Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Aug 1917, p. 4

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8tore mai] 110W.OFTEN ý-Dl) IflU BY.A STOVE ?. if -the right choice is made it shuuld ol eoc rtiei a lifetime, Tobuy and seea tove right ýyou M'st-"hav it properly displayed. t s impossitie to see, a stove through andtLoh when it is-packed up in -a, corner., e r devoti ng -the entire spa-ce of urý new store to the -dîsplay of stoves. Ho mnyhours ada I you ýspenii your kitchen ? Surely at good many we o get 1000 meals per year.Your stove is eéther your best friend or your worst eney ad you spend. a large share of every day in its -company. Do you know it costs* a compraivl small sum'to place the right stove- in your -kitchen? Good tools, good results. E ryma and woman knows this is so. If you buy'from a mail order house, who will take aintr in setting up your stove properly ? If you 'buy from a mail order bouse, how canyutl whether the stove will look as good to you as the picture of it- did ? A stove cailsfospca knowledge in makinig. Sometimes a poor stove looks well, so beware of the deprmn 1 off er. BUY FROM STOVE SPECIALISTS. OL/R GUARANTEE Ifyour sto ve, for any reasony. fails to give satisfactory resuits we agrée to refund the price paid us on tais sto ve any itirne within 100 day' of the time of purchasing. Bell Phone 60 We Do St ove and Furnace RêPairing Leave youv order 1or furnace 0or stove repairing now. Don't wait until the rush time cornes and per- haps be disappointed. Repairs orany stove or furnace made.« Indu Phone 64 MINTYRB'S BRiI ARDWR The Storle That BeatsTe il- For Values. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS aondTnp tickesm to certainm points <n MJLDI1 fa! atclelau.n4 -Alberta vla :Ort 111P il , Ch rane ani Truseàtfltlueflt<oute, or% la L'iiacn, eit. I'&iUI or DuaoU,(in elle acisTu..day .,itlI -oct. SJth. Inclumive, et liw farc,. Through Tourlst Sleeping Cars to Winnipeg on above date, iavng 'Iýkonto-10.45 p.m., io-chmïge of cars, via Transçôntiàental1 Route. Berth reËeervtion$ and fui) PartiCu- lairs ut ut4rn Truruk Ticket oftIcea5 .or write C.kE Roruing, District Paume- ger Agent, Toronto, Ont. i-WNOR ROLL. KfLLVI) IN ACTIONt. Pte. Jamo's Harkness, Whitby. P'te. Harkness elied ln tb1161bEu Bn. and went overseas wîth them. HIs w1fe and two snaili chlldren reside ln Whxiby, to whom the deepest teym- pathy goes oui. Lt. D. R. %IacDonald, Newcastle, Ont. Capi. James Moore, M.D., Brookln. Dr. Moore ls.reportied to be wounded ln the shoulder. He witb. severel oib,- ers wazAn a dresslng tent wwhcn a shieh struek, the tent, w*unlng Ihree of, ihem. Dr. Moore go Iiow sa Id to be ln a hospital In Casgow. J. W.- Wr4b4, lBw=ville. OGnr. T. Khg, Cedard*fr. Ont. R. W. I.uke,ý Oshawa, Ont. R. Cflr. aban.hw*,Ont. ME, B IAPTIST'C1URCHI Mr.W. A. Henderson oecupflcd itue pul#lt Qf :the Bapilat >Cbur« eI$im- day, moiie i1g-1. Itov. Dr-, tar. chose aMl thelme et ë bus torumn t thejveaxlas servIce the WOM& 61 thias Mas ConIdder hie 111. Du of the fild'hoW . . i . *ëookmt» n iI bis slery w«s not -w srAW 11k. on. e ofibes.,"Theb. sbjeet wa" iSadfd lna strong, -lntruUve, SyMpathetlc and beautifufly .weesnusa. n*r, rnub ttolie deligbt sud probt «e Ibe eongrêaUioii.Dr. lHart la aiways '*elmage and suci mppreclated in lie $RaPtlst pUlpilt-so . 0 m sm Paator metlt i lU ,00opy lth*,u The uaced oet oye ana WAS q1fler ocntS i Acillcaa Churn MWedneay MMr. 19,. Aupuet 22U4, botwem XMabeS ECvelyn. daunhlf« et MIL w: M.*aw.i F. E. LuIR8,Opi . n WBEIIAVE BEEN TUE LEAD[NG OPTICIANS of Toronto For More Tiian, TWENTY YIKAR3. . E LÉ., :URN ilB Viage IL. (Uptaln> TomI ,Owig to extra stdvert1s1ng Wim sue àÎougIfed for thisýwëekt wu& crowded K1!TUWJAN8 -Q"ky la the born >tRer J.Beunntt Au4crson, M8 Udtit St.,Toronto. by tbe Rev. X. enmti Ana4eMo. COs Ful*T, AU- Xr..Wf&SsuuTbo.. Iietr. both eof Uni Wlýtijy. Cburch, Tma«t,. on W4uiea& *Ugust=2.1917. tiy 1Rpy. JO&. Výu igel. Ilbel Evelyn, daughtue oaMmt IL. M.tewart of Tormo .to Dr-0. J. etwwa, 28 yaere-"'ilaits VAN94weý-At B kUsg.en Ibo d". Ut2.1512, JM 1911.ata m#«et O<the isto e eu«e utP -i:1 5! Dis-Io~n cmtS COUNTY 0F ON1AIO Wht&by, Clerk-Jau. . Feb. 5. Mer. 5. APi. 8, May 1. Julie July 3. Sept 4, Oct . SNON.6. Dec. 4. Jeu. Si 191&. OSHAWA-MXiss Z 1- Maepnefl. Wbltby, CçI-Jai. 3, Feb. 6, Mar. 6, ÂDL 4. May';. Ju 5. Set.5, Oct 4. Nov. #» DeL 41, a.4. 191&. 2BftOUGRÂM - )&. GieusonGreen woet, CIsr-Jeý3u. 4. 3fer. -L1.87S., J* 6.OutS, t. ,Nor. 7 jani. 5,UU IUY 4.TPEYJ 4.Srbn fo~t ery, ieksJa2t Ri , *e JUF 4 K- J;,. ~ius. 3le.MaMat514. ia .lr s"eàt a «. M Mfr. ahd 1bIre. Hancocli and chlldren, of Oshawa, speni the week-end wIth 'Mrs. John Cooper and Miss Hislop. Mmrs J. H. Lotug la vlaIttng ln Toron-, to fïor a rew dAYS. DIs, ney os. FUMEIIAL ,DIREOTORS andEMALMEIS WIHTBY,* ONT. Finoit Ifearse*0 dFunerai Ejuipm.ut outuide City of' :Toronto. *,large, stock of tesan d- fumr1, Supplies always on g i Kmrrtsg. U3u~Usu. L~ALtIKl j Profeinional Carda JNO. E. FAREWELL, §Lé. Barhster.,County Crown AttMOray me County Souitor. OOe, monta wlngCourt Houas, Whtbr te.Selfor, f4t uJ. gc. 0*0% Bo En.B.o, OBazara.r5 . mmy o Lam -AOAuN OMh Uadartaker sud funit~ UnOMOttW.' Adam 4 .4 4 4 4 4 4 Goal Ooaie.1 Phonoe0 WHiiTBY, 'ONIAIRI O WefHav e sveimal Gare e od Obl o tihe Uoad. Orders tak4dýlV& ut anid Stove~~~e Gol aealso, aci-e NO. l mit Blabe.- £u n&w.; 160 <aa r Li, L-

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