Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Aug 1917, p. 6

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k; BeweenCousi. OR, A 0F Tiýý PWARU e Fella, mucli embarrassed by avoidiubly expectedhim to be beth ew ndle, aud utterly uxikble te plee.ed sud flatt;ered b %or erraad a t e al uympathv Which iat of to-day. The. astonh»enteut atpe- sf the sulTerer hUd welled up celving titt iis was Bppal'eugly fot me unplumbed depth. the case cau*ed lier te looket hims - ,lle a bit eaier new,. Adam,foti.fnttneaetlly Le- ~iou~.~k.d dtî, ing turssh. dasC0versd, Orstly, that "~ ~or ..ah« oZi ith ever me mauy "ohn.s O déal'c ii o in feeingmore inclies te hie a"Iederm. Slie lier. ai e moning1 j alec up edlhbat lie ought te be con- Fenella la e alier lathe iiar idered good-looking, or, with a pleas- a sarted esioninhereye. Cer-angr epresio onhim face, . - s mre statle qustin ler yes Clar-chances ef being se, fer hie bieck eyee, 1 Adam'a mind waa wanderiig. Waa even fill.d as they- now were wlth gislle i final delirium? glooem howed finely under his level "have ycu not heard yet?" sid browsandaisi white, t*e.tiilaalied out the crlppled mai, with a momentary in bniflant couUret tw blée siort, dark trength inhis whisper. "Bessie a beard, wlaeee broya smouldered at the ate and the boy'u a fine oie. Ah, frineInte a ruddcr tint. Lut 1he Almighty ia goodVt' ,d- u*ntkok orha To Fnela's onsernaion sheagainst tii. doer-beem?" lie asked. abruptly became aware et the stlîg cf ihtaRmefvoofbtrns tears in her eyelids. She *was tee whih gtha marned ino e bisfntemnes new te the moral atmemph.re of sick- wihpi dntdl iifntvs rore o t be able te bear with equani- Pel htd o u? mity the sight cf genuine "rmaetatIneerepeteae e tien, or net te staggem ut the. sound 1 enta1nvrexcedose of Ged'm praises apoken b v these Miss Fenella steop se Iow as te bend maimed and invisible lips. Theii quit. ber head beieath our humble door. It's new set cf sensations which, from hler wh.a we're suppeeed te b. on cur finit step ite tais room, lad claiiaed death4iede that w. hecome wonth tak-' hem,,. treatened for a moment te break ing notice et, ie t net?" down hem self-control. John, hcaring "TIt's then that my duty seems te a suppnessed uob teoked at lier in point the way," anuwered Fenella, alarm, and seeiig hiem discompesure, prowI cool fromn the strength cf sheer concluded that lier nerves were net indignstion. equal to the tank set tiiem. Was this bear actually daing te "Ycu're feeling the closenesa, may- caît hem te accoubt, preaumig, nia>- b.,ý" he.sald quicly. "You can teck be, on the strenigth et their relation- I again pr.m.ntly, but meanwhile shsp-that relatioishlp which even the you'll b. the. better for a meuthful of ne d threada in his browa beard, se alr,)'m thinking. Duncan whll take alike in tint te hem own iieavy plaits, yen, eut." Iiconveniénty pnoclai.d At the. At that Fenella drew lier Oingeres thought hemriiead instinctivel>' vont away tram the. bedaid, a littie dazed, up. tclwdthe hroad-shouldered figure "You have net told me yet whetiier which mcved hefere lier towards the. Your bande hurt you?" she resumed deer. Her eyes, grown used te thc quickly and'a tittle leftily, more anxi- half-llgbt, vquely teck in another ous than ever te keep the eal object flegume-that of nome- otd temale re- et hemr visit well ini view. lative of ta. Louse, acting ais a scratch "-Maybe the>' de, but Ive, ne moom in uickîur-se, "nd stirning somethung i a, nic te tee the pain; it's al] filled up howl, ae well an a few et ta. rus ct wth the anger against tiiose who are dêtails et tiie reom; the. sma11 hits t Iat tault." carpet upon the uneven fla g atones, "Aid who le ut fault?" the pai deal chairs aid dressera. "Mr. Berrell, i ta. fret lhue; and Aeshe tock wth lier an undecided next te hlm, the. whele Company as it' impression ot a goed dent ef bright stands." cockery, and a more proicuiced one The deepeiing cf bis fmown 'made it of that sainie methodical tidiness wbich evident that a fiçrcer anger had chas. lied struck bier outeide. ed away the. lesser oie. S Upen a~ broad slab et late-tne, "«You men about the tools?" *hicii flanked the. doua in guise et a 4't mean about the. godiesa want c f seat, sh. sut down with a deep-drawn1 conscience. The iron bas been con- hreiith. It teck ber sôme moments trary te tbe iaw for years, but because te becoine quit. ceini"gain, end dur- the steel and the copper conte soen lng those moments she for gt that she shilling. more, men's lives are ellow- waga not aloi.; or ather the presence ed te tae their chance. Aid vhat et Duncan aloîgside, sitent and im- fer? lIn order tint tiiese gentlemen movable, did net seem toerem POrt- who cal] themselves dirhcters sheuld ait enough to ank aus an intrusion. be ahI. te put t*o herses te their car- Having mopped hier eyee aid rester- nae hnstead et ýaaa, aid theîr misais' ed hiem pocket-handkerchiet, she washave six silk gowis instend oet Ove. somewhat talcen aback, on raiaing bierj But it will net ge- on lîke that. This head, te find that b. vas lookling ut' tbung'nas faspous hmidi.:' hiem with an expression that vas net In "Then.ycur father lis geiîg te--" ýthe sympathetie; lji act, barely « frîendly. At the saie moment, ,h.1 Father le goiig-te do îothing: he's caught sight et the sing in which hisI à great one for keepng qjuiet, but l'a lef t arn rested and cf the rage tiî nt made ht wev. A a sure as l'm a round sevemal finger. etfiii. igt hand, tCelhanl' anoe te have a try Bt andi ah utly rememb.r.d that h.o t i a. 'imibycul_ t e was a su#erem, thoufp a miner oie. wlietier lt'u made for thopýonfolk as1 "Ihaven't lh u e about your Weil ai for th ii.nil. -11net b. éon- haîds yet," she began, wlth noie ef tent with a moire compensation- the emotion mie hadl telt when spealc- slioutd tliey' grant lt---li have ne ing te Adami, aid with a point et con-çpace thil the. mon bacls are gene. descenelon-discemnible inlier tone: for er' a whîaper ahroad that Mn. she Ws yts tmcmoe Berrell means to advhse the Company vras bythi tie, omp8edte refus. cempeaation, Onthtagresdà eîeugh te remeémber the part Éhe badlet culpable carelesanes-but 1I meant te play. "Do they hurt you *liouldn't just couiasel him te try thet much ?" trick." Duncan uttered the fragment of a (To b. contiaued.) not very pl@asaat laiigh. _______ "W.>ht necesmity la there te inquire about my bande? lIne t enougli A Cemedones Objection. that you ahould have heen so graclousA to stand tQr two minutes heuide your A 1h. igsrvatvuce o ltiet'a cousins bed t-for h. lu tiat, a .euacy o et a ooig.T >4u kew."Cauve-"l -could Îlot kil any- "len, l met hie epenly defauat thing." The. Segeet-UBut sup- glane. with oie et hurt antenishuent poing a Germait *" c#miag tow«a tÉis aMrees was nel Kt al vint ah, YO witla a ka 4gded bayonet flxm*d T" lieeIa.c.d. h. li dindeed.guessd thatý -uca asnt- ari-T -avue-ltel yuIhv o I l- t Y 'I -I - 4 -1 '--I Wlaci a bomber-tobe knows- hie bombeand knows iiow te throv tacu eltiien tram standing position la thi trench or'frem crouehiagi a c=ter; iesi lie knove-hie raff nden cdl- culate th. Lrajecçuy oet n ifl gre *de, iiiswerk la tectici begina. Even vita dingreins it la impossible te give an>' Idea et aul tahecomphcatlous of tais work. . , t the.greateheol in England a trench aysbcm lia been built whicli cmbines al] the vanletiea et tresdis toe b. owad oun li frots where ta. Britshiarrny ljeflbthug.- Tie monvii. a"e uudylng for cul- Lificates as lomt-%,g iustructon --,go Lite theeotrench.,ad a vile .dafIy batties. Planningand couahmend n «'e_~ seatiels eoftaisWonk. The umm eo zob cot>' elt to le bomborw4 iey mn taugit te toacbomblng tà,othen herc*euAd fil. 1'y wvelthtuew an otWb tbt wok et the Royal ~nIsn~beea nus abett twb &Wu Op«n waue -the,*e-m* maur baeOmow tiau "eau' o. So teatie bomber viti hiêail t. IBRITISUGRENADIER 19 WAR'8 GREATEST AMIfST. For Pmar 8ýkulaMiArt", the Modem Boeab Throw.r in ina aClas The -esseatlal parts -d the. bomb are the rngn pin and the lever. A good bomber cmn throw above forty Yards. The. rifle range le much greater, uayu an expert. The art of bcombing ineludes mucli more than the setting up'of the Milse bomb, whichIilathe. specles cf bomb now in use. This ii taughtitnluthe scel for bomb-throwera in Englaud. Firat, therey a definite.- way of throwing the. bomb.* Basebaîl piteli- ing lu exactly the. wrong motion. The. 1bomb le tee iieavy for pisehuag and the. Jerkiness cf thie,motion la dangerous. The. Britishi sportsman had an easy tme, in léarning, because bomb-thrcw- ing la exactly the same as bowling in cricket The. motion starta wlien you- have the. ring eut, holding the. bcmb at about the level of the thigli. Then, witii an overhand motion, you bning it well over the. head and tlirow, quick and high, gauging the height se that the. bomb does n*t explode in the. air. There are three stages in the. educa- tien cf bombera. The firetithle .nerv- ous stage. Tii. second le the ceif- dent but respecttul stage. Tii. third la the. period of ovçr-confldence. Tii. second in ideal. Th. first can b. cured. The third may b. fatal. A Case of Stage Frlght. On.e fficer at the. achool teld cf bis experlence with a îew mai wiio neyer lied seen or heard a Mille bpmnb*go off. Tii. dummny practice had net prepared him for the real thiîg. When the in- structor teck hlm dewn te the flring bay the. man teck the. bomb, pulled eut the pin, and then, holding the. lever down with al bis might, h. turned te the efficer and said: "I canot throw it, air.", He was trembling with fright. "Go aheed," said t.he instructor. toi can't."$ The instructer went te hlm and tried te werk hi. ewn hand down ever the lever, but the. mai was holding it toc closely. Had he let'go both ef them would have been blown te bits. But h. ceuld neither let go nor tbrew the. The. efficer was thorouglily frigliten- .4, but h. didî't let the man see that. Iîatead, beeset down and inquired whther the bomh wculd ever b. thrown. "Neo, air," eafd the. mai. UVery well. 1 ehall smoke.'< Witii thet tIÉe officer broke the. firat mule efthtie throwing range and lit a cigarette- A -moment lter he told the mai that ho waa going te sleep. IlWake me Up when you get ready te tlrwt" lie aid, and leaaed back againat 'the sadbagu. 'R. pretinded to close bis eyms Gradually is own indifférence lied its effect. Tii. bomber, stWl mortatly afrald. edged doser aid clouer te the wahl ef the bay. Then, whei le thouglit that the offleer really lied gene to al0ep, lie dropPed thie bomb geatly over tlieL aide and sprang back. lestý ail fe»a of ie pofssIn.Bel The hasement waa a large rectangu- acida. Commercial glycenine le ob-h- ...igb s u uiiofUerfetio an isn tam room about one iundred aid eiglity tained front decomposed fats. I abuelutel>' colorlessanad.tastelese. For feet long aid sixty feet wide, with the Kinds ef Fate. 1trying and hortening it is mizeh sup- ficer nune aid cie haIt teet helow the Miik Fats.-miiute globules cf fat: erier te tth. varhous kindu et animal surface etftth. earta, provided with sseddi ikgv tiscenft eight amaîl airhels and igbted main-sspne inmlgveiisdanft 1>' b>' three déemi large haiging lampa. Fumnishinga nd othen indis- Caning Tomatoea. cld, water te, loosen the skiîs. Peal pensable equipment had been borrow- Grade aid ort the tornatoes for aid put on îce. 'When ready te serye ed froni deserted sehools neer b>'. The ipenezs. Place then i n a wime bas-! cut the tomatees in haIt , place in à- four corners cf the rocin were ccci- ket aid dip in boiling water and thon 1emaîl dia and cover with the tcllew- pied by thre. elementamy classes aid ite eold vatem to leosen the. akins. M.g dresing oneoie groe-en pepe oie elass for motiens. Befere the au- Remove the skiasand cere the toma- mnedfnoenioehatt- ticnities alwed chiîdren tc, attend'tees. Pack closel>' as possible ite spoontul cf paprika, one-half tes- tue>' equired the parents te aiguna stcmliied jars, pressing tii. temates spoitul et mustard, oie tea-spoonful document treeing the. facult>' cf the down. ot sant, oie tenspoonful cf sugan, twe sehool frcm ail esponsibitit>' in case p'iîî the jar~ with boiliig salted - teaspc>ontuls of cil, one teampoonful cf cf injuf$'. In Le Journal de l'Ecole ter; place the. rubbe and id in pWs- vinegar. Womk te, a paste aid spread ,Dubail the. supenintendent cf the pri- tien aid partiail>' tîghten. Pu it on each haIt etfthý. tomate: This diali mary sciiocîs in Rheims describes: bot-wat.r bath aid procese for fent>' usth evdhycodt osceu corne cf the experiences of the. pupils minutes after tue boiliig starts. Now 5. Doî't throw away the pea pods. et tuis unique school. 1emove fron the. batb, scial ta. jars They make an excêlleut creani soup, Oie Saturds>' morning, he seys, Ia ih spsil n hnivr Take 2-,quarts cf peas, shelltheni aid lind u al te sholrs orsaiter>' them te test for leaka. Store ina use the peas fer vegeteble aid ta.' inspection ut a quarter of nune as us- cool, dry place whei the>' have been pode for soue. After wnshing 'the ual, aid then we vent dovn frem tthe lnb.led. and dated. osptheinouktlcopa greuid floor cf ti, building ite the The jars may be filled vite temnato oP0d5 put th e hi op et tleeho fn besement clasmooe. Ten minutes Juieipac e fwa .bon, kg ofiaub bone o othem bones. ltrteecmaterfeexplosion,, Cover ta. pods and hones whth pleaty a violent shock made the, viole build- o ;trad e imrfr1%hus ing tremble, aid aecleud ot thick, S<>ne Econemical Diahes. orf watcn eue«;omme for 1 heurs black enioke and white duat poured 1. FI a haking dieli vite prepared sait and pepper, ta taste. Tske 1 lite the. cellan. A 210 shel lihad failen spiaacii, leaving a ioltow in the cea- tableapoonful ef fleur aid 2 table- on the r-oot ahoat sixty feet awa>', -te. Filtais witah oiled codfisi -aid spoafula cf butter aid atm uxtl a pierced two cf the flocra and even put grated cheese on top. Tien balte. 'saoota poste. Add 1 put t f 4. to hurled, shet aid fragments as far as tîourlehing, delicieus and inexpmnalve taie and then put it ha the. hroth WIth the eciiolane. Tii. eider chhîdren and 2. Greae bakung dish, alternate 8cm.e hopped parai.>'and cccl fer the parente who lied béen waitiug for layers et salmen ith bread crumbs, about 10 minutes, on until it thiekens a luit in the bOaxbardment betere de- seaaoued viteha"It eid pepper., Wlen slightly. partiag, dirîeked, wyule the umaller diii le almost fiflilpour ha Milk and 6& Neto. he irecipe of al cxcel- oies 8obb.d aaid 'weptThe tescliers bake lun even. It takes about tvoenty ln dil tait>', luepenuivt and a Ieoked Bt rÇç*fihtened but calu.1 i nutes te bake. Oie tail can op meal un ituli (for four peQple) :---Oue was nenveus, teeo, but said reaunring- Pink selmea Costa eljghteen cents. and a hlaI pouadu et medium sized Iy: This. vhli t..<four persona, witli petatoes, hli a Pound eo oloni, oie.- 'Mt i l iLTvo neyer faiia the plenty tor eaeli. elgiita Pound of bacon, nasinaîl buneli saine place. Doa't b. afraxd, children. a. Serape thi. cern fncm tar"e ers et parai.>" oie-hait teespeonful thyfm< Let us al go domwn aU the celler; th. and place it in a b6WYt, addlng one tee- powd«ogoe-quarter bey leian ad two littl. oies finet .W. have 'thnae." spoonful et at, onegg, bye table- clgos et ganhie, Meit adbnqvn Mme. Came-us wenb finit with the. apoontul; eofmilk, - one-hetf table-- bacon, cut intmmi>i- puce ad a youngcr clilidren, aided b>' lme. Bou- speentul o e pee, one toaspoontul ot tablespoonful et fleur, hrewi aid add denet, aud ueVeral ef the .motisors fIWey c ehopd pers.tvo teapooi- xl aitaglass ed waten; a14- potatees carrylng ta. binlest eclinlans; 'thon fuie et baklnitpe"d.. Add &Mfi- sud onlous cut labo liàtes or quartos tohlow-el Mmes. Joiet and M*ýary dcent fleur te mix ta a deugli ht iyl accendlng te ticir mis; lunch et pars-. vita ta.eIder children aidt parents. drop tnom ta.' apoon, uuali>' about loy, garlhe, bey - lad; sait pepper -te AIl were out ln tlireominutes and one and one-quarter cuptulsa.- Fry taste. Peur auffloeet weter te al- wMtout confusion, la talhen celu a1inlae deep fat on bake ou a gnddle. meut 'cover voeit4bte*a au4- <turn s»On reten6ed; the. womèss comtorted 1Oie cuptul canned cern me>' le."used oe adÎ 3oeUfl a .i theidren,* and » otlem aout lan place o rshcrn. necessadA ajeM tôm* am el teliguage o h ffe n it .Dip tuouI olntaon In edded if d4stred. eaei explosion th.e11111e ones rsda vwarans inger and cnJed, "Booml"' Tint kept theni amuae. At laut the. bombcrdmat vws ovon and vs lied ssccped witheat injur>. At ton e1,clock we r.burue. te the chas,- romn, whieh vo fouud strewu with abrapiol bulleti aid fragments, hrok- on glass, trsgo contomtod pleces 9f steel and limokon Won, ail coverèd wttl aflau mmre puateut. Tviesh"h lied ganetcmpletel>' thasouglata. up- por 40W ~and-exploded on touchhng tae second, se bluet fortuietel>i Q fions- above eus hxead lid been plereed ouly b>' bhe nsit la ces and the, contente - AVE THE Ra*8 - For This Wasto. A comies shortg là,vool btlh ae u tq4teeOI" 0P'rLAIN MBa WINDSOR." Doeqdantofet a Brnfll Mo.eereh WIll be Ceemonera The. change goes further tien th. touuation of a uew Windsor dyneet>'. Not onlrlu the. royal lieuse te b. styhed "the, Bouse et Windsor,"» lut the. famlly surneme becomesWind- As the ite et Prince and Princes la lienceorth Unitcd to, th. cludren am i grndcuildren et the soveraiguIt follove tbait a gront-gneet-gnandom et a British monanci wlll lePlau"M., W1n14."lii retgirmdunstooj vl be commojierabut 2wil ler tb.j courtisy title ef Lord-;-Wtidso tf vo assme tint' ta. ,cueboni',lmi reveis .et -reetluig tii. oaeelg a-cons lb vas hitposble egà 1 e4" of them éhnnM ha a'nvlvaA f ,«.the ,,su.. mais Eariy etruggles jRoe wna a Lancashire marine engl- neer wiio wns nttracted by atonies of the Wrights, nd set hlmeelf tete task ef tunng eut a fiylng machine. In 1906 h. butit a machine sud en- tered It ln a competitici promoted b>' machine vas n crude aid iiomely-look- lsag nifair, but iL proved that It vasý more practical than thie inndsomen, medels, aid Rce von a prize. ýTins' encouraged he devoted himseît'whol-' 1>' te hie Invention,nd finally wua, given permission te continue lais ex-' perimeits at Broolilanda, the. fanions mon racing plant. Heme ,he lufit a shacli, but presentl>' ha vas crdered' to, move eut, ni he vas Interterhiig wtth the racers. la the course ef blis ejection a policeman carelesoly, smaalaed hie machiqe. Ho then applied te the War Office te carry on hie work, - t n great mli, tam>' trainig grcund' but was ne-,-, tusod. Thon lie "eqûnatted" on StImi public property klnevi as Lea Marshes, where hje got la som# im-ý portait vent before beiag ueud chased as a trespaseer. -- The Trater Bipln.' A' Hie next nppeared la .1909 I Blackipool Fling -Week," Who machine caused gret--utOrVhilE the. crcwd., He was -patron apoken et iiy ta. varlonsolper, vfia varqr. teat b., would meke any' rani rogres as>long Der%IUed la enrrylag bis englué 1f,t oret ii.lot Ho waa n rangement liseulted lu te1 biplan., whichliaislîtce'8et thg Ici l h i e wld of aenonutics. Just before tIae second great pool ftying exhulItIoLea,.a flir. the twe machines me lied intere *as able te repair tbem liait Il 1to enter ta, centeat an ns h, olieered b>' au even langer crowi teat whlch hoe md se mightily, a 1the year belon. In 1911 the. Britiash Govemîns -gan te notice tee Avro meeatmue pùnohased bhsm 50-liorse-p ' rE was menU>' t e predeesso r etf Ite 100.orae.p6ver Avro tez 49y-aand ti.he hre etoa àaûîê s 't '1 l-Iw Germany Benotted uudynty. Wledsoaý* trtor- fNeXt R»êturned te the, hydMi l #le, i-owever, an>'b. tlkened to and develéped a machine lta-t I Lancaster aid York, and-4tae ma1n in Iaorom the ,wnte and liglit thung-hs en tirel>' Englialaàend ative atten a fllght. Hie tried te Bell tI la histon>'nnd ascations, tee Britisha Admirait>'. 1Ie-waa i devra - Tii, Germai -OoveMameati-how CHEVROS 0F HN~Jt. offered. te pUirchase macllies Shim 'if h. -would malie a a'uce( R<OeFnM Poe R arda H'#SoldIers flIglit ad'laidtng at' ,HeUgc Fe« DocU te e Pala. hon It vas that the -Britlish G Frenli re ulct ~ment began te-le asked If i TheFecia e, -bto "avare tient tjie-,liroiuia-et an II symbolisetflionor on soldieir* wlio pet- çjj#lied been - sold tÎ ert-i ternidesemslfsciieo damla cue t-he, Admiralt l al Mo a fie n'ohe flI llie, üf i brMet» recogultaegn 'perbApe, tiey TicOlifze *beeueetvetcwla Lper&- enubhems et service. mout t- tigUeWleuoÇ Cha AMeng theo IMMu> neet -ittîmarks asaamtvltNt>414 Itbe supi>' of~ .-riathé i-VittorirtCroas-are momnjQten lue that of Todgei, Zones, boB1dtromtti.doer of duseut on'th Ii~an t. sMrredr h -rst' thr. e Gmain forgotbow b a"y !tචaa" nd rnhowed ,flt . ones gave tiiem a bmi>. -Afier that 102 Germans cameeut of the dugout, and Todger Jones, standing abeve . themTW ~ rja with a Mille bomb ready, ma shaledA COJJE I HO EH L SIN E C MP TE N i& a aua them up, formed them lbto fours snd O M IN H U H LD S E CE CMP T N drove them, back'to hie fines.: Then TWENTY-FIVE ý-ESSONS. -A IT IIV P D l i dup B ringqi, -putU bçkNn-Leson VII. Fats and Oila. IiYMAION --XP RT Zthe lever -of the bomb he lied been Beades carbehydrates, tuer. in an- white color. The proportion; Of fat in carrylng and èaretul)y return'd 1 t ether clans of energy and b..at giving milk varies from 2 4-5 per cenLt. te8 its place. fooda, 1..., fata and cils. An>thez' of. per cent This variation is due to the A.X V. ROE 18 HERO OF AIRCRAFT The.bomb in an instrument which de- their functions in te lubricat. the intes.. a"e, condition and feeding of the cOWSI.DVLOMN mnuda nerve and skilU above ail things. t dat . f ~ f ilk * cbtaine. EEOMN L'EéOÎDTJAIIýBecause.th&aY Pioduce twice as much When new milk isu alwed te ýstand for L'CL UALenerg as caniiehydrates, the inhabit- a time,* fat globules arise te the top HN Bulit NearlyAlth Bris Experieac.s of PupinluSliel-Swept ente 4:f cold climatea need te cosumeand fofi what ie called cream. But- 83 iAl he rlla from 2 % te 3 times the ameunt of fa t ter is made from cream by the proces Fgtn Planes Famous the Rhisinel 1915. as ta neecd bqh epl nwr f tiug or churning. 'This action Wo\1c Over. In apit. of the terrible bembard- Cllflateu. Ail fats when heated W causéé the fat ,globules to break and ent that the city of Rheims under- corne oils. then te collect into a solid mass. 1 Ther-ý wil b. a wonderful histery, went during many of the early months There are two classes cf fats, vi., Animal Fats.-When heated te thie. t be wrlttetn after the war about the' et 1915, instruction for chidren 9stili tlxed and volatile cils. Fixed ouals is n pin, nialfas um oryvelopm e t o ti.aeoplaf. o ii. went on in subterranean acheels, the the term given te ail fats used in the è arbonise, siiowing numerous blac tr antb odnwfrmItr mgat famous cf which is the Dulail Preparation of food. Thyaeald'ptiesnthft.Tss unfit toi rensons, and, bestdes' iIt la net coui* Schoel, named after a well-known "'flxed" because littie or no evapora- use ai a coeking agent for food. Beef plate, new clhapteras belng a.dded every Frenich general. The school occupied tion takes place when they ar> etd fat is known as suet, sheeP fat as tal- week. On. of the -herosof e*"this-e aruarterd- lw, hofata ad ftfo ost- tory, tbough, whenever It cornes to be nearly a qare o the basement ef a Volatile euls are sc> called because the y .,. taslrnga ro o large building devoted to the cham- are clianged into vapor or gas whe or boiling mente is called drip- written. will be A. V. Roe. a'youflg pagne industry, only a mile trom the heat.d to boiling peint.OiÙ of Cloves pings. Engllsh inventor-aud engineer who ha front lin. trenches of the enemy. The bitter almonds, lemon, cinDainon, anâ! Vegetable Fats.-There an cils ohb Ult rncttHâllyal the fa.rious it basement was protected by the three bergarnot are some of the bs kontairieï from vegetbs.UCIa rnîhfglupaesadw unc ii cernent floors cf the rooms abeve and of the -volatile oils. cil, peanut cil and euls from bayberrY. charge cf the largeet neroplane tac-, jutand fremn different grains. olive cil tories la the werld. He works now by a hiljs behind the building. Fats are ccmpesed of carbon unit.d: la the. mot palatable cf aU cils and under the. British Government -and la There were alsc twQ sub-basemeiUts with oxygen and hydrogen, and areithe ea"iest te digest. Nothlng can regarded as the great British aviation below it, the lower flot less than therefore called hydrocarbens.' They, equal Olive cil as a cocking medium. expert. thirty-six feet underground. ccntain glYcerine and variouu- fattv Il i briuiwnht toa a ... - -. goum -r l' .1 1

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