Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Aug 1917, p. 8

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Miss Pheenie, whoas6e stg 'lith ",Mlss CLAra El BviaS, blÙasreturaed to$9the crtty. Iks.-Carl. Spencer. .'Xa XçtiÃœ i ith lier ion, Arthur, >Pte. Ff*uak Houzmisâ»,of Camp Boiden, $peut tJ4,e weeke wlth fIriendi here. Trheêinany f ûrJen u of Piq. Walter £oers I"re l i t sec hwm ën bisro- (unfrein àie t. x $trsi scaru. parttcular ythe 1188 qÂan e>g4ý ýWuiter oks tôa he-in the best of* Word lias, been receved that Pte. Lw Rogers, iwbo went to the front titis 12ng as bèen wotitided ln the head. -t.Ronald Grills and -friend are Vsiting at the formers grandlathér',, Mr. John Grills. -Mr, andi Mrs. CharUie Elitott spent t ýe4çdy at Claremont._ Mrs. J. W.. Ewen andi daugliter, Mar- '$aret, have returnedti t Toronto atter e lè0ngty visit wlth M~r. and Mrs,. Geo. ;Mm P . W. Westlake andi chlldren, of foôtare ýîisIting with ber sister, mia.George J. Blight. -Ir. andi Mrs. J. A. Peer and lïily, ýW ed Mrp: tBaonester, Mfr. and Nm. Jeefry, Nr, andi Mrs. George Cpllwîll and ddaughter. Mr. and Mrs. Appleton, 14r. andi Mrs. Bannester, Sr., Mr. andi Mms Jeffery. $r., with Nlr. Frank Col- WlIi. motored -bere and spent Sunday wltli Mr. andi Mrs. John Colwfll. Mlas Moore. -0f New York, lu viltlîng wltb. her brother, Dr. John Moore. Mr. -Snuoke. of Toran-to, Spcretary of Itle Methodist Local Preaeher's BrotIf- otrhooti, w1lt preach next Sunday xnorn. lng andi eventng in the Methodist Churcl. i.sh subYect for the inorntng -will be "Couragte' and Uis evening aubject will be -Conditton of4ldmIsslon ilito the Kîngdom et God." ~>~r.~tut, stuent 14 charge In Port ler*ry, wIll takt' charge here on Sun- Ï4ýy.-nexrt la St. Thomnas' Churcb. ne icconcert and i lnovitig picture aboyv under the auspices otihe I*tile*' M4 eof the Methodist ,Chureh, proveil a i!8at, succese. The -musical part of fh< prd;grain, under the direction ýo 44u4maater Reevei,- was deeply enjoy- ede laIly the violln and cornet -$ol latter belng wonderfully,e'- 4clted by- an eleven year old boy.A ý,.XLIbet -ofwar picturees were given. in-1 _Wtereerëd- y .scenea -on a trip *roiti etagara 'to the Attlantie coast. -*-4ý%rt of the proceeds, anuounting to ~ q ~ was. given tte ~Redi Cross. 'r '4ie marriage took place at Smith'si Tlaon Wed4wesday, Auguat 8th by Xeyj. G. W. -McOnil,. et Margaret Geor- * h4 , eldst daugl4er of Mr. andi Mrs. A. 'W. -Pord, to' Harolti -Rey Bond, 'son 14ir. and Mrs, Samuel Bond, of U 13raeklin, Ont. OtePheiý Medilani, oft Broklin, was lx Oâshawa on Fnlday lai, andi called 'At, êC('VUIdtcàtor office. Mr. Medianti x J-Pieen a~ subscniber te the Vindicator titty-one years. or mince the, WI%à4zi id. May znany a long earbe si$t'tili enJoy tii. r*MIngsof tbie fa- vorite paper.-Vin dïcafor. - Miss Leta May îL1wrenice, à. ronto, bas, been spendtàbi ber holidays wlth ,,4e p4,rentf, Mr, linti Mrs. A. Liwrence. Wordhas ben roeteved, frein Walter .ylawrebce, by-blis pother,, that hobu a re<oered- tram bis wounds reeelved la the battle ofethle Somea, andi buare- tulned tqjPraiice ýagain. Pte. Law- ronce enUited -wo years ago. The unarriage took place iu Toronto[ on WdneosiAulist lith, 97,e -. J4ss eraVibondi, dauglter ot f r, ant M mp . J o h n - V i p e n d to, t e a p I . â @Mâsl c The »rookli Women's Iitute *111ll ieet &t ,tii home et Ms.' Thomul Hail,, on Tliurstiay, AUgit othi t a .m lternry aubJepet hy. Mima &utha -Joues; resdtng by Mm. F. Luke. AU BIt~A rarnpton, Ont, 0n Ap t * , 4th. tei Mr., anti'xra.oord ÃŽanu leu5 %LUtrat ang o - CAMP FlUE MEETiNG. ne S841dlitafeth etiéýi in the Brool t)ltltane ethtte wlll -go inite camp on Saturday atr noont ahd -evýplng. September lut, ln' tho greve Ã"t Mi' J. N. DehaIý,, on tue l'th -concesision, north cf Broklil. RP0l çall at2.pn The "attern~on vi1i be lievotedti tean lnterestlng, prograln of sports ",d a grand-càe O~>fre aud.-meet- 14 iii b- h14d aftg'ruppqr. Every 1*1Ae oi 41 ejwQuMnl tri on thi tx -13 sentitieti atteude. M1r. D. R. Poole, et Toronto, wiii a.- sist local directons ln mlng tisi camp àasucce. Ut -everjy tather or employer give the boys a hait holiday, for the camp.- FOR SALE. One whlte peny, ageti teni years,,kinti andi gentle, so that anjr woman coulâ drive her. Apply to Chas, Agdersn BrooblIn.,1 -ALMOND,%. , Mn~ Ed., Hfall bas a -Ford cgr. Miss MarlIn Gaston vstti over thc ,week-end wIth rltvsa Nsgr Misa IMabel*Rowe h sengtlng two0 week*s vacation at ber home itere. Mr.anti Mme. Ifamllou ati da.utgiiI- ter, Winnifred; Mrm MecKay ant Ison, Nebet,-andi Mms. McCembe, et Port g~ope, spent Piiay withtbheir cousins, Mr. anti Mms, K.« E. Klime. Mm-s. Fosten and son, of Toronto, have been vlsitlng wltb tihe Misses Webster. Mn. Rarny Balsain, et Toronto, is visltfng with bis cousin, Miss May" Kempthne. Mr. anti Mms. Roy Mercombe. of Port Arthur, are spentilng a couple of weeks wit, thie farmer's parents banc. Mr,. Frank Mackey, whe bas been In tIÈe Oshawa Hospgital for a month, came home on Friay lait. We ai-e glati to see Mr. Mackey lu oun mitist- again, anti hope be mnay speetiuly re- eorer. "Misses Etina Matison anti Eva Bell, eof WliltbY, violleti wilb Mi'and Mrs. John Willls on Suntiay. Oit Tuesday cenùng the Epworth Leagne entertatugti lii. A. «Y. P. A. ot Et. Jeia'1 Chx$iuIi - -n 1r. Wm. Kçmeis lawuO nc teature ofthélevening 'vat a nUmWero Inptmptu -speeche whlel .provet-- :ertlteresllng,« aIse ether amuùsemeants, afler wiih retresit- mntas vere serveti. A very enJoyable eveniiig vas spent. 'in. John ýWtlis is on the sick list. We hope, ho 'sehlm ont maa on. Misses Lo1s andi Mabel Balodon vere la Tenante on Tuermdmy. * COLUMBUS. Durlng tic - t&rin on Monday lait, Mm. Wm. Sminihs euat barn, eonlailngi a large quantlly et bay anti soin.li-ý Plemnenta, vas satrucic by iight4lng uid" mpletely destroyeti. Misa Mauti Wilcogaon spent Sunday vtI trient. at Cobourg. - Mr. W. Eleas lad tie misfortune ta, havee a co llIsion iti-h "'1eur nov Mc- L.auigb lîn ato,, but luckiy escépeti vith .yery llttlê damagt. BASEC LM SWIST., Mr..-W. Petti4 n"i jackt, et Fort Hope, speut tlé week-çnd viineit s Mr. at-lra .Ste r7j, et Mon- treal, spent Sunday iît à. 8tory*& -Mr& jaisca Into tandiMisa LÀmiiq Mclutoah, .vlatedti hi lrm.E. L tr. -Mr. John Durt aiid-Mr. Bert Oe.. ws.gy, of Teomto sapot Eunday at 1Mr. The. 8yndleato machine IU hua ireoch4'.clever whcn fite veshbc permit,' - Tli 'Febeavy 4ew.s md ffqUit rtas ara great tirwback<o harue~ J Y been 'StU U orto»by oru InatIls, Entrance to- Norns* ,,and matvieùiuo l. - Staniey live. -au et IH. T. Io, bas ceqmpicteli hts eusa lu aviation aDÎê L itenant lu.n vtiy~Ie ist ta -beretained ln Canada for,-& 4lme as an Iààtructor. Dtr pt ueced l oa imdUieessi co.- yCatatugsnii ue ,. un Iafsdurd si. , Chsy * C. oeo h- ~ $Sss tr.'s le dèabi m s lando Stiyae ovise ltun tOs hs4r.- osr erwevrd I'.r. Gerow e oaed at kWkaÇ&tarnh Cre lat P, for Saskatrclclea. l e loia.-e w1tr. Wethey ('IL or abou tamilny ar ia Mm i Tmage a hvad antilitur nway at ber home ta Prince Albert on Tbursday, August 2, hlnlier St year. Her malden name was §arah Camplin. OSRHAWX~ James Coulter anti <Terge Blomer, of Oshawa, who were »anreste last wcck on a charge eftftf ram GT.R. freiglit shetisescapedâ frein-thec lock up, wben they rippeti bars off ccjlii'andi disappeareti. Mr. and Mms. .B. 4Vlckery aîpo*nce the engagement etf 11cm daugliter, Prankie, te 1Mr. Hanrey Slàm.on, the marriage te laite piate tti'week ., Mr. L. H .KXclihmia .ured tic con- tract for building five houses fer a -To- rouita irui, on Arthur street, Mr. P. H. Punition lia been appoint- cd Truaney Officer for Oshawa. KINSAL. The'-Klnsale brandi et the Seuth On- tarie Women's institute, will- meet at the haone et MissSadIer on TI%üsday, August eth, at IwIt peut twa, As we like te see as Msny as P qssible at the meeting. lira. C. UL.Mackey, Fl'rl dent; Mm IL -IR. Mowbray, Seý Our gartien 1Party: , M,1fr. MWBrïu.ls was- adeelde4, siieeà%-notvithstadigs the u.ntavorablo veatiier, W. ecaeMti ltee iee ttle muini et U80 r-le Cross vork.- Tm DELGNDAY. Thé e lIiavi. --lia ":beet a sue- ceas. Our brave alles, t10 vltêm. the wüid ows a » Muh, antiwho ave snt- erlg ovii ath l ufeig 1 âvnk'eýbr te Combat a scial cvii eaier tbagm sunalîpox, m eo detru- tîve liatva r.and smlingl itheut ne- spctàI-grades eofsoclety, alY. ages, a ti b osxes eneeneBal the aller day that, two genatons ago, the liedicl Superin- tnnt oi-tbeToronto Asylun for In- sue spoke plaily, openly, eteraly, et.L W*ht ho c alleti "an cnshrouded moral 'pestilence." In polit. soclcty -thc abrod'la sttl lte face-efthIcpest- pes tilence ai v aiks evcry niglit, as t Il ltayofficens 1'dectareyster- day, mie tceictrlc Il'ghof Ym street end et Qucen fInce. Adtievery day, ln tle yard9 et every hospîtal,ý civilia andI mlll tany, "the destruction Ibat. wasteîh'aI nonday- traces the steps et tiios6.,>estilent tee'. andtheti tilseases bat ftoffw lu.their train have brandedti oônly thic gullty but the In- nocent, anti -doometi unboru chIldren to e t latla worsc -than deatI. Shroudeti, Indecti.!-Il linsbeen sbrouti- cd far, tee long. 'TIat shroud of ignor- ance anti-et reticetiçe anti 0f fear ianut be Iftîtd: 'Àn d i f tl"iLècessîties oethie! iranr, If the urgeAt .. 1 for reeruits, If the demonda -tor. 1uea ltci at elgicençy ln van service make neces- mary drastle gisiatIon andth I e t- tess application et. sncb ia*s, then let tiat shreuti le tom away. Ut il be plailiy statedti Iat every city ln Can- ada lu limes oet peace lasbeen lny- combeti wlth diseases breti througu lires ef prostitution. LUt Il le known that ln times of van. Ia tha steru times eftIhe past thrëe years, every large )pilt caimp las beOn intsted by meti andi voinen viiou. mulness lu bas been te maake gain thhough systemaîlc mlnLiUerlng otfitita et iiô ftesh.wlch, for clvitlan and for, mllitary. prdifuce dteaes liiat cuti lu death;. Anti let us Ret foollshly, vaI.nIy, e&rlnnay deny île tac, d- *etij'sterd#y,-tliaî but etee jitaMry dIstrict. fifeen hûndreti millltaymien lu 9.ue-,ypiriay en thé basélpital under btuÏùnnî 'r venoreâltilseases wbich; $-uert, woulti iake l- Impffsuhle lihat they. shouiti ever sec xntlItaïy service la Prance. or eveër ho fit for socil te la m spte cflt t laI aient rnilitary ole oli do andt hatiedicat wri- A -tupeudouti problIem -le -before us lut CaÙada. Its imagnitude canfll le earated. Wl #halil e took.-'aMd 141 » Par the penalty et fools, If vo hut our eyes te whatour meditcl ex- pot itimilitary 'leaders war4, a=d uhr nt uaI be Itteti, Anti the-iîwva niaite buae eective twfit the. cime. Reri-iut lé s fendestruc- lion la, Cânada. :Ant andanld niut be potdaautirt~i et 4les rei theIrotNet otier- vi.eutIt na*ienube aa30e& n or wittwy. lmavlug Il Item-eut occasions viii r- ~ESl LOI~K ~bnirs are umutati la 'icroassPo -wesl ratrs tott .fThe beit inveu pent-you t-an; mYake. You Ca -acre -,ggon&tn 4 .ioeij nof coa. oi e7 I ~ I - -AVRO 1-meuge I Acue idiest9nand G«as fi The ~fosth 'I gtrwrds -aitaeW4 my. Heart ;;ïa 1hacpÉnlioô'vermy body,:- so -that 1 eould btiry, move around. iîtýred'a1l kf&dsôf Me4icine but Ûone- of them clid me, any good. At last, 1 deeided to try '"Frhiit-a-mtives". I bought ÃŽhe fltst box, last June, and now I am welJ, 4/1er usiug onty tfiri boxes. 1 recommend 4"Fruit-a-tivest$ ti> anyone suffering from Indigestion". FZED J. CAVEEN. Mec. a bx for $2.50, trial sizer 25c. At all dealeri or seht postlpaîd by Fruit- a-tivoS Lamited, Ottawa. the man Orageman on Priest To os- Inacise the Orange (nter because sonde ef Its membens filto observe lie Iaws et Society wcrc ai; flal anti unjusi as a comprceesivè.-Cbàemnàtien 6t the Twelve Afosties-lor, the trcachcmy' orfone. Fur Ibere la noîbin; lu the îenet,9 of Onangemen te v.hlcb gentlemen antid Chistians céanuol asubscribe; there 13- potbIng lu ltis precci»s whltb ùieu of' ail pouItIcat persuastong -canteôt and shouiti net approve, uniema Indeedti Iey CA be onemies efthîe Britli Empire anti oppdants.et "an open Bible." I%ý 1ý One o e itemet persIstent stumbllng_' *---.e iiiocks Iylng aero»e stcpah et thùse FR vho veulti tain enter the Orange Or- - tien la the caret ully nuntureti fear t4iat-- smre pletiges are exacteti caleniteti lé Interfère vitl the riglits And pnvileiges uitr ipresently eitJoyeti by' Ib:i- omn Catholle brethren. Were tle truc, jt woulti le n gianlng lnconslstency -lu Orange Principles, whlch o4mpblsz "Equailils a teail, spegWi*ai p i AÙ ta none.-' -ririege aleat The oniY Peint at whill Oringeraen tionatle clash vitl Roman Catbei'Fs Ic open Bible, antinlutitis -attitude they are ,eomplete agreemnent anti contermty.4 vitI aul Protîestant Cinrehes. To bg an Onangeman. tIeretore, one, must ofet te iieeessîy le a -Protestant, Another .insidlou mluconceptlon AlIIed2ý millta.ting agansnt lte increasetimepi-AU D bcrshlp ot thc Orange Oti thiîe su-i* es wilt the Canservative Party lu poi-. 'Fui tIcs. nFe Orange Order-la striy tt-non- ers t»4 partisan anti democrattlc, n politteai nck: dtiscsonbua eew cestttutlonally.t laiton plbace itlati îl '.acl tà tii.] t" Orng jLthIn he o- th dallon etthé empire, aty ate'lieojEn$"a moemie, af -bit' W-thý following 61zes-5-io, 12-25, 18-36, 25-5c 400,adaWtd Jfor, ail farm reqtbitemens- field wrbl *oit.; tead-'i#ôk. With a Cockshutt .or- Grand Detour Tracto lo-w o-iie --mancan do.your work. Ask us for infor. maiNcleai'e -a large, stock of machinery on band. W. F. Msey Whlit THEt STANARDBAtK 0AbCNAAc ~4ffA~ OFFICE - TOftOt4TO Our Savins parý Stment ives yoi & a guarapte. t)f asgte securityandti er a* interea t ent -rate_ 3- Wi1T BY R A-C _ anille, were--Il rtle at- ashr o ik Tavnsh4n, J te aciacit ý Wîy vq li'tbs - -t 1- ~ - to car has been à yeçars, tiure1ye, Be proveu fts1 -,$2.20OFoi ý,4- I.- aq ed

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