Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Sep 1917, p. 4

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Iorder to acquaiit you wth our nwsoeand 'kitchen goodssorwewlalw yo 1 pr en. ffour profis on Thursday, Frida'y and Saturday. Are you inteetdn a' new stove ýus rau SAVE 1-0 PER GIENT@. ON YOIJR NEW STOVE THIS WEEK* Alwe ask you to do is cut out this ad'. and big t wi thyu our stoves wiII*ail be marked higher for this sale. Let us- tel you. that under our &ystem of selling stoves we -do flot f ix the, price. The manufacturer does this for us.' We cat upl ail interested persons with the* manufacturer's catalogue, showing his, prices, whichw r forced to sel at. stove $45, and 50 o 4 , I s' 4 -~ -i s itouial Comment. - Another jolt for Kailser Bill'! Eng- land's production of munitions- has gm*wn to such au extent that s9heil or- ders for Csinada are behrsgcacld In order to save shipplng. Thse tigbt Ilttie-lale can now import food ln ves- sels tormerly sequired for munitions. The Pood Controller urges Canad. lans t0 refrain f rom using young:lansb and veal. If It la urgent and essential that calvesansd lamba should bic with- * leld trous slaughter, 10 provIde mucli more meat wlien they are fullI grown.1 why not' make -11 l legai b okibi theus asnd Illegal for shops to offer lantb and -veat fer sale? If the malter la lie- -portant l ouglit 10 le put up 10 the People lu a forceful way. .Jýtst-how>muh el ow e OWObtise Navy for eut safety -lu Canada and tu tact for the position tseAllieis bold to-day, lunoï tfl ..ysunderstood. Sous. po- f- pie are-wllpg 10 ôInfer tisaI bocaus ~ ear *ltue oethtie navyi-ldon -~ - It~e. On&ofleis lieastlie 'question, *'Wisy 'dest lhey make ans assault on thïe Germas Navy,. and Cet noume ro- oNuits." This question la answored 10 ise Poit t .§jeMt lIssue eoflise &-tesfI4c a ougeftion forotuttaà1lng tie aclivit- les -of theiJU.botu&, ss: eSome eronents suggeat a grand as-: x*U1l en # fibases &,t le As an example a $70'stove this week\costs'you $63, a $60 stove $54, a $50", Positively- the only. cut in our stove. prices this year. BJ~tRGAJ * lteStre That Beats Them liFc BA LSA M. Farmers are havig difflecslty ln get. ting Iu thse grain owlng to the wet wea- ther. Miss J. Neal* la spending a few days ln Whutby wî'th frIends. M rs. J. Ilortop and daugiusers, Hazel and Edua, speut Tuekday ai the. Bxi bition. Charlie Sback and' Raymond Jones r.pent Tuesday al. the Exhibition. Miiss lertie Coultice la improvîng slowly after lier long siege of ilness. Boyce Waram, of Oshawa, sapeni over Sunday with David Joncs and tamil). Mir. Davis spesut Frlday lastinl-tise City. BAGGOTSVILLE. IMr. and lir. A. Thompson and chidren, of Oshawa, viWted -on Sun- day ai Robert Trlgg's. - A number frous our midat attendcd tise Toronto Exhibition ibis week. Mr. and Idra. Walter HuesOR ad Ilte mion0f Toronto. spont théisewk- end ast isos, Lynde'a. Seheel opened on Tuenday morntng a! tes tise summîes' vacatiâon, v i"s L., lieGItI.of Bramptguu, ln Charg, lis.Wm. Rowson, et WhltbY. tell- Pd on trienda ln eus' nelgtsbortsood lust veeL .Miss-Jean Lynde vIsited o»ves ' tise holiday wittshber aist nTorouýta. Dr. and lira.Jobuslto4eit-iaa Feuls. Ontario, sarc vies*Ungat W, IL lu Toronto. S8. Née. 2. WIIIT&Y. Mrs. Usld UMAIUtar sd WUIlIa 1 8«»ilY pMit 1ev dâyq lathse ety-last are ffaenisa fw eeis wlth= nnre ofi-û.l Cawi eford. *site, r. D.. borne of lier sînce, Mr. David Watson,, II____ r. fGoetdwood. L- Ses-eral f rom here intend golng to MYRTLJE. Oshawa Fair nik.-;t week. 8 Mrs. Thomas Wilson, of Clareniont, spent the week-end with Mrs. John ES HTYCUCL Quinn. ES HTYCUCL Misa Jessie Heron, who bas been un- Council met this day. Reevp Dear- der Dr. Mellow's eare, Ia improving. born ln Ithe ciair. Comitunications 5 Mra. R- Stacey has moved toRagan read rrom Col. J. E. F'arewell, K.C., R. We regret to balira. Mtacy front W. Orierson, Deputy Minîisier of Agri. our mîdat. culture., Humnt Otford and Depart- fSehool re-opened liere on Tucsday ment of Publice Highways. tWith- a fair attendauce. A petion-ulgned byMargaret Fare- Mmts John Brighit and #aughter. who welI and 28 O<ilion was present-ed ask- have been aPending the aummer with lipg the Councils of Oshawa and East trIends here, left on Monday for Cou- Whitb>r te eut thée bi on the Base dersport, Ps, wliere they wUl visît thse Lice.- former's brother. j lit. HUmain, seeonded by.,,ir. Pascoe, - moved for leave to-Introduce a bylaw te KLSAE appoint "nd tenlnerate a Collecter of . SorneImem here took ln the ecibii-Ta'xes~ for 1917. and tisat these el lionAlsa week and report spîendd ex- I Eda firet aud seond ime. and tise iits ICotuncilgo mb o muilttee Of lise whele Several et the fariera have i f dthereon. The by-law passedL Mr. EBitant harVe8tý and thse ordtlime hum of tise- Omord bein appfinted Collecter. tlsreshing machine ta heari on all Mr., Pase. ae<iisicdby lir. Nesbitt, aides. noved tisat Ut. Wm B atty le refunied Mr. Huston, et Toronto, tOok iCharge 3 72 45LIr.Sfor 1916. *es'tor la <aus- ofthIle service boe lust Sabatistu ha e "~ absence et tise pastor, wh%boU .1ld r. lteàbMt, "cndad 1w 1Mr, ?Pas<pe fig la thse Wese, movç4 for I.av.*âo latroduce a bJr-Iaw X. - b owbray And f'f=i1 tq leti anid s0oot oucy tr C ntY. 10 mbaa ud potStaOa vtisthir .wuhl, PlIo ilage.Debenture, daU*hter M', .M É eLu-hits. Wad Tâati. Vouitx P<Utic PVuld, Elu- Ms.m, I>eI Rogerssud O=, rBh4kt C i imfor lte Ume0Tt wlio baVe heur vwsîte stm osewcc&s et t luo. by-.aw *va rond a' wlih relatves bu*rs retaMed b b*is' rt, *eC@4 d nd t,6 Uieffl 580e4 h0e W pIt pery lt weu.- 1Mêved hiMr. ?eshitLseeonaemphe »eshë nuwmmb MToussq4U; >W. T. 8tpmmso, ,6~;.J..J.. Tes' ntoâtn W*-W*be * ay wieet 16; wur4Plin, 1 . U$.aW., 1 «IbMs h mta mi. a u .. 1 D Mani "? I In-6;t These, are. only a few of the large selection' to be seen at Tear out the ad,' now. Get Our Complete Catalogue of' Stoves NowO TELEPHONES: 6 ë0 z d. No.~O iValues.,- north of Ashburn Village, In the fail smurtf'ss8 shoting, fine contrOl-etc, of 1915 T. J. Wilson rented the farrn, etc. JIus E Possession- to lx' given November lât. sn . SHARPLur Cabsidy, who was then ln possession ci opeiin had made an agreement wltli Mr. Rico~ Resuitsofooin mettn OUT C '(o surrender possession. and to vacate 1. G renade Shootng.- XVInhers 23-1 the house by Novoembetr 1, provlded lie'POints: "B" Coy. 116th, 20 poliit&..WRITBY-Mlsu E liad secured another Place ot residence . Battallon Team.-Agrd ýBn.. 60 COrk-Jan. 2. Pcb. failing whlch lie couidrernain 'tutipoits; 116th Bn, 66 points: SUndhIBn., 1bmn ,Juy8 January 1. rent tre6 Points; Ssth Bn., 40 points.'SAW~MISE Mr. Casstdy remndned' ln thse bouts 3. Comipany> Team.-ll6th ln.1 3 62 Clrk-Jan. 8 P tll soxUetime ln February, by arrange- points; 43rd Bn.. 346 pointsa; SStl Bn.,JWI 5-80Lpt 5. Qdt ment witb Mr. Wilson. Mr. Wilson ar- 346 l'IntE: 52nd Bn,, 84.9 poinits. 40.118 rangod with Mr. CMssidy to do ali the 4 4aoo ern-l6h n., . *C- 1h, 1, ar piOwing lie could on the tarin hefore points., 49th Bn., 212 points: lý . C R., s, Nov. *7, J&a. 5 leaving It Cassidy billed Wilion for 1196 points; P.P.C.L.1., 8PlUpIt; 43rd 3. I!OaT pERy-, 23 acres ai $2.60 pet acre, and Wilson an, 18 points;, Stb C.M.RLIs, 172 PerrY. Clrk-Jan. 5 biledi àsudy orfourmonîhu rnt Of points; 2nd an., 165 points; 4ÏInd Bn., 4sept. 7. ov ,la houseat 415 per iponth, 154 points; uSli n., 116 poirits. Ja ~ êr ~ Not belng ableirt0 corne 10 a settie. NOV. 28, Jan. il, le] ment, Caaaidy estateed. MARMAGES. 5 hNNN Judge McGilliviy allowed Casidys BffNNETT-GOtOtR.-On Strdy. . gi o.t daim ZnOf $57.60 for Plowing,, and oalyl $epteeinbur, 1, 1-947, by thse Rýv. A.1*. 5s. 3AVERTON-.vhl IdIloWed Wilson' reit trom January 1 Fonter. AUce Cltribel,'dàu#'bter of ton. Clork-Jta.'le. at $15. whleh a too mauet ln ths e tate W. S. Qetorth and rit Go- l* SePt. M0,Nov 21 OPinion Of thé Court, 5u theOrental of fort4, t-o lHqnqy Beftneit, ýbotis(f ~ PIuO'sýavE...4 tihe entre tarin diaI flot aront b $15 BrokIk 15 8pt 2. 9",~ Per monts. 'Me sinount, however, bad >.T$,(yOd been taclUy agreed te hy WtlioW& 's 00 _ *$. 1p.o lneto , aeorrespwndqpseev ad then lk ng o Court anoqed&lt. fodky Sept*=ub_3,S.Mary. peicto Thse W»f was aJIowed coe" ila.Jus1~ca's W' J.,C1î»r. 'rPort Perry, for, plain. W. a . Sinclar, Oada, tor de 14*B.-GOOD BMOTS, !oowu 01r fOnt CoL. Sa=n.Sbur"e, L b.ClithBlLnowîtbAewgâ la OP -ONTARIO., 74i Cebo.nm -7. MAYboei, WJsJ 7, M r S Jsst' , N1, a4. .may , i.k è151. i J '4 mi MeINTYRE'S. -sRNWIm q. of o. Thet -XalJntl 'Magazil - Manitol Ai - Wl d<i Ickets- p-towi lng a] 'Ir Tli, r C. T. -1 Agrcult u We aret' ed forti u'ishing t 2neeîhs. ~iRemeni .iêethodis ýýeptemb( SThe:Cc ol.thel auditorist Thse re 'Var Rel [-,Couneil -Sx e- ladies of Mr. Jà You will ý'perhaps'say' tha-

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