Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Aug 1917, p. 3

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Capture IMportant PoéiWtl oiithe s u*h4VntW aad Ope. Wy Towards lleart of ÇIty-on thoe o hAtrStubborn B13attle. Adespatch from Canadian Aymnybmardmet IReadquarters in France, gays:- n- ed. other turn of the lscrew was made' on t bans we0 abut 7ya e ti Thursday nlorning on the south-' s aioaswi~toàrwar from'2OO te 400 yUard ziiopelled the w.ay towads f roint of Lens.' At three o'clock, after the heart cithti. city on thi. s.th as a short, but intense bombardment, the, the other advances of the §Ut week Maniobatroos ataced te Gepnhad done on the. north and west. Cranierob ehatofp akdtherefuen The possession of Green Grassier Grasie, hue eapofpitreuseonwill aise enable our men te-- sweep, the north bankq of the Souchez River, with their machine guns a wide tract by which our advance into Lens firom'of country to the south of the Souchez ' the -.eouth was -barred. The Fosse St River-, ncw occupied by the enemy, in- Louis, which consists of a tangle of cludine the mining village of St. pithead machinery, shot to pieces by Antoine. ,-Ç FISH FROM ISHELL -'ER E»OF Xanlteba wbaat-2(o. 1N lonthera Ontario wbet-,Nlw crs o $2415hts3o2, nominaL - f1.32, s cterda e fegisosl t-11jhts otalue bago. $12-90; secondtr enj a utA ba~.11.4:strongb ee x- ta uto O~ntario flour-Winter, eoIn t sainPle. *$10.20. ln bags. traeTot Prompt ShlPMent; new cn 3EjOF0 blllfeed-Car lots. delV r) ontrea treights. baga Inlude-Bg, parr ton $36; shorts per ton. $43; ml4dllngs. pes ton: $46 tb 146. goodfeed floûlr. per bagf $3.25. Ha)y-Extra No. 2. per tes,$11.60 tc $12.00'.mixed, per ton, $9 te I.'nc MM4w.Aý1~ tÙaw-Car lotit. prton.87 to1-.0 NOR JIR. àIU S î1JND jptCrack Toronto.to. 850 l3utter--Creamery, belld^, soea'11b.. 89 -te 595e; prints. rer Ml b.. 3to 400; dairy. per lD.. 30 to lie-. People of Ontario te lie Suppliied! Only a Few Plants Wil1 Continue Egse-Per doz.. i9 te 46L. 'W oiesalers are sellima ta the retail I)rect F rom L~ake Waters. to, Do Night Werk. trade at thie tollovi ni pdces: Ch)eee--New, large. Ili te $Se; twlaa, A despatch from Toronto says: Fistk A deqpatch from Ottawa says: To- 221 ta 23i<; triplets 23 to 23&c. 014. has becomne so popular an article 6f wards the close of 1916 the capacity lar osot winrstm dlrychotipe3te 37.; tiiet in Ontario that. tit l to reccive for producing munitions la Great Bni- creamery prints. 42 ta 43c; soli. 41 to inmmuidiate- Government recognition tain had 8a increased that theMlinister 41 c' Li2ggs-New 1ld. in cartons. 49 te 50e; and the national ization of the firny! of Munitions advised that it 'vas xii- oto arog 4 e4 inlad wter k veilnecssay t cotinu th prducion Dressed poultry-Sprtng chiekens. 25 denizens ofef iln aesi elý eesr ocniu the proucio tS3c; fowl. 20c. squaiss. per dos.. $4.00 uniler way. -lof munitionF in the United States for ta 84.50; turkeya. 35 ta soc; ducks. Roi. F G.Macdiarmid, Provincial British accunt, cxcept for a fe- sp Liv vul. 22c.hIke l..2 N1n-tr of Public Wýorkçs, ini co-apera- cial bies. The production la Canaate 2, hens. 15 ta -soc. ducka. Sprins, l7c. lion with the Food Controiler, has an-, howcver, 'vas continued as befene. I Honey--Comub--Extra One and hear- noiinceil the intention of the Ontaril The Minîster has now advls.d that welght., per doz.. $2.76; select. $2.6v te Covcnnirtto aeasof t junnceaary a cntiue$2.76; Nu. 2. $2 ta $2.25. tins. t5'a and th' (i-ret t develop large ae fi suncsayt otneproduc- j S. ISc. per lb, thereerýedwaters of Ontario as a' tion in Canada on the present scale. BÙean-Prime white. $8.50 per bush. permnen Imported hand-picked. $9.25 -per bush; prairtsource of fish food supply He has directed thnt certain lines Limas. per IL, 16 ta 17C. for the people of thte Province. As a shall b. discoatinued; that ot.her lines: Potatees. on track- Red Sftar. bbl. beginning of this important national sha Il b. produced la lessenied quanti-'ta org $0te aas. bt.8.2;u undclrtaikitin, lakes like Nipiss ing aind tics, while same lines are ta b. con- bg 24 e8.0 Nepigo-n will ht- immediately develop- tinued as at present. rYtoa-hlaI t i. moked meats-.-Harna. medium. 30 te ed. The resourceti of these important, The. effeet of this 'viilb. to stop ie ,1 do.. hcavy. 26 ta 27c; coekedj4l ta ,wal.crs have been ascertained, and production of sheils and comporinte 42e, ;ralse. 27 ta 28.c; breakfast bacon. wlbile it s net ut prescrit possible t a t some plants which are no'v predue- les,4ta 2C a. an.7ta5ebo- 9tîjIe with exactness the quantity of ing sizes ne longer required. Tlii. ther Oured meats-!..ong clear bacon. 26 te fi- h i-tainable for public use, it is plants' night work 'vilI be discon-; 261e per lb; clear boUtes. 25 te 26c. kret rtht 110 (Ied ou supîyt;uet.1 Lard-Puroi- lard, tierces. 26J ta 24c; wlah tii lhte se-ued foote puple _ .-ed.tub. 261tau 61e; palis. 26 te 26jc; coin- whchwllb sur(lfr h, eplpound. tierýces. 206c; tubs. 20t<; palis, f 0iii rie ttil Iin the aggrt-gte M T T 2'ffitr1e' amli rit atnnually ta 'sever,,l million M u S T EX M C DELent"ea akt j Th cif fish of thèse wn- Nfntreal, - Aug. 28--Oats--ramadiaa t h I t pikertlailC ticaera. No. 2. 74 te ?Se; ?No. 3. 73'ta tursaruý%h1vfîh, rout pikere an 74. extra No. i feed. 7e tu 74ç- Darîsi- of whh\h Idi.h i4 the ECONOM i IN LUAL -aL f eed. $1.6.FIOy-Msrz Sipni n1- ýL,11WLwheat patents, fruts $13.00- seconds. s11260; strong bkers%. 812.à0; Wlater patents, choice.. 813.00: straight roliers "U VAT R ir Gei-ge Fester Mlakes State- $12 1 0 1256 do.. as$60to6.1 Rolled oats-liarrels. 39.00 te $9.25, do. ,Sitution.-NO. 2, pier ton. car lots. $9.80 te 110.1 f omOt.aa ay; nCîees-I"inent westerns. 21te. do.. 8014B HOSPIAL th fro Ottwa sas. ineu,,t eaterna. 21te. Iiutter--Cholcont Sintimation tint bath Canada and the creamery. 42 ta 42ke; do.. seconds. 41 ta '.tiIy Nrss Klld i ~ United States might have ta b. plac.d 4 jce..ggs-Fresh, 60 ta 63c; aelected Nurss Klle in e- NcNo. 1 stock. 44e; No. 2 stock. 88 te on 'coul rations" tvas cont.ained in a 40c. Dressed bogs, abattoir kllled. $24 lî*,,ate Outrage. statement upon the fuel situation a $2450: pok heavy Canada, short 'nee' ble. 3 te46plcnces.$51 te 868. A despai.'h f rom London says:_w-hi ch Sir George Foster madc in tue: do.. Canada~ short eut back. bUta.. 411 te ljnder the headjine, 'Twenty-two Cormons in reply to a question by! 65pleces. $46 te 849. Lard. comnpound. ,wood pais. 20 lbs. net. 21J te la1c; de., ill 'Bmbs In French Hlospital; Mr. W. E. Knowles, of Moos031% mw. pure. wood i.ai». 20 Ibm. net. 26 te 256c. Airniansl>cil,'rate P'urpose" the This course taight b. aecessaiý, h Tî,s prirîts the followîng f roîIn Minieter o! Trade and Commence saidi,' îe.Wiapg ri W Aug. 28--Cash quotations: (ierîild Canpheli, ulîted Verdlun front, so as te dletinguish between abselute- I-W~hleatN.1Nrhrn 24;N.8 V'etncsday evening: "Iun the bom- Iy necessary services ad tuoe.net .Northera. 82.40; No. 8 Nerthera. 81.40; a4. $2.36; No. 6. $2.18; No. 4. 81-91: barlment hy German aeroplanes oft he se necessary. Fwlýher, he stated- a' N' 81.72. Outs-No. 2 Ç.W U8 c; French hospital, news of which has ai- distinct calS 'vould have ta be mmde Ne. is c.w.. flie; extra 140.s1-e. 0; Nu, 1 feed, 19 le; No. 2 fte&.6555-. NaX rea(ly lotn telegraphed, 22 people ta in Intereetats ave coal juet au -No. 1 N.W.. $3834; No. à C-W.. $3-19; wî'r, kiiled and 60 woundod. Mp8t of food was being saved. N- ..35.19. the vctm wcre hospitai nurses and > ~ 'I Ul tisXre o1lrîlrîjs, bot there were also some WAR SAVING CERTIFICATES Minneapolis. Augf. 285-Wh.at---sep- wounîled soldiers. In one part of the. 0F TEN DOLLARS ISSUED., tomber. 8.21; cash No. 1 Nofiliern. hospitîil grounds were lodged 180<) - 5 te 8.40; Ne. à Northenn. $2.40 te 1 24. Corn-No. à yellow, 31.66 te )wounidod Gerynan prisaners in rare of A despatch from Ottawa says: The 81.68. Ostb.-No. 3 whte. 536 to 58e. th~ wee te nneu e i lour--uacheanted. Bra"-88.00. tevery orderîjes 'vho wrdon. toMinister et Finance aturie l- îul. A9g. 28-Linseed--4.61; death by 1 h. German airman. Ail of sue of a ne'v 'ar savinge cerificate september. $3.. 5*ked; October. 88.1 thein cscapcd untouched. et a denomination o! only $10. The br.$344Nembe. 88.0 &s.d1 Noceh- Issue 'viii come 'ithIln eaeiiofet heen. 83.40. nominal. Ne.» à Nertera. SALE 0F POULTRY ruost medeat investor. Hitiierto the31.86. nominal. FOR THE BELCIANS. llwcst certificate iiad been for $25. ZAve stok maket - '~~Me new certificats 'vili seliat I860, TernneAug. 5*-Extra cheoiesieavi- A uespîci tamTorat ems:'ri land 'vîîî retun tote ipurciaser$10 ste.i'As 15te 818., eoice beavy AIepac ns.Trno as Te3te10.71 te 1.1;butcherse doattie.- Canadian Peultrymen's Belgian Res at Lie end efthtre. years. lit wili bel chtooe*. %l0to 31040. de.. ioeod. SOlkOt. lief Association are geiag ta hold- a plaeed on sale lmmediately at ali 9.76; do-. medlum, $9.39 te$8.80.-do. P coinmoe. 87-26 te 87.60. butcmerw buUx sale of pure bned poultny aItihe Can, banke and money onder-postfflcsne oloe. 88.s0 te 89; do.. oeood balla. 0i adian National Exhibition, Toronto, on Canada. te, 0;buole. 85 tie. 87 sto ers' .we, y Labor l)ay, Septenuber Srd, 1917. Up te date, 110,900,000 bas been to S.. I go.- d~,edi-0 87.50 té Any Ontario breedera 'vho have made va1I*b1e for t. ,purposes etftel7."-.5, 8. edÏe 88.0; e,8?7teM Dlot already donated stili have hie 'van throiigeithesale ot wu ar s b,#e0 eaainers mamd cutt«ers. 1.5 (O i88 ta help -along this gaod work bycriiat, oethan 140,000 certi- iîi "f04 e coi.. 0 te 315$60, sending their donations te Raymond f a nthe daqneminatiu of $25,1 ;;$80 an nm0u; . 84t e 850; tenîï- E. Burton, R.R. No. 2, Hamilton, Ont,, $50 and $100 have 4meensolt i mc last hayut 71;rai i who will fonwand shipping instruc. Janutry. Durlag tepast severaî'(< $ 1 c -lsi' . a t. 85.il g tRons and tags. monthe, sesbave iaSe troM'rara wteres. 81150* d. w* ge4g Thuis *ork ia utberlzed by the $200,00 te $200.00 iWe9ah. j ont31.1:do.. fux . 18.88.c *t Allies' Agicultural Relief Ceo fel*o'- .50 te Ili; woodette* lte8u of whit-iiDr. Robtirtsonl, -of Ot - ai#jADDED TAX 18 PLACÉ!> 1ie to 88.26. butcherV eows. 80.18 8e ehairm an, and la backed by the De-! ON INCOM "E S - 0 Ws.87t 3;caa & .5t ; eoewa.#&.ta ta In - o.- minion and alll.d Ggvcr=nu.-tslamit. 114-21 to 314.55; Al proceeda wl 9"0'for thie relef A despatcb froma Waàlngton ay. li 8.t'at4e$3,6.1sibeM of 'vives andam iiile@ of B.îgîi " t.voats of cozncription ofth cltu. ej coie. m bou-.ed -60 I~te 8t s po9i1Itl5lSnen ln the devastated regions. t.ry's 'ealtu 'won a declalve Vitory J9k-.pi Thii. will aise bc a chance for when the. Seltate by a vo e! 7 t. 0,1 LL oI# F CRO*8E -i 1 .: * P watch -withý À Lias Pones skth-Ih As1muflneh fflhn l... £!UZ.l.Dtffl. M 1- .eetl atÇres- FrmPlaces. p'Tý 89î v im,..t uthe [AdIathtemone Us~vr aant remiatance they are mak- r94t88UC Is<ieogeh sena telegsm te ing to thieaafultof the enemy 2. King Ferdiaaand etRumania, e«Proe- «Tiiê Britishi peoples see cosely Amai-et i aik was caugit at zg admiration for, the resistance the. following the course et thei great bat- Glace Blay. RU*àians and Russians are eiferlng tie now ragln and trust ia h ao NvPotateq are cheaper nov j lta e amyadexrsi9 ofi the Rumanian and Russian troops Ls ?redoetea tiim iold deneeithat the. efforts 'vilnent go un- under ti. leadership of Your Majesty *The. Grand Lodue LO.O.. viiileMrewarhei telegrain ays: te bring the. enemy's efforts te nought. Le its next -sessl at Kentvflle, N.B. $-#t i tua. 'viien Your Majesty le "British forces in tiie'w;est, ia ce- te The.Nova Scq$ia retail merchantsenÎagged ini a bitter struggle in de-; operatien with their gallant French to have beeft holding their annual session tfence et YoUr eountry, 1<lesie te con- cemrades, are striking ha rd at the ia liaâr&a - vey te you tii. admiration o! the, Brit- commun enemy and vill continue by A vlole,ýt Wind and rm Storm ish people,Iforth, =&"cflent way in ail means in their power te render ail Svialted MenC46a Auut 1t ndsa ubite fidame ndrjt USlhandd hchtialidaisudryeur po ssibl stance te Your Majestys . mu d<amnage. commnd have.fought and for the forces, their allles." oTii. funeral of Gunner Smith, e tFredericton, who died mlter returning' frein the front wastii. argest evoe mIAmi seen inFredorIcton. e 4«. St. JohnXfim lin pr."rvtq guaratLUacmmda AIS YPM MrWRI ARAGD Ctien for aul ces-laden steamaers Whick -- are broughtite port Y mMn od h cn fTum.ekLa rn ws U Tii, Departinent of Mines, Ottawa, Rn heSéeo!Tn~n~~ La ro ws bas publlsbe4fa report by F. W. Gray Strenuoug iBattm In Return ForSupply on "Tii. Cc.)Fields and tiie Cbai A despatcii frein London says: mhe of Coal. idustry of ova Scotia.h, British continue thefr ziithodicai A despatch from Pari s ays: A 10A h9avy Wvind storm which swept, figiting on the Ypres-Menin road. 'vireless despateii from Zurich says a tiirougb the Annapolis Valley Of During the past 24 heurs they have new economlc convention between Nova Scotia, seriously reduced the mad. gains over their front v'arylng Switzerland and Germany 'vas con- apple crop ia tisat province, lai deptti rm a quarter te hait a maile, clud.d and signed on Monday evening Six days drifting la the. broad At- notwithstandlng the. tenacious reaist- at Berne. ýlantic, 'viti very little food te keep anè.eofthei legions et Crown Princek Recent despatches frem European 9tiem alive and 'ithout hope of being Rupprecht. capitale iadicat.d thatramhftch ln the save, 'as ti. hriilngexpeien e mry Robinson, telegraphlng -te thi.e eoii relations between Germany oof two Frenèh fishermen. They 'vere Times under date et Thursday, r'e- and Switzeriand had been stralghten- engaged Ina sing off the. Banks of fers t e i.satte-ec fightlng on the. ed out by Switzerland agreeing te ad- Newfoundlahd. Flanders front as foliows. --The moat vance- Germany 40,000,000 francs A big steamer stranded near Hall- valuable advagce, theugi net 600 monthly for nine menthe et tii. rate fax. On board 'vere neariy 6001yards in depth, 'vas made In the des- et 5 p.c. Germany in retura 'vas te wounded soldiers. Splendid order perately-contested regien et Glencorme supply Switzerland with 200,000 tons was malntalfied and aIll were rescued. wood and Inverness ceps.- where otkcogl monthly. Net evea thWrnen in the. cota violat- the strategical value etftthe: iigh The financlal expert etftthe Berlin 0.d the. spleûdid traditions ofthe Bni- ground made the. determination ot Taieblatt, ret.rilng te tuis financiai tiah in caset of tis kind. the Germane evident te hold it me long arrangement, sald It 'vas lnsplred by Tii. New Brunswick Governiment'-iS as possible regardlese ef expenditure the. tact that Gerniany's limporte frein ok.eping a sharp lookout for amalipox ef lite. These two emaîll 1ooda have Switzetand 'vere se considerable as suspecte frein Main. The type et seen alinost as prolonged severe fight- te outweigh the value et Germany's disease le raIld and me yet ne deaths lng as Delville wood and High 'voods, ceaI and iron experts, even at the' la- 4have resuîted. at year. Neither le yet wiiolly in cremsed prices. Tii. writer, eaid Ger- A police officer 'vas injured whie our possession.»j many alse had Rerfected- a simîlar attendirig-a tire In Fredericton. Tiie- arrangeme. nt with other' neutrals, nfAre 'vas caused by rate, and officer I C41MATE AND FERTILIT. notably Hoiland. Sturgeon 'vas struck by the. hind ~~--~ Irwheel etftthe meter truck. Cad'Wlnr oseeti.F- The Newfoundland Legisiture 'vs C d"sWtîers Contserve the Fer-EL prorogued August Sth, but a new ses-t sien oPened the. following week te in- The influence of climate on fertiity P GL'f u, lL'i% 9treduce the business profits tex. le frequ.ntly overlook.d, but it basRIA T Fredtericton leatth. only clty of aize a more or lese direct bearing-on the aid imnportance that has ne llfe-sav-4fertiliser question In Canada. It le' lng aPParatue. The life o! littie -roalired by few that climatic condi- Evacuated Positions ýWithoUt Henry Tread'vell, 'vie 'as drowned tions--raintall, temperatures, etc.-!I Offerigg Battle, Auguet Srd, might have been eaved'exert a profound influence on the. na- A despatcii troin London- emys:- ihad tiere been a pulmotor haady. turc and composition et- sela, beth ini Est ef Riga the Russlans bave fallen Three aisters et Sydney are leaders, tImeir enigin anmd ln the.-power te o- back beftre the~ enemy aloatiebn la tire. classes this year ln the Gev.- 1séive their fertility. These influence#,toii ageWzmnhon elGito ia ermnent reporta ot Academy examin- may tend te tthe accumulation o:r, tii. thmcugh TukkuM and Kamrgsrn to the atione. 1theY are Misses Margaret dissipation eit tiose! elemnente or soil upper reaches et the River A. Pljt- Helen and Miriami Bannerman. constituents which make for fertility, iag là geing on a seant 20 ta1ils emet Inlatis regard, save 'ouieast andset Riga, ln t.e Lake B4b!t sector- . Tiih AMR RAIDS ON LONDON. 'vit excessive raintail, wih may GermaiR omiebai communication,,la in- shobE csorl gw-i aatin 'Ax.ke.p the. lighter sele poor Ülavailabe oupelag Germnsains la tilla. re- -. li ti. IdlUimL sip aiathe Russlans evacuated Few escr ptio s e ti air raid ou t uis question, but oee in s ta e a y VI ~ j và q ~ . Fewdecrptonscith ar rid o h cited tbmt mnqy seve as an Illustra. iîdti London- have had la thora the poig- tion-one whlch undoubtedîy laite-1Tohesti tVhyIate nmay t fthe. following letter of a ji eneî la a benficlal way thi e ztllty 1 Tbstaes h.c ve de ynis nortii London echool mlstress t. ti. o! ou i sl. Tii. rigerou wlnter that'aa~teR l o dlstracted ziothers. To thoN. who 1 prevals ovur theé atr4aror-Cti have an ai natiÙon it talla more tan A&uloksup fer mseveral monta.-tb ayting wbich has been albowed t» frotm hrnttoaIdRtetr'ti.ausa-u Pas" the ceuser, "Moe e i.reailtm e-te oili'et s T i t4aa t , 4 tii. o#eWXasiw 4l p$ brutallty etftth. German raid&. She food that bag 4'bee n uvated lnt..côso eus. ouokle says: M: ety avahlable torm ~drlug-tehree t (-ô&- r * mm,<>utý* g ili cil.a aai -dWe tatla dte t mc-mdalituon, am whIcb 1- la ntis-roi=a bave been ýado be mhea trouble. tbe.ddl=r -94a cmlen *'« after tbe s.atou*,a Mtii, la eU«of 1thecimbatauts. piat,~onere 16r-e the trtope 1or be.e viu imsjÀJee May I b.g et -loufor yenr sd tahet I-sem .eu ozglti!f - amut tp oe f ftsa? ls.nrOP tl< arno 1 old u tùmer (1>L Evei ktaf ti.seh atl oul 1a .dwub ot t 'J 4 ~I i -S.prerne tathe e r. The Preidenof êe Board'-o Trade hms annou'ne.dtt a rumbrjý of soldiers haveben sent te Lnca-, s ire to e l e l w thtle h av sst. - A hut for women workersina-the, dis- trict 6ft Celindalep and given by the-1 Girls' rendy Soclty, as beWïï open- ed by the. Blshop of Willisden.. The Salvation Armylin India have subscribed toirards the. cost of a m'oWOr ambi4pnce for service among the Bi-; tlsh troops In Mesopotamaia. The. National Economy Exhibition' et the New County Hall, Westminster, Bridge, wau opened by Lord Crewe. Sir Arthur Hardinger, the Britsh1_ Ambassador te, Spain, was lnjured ini a motor accident at Madrid. An Enaeld baker was fined a oý mnal mmi under the. bread order ileu provides tint brjead must b. neithor, over nor under welght. It in estimated that the Ions te theW nation by farm pests--tii. rat- the mouse, the houa. sparrow anc( the weod-plgeon---aniounts to £40,000,00d., annually. In a basebali match at Lords b. tween the Canadian Â.P.C. and the London Arnerican Club, the. Canadians' won by seven runs te three. The firin et Afred Hot -ad Ceom- pany, Liver-pool, hav#e purchased four' steamers from the. Klgit Steamshlp Company for about £700,000. The Northunmberland War Agricul- turai Comlittee state that there are 146,000 acres In grain in that county- this year, or twlce thât et last year.' D. Turner, a member of the Notta County Council, recovered- £400ý at thei- 'Notts Assises, for injuries causied by, hie taxlcab belng run into by a'dray.>4- The Queensbury Club, contalilng 80 room, a dning hall and lou ge,. ini Eston Square, fer -the use of oMcers,l hai been opened by Prtzjces Patricla.! Owing te the restrictions In tra¶'eI at tiie present timne, the. Gevernots ef Madras and Bombay, India,h4ave been' asked te stay on and they have agreed te.! St. Paneras bas given 2,827 square feet of St Andrew's public gardens, for the extension of tth. RoyaI" F ree, Hoepital, in exehange for sone, adia-e cent land. HOW FAR DO M(OSQIJITOESý FLY-? Malaria-Carrier Does Nor Journey, Far From Brftdlng-Plme., In -trylng teôcontrol malaria i n given, iocalityi t 1la-ei',obviôou Wz portance te know liow tir-'dapu and ditching, or other -motoU d da,- coura ging mosqùitobreedb<mtI biII b. exded la order to -511. thé <0-aM- mualty mate,, Ted- ,ikm.ust b. kow el-!ag . carrier- ôa l,4W Wit, tý,à "I ta# Sout Can it pond va. a drmedtAnophe freni Ire.. ne.

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