Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Aug 1917, p. 2

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Wrn a* Ie efpr salS AVU W in 01 row PlôUgbw8h14 l lbk*vl1 itie&~ ~~iiae am se *th slawtte rs». 1S* 18 day. At, the close f.n datu arsplou7ghod that day *bofld b,.e K~ 4 I D ______ ea.. Tlàbreàas the lumps. t" , ewbI thI7ýt " ~ ~~4~Iiocanas vZ 7OUYiti-aw through tla hle.T Ummov i. urwu ueaaelht CM.et~~4 l~vr~1 ~~I~*~ Y ~$i* sel mnch should be long enongli to reAch i- section betwnte tsti. urf un-el 8i pn ~ 8,.o~lM !~ lit ItIIA ?'1.ýI Q i -ma t h om of the b>tUle- and Uie mbsoil, wslgu h osue rt '~W e ê5P «ed - vér e.)iur or 4odif the atraw docant i teeokti ~fioui the latter te aid irtigtépr boe e 1e *~$~O~ hoday.9- he room le ly yen sheuld put seauli-X Old *dzal premno eouert< _.ýQeWM1nll ES u e towai-iy clad, it to keep out ail air. 'Y-u sbould ter ronng, diseing and harrowlng sear-IWymedlcal nid.V cS *ho é lotiies may be wr6Uke.4.1Hé now talc. e is am jar Md bPRt it hould flot b. delayed. With 8 Ùi Foristanice, suppose your ehld Q o17 bs lighted irpgem 5. l3e bas over a- lamp or candle. Stand the~ cultivation one retains a surfce, talla trois a te m reu i twu *çstomed to heing picked U, bottie of water on two or three aheemu kb", Copênierat anmd fines b IWte)e fynteacul #àýyu e i~ho Cieu. e.HieMy be con- of damp blotting paper laid on a plate sooufury mn a tpse of flat boards three inc'es widâ " D$ 4' 7. ifiselar may ache or hie or dish, Place the Jar over the bottie, -ioilous weeds and with the c-ol.oeri4tJe let wth Vepoit1tkrhit *rot' Way be sm. 8. He may have and press bard te prevent air getting bton uf the summer sun tuis work in the ends of the fractur5d boue wMll ot bailtee mO =%h excitement juat before underneath. Now, as soon as the air Mont effective. With the presentrmb againat es.b othç sýnd Increase going to b.d. 2. It is neyer sale to ini the ja.r begins to cool, the wsMter in scaztity of lIabor, this isthe cheapegt the psn and all danger of causIng tle vie old rubbers saved troin the year the cbottie willi-ie through the sti-aw sud moat practicable method of weed hi-chou boues to protmude througb the bore ou a new lot of preserves. To sud formn a pretty little fountalu. The destruction and soi preparation frteh hsU penil h rc -oit, Mbbers for preserve jars, pull ¶gi-est thing to remember ie te Press grain or even for boed crops. tii-c, is avoided. A good en"eigeKcy theM out to see whether they are of the jar down lever 80 tightly. If air Attér the. sod is decayed, a rigid jr stretcher may b. quicklY made Out -ouficlent elasticity to returu te shape can get away fromn under the jar o pigtot utvtr with wd !too lrebtoe vsewt .,and set break. AUl pgrts should b. wlll not have yeur founta*. 2 Thnpil shu b. kpt _in. at inter- peles, rakes or br-cema iunthoh oub.Jected to- the strain.. Expense coats of tailored suit& wMl probablY vaWa~ni uuu Then the land the arinholes, rànd if the suffererI- 1 Obiê , ne b. îMdlu buy>ng tub- be longer durir.g the côining wintei- should be thoroughly ploughed. as'placed on the iuipra.uE stretcher se, bes . 'To cure a chlld of sucking than thcy have for some turne. S. deep as the humus or plant food ih the- that one vest cames upder the shoul-c -~kthpmb, swab the tlp end of the Grass stains can b. removcd with soul wiIl allow. On the Dominion'ders, and ose under tMe hips and st! 1- t uli *ith, tincture of aloès or with -ether. moat medicine stains can be Illustration Stations, smre resuits have'anether under t.he fracture, he msy be ý- B&WStISted ,solution of quinine. 4L dissolved by alcohol. 4. Keep 0513' a n obtaincd in comparing thc surn-1 carried for miles quit. conifoi-tably. 1 s#~ua sop end thlng te kcep os tes or coffee service with à pair of mer cultivation of sod land with fali If the fracturcd enld of the bone pene- - u onçtpe ub ou Your bauds alter1 caudiesticka on the qideboard. Lack- ploughiug the same, which indicate'trates the flcsh it iseÎlien known ais a -7I>Y tr.g wt the I s 11igthe g r-vice or a handisme ti-ay,very clcarly the. benefit derived tro s-compound fracture and the utst 1,*&udh stains., fr&)jnjý our bhave a good-looking receptucle for summer culti'vation as outlined above.'cleanliness must prerail. If - tlýe ~*shd maks this seetand fruit. Keep aIl umal msilver neces- lu addition te the greater yiel b. oud isdi-y Dk.in's solution ~ ~1n.45. emsitch~ig~ b vey1 mry e eeryay sei out of sight. The t#éndp it should bo rcmcmbered that ýhouId be employed. For i i njs -ealdneon the sewmg m lachine aisn is te keep aIl dignified and fi-ce thle land le thereby put inte mu h such wounds that this solution has 'A hïway: Draw the nuisher oft, from a cluttcrcd-up mixture. For cleaner condition for subsequent ci-opa. been tound te be ef such great value threa«di deulred and baste the edge of~ the dining-roomn table use a runner or Two fièlds of 4 acres each were tak- on the battle fields of Europe. thre hep la . e center of the drawn ,square o! crash hcrn-stitchèd wth a en; the first field was ploughed alter I l ntneja -a aoa tlii'eds. Lnghnthe stiteh on1the bit of cross titch or n round center- harvest, wasecultivated occasionslly tor sail intae su X-ru a ora-i sud gad titch on the very edge of pioce o! oyster-white linon with a durîng the summer aud auturnn and, the two ends of the bouc si-e in good IIW 'hem. Pull tbe baistingseout and heavy filet insertion and edge. ploughed iu the autumn;, the other ,ppo,>.ition. IPUI tè'dge01 hehem to the bot- E.F-.-A cannisg Qutfit msy befield et 4ace s left in sod and pan tomn- et the dra.wn -threads. Hem- made ln five minutes. Ail you need: also i)loughed in the autumu - The Ato liaetoencusa- *tltehg doue thus wAy cas searcely~ A wash boiler, a faIse bottomn for it, eats from the summei-cultivated Amorn as muc pais ass f al-e *ýbý4b. dltlishod fi-os that doue by made ot laths or sticks, or of corrugat- field gave a yield of 16 buahels mnore bone. And duiig the interval ot get- blabd. , 6. À litti. baking soda aprin- cd tin with boes punchcd in it; a Per acre than the field ploughed in'ti~mdcladBe' yeei ' hpd -v~ frit be stwîn Wl! pe-square of cbeesecîot~h te bold fruits or the autuflin. This di e e t a .ponedb yn ice of 60 ~est ti. uie bilhg oVe. I wll.vegetables wh.u dippiug lie hot wa- bushels on the four-acre field at 601rbe uigaov i.sian o ~~~~~~~I Wierdinteqattye ua re er; a kettle. Principles of hame, cents a bushel shows a total gain o ubbinstaneingcae e sprin frt qi$rd. 7.Aplymatsetlemon te canniug fruits and vegetables: Wash 1$80-00. Counting theceost 'or sus-' tic thc tubing or a handkerchief jusl t1ib îuk spots On the -Pink ctton dreis. a nd cîcanse thc food; blanch by plac-1 mer cultivati ug at $400 per acre, a beîow thec clbow. In other words, tie 8. To get iid et beeties, spiinile îng it in toiing wster; plunge in- j total ceet of $1600 for the, 4 acres, sun between the. spi-ain and the. trunk of @ quai parts o! mcd lead, sugarx and meduately snd momcntarily jute coldi increase in net profit ot $14.00 o the body. The. intense pain is is. 'flùnr, nilxc. ea.r the heles. wstei-; pack food lu hot arddoI_- $.50 per acre was obtained. The r.itl'lmnfsdotnetrl Lur-.To make a fountain tha ing syrup or boiliug wator; place: soil on thc cultl-vated field being i r iv'd wiIl dellgbt. the convalescent child yo0 rubbers and tops ln position hal! air- much fluer condition and alist feeei-. Th. tigsol .loe. should get àa issu glaîs botule andgtight; submerge jars ln boiling water from wccds, tic differcuce ithc&ro- he tyfor abou t ooenm nes. Tevmb -nearly 111 it witu water. flics bore lu the- wasb bolIer sud cook; tighten fita frorn the two fields, if wor.d for bout tmuu te. p er t be through the erlcand place thtei.tops. alîke, should b. almost as gea be thehudkers ch two bitle terbedhad - _______following season. rlttetehnkdie hutisob a. in bs nme. n. hephrd-he owe ! sigarïi.ts1Spi-ains msy be complicated by the inbi nme Oe hehed-%e Roots.-28 w fs#a e tfature of àa Up of a bone, where the e remise that Jebovah wil! set a shep- grewii on surninr-cultivated land ror- tendons are attached, so it in always Terd over thc flock dees net cotradict duced 10 % tous, while 36 rows o! the wase te ecure médical- aid in theîr the stîtescunt in verse 13 that Jebovab same îength grown on land àmlpy hisse!! wl'Ilshepherd thc sheep. As spring pleughcd only produced 9 tens, a _ verse 24 indictea, Jehovah aili cou -:a," rneof 3,783 peunda. The Spi-ains, dislocations sud fractures -butfereuce sv hould b. observed lu thc X-ray 1lab- ti~~nue te b. suprerne; picbut h.t 1 will gev-ig $.6 »feENT1n<L thruc *cjdreenatie. Th oratoyenhev:r possble. i ledethete ar 2!'i. teg e Ie io f th "4 utture -wripan WSBRiter tiaa ordin h6atr>' coos>' o atra u.T asete caprese i bring . . feedSu onesl uileserit' -oomt !peau7.2- o . e 1.o0foaer&0ft1.. 0F&Ms beth, eesthe.localbot bathc. the t1> hewlll .ek this eut net n permnent eace. te; terefoeomptes$, te workng ,, - * d h e s e- wl l de lr er til c i! si ej ve d a lîe e p bo m s f ei ' o k lu t é m r - orp rt'a p i d a h t smsu~ thonsbaseteheutrItle =1 o t e na tin, ha e ver> an vit.aoftealue oS bea frége 8), wre"PZIewIa - -tb"dgeautbThlaaouutunrouofumbeatu2. 9 as -bre, to he in stileultrrssit s state verer1116, oa ii. - i _i th raiffiest"sbeq00,0 tii. i0',. lu oui.. day.-Ità-aWl effrtive u eotra dieu -'ùndort^ko thekeare of uh tegrectre onalanîa er-ebave*eha Mau wittef naltpets t'ù irai came te u for a lu ,,1'Z The resl~h* . da - d5-2.ent WÎD e 0i10lfi*d4t vboiibossars blsà wbSumer cpovu u au Bvenwe a..B *O liissui thé >mâm 0AOtaOO n n Dqrieý eDiatle. Ja of 1 0 , blessace r Ofopai> ertlzdenyi b> r .Wseel 80 "Ye ebsrIlatas eesl etatees te graintsua e The int saelnlebovala iibt oe d i m_ onvenan lsls-4t 0 51Wl ued»lg 1) fo he es out;ne oteér Il ssed. or.. ' l o4 rom___the ___________ __________"_ un- 'M rËt '4'é< â-UImen TEE WEêY SElON e liaI yen re"mmBot hlm l *1hl 'For our eAsacnu me, areverdi e! wamlng. -sot hfur bt lisdelthe4mlse eàdtbe.u - jt IseA, a;aea asn ia hé*Md eot or lime -man, msIU ioslbA tj anotiasi-twnt>'-tow-boums laordu te 5.1 "trandm!othie un systmoas ! ivi I lllazacelto a neslConet of Ziu- thé #00 09pqmdlWIg catastophe; impouiledteun&adIli thie sisa la « ueratlon et secet, M"a Sdiplomure l: a novorder w vii ee Sbeuârýià- 1w &- n »,aeto aom or pe 1a la eo«nr t ducaes ýmmos ii balub" s solalapo ce, Rouaw4s - ots.ombIia ate. et r(nc un 114 t ol>' rdm* iaU» ad semd ta e »& M*fer dmoomaey bm&. mmmâ& 1b...5 5.atm 'qnai I eou« ld" aldthe fimr geod-ostwrdyt «but yî oud sert -i~~ be'abie té gie doutruhsc _________________ But Frha eoldoi>' muoomd la g tlsg lended Ot os Ono dsth lia Ffrp t ti. F.aIL alsaPipeî. Thé __ ye tépo0obi Ibai.?" 0ah@.»asl masthe .*book Il tain i. saat « ae uho stsb>'tue"The faim>' louk ~a e waer, aylumal ayon, il u- ouldmiri mw WpsAt, as li llfl flager beekttteI>ibArds teImm~fAnd ~.~b-.011dfr drink or ebathe la the, - basntat b. *M m a i uIâ If R A" :tei »àW ms v ! as m* » - a Isï tta at' sBs T forltanter am Ual4it-tbe im wvuet Ss ota" ahé mLd, 'i to t" Me girl a littie - ~au ima la " lu *aï. A* dw 1 vu 4-#108 omuaroi -,g *ia! ü* t*a ai,. amé bàwtisa a u».J *VBRflVK THlsmABIE FOP~ RtORSAYS WRIE.. ~0 byf4eOJel~ ..- -, ~~The object Of til i àpatmi't l epaea tiaeFil W ie n> deuae i*lo et Ofur tarni readerstthe advlce ofen a kh@WI'{, - - ~ et ~ .. *edqed suthorlty on ail aubjeot POrta8iiaUf0 50111a~i oeta ramAddress lii qu.stlott Professr lier> G.5«Il, l est-e of "Me Wilson Pubulshlno Cempany, -LlmIltid, TaI1 St aem m ~tndarp1n~d .nt, mans nwers w#IIb appeaun- n ii!columu-An the- Justic te- te b<>i-~~i- <,f evas~in et-or i vhlch they;areà»e -IL'e. A p. almti laI sadvisable wee mpu*i" $9y TunecesarY ta fort- -- à5 tamped and add-eà4u1 anvelbpa b. enclosed with thé'- mess, lun rciut .ntMber Thée eryG BeIl. question, when the snswsr w1i! be malled direct Woril'sWoeikthere la.si, a nid s.count et î a vei t 11efort e« DOubuxnut Question...Suberber.--What le th'e outiet, . WoUld 111»e youm- rpinion ou i E'vry etaho lis benessy.d~ vale cf orchard grass for hay? When j fyway. aupress tliis visionot horror. It bas &bd hOi o.mît nwr:Iwol dvi yUt eecmpred te th" dresr and rmg- do better on uandy sonl tbsu oats?1 open the surface drains rather than te ge olcaic surflace- o! lhe moos; to When and how should il lie sous *ep eàbsllIiic !ln tue ses Or tue desert, but s dcsert oetn Sub-st o ig maylowtu pe stfando- felid, viscous mud, a dark 'sea whose Answr:--Orchard grass i5 a vcry aler l some citent, but the sandvn- avaves, Isshed b>' lhe tempeet, ver. valuable hay grass if cul ttue rigbt Wt tage w euîd ben ttho ar>' Fo suddcnly solidified, sud retain ti ie. I lj lotu ecreitpraent mprbevnl e! the sel!,or violent contours, silcut sud petrified. bloseomn fuilly, il tends te bocome bard Praetiboeeto h ol As tar as thie eye can reacb, iî en-sud woodY, snd ef course, bcees lu sti-GugI> advise the addition of tile counersnohlug uaIle et sape fedingvale. rchad gasscandrain as scion as you can afford it. 1 couner' Othng tat s no s bpe- sen vatuer ,forea>ordforasture. rather loch upon the use oetil1e drain lèse sud hideous. A fiower, a bush, b Onete o a rfrpsue as a profitable invstsent. which wilI even a ruin would b. a relief. But lu eilher case trois 28 to 30 ibs. of îeaâ t- gi-ester returns frorn your field 1hhere is nothing, nothing, net even 900d secd per acre gives good i- hna a meiteepn eue ef tuoechai-ied stumpa avhicb jsuIte.- Prepare the grouud tairly in! Que staion eae e-xhe five elsewherc mai-k thc site et dcstroyed the epring asdd eed the grass seed ,acresto-vea er : -whewlh l , -erests. with a nurse crop such as vient .or es g e ry Ina bcd condtitecnti Seveal ise I assd o'erUicbarîey at the rate iudicated sowing Ws tputIsgrudm ataa sites o! hoaunhhilat1 vilae ont more than 1 bushel of wbeat or iti .Ivsavsdt e the D cousum ot sudfrag entyba-lef et cr . O ch r afalf a lu the w heat Iis spring, but sces1 ' e afameto al! thriycs on a varielet fsela, but 'tj for ressensi unnamed ve did sot do se ba 'es t i in t n s ou , s g i is y nul o neIl on udr lu eàd s o. s C an 1 p ow Iis ground after w h at la let tadng Ntsigl rg- e e>i-aetane.edrotbnud eesrmovcd and gel th. altalta ii se as .gesting fi-os a distance some klnd o!flae, uh as in orrard ns l jey mc prcaean'arc s ;fortification amidst tb. ra-vag.d Paesha noca od stan, toihe rope hsdlisgfofahis problem curves efthIis cbsotlciiest' order te assist lu getting ago tnvr uhapeit n diea't is on a bigiier vave ot the soil that >'ou would do weU te gîve the ground 1te :-pr adIu oferta gel a «i - .one divinethe presence of the Foi-t a thoroughly dressing of safiurc ori- stade ata:s-In oldt aie ou 1of Douaurnt, sud tai- beyoud, on the add 200 or 260 lba. o! fertilizer te the 1 tndcu l o wha, asoudbnv. plan- horizon, thal of vaux. acre aI the lime th, secd le eewfl. 1n ct. .Flpouwelb. ascld fav> epan O-ver Ibis vast field o! death 6"ne Quston-H.F.»,-I visuate iknew sdtpde wtbaotatno 'bird singa." Thie traditional visitants if 1 could put my second cutt.lng etofuutdlrness one pbt acre. If i et places Ot slaughter, lhc crove dorver int my silo. Would il make a soil wailI net wash or puddle, lot W 1 themselves, refuse te feast ln Ibis better grade ef f.ed thusit avouîd te stand tii! spring. As soion asth abode et borner, broken by enermeus zut l for hay? If it i. a good plan soil can b. worked add four or five- -ditcbes aud stagnant pools enci-oscb- te fut il in lb thesn please gi-v. me loads of masure per acre, sud tuer- king ane upon th. otheci-asd gorgcd soffie iaal-uctltnfias te how 1 sheuld i oughly disk thé field until il le smoeth, -wîth corpse. Yet the atmesphere ls a baiic i. :and mellow. When a good seedbed rstrangely vital, aihratiug incessant!>' ; îam bas been obtained, s0w fricm 20,-te- 28 tetebeat Of! hstig sibilant' Ibs. -t alfalla sced pet acre at theý t wigs, he ms hi,6s ligto d have succeastuli>' ensiled clover o!f Dvangl, lthe myeryidu fgtedar second cuttingý. My Personal xperi j sasne tise Ual YOU/ drill in about a,' nglhefecl'mdatdhovîs once in handling tue second Propf! bse e are'-.rvin er acre.1 et. a wbole diabolical taurs. eoe nIi a'hsstbc In order to masure a good stand, 1I F oirer.- -eyond Description. favorable. 1 The ensilage w>mlch - , would advise >'ou at tuis tise le drill One thinka tuat tb. fi-e fic Heav- sulted did net secs te b. readil>' esten ias 0 o30ls ffriie cV envas mercitul le Sodos sud Gomor- b>' the stock. lu my opinion, a bel:analyzing 2 te 8,,1,asmonia, sud 10 " rab, aseeue gazes aI Ibis pitiable spot, ter- grade etf!eed fi-cm thia -material te 12% available -phospboric acid. v hiclu kuows net silence, eltuer b>' day cas b. cbtained by makiug i meliy This avallable plant!ood avIlI give- youn t nob y. oung altalfa plante a -qick sud vig- Sor nigit, aviese eh>' is slae>'o-ver- Questloa-L.C.K.:-We bare a piece orOus etnt; aud will lun ently ail ecast b>' the dense nelwerk et fatal <of land whlch in pretl>' velt cs aemueagodsad u u ~ tajeloica su wosedophethé flot afodtotule IL. Would eiii bilai bai-le>' as soeiîas it la ripe and gi-vo athunderbols la>' open lwenty limes a i would do ut suy gocil t. sdi-sou il? îthe Young alf alfa ci-op a chance toi rminute wlth cstacl>'smic uproar sud Would-it drain an>' better? Il Is sur- make a slrong grewth during tic i-est disintegration. fc-rle u a e o -e e b uunr It la impossible te follow Uic Iracks e, __________but___bu ____________a_________of__the____________ >_wici arc constantl>' medified b>' ex- plosions, vithuonee skiUtul guide > e i c sssee>m> .l!Io tcu ýt day, sd Io b>' night; te loe. ey. t(- inusîl>', but th.i-. should be grassi v a>' je te court death in tue morses; % < I j7 h jrS I pasture nea" tic rapý field b wbich Obc!ore lasI December, il w"als sete hob, aO!e coe 'rus the risk o! falliug unwiltingl>' jSiiop are excellent seed Wo,-estroyg- î- (nIe 1i~ s~ims )(es, hîch zvere ers, as thé>e .plyw~silbld5ASE~R U» sot jer>'cioai-"?de- -close> ta eouaire4!tfmsed snd e fiuod. Ose shirts cerevase, one the roots are ebauted. Ams1Tne--r,~ kt stumbles againat corps., burled waist- !!ock et sieep is an excellent scar-v-ia-d h om le deeP lunltheiud, strucit b>'some abeilenger on almoit suy- tiai, :"d tue>'of 0wuer. aIî the. moment whcs thein mouths, make profitable 9peeto!wtêste land, The repubi ofo!-Venezuela -boagsa01 ste)>'for hillp; other corpses, Jonger Êates eau b. ceutrolled/ dttIIIch. Nt uydeshé 1_e10d, have been seoten buried sud Tme Iambes sould hÂve abit ore yak-a. fka it la cald talc.ti dis*lemedb suces:ve xploion, gainnov if they .até lo bs ýmaketeil ple o! the sieep.-dog, -but Itlafej that te>' lochok.etue emp t>'casiugs ts tai!.'quentl>' used te guard the homne etI ) t O-dons a mwhicb al the br» as Raye la excelent fod or sbeep, owneor. I u mT h'ud la f ikt u s . a d t us g r e a ti > ' r e l is he d "b >' I b s u l. W ifn U ic lu da sm c a p t r a y a lc s. *OveeOr "r.solute*>'tue slnd la siet ExPerlmets ha-v.evu li taItutey mutthé>' fisdtAlk yl h- Pa ge qult>'. A tutaIwnpper m«o "intha pays ftom le. fil peismousW"sathelb. c asamrFACrIWQ " tain4, ii-ths round la val. The o tite* a>' ot msun ascssaay vuil aj âdcow la tWs t*roue gb oaigbg, viwen I 04 U bisot»late forPMVUtlo. Orosslug a beaVy ma t producer Md e brow AM da hMeh httarfat, Itesiblm e i. lo>ebaaste.rlu tt RyIqi0tg, As-leIha living to-produ lustard b>' <reltl>' minnvWsu Tb Toii mtabZ #&tus ona bim.. s>' he amere la it ~pbu>'-

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