club. The lampO are ýaîspended above thle giMen hlghàer than a talitman can reach. As these Lies'I long lak goï~es* ou .tip. ped, In navi', bine, ta=&, piuk, -*l.Mtur. aud grey alisdel, reutar value ILoo tb 41-2e, rummage adepre1 $c"r. G. Wal ter*'. WehaveL&good,«tock ô! following: Babbitt Metal, 01er,1%U ,Grease@, 6oggues, Gauze SUasses, GEO M.RICE, Wýhltby Everythlng Un Hardware at Lowest Pu'ices. M teu's piure silk underwear,r regular value $3 per garint, shirts offly, rum- mage sale price $3 pet- pair at W. G, Walters. - ,, OSHAWA FAIR. Remember the dates-Sept. 10, 11, sud 12. The directors have Iucreased the prize mnouey ln the catte classes. Tbey have added' three new classe-ela sheep. Tbey wish the breeders 10 take advant. agt- of this sud make s big showing of stoc~k The favorable season for vegetables and roots shoulgi brlng miît some large satuples buis faIt, and a spocial effort 15 belug made t0 gel a big show of the produche of the tarin sud gardon, The ai tendance f rom year 10 year la- crosses beatise bhe directors put up a good show. This year will be no ex- ception, and att that is needed Is for Phe people to show thoîr Interest and make the exhibîs more numerous. Get the prize tist abd make up your en- tries and lettMtr. C. P. Davis have th-em early. Romember the dates, September 10. Il and 12, and read the prize liaI and blt sud keep your oye on Oshawa. Personai Mention Mr. sud Mrs. R. Al. TIpper are holi- dayiug 'tith irelatives iu Huntsville. Mrs. A. C. Macpherson sud daîgbt.er, of Toronto, speut s few days la bowu Ibis n'eek. Mr-.NM. Coltina, oh Kitcthener, Ont., la visiting hie bt-otber-ia.taw, Mr-. A. Baudlet,ait the Whitiby House. Mrs. John Deamoud sud daughlr, Catherine, of Toledo, Oblo, bave beert visitlug witlî Mr. sud Mrs. T. Des- mond. Mrs. DeHart and cbiîdre-n, accoin- panlod by her sister, Mme. Wm. Rose, of Toronto. are t-tsitug Mr. and Mîra. W. E. Rife. 2Mr. sud Mra. W. Van%,aikenburgh loti mest weetc for W -t1'tîiipeg, Man., where they viii visil their daughter, M.rs. Edasil Harrise. Mr". Jos. Heard. Mmr. John Nl4toble, Mms Jos. Whlîe, MISS Florence Noble and Miss eGeotîe Vtckex-s spent ;a day ïsat weelc M'lhthe laises Fox, of- Port Whltby. M. suad Mme. Martinî Stolke, acvorn- pantet! y Mr. aud Mm Chas. Clarkb infl grunddaUghîcr Bun'a Clark, inttOr èd frein Torointoanid spent Sunday Mr. James- Anderson bas just me- iurned fron Camp Borde». where lie weuî 10 see hie son, wbo bas bei-n uer- leualy il1 ta the Isolation hosptal ince Juily lot. Wiltle la - mliil lte hospi- tai, where be expects te lie' kept fer some timo yet. SALE REGISTER. Monday, Auguat 27-Auction sale of btgh grade daiu-y eows, young cattle, liorfeo and Legs, aitue Temperance Heuse, 'Brookltn, the, prouierty ef W. .A. Jlfkins. Sale at 2 o'eleek'sharp. Wmn maw,Wbbyanloor SOASE3-VIPOND- lit Toronto, en Wednesday, Auguat 15, 1917, Misa - Vers Vipond, of Breoklin, te Mr. Mavk Soanes, ef Lindisay. BELL-Pte, J. $tewart Bell, 9St11 Baut, eldeut »nonf John J. and Selles BWl1.oet liom ,Ont., forSIuery ot Wbitbr, Ont., died la St. Oeorge. Hoapital, ladon, Ligisit. ÀuguaM Rth, of gunshot wouazds ecetved I aetIon lu Franc, about Juty 30, aied 22 years. BETTS.-At th. -home oh ber daughter, Mms Robert W11ton, Kenm Oa4t. on Snnday. Augut I2th. àMary- Marls Lyude. wtdew of W. P. Botta, sud dgnghter et tbe laie Sylvester e.< 1.-onde, e!f Wbltby, lu ber' 73,4 year. HONOR ROLL F. . avis, Sbufvfte.ont. IL M. WesUXI». "Red Cross Work. 'Pwe- boats'-a largecanî and' a skiff e&àp., À'pply tg MORSALE. - A quiet driver, onie covered buggy, a liglit %agon, a cart and 3 sets of bar- ness. ADPpY ?X. W. Collins' shoe store. FOR SALE," A uew rilch cow. Apply to W. B.. O'Connor, lot 44-1'on-. 4,Wbitby. -FOR SALP.,R-TO RENT. 125 acres,- miles f rom Brooktiln. loti 34, -con, 6, Whitby Towuship. d'j buildings; barns wit.b atonie fouinda- tions. Geod etate of cultivaiton. Po$s' session september Ist, 1ý47. For terme apply 10 George Joues, Picker. ln.-. or to Mrs. J. J. Fothergili, Whltby. -If.ENT row bkýt TRR Ccl-1 The Canadian Red Cross Society sug-I Five-roomned fiat Batliroom. water gests the maiag of "str4tcher caps«' land etectrie attachîneaîs. Appiy te E. ho protect our soldiers while being car-1 R. Blow, Whitby, Ont. Bell phone 9, rled on stretchers to lospitals: a slip1 Homne phone 14. -tf. cover for armn (which bas been dresscd1 and bandaged>; $25.00 sent to the Red PARMS TO RENT. Cross Society for fruit for our soldiers 1 Three tarms of<100, 150 and 200 at the front wiiI suppîy 100 quart jarsi acres respectiveîy, bt eut, AIl south of of jamu, jellites sud canned fruits;' a and close te Oshawa, First-cl.ass soul shoe or alipper (10 ho worn over foot lanud buildings. Good state of cOltlva- dressings) - These usefut' articles are t ion. Possession te ptow atter pros- madie from pleces left from garments, nt crop, full possession April 1, 1918.1 such as fianuelette sud flinet. Apply 10 G. D. Connt, Oishava, Ont. Samples and patterns, may ho had ai Dated August 8, 1917. -if. 77 King St. aset (Miss Brock's dept.),0AIrV1 1% NF' st'RGOWAL a.-uý1tE.SALE5 i!iTENDER<. The World's W. C. T. LI. Supt. of Sot- Tenders are requested for the pur- diers' Coinforts, asks for a nov band- chase of that part of the north hait of age, as;sîîggeshed b-y an AmerIcan suar. lot No. 6, Irn-the lut concession of Pick. geo-as foltows: 6 strips of uableacbed erlag, kuown as the Asa Brown fatrn, cot ton, 30 luches long, 4 Inches wide; containtag niaety acres, more or lese, for a space of 5 inches, a? the' centre, Farmi on south aide of Kingston Road, overiap each ou the other, 2 Inches or about midway - behweti-t-Pickering Vil-j more; malte 2 rova of shfleliing acros lago aud the Town of Whltby. the six bandages holding them togeth,i Two barns wlth shone cettars sud a et-. the rows being five taches &part. dwelliug bouse lu good repair, tvo sud the width 0f the bandage twelve wet1s sud s cisheru, also s small oroh- luches where stitched, the six o-ada on ar.td. Possession April I.t 1919. For escli aide wili be loose. The use of bhe partlcutars as to bease and terme of bandage la to slip under a shattered sale, apply tô William Oko, R. R. \,o. at-m or ieg, wblch ueed onty to be rais- 1h,bY, or J. E. Farewell, Solicitor-, ed once 10 lot the bandage go beneath. i Whttby. After the dressings are ptsced the toose __________________ ends are brought over 1h. 'at-m or tog and piuned Itb place. LUVERV AND CARTAGE The requetoat as come ho lrs. E. E. Thte livery aiýd carlage business, for- Starr, who willt be plesised 10 give any net-tv conducted by Mr. John Gîmblet, futter Information required. bas been purchssed by The Comtorts dopartvaent of the Can- E I FOR adian Red Cross Society.' namely, the LSI OR Caniadian Wam Contingent Association, who wiii continue it at the same loca- the safest direct chaunel 10 the mon ta tion. Dundas St. west. the trouclmes. wiil ho pleased 10 recoîve Att orders for cartage or tearnung donations of supplies or money for promptly and satistactority attended samne. The C.W.C.A;,-dîstribute free- te1. AUTO FOR HIRE. Phone 65 soks, shirts. hobacco, pipes, matches,,__________________ soap, vermin powder, maple sugar, ehewtng guin, boot laces, tovels, candy; U O, cocosa. mtlk powder. eannet! fruits. A T ERMVICEi candies for trenches, gaines and sta- tiouo-ry in large quantities. Parties wishlsg services et auto for J. G. Colmeot, honora-yý secretary ot afiernoon or evenîng ehould comnmuai- the Cana-dian War Contingent Associa- cale with tion,bas recetved a-gratefui Idit- rfi-oa A. B. EDWARDS Lieut. Co. J. W. Warden*onMManding Bell, phono 57r3 Whittby. a Canadian lnfantry battat'Iloi luthe field, The Col, wrItes thuii: - '-Qulîe spart from, the t4eaerial bene,'v - fit of the girls Né ave ,constantly oeil a spiritual satisfaction lu knowlng For Buiness ln one o! Sliaw's Sehools, that the donatiepeiOY out, Irlends in Terýonto., fallTerni freinSeépte;niier Canadag te j4 dapalyt 1 W. Wegr -t1. r I Csllo e exp1 is - Wit realy ery vry r~lIiu7K thdubT ort it. H havý, Presint ng ,Ieofteii haptpenS thaVew ' nlY t- and terard kt&~ tamn Wox a scribbled 'reept 'ù' eur' owu forms, yoîî muaIý neyer beiteve- tbqt such seerning.discourtesy la dit- tated by more blia the lexigencles et thie moment. 1 van assre yeu th#t * many s letier, romains unwrItten sm. T Uly oni accouai f shrtage of paper.sé -.POET THE BIRDS: THEY Who"e you far sure PROTZÇT YOU, h itilb. Aiew? By eatlng lthelWurtous lu- ecewhleh destroy treesaud plnts am M We-depend fer ouri' ie on tr-es snd plasts t uuchecked Increase enor- Ouir MI n' i lI sért«ed One pair ef potato buo It if icbàed W* usra prmt e 'woutd increase te 4,00.0M ge' ln ioyadgo .~c One seassu 'On# pair oetMysmollisIlf neheel *a&. h. xtroy everyuiîngi-#mat là -Ca"a-n Svery year Cmada lo«e; 1>OOO ia torealas &d.cre s bro l aset Ib vbrdin em taOwn *eto tta. aet* la Que dqyl Tile crop et c'«eé_tbwhtte khll.d Iy' a mowlng W c onuiaed 40 pot* bugi sud I» weeed a.-s wbitéte gui, eut Wormis. arMY worm*ý on wem Po.aea 1 talc biÏuAnsd ai-e thé fatr'# 4tafe. dt a cue v»si ua Ths~fropêI Cosc~tion tif rîncn-loi'nCiloundn When you receive a prescription from your physician you, of course, realize th&t, it embodies the resuits of years of- study and experience. Before having that prescription filled yoli sbould realize that it is important that each drug' which'enters into it should b. of the exact potency whiclh the docter intcnded. The compoundh muet ajso be.properly dofe. Br4ýO your. prescription to cýe and get the finest dru gs t1bat m *'y wilI buy, and haver 'them' compounded by an exj4fianjced pharmaciét We feel our re8ponsibility te yo-i and your physician', and have -every. eqipznent neceueary to give you perfect Wl-I ITFIE LD'S DRýJG and STATIONERV STORE WHITBYO ONTARIE) Sole 4gont tor Butterlck Patterns sole Agent for Nyal Preparations Leave ypur order for Piano Tuning with ui. Subscribers are requested t0 observe the ]abc] on their p apers. 1 f the date is past , a renewali is i n o&&e. 56,000) IIARV13STERS- WANTED 4.-- Il /11 Il -'1 't'f ul $12,00 TO Reutuu are tiaif s Cent per Milete 1 Winnipeg tilt Novetaber 3Oth, 1917, plâ& $18.00 to Original Starting Point. Special blîrough trains -aili leave Toronto Union Station- 9.00 mm. Auguet 21st. l0.0 pans. Auguet 2lst and 301h. 'The b-et oh Equipuient anti Lunch- Cotînter Carm Electric Ligbîed Cotouist Cartq. Sp.c&Il Accomm.odation fer Womn mer Tickets an-1 fer Le#tEet tibowlag nunîber of teborors required M ecad poitt pply to WJ., H, Bloha"den, Agent, Wbltby or write-(ienerai PassetugerDept., C. N.R., Toronto, Ont. Plus flath a Cent per- Mile beyoud ta any Station Est of Calgary, Edmtnon or m i WIITVONTARIO Ntry -OPk ID-I and EMIALI WHil'ITBV, OWNT@< - p'inost Ilasos Fanona Equiputent otieO~ Tor- to, À Uarge éWok o! caikets auc Jsah i NME . #40 W '-I v4'5.-- a -mur_ m.A T . a -1 1 1

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