Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Aug 1917, p. 1

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IVol. 5ô-No 9 WHITBY,- ONTARIO, CANADA; I i WtIITI3Y YOUNG LADIL6 IN 7,. i .TtItç,- }EACHING PROFE55KONi The Summer School vacation la drawtng ta a closo and teachera and scholars are Prepartng theuxselves for resumning work next Tiîesday. Thert, ,are a goodiy niumber of Whitby young worneil engaged in îeachlng-Just how many one Is surprised teo fnd on niaking a list af them. Thata score of our young wamen are thus usefully employed is a inatter of interest suffi- cient 10 warrant giving tbem a roil af honor. It tipy be t hat- sorne have been overlookei, but inquiry from several persons faiied to discoyer any more n ames. The Gazette antd ChronIcle extentis bt-i wish.-s ii)att thest- earnest work- ers for a successlul and. haPPY Years work. Miss JsssieM.Nlapliersonli&% had fif- tueti :.ears cxlpets-nre lunlte teaching profe.ssion. Airer passiiîg through pub- lie ;nid Hsizà Schools lun Vhîtby. shie attend-d Normiai >.choelinb Toronto. obîaliineaLscond - claits certificate. ISIié- I:'- tati-lar lIn4oldwaier. Elora. and for soties- '--rs bias beren in the Kinth--i., Stret Sclhool. Kuisi Toron- to. %% -r- h- ta stIll eeng-ged. Miiss bllit] i-ise aug-hî "the Younîg id.-a htuato s.ntfor ikiret- years at Çoîîborni-, Brtoukliiý 'bt-Sor4 Avenus-i -Selotil. East Tro tot whieh latter 1100 l ah.- la to reiu-n. Her cojurse tllroutlî ît~heNIltty 111gb Scieanad soins-e erle-t *hs futeacbiné; vas fol- lots s.'j b> aitieptialie ai :'Norma]. P.--t,.o 5hiv hoidsa asecond <di-%s ltt-ý-t-iv,-d ht- r euliic and H7igh $Schooi edtiCat iGni iti Wh iîhy. Stke tatught a rouple or ye.ars ît Harcourt, Ont. b4- for.- ait-ndîngtlipt Normnal nt Peter-) istîro linl<914-15, - wh'i-e rciscobiaiticd ber 1 se-cond tisas c<r-illate. Prom Se:> r-nibs-r, 1915, to JuIy, 1916, ise tauglit on >cts ecg Island. and during the past, >--Ur Sah--0awiss theUicchool u ic]ri town of Wellitigî on. Prlince Zdutx*1 County. Skie hais engaged fer iie coili year wli tiste &îhow bz-Mar-] couirt Village. forwtaih~paehv lt-ave on Satur lay. Miss MNianie la thse yotinÉer sister of Miss Mary Ruttan. ahç- alto attendeS public arid H-igîx -choaj» bei-e, ýail vas a dili1gen t -e apl emie year at Ba d last June compitedW qî< » cour". au Peterboro, ais - b .oetlse $he tta3.p4een -t lat.eW, takt orf ac-ui-sd Miss Ruby lipttan, the thîird alter ln the farnily to'$*aeh, hie been Cor the puacilt Sgm 10 tcachitg I-be school at Gelai-t, 1la1burtou District. under a permit. She tiasbeen.& vi1 to return should a-negblanly 'ualMfed teacher flot be sevured. Miss Mecker ls eaaed fon tise eom- lng year ta teacb a caunatry mebuo neear Welland. OnWaic. Thé. 1maI year. ais priesideii aver thse Baggoisviik Scbool with much accotancý. Aller attend- Ing 111gb Sclhool onWtl b se se- eured lier Seond Clama'standing anad Part I. of F irst Clas.,Bbe then took six moîîtbasnt tise Lhiday Coflegwae Institute and the reqired t.ersu ut fli p'aciiiy cfEducation, Toauto. eurý iéIg a Pli-ai Clam CerLIicate. Mies Plie holdo a Pli-st Clan Ce-c- tificaîse, and lsa qSDpeetst la Ceaimer. chUl %%ork Rler course ta the Whitbyv Flighi Scitool wus IalIowed by a 1-far a thse Facult ofetEd'Ucatioa, Toi-ente. wherî- îrat4ingta thse art of teuah was receive& . 'Achrtnig ber çerttifiate btiv f ul-iber tt 'berseif for 11gb Sehoci wsrk bybgtàkimtaaCommmreWaI apeelatlXxi 4ueuwss. 49 jyeerobe- tans-ht in tise fI;rath*iy C4Uglàl.In- stitute, a=4 wil retum for. Year -M. We iàe t !h b ie ple1 schoci iber* for a Y~ r Isciorequa4tfy- ing tor 111gh Schoô or i. Bise tou trit ttecond pari off lite Pbtcia Tn- -'.te srlthtie gasi î-acattiou caygeon and Baggotsvile, Ina Stitiion ta hér engagement at (imcemee. Rler certincate is Second CIa8ý. Pour sisters, daugliters of MAr. e. Robertson. off Wbitby, are-lu- thse teacb- ln,-, profession. Margaret, the- eldest, is assistant Principal of the Roden, Sebool. Toronto. She lias -been, Ove years in thUs chool. She tanghî forý two years thie Model Sehool at North Bay befora -oing ta Taronto. Skie took ber Normal training at To- ronto. She was a Whiîby Collegiate girl. LILUE:IOFrs7X flias ben fer three vears on the staff of Raden School. Toronto- She took ler Normal courste in Toronto, foîlo*- iag eoînpli-tlon off studies ln the Whit-I b% Coileglate. She, taugili a year até Spencer's School. it'ar Brooklin. She. teaches the- Junior IV grade ln Roden. A NNIE fOErs~ .Niss Ainie m-as a potîli of the Whit- * v Hi.ch Scoi and got lier Second f lass standing aftler a cotirsA In theý Toronto Normai. :She tatught ai Tra-1 falgar andi Gananotue before Joining li-r e-qLr'sT- on the staff of Roden School tIvo years ago. where she teachits Sr. ~R~ING PI T Several mersbern 1« te Whîtby Bloard ofEtuncatien. %0*s*fl1ed by PrIacIpal .Tohuson. !4lstd Ptkeriag Village on Tuenday attiiiWpila an en. ile or secure pupq * te Whttby 111gb Sehool. In pat -Mt» l ik. erIng and DunbartonWt1 Ii1IaYe Zone ta 111gb Sehool at i riorRiver. dale, becausebe cît à.jVieeas con. vetn. Ime InconWlI*ttsia ser- iiJittsted againat atti bo hre. Pu- 'plis coal get to h on Ing GT.trgsin ýLIX-bu .0 but they Wo*uld b ýp..,i tt 7.35 tu get a train ho"me i 'lgThis~ vas to<> late. The ,,-y' Board of Edufcation la coitý-ü fejý abutity cf conveyin-g tIePrkeriag Vil- ,ge 1111i< P anti df by automobie. This service 1 ,the, lpuis up Practically At ip t Qthir 'tmo.Ius avaldig Uthe long . te thse Picker- lng station -and (roti , t4Wb1tljty a- tti to theise clsol. etOid aise de.j liver them ai ilseir tt*'JIOiUeSs sortly - zirter the close cf sc ~ atihe ater- nton. tbu~s effeeîh s msi4u-le sav- 111g af timeêand îtti-i)ti'to!smiiy con. Kilis ail the - Insects withi tion. No mix for use dry. as well as a Pure Pari Drugglst an, MEDICAI flrock St. j Leaf Eating one applica- xing. Ready A fertilizer poison. mis Creen ILLIS id Opticiau LHALL aWhltby. à WHITOY FARM FOR SALE. $65 Iper arre stock firmn mile frbm rail- way stationti if ilage, NVlitby ToNv o- 'Shiti. good e1ay loaw. strearn rune; through property glving abundant water supj) I wtbou t l*eavifîg broken' land along tb.6- creek, large bank b.arn, gond nine rooîned dweiiing, poiulry bouse. plgg.s-y, bearlng orcîsard, nlec piec&t busti. Reasoîtabie terris. John Fisher & Co. Llamsdmn Building 0 Adelaldo East, -TORONTO Car Cannol Goal Just prlvod Preseat conditions scem te mdi- cate a severe shortagye of Cannel as wcll as other coa the comiag -sOason- We areasuggestiag to our old friendsanad customers that they ordor now. Our' Miii Creek SCanne! vs regard. et sxceptionaliy Lily srnlhîng cedal raceived Ibis week. Sofe C951 for tbreshing - slways in stock. y I Re SLOW, Whitby Bell Disone 9. Rame phone IL. full Torm fr0111 AigéZi Toronto, Ont. là UnqUeutiun&biY one 01 Canada$ liest commeercili*oim. Tihe demand for our graduates se far beyond our oe 1rl lmred ut oustud n its. s us. compstent., Write to-day fur our isanti It, cont,&lnt tati information. Cor. Voeu e d W. à. e5111cM The ritur Gulslda ImprOOvMuotl Land Co., Lhnlted Whltby -Ontar'io Rchi Efitate Dealerà, Esiates Managed. Itenti (tL.oanm A rrars Y, UGUST 30.,:1917 40PUPILS 11W HIGH SCHOOL i-enîence and comtort. The prospects are that quite a few students wouid come e to Wbuy (rom Pickering If ti i question of transportation could be solved. The fees for 111gb Sebool pu- bilis at tlttl. .York or Toronto are $42 Per year, as compared with $7.50 per Yeiù, la Whitby. T7%e saving thus ef- fected wauld help considerably ln de- fraylng Uic extra coat t f iotor trans- liortaton to and froni Whlîby. Here Is an opportunity for some Ilvé lItiery manti t secure gaod business. Wbile the transportation'- of piDsps wauld have to be done at a close rate.i there would be an apportuaity ta secure business for tbe retui-n trip. Fr ln- stàne-If a WhItby llvery had lthe con- hi-art. Uth tp te J.IckerIng for tepu- Pila la the marning. and returhIng ln the evenlng atter taktng tbein home. would tw-nlsh a spflendid oDportualty foer extra, business at regular rates. A Ilme scbedule for leaving Wbltby and P-licker-lng taould be folowed. and after a IllUlewhlle tis livery service would lie loaked for and coaatderably used. 1%ea Idea offers possibuîtties off goed business, ORýANGE PEELINGS. M. -'On WûN4rdnesdav exétitig a Uitled, Bro. H? P. '.l«owan, unt behaîf oai rdîleusung of lte î1o"Its l0rang lôdges thase vis -ad Ju lccl-c ier de. 5551OA iOiUifl.-4s I as beld ta te Oran'qhalI over the i grees. thaxc'J the Oshawa brethi-en îl bçy)iig- t tefour ais! crS. Standeard Bank. Tisevèîimbers ef tise ;irtIedglidadofcetm nr Sh ok e omltralnlng at Peter- ti n odà.vithet BjAnUi ig- 'la 'viich teY-had conducted the lait- boe tutun -a nar Orangeville, nificant naine u Vof dg, LOL.atory services, vongratuiale tbem on axiji ihen neC.tîý,teti a Senior Seecond No. 2f97. thi-Žw open îh$iér lodge dace-s tise zeal tey had sho-w&n ntri oming to clasaý in the Rioden $cisool. wbere ase to tiese mnusof t_.rêerneul sol- Wilyt slîlt lWIdeui 1 IIix tR %'Pwok enter upon her seooiîd dlers iodg-e "G(kaci - beireo"-No exDreuj tae hope that tise> would fi-e- yetXr. 12198, mxn aiso exteti-a- a Yy hearty quentlY t-lat a lode, it-tire, If lie coulit i W eleme të a Intrge D illik' of vllting -net gua.rntee atuY1 vacant seats. Uic>' ",Ç.% RaviN. 1brk-threu front Oeha %,'- ý1 _15hollilay e sure of a warrn wel- 3ilsRavin la on tbg stafof Itie The fûcit thâtiiîher Wtsr wénte ol avt ukieqeo- VtetorLa Sctispol. ia-ete. vtere 1ee-n initiations to 1ii£0xr ade a1 orhpu ase r.Ale eie siw-lia lica dingsucxeuf w-e-k oi-late asttting lntetabW, butCratUre Ithat thse Oshfa*a bretiren vere olY, tîiÉe Pat four ,yeams.PreyleustW ee orforts vos-e thigh.tNIlY ProvidedtS eeuveased to corne te Whitti. 'bey ris-ad taugtht at X-e. 2, Whitby4 -Pt Sb1r$ 'la thse adj<giaiug ante-raýin. did. fot regard It. worthy off thanka to Iley undt at Chahs L.ake. She bala s -i AIthelidomlof e 'i11Ewuycjrobably ai abtttbeIië Whltby tInonda la th*ýWo rk, ~Second Chas Certifteate. She took her -thse moat esnbusasikt Oa ng.e ingfte,,seOrange Or-ter: it vas a duty and training In tescience ar teachIng ai t-ci hel d In a nhWlut lodge r so peotr, -Siftsemmbr *1u thse Toron to Normai. SIt, Waa a geoit -Worshipfidl Master Bbd#f. 3.Pitgcl Whity L-odgealtad culoyed thse ein- istudentInlaali tise foris or tise Whitby Sultably cqaey-d Ibe utiIk8 Whit-1 ln& ble cui suete httol o 'Collglat. ' byOrage*nnto ticafiolce han'nover spent -a 1 wë hd io.natrhaSý,-èntiibtec tômore pleasasu imae. Tht, vas ouly-the unqueilftcit g~beintilsgof an aqanajchpta Miss lFraser is -a speelallat t A-1 5imed thLeintsm *~i*' Ché knew 'would develop tata mo>re, tisai isbaviog tisis suminer 'coxupletet herWi tgý'Whitby Oran&e dt#yroiesdhlp. course. She lu. and hau beeti for twofs-ppSeulte< nom i be1p '14W kunnes& ~qEW.ipartlngte nie marotnaed and a hait yers. on thse staff of tbe îTbeyhait uagrli41cet tht r j -0*& Bavé 4 S te t lg' Cochran~ePublie Scisool. She retuli in utptLs '-0 oiSe VIe> 1IILO. o 67net ta aite up Continuation Scfhool verk. ablé troble *ea4 'SS 14Id j titie tMY ii eNoudM7 tetsc ber home be taugbtttisetTtw OLimee oe4iall ove' Scisol ConIve yare. e~ )(slns-l -"'B L t.QUl« Miss Andern a io o on h«oue tise Wbitby Public Sihool stX *,ai6*7L cewie ocf a room la lie kuitu Sret1'o i Sthool. visere îuse h»lias onexpelent 'tis» work ln Forme fl sud IV. Bbc vil)1heA 'Contitnue ln thse wrk the lasgo wnl~ Mi*a è1ee. Who has ha.d ext"mve t*sachlug ixperteace. baa beezi fer-nmre lIme ion lthe£WI ef PlekerlaigNo. i seaio. Mer Inspecter loves ber i-ciy cMOunIlmetarY reporta. and lber work mer ff lm. esam- ih h School Board ai- Mderado#.i Caunty. for tise «nains-,r.O. hait ovie Yeu* *agpeeieaps at Iquaa. spcee iseboël »Massomic " TÎe*4 Liae. S be boWs a 4"m 'IMMjg PasCeaaL - attos- Whtby mmi~* Ida .aileu" e a-inteechins nx eSal. &1yrene. Si cotnplehed bien ýéaF ('ow-se a( Pelerbore lu J=eo 4s bu hieSvnd Ca n ierim MWas a aWhitby Rîis Mx MO Lstssm, Who lires on the Ba in at bout four mOuImmfr thlb Wbtly 111gb"Schooi. %vue so dessmia- Pd ta accore an edumifost sai ais walked night and mntsto anti trous selioqi akl., gtise tuttI oure. miiipais- litg tlie eintrante te Nerad «Mmt- attoui. Sbe look ber tui.*-tueimteg tenstriw eai pet-t-bSi-qlnu 151$-Md euro-1 the pm tyeai- bs biencâb FIRST-GOVERNMÈENT TRUC - T T-o C. A. .G0OLDFELLOW & SoN, Publishers FO~R QURLJTY and e!(au on AT. Lawleir Thée Grocer Phones .-RlelIL4-7; Independent, 47. i SUMM3R, Our-stock of Suinmér Footwear include3 thue.very Latest style PumnPsa nd QOxlords, i n Vici Kid, PatenitLeahef, Gun Metal and - Dirk Bfown Caif. - Sep,- ur line-Of wrnT~ C <'2 *1' tUir w Tbq l~sgGo~owu. tor 10, t . i 2>Ta sita la al in yluknllv. ~m.t.d u Outal w"Cnt1t Z " tf by keprsere, uand tl aebliordrawlus e' wort on»,hfani «f Mr. je&Mit. - & trfrMI' ptOV, and WIUi 10V cebitta .Road !'esi.yente4day 'itrm sven t. tea&c a <ut. <epemd- TIbo traot'r bai bonp 00 a'PlattOMu 109MDCUiO hegfouni wlsre opftt U, Uw -U*bIcsi for soe 487e. <Ttla a 71¶Théter=e upc. -wbith e Ouda. *P Jmr,*d by 1W 1n lu-I le& 1* laum ta 5.phm. tawmd e esteCo. Of Mm la , ct usualo o UUÎ% lb. Ceer to Xr.-. J. molvatdilof Palroi~ o 1«*tii.boosc.tise .a41u.etd. 1h ilmruativ, cft IbeSm. yfbw j«dato bmM t booperator, Tho grpne 5$ wsa ami IU. »Od4o aMr-1 est V« imacre .unwedte avrrg O.W c MKImt i1ý b e st"«na.about 1-2& fet the tompaasY. wplieN rt 10aoeer TbM ere ra erap plicaitooa iiifor latend the staritc tp.etthefibe esane.1th"e servies. or thI&Outat.. "d wtsqp W bEr. IL IL Tipper. th# Dtilat ,ROpI. Ibeomunowusabrud ti a'thitrac sestauve et-the * tepstut et A* J te -la aptaisis, 4cu tt l ib. CUUUtiseUlOns i»i. &Mr. lOhukeg tbu«. IndeMIUS iflab. thM& a*k J. Lynde laensaiod 4tq cpeu te uIê mamacie. Win -ot affmc.t. metth Mkooat T h « w e 1 b 1 ad i m r it . sm iloW S N T N hr W P I a b~~~a8 bem ne Seboe years,. aud tcf-orna '-c"-Iets ~O aoiag S et lieâeial.bo .1 Selitil 0043181 .a CoIIeg1aie~, m - -ruislag lu Toi-coin. 86. ~uihrema Fisyuicol Cattite -sr thé mê.sa. Rue FINISH 'xi -'y-; I A.,--GooLFELLOW & SON, Publishers ,-- V--- -- 1 OTSO

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