Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Sep 1917, p. 2

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t Mm *alo*.. an Ur;T.:-1. Te remove spots frem àtiU reaides 4t tue aquat antiugby your suit, mix, a- bttbe, cornatsreii- iut.- edýÙ*ef &St-Jamess, mmd,.l«uesanti' a paste wlth gaaoline, tub thisou thse drawig rooma continue te b.e ï spot anti let it remain unti dry. then tuer. iii- support cf tii, legal fiction brnsh eut with a wilkbroom and yon The mane of St. Janes appears la will fimd , that uxilesa the stains are. cennection witu tue pi'eseit edifice b.- Ivery stubberxi tby bave disappeareti. cause a hospital forbepers Vwasa ccl- Keep awmy froma xy tire wbule doiug pied on tue site before 1190 ndOr de- thus. 2 A -gond frechie and suubur'dication to St. James the Lea.- In lotion in I ounceof hydrogexi perolide, 1532 Henry VIII. teck over tue pr~o- O un>ce rosewater,. and-2 ounces witcii- perty frein its monastie pOssessors, hazel< APppiy several ies a- day. destroyedth te buildings anti erecteti 3. A dy weli-v#ntilatsd place, sncb as the palace, et whiih Hans Holbein i. an attie, turniahes a gooci storage -mid te bave beexi tue designer. Wbibe place for enions in winter, as slight littlee oftue olti Tudor palace snrviv- freezing do.. net injure them, pro- sd the fire li 1809 the ciiumxey piece vided they are not bandbcti while froz- la tue premeuce chaniber duspimys tue en. To- keep weil, Onidnxs must initial.4. R A. as a rexainder that at the be matured' andti toreugbly dry. turne It was constructeti Âmei Boleyn 4. It insasid that eucalyptus cil was' Queexi. 3. To cerreét stopeti wilî remove- grease stains Item amy shouilers try to get eut cf the. habit kind ef material without ixjuring it, et lowung them te drec>, mand sleep Apply tue cil with a elean piece et wltu a very amaill piilow or none at fiannel andd mb tue materimi gently &IL Several turnes a day bring tue until the. stains disappear. foremrms at a right angle wltii tue M...:Acommoxi cause et tired arma, andi place a broom-stick or other and swoibexi feet is wemk instep. Ex- suitable stick iu tue angles thua torni-1 amine fer symptems etf fatfoot. et in sncb a wmy that tise stick will Eheurnatiani la anetiier very common cerne behindth te back, amd,,Jéép it cause. Take an alternative bot and there for a few minutes, walkIng if de- cold foot bath at bedtime. -Apply a sflred. , Inflate tue lungs oftW n inl melat pack te the teest ver nlgt-a other wmya develop your ciiest mua- iLoist towel cevered withmc cloa es. "Shouider bracea" are net re- and flannel. Massage witu colid cmmended. creaxa in aise usefui. If varicese RB. :-A. gond plain abuadant din- veia ae peset ath incol waernÇr, PrOmptly ser4,d,,4 morepopular twice daiiy and apply an elastic bandi- with- tue tbreshers thaa a tancy one.. age or a cotten flannel bandage, cut 1'blaY, belote tiiey-are to-corne, bake on -the bias about twe antioeehait pies andi brown bread,-.tiie heat the juches in width. former a t am itue-latter a fsw minutes wbile prepariug dinner, which Lucie:-i. There are two "Domin- freshens botb. Ia the rânbnxg stew Ions" la the Br.tish Empire, Canada a big kettle et appies witu sugar eni- aud New Zealanti. 2. The British ougb te, make a jelly-ike juice over Court la kxiown as the Court ot St. thVm, -anid these are very popixiar Jamnes's because the officiai residence aiexig with the. ham, or sait pork, which of the King et Englanti waa at St. the men usuaiby preter te a dhicb.TI Jamea'b Palace tram tue reign et WiI- dinner. - The pork tried brewn amd iami III. te the >ear 1837, in the reigxi crisp and wth pleaty ot ruch milk of Victoria. In that year the Queen grmvy ia lhked along with mashed pets- andt al the reat et the royal famiby jtees, - Bliceti onioxis andti tmatees. siovedti o Buckinigham Palace, se tar -Green cern, in season, ia always liketi, as concerna board and ledging, mere while cole-slaw or boiled cabbagel physical tacts. ln theory the court Igees well with the pork. <--4 1- ~1 4 f e '~ :: 7:- ~ "If you est a great deal, you will seon b. se big tuat Towser-Cat will met dare te chas. yeu," she said te ber seven trightencti éhiidren. And at supper tuey-ate al et their breati and milk, anti even asked for more.% A tesw' tiys latdi Amautia Ducky- Datdile badti t go te zmarket te buy a new broom. As it was taiuing, il et tue littie Dqck3'-Daddtles helpeti ber inte her rubbers and then ýput on their own. -Oxie by one aie kipWet ietu od-bye amd. tiStay noir the. bouse, ant If ycu see Towaer-Cat rmxinlaqulck anti boit -the door." Thon ah. toek- her umbrelia and starteti-for town. The littie Ducky-Daddlei were hunt- tmg for worma, wb.n Smmmy sm sometulng black behindth te goose- b.rry bush. "Rui, ruxi!" he crieti. "It's the Towser-Catil" Tboy amli starte for tii. bouse, but their rubbers vote se b.mvy hliat tbey ceulti hardly rua an.ti owWrCat »on «egt up wUththheas> Befltt seven -ycuag Dueky-D*&ddleouJd mitut the.dore, bis bg iml pa* a Tbey m&U puhedti ti. dor masbard estiiewy nicoudbut l-wul ot ahut. 'Roldtbe"&Or dortgt *m 1-wIl pl the goosberrymet *ver dlo"«Wl. Samia>', )urnpl « o ttii.wid "!'ok out fer hibclaus" ara £inmli r, .xgelm a=na> puib.d the ast everT T.wee bit eh., h. aual tangled up tie i.senea Mt nop a4abou pu-sh hlbm ito lb. pondut ae Pbhlm luto the' pondu" T.urm-rCat l.k.t i 1h.a bondit af srnsastue s»v« eelteti Dachy. Datidles -puabDOWhi. v idover «. TIiey rolIedi lm tiovutib bi, ov tua bankhug, aud-pllt-theii «PO& hm wnyeout t e .uUe wbere iw. ettut," sButr. la b the lt=me.t aul et lb. svM littie DuelWy4>Uddl Meulut. tii pend, andi ai et tien, bat tisoir rub- bona ai tue tumbbai«osrmeuean<>U. er. -Iqm"1r attdr rubiieri. d - 4.# -. PEACHES TEMost vdaale! of ail fr-uits. for pre 1MngHome peévdpeaclies leatÀ cost, autumn's most luscious fruit for winter enjoyment aui L ,"Pue an Um»r-'k la best for peaches and ail other presering. clear sparUm spif develojps ail the ex"*- site M of the fruit cane, u=nt&on. Ex enced housekeepers order, it by name anl bronE preserving season- 2 anid 5-1b, cartons; 10, 2ê.nd 100lb. sacks PRESERVING LABELS FREE-Send us a ted Ubaiudo-ma from a bagLor=u andire wIl @Wmyo a book ed raygummcd printeti labels ADDM - Atlantic Sugar RefineriesI, Limi, ~~PwerBuldigMontreml THE CONSERVATI O 0FFOD An Article Deaing Wlth Two Subjeets of Vast Importa Present Criais, Namely, the. Savmng of, Wheat Fb and the. Problem of MUl Suppty. By Abby I. Mariatt, Specialist in Scientifie Home Manage JThe enthusiasrnwitii which tue sud nutty fiav breati-mnakers (anti brcad-winmers) otf of tii. crmbi lii. country are att*clcingSthe probletu HoBtel-m n ot menrvn lpg besî fIenr.s ow -yeo y thàppearaneetfMW lrelps orfandidedisie diffèert types cf breiti tesigr"et o, been'mont eaU save wheat. - sceutioshol Ail tues. recipea laU ixite genrl cmy , shoulti lasses tiiermlu.d by wbat bas lbeen iroure of e2 subatituteci for wiieat,- or by *bat *1v hersas man> grain'or ceremi et vegetable bas bes a mwayms coke< mîxeci witu tue wbeaf lni order tuat of-thunb wai beau wheat noe etib use&i . only wbem it Wheat, as It cernes zote .ouse- -tue, btelkeepe ke.p.ra ldebsufleur b44 in in tbre otu endts mee forms. villflitou, Viole wh.at fleour, Mh u ati grabausfleur. 1%.e wt. la N wbeat groüdtland refedIneilto a niniti- On. eyer» tudti ot grades.,, The wole wbeat li. t.bukîng of tim eluIdesauaIlconsttuent. except tue bran. cuasiou cfvoll Tl>.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v - riimkrisevrnlugsee tue i>t th. bran. u la %,foursO4 oe, itnlaf tbe ciilti et variAtion tdspendient upba tii-mnu- ladt analvsls, I factutq tetfluaisonsvr> 5determInod starê CMW3tent 1" mieraitoday g"xises te t ents, andi a modlv umwof « etin Mature bas1 gr tamue4mUldlng magterlal . AU 'ta tiis, tbtmil 'ebeat fler ther t rcit>'cerça"sor of Infantsmand' "404»$ab"ssn as veor potato, anti exiuerits t> *ie. eleaMets Mf tbo. fleur =ny h. - c«er grains, ucess orUueoohedare iue" u MWson, ther Ingredient I forj1 ar cMWy-u$ Mbet ofleur o pn lcb, lanvarlopa tIo ,, a afaorte ho b. *v i , tu fipe makss Tits la' "brown euslbremd. I "hi U« et noBui ' î mm- euoma- uit Wbeathirstooeh tO.vu a 1W iils ,gbt aiti as hafnbu>' tw »0 -of 1 re-1rumh.a et- i tvor due te ti e., net sem ekper ai y a worasai lItua astemi %, praticiul bappenedti Ht le kuse Mot Valua sjtt 01 'W bd -eblt, anti luntary avb iset Mrais, byf tue cre-l ti child. etatet, lun B tilk la thse«o c4ay prove t ace over bat alven ta -«Ch latter. Wrtw q tealled dirdet if etmp uma Adtr'es, ait coïreapenaeme 'Wedo AV34 Li,.erit..7 i - see. Applytwa as lre*d ntiiye im<wth._ WEELY sRMON'u ou t; d l'~jway on a Ralny Nlgbt," sheteebeilya 1 QIf 1o ahe-Wdfouud a ýmê cf ugi -lotches, btme M, w.nt sud oiti jcrees lb, romali>'ail-soltea tto ýboogkt l...l.ftasplace., AntI...se. a.e,. cmii miý n* ofet tboiim"ud y«m es-t ol "Y. v. Wei ~oouan The Sevea Ducky-Daddles. Theie were six eggs under Amauda Ducky-Daddle . When they hatcheti eut ah. countee thetu: "Ou, two#, three, tour, fOve, six, smou! I can't believe itl" ah. crieti. But ther. they were, saexi tioway Atnad mber smonxilittle Duéky. Daddties iveti uesr tue pond. Ever dlay she teck tuem eut andi mhcweti thon hew te bunudàer i.grass for worms. But before they loft tus bouse she cmutiemed thetu; "Keep close te me. Jif you iltay away a 'big black Towser- 'bat wili hurt yen; anti perhapa b. wili eat you up. - Mea I amy, 'QuaekIl Qumck l' you. must al orne quiclly." On. day, when tue sevex i 11W Ducky-Daddbes wae.huntig .-for Worms, Aumanta sw sometblng furry bebinti tue goeseb.rry bu&&. 1 "'Qumckl Quaekba ah. calleti ludly. anti li efthte Ducky-Datdbes burrieti under ber wi.w '<Kep ca. te -me. -Ia.. Towst-' Cat bebludt ii buul" Mother Arndei centixiued sbarply, Anti of course>they ail stayeti clos.1 "ltuteir umother until Towaer-Cat hat1 Irene awmy. A.notber day Amatia Ducky.Daddiq badt t go te terni te buy rubisers for4 tue sevea little Ducky-Dàddle%. 8h. calleiber chiltirea bout ber ati WrsPPed tietu lnitheir ted ate muflers. One by on. site aetha gSet-bye andi saiti, 6"Stay naar the1 bouse, anti f you sée. Towser-Ct-lm,1 in l qulck mmd-boththe-deer," Then abe teok ber umbrella, ln ui It houlti raîn, ati went out, RaHaitàsb eur lâter thé s»V»enite werrn, wbeni'Smmmy, the. eldeet, saw something black bébinti a goostberry1 "Rua, rmn; ut,, Tow.r.&tI» h. NcaaPmuky-Dïddle trippeti ôiër Ms É.d hIttedmufle.30etait a drest t'O scratch do"n bis buck. anti b. was amrethAt h. bai!Met a 1W oe tue ers; but b.oserauseti V1-i> u uv ro'theon boit tii. doos - leiAmandacme home elah. Dueky- ddius -' I ý,Pý, toi àl titute other food-ý for t ti i e etof tihebud f f f h0weve' tii.hé eaîtapproaeh to e ideïl foid for 'the child that we bave. Gien e au iciâ Mfot. satisfcore beyon i l ettw mozithsa àd =mua b. -ipp1emienteIby otherf&odï whieb wiU .supply the necessary minerai mnatter lu the. form cf Iron toi aid iun..~. Conducted by Profesor Henry G. BefL. building the, red blood ,cornuWles. .î~ Even the modification of milk w:fl im- T~ lhe object et thle depitmelt le to placse t thil prove the. diet for the chil& This ~~'- »service of our farm readers tho'advlce ofanckWl m ay b . accom pli ahed thr ough the. ad- d e au o lt n il e b ec p r a f hi g t g ll CO ditton of water in wiiich cereals havetrp md cereal, ar~ very Af res aMl questio~nh te Professer Henry G. el, U MU n eel r vIy&asae cr fTeWlo Publlstng Company, Limtd tor cobintioa fr ~ronto, -sud answors wll appear in this colun Inli th9 tDimi supplementathe mi ei oder lif whlch they are recelved. As Epice lS ilmilci the mlk sppleentathé mnera de-- tla a<IV'lzabls whore îmmedilate reply la necessarY thait ficiencies of the grins and furnihes G *tpied and ddreued envelope be encloed wlth th@ J t h e a b s o l u t e l y e s s e n t i a l s t i m u l a n t f o r OL a , G . q u s t i n . h n 5 . m e l I . m l a i i As a satimulant to growth, milk, QuestlOn-A.F.:- have a five -acre will! get better resuts th ù you would along with tii. yolk of egg, stands at field wsth oo maua drainage, otherw-'ise.- -the. head of the ist. Both f these wlch 1 want 10 get ite afalaia next In order to-stil further hi-ure a cntain 'fat soluble- substance. If year- Tt was well manured, two years catch, I would advise drillingUi200 these are omitted from the diet, the aMo, md sow0d te wheat; net seeded! to 300 Ibn. of fertilizer per sacre, Il child is retarded in grdwth, and such lat year. Plowed at fal, and bernas advised in answer to A. F. a sericus case of malnutrition may planted this sprng wlthouÎ fertifller. usinB.-haeafldtt result that the ciild may die. Shows ai od stand f be a . L The 1*i Quees tloB. . o-nhae a fleld ha t - It is for these reasons that to-day soil needs lmekia ou dy tel seddthe o er onr t i corthhaf the Pressing need ta to encourage the me the best way to start the alfalfa,! wish to use the whoe feld'for COW dairy industry. On the ize of the ase whea and ho-w te lime the soul? pasturt! net year. Wha& ca I 5w Oen dairy herds and the measura of their Anwer:-hn te en r the south part that will make god miilk Production will depend the abil- harvested ha4 e i.ground plowed Pasture? tj7t safeguard the health.and nutri- deepiy. As sôon as the soUis t dry en- Answer:-Atter the corn has been -t t&Jon of the people. Not that adequate ough to work next spring, apply ai harvested, I would advise you- te fl- nutrition may flot b. secured with- dressing of ground liznestone at the piow this part of the fild and as soon se~. -out the. use of milk, but with the high rate of at least a-ton per acre. Work as the soi wiil work in the spring, sow DUll prices of food to-day, there ine ad- this into the. soul by disking and bar- the folowing mixture:---one bushel Ouir vice that can bel given to the mother rowing. Abojut two weeka later 50W each of wheat, rye and barley. Foy~ (Ut of a faniily that is of more importance a buahel te a bushel and a iiaff of bar- Pasture purpeses it will not make any than to continue te- supply miik for bey as a nurse crop at -tii. came timo difference whether ycu use fail wheat the young chiid of the fainily. seeding wath 20-te 25 pounds of good or sprig wheat for spring seedmng. -- Variety f Mik Diset alfalfa seed pa'r acre. In order to i. With good weatler this pasture-should Th e fact that the growth stimulant sure a good catch f alfalfa, I woud core aong so that yen cmxi use it in1 may b. increaed through the use of dvie -the addition ci 200 te 800 six weeks. Avoid pasturing toc the green leaves of 'auch plant ispounds f fetilizer per are. This hevily, and on the other hand, avoid Irspinach, beet and turnip tops, dande- can b. drilled in at the. same ture tih.efaiowing gLny eoftthe grain to core tei in, chard, Wmterèces, lettuce, en- seed 1a 0W»O Uilthe. seed drililas a head. This mixture hbu given good dive and cabbage int se weil known fertilzer distilbutig ttachment. If reut- on many farms in. Ontario and The as it shoud be. Older people cmxi getthus not, the fertilier can be bro idcasted -in tests at Oxtario Agricutural Co- laVOr essential food produt from tese theii saie as vWas the lime and worked lege. sources. This growth stimulant a ixte the soil by a ight harrowing just Question-W.F.-I have thre acres rSUPPîeented by the. use of butter and previous te the time the grain and ofetland which I plowed. up at- spring t skim milk in the preparation f food alflaia seed la sown. This fertilier being ed seod with some June- gras, used at tlie table. shuld carry from 2 te 4% ammonia and put it into brley. Coud I work Every housekeeper knows the in-mand from 8 -te 12% avaiable- phos- lit goodn OW mand 50W part f lxt to sefinit. variety of fods that my be phoricacid. It woud b. elI mi se te sweet civer this fal for pasture next prepared with milk; creamed v have i or 2% ,,,potash, if it is obtain- summner? It is firt cisa clay loam - tiieu tables et every kind; cremed gravies, be.jniemdevlmdry Wudyem- ustig mil kinda ef meat, Poultry, Rab and Questlc-UJl:.-1 havean elght- vs ewa ol em etcus trame. Greamed sauces u*'d ai a basim acre field whc1 wnt to sow te ats te, take te have good pasture for net et vegetable soupa and cheese dishes. in the. prtug. Tha piece of land is summer? 1,ted Croquettes 'and souffles will give the uady toma- ind lu a fait state cf Answer-I would nt advise the te Ipeculiîr Plue et the mil114 along with fertlity, ia4rïu been cvered with growth et swet clover for pasturage - - the other great value o the vege- mauJU 1 inthe l*it two years.I pro-.xext spring.I have examixed this 10 tables or i~ieats, the minerai matter, duced ~ed o et cern tuis year,crpaitgosijueEtenht flavor and energy, and i Most efthte 1 wmiiteget tis feld deded te cov- Of this continent and have nt been im- Icases enough et the protein, or tissue t r, ne ciover baving b..,, growa on it1 pressed with its usefulnesss a pas- building, for adequate growti. fr théui«t ex Yeam How wold. ture or ay crop. Do net throw away any sour milk. youmdvii. sâwixig the.. ýcver= te ln- On smxidy souls whore there is a T ii. use et it shud b. encouraged s a ac ht W uId -7c inculate desire te in *ease the rganic matter as an essentiel part ini the prepara- u ed hv Ivrehaif froas rapidiy,' sweet clover-cmxi b. grewn tien et the quick brisait, cakes and ,bout 25 iom .edir eed. Coutdil îand plowed under te gond effect. Ratce i the some sauces. Where the amount left at .b. u Ï4te iiulate by apreadhagj'If yolu. wsh next summ~ersPas-«- lour over is sufficient, it mmy LIc used to cn the field àfter it là plowed and turc fer-tcxnpoirary purposes only,ý- - bt make cottage cheese. But mise save worked ln tii. mcli wth a harrow? that in, for.tu.eone sumner,-I would the w hey -rom the cottage cheese for A xiw er - A 4er ti c r a e n a v s eu t o k t e g o n sy- u it siiould b. used li Jbread making and harvested, deiply faUp1bw the. soil - undieate and te sw a ixrture- cf 'r» ment. saime types et soupa, in order that the and un the spring appiy a ton te ato and winter whexit this. alI. As, sben ;he browning vauabe minerai matter et the mikand a at ef ground limnetone per as te crp bas made ,a fair sprng rnay flot bo waated. acre. Work- h" in with a careful 1growth, -it- will be ready for pastuig agiy utûî»di 'cdlking and iirrewing. In swing a. andi wibl centinue te gire god pas- mi Aaio. F ALL TUE SKIES. mixture cf,>cbover md, f1rotiiy, yûeIg~irage 'as, long as yon Prevet the a4tro s bave -ca .p rft* bly Xi"se 10 b 4teplover and g i n r e g i theat. [nd tue con. If ail tue skies were suxishixie 4 Ibo. oet aslk* te tueh' ôsw iaufAijon'às tisow>v1mginsti go eè1klug econ- Our faces wouid b.etinu orff b..'f tMmthy red. iakesur. ff l n sub a To feel once more upon them that you get gtod vitab.Aedi T1bar~i~ .,per acre of-ýcemmoxi edý [oui. F or, T e co oîin g p i asi f ra# ý M . h av e y ou r seèd pu re b aaed b y s ri c » ad s e on --th e ry ye a n d i w ii.a t wby

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